International Space Station’s MIRA: Surgery Robot to Fly in 2024 to Assist on Operations – Tech Times

Posted: August 5, 2022 at 2:47 am

The International Space Station is getting a new surgery assistant, and it is not another astronaut to join its future missions, but a surgery robot named "MIRA" that will fly to it in 2024. The new surgery robot will assist in future operations, and it is something that the ISS will test while orbiting the planet, focusing on a future use for space and health technology.

Surgery robots are massive on the planet now, and there are significant ventures to focus on for the world to experience and expand on in health technology. The International Space Station will soon receive a robot assistant to help in surgeries called "MIRA," and it stands for "miniaturized in-vivo robotic assistant."

The robot was developed by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and medical technology company, Virtual Incision.

According toVirtual Incision's press release, the robot assistant aims to help in surgeries that the team of astronauts would test out while in space.

And while there are no significant surgeries that researchers scheduled for the astronauts, they will look into the capabilities of the robot to assist in space ventures.

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Gizmodo'sreportsays that it may be a preparation by NASA to use for long-term flights or journeys that would need more than a team of astronauts to deal with medical concerns in the future. MIRA is preparing for its arrival at the ISS by 2024 to test out its capabilities and look into operations that would help astronauts in their needs.

It will provide more than a helping hand for their needs.

There are many ventures that researchers and scientists bring to the International Space Station to test, and it aims to test its capabilities in different setups, including that of space operations. One of the ventures available there is theuse of microgravity to understand cancer tumorsand aging skin cells which would only be achievable there.

Different tests in the ISS focus on understanding what space does to human anatomy and the body, especially those flying to orbit.

Of course, the main test subjects and points of reference for the research sent to the ISS are its astronauts, cosmonauts, and other dwellers in the orbiting space laboratory. The researchers aboard it now focus on monitoring each other's health,looking into spinal scans and heart rate, among the few things they check on on a routine basis.

Now, a new robot assistant is coming to the ISS, and it specializes in surgeries and operations to help researchers know more about the conditions there and supposedly help in different ventures done in space. It may bring data and information back to the planet once it's collected, but its main goal is to test its capabilities in a different environment from the planet.

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Written by Isaiah Richard

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See the article here:
International Space Station's MIRA: Surgery Robot to Fly in 2024 to Assist on Operations - Tech Times

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