Learning Objectives
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Psychological researchers study genetics in order to better understand the biological basis that contributes to certain behaviors. While all humans share certain biological mechanisms, we are each unique. And while our bodies have many of the same partsbrains and hormones and cells with genetic codesthese are expressed in a wide variety of behaviors, thoughts, and reactions.
Why do two people infected by the same disease have different outcomes: one surviving and one succumbing to the ailment? How are genetic diseases passed through family lines? Are there genetic components to psychological disorders, such as depression or schizophrenia? To what extent might there be a psychological basis to health conditions such as childhood obesity?
To explore these questions, lets start by focusing on a specific disease,sickle-cell anemia, and how it might affect two infected sisters. Sickle-cell anemia is a genetic condition in which red blood cells, which are normally round, take on a crescent-like shape. The changed shape of these cells affects how they function: sickle-shaped cells can clog blood vessels and block blood flow, leading to high fever, severe pain, swelling, and tissue damage.
Many people with sickle-cell anemiaand the particular genetic mutation that causes itdie at an early age. While the notion of survival of the fittest may suggest that people suffering from this disease have a low survival rate and therefore the disease will become less common, this is not the case. Despite the negative evolutionary effects associated with this genetic mutation, the sickle-cell gene remains relatively common among people of African descent. Why is this? The explanation is illustrated with the following scenario.
Imagine two young womenLuwi and Senasisters in rural Zambia, Africa. Luwi carries the gene for sickle-cell anemia; Sena does not carry the gene. Sickle-cell carriers have one copy of the sickle-cell gene but do not have full-blown sickle-cell anemia. They experience symptoms only if they are severely dehydrated or are deprived of oxygen (as in mountain climbing). Carriers are thought to be immune from malaria (an often deadly disease that is widespread in tropical climates) because changes in their blood chemistry and immune functioning prevent the malaria parasite from having its effects (Gong, Parikh, Rosenthal, & Greenhouse, 2013). However, full-blown sickle-cell anemia, with two copies of the sickle-cell gene, does not provide immunity to malaria.
While walking home from school, both sisters are bitten by mosquitos carrying the malaria parasite. Luwi does not get malaria because she carries the sickle-cell mutation. Sena, on the other hand, develops malaria and dies just two weeks later. Luwi survives and eventually has children, to whom she may pass on the sickle-cell mutation.
Visit thiswebsiteto learn more about how a mutation in DNA leads to sickle-cell anemia.
Malaria is rare in the United States, so the sickle-cell gene benefits nobody: the gene manifests primarily in health problemsminor in carriers, severe in the full-blown diseasewith no health benefits for carriers. However, the situation is quite different in other parts of the world. In parts of Africa where malaria is prevalent, having the sickle-cell mutation does provide health benefits for carriers (protection from malaria).
This is precisely the situation that CharlesDarwindescribes in thetheory of evolution by natural selection. In simple terms, the theory states that organisms that are better suited for their environment will survive and reproduce, while those that are poorly suited for their environment will die off. In our example, we can see that as a carrier, Luwis mutation is highly adaptive in her African homeland; however, if she resided in the United States (where malaria is much less common), her mutation could prove costlywith a high probability of the disease in her descendants and minor health problems of her own.
Its easy to get confused about two fields that study the interaction of genes and the environment, such as the fields ofevolutionary psychologyandbehavioral genetics. How can we tell them apart?
In both fields, it is understood that genes not only code for particular traits, but also contribute to certain patterns of cognition and behavior. Evolutionary psychology focuses on how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time. Therefore, variations in cognition and behavior would make individuals more or less successful in reproducing and passing those genes to their offspring. Evolutionary psychologists study a variety of psychological phenomena that may have evolved as adaptations, including fear response, food preferences, mate selection, and cooperative behaviors (Confer et al., 2010).
Whereas evolutionary psychologists focus on universal patterns that evolved over millions of years, behavioral geneticists study how individual differences arise, in the present, through the interaction of genes and the environment. When studying human behavior, behavioral geneticists often employ twin and adoption studies to research questions of interest. Twin studies compare the rates that a given behavioral trait is shared among identical and fraternal twins; adoption studies compare those rates among biologically related relatives and adopted relatives. Both approaches provide some insight into the relative importance of genes and environment for the expression of a given trait.
Watch this interview with renownedevolutionary psychologistDavid Buss for an explanation of how a psychologist approaches evolution and how this approach fits within the field of social science.
