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Michael Hiltzik: Don’t be taken in by stem cell firms offering unsubstantiated therapies for COVID-19 – Rome News-Tribune

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 7:41 pm

If you think this can help you, Austin Wolff said earnestly into the camera, its worth a shot .It can only help.

Wolff was speaking on a YouTube video produced for the Novus Center, a Studio City business run by his mother, Stephanie, selling stem cell-related products said to treat chronic pain, sexual performance issues and the effects of aging.

In recent weeks, Novus has begun directing its pitch at potential customers fearful about the effects of the novel coronavirus, implying that its stem cell exosome vapor the supplies for which can be shipped overnight to customers homes can improve lung strength, the immune system and ward off viruses and disease. (Exosomes are a form of cellular secretion.)

These are opportunistic businesses, and COVID-19 for them is an opportunity.

Novus videos bristle with formal disclaimers. Its not going to cure anything, Austin Wolff says on one video. You should only do this if you want to try it.

But the videos seem aimed at viewers desperate for any possible defense against a pandemic whose implacable spread seem to grow more frightening with every passing day.

Novus charges $10,000 for the shipment of vials containing the exosomes and nebulizing equipment. Stephanie Wolff says the business, which has been open for four years, has served about a dozen customers worried about COVID-19 in the last month or two.

Promoters of untested and unlicensed stem cell treatments have jumped into the coronavirus market with both feet, says Leigh Turner, a bioethicist at the University of Minnesota who has been tracking the spread of clinics pitching these treatments to consumers for years.

The direct-to-consumer clinics have pivoted their marketing message to treating or preventing COVID-19, Turner told me. Thats not really shocking, in a way; these are opportunistic businesses, and COVID-19 for them is an opportunity.

In a paper scheduled to be published shortly in the prestigious journal Cell Stem Cell, Turner examines how these businesses are preying on public fears and anxieties about the pandemic.

Typically, their claims fall short of actually promising cures or even specific treatments; that holds at bay the Food and Drug Administration, which has sought to shut down clinics offering unproven therapies for conditions such as Alzheimers, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction.

Some use the language of immune booster or preventive intervention, Turner says. Theyre not trying to treat somebody whos in an ICU bed. Its more the worried well theyre going after people who are anxious, fearful of the pandemic, and susceptible to claims that a stem cell procedure will reduce their chance of becoming infected.

These treatments can come with a healthy price tag, ranging hundreds to thousands of dollars. But they run up against one indisputable fact: There are no approved stem cell treatments for COVID-19.

Those are the words of Martin F. Pera, a leading stem cell researcher who is editor-in-chief of Stem Cell Reports, the open-access journal of the International Society for Stem Cell Research. The society issued a stern warning March 6 against claims that stem cells can be used to treat people infected with COVID-19.

As for the products sold by Novus, the FDA warned consumers in December that there are currently no FDA-approved exosome products. The agency stated that certain clinics across the country offering such products to patients deceive patients with unsubstantiated claims about the potential for these products to prevent, treat or cure various diseases or conditions.

Weve reported for years on the proliferation of clinics selling purported therapies based on stem cell injections costing as much as $15,000 each.

These treatments arent supported by scientific research, typically arent covered by insurance, and have been targets of an FDA crackdown. (Turner did groundbreaking work with UC Davis biologist Paul Knoepfler in 2016, sounding the alarm about the spread of these clinics.)

In early April, the FDA sent letters to two stem cell firms, Dynamic Stem Cell Therapy of Henderson, Nev., and Kimera Labs of Miramar, Fla., that it said had been marketing their products for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 and warning them that any such products would have to meet regulatory standards for drugs. But the agency didnt explicitly threaten them with legal consequences. Kimera is the supplier of exosomes to Novus.

Frightened laypersons arent the only targets of claims for cellular treatments for COVID-19. So are decision-makers and government regulators.

The FDA came under fire in March when it issued an emergency use authorization to allow the prescribing of two antimalarial drugs, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, for COVID-19 patients. The action came after President Trump had been relentlessly promoting the drugs as potential game changers in the battle against COVID-19.

Less than a month later, the FDA issued a warning against using the drugs against COVID-19 because of reports of serious heart problems in COVID-19 patients who had taken them, as well as the absence of evidence that they were safe and effective for treating the disease.

It wouldnt be surprising to see more companies and clinics showing up in the media and on cable television hawking unsubstantiated stem cell treatments for COVID-19. On May 4, the San Diego stem cell firm Giostar issued a news release asserting that it had received approval for a COVID-19 clinical trial using stem cells to treat COVID-19 patients, under the approval of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded access for compassionate use program.

Is this plausible? Weve reported before that Giostar had made untrue claims about its scientific connections: Several legitimate stem cell scientists the firm listed as members of its scientific advisory board said they had no connection with Giostar and had repeatedly asked that their names be removed from its website. The company has also acknowledged that it had exaggerated the professional credentials of its co-founder and chairman, Anand Srivastava.

Giostars claim in its news release that it would conduct the clinical trial under the FDAs expanded access for compassionate use program is curious. That program, which allows doctors to prescribe unapproved drugs as a last resort for people suffering from life-threatening diseases with no established cure, covers patients for whom enrollment in a clinical trial is not possible.

In other words, there doesnt seem to be such a thing as a clinical trial conducted subject to the expanded access program.

Giostar didnt respond to our request for comment. The FDA would say only that it generally cannot disclose information about an unapproved application, which certainly suggests that Giostar hasnt won the approval it claims.

In the frenzied search for COVID-19 treatments, it may be difficult to distinguish promising efforts from those just grasping at the main chance.

