Advisory Board, Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center

Posted: November 2, 2014 at 3:55 pm

The Advisory Board, will serve in an advisory capacity to the Center's Director. Board members duties could include fund raising, public speaking, and other public relations activities to advance public awareness of successful adult, cord blood and related stem 3 cell therapeutic options. The Board is required to meet at least four times each year and will be authorized to meet upon the call of the chairperson.

The Centers director will serve as an ex officio member of the Board. Advisory Board members may serve for only three consecutive terms and its members will serve without compensation. The bill provides for Board vacancies and appointments of successor members. The Governor will appoint the Board chairperson. The Board is composed of the following 14 members along with Director, Dr. Buddhadeb Dawn, M.D.

Richard J. Barohn, M.D. Vice Chancellor Research University of Kansas Medical Center

Rep. DavidCrum, ODRepresentative, Kansas House of Representatives Optometrist, DoctorsCrumand Todd, Professional Association

BuddhadebDawn, M.D.Maureen andMarvin Dunn Professor Director, Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center Director,Division of Cardiovascular Diseases University of Kansas Medical Center

MichaelDetamore,Ph.D.Professor of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Courtesy Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence

Barbara MacArthur, RN, MN, FAANVice President of Cardiovascular Services University of Kansas Hospital

Joseph McGuirk, DOProfessor of Medicine Interim Division Director Medical Director, Blood and Marrow Transplant University of Kansas Medical Center

RobertMoser, MDSecretary of Health and Environment State Health Officer, State of Kansas

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Advisory Board, Midwest Stem Cell Therapy Center

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