Oregon Scientists Frustrated At Change In British Human Embryo Policy

Posted: February 3, 2015 at 7:08 pm

Economy | Health | News | Family | Politics | Science

OPB | Feb. 3, 2015 1:50 p.m. | Portland

British politicians have voted to allow children to be born using DNA from three people. Its frustrating news for Oregon scientists who pioneered thetechnique.

Mitochondrial DNA is passed to a child from its mother. When the DNA is damaged, healthy mitochondria from a donor can be added to the mothers egg, then fertilized by thefather.

Dr. Shoukhrat Mitalipov with OHSU pioneered the technique on monkeys. Hes thrilled to see it being used, but also frustrated: Of course it would be nice if we could offer this to patients here in the United States and thats I guess where the frustration comes, he said.

For many years, research on human embryonic stem cells was limited by U.S.policy

Mitalipov relied largely on local and philanthropicfunds.

The U.K. would become the first country to permit babies from threepeople.

Religious organizations there are still trying to block the technique, saying its not clear its safe orethical.

Oregon Scientists Frustrated At Change In British Human Embryo Policy

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