What we have right now is a COVID-19 gold rush, Turner says. Businesses are seeing this as a terrific opportunity to get their applications for investigative new drug trials approved by the FDA a process that can take years and generally requires the submission of extensive evidence from lab and animal studies.

The direct-to-consumer pitches by clinics reviewed in Turners paper typically fuse pseudoscience, which is what theyre offering, with more credible forms of science. He found numerous references in these pitches to research from China, often of doubtful scientific significance.

A Pennsylvania clinic offering stem cell treatment to support lung health during COVID-19, for example, cited a report from a Beijing hospital where seven patients were injected with stem cells all saw significant improvement in COVID-19 related pneumonia, according to the clinics press news . It quoted its CEO stating, This goes to support the wide range of healing and restoration that can be provided by (stem cell) therapy.

However, as Turner observes, the report didnt specify the severity of the subjects pneumonia, the source of the stem cells, or results from a control group. At best you can say that no one seemed to be harmed, but its hard to draw any firm conclusions about efficacy.

The Novus Center hangs its pitch on what Stephanie Wolff describes as a study thats ongoing in China right now using exosomes to help with viral load, to help with inflammation of the lung, to help with pneumonia, to help with infection.

The reference, however, is to a clinical trial in Wuhan that had not even begun to recruit test subjects at the time of its latest public report, which is dated Feb. 25. The researchers didnt expect their trial to be completed until July 31.

As weve written before, the proliferation of stem cell clinics selling untested and unlicensed therapies has been a public health crisis for years. The COVID-19 pandemic will only deepen the crisis as clinics add the coronavirus to their menu of treatment claims.

Despite its crackdown campaign, the FDA has never taken strong enough action against this corner of the healthcare industry. It should act without delay to shut down opportunistic initiatives, or more innocent Americans will find their health, and their pocketbooks, at ever greater risk.

2020 Los Angeles Times

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Michael Hiltzik: Don't be taken in by stem cell firms offering unsubstantiated therapies for COVID-19 - Rome News-Tribune

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The Shows Delayed, but Theyre Still Keeping Company – The New York Times

Posted: May 14, 2020 at 7:41 pm

The revival of Company was in previews and 10 days from opening when Broadway shut down. And opening night was meant to be especially special, timed to the 90th birthday of the musicals composer Stephen Sondheim. Soon after, the shows director, Marianne Elliott, returned to her husband and producing partner, Nick Sidi, and their daughter in London, while one of its stars, Patti LuPone, headed to the Connecticut home she shares with her husband, Matthew Johnston, and their son.

Prompted by The New York Times, they agreed to share their email exchanges during those first weeks, a conversation that touched on plans for the show and for Elliott & Harper, its production company (optimistic); their respective nations leaders (pessimistic); a former colleagues health (worrisome); and how family, friends and members of the current cast, including Katrina Lenk, were keeping in touch (Zoom parties). An edited selection of their emails follows, with Elliott kicking things off the day after the canceled opening night.

My dear friend,

Its amazing, isnt it, how ones life is now recalibrated. All things I took for granted are now long-lost treasures.

Ive been clearing everything in this house, ready for God knows what, but its easier than sitting at a desk and doing concentrated work. I like a pair of yellow rubber gloves, and I love to throw things into the rubbish heap. So theres truly satisfaction of sorts here. And it channels my energies. But it also means Ive been going through old drawers of long-kept items or piles of faded photos even from my 20s and looking at how young and happy we looked.

I had to throw out Eves school uniform the other day. As she had her last day of school on Friday. Shes been there since she was four! I found myself burying my head and sobbing into an old skirt of hers. That uniform that always went missing, nobody liked, was thrown into heaps every day as she entered the house, that never seemed very durable, was usually hitched way too high up her legs, and was far too expensive for its own good. And yet there I was, crying over it as though it was born from my very own limbs.

Yesterday was tough, wasnt it? Im truly not sentimental about shows, and certainly not about opening nights because they are usually so pressurized about other things. But I really, really, and, yes, really missed ours yesterday. It felt like a huge hole. And all that publicity for Sondheims birthday was wonderful on one level, but kind of bleak on another, because Elliott & Harper had been working so hard to make sure we could be open on that very day, with Steve with us all celebrating!

However, the sun is shining here in England. So Im feeling hopeful.

Nick and [co-producer] Chris are working like buzzing bees, trying to decipher what is to happen to our work force, our employees, our future shows, most of which are probably going by the wayside. Though we are fighting tooth and nail to keep our staff. The government is offering help, but its vague how much and when. Its hard not to catastrophize when you hear some of the stories out there. Some being very gloomy about the future of theater at all.

But the one thing we all agree on, and that we all KNOW, is that by hook or by crook Company is coming back! We need it, we love it, the theater community needs it, and New York needs its story. Theater has always been and will always be vital. We humans are creatures that survive as a togetherness. And we need stories to make sense of things.

I look forward to that moment with all of my being. And I look forward to being in a room with you again Patti, to be sharing a G & T and to be screaming with laughter over some silly thing or other.

It seems far away now, but its only round the corner really!

Until then

Keep bleaching!

Love you so much


That was quite a missive. You put down the rubber gloves and wrote a monologue!

Its so wacky and disjointed and at the same time kind of wonderful to be home with our loved ones and really grasping time. Whoever has the time to really understand time in the fullness of the word? My problem is structure. I want to be very disciplined, but I cant figure out how to structure the time. Im cleaning house like you, but I do that a lot. Im the Delete Queen. I actually threw out the elusive, desperately needed mask only a month ago. I have no idea why I had a box of them, but I looked at them and tossed them in the bin. Well done, Patti! Now I go to the market looking like a madwoman with scarves wrapped around my nose and mouth with fogged-up glasses.

