Michigan Catholic Conference: Home

Posted: October 19, 2015 at 5:48 pm

October 16, 2015: Throughout October, Catholic churches across the country are celebrating Respect Life Month to draw attention to the worth of every human person. The theme this year is Every Life is a Gift, reminding all that their inherent worth cannot simply be reduced to their skills or level of productivity (Cardinal Sean OMalley). During his visit to the United States last month, Pope Francis spoke about the dignity of all persons, especially those on the margins or considered disposable. The Word from Lansing column this month delves further into the idea of finding life as a gift, even in the midst of profound struggles. In addition, Michigan Catholic Conference offers a few ideas of how to promote and care for human life. Read more

October 7, 2015: Federal legislation that seeks to reduce certain mandatory minimum sentences, reduce recidivism, and limit solitary confinement for juvenile offenders recently found favor with Archbishop Thomas Wenski, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development , and Sister Donna Markham, president of Catholic Charities USA. While noting that Pope Francis visited a Correctional Facility during his recent stay in Philadelphia, Archbishop Wenski said We must try to ensure that sentences are just, while creating humane space in which individuals can restore their lives with the kind of support that reduces the chances that they will return to prison in the future. These reforms are a step in the right direction. The bi-partisan Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015 was introduced recently in the United States Senate. Read more

October 6, 2015: Each year, the month of October is designated as Respect Life Month by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in the Catholic Church. The goal of the month is to celebrate the gift of human life and to promote a culture that recognizes the dignity of all people. This years theme for the month, which kicks off with Respect Life Sunday on October 4th, is Every Life is Worth Living. Cardinal Sean OMalley, Archbishop of Boston and chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities for the USCCB, issued a statement highlighting this theme, calling all lives a good and perfect gift, whether they last for a brief moment or for a hundred years. More information on Respect Life Month and the 20152016 Respect Life program materials

September 28, 2015: Last week, Pope Francis visited the United States, drawing the attention of Catholics and non-Catholics alike. During his seven days in the country, he ate with the homeless, visited with Catholic schools students and immigrants, and blessed and greeted prisoners in a correctional facility. Pope Francis also met with President Obama, U.S. Congress, and the United Nations to bring a message of peace, cooperation, and hope to the political dialogue. Throughout his visit, he highlighted the dignity of the human person, including the poor and the immigrant, emphasized a concern for the environment and protection against a throwaway culture, promoted the importance of religious liberty, and spoke about the beauty and goodness of marriage. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops offers video on demand of all of the papal events, as well as text of his speeches and homilies from Washington DC, New York City, and Philadelphia. Read more

Photo credit USCCB

September 24, 2015: This morning, Pope Francis addressed a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., making history as the first pope to ever do so. During his speech, Pope Francis highlighted the valuable contributions of four Americans of faith Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton to public life and to the common good. He encouraged the crowd to renew the spirit of fraternity and solidarity and to pass laws based on a concern for all people, speaking to issues along the broad spectrum of Catholic Social Teaching. Other speeches from Pope Franciss visit the United States, such as his address at the White House and midday prayers with the bishops, are also available at USCCBs website

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