The Benefits of Stem Cell Science to Your Health

Posted: November 25, 2016 at 8:45 am

What is a Stem Cell?

The National Institute of Health defines a Stem Cell in this way: Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit or replenish other cells as long as the person is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to remain either a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell or a brain cell.

Adult Stem Cells are predominantly formed in the bone marrow. And, just as in the beginnings of life, adult stem cells can literally change into any type of cell in the body throughout life. The adult stem cells are released from the bone marrow then move into circulation in the blood stream to seek out problem areas, then renew and restore those tissues in need of repair.

Example -Repairing The Heart muscle: When circulating stem cells find the heart in reduced health, they exit the bloodstream, attach to the heart and actually become brand new heart muscle cells, analogous to the original cells that originally created the once infant heart. They then begin dividing into still more new heart muscle cells.

The same process occurs in the liver, the kidneys, the brain, the skin, eyes, any organ, tissue, muscle, bone, connective tissue literally any part of the body that is in need of restoration.

The National Institute of Health identifies 74 treatable diseases using adult stem cells in therapy. These costly and complex therapies typically deliver a large quantity of adult stem cells to the area undergoing treatment. Most require that stem cells be harvested from the patient or adult donor, programmed in a lab to become a specific type and cell and then injected into the body. For treatment of disease these therapies are many times the best method of recovery, producing truly remarkable results. Thankfully, most of us dont have issues that require these extensive procedures.

What do the experts say?One of the USAs leading experts in adult stem cell science is Dr. David A Prentice, Ph.D., a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. The National Institute of Health funds much of his research. In 2003, he presented a detailed paper to the Presidents Council on Bioethics, referring to many studies. In closing, he added:

Adult stem cells have significant capabilities for growth, repair and regeneration of damaged cells and tissues in the body, akin to a built-in repair kit or maintenance crew that needs only activation and stimulation to accomplish repair of damage. Direct stimulation of endogenous (already present in the body) adult stem cells within a tissue may be the easiest, safest and most efficient way to stimulate tissue regeneration. Such stimulation need not rely on any added stem cells

He could not have known then that in 2006, stem cell technology would provide a product as simple as a daily supplement in capsule form that would directly suport the natural release of stem cells in the manner he was describing.

According to medical science, adult stem cells assist in: Cancer, leukaemia, auto immune disease including diabetes, lupus, Crohns disease and arthritis; cardiovascular disease, including acute heart damage and chronic coronary artery disease; corneal regeneration; Parkinson's, stroke; anaemia and other blood conditions; liver and blood disease and many many more conditions.

For those of us just wanting to maintain optimal health or fight the effects of ageing, injury and day to day wear and tear, a smaller but steady release of our existing stem cells into the blood stream can produce considerable health benefits.

When stem cell nutrition is used as a daily supplement over time, the stimulation of billions of additional stem cells in the blood stream could be one of the safest and most efficient methods for maintaining optimal health and wellbeing that science has ever discovered.

The most recent evolution of Stem Cell Nutrition is calledCeruleStemEnhance Ultraand You can enhance the Ability of Stem Cells to find tissues in need of repair and also to calm inflammation withCeruleCyactive. You can improve the ability of Stem Cells to move around your bloodstream to get to the repair sites withCerulePlasmaFlo

Young, old, weak, strong, elite athlete, casual athlete, non-athlete, someone recovering from injury, everyone enjoys having strength, flexibility and stamina. For professional athletes and the weekend warriors fast healing and complete recovery is in demand. The opportunities for Stem Cells to enhance this procedure and shorten time-frames for recovery are becoming evident. The numbers of your own stem cells available in your body can be enhanced by an average of 25% within 1 hour Adult Stem Cells the best anti-ageing system ever known. Knowing what adult stem cells do in the human body, doesnt it make sense that having more of them in the blood stream will undoubtedly have profound effects on your health, wellbeing, and provide an until now, untapped resource for fighting the effects of ageing? From the National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes of HealthThe documentation of adult stem cell function by mainstream science and medical research are virtually endless. To find more, just visit the science and medical communitys online source for retrieving such papers and articles Type "stem cells" in the search box and have access to more than 265,000 studies. A search there for "Adult stem cells" will yield 53,000+ papers.

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The Benefits of Stem Cell Science to Your Health

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