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2019 Stem Cell Conference- Lung Biology, Continuing …

Posted: May 10, 2020 at 8:43 pm

July 15-18, 2019Hosted by the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

This bi-annual invitational event draws top researchers in the field, and their trainees, from around the globe. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss recent research, explore opportunities for new collaborations, and identify the most important needs and priorities for future programs in stem cell, cell therapy, and bioengineering approaches to explore lung biology and/or prevent and treat lung diseases.

Active participation by all participants is important for a conference of this size. Therefore, if you have never attended before and would like to attend without submitting an abstract, please tell us how you heard about the conference and the name of the lab with which you are associated (or simply why you would like to attend) so we can pass this information along to the course directors for their consideration. Your inquiry is welcome. Please email theconference assistant.

Oral Presentation Travel Awards will be awarded to Junior Investigators and Trainees whose abstracts are selected through a blinded review process. Each of the top nine abstracts will be selected for oral presentation to the conference. Included among these awards will be the John W. Walsh Memorial Travel Scholarship, as well as two awards for women-minority-those with disability. The oral presentation/travel awards will cover the conference fee and will provide a bursary to use toward travel and housing arrangements.

In addition to the oral awards, two additional abstracts will be awarded Poster Presentation Awards based on the presentation at the conference, and registration fees will be reimbursed.

All submissions for travel award consideration must be submitted by April 30, 2019 via an online abstract submission form.

In addition to abstracts not selected for an award, Poster Presentation consideration will be given to abstracts submitted by any registrant who submits an abstract by May 31, 2019.

For more details about submitting an abstract, see the Awards and Abstracts page.

Due to popular request, we will repeat an expanded hands-on session scheduled from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Monday, July 15, along with a new track for professional skills. The two workshop sessions will run in separate tracks and are geared primarily toward trainees and junior investigators, but all investigators are welcome to attend.

Track 1: Practical/Theoretical Course on State-of-the-Art Methods in Stem Cells, Cell Therapies and Bioengineering will explore the latest techniques for lung regenerative studies, including considerations for single-cell sequencing, 4D microscopy and virtual reality exploration of complex data sets.

Track 2: Professional Skills Course will develop scientific communication skills in the form of presentations, elevator pitches, and communicating with the public.

For more information, see our Pre-Conference Workshop page.

The 2019 conference will again feature an elevator pitch competition where interested Junior Investigators and Trainees are invited to present a one-minute synopsis of their research. This competition will be judged during Session III on Tuesday, July 16. The top two elevator pitches will receive reimbursement of conference fees. For more information, see our Elevator Pitch page.

We have discounted room rates available for conference registrants at both the Hotel Vermont and the Courtyard Burlington Harbor Hotel, near the waterfront in downtown Burlington, Vermont. Registrants for the conference should contact hotels directly or book online. Room rate discounts expire on Friday, June 14, 2019.

For hotel phone numbers and online-reservation links, see the Lodging Information page.

Cancellation Policy: If your plans change and you need to cancel your registration, please do so by contacting us in writing at least 21 days prior to the start of the meeting (by June 24, 2019). You will receive a full refund minus a $200 cancellation fee. Regrettably, cancellations received fewer than 21 days prior to the commencement of the conference are not eligible for a refund. Substitutions can be processed at no charge. Finally, if you cannot attend the entire conference for any reason, we will not be able to prorate your registration fee.

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2019 Stem Cell Conference- Lung Biology, Continuing ...

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If You Invested $10,000 in Amarin’s IPO, This Is How Much Money You’d Have Now – The Motley Fool

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

Initial public offerings, or IPOs, usually garner lots of attention. And why not? Like sports teams jockeying for top prospects on draft day, investors line up to own a piece of the company as it commences trading. The company, its employees, and existing investors clamor to see whether the stock will jump or sink, adjusting their net worths accordingly.

IPOs carry tremendous amounts of risk, and trading publicly begins a new phase in the company's life. Drug development firms add in layers of additional risk -- clinical trial efficacy and safety risks, regulatory risk such as approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and reimbursement risk. Small drug developers endure twists, turns, setbacks, and reinventions along the road to hopefully achieving success. Investors in biotech companies aim to achieve outsized returns for assuming this multitude of risks.

Image source: Getty Images.

Virtually all biotech IPOs occur while the company is still in the research and development stage. The companies go public to raise money to fund that research. Amarin (NASDAQ:AMRN) is no exception. After completing its IPO in 1993, the Amarin that investors know today is unrecognizable as the company that went public in the early 1990s.

Known as Ethical Holdings, the company started as a transdermal patch drug delivery outfit that licensed its technology to other companies. Internally, it had focused on using the patch to administer hormone replacement therapy. In 1999, Amarin sold the patch technology and acquired rights to two drugs, one marketed and one in development, for treating symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The company changed its name to Amarin with this shift in business.

With a new therapeutic focus, Amarin set off to expand its pipeline. In 2000, the company licensed a drug for Huntington's disease and other neurological conditions. This drug went on to be the main focus of the company until it failed in 2007 in two phase 3 clinical trials for the treatment of Huntington's disease. The drug performed no better than placebo against the primary and secondary endpoints. Of course, the stock dropped like a bag of bricks, losing around 75% of its value.

However, in 2004, Amarin made a savvy acquisition of private company Laxdale Limited, which gave it (among other assets) a novel lipid technology platform. This platform would eventually lead to Amarin's currently approved cardiovascular disease drug Vascepa.

Amarin's stock price today is intimately connected to the success of Vascepa, which is derived from fish oil. When the FDA approved an expanded indication for the drug last December, the stock rose. However, when a district court ruled one of Vascepa's patents invalid at the end of March, opening the way for generic competition, the stock tanked.

Investors in Amarin's IPO have little to show for themselves despite holding the stock for 27 years. According to data from YCharts, an initial $10,000 investment would be worth roughly $127 today. Ouch! That's a testament to the continuous need for capital and therefore dilution to shareholders that can happen in the long, arduous road to successfully developing a drug.

Don't get me wrong. Plenty of biotech investors have made money owning Amarin stock over the years. This is a lesson for buy-and-hold investors. As the business undergoes significant changes, as it did over the life of Amarin, investors must reassess their investment thesis and time horizon.

