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Four UTSW Researchers Named to The National Academy of Sciences – D Magazine

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

Four UT Southwestern Medical Center scientists have been elected to the The National Academy of Sciences, one of the top honors for American scientists.

Peer scientists selected Sean Morrison, Kim Orth, Michael Rosen, and Sandra Schmid for their original research and achievements. UT Southwestern now has 25 members of the academy, the most of any institution in Texas.

Election to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences recognizes the pioneering contributions these scientists have made to advance our understanding of basic cellular function and molecular processes with application to addressing a broad spectrum of unmet medical needs including cancer and treatments for bacterial infections, said Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky, President of UT Southwestern Medical Center via release. Their election enriches the National Academy of Sciences efforts to provide data and advice on the nations most critical issues in science, health, and medicine.

Morrison is the Director of the Childrens Medical Center Research Institute (CRI) at UT Southwestern and Professor of Pediatrics and has worked in the fields of stem cell biology and cancer, and has created new methods to purify stem cells and allow them to persist and regenerate after injury. This recognizes, first and foremost, the work of many talented people over the years in my lab, most of whom have now gone on to their own laboratories at UT Southwestern and other institutions. Many of the key insights for the important discoveries that were made came from them so this really recognizes their work. Id also like to acknowledge all my colleagues, all of you at UT Southwestern and at Childrens Health, for the incredible environment that you created for science, Morrison said via release.

Orth is a Professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and has discovered biochemical mechanisms behind many bacterial infections, revealing how pathogens use host cells for their own benefit. I want to thank you all for this wonderful celebration, even though we have to Zoom . Thanks to this amazing institution, UT Southwestern, the wonderful administration including Drs. (Daniel) Podolsky and (David) Russell and the other administrators and staff. As (Chair of Molecular Biology) Eric Olson said, I have moved up the ranks here, starting as a technician, to a student, a postdoc, and now Professor, Orth said via release. And this path has driven my success. Another major key to my success is all of the talented people that have worked in my lab and my mentors, friends, collaborators, and, of course, my family.

Rosen is the Chair of Biophysics and Professor in the Cecil H. and Ida Green Comprehensive Center for Molecular, Computational, and Systems Biology, and investigates how cells compartmentalize processes without the use of membranes. When we began our work on phase separation about a decade ago, it really was not obvious at all whether this was going to be some weird, esoteric little thing that a few proteins did or (if) it was going to become a more general principle in biology. So it wasa tremendous risk that many of us took in making a move in this new direction. More than anything, I want to thank the various people whojoined me in taking this great risk a decade ago that I think has proved to be very much worthwhile, Rosen said via release.

Schmid is the Professor and Chair of Cell Biology and is recognized for her work on endocytosis, or how cells absorb nutrients and other molecules, including the major pathway for uptake within the cell. Ive been lucky to start and end my academic career at two unique institutions, Schmid said via release. As a PhD student in the early 80s, I was supported and challenged by my peers and faculty in the Biochemistry department at Stanford to ask important questions and do the most impactful research. Over decades, the leadership at UT Southwestern has inspired, supported and celebrated the very best research creating a collegial culture that breeds success.

This important recognition by their peers reflects the breadth and quality of research underway at UT Southwestern, and serves as inspiration for new generations of trainees and scientists to carry on the tradition of discovery that is the hallmark of distinguished academic medical centers, said Dr. W. P. Andrew Lee., Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost and Dean of UT Southwestern Medical School via release.

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Taking the fight to superbugs – Times Higher Education (THE)

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

Antimicrobial resistance is a global health threat that requires international collaboration between researchers from multiple disciplines

Around the world, millions of people are at risk of contracting infections and illnesses that cannot be treated becausethe causative agents superbugs are resistant to medicines. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in which bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi have developed ways to survive treatments that once killed them is a serious threat to global public health.

At the University of Bristol, researchers from numerous disciplines are working together to understand and control AMR in an effort to save lives at home and abroad. The majority of the worlds efforts to address AMR are around bacteria, says Matthew Avison, a professor of molecular bacteriology at the universitys School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. In the UK, E. coli causes more deaths than any other bacterium, he says. Over time, it has adapted and becomeresistant to the drugs that doctors had previously used to treat it.

His team investigates E. coli, among other pathogenic bacteria. But simply understanding a bacteriums structure and behaviour is not enough.

Our successes are really due to our work with other disciplines, Professor Avison says. Our discoveries, which would otherwise be fairly basic regarding the behaviour of bacteria, can be applied to useful things.

