Integrative Medicine: What Is It, Types, Risks & Benefits

Posted: April 19, 2022 at 2:19 am

OverviewWhat is integrative medicine?

Integrative medicine is an approach to wellness that combines:

You receive care from an individual practitioner or a team of providers, representing:

Traditional Western medicine: Providers who have completed formal medical training deliver conventional therapies. This approach focuses on evidence-based care. You may receive services from:

Complementary medicine: Healers may come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are board-certified in integrative medicine, meaning they passed rigorous exams. Others are licensed therapists.

They may be:

Integrative medicine uses a variety of techniques to deliver whole-person care. Complementary therapies work with traditional treatments to heal your mind, body and spirit.

Complementary therapies do not replace conventional treatments. They help you cope with symptoms, complications or side effects.

Many patients can benefit from integrative medicine. People with long-lasting (chronic) or complex medical conditions are particularly likely to benefit from these approaches. They may be living with:

Physical ailments

Mental illness

There are many complementary therapies, including:

Natural remedies

This treatment includes substances found in nature that help maximize nutrient levels. Natural remedies include:

Mind-body practices

Mind-body practices harness the connection between mental and physical dimensions of health. They include:


These therapies use the body to influence health and well-being. Bodywork may include:

Integrative medicine maximizes well-being with:

Complementary therapies may help people living with complex illnesses achieve:

Potential risks include:

Your outlook depends on your diagnosis, health history and treatments you receive. You can improve the likelihood of good results by:

You should be in contact with your healthcare provider throughout treatment. Letting them know about the complementary therapies you are receiving helps them tailor care to keep you safe.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Integrative medicine combines conventional treatments and complementary therapies. This approach eases discomfort and promotes healing in people with complex diseases. Your care may include acupuncture, bodywork, supplements and more. These therapies can have side effects or affect your response to conventional therapies. Maintaining open communication with all your providers and healers can help you get the most out of treatment.

Go here to read the rest:
Integrative Medicine: What Is It, Types, Risks & Benefits

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