Lund Stem Cell Center | Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:53 pm

Lund center for Stem Cell Biology and Cell Therapy is one of six Swedish strategic centers of excellence in life sciences, supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Established in January 2003, the center focuses on stem cell and developmental biology of the central nervous and blood systems, and development of stem cell and cell replacement therapies in these organ systems as well as research in non-mammalian model systems.

A post-doctoral research position is available in the Glioma Cell Therapy Group lead by Johan Bengzon. The aim of our program is to develop a clinical therapy of invasive brain tumors using tumor-tropic cellular vectors for the delivery of immunostimulatory and tumoricidal substances. Using models of glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive form of primary brain tumour, we currently explore the potential of migratory cellular vector systems that effectively home to tumour microsatellites and eliminate these by delivering antitumor agents. The project is also designed to identify novel target for the development of improved pharmacological treatment of GBM.

Lund Stem Cell Center presents: International Young Investigator Symposium 2014 - Technologies in Stem Cell Research! The Lund Stem Cell Center is pleased to announce the first annual International Young Investigator Symposium consisting of three first authors of key publications in the past year. While senior authors often get the chance to promote high impact work we feel that the scientists behind the actual experiments deserve more exposure. Our theme for 2014 isTechnologies in Stem Cell Researchand our vision is to stimulate scientific exchange and facilitate future collaborations.

Congratulations to our new Ragnar Sderberg Fellows 2014Cristian Bellodi and Gran Karlsson! Cristian and Gran received 8 million SEK funding each for their work on post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that modulate stem cell function and the molecular mechanisms discriminating normal and malignant stem cells, respectively.

A previously unknown mechanism through which the brain produces new nerve cells after a stroke has been discovered at Stem Cell Center and Karolinska Institutet. The findings have been published in the journal SCIENCE.

Ulrich Pfisterer presented his dissertation Direct Conversion of Human Fibroblasts to Induced Neuronsin biomedicine focusing Neurobiology. Main supervisor: Associate Professor Malin Parmar. Opponent: PhD Marius Wernig, Stanford. Chairman of the defense: Professor Cecilia Lundberg

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Lund Stem Cell Center | Medicinska fakulteten, Lunds ...

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