Professor Avison leads the Bristol AMR interdisciplinary research network, funded by the Wellcome Trust. At Bristol, were good at interdisciplinary work, he says. Because the geography of the university is relatively small, and were close to other departments and schools, we can physically interact with each other.

This is how he and his team came to work with a group of physicists and be instrumental in spinning out a company. There are ways you can visualise and collect data with instrumentation that we in the biological sciences arent familiar with, he says. There were physicists at Bristol, however, who were experts in optics and, through collaboration, developed a device that can visualise individual bacteria and watch them move.

This invention has important implications for testing whether bacteria are resistant to a specific antibiotic. Bacteria move differently in the presence of antibiotics, Professor Avison says. If the antibiotics are working and killing them, the bacteria eventually stop moving.

The bacteriologists supplied the physicists with antibiotics and bacteria, while the physicists provided an imaging technique not initially developed for use in the biological sciences. This technique, Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRM), is the cornerstone of Vitamica, a spin-out company specialising in rapid AMR diagnostics, and is now being trialled in hospitals, testing bacteria in patients urine. TIRM can image how the bacteria behave when in the presence of a specific antibiotic: if they do not die, then they are resistant to that drug.

The reason why its so good is that its rapid, says Profesor Avison. You put a sample in and, in less than an hour, you can tell if the antibiotic will work or not. He reiterates that it is still being trialled, but that it is a potentially very important technology in the fight against AMR.

Another vital collaboration for Professor Avison is with colleagues in veterinary science. Kristen Reyher heads the AMR Force, a research group within the Bristol Vet School that examines key topics about veterinary AMR.

In our projects, weve tried to lead with behaviour and social science, she says. We realised that you can have the best solutions and know all the technical answers, but still not be able to change the situation because you arent communicating in the right way.

One recent project spearheaded a method of farmer peer-to-peer learning, to try and change their behaviour with respect to antibiotics. As a vet, I think about disease all day, every day, Dr Reyher says. I dont think about the myriad things that farmers have to balance, but their peers do. They are the best people to listen and challenge one another to be the best stewards of these important medicines.

This awareness of context is fundamental to Bristol researchers AMR efforts. Maria Paula Escobar, another researcher at Bristol Vet School, is interested in how farmers in different countries use antibiotics and how this has an impact on AMR. She has projects in Colombia and collaborates with Dr Reyher and Professor Avison on one in Argentina.

There is a perception that countries just need more time and more money to address excessive antibiotic usage through targets, says Dr Escobar. This lacks an understanding of the different cultural contexts in which antibiotics are used. Antibiotics are not always used for the same reasons and those involved are not always veterinarians and farmers. In Europe, you cannot get hold of an antibiotic if a veterinarian has not prescribed it. That is not the case in many countries.

Bristol researchers also have AMR projects in Thailand, China, sub-Saharan Africa and more. Were not just looking at this as a UK problem, Professor Avison says. Low-income communities, particularly in developing countries, are disproportionately affected by healthcare problems, including AMR. Overcrowding and poor sanitation, for example, are driving infections, and people cant get access to new antibiotics [that would fight resistant infections] they are stuck with the old ones.

And a global problem, such as AMR, requires global collaboration. We couldnt do our work [in other countries] without great collaborations with local researchers, Professor Avison says. All of the work we do involves people going out and collecting samples from farms, from the environment, from people, which is done by researchers in those countries.

Training local researchers is part of this support, he says. These skills are becoming increasingly vital in an age of AMR a problem which will never go away entirely.

I dont think well ever solve the problem, Professor Avison concludes. Bacteria are very adaptable. They will always evolve and come back to us. That is why researchers have to be adaptable, too.

Find out more about the University of Bristol.

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Old Drugs May Find a New Purpose: Fighting the Coronavirus – The New York Times

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

In the early 1950s, psychiatrists began treating schizophrenia with a new drug called chlorpromazine. Seven decades later, the drug is still used as an anti-psychotic.

But now scientists have discovered that the drug, also known as Thorazine, can do something entirely different. It can stop the new coronavirus that causes Covid-19 from invading cells.

Driven by the pandemics spread, research teams have been screening thousands of drugs to see if they have this unexpected potential to fight the coronavirus. Theyve tested the drugs on dishes of cells, and a few dozen candidates have made the first cut.

Theyre startlingly diverse. Some, like chlorpromazine, have been used for years not for viral infections, but for conditions including cancer, allergies, arthritis, even irregular menstrual periods. Other drugs have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but they have already proven safe in clinical trials. Their track records might help them get approved faster than a drug designed from scratch.