If investors had instead put $10,000 into the 1993 IPO for the tech company Intuit (NASDAQ:INTU), those investors would be sitting pretty. That investment would be worth approximately $1.13 million today.

Image Source: YCharts

This isn't to say tech IPOs are better than biotech ones. It simply illustrates that after 27 years of being public, companies can be deemed successful or not. Amarin has an approved drug on pace to generate hundreds of millions in revenues this year -- but the stock performance does not always correlate.

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If You Invested $10,000 in Amarin's IPO, This Is How Much Money You'd Have Now - The Motley Fool

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Coming to University and Into Their Own – NYU Washington Square News

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

Dear reader, here you will find three stories of transgender and genderqueer students from NYU. All of them embarked on separate journeys of self-discovery and self-acceptance once they found themselves in college. They faced various challenges along the way and preserved in their goal of living at their most authentic selves.

For August, attending NYU was a dream come true.

They had come out as transgender at the beginning of their high school career. NYUs location in Greenwich Village, a hub for the LGBTQ+ movement and home to the Stonewall Inn, presented an exciting experience suited for August.

New York, and NYU by proxy, associates with a queer-friendly climate. At the university, such an environment was created by the clubs and alliances run by and for LGBTQ+ students and staff members from all across the spectrum. Theres also a graduation ceremony that celebrates queer students and The Gender and Sexuality Team at the Student Health Center, helping transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals transition, explore their identities in a safer environment and live as their authentic selves.


August, now a Steinhardt graduate, turned their tassel at Yankee Stadium last May. They had spent their last four years at NYU coming into themselves as an active member of NYUs LQBTQ+ community and the president of T-Party, a safe space on campus for TGNC individuals.

August saw NYU as their excuse to get as far as physically possible from LA, where they were stuck in an inhibiting home environment with their father, an avid conservative, and their mother, misinformed on LGBTQ+ issues. But, in preparation for the cross-country move, August had a difficult promise to keep.

[My parents] said I was going to NYU if I dont medically transition, August said. My tuition was on the line. I agreed. It was either go to my dream school or not go to my dream school.

With this, August left for New York. Regardless, they were excited for a change in the environment. But they never really intended on keeping their promise to their parents. They spent their first two years getting acclimated to college life, but the promise they made weighed heavy on their mind.

My dysphoria was getting worse, and I was going into such deep depression watching all of my friends transition, August said. Just knowing that there was this thing I could be doing for myself, but there was this arbitrary reason that I couldnt.

Junior year came and August pushed their fear of backlash from their family aside, concerned more with their own happiness and decided to start medically transitioning.

In preparation to medically transition, many transgender individuals decide to take either testosterone or estrogen to develop masculine or feminine traits, respectively, a procedure known as Hormone Replacement Therapy. After completing a blood test at the Student Health Center, it was determined that they were healthy enough to get on testosterone. Hormones can be taken in a variety of ways, including applying a hormone-induced gel on your shoulder or forearm and receiving intramuscular injections. August started taking hormones at the beginning of their junior year in the form of AndroGel gel pumps.

After Augusts parents found out through an insurance company notification, they took August off their insurance plan and presented an ultimatum: If August wanted to stay at NYU, they had to stop taking hormones. August refused and, eventually, their parents agreed to keep paying their tuition if they saw a therapist in the city.

After being on testosterone for nearly two years, August decided to get top surgery, a common type of gender-confirmation surgery which involves breast removal in order to create a masculine chest. With no medical insurance from their parents, August needed alternative payment methods to cover the surgery.Luckily for them, NYUs Consolidated Health Plan partially covered it. The rest came from Augusts GoFundMe, Augusts Transition Fund. Many things changed for August since their surgery, even their relationship with their parents improved.

Things are good between me and my parents right now, I think, August said with a smile. A lot of their transphobia is seeded in fear that me being trans will hinder me in some way. Its up to them to do the work on other people instead of working on me. Working on other people being comfortable with me.

With a coffee cup in her hand, Remy Elliott looks serene. Her saturated pink lipstick seems to be exactly the right shade to match her pale purple blouse. Her mouth forms a slight smile. When she talks, her voice is soft.

Steinhardt Masters in Childhood Education student Elliott publicly came out as transgender during her senior year in college. Elliott began by coming out to her close friends only. Feeling their acceptance of her authentic identity, she made an announcement on Facebook for International Womens Day in March of 2019, hoping to reach her hometown friends, acquaintances and distant family alike.

After years and years of careful thought and reflection, Im so happy to finally announce that I am transgender! Elliotts post reads. From here on out, Ill be living my life as the woman that Ive always been! Id like to be called by my real name, Remy, and not my deadname

Coming out later in her college career bore a lot of challenges for Elliott, externally and internally. While she began mentioning her struggle with her then-cis gender identity to friends around her sophomore year, coming out more publicly took time and seeking for validation from within. Elliott was worried she wasnt transgender enough.

For a long time, I was under the impression that I was trans but will never do anything about it, Elliott said. My dysphoria wasnt so bad that I felt like I was living a lie constantly. I could kind of make it through as a man.

But the pressure grew as the end of college approached. As a senior majoring in education, she had to have a teaching placement and was assigned to teach in a New York primary school last January.

Wishing to enter her new workplace as her real self, Elliott pushed herself to make a switch from masculine to feminine pronouns.

Contributing to the difficulties was the mismatch in the way Elliott felt and the way she was perceived from the outside. For many transgender individuals, theres a distinction between coming out and socially transitioning. For some, the two go hand-in-hand. For others, the choice to do one or the other can be more nuanced, involving difficult financial decisions, possible medical roadblocks including health conditions and considerations, lack of appropriate insurance coverage or potential judgement of those closest to the person. While social transitioning usually involves a name change, after which ones birth name becomes their deadname, and a pronouns switch, medical transitioning involves a multitude of procedures, including hormone replacement therapy and top or bottom surgeries.

Even with her determination to finally come out as a trans-woman, she found it difficult to navigate the resistance in her immediate community. The closest of her friends made the switch with no issues but the majority of the community around her struggled with misgendering and deadnaming Elliott.

Once I started going full-time [as a female] it got easier for people to come to terms with, Elliott said. When I was fluid, people had a harder time wrapping their heads around it.