I wonder if well come back. The uncertainty is the killer. I went through the polio scare, but there was a plan in place! I can still see the vaccination administered in my arm in the gymnasium of the elementary school. We had to suck on pink sugar cubes or Im making the whole thing up.

I think about you every day. Stay safe, healthy, warm, and know you are LOVED by so many of us.


Hi P,

Gosh, it was good to see your face last night. And everyones. Poignant too, because you all felt so near via Zoom, and yet, you werent!

What a bunch of gorgeous people, our cast of Company. And how bonded we all seem. Now more than ever. Everyone cheery and happy to be connected again. It was three weeks to the day of our last performance, did you know that? Feels more like three years, doesnt it?

But the quirks that everyone displayed in just their little close-ups: Jen [Simard] and her gratefulness, Etai [Benson] with his dry humor, Matt [Doyle] recovering from Covid but actually looking more like George Michael every day, Chris [Sieber] dressed up in his beautiful blazer for our cocktail party, Chris [Fitzgerald] with his sons Trump impressions. Amazing.

And then there was you, dancing at the jukebox. Oh, and then mooning at us all! Brilliant. Not a dry eye in the house! You were always the very soul of the party and Zoom, Im so happy to learn, has lessened none of that!

By the way, have you got Judy Garlands Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries on that old jukebox? I was listening to it this morning (regarding another project I might do when and if I ever get out of this house!), and I thought Id love to hear you sing it! Go on give me a rendition. Your Twitter feed would go mad!!

I heard, two days ago, of a good friend of mine in dire straits in a New Jersey hospital. Hes been there a few weeks. Still on a ventilator. That made my head spin, and I took myself to bed and started visualizing him well and happy and going for dinner and a good big drink, of course, with me in some packed restaurant in the future.

I feel pretty lucky, though. Were safe and together here in the house. My sister had it pretty bad (and did get the test), but shes bounced right back. But I feel sorry for Eve, my teenager, the most. I think shes picking up more than she shows actually. But she mostly doesnt watch the news. Who can blame her?

However, shes getting Nick and I doing Tic Tok (Im too old to know the right blinking spelling) challenges to our neighbors across the road. Ill learn to body-pop yet!!

Im trying to run most days, while were still allowed. And I do a Pilates session and arm exercises (with lots of serious swearing I turn the air blue!) most days too. I tell you, I shall come out of this looking young and beautiful and with incredibly sculpted arms. And watch me wear that opening night dress! Come on!

Keep safe my lovely friend,

And Ill see you on the other side!

Meantime, heres a photo of you and Katrina in our show. Glorious!

PS: How is that Katrina STILL looks beautiful on Zoom and with no [expletive] make up!!?! Ugh.


The Zoom cocktail party left me drunk on my ass. Matt said I was shout-singing Blue Moon in bed. I think its just the release. Our collective energy shot through those funny little boxes.

We are all doing our best to be positive, mentally and emotionally. I think, I hope, we find a way to blow back all the negative energy in the world. This reset is good. Its forcing us to slow down, reflect, look out and see, really see, whats in front of us. Im continually fascinated with the birds, squirrels and chipmunks at our bird feeder. The birds are singing and nesting, the squirrels are demanding more peanuts. Theyre so bold as to come to the door, raise up on their hind legs, peer in the glass imploring Farmer Matt to FEED ME!

I feel for Eve. For all the youth in the world. What have we left them?

Im trying to remember 16 years old, in my high school on Long Island. There were those of us in the music department in joyous harmony with our teachers, our various choruses, our instruments, our summer band retreat with a high school from another county (a different set of boys in my case ). We were the outcasts, the oddballs, the bohemians.

Ill bet that division still exists. Its prevalent in our society as adults. The arts are superfluous. I am always made to feel like a third-class citizen in this country. They are NOT superfluous. They are an inherent human right. Games and storytelling have been our lifes force for as long as theyve been writing on walls. Eve will have a story to tell, a story shell tell her children who I hope will have a more peaceful Mother Earth.

We must get rid of the current politicians on both sides of the Atlantic. We are stuck with a clown and his clown car of clowns. And while Im raging, there has to be term limits for Supreme and federal court judges, the generals in the war room and Broadway musicals.

Sending you dear friend BIG LOVE.

Your pal, Patti

Hi P!

That article you sent from the NY Times was amazing: Come Back, New York, All Is Forgiven. Thank you. It sums up just exactly what I feel about that splendid city. It made me grieve for that beautiful volcano of craziness and brilliance. Well now, what to report in this weird cave of an existence over here?

Boris Johnson seems to be out of hospital. But dont ask me whos running the country. Our press conferences sort of lack a leader and a driver. They are dry, boring, staid affairs. And the same things get repeated and repeated: Not enough tests! Not enough protective equipment for our health workers! It kind of drives you mad after a while.

My friend who has been on a ventilator for nearly four weeks now is part of a very new drug trial, Pluristem. Hes just gone on it, and hes making the news! The new drug is a sort of stem-cell therapy. It comes from placentas! Can you believe it?

Hes doing well! Its literally Day Two on the drug, but he had a few hours yesterday off the ventilator and breathing himself! Im praying. Every time I go jogging, I fill my lungs as I run, as though I was teaching him how to breathe again. I dunno. Anything. Im trying anything. Ridiculous, but what can you do?

We still watch movies most nights, which is highly educational for all of us! And we look forward to it each day. Although we realized the other night that the dog had pissed on the sofa. It slowly started to seep into Nicks trousers during Whats Eating Gilbert Grape. In the morning I took the cushions outside to properly clean and realized that clearly the dog had been using the sofa as a toilet for some time. It was full of stains! I wonder, if there had been no quarantine, we would have EVER discovered this?