As researchers publish findings on these promising drugs, theyre starting tests on animals and people to see how well they perform. No one should try self-medicating with any of the drugs for Covid-19, the researchers warned, since they may have dangerous side effects and have yet to be proven effective in clinical trials.

Im going to be brutally honest with you: 95 to 98 percent of these are going to fail, said Sumit K. Chanda, a virologist at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in La Jolla, Calif. But we only need one or two.

The strategy Dr. Chanda and other researchers are using is known as drug repurposing. It has a history that started decades before Covid-19 appeared. In 1987, for example, the cancer drug zidovudine became the first F.D.A.-approved drug against H.I.V.

The most obvious drugs to repurpose against the new coronavirus are those that work against other viruses. One high-profile antiviral being investigated is remdesivir, which Gilead Sciences previously tested unsuccessfully as an antiviral against Ebola.

But over the years, researchers have found some drugs that originally had nothing to do with viruses turn out to be good antivirals, too. Its just hard to tell in advance which ones have this hidden power.

We dont know a lot about why drugs do what they do, said Matthew Frieman, a virologist at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

In 2012, another coronavirus disease known as MERS emerged in the Middle East. Dr. Frieman responded by starting a drug-repurposing study. He and his colleagues tested 290 F.D.A.-approved drugs and found that 27 of them blocked the MERS virus from infecting cells. They also proved effective against the related coronavirus that causes SARS.

Dr. Frieman and his colleagues have now tested those drugs against the new coronavirus, and made a preliminary report that 17 of them showed promise. Along with chlorpromazine, they include drugs for disorders as varied as Parkinsons disease and leukemia.

Recently, Dr. Chandas team in California began a mammoth search of their own for drugs to repurpose for Covid-19. They doused infected cells with 13,000 compounds and looked for ones that slowed down the virus. They then narrowed down these candidates by reducing their doses, in order to mimic the levels that would end up in a patients lungs.

On April 17, Dr. Chandas team reported in a preprint, which has not yet been peer-reviewed by a journal, that six drugs showed particular promise, including one for osteoporosis and one thats been investigated as treatment for arthritis.

Yet another team has been trying to find drugs that work against coronavirus and also to learn why they work.

The team, led by Nevan Krogan at the University of California, San Francisco, has focused on how the new coronavirus takes over our cells at the molecular level.

The researchers determined that the virus manipulates our cells by locking onto at least 332 of our own proteins. By manipulating those proteins, the virus gets our cells to make new viruses.

Dr. Krogans team found 69 drugs that target the same proteins in our cells the virus does. They published the list in a preprint last month, suggesting that some might prove effective against Covid-19.

The researchers shipped the compounds to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York and at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Those labs tried them out on infected cells.

Brian Shoichet, a pharmaceutical chemist at U.C.S.F. who helped build the list, was keenly aware of how often drug repurposing fails.

I wasnt that hopeful at all, he said.

It turned out that most of the 69 candidates did fail. But both in Paris and New York, the researchers found that nine drugs drove the virus down.

The things were finding are 10 to a hundred times more potent than remdesivir, Dr. Krogan said. He and his colleagues published their findings Thursday in the journal Nature.

Strikingly, the drugs hit only two targets.

One group temporarily stops the creation of new proteins inside cells. This group includes molecules that are being tested as cancer drugs, such as ternatin-4 and Zotatifin.

Dr. Shoichet speculated that these compounds starve the virus of the proteins it needs to make new copies of itself. This attack may suddenly halt the viral production line.

Viruses are actually delicate beasts, he said.

The other compounds home in on a pair of proteins known as Sigma-1 and Sigma-2 receptors. These receptors are part of the cells communication network, helping the cell withstand stress in its environment.

Why does the new coronavirus need to manipulate Sigma receptors? We dont really know, Dr. Shoichet said.

One possibility is that the virus uses Sigma receptors to make a cell produce more of the oily molecules that form membranes for new viruses.

Among the substances that act on Sigma receptors and block the virus, the researchers found, are the hormone progesterone and the drugs clemastine and cloperastine, both used against allergies.

In addition, Dr. Krogan said that all of Dr. Friemans candidates, including chlorpromazine, target Sigma receptors. A third of Dr. Chandas candidates do too, he said.

The researchers also tested dextromethorphan, a Sigma-receptor-targeting drug in many brands of cough syrup. They were surprised to find that, at least in their cell samples, it actually made infections of this coronavirus worse.

In their paper, the researchers raised the possibility that Covid-19 patients may want to avoid dextromethorphan. Dr. Krogan emphasized that more study would be needed to see if it actually increases coronavirus infection in humans. But if it was me, he said, to be cautious, I would not be taking these cough syrups.

The anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine act on the Sigma receptor. Dr. Krogans team found that they also fought the virus in cells. Those compounds were extolled by President Trump for weeks despite no firm evidence they actually helped cure Covid-19.

Dr. Frieman and Dr. Chanda also found that chloroquine-related drugs worked fairly well in slowing the virus in cell cultures. But Dr. Chanda found they didnt work as well as the six compounds at the top of his list.

Dr. Chanda expressed skepticism about the chloroquine drugs, noting their failure against other viruses.

Weve been down this road multiple times, he said. I would happy to be wrong about this.

Last week, the F.D.A. issued a warning against using hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for Covid-19 outside the hospital setting or a clinical trial. Thats because the drug has a well-known risk for causing irregular heart rhythms.

In their new study, Dr. Krogan and his colleagues ran an experiment that might explain this risk at the molecular level.

They found that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine bind not just to Sigma receptors, but to a heart protein called hERG, which helps control heartbeats.

I think its a rational argument, said Dr. Frieman, who was not involved in the Nature study. Chloroquine does a lot of things in the cell.

Dr. Krogan and his colleagues found that other compounds target Sigma proteins in a more promising way.

An experimental anticancer compound called PB28 is 20 times more potent than hydroxychloroquine against the coronavirus, for example. But its far less likely to grab onto the hERG protein.

Dr. Chanda said that PB28 in particular looks really fantastic.

Dr. Krogan said that studies are underway to test the drug in hamsters to see if that promise holds. Dr. Frieman and his colleagues are starting animal studies of their own, as well as testing drugs on a chip lined with human lung cells.

Timothy Sheahan, a virologist at the University of North Carolina who was not involved in the new studies cautioned that it will take more testing to make sure these promising drugs are safe to give to patients ravaged by Covid-19.

Cancer drugs, for example, can be like a sledgehammer to your body, he noted. Are you going to want to do that when someone is really sick?

In addition to animal tests and clinical trials, researchers are now planning to tweak the structure of these drugs to see if they can work even more effectively against the virus.

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Premier League stars with coronavirus symptoms to have lung and heart tests before return – Mirror Online

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

Premier League players who have suffered COVID-19 symptoms will undergo additional testing for potential lung and heart problems as part of the return-to-play protocol.

Top-flight teams will discuss on Friday the detailed proposals to allow a phased return to small group sessions and then normal squad training before a proposed June restart.

The new rules include players needing to wear face masks or snoods in training and all footballs to be disinfected.

But before this Training Return Date, all clubs must undertake a risk assessment of every player for potential respiratory and/or cardiac complications associated with COVID-19.

For players who are suspected or confirmed sufferers, the preferred testing will see doctors in PPE carrying out blood tests and ECG (electrocardiogram) scans.

The protocol states: All exercise will be stopped until blood results have returned to normal, which may take weeks or months as ongoing elevated blood results may indicate ongoing inflammation and as such risk of sudden arrhythmic death.

Ian Hall, Professor of Molecular Medicine at Nottingham University, said: Groups of individuals, including footballers, who have had COVID19 will include many who had disease which was very mild, with minimal symptoms, and a small number who had more severe disease, potentially resulting in a hospital admission with viral pneumonia.

In general, disease has been more severe in patients who are elderly and have other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease or chronic lung disease.

"One would therefore expect most premier league footballers who had COVID19 to have had mild forms of the disease.

"I would predict most footballers will not have long term complications if they have had COVID19, but there may be a small number who have some reduction in physical fitness due to having had more severe disease.

"So monitoring simple indicators such as lung function and cardiac function would make sense.

Premier league footballers obviously require high levels of overall fitness, so even a small reduction in lung or heart function could have significant effects on performance.

All players and staff will have to undergo COVID-19 tests at the Premier League's expense within 48 hours of returning to group sessions at the training ground.

Any positive tests will see individuals isolated for seven days before a re-test.

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Blue Earth Diagnostics CEO Jonathan Allis Appointed Chair of UK Rapid Testing Consortium (UK-RTC) for COVID-19 by UK Department of Health and Social…

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

OXFORD, England & BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Blue Earth Diagnostics, a Bracco company focused on molecular imaging diagnostics, today announced that its CEO, Dr Jonathan Allis, has been appointed as Chair of the UK Rapid Testing Consortium (UK-RTC) for COVID-19 by the UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The UK-RTC has been formed to draw upon the expertise and resources of the UKs life sciences industries in a combined effort to design and develop a home use antibody test to determine whether people have developed antibodies (and perhaps, potential immunity) after contracting and recovering from COVID-19. It combines the science of Oxford University with the development and manufacturing skills of four UK diagnostic companies: Abingdon Health in England, BBI Solutions in Wales, Omega Diagnostics in Scotland and CIGA Healthcare in Northern Ireland. In his role as Chair of the UK-RTC, Dr Allis will serve as an independent liaison between the participating diagnostic companies and the government. The part-time engagement is of a limited duration, during which time Dr Allis will retain his responsibilities as CEO of Blue Earth Diagnostics. The UK-RTC Chair is independent of the diagnostic companies involved, and Blue Earth Diagnostics is not otherwise engaged in this initiative.