After coming out, I didnt start transitioning immediately, Elliott said. I kept wearing masculine clothes and went by my deadname for a while.

Later in her senior year, Elliott began experimenting with her appearance, practicing different makeup techniques she enjoyed and building a more feminine wardrobe, discovering what clothes she felt most comfortable in. Towards the end of her senior year, Elliott chose to begin HRT and started taking estrogen with the intention of feminizing her appearance further. As an NYU student, she had Comprehensive Healthcare Plan insurance through Wellfleet, which covered the cost of her HRT.

For the Transgender Day of Visibility celebrated on March 31, Somaya Gupta posted a picture of themselves ready to shave, with the shaving cream on their face and a razor in their hand.

I have a distinct memory of being a kid and watching my dad shave his face and thinking that looks so fun, I wish I could do that, Gupta wrote in the caption. But growing up as a brown girl, I quickly learned that shaving my face was not acceptable One incredible lesson Ive learned through accepting my transness is that the instincts you had as a child were usually right

Gupta, who is graduating from Steinhardt this year, identifies as genderqueer and uses any pronouns. Despite being a senior, Gupta finds themselves in the process of still figuring out the labels they feel most comfortable with and where they fall on the gender spectrum.

At some point during their first year, Gupta and their then-roommate went to a friends dorm. The friend identifies as non-binary. On their way back, Guptas roommate asked what non-binary meant and Gupta explained, ultimately wondering how people ever realized their genderqueerness.

Does anyone ever feel like their gender? Gupta asked. You just say youre a girl because you were told that, right? But she was like no, you feel like a girl and so panic ensued.

In their sophomore year, Gupta, still silently questioning themselves but leaving the thoughts about their gender identity on the backburner, joined Shades, seeking a community of LGBTQ+ people of color who could relate to and understand their intersectional experience.

Throughout their time at NYU, theyve been involved with LGBTQ+ advocacy as the president of Shades LGBTQ+ Centers club for Black queer people and queer people of color and serves as a campus ambassador for GLAAD. While advocating for others, Gupta found themselves on their own journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.

By their junior year, they had a lot of transgender and genderqueer friends, to whom they related a lot. This allowed them to begin self-discovery without the fear of losing their loved ones.

Junior year, when I came back from winter break, we had our first Shades meeting, Gupta said. We all go around and say our names and pronouns. And I said to everyone, when I usually said she and her, Im not sure so Ill just go with any pronouns. After I said that, a couple of people were like woo, thats cool!

All of Guptas friends were very supportive when they came out to them. So was Guptas older sister, who helped Gupta educate their parents about genderqueer people to avoid possible misunderstandings for whenever Gupta might choose to share their identity with the rest of their family. When they did, their parents accepted their child.

We were on vacation, I knew they would be more relaxed, Gupta laughed. I was saying how in queer spaces it was very common for people to say their pronouns and my mom said well, what pronouns do you say? I [said] yeah, Im genderqueer, and my mom was like, wow, shocker! She knew it was coming.

As a process of their coming out, Gupta began more openly expressing their queerness on social media. They started experimenting with their appearance, cutting their hair because having long hair no longer felt as though it was them. As of late, they have begun posting pictures of the way they changed thanks to the workouts they have taken on to make their body suit their mind better. But medically transitioning by going on testosterone, even though desired, feels like a risk too high to take right now. Guptas a musician and their voice might change in unpredictable ways if they were to start HRT.

So Im taking more time to think about it, what dosage I would need and finding the right doctor for my situation and stuff, Gupta said. I would look forward to being more muscular, my hips being less prominent wider face and neck! I would look forward to mostly just people looking at me and not automatically assuming Im a girl.

For each of these students, their path to becoming and presenting as themselves has been a complex one, and each of them finds themselves at a different place in their journeys.

Right now Gupta is getting ready to graduate, eagerly looking at their future and preparing new music for release. Their single Do You Ever will be available for streaming on May 15. August is currently living in New York as an openly trans person with their dog, Frank. They have fully recovered from their top surgery and model for We Speak Models. Elliott is continuing her journey with NYU as a graduate student, preparing to become an educator and feeling happy to have CHP insurance covering estrogen, which she started last spring as a part of her medical transitioning path.

Just like their transitions, the lives of August, Elliott and Gupta go on.

Correction, May 8:The last name of an individual profiled was removed upon request after publication. This article has been updated to reflect this and WSN regrets any errors.

Email Anna-Dmitry Muratova at [emailprotected] A version of this article appears in the Friday, May 8, 2020, print edition. Read more from Washington Square News While You Were Here 2020.


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Coming to University and Into Their Own - NYU Washington Square News

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025 Cole Reports – Cole of Duty

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

Research report on global Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market 2020 with industry-primary research, secondary research, product research, size, trends, and Forecast.

The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) report provides independent information about the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) industry supported by extensive research on factors such as industry segments size & trends, inhibitors, dynamics, drivers, opportunities & challenges, environment & policy, cost overview, porters five force analysis, and key companies profiles including business overview and recent development.

Download Premium Sample Copy Of This Report: Download FREE Sample PDF!

In this report, our team offers a thorough investigation of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market, SWOT examination of the most prominent players right now. Alongside an industrial chain, market measurements regarding revenue, sales, value, capacity, regional market examination, section insightful information, and market forecast are offered in the full investigation, and so forth.

Scope of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market: Products in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) classification furnish clients with assets to get ready for tests, tests, and evaluations.

Major Company Profiles Covered in This Report

Abbott Laboratories, Novartis, Pfizer, Mylan Laboratories, Merck & Co., Amgen, Novo Nordisk, Bayer, Eli Lily, Wyeth, Genentech

Table Of Content

Market Overview: Scope & Product Overview, Classification of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) by Product Category (Market Size (Sales), Market Share Comparison by Type (Product Category)), Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market by Application/End Users (Sales (Volume) and Market Share Comparison by Application), Market by Region (Market Size (Value) Comparison by Region, Status and Prospect

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market by Manufacturing Cost Analysis: Key Raw Materials Analysis, Price Trend of Key Raw Materials, Key Suppliers of Raw Materials, Market Concentration Rate of Raw Materials, Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure (Raw Materials, Labor Cost), Manufacturing Process Analysis

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Report Covers the Following Segments:

Segment by Type:


Segment by Application:

MenopauseHypothyroidismMale HypogonadismGrowth Hormone DeficiencyOthers

North America



South America

Center East and Africa

United States, Canada and Mexico

Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy

China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia

Brazil, Argentina, Colombia

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa

Key Benefits for Stakeholders

The study provides an in-depth analysis of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market size along with the current trends and future estimations to elucidate the imminent investment pockets.