Genetic variation, the genetic difference between individuals, is what contributes to a species adaptation to its environment. In humans, genetic variation begins with an egg, about 100 million sperm, and fertilization. Fertile women ovulate roughly once per month, releasing an egg from follicles in the ovary. During the eggs journey from the ovary through the fallopian tubes, to the uterus, a sperm may fertilize an egg.
The egg and the sperm each contain 23 chromosomes.Chromosomesare long strings of genetic material known asdeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is a helix-shaped molecule made up of nucleotide base pairs. In each chromosome, sequences of DNA make upgenesthat control or partially control a number of visible characteristics, known as traits, such as eye color, hair color, and so on. A single gene may have multiple possible variations, or alleles. Analleleis a specific version of a gene. So, a given gene may code for the trait of hair color, and the different alleles of that gene affect which hair color an individual has.
When a sperm and egg fuse, their 23 chromosomes pair up and create a zygote with 23 pairs of chromosomes. Therefore, each parent contributes half the genetic information carried by the offspring; the resulting physical characteristics of the offspring (called the phenotype) are determined by the interaction of genetic material supplied by the parents (called the genotype). A personsgenotypeis the genetic makeup of that individual.Phenotype, on the other hand, refers to the individuals inherited physical characteristics, which are a combination of genetic and environmental influences.
Most traits are controlled by multiple genes, but some traits are controlled by one gene. A characteristic likecleft chin, for example, is influenced by a single gene from each parent. In this example, we will call the gene for cleft chin B, and the gene for smooth chin b. Cleft chin is a dominant trait, which means that having thedominant alleleeither from one parent (Bb) or both parents (BB) will always result in the phenotype associated with the dominant allele. When someone has two copies of the same allele, they are said to behomozygousfor that allele. When someone has a combination of alleles for a given gene, they are said to beheterozygous. For example, smooth chin is a recessive trait, which means that an individual will only display the smooth chin phenotype if they are homozygous for thatrecessive allele(bb).
Imagine that a woman with a cleft chin mates with a man with a smooth chin. What type of chin will their child have? The answer to that depends on which alleles each parent carries. If the woman is homozygous for cleft chin (BB), her offspring will always have cleft chin. It gets a little more complicated, however, if the mother is heterozygous for this gene (Bb). Since the father has a smooth chintherefore homozygous for the recessive allele (bb)we can expect the offspring to have a 50% chance of having a cleft chin and a 50% chance of having a smooth chin.
Sickle-cell anemia is just one of many genetic disorders caused by the pairing of two recessive genes. For example,phenylketonuria(PKU) is a condition in which individuals lack an enzyme that normally converts harmful amino acids into harmless byproducts. If someone with this condition goes untreated, he or she will experience significant deficits in cognitive function, seizures, and increased risk of various psychiatric disorders. Because PKU is a recessive trait, each parent must have at least one copy of the recessive allele in order to produce a child with the condition.
So far, we have discussed traits that involve just one gene, but few human characteristics are controlled by a single gene. Most traits arepolygenic: controlled by more than one gene. Height is one example of a polygenic trait, as are skin color and weight.
Where do harmful genes that contribute to diseases like PKU come from? Gene mutations provide one source of harmful genes. Amutationis a sudden, permanent change in a gene. While many mutations can be harmful or lethal, once in a while, a mutation benefits an individual by giving that person an advantage over those who do not have the mutation. Recall that the theory of evolution asserts that individuals best adapted to their particular environments are more likely to reproduce and pass on their genes to future generations. In order for this process to occur, there must be competitionmore technically, there must be variability in genes (and resultant traits) that allow for variation in adaptability to the environment. If a population consisted of identical individuals, then any dramatic changes in the environment would affect everyone in the same way, and there would be no variation in selection. In contrast, diversity in genes and associated traits allows some individuals to perform slightly better than others when faced with environmental change. This creates a distinct advantage for individuals best suited for their environments in terms of successful reproduction and genetic transmission.
Genes do not exist in a vacuum. Although we are all biological organisms, we also exist in an environment that is incredibly important in determining not only when and how our genes express themselves, but also in what combination. Each of us represents a unique interaction between our genetic makeup and our environment; range of reaction is one way to describe this interaction.Range of reactionasserts that our genes set the boundaries within which we can operate, and our environment interacts with the genes to determine where in that range we will fall. For example, if an individuals genetic makeup predisposes her to high levels of intellectual potential and she is reared in a rich, stimulating environment, then she will be more likely to achieve her full potential than if she were raised under conditions of significant deprivation. According to the concept of range of reaction, genes set definite limits on potential, and environment determines how much of that potential is achieved. Some disagree with this theory and argue that genes do not set a limit on a persons potential.