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Jonathan Allis, CEO of Blue Earth Diagnostics (Photo: Business Wire)

When the DHSC invited me to chair a consortium to develop a COVID-19 antibody test based on new technology developed at Oxford University, and in light of the urgency of the COVID-19 health crisis worldwide, I felt it was my absolute duty to say yes, said Jonathan Allis, D. Phil, CEO of Blue Earth Diagnostics. Testing for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (antigen testing) and immune response after COVID-19 (antibody testing) is possible in large hospital and public and private labs now, but what we really need is a home test (somewhat similar to a home pregnancy test), which can be used to test the whole population. This would help us understand how much of the population has been exposed to the virus and help determine plans for people getting back to work.

Dr Allis continued, Medical diagnostics are critical to informing proper care and treatment for patients, and I feel honoured that my industry experience in the rapid development of healthcare diagnostics may be of value in this effort.

This is a great story of how our manufacturers in the UK are stepping up to the challenge of COVID-19, and I am hopeful that this product will make an impact in our battle against this terrible disease," said Lord Bethell, Health Minister for Innovation and Testing. This is a big step in the right direction. People want to know if theyve had the disease, with a test they can trust.

Jonathan Allis is the founding CEO of Blue Earth Diagnostics. Prior to this role, Dr Allis was the General Manager for PET at GE Healthcare Life Sciences, and had global responsibility for GE Healthcares PET agent and PET synthesis platforms business. He has previously held positions in R&D, Marketing and Product Development at GE Healthcare, Amersham plc, Siemens Medical Solutions and Oxford Magnet Technology, in the UK, USA and Germany.

Dr Allis is Non-Executive Chairman of Polarean Imaging plc and previously served as Co-Chair of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imagings Industry Value Initiative. He has an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Cape Town and a doctorate in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford.

About Blue Earth Diagnostics

Blue Earth Diagnostics is a leading molecular imaging diagnostics company focused on the development and commercialization of novel PET imaging agents to inform clinical management and guide care for cancer patients in areas of unmet medical need. Formed in 2014, Blue Earth Diagnostics is led by recognized experts in the clinical development and commercialization of innovative nuclear medicine products. The companys first approved and commercially available product is Axumin (fluciclovine F 18), a novel molecular imaging agent approved in the United States and European Union for use in PET imaging to detect and localize prostate cancer in men with a diagnosis of biochemical recurrence. Fluciclovine F 18 has a broad range of other potential applications in cancer imaging and Blue Earth Diagnostics is investigating the molecule for other cancers including in neuro-oncology. The company's pipeline includes innovative Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA)-targeted radiohybrid ("rh") agents, which are a clinical-stage, investigational class of theranostic compounds, with potential applications in both the imaging and treatment of prostate cancer. Blue Earth Diagnostics is a subsidiary of Bracco Imaging S.p.A., a global leader in diagnostic imaging. For more information, visit:

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Blue Earth Diagnostics CEO Jonathan Allis Appointed Chair of UK Rapid Testing Consortium (UK-RTC) for COVID-19 by UK Department of Health and Social...

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CU Anschutz Researchers Win Grant to Study Covid-19 Effects on Heart – CU Anschutz Today

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

A team of CU Anschutz researchers, along with scientists at the Cleveland Clinic, the Mayo Clinic, Stanford University and others, have won a grant from the American Heart Association (AHA) to investigate the effects of Covid-19 on the bodys cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.

The Covid-19 and Its Cardiovascular Impact Rapid Response Grant received over 750 proposals from institutions around the nation, one of the largest responses the AHA ever had to a single topic request for applications. The association awarded $1.2 million to teams at 12 of those institutions, including CU Anschutz.

Despite extensive evidence of clinically important cardiac involvement in some Covid-19 patients, virtually nothing is known about how the virus is affecting the heart and why patients with a history of heart problems are more at risk, said Michael Bristow, MD, PhD, professor of cardiology and leader of the team from the CU School of Medicine. We dont even know if the virus can directly infect heart muscle cells.