Information about key drivers, restraints, and opportunities and their impact analysis on the market size is provided.

Porters five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers and suppliers operating in the portable gaming industry.

The quantitative analysis of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) industry from 2020 to 2026 is provided to determine the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) market potential.

About (Market Research Bazaar):

Market Research Bazaar (MRB)- a part of VRRB Reports LLP is an overall Market Research and consulting organization. We give unparalleled nature of offering to our clients present all around the world crosswise over industry verticals. Market Research Bazaar has aptitude in giving profound jump showcase understanding alongside advertise knowledge to our clients spread across over different endeavours.

Media Contact:

Market Research Bazaar

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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend by 2025 Cole Reports - Cole of Duty

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Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is Now Offering Virtual Appointments to Help Avoid the Spread of COVID-19 – MENAFN.COM

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

(MENAFN - GetNews)

Scottsdale, AZ - Getting medical help and attention does not have to be a stressful process. Essentially, a patient does not have to wait long hours to see a doctor for minor or major complaints and this is why the team at Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians has repackaged their medical services to offer patients the concierge and mobile medical attention that they deserve. At Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians, the doctors and primary healthcare providers come to patients wherever they may be, whether at home or work, to deliver the best quality of medical care services, all at an affordable price.

With the current global pandemic brought on by the novel coronavirus, Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is working hard to ensure that the healthcare needs of its patients are met. This major concern has led to the announcement of offering the option for virtual appointments. With the capability to do virtual appointments, patients will be offered concierge services that are in line with the recommended social distancing and self-quarantine guidelines while still being able to dispense appropriate medications as necessary.

With Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians, patients can worry less about exposing themselves to more danger and health risks while waiting at the hospital or doctor's office for their appointments. The team of mobile medical doctors are always ready and on standby to attend to patients virtually or by visiting them in the comfort of their own home.

The concierge physicians at Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians are unique in the fact that they cut out the middle man (health insurance) so that they can spend more time with YOU, the patient. They have structured their model to be able to provide the highest quality of care while still saving their patients money, whether they have insurance or not. Over 70% of their patients have health insurance and have still found that Desert Mobile Medical provides better care at a lower cost.

Did you know that 90% of health issues can be solved with Direct Primary Care? Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is Healthcare Built Around You' meaning they are convenient (since they go to your home), they are flexible (they typically accommodate for same day or next day appointments), and affordable (they take out the middleman, health insurance, to give you quality healthcare with no hidden costs or impossibly complicated invoices).

Overall one of the biggest benefits is saving on lost time. Not only the lost time of driving to the doctor's office and then waiting there for hours, but also because they give you the time needed so they can make sure you have the best care resulting in a more effective you.

Describing the personalized and unhurried care of a concierge doctor offered by the medical physicians at Desert Mobile Medical, a patient left a 5-star review for the online doctor saying, 'This is a fantastic service and I'm glad I found Dr Goel. He takes his time listening to your issue and explains what and why he is treating you the way he is. He doesn't have the typical just do as I say and all will be better' attitude. His focus on preventative care is unique, he prefers to prevent health problems from occurring rather than treat them after they happen. Being able to call, video chat or just message when you need him is the future of doctor appointments. He is quick to respond and does what he can to address your needs as quickly as he can.

Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is currently accepting new patients, as they provide a full suite of the most important mobile doctor services to support your vibrant good health, even during this challenging time, by offering the option to visit your home or perform a virtual appointment.

The concierge physician will ensure that patients, during the pandemic, are well catered to. If a patient chooses to have a mobile doctor visit their home for their appointment, prior to their visit, the doctor will maintain COVID-19 safety procedures that will ensure the continued protection of patients from the global pandemic.

Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians offers services such as: hormone replacement therapy, mobile lab tests, vaccinations, in-home medical dispensing, mobile diagnostic imaging services, direct primary care services, as well as physical and massage therapy services.

Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is headquartered at 9300 E Raintree Dr Suite 130 Suite 2, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Contact their team via phone at (480) 427-0002 or send online inquiries via email to . For additional information regarding their services, visit their website.

Media Contact Company Name: Desert Mobile Medical Contact Person: Dr. Paresh Goel Email: Send Email Phone: (480) 427-0002 Address: 9300 E Raintree Dr Suite 130 Suite 2 City: Scottsdale State: AZ Country: United States Website:


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Desert Mobile Medical | Concierge Physicians is Now Offering Virtual Appointments to Help Avoid the Spread of COVID-19 - MENAFN.COM

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The secret life of an anonymous speechwriter to the stars – The Guardian

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am

I write speeches for people who can barely read their scripts because public speaking makes them nervous (statistically, public speaking is the number one fear, worse even than death). I write for people who are so compelling and beautiful that they could recite the alphabet and get a standing ovation. I write arguments that are recited in the House and Senate, in the seats of power. My words are on television and in stadiums that hold thousands of eager listeners. Im not there at all. The speeches, toasts and rallying cries I write go further than I ever will: I may not be seen, but I am heard. The words that do not matter when I speak for myself are amplified when I put them in the mouths of others. Because as anyone knows, its not just the words that matter. Its who says them, and when, and how.

Before I started writing for reality TV stars, musicians, political leaders and lecturers, I assumed that everyone wrote their own lines. Why wouldnt I think that? A well-written speech sounds like the person whos giving it. Or at least, it sounds like the person the speaker wants you to believe they are. Now I know that I was naive to assume that any public figure, even one who is a good writer, writes their own speeches and biographies and other ephemera. Ive learned that you are probably hearing something written in the style of by a very talented mimic.

