Biotechnology Teacher Resources Online | North Carolina …

Posted: August 19, 2016 at 2:48 am

Animal Biotechnology: The Movie

Animal Biotechnology and Genomics is a half-hour movie on various topics related to animal biotechnology. Accompanying fact sheets are provided.

APSnet: K-12 Plant Pathways to Science is intended to assist teachers develop interactive laboratories and demonstrations that teach the basic principles of science and scientific method. The site includes an Illustrated Glossary of Plant Pathology with pronunciation guides.

The Bioinformatics in Motion Project is a library of interactive animations for teaching high-level bioinformatics algorithms and application.

BioInteractiveis an interactive database of free resources for educators from HHMI. Search by topic and type of material to find animations, videos, classroom resource materials and more on many different health and basic science topics.

The National Science Digital Library is the nation's online portal for education and research on learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics with resources for K-12 students.

This section of theCBC Digital Archives includes archived clips of radio and television programs on biotechnology topics.

Discovery Education, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), and the IFT Foundation have partnered to develop this unique program, designed to introduce high school students, teachers, counselors, and parents to the remarkable world of food science and technology, and the exciting career opportunities in the field.

DNA From the Beginning is an "animated primer that covers 75 experiments that made modern genetics. Each chapter is self-contained, and they cover a wide range of topics related to genetics. Each of the 75 experiments explains the background, provides animations, galleries, videos and interactive elements.

DNA Interactive contains multimedia presentations on DNA, gene manipulation, the human genome, applications and the history of genetics. The DNAi Teacher Guide provides 15 downloadable lesson plans.

The DNA Television Series and accompanying web episodes and lesson plans are a valuable resource for teachers and students about the general history and applications of DNA.

The DNA Learning Center provides links to websites that focus on both genes and DNA. From the beginning of DNA, to the history of corn, to the insides of cancer, each site contains animated pictures that help students grasp the concepts.

Learn.Genetics provides educational materials on genetics, bioscience and health topics.

GetBiotechSmart contains videos and lesson plans for teachers around topics of plant biotechnology. The site also provides information about the Excellence in Biotechnology Education Grant, sponsored by the United Soybean Board.

Greenomes provides laboratory and bioinformatics exercises to introduce students to modern plant genetics and genome research.

The Harvest of Fear website is designed to accompany the PBS Nova program "Harvest of Fear." It contains a variety of stand-alone information and interactive activies to learn about genetically modified food.

Heal, Feed, Sustain is a 24-minute video that follows three students as they travel to three North Carolina companies to learn about biotechnology. It also features a free teacher guide with seven student activities, activity extensions, a curriculum connection matrix and more background information about biotechnology.

K8 Science is a multimedia resource that includes information , lesson plans and slide sets on scientific topics related to current events.

The Marian Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences provides a multimedia tour of various museum exhibits with links to activities and lessons that describe applications of DNA technology.

Graphics teach what a microarray is and how these tools can be employed to simultaneously measure changes in gene expression across the genome of an organism.Students can conduct two different virtual experiments, one measuring changes in gene expression in yeast, and another which measures the effect of a bronchoconstrictor drug on gene expression in asthmatic and non-asthmatic mice.Along the way students learn about experimental design, how microarrays measure changes in gene expression, and methods of data analysis.This resource is geared primarily toward advanced high school and college students.

All of the lessons in this video library have been contributed by BLOSSOMS partners from around the world, including educators from MIT and institutions in Jordan, Pakistan, and other partnering countries. Each lesson includes Teacher Guides and other resource materials, and the site is searchable by education standards.

Molecular Movies presents an organized directory of cell and molecular animations.

Nanomedicine Explorer is a virtual exhibit dedicated to cancer nanomedicine.

NCLT provides a portal to educational resources that are meant to serve students, teachers, faculty, researchers, parents and professionals who are engaged in the learning, teaching, research & development of nanotechnology. NCLT is an NSF-sponsored program.

The Teacher Center provides a wide variety of information and resources for teachers, including lesson plans, state by state facts, and much more. National Agriculture in the Classroom isalso the publisher of an E-zine for educators called AgroWorld.

Over 400 peer-reviewed case studies are provided in a searchable database for use in the science classroom. A majority are written by science faculty from the U.S. and Canada, and teaching notes are provided.

Lab TV provides two seasons of webisodes that demonstrate research coming out of Department of Defense labs. Also, from the same website, click on Personal Stories to hear about careers in science and engineering.

The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) provides resources, programs, and materials to enhance an individuals knowledge of nanoscale science and engineering and its application to real-world issues. The network is made up of nanotechnology facilities at universities around the country.

The NIGMS provides e-publications, interactive online quizzes and puzzles, posters, fact sheets and curriculum supplements from this Science Education website.

Nova science Now provides text, video, and multimedia content from the PBS Nova TV series.

The UK-based Nuffield Council on Bioethics provides an Education page with teaching resources on five main topics: biofuels, personalized healthcare, dementia, forensics, and research animals.

PBS LearningMedia is a digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. It provides free, instant access to the best of public media , including videos, interactives, audio, photos, and in-depth lesson plans.

PlantingScience is a learning and research resource, bringing together students, plant scientists, and teachers from across the nation. Students engage in hands-on plant investigations, working with peers and scientist mentors to build collaborations and to improve their understanding of science. A few open lesson plans are available in addition to the mentoring resources.

Science 360 is a site dedicated to scientific information. The Biotechnology Series is made up of three educational programs. The program topics covered are designer foods, genetic engineering, and stem cells demystified. Each program contains a video, lesson links, resources for teachers and students, and key vocabulary lists.

ScienceDaily Biotechnology features a collection of videos meant to supplement text articles written for an adult audience.

HHMI provides a list of short video interviews with scientists about their various career paths. There are more than 70 videos available "On Becoming a Scientist".

With funding from the Pfizer Foundation and the National Academy of Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University has assembled more than 50 of the best videos from the public television series, Secrets of the Sequence to assist teachers in the application of genetic research across the biology curriculum. Each 8-10 minute video addresses a particular topic and is accompanied by classroom-tested lesson plans.

Stem Cell Resources contains information on tissue engineering, cloning, stem cell research and therapeutics, and ethical considerations.

Sumanas Animation contains animations showing the science behind stem cells, immunohistochemistry, DNA chip technology, in vitro fertilization, and pregnancy and paternity tests.

Teachers TryScience is a web site for teachers. This site provides free and engaging lessons, along with teaching strategies and resources, which are designed to spark students interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The site also provides collaboration tools for teachers to discuss and share effective instructional practices.

DNA Files contains high-quality recordings of radio programs on genetics, genetically-modified foods, gene therapy, biotechnology, transgenics, and more.

The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers provides fun, interactive resources for kids of all ages, including videos that profile real scientists and their work. Students can send questions to the scientists featured. More than 30 profiles are available on the site.

The Strange New World of Nanoscience is an introductory video on Nanotechnology. The film was winner of the Best Short Film at the Scinema Science film festival 2010.

Understanding the Human Genome Project contains downloadable combinations of videos, discussion questions, and lesson plans on human genetics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics, variation and human history as well as ethical, legal, and social implications.

"What's for Lunch?" is a short, student-oriented video documentary on issues related to genetically-modified foods.

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