So maybe this is a metaphor for unearthing what was always beneath the surface? Well all emerge from this cleansed and illuminated. Ha! Or Im just looking for meaning and stories in every little thing? Directing and analyzing the text as ever!

Dearest Marianne,

I just reread your email. You are eternal sunshine. Im a black cloud. Its harder and harder to maintain equilibrium.

Im loving Madame Bovary, but I find my mind scanning, not absorbing, Lydia Daviss beautiful translation (a quarantine gift from my dear friend Jeffrey Lane. When you return you must come to Salon de Jeff. Hes a monster cook, and his dinner parties are Bacchanalian events.)

I cant watch any more videos, because its just too late at night, even though its only 8 p.m. The daytime seems to slip through my fingers, and Ive done next to nothing. I dont mean for this to sound like a bitch fest. I think Im verbalizing my anxiety. Im sorry.

The one great treasure for me is being somewhere to really experience the blossoming of spring. The birds are in full cacophony, occasionally full harmony. The squirrels are demanding and trusting. The bear woke up and destroyed our bird feeder. Its all glorious nature. Virus? What virus?

Its Sunday. What will I do? I think I shall drive to Farmer Randy, get the best eggs in the Western Hemisphere and attempt a souffl. I had a moral dilemma. Randy is a BIG TIME Trump supporter. There were signs all over his barn. What to do? Boycott his eggs? I just couldnt. Theyre too damn delicious.

Its time for me to get out of bed. I wake up early, very early. Ill attempt to change my attitude today and make something of myself. But what will it end up being? A restless, unfocused energy? Or maybe a pensive, dreamy organism? Or maybe a housewife dusting?

Dear pal o mine, I wish you sanity, safety, health and peace.

Your loving friend,


Hi Patti,

I have to tell you that my friend, the one that was on the ventilator for FIVE weeks, has made an amazing recovery. You may know him, Eddie Pierce? He codesigned my set of Angels in America on Broadway. Such an amazing guy and so talented. Younger than me and no complicated health circumstances that I know of. Anyway, hed been through so much in hospital, was sedated most of the time, caught other infections while in hospital, and they even thought at one time that hed had a stroke! It was not looking good, P.

Well, he came home yesterday! His wife sent a video of him leaving the hospital. With all the staff, standing in awe, clapping as he left the front entrance, and his children running to hug him. Then there was another video of his friends welcoming him arriving at the house. It was incredible. They had gathered in their cars, in a nearby parking lot, and then PROCESSED together down his street, honking their horns. They couldnt get out, obviously, so they held out huge, homemade, colored signs to be read as they passed. Some had painted their cars, some had got dressed up in fancy dress, some stood on their car doors. It was like watching a carnival.

Hell need a bit of physio, but otherwise hes totally on the mend. Seems like a miracle. Things that you cant believe can ever come about can indeed occur. Keep the faith.

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The Shows Delayed, but Theyre Still Keeping Company - The New York Times

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Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions and apceth Biopharma GmbH Enter into Strategic Clinical and Commercial Manufacturing Agreements with…

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:54 pm

ALLENDALE, NJ., USA and MUNICH, Germany, May 11, 2020 / B3C newswire / -- Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions, LLC (HCATS) and apceth Biopharma GmbH (apceth), both subsidiaries of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. (Hitachi Chemical) today announced that they have expanded their relationship with bluebird bio (NASDAQ: BLUE) with long-term development and manufacturing services agreements for clinical and commercial supply for multiple therapies, including:

These agreements are the latest in a long-standing partnership between bluebird bio and Hitachi Chemical. In 2011, HCATS, which represents the North America region of Hitachi Chemicals global regenerative medicine business, and bluebird bio entered into their first clinical services agreement. A commercial drug product manufacturing service agreement was also established between bluebird bio and apceth (which represents the Europe region of Hitachi Chemicals global regenerative medicine business) in 2016. In January 2020, apceth announced its readiness to begin commercial manufacturing of ZYNTEGLO with bluebirds announcement of the launch in Germany.

"With three products in our severe genetic disease franchise to potentially launch between now and 2022, securing long-term commercial drug product manufacturing capacity is critical to our ability to deliver for patients, " said Nick Leschly, chief bluebird. "Our partnership with Hitachi Chemical is a significant example of our continued progress on this front and we believe Hitachi Chemicals recent expansion will help support our growing commercial needs. We are pleased to benefit from their expertise as well as their footprint in both the US and Europe as we work to bring transformative therapies to patients in need."

We are excited to partner with bluebird bio through our new U.S. facility, utilizing our state-of-the-art capabilities and systems for late-stage clinical testing and ultimately commercial production once all applicable regulatory approvals are granted, said Robert Preti, Ph.D., Chief Strategy Officer, Hitachi Chemical Life Science Business Headquarters. It is our honor to support bluebird bio in the manufacture of their potentially transformative gene therapies, to the benefit of patients in both the United States and Europe, as the foundation for our collaboration to address this devastating disease

We are very happy to deepen our trustful and productive strategic partnership with bluebird bio, commented Dr. Christine Guenther, Deputy General Manager of the Hitachi Chemical Regenerative Medicine Business Sector and CEO of apceth Biopharma GmbH. The apceth team is proud to be part of bluebird bios most exciting pioneering work for the advancement of cell and gene therapies and to supply patients suffering from severe genetic illnesses with potentially life-changing treatments.

This medicinal product is subject to additional monitoring.

