The Ihrie Lab @ Vanderbilt | Neural stem cells, neural …

Posted: May 23, 2019 at 3:47 am

2019-04: Come see Rebecca speak at the EBC/Stem Cell symposium on campus April 4th.

2019-03: Gabrielle's paper on tumor cell of origin in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex is now out in Life Science Alliance. Congratulations!

2019-02: Mistry's latest paper on V-SVZ-contacting brain tumors is now out in Scientific Reports.

2018-11: Rebecca's minireview (with colleagues) on Shh signaling is now out in J Neurosci.

2018-10: Congratulations Laura - Best Talk award at Pharmacology retreat!

2018-09: Justine wins Runner-Up for Best Presentation at the PDB annual retreat. Way to go!

2018-08: Amanda wins the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award for her summer research project and is featured in the VUMC Reporter. Way to go Amanda!

2018-06: Welcome to our VSSA student Amanda Blythe from U Missouri!

2018-05: Welcome new Pharmacology Ph.D. student Laura Winalski!

2018-04: Congratulations to postdoctoral fellow Todd Bartkowiak on your NCI K00 award!

2018-03: Congratulations to Nalin (comentored with the Irish lab) on your successful Ph.D. defense and residency match (Yale/Pathology)!

2018-01: The Ihrie and Ess labs are awarded pilot funding from the Vanderbilt Brain Institute TiPs program to develop mass based imaging in brain.

2017-10: Congratulations Justine and Bret on your accepted review article for the American Journal of Pathology!

2017-9: Dr. Ihrie and Dr. Irish receive the Ann Faulkenberry Memorial Award at the Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation Race for Research.

2017-7: The lab is thrilled to have been selected for a research grant from the Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation. See you at the Race for Research in September!

2017-5: Amanda wins the 2017 Founders Medal, and Divya is Salutatorian for the MLK Jr. Magnet Class of 2017.

2017-4: Current Protocols article now available online for dissociation of solid tumors for analysis using mass cytometry.

2017-3: Congratulations to Mistry on receiving the The Society of Neurological Surgeons/RUNN Resident Award to support your research!

2017-2: Nalin receives the AACR - ABTA Scholar-in-Training Award for her upcoming poster at AACR!

2017-1: Congratulations, Mistry - second accepted article in J Neuro Oncology!

2016-11: Great job, Nalin - oral presentation of collaborative work at the SNO 2016 Meeting

2016-9: Congratulations, Justine - first place poster at the annual PDB retreat!

2016-9: Congratulations to Mistry on his accepted article in J Neuro Oncology!

2016-7: Congratulations to Gabrielle on her recently published review article!

2016-7: Way to go, Divya - nice presentation at the School for Science and Math @ Vanderbilt poster session!

2016-6: Congratulations to Justine on passing her Phase I qualifying exam!

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The Ihrie Lab @ Vanderbilt | Neural stem cells, neural ...

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