Stem Cell Therapy Kentucky Neurology and Rehab

Posted: August 23, 2018 at 2:42 am

Is it a Good Choice for Me?

Regenerative stem cell treatment is an innovative approach to establish or restore normal function by the use of cells that are directly derived from amniotic fluid. The fluid is injected in to the affected area for treatment.

The Painless Process and Procedure

Is regenerative stem cell treatment painful? That question is generally one of the first things a person asks when considering the procedure. The answer is no. Aside from the usual prick of an injection, it is pain free. Best of all, it is a practical, safe and affordable solution to pain you may already have.

How it Works

Stem cell therapy uses natures amazing powers to heal the body. Once injected, they go right to work on the afflicted areas. There are three main ways in which they do so.

First, the stem cells produce a substance called hyaluronic acid which lubricates the joints. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found within the body. As we age, however, our supply tends to diminish. If too much is lost, movement within the joints can become quite painful. By adding the natural substance back into your system, many find the pain is completely gone and that their joints can function like they used to again.

Secondly, stem cells release cytokines. Cytokines are cell-signaling molecules which aid in cell-to-cell communication in such areas as immune responses. They also promote the movement of other cells towards an inflamed site so the site can heal, naturally. The cytokines that are released in stem cell therapy help reduce inflammation in the affected area which also decreases or eliminates the pain.

Thirdly, injecting stem cells promotes cellular growth so new joint tissue can be built. By doing so, the root of the pain and debility can be addressed. Re-growing healthy cells offers the optimal natural solution.

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Stem Cell Therapy Kentucky Neurology and Rehab

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