Joint venture between Universal Health and Knightsbridge Group
In a joint venture to be announced later today Universal Health and Knightsbridge Group will launch a New Biotech, the 1st product, an Immune System Booster program is already on sale in Australia.
Coronavirus has forced changes on all levels of society, and shown how being able to ship goods and people around the world in 24 hours helps viruses spread.
The creation and maintenance of a healthy individual and a healthy environment has become increasingly important in the modern world.
Unihealth are researching and developing products and services with a focus on Anti-Viral individual patient care as well as technologies that provide healthier indoor environments.
When you look back into the history of humanity, our whole approach to emerging viral threats has been to wait and react, we are taking a proactive approach in working on technologies that reduce the ability of a Virus to survive in the environments we interact with and there ability to spread outside the body.
For the individual not only are we researching treatments but we also have a range of products designed to keep people in optimum health and reduce their susceptibility to Viral infections.
Unihealth is an Integrative Biotech Joint Venture between Universal Health and the Knightsbridge Group.
The 30 day supply of Immune Boost Supplements will assist and enhance your general immunity.
This will optimize your Immune System function.
Supplements Enclosed
C-Max 1 level teaspoon twice daily Vitamin C supports the immune system by aiding white blood cells activity and antibody response.
BicoZn 1 capsule twice daily Zinc is an immune supportive antioxidant and assists in reducing free radical damage in the body.
Lactoferrin Enhanced 1 capsule twice daily Glycoprotein with an antimicrobial and anti-viral influence safeguarding against a range of pathogens.
BioTress 1 capsule twice daily Vitamin B Complex supports the bodys immune and nervous system whilst enhancing energy levels.
1. Eat Well & Re-hydrate Give your body the essential materials it needs by eating well and consuming plenty of water.
2. Kick the Habit Moderate your alcohol in- take, quit smoking and other recreational drugs and maintain a healthy weight.
3. Sleep A restful nights sleep gives your body the opportunity to rejuvenate.
4. Emotional Stress Try to embrace each day and minimise the emotional impacts by learning to forgive and forget.
5. Embrace the Spiritual Take comfort in your higher power. Have faith, healing can take time.
6. Exercise Regularly Moderate exercise such as walking and gentle stretching will enhance the healing process and reduce the impact of stress.
7. Seek Advice Understanding your health issues and following our recommendations will enable us to work together in creating lasting improvements to your health and well being.
Lots of vegetables Pluses, Beans & Lentils Fruit
2 pieces a day Seafood Poultry
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Eggs Brown & Wild Rice Amaranth Oats (Wheat free Red Mills brand) Quinoa Buckwheat Corn Flour Corn Pasta, Vegetable Pasta Corn/Rice Crackers Rice Noodles Gluten & Yeast Free Breads Almond Milk, Almond Meal Rice Milk Coconut Milk Goats Milk, Cheese, Yogurt Sheeps Milk, Cheese, Yogurt
10 15 glasses water daily
N.B. Avoid Known Allergies
Sugar/Artificial Sweeteners Alcohol Yeast Wheat and Gluten Products (Bread, Pasta) Mushrooms Pickles Vinegar (Balsamic, White Wine) Soy Sauce Miso Processed Food (Frozen/canned Meals) Refined Starch (Biscuits, Sweets) Red Meat Caffeine (Coffee, Tea, Cola, Chocolate) Fried Food Dairy Products (Cows Products) Soy Products (Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Tofu, Noodles) Tomatoes (Especially ripe)
Vitamin C and its role in Immunity
Zinc and its role in Immunity
Lactoferrin and its role in Immunity (Anti-Viral activity)
Vitamin B and its role in Immunity
Universal Health is an Integrative & Functional Medicine Clinic. We have the philosophy of using evidence based complementary medicine and therapies with a focus on the whole person approach and individual patient care. Our practitioners are Integrated Physicians with over 45 years of expertise.
There is a wide range of disciplines at Universal Health. The combination of old and new, conventional and complementary, healthcare to maximise the natural healing of the body is what we offer at Universal Health.
Your Integrative Clinician looks for the cause of illness rather than treating the effect or symptoms, thus treating the whole person. Our treatment incorporates physical, chemical and emotional factors, conducted in an environment which encourages trust, development, achievement and harmony.
The whole is more than the sum of its parts-Aristotle.
Integrative & Functional Medicine combines the best available in Health Care to obtain optimum results by maximizing the bodys natural healing mechanisms.
Via the fusion of the best in conventional western medicine, evidence-based complementary medicine and other therapies within current mainstream health practice, Integrative & Functional Medicine Medicine aims in restoring, sustaining and advancing ones health. We take into account all aspects of the patients wellbeing with specific emphasis given to the patients physical, chemical and emotional spheres. Integrative & Functional Medicine models are individualised patient-centred science-based approach to empower the patient and practitioners to collaborate together and address underlying causes and not just focus on the symptoms. Integrative & Functional Medicine focus is always to apply the most suitable, safe and evidence based treatments currently available. These include but not limited to: Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Naturopathy.
Currently worldwide research is being carried out to explore the potential benefits of Integrative Health in pain management, relief of symptoms in acute /chronic suffering patients and programs to promote healthy lifestyle.
Integrative & Functional medicine is not the same as alternative medicine, which refers to an approach of healing that is utilised in place of conventional therapies. Integrative medicine refers to using healing modalities that complement allopathic approaches. Health Care can be Integrative regardless of which modality is used. Strategies are used to consider the patients unique conditions, needs and circumstances; using the most appropriate evidenced based interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to rectify illness and disease whilst assisting the patient in regaining and maintaining optimum health.
Natural Products such as probiotics, vitamins, minerals and herbs are also utilised in Integrative & Functional Medicine to assist in the process of attaining and maintaining optimum health.
The defining principals include but not limited to:
In addition to addressing the immediate health problem(s) as well as the deeper causes of the disease or illness, Integrative & Functional Medicine strategies also focus on the prevention and foster the development of healthy behaviours and skills for effective self-care the patients can apply throughout their lives. Ultimately making patients independent rather than co-dependant on care the rest of their lives.
coronavirus, Covid
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Universal Health and Knightsbridge Group Launch Immune Response Kit - Live Trading News