About Hitachi Chemicals Regenerative Medicine BusinessHitachi Chemical provides cell and gene therapy contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) services at current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) standards, including clinical manufacturing, commercial manufacturing, and manufacturing development. The global footprint of the business is over 200,000 square feet and includes operations in North America (Allendale, New Jersey and Mountain View, California), Europe (Munich, Germany), and Japan (Yokohama). The business leverages two decades of experience exclusively focused on the cell therapy industry.

For more information on North America services, please visit http://www.pctcelltherapy.comFor more information on Europe services, please visit http://www.apceth.comFor more information on Japan services, please visit


Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics SolutionsEric PowersDirector, Marketing and CommunicationsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

apceth Biopharma GmbHAlmut WindhagerManager, Business Development and CommunicationsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Keywords: Humans; Regenerative Medicine; Thalassemia; HLA Antigens; Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation; Anemia, Sickle Cell; Hematopoietic Stem Cells; Genetic Therapy

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Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions and apceth Biopharma GmbH Enter into Strategic Clinical and Commercial Manufacturing Agreements with...

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The Roller Coaster of Gene Therapy… –

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

By 2027, the global gene therapy market is estimated to reach a staggering value of $6.6B. With the number of successfully approved gene therapies increasing, the sector has moved from hype to hope. At the heart of gene therapy lie viral vectors, which are used to transport a gene into a target cell. Here we explore the current bottleneck in viral vector production, why viral vectors still outshine non-viral vector solutions, and what we can expect in the future.

The gene therapy field is gaining momentum. Investments are pouring in. The FDA is estimating that by 2025 it will approve between 10 and 20 cell and gene therapy products every year. This shows that a treatment, which started out as a hype, is now a real hope, says Ratish Krishnan, Associate Director of Cell and Gene Therapy Bioprocessing at MilliporeSigma*.

Today, a number of treatments have been approved, such as Spark Therapeutics LUXTURNA, the first FDA approved in vivo gene therapy, or Novartis Zolgensma, which gained US approval in 2019 and European approval in March 2020.

One of the key ingredients of gene therapies is the viral vector, which is used to transfer a gene of interest into a target cell. The most commonly used vector is that of the adeno-associated virus (AAV). But the manufacturing of viral vectors and scaling up their production remain difficult.

In upstream development, one challenge is the way viral vectors are produced. In a process called transient transfection, plasmids carrying the DNA of interest are introduced into host cells that will produce the viral vectors.

But host cells are commonly grown in adherent cell cultures, which are usually harder to reproduce at a large scale. So to scale-up and achieve high titers of virus particles, researchers are working on growing cells in suspension using large bioreactors instead.

We are facing several challenges at the moment and that is what keeps us on our toes, Krishnan adds. In upstream development, there is a desire to move towards suspension. Most processes use transient transfection methods using plasmids and the transfection step at a production scale of 500L or 2000L is extremely challenging.

In downstream development, researchers are studying the purity of capsids. The capsid is the protective shell of the virus enclosing the gene of interest. Related to this is an important discussion on the purity of viral vectors.

When you produce vectors, you will generally have a population of empty capsids, which is the viral AAV assembly without the genetic material inside, or partially-full capsids with only part of the DNA inside, Krishnan explains. We have to better understand the role of empty capsids inside the body. Are they needed as immune decoys or are they strictly considered impurities? In theory, you only need the ones with all the DNA inside, the full capsids.

But researchers have yet to discover the correct percentage of full capsids in a drug substance or product, Krishnan says. We dont have the answer yet. Typically, the strategy leans towards the enrichment of a percentage of full capsids as high as possible, while taking into account the data from clinical trials.

Questions about purity are difficult to answer because there is little or no regulatory guidance. For instance, compared to monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for which the regulatory environment is well understood, the regulatory landscape for gene therapies remains largely unclear.

Through decades of research, mAb production also works through well-established and standardized platforms, whereas viral vectors are still in their infancy and cannot be produced using platform technologies yet although much is being done in this field and they are catching up fast.

Because of their longstanding history, we already have a lot of knowledge and research about mAbs, Krishnan explains. Lets say I want to start a biotech company or a CDMO that develops mAbs. I can rely on existing templates and get up and running much quicker than if I were developing viral vectors.

AAVs come in many different serotypes distinguishable strains which impact platform development. The scale-up is also challenging since the indications can be strikingly contrasting. For example, ocular indications need smaller viral drug substances compared to a muscular indication.

Manufacturing mAbs is better understood than manufacturing viral vectors. Viruses are a whole lot bigger and can be more complex than antibodies. While antibodies usually have a size around 10 nm, AAVs measure around 20nm and Lentiviruses around 100nm in size. Not only are antibodies produced at a larger scale than viral vectors, but their scalability is also more predictable due to the established platform technologies.

Despite these challenges, the increase in popularity, investments flooding in, and the promise of essential cures have led to a bottleneck in viral vector production for gene therapies. But many companies working in the gene therapy field are small or emerging biotechs that do not have the necessary resources and expertise in-house to tackle the challenges of viral vector production.

Lacking the facilities to do it themselves, small and emerging biotechs therefore turn to experienced contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs), such as Merck BioReliance, to produce their gene therapies.

There are only a handful of CDMOs that have the capability and expertise to take on the complexities of gene therapy projects, Krishnan says. But there is currently a bottleneck in manufacturing slots. Manufacturing facilities can only work 24 hours a day, and if you are a small company and a CDMO has other clients waiting in line before you to have their therapies manufactured, you have no other option but to wait.

The problem with waiting, of course, is that the biotech runs the risk of falling behind its competition. Krishnan emphasizes, time is of the essence in gene therapy. There is no silver medal for developing a therapy for the same indication.

