Letter: Why no to Roe and abortion – INFORUM

Posted: May 15, 2022 at 2:23 am

Ive been reading the many recent letters regarding the likely reversal of Roe v. Wade. The writer of The case for overturning Roe v Wade has it right by pointing out that there is absolutely nothing in the U.S. Constitution that provides for a right to abortion. The writer however said he was pro-choice, stating that one of the reasons for this was the small size of the unborn baby at the time of most abortions. But of course we were all small during those first several months in our mothers womb, and yet our complete human genetics were already set from the moment of conception.

The writer also said that women should have absolute bodily autonomy, again intentionally ignoring the absolute scientific fact that theres another body involved - that of her not yet born little girl or boy. We keep hearing follow the science, but when the science shows 100% that unique human life begins at conception, abortion supporters pretend science doesnt matter here.

Another writer mistakenly took it upon himself to be able to look into everyone elses hearts and minds and decide that Its about control, not babies . By this he meant people trying to control women. While I dont have the ability to judge others like that writer, I do know from years of working with pro-life that it is about both protecting unborn babies, and offering life-options help to women. Thankfully, I found one point of agreement in his letter, that being that God still loves those who choose abortion. Such merciful love provides forgiveness and restoration for those who repent and receive it.

Several writers blamed the Catholic Church for Roes reversal. While Catholics have been at the forefront working to restore protection for innocent human life in the womb; be assured that there are also tens of millions of other-than-Catholics who are working and praying for this as well.

Also, we keep hearing of the need for abortions to be legal and safe. Well, as pointed out above, legal abortions certainly arent safe for the 50% of the human lives involved who are killed by abortion. In addition, many of the legal abortions arent physically safe for the mother as well. And, they certainly arent safe emotionally, as there is often a lifetime of guilt to deal with.

The bottom line is that intentionally killing innocent human life is most certainly not reproductive health care. Rather, we need to continue to support women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy - as is being done with the ever increasing number of pregnancy help centers and homes, church programs and adoption options. Where there is genuine medical need during a pregnancy, there is help available to protect both the life of the mother and her unborn.

Finally, as another writer pointed out, its way past time to stop pretending otherwise - abortion ends the life of a unique and innocent human being! Every human life conceived is a gift of God, created in his image. May we all say no to Roe and yes to life!

Ken Koehler lives in West Fargo.

This letter does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Forum's editorial board nor Forum ownership.

See more here:
Letter: Why no to Roe and abortion - INFORUM

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