Trans conversion therapy: What to expect when MPs debate ban – Open Democracy

Posted: June 13, 2022 at 2:38 am

By contrast, genuine therapeutic interventions involve the safe exploration of an individuals needs and uncertainties, and value self-awareness and self-acceptance, campaigners explained. This doesnt mean that you dont challenge or question [the client], or help them explore who they are. But the starting point is one of respect and dignity for the individual, said Jayne Ozanne, a gay evangelical Christian and director of the Ozanne Foundation, which works with religious organisations to eliminate discrimination based on gender and sexuality.

[Therapeutic] conversations are intended to be exploratory, said Cara English from Gendered Intelligence. Theyre about meeting people where they are and not giving them a fixed destination.

Theres this wilful misinterpretation that people will be telling young people that theyre trans and working backwards from there. Its just so bizarre to see it be voiced like that. But it will inevitably be voiced like that by parliamentarians on Monday.

Affirmative care is about getting rid of the psychotherapists agenda and focusing on the patient, Moore agreed. Reflective work is absolutely possible in an ethical, affirmative way.

This distinction is upheld in the Memorandum of Understanding on conversion practices a joint statement signed by 25 health, counselling and psychotherapy bodies including the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and NHS England which defines conversion practices as therapy or persuasive techniques designed to prejudice peoples choices about gender change or sexual orientation.

Moore also highlighted a tendency for opponents to deliberately conflate medical affirmation treatments like hormone replacement therapy and affirming surgeries with the affirmative therapy model.

Its a different thing altogether, she said. When were talking about therapy, were referring to talk therapy Unless they also happen to be endocrinologists or surgeons, psychotherapists are not prescribing hormones or other medical interventions.

Opponents of a trans-inclusive ban may also claim that trans conversion practices arent happening, or that there is insufficient evidence to show that these practices cause harm, say campaigners.

The governments own 2018 survey found that trans people are more likely to undergo conversion practices than lesbian, gay and bisexual people. Some 13% of trans respondents said they had been offered some form of conversion therapy.

And while there is no evidence that these practices can succeed in changing sexual orientation or gender identity, there is significant research and first-hand testimonies underscoring their severe, long-term and sometimes deadly psychological consequences.

Research carried out last year by a coalition of UK LGBT charities, together with independent research monitor Richard Matousek, found that gender-diverse participants who had experienced conversion practices were nearly twice as likely to have attempted suicide.

These findings are consistent with a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Public Health, which found that LGBT young people who had experienced conversion practices were more than twice as likely to report attempting suicide following the experience. The American Psychological Association has also linked conversion practices to depression and suicidality in survivors.

To deny that these practices are happening invalidates the experiences of countless survivors who have come forward and testified to the harm caused, Appan said. Its a kick in the face, and it denies my current life. The trauma I faced has led to lifelong health conditions, including fibromyalgia and complex post traumatic stress.

Its cruelty, said Ozanne, who is herself a survivor of conversion practices. What angers me most is the indifference of those who practice conversion therapy and have no remorse for the harm they have caused.

All recent legislative bans, including those implemented in Canada, France, New Zealand and Greece, include both sexual orientation and gender identity. Excluding trans people from the ban on conversion practices would be outdated, harmful and an international embarrassment, said Lui Asquith, from Mermaids.

I hope more than anything that the reality of the lived experiences of trans people will come through in the debate on Monday Its incredibly important that we debunk the false myths that are being spread and that we understand the harm that trans people are facing, Ozanne said.

It will be a dereliction of our duty as a society that is meant to protect the vulnerable if we do not include them in the ban.

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Trans conversion therapy: What to expect when MPs debate ban - Open Democracy

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