The key, says Krishnan, lies in much planning and close engagement with the CDMO partner. Biotechs should do an analysis of what they can perform in-house versus what they have to outsource early on. Engaging a CDMO is the route you want to take.

With decades of experience, Merck can support its biotech sponsors all the way to the clinic. We are big on the concept of integrated solutions, Krishnan explains. From clone to clinic to commercialization, Merck has the expertise, knowledge network, product, and services to help guide any customer to the finish line. We have the CDMO expertise with BioReliance, with testing services, gene therapy expertise, and regulatory support.

To circumvent the manufacturing bottleneck for viral vectors, some biotechs are looking at non-viral vector solutions for gene therapies. While traditional gene therapies use a viral vector, like AAV, to transfer a gene of interest into the patient, non-viral gene therapy deploys an alternative delivery system for the gene of interest.

Examples for non-viral delivery systems include physical force to deliver the gene through the cell membrane; injecting the gene with a needle into the target region; electroporation, which uses an electric current to produce pores in the cell membrane through which the gene can be inserted into the cell; and chemical vectors, such as lipid-, polymer-, or peptide-based particles.

Nevertheless, viral vectors, such as the AAV, remain the preferred path for most companies. The efficiency of delivery for non-viral vectors remains questionable. This means that there might be reactions in the immune system that get triggered, eliciting a dangerous, adverse response. AAVs, on the other hand, are well-engineered and safe, despite being novel.

Viral vectors have recently demonstrated success, Krishnan adds. Scientists are making advances in the non-viral area of gene therapy but they also come with a unique set of challenges. Questions, such as how do they interact with serum components in the body, how do they involve the immune system before reaching the target tissue, how do they interact with the surfaces of cells, remain.

Despite unaddressed challenges, gene therapy has definitely shifted from being a hope to carrying an expectation. This is reflected in the number of investments pouring into the sector.

Big pharma and biotech companies are heavily investing their resources into gene therapy, Krishnan says. Typically, companies have vaccines or mAbs in their portfolio. Now, gene therapy is becoming a major modality of interest as well.

While we are still far away from reaching the smooth manufacturing processes we have in place for antibodies, many companies are also looking into platform approaches for gene therapy. We would take a quantum leap if we developed a platform approach for upstream and downstream processes. That would significantly reduce the time to the clinic. Platform approaches are definitely being explored, Krishnan adds.

Vendors like Merck are playing a big role in developing fit-for-purpose products for gene therapies, Krishnan says. At the R&D level, researchers are also working on advances in capsid engineering. We already have synthetic capsids, and there are other tremendous advancements in capsid engineering, design, and purity, which are going to continue to evolve.

But, as Krishnan puts it, We are running a marathon at sprint speed. The journey is exciting and challenging, identical to the ride on a rollercoaster, but we are barely even at the tip of the iceberg. There are patients waiting for life-saving treatment, so gene therapies will definitely continue to be in the limelight, and for good reason.

Are you fighting to solve the bottleneck in viral vector production? Get in touch with the expert team at Merck and view their webinar on this topic!

*The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.

Images via and Elena Resko

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Thermo Fisher to invest $180M in new gene therapy plant – BioPharma Dive

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

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Like other CDMOs, Thermo sees a massive opportunity in the field of gene therapy.

Thermo paid $1.7 billion last year to buy viral vector contract manufacturer Brammer Bio. The company later opened a $90 million manufacturing facility in Lexington, Massachusetts, and it's expanded capacity at sites in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Alachua, Florida, as well.

Thermo's new space in Massachusetts will rival a 300,000-square-foot plant operated by Swiss drug manufacturer Lonza in Pearland, Texas, outside of Houston. Lonza called the plant the world's largest dedicated to cell and gene therapy production when it opened in 2018.

Lonza has also been steadily making deals in an effort to support biotech and pharma customers through every step of the process in gene therapy. As of April 2019, the company had worked with more than 45 viral vector customers and expected that number to keep climbing.

Other companies are expanding, too. Fujifilm in November announced plans to spend about $120 million in the gene therapy field, including a new innovation center in Texas. Catalent last year paid $1.2 billion for Paragon Bioservices to bolster its manufacturing capacity for gene therapies.

Thermo said its new plant will take advantage of the latest technology, with digital connectivity and advanced operator training. The company said it chose to construct the site in Plainville to take advantage of nearby Thermo facilities and draw on the Boston-area talent pool

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Kriya Therapeutics to Focus on Gene Therapy with $80.5M in Funding – BioSpace

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

California-based Kriya Therapeutics announced on Tuesday that it concluded an $80.5 million Series A financing round, led by QVT, Dexcel Pharma, Foresite Capital, Bluebird Ventures, Narya Capital, Amplo, Paul Manning, and Asia Alpha. The company, which was founded in 2019, has a pipeline that includes multiple AAV-based gene therapies for the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as obesity.

"There have been numerous successful gene therapies focused on rare monogenic diseases in recent years," said Shankar Ramaswamy, M.D., Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Kriya Therapeutics. "We see tremendous potential to expand the field and apply gene therapy to highly prevalent serious diseases. We are focused on designing gene therapies using algorithmic tools, scalable infrastructure, and proprietary technology to optimize the efficacy and durability of our treatments. We look forward to accelerating the development of our pipeline, platform technologies, and internal GMP manufacturing capability with the funds raised in this Series A financing."

Kriya focuses on developing gene therapies for conditions that impact millions of patients. Its goal is to design one-time gene therapies to express therapeutic proteins within specific human tissues. Kriyas pipeline includes KT-A112, KT-A522, and KT-A832, all of which are investigational gene therapies.