But based on work done in his lab over the last 15 years, Bristow and his team know that the receptor the Covid-19 virus binds to is increased in abnormal heart muscle and other mechanisms may be responsible for patients with histories of heart problems being more susceptible to the cardiac effects of Covid.

In this study of Covid-19 patients with evidence of cardiac involvement with catheters, well be taking samples of the heart muscle, measuring the amount as well as the cell-localization of the virus, Bristow said. Well then investigate how the virus is altering the hearts histologic and molecular makeup. Hopefully, these findings will set the stage for more specific treatment of cardiac involvement in COVID-19 disease.

The other team members include: Natasha Altman, MD, Cardiology; John Messenger, MD, Cardiology; Edward Gill, MD, Cardiology; Thomas Campbell, MD, Infectious Diseases and Amber Berning, MD, Pathology.

The Cleveland Clinic will serve as the initiatives COVID-19 Coordinating Center. A team from this center will collect results from the research projects and coordinate the dissemination of all study findings.

Several of these studies focus on disparity and underserved populations and many with pre-existing conditions and thats critical because were seeing these people coming in sicker and getting sicker faster from the complications of COVID-19 and we need to understand whats causing that and how we can help them, said American Heart Association president Robert A. Harrington, M.D., FAHA, Arthur L. Bloomfield Professor of Medicine and chair of the department of medicine at Stanford University.

The research projects are considered fast-tracked to report results as quickly as possible to address the COVID-19 crisis. Research will get underway as early as June 1, with findings expected in less than six to nine months for most of the studies. Several researchers aim to have actionable outcomes before a new anticipated wave of COVID-19 strikes in the winter.

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Genespire Secures 16 Million Series A Financing from Sofinnova Partners to Advance Transformative Gene Therapies – Yahoo Finance

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:43 am

Biotech executive, Julia Berretta, Ph.D., is named Chief Executive Officer

Genespire, a biotechnology company focused on the development of transformative gene therapies for patients affected by genetic diseases, announced today the successful close of a 16M Series A financing from Sofinnova Partners, a leading European life sciences venture capital firm based in Paris, London and Milan. The company also announced the appointment of Julia Berretta, Ph.D., as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors. Graziano Seghezzi, Managing Partner at Sofinnova Partners, and Lucia Faccio, Ph.D., Partner at Sofinnova Partners, will also join the Board.

Genespire was founded in March 2020 as a spin-off of the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), one of the worlds leading cell and gene therapy research institutes spearheaded by gene therapy pioneer Prof. Luigi Naldini. The Company was co-founded by Fondazione Telethon and the San Raffaele Hospital, along with Prof. Naldini and Dr. Alessio Cantore.

The funds will be used to advance Genespires leading-edge platform technologies towards the development of novel gene therapies in two main areas: primary immunodeficiencies and metabolic genetic diseases.

"Our mission has always been to develop breakthrough solutions for genetic diseases," said Prof. Naldini, Genespires co-founder and Director of SR-Tiget. "This financing enables the company to translate our innovative science and early stage programs into clinical development. The appointment of Dr. Berretta as CEO is a major reinforcement of our team."

Sofinnova Partners Dr. Faccio added, "Genespire is an exciting investment with all the key ingredients for success: Outstanding scientists that developed the first ex-vivo gene therapy to market, experienced executives brought in through Sofinnova Partners network and game changing technologies that have the potential to impact the lives of patients with genetic diseases."

"I am thrilled to be joining Genespire and such exceptional scientific founders," said Dr. Berretta. "Genespire was born of decades of experience in the gene therapy field, and is optimally positioned to advance transformative therapies for patients affected by severe inherited diseases."

Dr. Berretta was part of the Executive Committee of Cellectis S.A., a Nasdaq-listed clinical stage gene editing company developing CAR-T cell therapies for cancer, where she led business development as well as strategic planning. She is also an independent Board member of Treefrog Therapeutics, an innovative stem cell company.

About Genespire

Genespire is a biotechnology company focused on the development of transformative gene therapies for patients affected by genetic diseases, particularly primary immunodeficiencies and inherited metabolic diseases. Based in Milan, Italy, Genespire was founded in March 2020 by the gene therapy pioneer Prof. Luigi Naldini, Dr. Alessio Cantore, Fondazione Telethon and Ospedale San Raffaele. It is a spin-off of SR-Tiget, a world leading cell and gene therapy research institute and is backed by Sofinnova Partners.