Im an excellent mimic. This makes me a good speechwriter, but when I came out as nonbinary trans, it also became a survival skill. My welfare often depends on whether the non-transgender people around me see me as fully human and that means knowing exactly what to say, when, and in what tone. I needed to sound confident but not overbearing; friendly but not obsequious. My masculine presentation had to be balanced by kindness, consideration of others, and a willingness to cede the floor. I couldnt afford to blunder through any conversation, and I approached every interaction with more awareness and intention than ever before. Honestly, I spent a lot of time thinking about what Fred Rogers would say.

The only place where I didnt need to moderate my tone, where I could speak freely, was in my addiction recovery community. Through the first, dramatic stages of my transition, when my voice broke and when I was so afraid that my anger and panic was unwelcome in the world, the friends I knew there listened to me and encouraged me to keep sharing. They understood that, for people like us, honesty is lifesaving. People who swallowed their feelings relapsed, disappeared and died. I lost many friends to overdoses and substance-related accidents and suicides, silent deaths that went unacknowledged outside of our community. I kept showing up, and I kept talking. Tears, bile, all of me was welcome.

Outside of meetings, I couldnt express myself with the same openness. Although the words I spoke didnt change, my voice and the way I sounded altered the way that others heard me. Short statements, in a deep, gruff voice, can be heard as controlling, dismissive or rude, a sign of un-self-aware male privilege. The anger that commanded respect and interest when I presented as female became a liability as my voice lowered, acquiring the tones of patriarchy. Each word carried more weight, bigger consequences than before. Id had practice writing speeches for other people. Now, I had to learn new lines that were right for my voice and the body that carried it. Once my voice hit a certain frequency, I became my own ghostwriting client: how did I want to be perceived? What character was I playing now?

I started ghostwriting at the end of Barack Obamas first term as president. His writer, Jon Favreau, wrote sonorous lines for Obama. Those wide, soft vowels became musical. Like Winston Churchills, Obamas speeches were written in psalm-form, blocks that mimic the way people speak when they are going off script. The euphony in Obamas campaign speeches, alternately fiery and soothing, changed to the melody of authority once he was in office. I listened to Obama lean on the linguistic patterns of pastors, visionaries and teachers. His speeches used simple, two-syllable words, to avoid making him seem too much like an arugula-eating liberal. They had a signature three-verse structure, with a bridge in the middle. Once Id heard this music, I couldnt un-hear it.

The first time I wrote a speech for money, I was working as a research assistant for the manager of a hedge fund in Oregon. Dave* was also a member of a secret society that met annually for a black-and-white gala dedicated to the brilliance of Winston Churchill. At this gala, he told me, everyone wore a real tuxedo, penguin-style, with tails and a top hat. They slugged gallons of Churchills favorite drink Beefeater martinis and chomped cigars. The gala was a tense time, Dave explained, because of the elaborate system of speeches. Depending on his place in the hierarchy, any one of the guests would be expected to rise and disgorge a brief, bon-motstudded toast.

At that time, my voice was much higher, smoother and sweeter. I had not started hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and I still sounded like a woman. People dont listen to womens voices; they hear women speaking, but not the words they say. Research shows that voices with higher pitches, vocal fry, feminine vocal characteristics like a lisp, and gendered vocal tics such as the repeated use of like are ignored. Over five decades, the fundamental frequency of a test group of womens voices dropped by 23Hz, which correlates with womens entry into a previously male-dominated workplace. I did not have a high voice, but it was undeniably female. I was used to being read as a woman, discounted and ignored. The idea of Dave saying my words to a group of powerful, wealthy strangers shook something loose in me.

There were two caveats: the toast had to include a quote from Churchill that had never been used before, in the hundred-year history of the club; and it had to be short. I labored over this speech, getting stuck on all of the things I would say if I were the one in the spotlight. I could only hear myself and my own opinions. A speech like that would never make it into Daves shirt pocket, much less be read at this gala. I needed to alter my voice. I spent eight hours a day listening to Dave on the phone, as he bragged about the pitchers of sangria the waitress used to bring them from the VQ Cafe, back when Dave was a big deal, when he was young, before this dotcom bullshit. I knew exactly what he sounded like and how he wanted to be heard.

I imagined him, drunk and puffy in his Churchill costume, one hand on the tablecloth next to a plus-size martini and a half-eaten slab of roast beef smeared across a china plate, listing to port as he read the remarks Id written for him. I heard his voice, the money-basted sound of arrogant privilege. I looked at the toast again, picked up my pen, and started over. I was a good listener. I nailed it.

The speech I wrote for Dave was the first of many, and it worked because I stopped trying to write a speech and started imitating the best version of Dave. I wrote a script for the character he wanted to play that night, and it worked. For the duration of my job with him, I wrote his emails, fundraising letters and other speeches. I mocked him to my friends, pitch-perfect lines that could have come right out of his mouth. I said the things he hadnt thought of yet.

For the next six years, I wrote more speeches, lectures and manuscripts, mostly for people who didnt know who I was, aside from the writer. I didnt identify my gender when I did this work. I was just a voice on the phone, transcribing our conversations into ideas and paragraphs that would move an audience to the desired result. Want a million dollars in donations? I can write a speech that will achieve that. Want to pass lifesaving legislation? I can write one for that too. Want to change the way your audience feels about love, survival, health, politics, literature, community or hope? Thats my bread and butter. Sometimes, I wrote for people whose beliefs were diametrically opposed to my own. They were not difficult to mimic. In fact, those pieces were the easiest, because I could never confuse their voices for my own.

Then I started my physical transition. Within a couple of months on testosterone, I developed the usual hoarseness as the hormones affected my vocal fold structure, tissue integrity and thickness. My voice started to drop, a second adolescence. Yet my expressions did not change. When I spoke, my cadence and word choices were still female. I wandered around my subjects and avoided direct answers or simple statements. I preferred to agree without saying yes, refuse without saying no. I wrote in my clients voices, transcribing their desires. I went to meetings and barked about the unmanageable problems in my life: cravings, friends who caught a bad batch and didnt wake up, my disintegrating relationship with my immediate family, my fear of the painkillers that came with top surgery. It was a hard time. I was grateful for any ear, any place where I could go off script.

