What’s Propelling Neuralstem, Inc. (CUR) to Reach 52 Week Low? – WeeklyHub

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:46 am

July 31, 2017 - By Linda Rogers

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.3 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.37, from 0.67 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 16 investors sold Neuralstem, Inc. shares while 11 reduced holdings. 2 funds opened positions while 6 raised stakes. 6.88 million shares or 44.05% less from 12.30 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported.Sabby Mgmt Limited Liability Com reported 229,521 shares. The Illinois-based Blair William Il has invested 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Natl Bank Of America Corp De, a North Carolina-based fund reported 8,400 shares. Natl Asset Mngmt owns 167,500 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Vanguard accumulated 0% or 3.09 million shares. 1.03M were accumulated by Geode Capital Limited Liability Corp. Guggenheim Ltd Liability Company, Illinois-based fund reported 51,217 shares. First Heartland Consultants Incorporated has invested 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Cambridge stated it has 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). 141,463 were accumulated by Northern Tru. Royal Bank Of Canada stated it has 7,080 shares. Fifth Third Fincl Bank has invested 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Fcg Advsrs Limited Liability Company invested in 0% or 21,000 shares. Janney Montgomery Scott reported 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Blackrock Advsr Limited Liability holds 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) for 17,361 shares.

Since February 24, 2017, it had 3 insider buys, and 0 selling transactions for $70,004 activity. On Friday, February 24 the insider Daly Richard J bought $10,001. LLOYD JONES JONATHAN BRIAN bought $30,003 worth of Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) on Friday, March 24.

The stock of Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) hit a new 52-week low and has $1.50 target or 3.00 % below todays $1.55 share price. The 5 months bearish chart indicates high risk for the $18.62M company. The 1-year low was reported on Jul, 31 by Barchart.com. If the $1.50 price target is reached, the company will be worth $558,600 less.The 52-week low event is an important milestone for every stock because it shows very negative momentum and is time when sellers come in. During such technical setups, fundamental investors usually stay away and are careful buying the stock.

The stock decreased 6.63% or $0.11 on July 31, reaching $1.55. About 591,531 shares traded or 84.21% up from the average. Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) has risen 3.35% since July 31, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 13.35% the S&P500.

More news for Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) were recently published by: Marketwatch.com, which released: UPDATE: Neuralstem stock plummets 61% on news of mid-stage clinical trial miss on July 25, 2017. Nasdaq.coms article titled: Mid-Day Market Update: ShoreTel Gains On Acquisition News; Neuralstem Shares and published on July 27, 2017 is yet another important article.

Neuralstem, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $18.62 million. The Firm is engaged in research, development and commercialization of central nervous system therapies based on its human neuronal stem cells and its stem-cell derived small molecule compounds. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm has approximately three assets: its NSI-189 small molecule program, its NSI-566 stem cell therapy program and its chemical entity screening platform.

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Original post:
What's Propelling Neuralstem, Inc. (CUR) to Reach 52 Week Low? - WeeklyHub

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