About Sofinnova Partners

Sofinnova Partners is a leading European venture capital firm specialized in Life Sciences. Based in Paris, France, with offices in London and Milan, the firm brings together a team of 40 professionals from all over Europe, the U.S. and Asia. The firm focuses on paradigm-shifting technologies alongside visionary entrepreneurs. Sofinnova Partners invests across the Life Sciences value chain as a lead or cornerstone investor, from very early-stage opportunities to late-stage/public companies. It has backed nearly 500 companies over more than 48 years, creating market leaders around the globe. Today, Sofinnova Partners has over 2 billion under management.

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About Fondazione Telethon

Fondazione Telethon is a non-profit organisation created in 1990 as a response to the appeals of a patient association group of stakeholders, who saw scientific research as the only real opportunity to effectively fight genetic diseases. Thanks to the funds raised through the television marathon, along with other initiatives and a network of partners and volunteers, Telethon finances the best scientific research on rare genetic diseases, evaluated and selected by independent internationally renowned experts, with the ultimate objective of making the treatments developed available to everyone who needs them. Throughout its 30 years of activity, Fondazione Telethon has invested more than 528 million in funding more than 2.630 projects to study more than 570 diseases, involving over 1.600 scientists. Fondazione Telethon has made a significant contribution to the worldwide advancement of knowledge regarding rare genetic diseases and of academic research and drug development with a view to developing treatments. For more information, please visit:

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About Ospedale San Raffaele

Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR) is a clinical-research-university hospital established in 1971 to provide international-level specialised care for the most complex and difficult health conditions. OSR is part of Gruppo San Donato, the leading hospital group in Italy. The hospital is a multi-specialty center with over 60 clinical specialties; it is accredited by the Italian National Health System to provide care to both public and private, national and international patients. Research at OSR focuses on integrating basic, translational and clinical activities to provide the most advanced care to our patients. The institute is recognized as a global authority in molecular medicine and gene therapy, and is at the forefront of research in many other fields. Ospedale San Raffaele is a first-class institute which treats many diseases and stands out for the deep interaction between clinical and scientific area. This makes the transfer of scientific results from the laboratories to the patients bed easier. Its mission is to improve knowledge of diseases, identify new therapies and encourage young scientists and doctor to grow professionally. For more information, please visit:

About the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget)

Based in Milan, Italy, the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) is a joint venture between the Ospedale San Raffaele and Fondazione Telethon. SR-Tiget was established in 1995 to perform research on gene transfer and cell transplantation and translate its results into clinical applications of gene and cell therapies for different genetic diseases.

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Molecular Genetics – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:41 am

Wayne W. Grody, Joshua L. Deignan, in Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, 2013

This article is a revision of the previous edition article by Wayne W Grody, volume 1, pp 601626, 2007, Elsevier Ltd.

Molecular genetic testing has a unique range of indications, most of which are quite different from the uses of traditional clinical laboratory testing and even molecular biologic testing in other disease classes (e.g. infectious disease, cancer). The technical approaches as well as the psychosocial and ethical implications of molecular genetic tests may vary substantially depending on the reason for testing (e.g. diagnostic, carrier screening). Just as many of the applications are unique, so too the types of patient samples collected for molecular genetic testing may be different from those obtained for other types of clinical laboratory testing. In addition, the choice of technique will depend on the nature of the disease gene being studied (especially its size and mutational heterogeneity), the purpose of the test, and to some extent the condition of the specimen, and examples of specific conditions are discussed. Finally, high complexity laboratories performing molecular genetic testing need to be aware of the specific regulatory considerations involved.

Molecular Genetics - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

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Podcast: Twisted historyThe true story of how the DNA double helix was discovered – Genetic Literacy Project

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:41 am

History is written by the victors. Its a quote often attributed to Winston Churchill, and its certainly true of many discoveries in science, where being the first to publish a major finding is enough to secure your name in the history books (or at least in the science textbooks)

The book, The Double Helix, is a dramatic tale of how American geneticist James Watson and British molecular biologist Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA back in the early 1950s. Of course, being written by Watson himself, its no surprise that hes the dashing hero of the story.

Big names like Watson and Crick take much of the glory for the discovery of the structure of DNA, while others like Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and Ray Gosling are increasingly recognized for their contributions. But there are still many others whose work contributed to our understanding of the structure and function of DNA, such as Johannes Friedrich Miescher, Fred Griffith, Oswald Avery, Rudolf Signer and Elwyn Beighton.

In this episode of Genetics Unzipped, geneticist Kat Arney talks with Gareth Williams, professor emeritus at the University of Bristol and author of Unravelling the Double Helix: The Lost Heroes of DNA, to explore some of the lesser-known stories and names behind the discovery of the structure and function of DNA.

