Stem Cell Grants – Illinois Department of Public Health

Posted: August 26, 2014 at 5:49 am

Ten grants awarded to Illinois hospitals and universities to conduct critical stem cell research

CHICAGO, Ill. Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and Comptroller Dan Hynes today announced ten grants worth a total of $10 million for the life-saving work of stem cell research at several Illinois hospitals and research institutions. Last summer by Executive Order, Governor Blagojevich and Comptroller Hynes created the Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute (IRMI), making Illinois the first state in the Midwest, and only the fourth state in the nation, to commit public funds to stem cell research. Researching and studying stem cells allows scientists and doctors to better understand what causes serious medical illnesses and conditions such as Alzheimers, diabetes, spinal cord injury, stroke, and heart disease, in hopes of discovering new ways to treat or even cure them.

This is the first time Illinois is awarding state funded grants for stem cell research and that makes today an important day for our state. The promise of stem cell research is unlimited. We need to do everything we can to help our scientists and researchers make the most of it, said Governor Blagojevich.

In the world of medical research, the fight for cures is waged one grant at a time. Today, I am proud to say weve given our scientists ten million more weapons to win that fight. In so doing, we are also giving hope to the millions of Americans who suffer from debilitating diseases that stem cell research has the potential to defeat, said Comptroller Hynes.

Today's investments in stem cell research are vital to finding cures for life threatening diseases that afflict thousands of Illinois citizens, said Lt. Governor Pat Quinn, whos also been a steadfast supporter of stem cell research in the state.

"Today marks an important step not only for the medical research community in Illinois, but also for the many people who hope to one day benefit from the cures and treatments their research will help develop, said Representative Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago). I am pleased to stand with Governor Blagojevich and Comptroller Hynes in affirming the state's commitment to this potentially life-saving research."

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Stem Cell Grants - Illinois Department of Public Health

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