Kriyas leadership team is composed of experts who have experience designing, developing and manufacturing successful gene therapies as well.

"Kriya is building a leading team and cutting-edge infrastructure to engineer best-in-class gene therapies for severe chronic conditions and accelerate their advancement into human clinical trials," said Roger Jeffs, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Kriya. "The company is committed to incorporating the latest advancements in the field into the design and development of its therapeutic constructs. Through its R&D laboratory capabilities in the Bay Area and in-house process development and manufacturing infrastructure in Research Triangle Park, I believe that Kriya will be uniquely positioned to become a leader in the gene therapy field."

Another company with a focus on gene therapy that recently came out of stealth mode is Dyno Therapeutics. On Monday, the Massachusetts-based organization announced that it is now eligible for more than $2 billion in upfront payments, research support and various milestones and options fees through its research-and-development and collaboration deals.

Dyno, which launched in 2018 with approximately $9 million in financing, has a technology platform built on the intellectual property that came from the laboratory of George Church. Church, who is the Robert Winthrop Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, is a cofounder of Dyno.

At Dyno, we see a vast opportunity to expand the treatment landscape for gene therapies, said Eric D. Kelsic, co-founder and chief executive officer of Dyno. The success of gene therapy relies on the ability of vectors to safely and precisely deliver a gene to the intended target cells and tissues. Our approach addresses the major limitations of naturally occurring AAV vectors and creates optimized, disease-specific vectors for gene therapies with great curative potential. Our portfolio of R&D programs and newly-announced collaborations with leading gene therapy developers reflect the applicability of our AI-powered approach to improve treatments for patients and expand the number of treatable diseases with gene therapies.

Dyno has announced partnerships with Novartis and Sarepta Therapeutics thus far. With Sarepta, Dyno will design and discover novel AAV capsids to improve gene therapy for muscle diseases. Along with Novartis, Dyno will focus on developing improved AAV vectors for gene therapies for ocular diseases.

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Gene-Therapy Treatments for Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell to Be Featured in Online Gathering – Barron’s

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

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Cutting-edge research on rewriting the genes responsible for Tay-Sachs disease, sickle-cell anemia, and other disorders will be presented at this weeks online annual meeting of the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy. Originally planned as a Boston gathering, the scientific groups get-together became a virtual one because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

From Tuesday through Friday, academic researchers will be presenting their latest data online, along with updates from firms like Bluebird Bio (ticker: BLUE), Voyager Therapeutics (VYGR), Fate Therapeutics (FATE), Beam Therapeutics (BEAM), Axovant Gene Therapies (AXGT), and many others. Patients and their families have found their way to clinical trials through the societys website.

Bluebird plans presentations on its cell therapy against the blood cancer known as multiple myeloma. Using a technology known as CAR-T, the company creates supercharged versions of a patients immune cells that have halted disease progression in some of the 18 patients enrolled in a continuing Phase 1 trial.

Featured on Friday will be reports on the first babies treated with gene therapy for the debilitating neurodegenerative disorder Tay-Sachs. The treatment is being developed by the London-based Axovant under license from the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Voyager will discuss its preclinical mouse studies on treating neurological disorders like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Huntingtons disease by using techniques that block the rogue signals generated by defective genes.

Fate Therapuetics is scheduled to show a new off-the-shelf CAR-T technology that it hopes will allow the immune system to target a broad range of solid tumors as well as multiple myeloma. The approach is licensed from Harvard Universitys Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Beam, meanwhile, will detail success it has shown in preclinical editing of the genetic defect that causes sickle-cell anemia. The company is developing a sharper-edged way of rewriting faulty genes than the widely used Crispr technology that Beam licensed from researchers at the Broad institute of Harvard and MIT. Beam founder and Crispr pioneer Feng Zhang will give a featured lecture as part of the online meeting on Thursday.

Write to Bill Alpert at

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Gene-Therapy Treatments for Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell to Be Featured in Online Gathering - Barron's

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Japan’s health insurance to cover $1.5 million gene therapy drug – Kyodo News Plus

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

Japan's national health insurance will cover a gene therapy drug for a rare childhood genetic disorder that costs 167 million yen ($1.56 million) per treatment, making it the most expensive medication funded by the public system, government officials said Wednesday.

An advisory panel to the health minister approved provision of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis AG's drug Zolgensma for spinal amyotrophy patients under the age of 2 starting as early as May 20, the officials said.

The drug, which costs over 200 million yen in the United States, is known as the world's most expensive medication.

Supplied photo shows samples of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis AG's gene therapy drug "Zolgensma" for spinal amyotrophy patients. (Photo courtesy of Novartis)

It is a one-time therapy for the genetic disorder, which causes motor neuron loss and muscle wasting, and its coverage by insurance will offer hope for patients of the disease and their families.

With Japan's social security expenses ballooning amid the rapid aging of its population, some experts have expressed concerns over the burden on the insurance system of inclusion of the treatment. They also note that new drugs have tended to be highly expensive in recent years.

But a senior health ministry official said that given the small number of patients of the rare illness, "the fiscal impact is going to be limited."

The previous most expensive drug in Japan was Kymriah, approved last May to treat leukemia and other hematologic cancers, at 33.49 million yen.

Novartis Pharma K.K., a Tokyo-based unit of the Swiss pharmaceutical company, produces and sells both Kymriah and Zolgensma.

Spinal amyotrophy affects one or two infants out of every 100,000 and can lead to severe respiratory problems and early death. Without use of an artificial respirator, it is said that most die within 18 months.

Zolgensma will be given as a one-time infusion into the vein, which can introduce normal genes into human cells to recover motor function.