Another perspective on the interaction between genes and the environment is the concept ofgenetic environmental correlation. Stated simply, our genes influence our environment, and our environment influences the expression of our genes. Not only do our genes and environment interact, as in range of reaction, but they also influence one another bidirectionally. For example, the child of an NBA player would probably be exposed to basketball from an early age. Such exposure might allow the child to realize his or her full genetic, athletic potential. Thus, the parents genes, which the child shares, influence the childs environment, and that environment, in turn, is well suited to support the childs genetic potential.
In another approach to gene-environment interactions, the field ofepigeneticslooks beyond the genotype itself and studies how the same genotype can be expressed in different ways. In other words, researchers study how the same genotype can lead to very different phenotypes. As mentioned earlier, gene expression is often influenced by environmental context in ways that are not entirely obvious. For instance, identical twins share the same genetic information (identical twinsdevelop from a single fertilized egg that split, so the genetic material is exactly the same in each; in contrast,fraternal twinsdevelop from two different eggs fertilized by different sperm, so the genetic material varies as with non-twin siblings). But even with identical genes, there remains an incredible amount of variability in how gene expression can unfold over the course of each twins life. Sometimes, one twin will develop a disease and the other will not. In one example, Tiffany, an identical twin, died from cancer at age 7, but her twin, now 19 years old, has never had cancer. Although these individuals share an identical genotype, their phenotypes differ as a result of how that genetic information is expressed over time. The epigenetic perspective is very different from range of reaction, because here the genotype is not fixed and limited.
Visit thissitefor an engaging video primer on theepigeneticsof twin studies.
Genesaffect more than our physical characteristics. Indeed, scientists have found genetic linkages to a number of behavioral characteristics, ranging from basic personality traits to sexual orientation to spirituality (for examples, see Mustanski et al., 2005; Comings, Gonzales, Saucier, Johnson, & MacMurray, 2000). Genes are also associated with temperament and a number of psychological disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia. So while it is true that genes provide the biological blueprints for our cells, tissues, organs, and body, they also have significant impact on our experiences and our behaviors.
Lets look at the following findings regarding schizophrenia in light of our three views of gene-environment interactions. Which view do you think best explains this evidence?
In a study of people who were given up for adoption, adoptees whose biological mothers had schizophrenia(i.e. genetic risk present)andwho had been raised in a dysfunctional family, (i.e. environmental risk present), environment were much more likely to developschizophreniaor another psychotic disorder than were any of the other groups in the study:
The study shows that adoptees with high genetic risk were especially likely to develop schizophrenia only if they were raised in a dysfunctional home environments. This research lends credibility to the notion that both genetic vulnerability and environmental stress are necessary for schizophrenia to develop, and that genes alone do not tell the full tale.
Genes are sequences of DNA that code for a particular trait. Different versions of a gene are called allelessometimes alleles can be classified as dominant or recessive. A dominant allele always results in the dominant phenotype. In order to exhibit a recessive phenotype, an individual must be homozygous for the recessive allele. Genes affect both physical and psychological characteristics. Ultimately, how and when a gene is expressed, and what the outcome will bein terms of both physical and psychological characteristicsis a function of the interaction between our genes and our environments.
Openstax Psychology text by Kathryn Dumper, William Jenkins, Arlene Lacombe, Marilyn Lovett and Marion Perlmutter licensed under CC BY v4.0.https://openstax.org/details/books/psychology
Review Questions:
1. A(n) ________ is a sudden, permanent change in a sequence of DNA.
a. allele
b. chromosome
c. epigenetic
d. mutation
2. ________ refers to a persons genetic makeup, while ________ refers to a persons physical characteristics.
a. Phenotype; genotype
b. Genotype; phenotype
c. DNA; gene
d. Gene; DNA
3. ________ is the field of study that focuses on genes and their expression.
a. Social psychology
b. Evolutionary psychology
c. Epigenetics
d. Behavioral neuroscience
4. Humans have ________ pairs of chromosomes.
a. 15
b. 23
c. 46
d. 78
Critical Thinking Questions:
1. The theory of evolution by natural selection requires variability of a given trait. Why is variability necessary and where does it come from?
Personal Application Questions:
1. You share half of your genetic makeup with each of your parents, but you are no doubt very different from both of them. Spend a few minutes jotting down the similarities and differences between you and your parents. How do you think your unique environment and experiences have contributed to some of the differences you see?
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
dominant allele
fraternal twins
genetic environmental correlation
identical twins
range of reaction
recessive allele
Read the original here:
3.1 Human Genetics Introductory Psychology
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