Stem Cell Therapy in Kansas City- Rejuvenate KC | Stem …

Posted: April 26, 2019 at 11:49 am

Stem Cell therapy is now offered at Rejuvenate Mind-Body Wellness Center. We have an MD and a Nurse Practitioner that will be doing the treatments usingumbilical cord blood stem cells, from healthy live births.

Click here to register for our next Stem Cell Presentation

Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine is an exciting advancement in medicine! Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) occur naturally in every person and are cells the body uses naturally to heal and repair. Injured tissues in the body give off signals, and MSCs hone in on those areas, and begin the process of repairing and regenerating the damaged and injured tissues. As we age, we have less and less MSCs in our body. This is why when we are younger, we can do certain activities and recover. However, when we are older, it takes much longer to recover (if at all!).

There lots of MSCs in our younger years. MSCs repair muscle, bone, cartilage, and tendons. Unfortunately, MSCs rapidly decline with age. This results in longer repair and recovery times, and individuals are more prone to aging and disease. That is whyour clinic uses umbilical cord stem cells in our treatment. We not only get a higher number of stem cells with each injection, but we also know the exact dosage of stem cells within injection (compared with bone marrow stem cells, adipose [fat] stem cells, and amniotic stem cells).

We use stem cells that are taken from umbilical cords. Some families choose to bank their childs umbilical blood in case they need it in the future. Other families choose to donate their childs umbilical blood our stem cells come from the donated umbilical cords of live, healthy, and full-term births. Donations are screened for communicable diseases just like a blood donation.

The stem cells are undifferentiated and immunonaive. This means the cells will not be seen as foreign by your body. Stem cells from one cord can go into several patients without the need for typing. These stem cells will not induce a reaction from your body, and not cause side effects. This also means the cells are free to become the specific type of cell that your body most needs to repair itself.

You might be wondering why you should choose umbilical cord stem cell therapy over treatment with your own bone marrow-derived stem cells. Harvesting stem cells from your bone marrow is both an uncomfortable and expensive procedure, and bone marrow stem cells mainly become blood cells. Umbilical cord (Mesenchymal) stem cells are predisposed to turn into bone cells (osteophytes), cartilage cells (chondrocytes) and muscle cells (myocytes).

Another common stem cell therapy is derived from your own adipose (fat) cells by having liposuction performed. Similar to bone marrow-derived stem cells, the cost, invasiveness, and discomfort of the procedure are all higher with adipose-derived stem cells. Umbilical cord stem cells dont have the invasiveness, as high of a cost, or the amount of post-procedure discomfort compared to adipose-derived stem cells.

Stem cells are smart cells they know where to go! Stem cells are attracted to the inflammatory signals your body is exerting. When injected, the stem cells will seek out the source of the inflammatory signal and adhere to the site. For this reason, you will be asked to avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications (Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Naproxen, etc) for one week prior to your injection and to avoid taking these medications for 2-3 weeks after your injection. We dont want to quiet down the signal the cells are looking for! Acetaminophen based medications like Tylenol or Hydrocodone are fine to take.

Stem cells are live cells! And they are most plentiful in umbilical cords. On average 1 cc of stem cells from an umbilical cord will yield 10,000,000 (10 million) active stem cells, compared to ~250,000 active stem cells taken from a 30-year-old patient. Not only that, but the cells will begin multiplying once theyve been injected into your body.

Umbilical stem cells replicate every 28 hours. If you receive 1 cc, you will be injected with 10,000,000 (10 million) stem cells that will double in number every 28 hours. They will do this for up to 8 weeks. While the stem cells are replicating they are recruiting your own bodys stem cells to regenerate and heal as well.

It is not uncommon for patients to see noticeable improvement at their first follow up, 4-6 weeks after the injection. However, the entire regeneration process can take up to 6-8 months. It is at this point that patients are able to fully appreciate their improvement.

There are no drug interactions or side effects with stem cells. Other than avoiding anti-inflammatory medications before and after your injection you may continue your normal routine. The only exception to that is with exercise. You will be asked to avoid strenuous exercise and repetitive motions for up to a month following your injection (depending on site). At 4 weeks you may resume all normal activity.

The large majority of cases who are good candidates for stem cell therapy, only need one (1) injection for their condition. Only a small minority of patients need a 2nd injection 6-8 months later. Each patients condition is unique, and you will discuss any future possible injections with your provider at your follow up appointments.

Click here to register for our next Kansas City Stem Cell Presentation.

Originally posted here:
Stem Cell Therapy in Kansas City- Rejuvenate KC | Stem ...

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