As I became audibly and physically queer, those spaces disappeared entirely. Id been socialized as female and already knew not to be abrasive in mixed company or share my opinions; before my transition, Id had the distinct experiences of being ignored and talked over by men. However, after a while, cis women stopped hearing me too. Or they heard me but didnt listen. My voice was husky from the early months of HRT. It was weak and airy, as though I had a throat cold; it vaporized in group conversations. I coughed out an idea and watched it disappear. More than once, I shared an opinion in a group and was ignored, but I noticed that when someone else parroted what Id said, they were acknowledged. I was afraid to speak up and challenge others conditional acceptance of me. I had so few places to go where I felt safe, giving up some airtime felt like a fair trade.

I stopped making declarative statements, stopped asserting myself. I kept quiet and listened. I reasoned that my actions spoke louder than my words, and that I didnt need my opinions or feelings acknowledged in order for them to be valid. There was no point in debating with people who didnt hear me when I spoke. I could let most ideas float by, unchallenged and unexplored. They were just noise. They didnt matter.

Then, I was hired to write a piece of testimony for a client, woven together with his personal experience with recovery from addiction. I wrote the first draft straight, drawing from his notes, but I barely had to glance at them to know what I needed to say. I was listening to my own story. Like me, my client had lost friends to preventable overdoses. He, too, struggled to make his voice heard outside of the recovery community. Unlike me, he had found a way and was using his story to create real change. He had access to lawmakers: he was meeting with Congress members, pushing policy to make sure naloxone was available in every sober living home in his state. His story was powerful and it burned in my ears as I wrote it down. I believed what I was writing; I felt the message. Although I wrote in my clients distinctive voice, I knew I was also speaking for myself.

I read the speech out loud in my studio to a hanging photo of my father. I recited it in the park to a smattering of pigeons. I heard the speechs music and the deep, implacable rage underneath it. Although Id written it for my client, I heard my own voice in it. What would I say if I wasnt afraid? I wished I could stand on a stage in front of hundreds of sign-clutching protesters and demand justice, as this client would, jabbing his finger toward the sky. Our time is now. What would I say if people actually listened? I went over the speech again, fine-tuning its message. I imagined my client, one of the bravest people I knew. I wanted to give him words that would speak for him, for me, for everyone who was listening. Every syllable had to move his audience. Lives hung in the balance: if the speech failed, that was one step back. The legislation tied to it might not pass. More people would die.

When I was done, I felt like Id handed over a piece of my heart. Id never cared so much before or put all of myself on the page that way. Id given the best of myself, the self I wished others perceived.

My client delivered the speech. His legislation passed. The news wire picked up the story, amplifying his words. The ripples spread. Later that week, I watched a video of my client on the day he read his story and had the jarring experience of hearing my voice come out of someone elses mouth. From his inflections to his gestures, we could have been mirror images. The crowd roared in all the right places. They resonated with the same passion Id felt when my client first hired me to write for him: his courage, transmittable, went from him to me to the massive audience that hung on his every word.

Although Id set out to be the channel for my clients voice, I had received so much more. I felt his confidence as he spoke. Writing for him awakened my own voice. The next time I heard an acquaintance sneer about dirty addicts who were a waste of resources, I cleared my throat. The person turned to me, eyes narrowed.

Fewer than 10% of people with substance use disorder ever get help of any kind because of stigmatizing language like dirty or clean, I said. The speech Id written trickled out of my mouth. Even people with substantial periods of recovery need support for their mental health. Addiction isnt a moral failing, and its not fair to frame it that way.

To my surprise, they nodded, leaned closer. They heard me. They listened.

* Daves name has been changed.

This story originally appeared on the digital storytelling platform Narratively. Looking for more great work? Here are some suggestions:

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The secret life of an anonymous speechwriter to the stars - The Guardian

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Filsuvez Confirmed as Global Brand Name for Ap101 – GlobeNewswire

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:54 am


(Amryt or the Company)


Amryt, a global, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to commercializing and developing novel therapeutics to treat patients suffering from serious and life-threatening rare diseases, today announces that the global brand name for its lead development product AP101 will be FILSUVEZ.

Amryt announced on 23 April 2020 that the Company has completed recruitment into its Global Phase 3 clinical study (EASE) in Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) and anticipates top line data read out in late Q3 / early Q4 2020.

Establishing the brand name for AP101 is another important step forward in ensuring readiness for the global launch of FILSUVEZ.

About EB EB is a rare and distressing genetic skin disorder affecting young children and adults for which there is currently no approved treatment. FILSUVEZ has been granted Rare Pediatric Disease Designation and has also received a Fast Track Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The European and US market opportunity for EB is estimated by the Company to be in excess of $1 billion.

About FILSUVEZFILSUVEZ is a potential treatment for EB, a rare, chronic and distressing genetic skin disorder that causes the skin layers and internal body linings to separate, affecting infants, children and adults, for which there is currently no approved treatment.It is estimated that the incidence of EB is approximately 1 in 20,000, which implies that there are as many as 30,000 affected individuals in the US and over 500,000 worldwide.

In March 2017, Amryt commenced EASE, a Phase 3 prospective double-blind randomised placebo controlled efficacy and safety study of FILSUVEZ in patients with dystrophic and junctional EB. EASE is the largest ever global Phase 3 study conducted in patients with EB, operating across 55 sites in 27 countries globally. In January 2019, Amryt reported the outcome of an unblinded interim efficacy analysis, at which point an Independent Data Monitoring Committee recommended continuing the trial.

In July 2018, FILSUVEZ was granted Rare Pediatric Disease Designation by the FDA. This means that if a New Drug Application (NDA) for FILSUVEZ is approved, the Company expects to be eligible to receive a Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher that can be used, sold or transferred.

FILSUVEZ was granted Fast Track Designation by the FDA in September 2019. The Fast Track programme is designed to accelerate the development and review of products such as FILSUVEZ, which are intended to treat serious diseases and for which there is an unmet medical need. Fast Track Designation enables more frequent communication with the FDA. Amryt has received FDA agreement that FILSUVEZ can be submitted for a rolling review NDA which is planned in the coming months and will request a priority review in the US. Amryt also intends to pursue an accelerated assessment in the EU.

FILSUVEZ has been granted Orphan Drug status for the treatment of EB in the EU and the US. Should FILSUVEZ be granted approval, it should be entitled to Orphan Drug exclusivity for the treatment of EB, extending seven years in the US and ten years in the EU from the date of approval in the respective jurisdictions.

