Regenerative Therapy in Northeast Ohio | Ohio Therapy Centers

Posted: September 9, 2019 at 4:48 am

The video above is Dr. Nick Fabian from our Elyria location talking about Regenerative Therapyduring a Facebook live segment with Jenny from the Block on Fox 8 Cleveland.

Unlike other cells, stem cells are unspecialized or undifferentiated in our bodies that have the capacity to change into any healthy cell in our body. Meaning they can change into skin, bone, heart, and muscle cells to name a few. They have the unique ability to divide or differentiate into many types of cells with specific functions such as muscle, skin or bone cells.

Stem cells can also give rise to new generations of undifferentiated stem cells, thus renewing themselves. Stem cells are located throughout our body in almost every organ and tissue such as bone marrow, fat, teeth, muscles, etc.

While cortisone and other drugs only provide temporary pain relief, Regenerative Therapy actually restores degenerated tissue while providing pain relief. Additionally, the injections contain collagen, proteins and hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricant on worn and damaged joints while encouraging new, healthy cartilage tissue growth.

Some people will feel immediate relief from their pain and will notice continued improvements in pain reduction, mobility, and range of motion following the treatment. Most results are seen within one to three months after injection.

The wonderful thing about Regenerative Therapy is that its being found to be a safer and more effective pain relief treatment than addicting prescription medications and surgeries that require weeks and sometimes months downtime from your active life.

However, this therapy doesnt just put a Band-Aid on the problem and walk away; it encourages your own body to start healing. The end result is reduced or eliminatedpain, healthier joint tissue, increased mobility, and the ability to once again engage in all of your favorite activities, allowing you to live a vibrant, healthy, and pain-free life!

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Regenerative Therapy in Northeast Ohio | Ohio Therapy Centers

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