Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes – YouTube


Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

Diabetes has been one of those diseases which cause many other diseases within the same person. A diabetic person may already have to face many other disorders only due to this disease. One of the basic reasons for this is that the person's immunity lowers to great extent. It makes the diseased person weak and unable to cure little injuries even bruises. In this disease, the particular person fails to extract sugar molecules form the blood and they get excreted out of the body with urine which causes weakness in a person. Moreover, the body fails to produce chemical named insulin which controls the absorption of glucose form the blood. But now stem cell therapy for diabetes ensures a permanent cure form this disease.

This therapy is a new concept in the field of biotechnology. With the help of this technique doctors are now able to cure a long list of chronic diseases. These diseases include spinal cord injuries, organ repair like renal and liver, autism, multiple sclerosis, autism, cardiovascular diseases and pulmonary disorders, joint impairments, cerebral palsy, anti aging, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, depression etc.

Stem cell therapy for diabetes has opened new doors and horizons for all diabetic people all around the world. These are the source of the treatment of diabetes in this technique. Let us see how this technique helps in getting cure from this disease: It involves the injection of stem cells into the body where damage is occurring. As these cells have the ability to transform into any other type of the cell, they cure the disease by developing and transforming into the required cell type. These new and healthy cells replace the damaged cells. These cells are efficient in repairing the cells because they have the ability to divide without any restriction and take on the same personality as the damaged cells except they are new and fresh. In a simple word it can be said that such cells act as photocopy machines, reduplicating themselves according to the requirement of the body until damage is completely repaired.

In case damage caused by diabetes is extensive. Extreme cases of diabetes leads to stem cell therapy for diabetes where cells are taken a placenta of a woman who has just delivered a baby. It is because diabetes may be a genetic disorder. Taking cells from the placenta may eliminate this factor and will lead to desired result. Once these cells reach their targeted organ or area in the body they will be producing millions of new cells which repair the damaged cells and lead to a healthier life.

In short it is not at all wrong to say that stem cell therapy for diabetes has become a ray of hope and a new life for the diabetic patients to start living a life free of this disease..

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