Dr Joe Wiley, CEO of Amryt Pharma, commented:Establishing FILSUVEZ as the global brand name for AP101 is another important step in our launch readiness planning for FILSUVEZ. This alongside our recent completion of recruitment into the EASE study represents further progress as we endeavour to develop a therapy for patients with EB, a rare and distressing genetic skin disorder affecting young children and adults for which there is currently no approved treatment.


Rory Nealon, CFO/COO

Shore Capital


+353 (1) 679 6363

Consilium Strategic Communications

LifeSci Advisors, LLC

About Amryt

Amryt is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and delivering innovative new treatments to help improve the lives of patients with rare and orphan diseases. Amryt comprises a strong and growing portfolio of commercial and development assets.

Amryts commercial business comprises two orphan disease products.

Juxtapid/ Lojuxta (lomitapide) is approved as an adjunct to a low-fat diet and other lipid-lowering medicinal products for adults with the rare cholesterol disorder, Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia ("HoFH") in the US, Canada, Columbia, Argentina and Japan (under the trade name Juxtapid) and in the EU (under the trade name Lojuxta). HoFH is a rare genetic disorder which impairs the body's ability to remove low density lipoprotein ("LDL") cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) from the blood, typically leading to abnormally high blood LDL cholesterol levels in the body from before birth - often ten times more than people without HoFH - and subsequent aggressive and premature cardiovascular disease.

Myalept / Myalepta (metreleptin) is approved in the US (under the trade name Myalept) as an adjunct to diet as replacement therapy to treat the complications of leptin deficiency in patients with congenital or acquired generalized lipodystrophy (GL) and in the EU (under the trade name Myalepta) for the treatment of leptin deficiency in patients with congenital or acquired GL in adults and children two years of age and above and familial or acquired partial lipodystrophy (PL) in adults and children 12 years of age and above for whom standard treatments have failed to achieve adequate metabolic control. Metreleptin is also approved for lipodystrophy in Japan. Generalised and partial lipodystrophy are rare disorders characterised by loss or lack of adipose tissue resulting in the deficiency of the hormone leptin, produced by fat cells and are associated with severe metabolic abnormalities including severe insulin resistance, diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia and fatty liver disease.

Amryt's lead development candidate, FILSUVEZ is a potential treatment for the cutaneous manifestations of Epidermolysis Bullosa ("EB"), a rare and distressing genetic skin disorder affecting young children and adults for which there is currently no approved treatment. FILSUVEZ has been granted Rare Pediatric Disease Designation and has also received a Fast Track Designation from the FDA. The European and US market opportunity for EB is estimated by the Company to be in excess of $1 billion.

In March 2018, Amryt in-licenced a pre-clinical gene-therapy platform technology, AP103, which offers a potential treatment for patients with Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, a subset of EB, and is also potentially relevant to other genetic disorders.

For more information on Amryt, including products, please

Forward-Looking StatementsStatements in this announcement with respect to Amryt's business, strategies, timing for completion of and announcing results from the EASE study, the potential impact of closing enrollment in the EASE study, as well as other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties which could cause the actual results to differ materially from such statements. Statements containing the words "expect", "anticipate", "intends", "plan", "estimate", "aim", "forecast", "project" and similar expressions (or their negative) identify certain of these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this announcement are based on numerous assumptions and Amryt's present and future business strategies and the environment in which Amryt expects to operate in the future. Forward-looking statements involve inherent known and unknown risks, uncertainties and contingencies because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future and may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or the ability to identify and consummate investments. Many of these risks and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond each of Amryt's ability to control or estimate precisely, such as future market conditions, the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, currency fluctuations, the behaviour of other market participants, the outcome of clinical trials, the actions of regulators and other factors such as Amryt's ability to obtain financing, changes in the political, social and regulatory framework in which Amryt operates or in economic, technological or consumer trends or conditions. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future results, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. No person is under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained in this announcement or to provide the recipient of it with access to any additional relevant information that may arise in connection with it. Such forward-looking statements reflect the companys current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to management.

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Filsuvez Confirmed as Global Brand Name for Ap101 - GlobeNewswire

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Microbiology and biotechnology – The Nation

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:53 am

Pakistan is caught in the midst of a pandemic. While the new tested cases and deaths are rising exponentially, the data is not conclusive. Testing through swabs and blood/faecal samples is like a drop in the ocean. Laboratories in Pakistan are under strain due to limited supply of imported testing kits and very limited capability in testing blood/faecal samples. Chinese testing kits are under criticism in Italy and Tanzania. Even in Pakistan, these kits have given varying results. It is most important that Pakistans microbiology and biotechnology laboratories take up this challenge to make simulations and predictive models.

As a developing country, Pakistan cannot afford a laid-back approach and depend on overseas research and development. Microbiology and biotechnology, as relatively new scientific disciplines, lessen the technological gap between the developed and developing world. Universities, pharmaceutical companies, laboratories and research organisations related to this subject in health and agriculture must take measures through accelerated research in health, viruses, genetics and agriculture to keep pace. The research must cover the entire biological, botanical, and RNA in humans, animals, flora and fauna. In the past twenty years, Pakistan was leading the world in the development of resistant high yield seeds, only to be deliberately pulled down from the ramp. Why cant it restart?

In early March, there was news that the Institute of Microbiology at Punjab University, Lahore had developed a very economic system of testing. The news has since died. What happened to this project; it is a case worth investigating.

On March 30, 2020, Dr Ata ur Rehman said, The Chinese strain has more potent chromosomes than the Pakistani strain of the coronavirus. He said that the revelation came during recent research carried out at the Jamil-ur-Rahman Centre for Genome Research at the University of Karachi. Even in the USA, some states are recording lesser fatalities than New York because of the preponderance of a weaker strain. As COVID-19 spreads and diversifies into more than 11 identifiable strains, the bottom line is that the virus causing fatalities in Europe and USA is a different strain from the one that emerged in Wuhan, China or even Pakistan.

NUST Islamabad flashed a ground-breaking testing research into the virus in collaboration with Wuhan Institute of Virology China, DZIF Germany, Columbia University USA and Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) Rawalpindi.

It would be wise to coordinate this research between NUST, Punjab and Karachi Universities. The run should not be for an exclusive patent but a Pakistani patent.

