HCG Drops or Injections with Doctor Supervision
The HCG diet is an exciting breakthrough method to lose weight. However, due to the dramatic changes your body will go through, it is strongly recommended to only participate in this when you have a professional monitoring you on a regular basis.
The diet consists of multiple phases where one eats specific foods at certain times during the day and, when combined with HCG, experiences chemical reactions in the body that cause the hypothalamus to release its secure abdominal fat reserves. The release results in dramatic weight loss without the deterioration of muscle or fat structure. During this diet, the food that has to be consumed is high in protein and low in starches, carbohydrates, and high-fat foods. Alcohol is also forbidden, but only in the first session.
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The Houston Wellness Clinic recommends HCG drops because they tend to be less expensive than injections and far easier to administer. The drops are placed under the tongue for a few minutes to allow adequate absorption. This method - specific diet with HCG drops - may result in a loss of one to two pounds daily. The HCG Diet is actually a modifier of your eating behavior.
A six-week rest period between management is required because subjects develop immunity to HCG and must regain sensitivity. The present protocol calls for a maximum of four total management sessions. It is important to cut the 500 calories only after three days of HCG dosing.
Men tend to lose weight steadily due to fluctuating water retention and elimination as opposed to women who tend to lose weight in an irregular manner. During the retention, weight may not change much although significant fat has been lost. However, during water elimination there may be a marked loss in weight. The main fat that is mobilized is the "mobile" fat that is stored in hips, thighs, belly, and upper arms. The structural fat that surrounds muscles is left largely alone.
Mild hunger might occur in the first few days; however, this will pass by the second week. Small servings will become more satisfying as the hypothalamus adjusts to the metabolic rate. Side effects have yet to be found from small HCG doses. There is also no reason for weight gain after the diet has stopped, provided a fit lifestyle is implemented and followed, including healthy perspectives on food and exercise. Daily activities should include a minimum of 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercises.
The dieter needs to stop once the excess weight has been lost, as HCG only affects stored fat. Once the body has used up the excess fat, it will quickly reject a self-imposed limit of 500 calories. The FDA has approved the use of HCG for fertility treatments. The lack of approval on the use of HCG for dieting does not prevent it from being used as a dietary aid. There have been very few reports of health problems with the HCG diet; however, it should be used with caution in persons with a propensity to blood clotting, headaches, and depression.
Early in the HCG diet, an attack of gout may be precipitated in susceptible patients. Even though HCG may raise uric acid in the long-run and this level persists after months of management, no further attacks occur. Once patients who have previously had gout reach their ideal weight, they do not get further attacks despite eating more. On occasions a "gouty" patient may get a second attack, following initiation of the second course. The clinic may prescribe supplements if this occurs. Occasionally, patients with raised blood pressure may have a significant drop once HCG is started. The circulation usually adjusts in a few days. The loss of weight, however, may correct a raised blood pressure permanently. The other conditions which seem to improve on the HCG diet include; psoriasis, brittle fingernails, loss of hair, especially that which is associated with obesity. The hair loss may continue after cessation of the HCG.
To achieve success the combined diet of 500 calories and HCG drops/injections must be strictly implemented and followed. Patients who have taken thyroid medication for long periods of time experience a slightly lower average weight loss under HCG management. The protocol calls for cessation of thyroid medications during HCG in those patients who have a low BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate, due to diencephalon deregulation of the thyroid, or low Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH). Patients need to continue the 500-calorie diet three days after the last HCG administration. Management ceases when ideal weight is achieved. Patients tend to experience hunger when ideal weight has been achieved.
Patients need to stop HCG during menstruation; diet is continued, but there is no HCG administration. In progressive courses, the duration between courses needs to be increased. Following the HCG course, the patient is free to eat anything except starches and sugar during the first three weeks. Some patients who have dieted extensively before may need a week of binge eating before starting management, regardless of weight gain.
HCG is not a sex hormone; it has an identical action in men, women, and in children. It never causes the virilization of females, feminizes males, and does not interfere with virility. HCG has no direct action on endocrine glands, and no voice changes occur. Skin turgor actually improves on HCG. HCG is also of great utility in obese diabetics through its diencephalon regulation and associated weight loss. HCG will also decrease the amount of esterified cholesterol, a component that is a cause of vascular damage, while increasing the amount of free cholesterol.
Interruption in weight loss may occur for the following reasons:
Interruption may also occur due to a dietary error. Since blood is saturated on HCG diencephalon resetting, excess water is retained when excess calories are consumed. Salt is not restricted on this diet; however, daily intake should be consistent. Trying to get the body to retain less fluid by drinking less is futile and harmful.
On the diet, bowel evacuation may only occur every three to four days. Laxatives, fats, oils, creams and ointments are not permitted as they interfere with HCG. This is a problem for workers in beauty parlors, massage therapists, and butchers, to name a few. Most modern cosmetics contain hormones, and therefore, are not permitted. On occasion, plain mineral oil is allowed. Other non-permissible items include lipstick, sun-tan lotion, powder, or hair brilliantine if rubbed into the scalp. Appetite-suppressant drugs are also strongly discouraged during management. If the patient has to interfere with management for three to four days, the diet needs to be increased to 800 calories - eggs, meat, cheese and milk may be added. Interruptions should not occur before at least 20 days of HCG management. Room temperature coffee enemas may increase energy levels, if needed. Occasionally, muscle fatigue may occur due to loss of structural fat, muscles lengthening and having to work harder during contraction, but these things usually correct themselves. Massages to remove excessive fat are pointless. There may also be an episode of hypoglycemia near the end of the course. The HCG prevents a feeling of hunger, but there may be trembling, light-headedness, tremor, headache and weakness.
There is no significant tissue reaction to HCG injections. There are also no significant contra-indications to HCG management, and each course can be undertaken in presence of inflammation, anesthesia, major fractures or an underlying abscess. Patients who have small gall stones may have symptoms of more stones due to a concentration of bile and reduce bile salts forming. Uterine myomas may cause pressure symptoms as loss of pelvic buffering fat. Vitamins that are permitted are vitamin C, D, and calcium in addition to antibiotics. During management, the effects of alcohol are exaggerated. Occasionally, heavy dieters who are obese complain of a painful heel, which is unresponsive to anti-rheumatics. This is due to fat-loss under the heel so buffering of the hard calcaneus is lost. The patient's weight needs to stay within two pounds of the last injection, or the previous day's weight,. and be measured in the morning, or at the same time each day.
Due to the very specific protocols of the diet and the extreme speed one's body is changing, it is stressed to only attempt the HCG diet under an experienced doctor's supervision.
See more here:
HCG Diet Doctor Houston TX | Houston Wellness Clinic
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