Faculty Positions in Life Science and Medicine at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) job with National Tsing Hua University | 37287332 – The…

Posted: July 27, 2022 at 2:57 am

Faculty Positions in Life Science and Medicine at

National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)


Hsinchu, Taiwan

DeadlinePlease check the following link for information.

Position description and other specified information

Required Qualifications:PhD in related fields.

Application:All applicants are required to submit aCurriculum Vitae and othersupporting materials.

About NTHU (Please find more in company)

At National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to explore and realize their unique potential. In everything we do, NTHU will continue to uphold our core values of inclusivity, equality, and inclusivity in safeguarding academic freedom and shared governance.NTHU is widely recognized as a foremost incubator of future leaders in industry and academia. NTHUs consistent record of excellence is exemplified by the outstanding achievement of our faculty and alumni, among whom are two Nobel laureates in physics, one Nobel laureate in chemistry, and one Wolf Prize winner in mathematics.


1.Statutory Salary:

The statutory salary for a full-time facultymember includes Base SalaryandAdditional Academic Research Pay.

(Please refer to https://yushan.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1518-17613.php?Lang=en)

2. Non-statutory (Additional) Salary:

(1) Yushan Fellows and Yushan Young Fellows: If approved by the Ministry of Education as a Yushan Scholar or Yushan Young Scholar, theMOE willprovide the subsidyfor the non-statutory (additional) salary:

(Please refer tohttps://yushan.moe.gov.tw/TopTalent/EN/Intro)

(2) Flexible Salary Reward: If not approved by the MOE Yushan Fellow Program, NTHU may provide a Flexible Salary Reward if it conforms to the regulations of the NTHU Newly-Recruited Faculties Flexible Salary Reward.

(Please refer to https://yushan.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1518-18110.php?Lang=en)

(3) Newly appointed foreigner (non-Taiwanese) faculty members are eligible to apply for an extra compensation of 25,000 NTD/month till 2027.

Taiwan is ranked 19th in global purchasing power parity (PPP) indicating high standard of living with stable and low cost of living.

(Please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)#cite_note-:0-1)

We also provide

1. Subsidy for NTHU Newly-Recruited Faculty Academic Research (start-up subsidy)

2. Subsidy for Guest House and Accommodation

3. Education of children

About College of Life Science(https://cls.site.nthu.edu.tw/app/index.php?Lang=en)

Established in 1991 as the very first Department of Life Science in Taiwan, the Department of Life Science allows students to explore various areas of life science in an integrated yet diverse program built upon a solid foundation of chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology. In 2022, the College of Life Science was reorganized and is now comprised of the Department of Life Science, the Department of Medical Science, the Interdisciplinary Program of Life Science, the School of Medicine and five Institutes, the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, the Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology, the Institute of Molecular Medicine, the Institute of Biotechnology, and Institute of Systems Neuroscience. The Department of Life Science, Medical Science and Interdisciplinary Program offer undergraduateBachelor of Science(B.Sc.) programs in Biology and Medical Science whereas the five Institutes offer graduate programs in a variety of research areas. The School of Medicine offers Doctor of Medicine.

Five educational goals of the College of Life Science (ERIGS):

1. Education: Excellence in education and learning in the fields of life science

2. Research: Innovative research and research training at the highest international level in the fields of life science

3. Internal Mobilization: Supporting the development of students and colleagues

4. Globalization: Widening global worldview and providing international environment for the studies of life science

5. Social Responsibility: Model for sharing common wealth from life science research

We strive to train our young life scientists as prophetic leaders of future generations with a passion for science, and compassion for life and a desire to transform the world.


1973 Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) established

1974 Masters program for IMB established

1984 Ph.D. program for IMB established

1985 Re-organized as Institute of Life Science

1987 Life Science Building I completed

1991 Institute of Biomedicine and Department of Life Science established

1992 College of Life Science established

1995 All institutes merged into Department of Life Science

1997 Institute of Biotechnology established

1998 Institute of Radiation Biology merged with the College

2002 Reorganized into four institutes and Department of Life Science

2004 Brain Research Center established

2008 Interdisciplinary Program of Life Science and Institute of Systems Neuroscience established

2010 Department of Medical Science established

2013 Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Ph.D. Degree Program established

2016 Ph.D. Program in Bioindustrial Technology established

2022 School of Medicine established

2022 Reorganized into five institutes, three departments and one interdisciplinary program

See original here:
Faculty Positions in Life Science and Medicine at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) job with National Tsing Hua University | 37287332 - The...

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