Full transcript, links and references available online

Genetics Unzippedis the podcast from the UKGenetics Society,presented by award-winning science communicator and biologistKat Arneyand produced byFirst Create the Media.Follow Kat on Twitter@Kat_Arney,Genetics Unzipped@geneticsunzip,and the Genetics Society at@GenSocUK

Listen to Genetics Unzipped onApple Podcasts(iTunes)Google Play,Spotify,orwherever you get your podcasts

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Podcast: Twisted historyThe true story of how the DNA double helix was discovered - Genetic Literacy Project

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Avatar IRL? Scientists have cracked the code to bioengineering plants that glow – Digital Trends

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:41 am

In Avatar, James Camerons 2009 science-fiction epic, the resource-rich world of Pandora is covered in tropical rainforests, all glowing with luscious phosphorescence like some kind of underwater paradise. According to a Wired article published at the time of the movies release, Cameron hired a plant sciences specialist from the University of California, Riverside. The specialist spent weeks writing detailed scientific explanations for the dozens of flora on Pandora, explaining exactly how their alien bioluminescence works. After all, no such thing exists on our planet. Right?

Hold that thought. Because a team of international researchers this month announced that they have created plants that produce a visible, glowing green luminescence. The results could potentially be used for everything from better studying the inner workings of plants to producing aesthetically interesting flower displays for rave-inspired weddings. Its probably too early to write to your city council to suggest swapping out street lighting for glowing trees, but its not entirely out of the question either!

There are many possible applications of this technology, Keith Wood, CEO of Light Bio, the company that could one day bring this work to market, told Digital Trends. Most notably [it could] allow scientists to observe the living processes occurring within plants, and to allow the general public to experience the internal living energy within [these same] plants. Specifically, we are referring to the possibility of house plants and flowers that glow in the dark.

The light-emitting plants were developed by inserting bioluminescent DNA from a mushroom into a tobacco plant. Tobacco plants were used because of their simple genetics and rapid growth, although other plants could be utilized in the future. Feasibility has already been shown with plants including periwinkle, petunia, and rose. Plants that contain the mushroom DNA glow continuously throughout their lifespan (not just at night), all the way from seedling through to mature plant.

The project was carried out by researchers at Moscow biotech company Planta, working with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, and others. Light Bio is the company spun out to bring these luminescent plants to market in ornamental house plants, in partnership with Planta.

Bioluminescence is one of the most fascinating and diverse phenomena found in nature, Wood explained. Many scientists worldwide are working to better understand the underlying foundations for these living lights. They also recognize that these have many practical and aesthetic applications.

The work was led by Dr. Ilia Yampolsky, who discovered the biochemical basis for bioluminescence in mushrooms. The unique insight was not just discovering the natural bioluminescence found in some mushrooms, but also that it was unexpectedly compatible with the basic metabolism common to all plants. Through collaboration, the researchers formulated their hypothesis that glowing plants may be a real feasible possibility.

This is not the first time that researchers have explored bioluminescence in plants. In 1985, Light Bios founder Wood was harnessing the underlying chemistry and molecular biology responsible for the fireflys glow to create glowing plants (again, of the tobacco variety) by inserting the relevant DNA. Since then, researchers have continued to explore the concept every few years. In 2017, for instance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers were able to get an otherwise ordinary watercress plant to emit a dim light for a period of 3.5 hours by embedding specialized nanoparticles into its leaves.

The problem with all of these attempts? That the resulting plants simply were not that bright. This is what the new work, published in a recent paper in the journal Nature Biotechnology corrects. As its authors write:

Autoluminescent plants engineered to express a bacterial bioluminescence gene cluster in plastids have not been widely adopted because of low light output. We engineered tobacco plants with a fungal bioluminescence system that converts caffeic acid (present in all plants) into luciferin and report self-sustained luminescence that is visible to the naked eye. Our findings could underpin development of a suite of imaging tools for plants.

According to the researchers, the plants can reportedly produce more than a billion photons per minute. Thats enough that the results should be clearly visible. And it should be entirely possible to use the same technique to make future plants glow even brighter. It might even be feasible to integrate features like changing levels of brightness as a direct response to a plants surroundings. Or for the colors to cycle accordingly.

Smart home lights that change their brightness or hue depending on what youre doing are commonplace now. But a plant that does the same thing? Thats sure to start a conversation or two at your next house party. (When such things are once again possible.) Where do we place our pre-orders?

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Avatar IRL? Scientists have cracked the code to bioengineering plants that glow - Digital Trends

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