A Pakistani Russian scientist also claimed he had a cheap cure. This was followed by a press conference by a Pakistani Pharma Company with its own doctors offering a modified anti-viral drug and spray already in use in New Zealand and Russia. How true and how potent are the discoveries is yet to be ascertained. Has the government in limited ways tested these cures or is it dragging its feet through the maze of scientific bureaucracy, FDA approvals, WHO and CDC?

All above developments are reassuring because the future of Pakistan depends on how the country can develop its own systems. Once it comes to microbiology and biotechnology, there is a convergence. The two most critical areas are health and agriculture and Pakistani scientists are second to none.

Laboratories and universities the world over are in a race against time, identifying deadly strains that according to some experts, mutate once a month. There is a blame game converging on China. Worldwide research has so far identified eleven strains. Some scientists fear that newer evolutions could be deadlier and research must keep in pace with a broader spectrum of research in corona pandemic viruses. Wild bats are the focal point of most researches and this is where USA and China link together.

There is a competition and turf war going on between the scientific communities, state regulators, corporates and invisible bio laboratories the world over. In USA, doctors and scientists are critical of CDC, Lugar Centre, the Pentagon bio laboratory in Tbilisi Georgia, Eco Health Alliance USA and many other laboratories. This war is not only about patents and discoveries but also incriminating allegations related to biological warfare and inadequate safety precautions.

Critics cite that the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (a BSL4 bio laboratory) had received a grant of 3.7 million from USA through the Eco Health Alliance USA from 2014-2019. The research included screening wild-caught and market sampled bats from 30 or more species for corona, using molecular assays; genomic characterisation and isolation of novel CoVs; virus infection experiments across a range of cell cultures from different species and humanised mice. Peter Daszak, President of Eco Health Alliance, maintains he collected bat samples with Chinese colleagues but the Wuhan laboratory only did genetic sequencing. Scientists suspect that the viruses were stored in Tbilisi Georgia, the nerve centre of US research.

Then why does USA continue to blame China is a question that shall only be answered when more whistleblowers join the chorus. The criticism by scientific communities against their own cannot be whisked away as a conspiracy theory. Right now, it is conjecture.

Pakistan is a country with very deep-rooted international corporate interests in nearly every area of national development. These include economics, pharmaceuticals, industry, health and agriculture. Though Pakistan may be new in the field of virology, results produced by Pakistani scientists in agriculture are remarkable but sabotaged in interests of international GM and BT corporates. If past is precedent, Pakistans research in the field of health could meet the same fate.

In a recent talk show, an anchor questioned Jahangir Tareen, why he chose sugarcane instead of cotton and wheat in water-starved South Punjab. His straight response was that there had been no research in Pakistan for the past 10-20 years. Facts are contrary.

What stopped Pakistans research into high grade seeds was the overwhelming influence of Monsanto in Pakistans corridors of power. Back then, Jehanghir Tareen was advisor to Chief Minister Punjab, advocating Monsanto cotton. In a letter by Dr Zafar Altaf, the Monsanto intervention was blocked, but Federal Agriculture Minister Nazar Muhammad Gondal and Federal Secretary Agriculture continued to pursue it by discouraging Pakistani research. Monsanto BT gene was an insurance against one pest while the hybrids produced by Pakistan had three gene structures and were more resistant. Monsanto was an 11-month crop while the Pakistani hybrid was a 110-day crop and could be grown three times in a year. Americans were alarmed and sent cotton scientists to map NARC activities where the seeds were developed. This eventually led to some economic activities that sent shivers in the Pakistani cotton industry. Dr Zafar Altaf was asked to leave NARC/PARC. By 2013, he was declared an outlaw. Cotton Research in NARC/PARC was closed, Dr Zar Quraish, the scientist who developed these, retired. All serums were destroyed at the Cotton Research Institute Multan to create an open field for Monsanto.

The bottom line is that there was ground-breaking research and excellent cotton production in Sindh and the Barani areas of Punjab. Unfortunately, seed production was stopped and South Punjab became a sugarcane area. Influential and powerful lobbies within power corridors made sure that Pakistani seed production that would have revolutionised cotton production was shut down. The same fate was also met by Pakistans Canola Project, ditched in 1996. Now we depend on Monsanto seeds to grow Canola in Pakistan.

The purpose of linking virology and agriculture is to underline the fact that excellent research in Pakistan can result in zero results when confronted with powerful lobbies and elites within the system. Every Pakistani must be on guard and back the three universities working on COVID-19. Or else the results will be no different from cotton and canola.

Unlike the past, when Pakistans excellent research in biotechnology was jettisoned, Pakistan First must become the cardinal motivation for delivering results.

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Microbiology and biotechnology - The Nation

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CFIUS and Critical Technologies: Implications for the Biotechnology and Life Sciences Sector – JD Supra

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:53 am

Updated: May 25, 2018:

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CFIUS and Critical Technologies: Implications for the Biotechnology and Life Sciences Sector - JD Supra

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Airbus and Koniku Inc. team on biotechnology solutions for aviation security operations – Intelligent Aerospace

Posted: May 9, 2020 at 9:53 am

TOULOUSE, France - Airbus and Koniku Inc. have made a significant step forward in the co-development of a solution for aircraft and airport security operations, by extending research activities to include biological hazard detection capabilities, as well as chemical and explosive threats.

The disruptive biotechnology solution, which was originally focused on the contactless and automated detection, tracking and location of chemicals and explosives on-board aircraft and in airports, is now being adapted, in light of the COVID-19 crisis, to include the identification of biological hazards.

Based on the power of odor detection and quantification found in nature, the technical solution, developed to meet the rigorous operational regulatory requirements of aircraft and airport security operations, uses genetically engineered odorant receptors that produce an alarm signal when they come into contact with the molecular compounds of the hazard or threat that they have been programmed to detect.

Airbus and Koniku Inc. entered into a cooperation agreement in 2017, leveraging Airbus expertise in sensor integration and knowledge of ground and on-board security operations within the aviation and defense industries as well as Konikus biotechnology know-how for automated and scalable volatile organic compound detection (via their Konikore platform).

See the article here:
Airbus and Koniku Inc. team on biotechnology solutions for aviation security operations - Intelligent Aerospace

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