Novartis expects that the drug will be administered to about 25 patients per year in Japan, estimating annual sales of 4.2 billion yen.

Under the Japanese insurance system, out-of-pocket medical expenses for those under 2 are set at 20 percent of the total. But the real payment is minimal as the central and municipal governments cover almost all the expense under subsidy programs.

Related coverage:

Japan health insurance to cover new leukemia therapy worth 33 mil. yen

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Japan's health insurance to cover $1.5 million gene therapy drug - Kyodo News Plus

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Sarepta And Dyno Therapeutics Will Develop Next-Gen Gene Therapy Vectors – Contract Pharma

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

Sarepta Therapeutics Inc. andDyno Therapeutics Inc., have announced an agreement to develop next-generation Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) vectors for muscle diseases, using Dynos CapsidMap platform. Dynos proprietary CapsidMap platform opens up new ways to identify novel capsids the cell-targeting protein shell of viral vectors that could offer improved muscle targeting and immune-evading properties, in addition to advantages in packaging and manufacturing.Our agreement with Dyno provides us with another valuable tool to develop next-generation capsids for gene therapies to treat rare diseases, saidDoug Ingram, Sareptas president and CEO. By leveraging Dynos AI platform and Sareptas deep expertise in gene therapy development, our goal is to advance next-generation treatments with improved muscle-targeting capabilities.Under the terms of the agreement, Dyno will be responsible for the design and discovery of novel AAV capsids with improved functional properties for gene therapy and Sarepta will be responsible for conducting preclinical, clinical and commercialization activities for gene therapy product candidates using the novel capsids. If successful, Dyno could receive over$40 millionin upfront, option and license payments during the research phase of the collaboration. Additionally, if Sarepta develops and commercializes multiple candidates for multiple muscle diseases, Dyno will be eligible for additional significant future milestone payments. Dyno will also receive royalties on worldwide net sales of any commercial products developed through the collaboration.This agreement is a major step forward in our plan to realize the potential of Dynos AI platform for gene therapies to improve patient health. We are excited to work with Sarepta to create gene therapies with improved properties to address a range of muscle-related diseases, stated Dynos CEO and co-founderEric D. Kelsic, Ph.D. The success of the gene therapies developed through this collaboration with Sarepta will rely on AI-powered vectors that allow gene therapies to be safely and precisely targeted to the muscle tissue.

By designing capsids that confer improved functional properties to Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV)vectors, Dynos proprietary CapsidMap platform overcomes the limitations of todays gene therapies on the market and in development. CapsidMap uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology for the design of novel capsids, the cell-targeting protein shell of viral vectors. The CapsidMap platform applies DNA library synthesis and next-generation DNA sequencing to measureinvivogene delivery properties in high throughput. At the core of CapsidMap are advanced search algorithms leveraging machine learning and Dynos massive quantities of experimental data, that together build a comprehensive map of sequence space and thereby accelerate the discovery and optimization of synthetic AAV capsids.

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Sarepta And Dyno Therapeutics Will Develop Next-Gen Gene Therapy Vectors - Contract Pharma

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Gene therapy cuts fat and builds muscle in sedentary mice on unhealthy diets – FierceBiotech

Posted: May 13, 2020 at 8:52 pm

People who are overweight and suffering from joint pain caused by osteoarthritis are often reluctant to exercise, even though physical activity can boost muscle strength and relieve pain. A new study suggests gene therapy may someday be a good option for those peopleand it may help them shed pounds, too.

Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine gave young mice a single injection of the gene that makes follistatin, a protein that normally blocks another protein called myostatin, which modulates muscle growth. The therapy caused a significant buildup of muscle mass in the mice while also preventing obesity, the team reported in the journal Science Advances.

We've identified here a way to use gene therapy to build muscle quickly, said senior investigator Farshid Guilak, Ph.D., professor of orthopaedic surgery and director of research at Shriners Hospitals for Children St. Louis, in a statement. It had a profound effect in the mice and kept their weight in check, suggesting a similar approach may be effective against arthritis, particularly in cases of morbid obesity."

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In fact, the mice didnt just build muscle, they also nearly doubled their strength without exercising any more than they usually did. Despite being fed a high-fat diet, they had fewer metabolic issues and stronger hearts than did animals that did not receive the follistatin gene. Their joints were healthier, with less cartilage damage and inflammatory markers than their untreated counterparts, the researchers reported.

Whats more, the Washington University team discovered that the gene therapy promoted the beiging of white fat, meaning it turned some unhealthy white adipose tissue into brown fat, which positively correlates with increased triglyceride clearance, normalized glucose level, and reduced inflammation, the researchers wrote in the study. Therefore, delivering the follistatin gene could serve as a very promising approach to induce beiging of [white adipose tissue] in obesity, they wrote.

RELATED: Could gene therapy be the solution to obesity and diabetes?

This is not the first time gene therapy has been proposed as a potential treatment for obesity and other metabolic diseases. Australian researchers demonstrated that removing the gene RCAN1 from mice, for example, helped turn white fat into brown fat. And a team in South Korea used the gene editing system CRISPR to remove the FABP4 gene from mice that had been fed a high-fat diet, resulting in a 20% loss of body weight and a reduction in insulin resistance.

The Washington University teams approach is distinctive in that it focuses on building muscle. But the researchers noted theyll have to do further studies to determine whether the gene therapy has any negative effect on heart muscle. Even though heart health improved in the mice, any thickening of the hearts walls could be dangerous over time.

Still, Guilak and his colleagues believe that follistatin gene therapy could be a promising approach to treating several conditions, including muscular dystrophy and other diseases that cause muscle wasting, they said in the study.

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