They Hold The Third Meeting Of Traditional And Complementary Medicine – World Nation News

Posted: September 25, 2022 at 2:04 am

The Fundacin Cientfica Litoral will hold the third meeting of Traditional and Complementary Medicine today, with the main aim of stirring up a debate concerning what is called integrated medicine. Its main purpose is to stir up debate about what is called integrative medicine. That is, not only to make complementary medicine visible, but to think about how they can help improve the formal health system, he told AIM Biochemist. Told Pablo Basso, member of the organization. Activity is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the La Vieja Usina Cultural and Convention Center.

Complementary therapies in health currently have a wide range of options and are in increasing demand, although the health system lacks the ability to envision them due to discrepancies in self and others, as well as health-seeking problems. Traditional. Basso explained to the agency that countless experiences around the world have demonstrated that the use of alternative therapies to conventional therapies has significantly improved the variables that have been measured. For example, hospitalizations. It has become possible to reduce the average days. In post-treatment procedures, therapy also reduces the degree of anxiety at pre-consultation, or improves conditions in the cohort of terminal patients. But he pointed out that perhaps the most important contributions are in areas where Western medicine has failed, such as the pursuit of individual and community balance that is not served by a system that has based its progress on medicalization.

le provincial He also noted that the debate we intend to inaugurate this day is precisely what holds the possibilities and benefits of integrating therapies into a logical balance. It is also important that we define the regulatory framework. What this will be and the scope and importance of these complementary treatments within action protocols against certain diseases, as well as the limitations regarding themselves and those who do them. It is clear that the formal health system can only provide new care through precise regulations tendencies, hence the importance of thinking of a provincial law.

learn more For Basso, it is interesting to learn more about the demand for alternative therapies by society as a whole, as well as their prospects for inclusion in the formal health system. Personally, I believe that we cannot ignore the demand and preference that people are showing. In a survey conducted by the Foundation, we realized that almost 70 percent of those surveyed found alternative therapies. users of.What happenedThe formal health system, with its traditional methods, nor the efficiency of alternative treatments in itself, cannot at all identify the biological functions involved.

In its irreversible hospital-centered tendencies and its dominant medical practice, it is impossible for a formal system to imagine treatments that are not controlled from the systems nerve center. The health patriarchy identified in the phrase the right to receive the best care available establishes responsibilities that the current health system cannot ignore and that includes the preservation of medicine to include other medicinal options except in the name of adjuvant. prevents from traditional (the concept complementary may be a debated choice)

Medicalization is becoming an essential condiment to traditional treatments and has brought logical consequences of the pharmaceutical industrys reliance, both individual and systemic, under market logic rather than health logic. Naturalist alternatives are gaining supporters to the same extent that abuse of medicalization generates mistrust.

Health demands are changing and there is a possibility that not only cures are needed but wellness states may also be needed. The concept of physical and emotional balance cannot be solved by the traditional health system.

Traditional medicine has a passive role of the patient that puts the onus on the influencers. This condition excludes the will of the patient from the therapeutic process. Perhaps the discovery of the patients leading role during the therapeutic process determines the choice of other possibilities for individual health needs.

Because of its expansion, it is interesting to learn more about the demand for alternative therapies by society as a whole, as well as their potential for inclusion in the formal health system.

From AIM Newsroom.

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They Hold The Third Meeting Of Traditional And Complementary Medicine - World Nation News

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