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Coriell Institute for Medical Research Awarded $8.6 Million Biobanking Contract from National Institute on Aging – Newswise

Posted: March 18, 2020 at 9:42 pm

Newswise The National Institute on Aging (NIA) has extended its biobanking contract with the Coriell Institute for Medical Research for an additional five years.

The newly awarded $8.6 million funding keeps Coriell in place as the trusted steward of this collection and includes the addition of new innovative products to expand the collection. The NIA Aging Cell Repository was established at Coriell in 1974 and Coriell has continuously managed this unique resource ever since.

Coriells relationship with the NIA is among its oldest and most treasured, said Nahid Turan, Coriell's Chief Biobanking Officer. We at Coriell are committed to ensuring the success of this phenomenal collection of aging-related biospecimens, and we are thrilled at the opportunity to continue this important collaboration with NIA.

The NIA Aging Cell Repository contains a collection of high quality, well characterized human and animal cell line and DNA samples, representing aged human populations, age-related diseases, and animal models of aging and has seen significant changes in the last decade.

One major focus of the collection is now to generate valuable induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, which can be used to model aging and perform disease in a dish experiments. These stem cells are created from skin or blood cells in the NIA collection, which were reverted into a stem cell state. From there, these cells can be coaxed into becoming nearly any other cell type in the body, including neuronal or nerve cells. Seven of these important iPSC lines have been added to the collection in the last three years, representing age related neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimers disease as well as rare genetic diseases like Progeria and Werner Syndrome.

Late last year, the Repository also added more than 350 new cell lines collected from participants in a long-term study of aging known as The 90+ Study. Participants in this study all aged 90 years or older donated their DNA and agreed to answer questions over a period of time to help researchers better understand the lifestyle and biological factors which may contribute to advanced aging.

Coriell Institute for Medical Research Awarded $8.6 Million Biobanking Contract from National Institute on Aging - Newswise

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Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment – Technology Networks

Posted: March 18, 2020 at 9:42 pm

The tumor microenvironment (TME) that surrounds solid cancers has long held fascination for researchers. Yet it is only relatively recently that weve understood how important the TME is for influencing progression of the disease and response to treatment. In this article we learn why its not just the tumor itself that needs to be targeted and hear about research that aims to exploit the TME, too.

Some cancers, such as prostate cancer tend to be immunologically cold, i.e. not much is happening, the immune system is not fighting the cancer, whereas melanoma is a hot tumor where immune responses are very important and these patients respond well to immunotherapy. Tabi is investigating whether these hot or cold immune phenotypes hold true in other cancers. She is particularly interested in mesothelioma, an aggressive form of lung cancer with poor survival rates.An inflammatory environment is advantageous while an immunosuppressive environment allows the tumor to progress, she explained. Mesothelioma is interesting because there are two types of mesothelioma: one is hot and the other is cold and there is nearly nothing in between. However, because there are not many immunotherapy trials in mesothelioma, we dont really know the meaning of this yet. she says.Then it gets even more complex because there are some multifocal tumors where each lump is different so within one patient, one tumor could be immunologically cold and another hot. In this scenario, it has been observed that some of the lumps can be removed with successful immunotherapy but the others cant.To test whether an anti-tumor immune response could be achieved in mesothelioma, Tabi initiated a clinical trial in mesothelioma where the patients were vaccinated with an attenuated virus that carried cancer antigens. The patients received it together with chemotherapy and they monitored the immune changes in the blood. Of the 23 patients taking part, 22 had a marked increase in their anti-tumor response1. This kind of treatment is now being tested in a combination with other, more targeted interventions. Our trial was an important step in that direction because mesothelioma is such an aggressive disease and its nearly impossible to have a complete remission and the survival rate is very low.For the future, in addition to changing the immune profile to improve the effectiveness and general outcome of immunotherapy, Tabi also highlights another important player in the TME cellular exosomes. These tiny particles are released by cells in order to communicate with each other.Exosomes are getting a lot of attention recently, as tumor cell-derived exosomes are important in changing the normal microenvironment to make it more receptive for the tumor to spread, says Tabi. Several years ago, there was an attempt to use exosomes as a cancer vaccine. We always thought that was a bad idea. Now we have the evidence to show that, yes, they carry tumor antigens, but its not possible to use them as a cancer vaccine because they have dominant immunosuppressive effects.

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Rather than look at the epithelium of these tumors and sequence them, the Grand Challenge team plans to focus on the cells that normally maintain these epithelial cells, to understand how these become distorted during inflammation and how signaling pathways between stromal cells, the extracellular matrix and the epithelium drive tumorigenesis. The team view inflammation-associated cancers as a disease process rather than individual cancer types.First, we need to characterize the stroma because its really not been done, so were probably missing lots of targets that we just dont know about, says McDonald. Then we want to use that information to try and predict which patients are going to develop cancer and which ones arent.To achieve this goal, the international Grand Challenge team will combine a broad range of technologies. First, in a discovery phase, they plan to develop maps of these chronic inflammation cancers from understanding RNA and protein expression, immune environment and creating databases to help predict or determine targets. Theyll also exploit CODEX technology (provided by Professor Garry Nolan, Stanford) which allows you to measure the expression of 60100 targets on a cell section to investigate cell-cell neighborhoods, and understand, if one cell is present how does it talk to the other cells around it?

In a subsequent development phase they will look at the targets identified from the -omics and CODEX analysis and build these into an in vitro model using organ-on-a-chip technology a model that is far more tissue-like because you can model effects such as the peristaltic motion of the bowel and blood flow on a 3D chip (Professor Don Ingber, Harvard). This will be combined with in vivo models that allow them to interrogate the effects of targeting stromal factors on stem cell biology and tumorigenesis.

McDonalds role is to take these data and apply it to patients. Well use samples from patients weve collected over time, who have progressed to cancer, and try to identify which factors predict progression and which ones dont, he explains.

One of challenges from a clinical perspective with chronic inflammation cancers is that very few people with the inflammatory condition go on to develop cancer. In Barretts esophagus, the progression rate per year is about 0.10.3% of all BO patients, says McDonald, yet every single person will go through a two- to five-year endoscopic surveillance program that is invasive, expensive and does not predict if they will develop cancer.

By looking at changes to the stroma over time, were trying to predict: how do these cell populations evolve? How do they talk to each other? Is the risk there when the patient develops the condition, and is it just a matter of time? Or is it something that changes at some point in the patients life? This would be an important advance in these types of cancers, because it helps with not only preventing cancers but also detecting the early-stage cancers that we sometimes miss.Reference1.Lester J, Casbard AC, Al-Taei S et al. (2018). A single centre phase II trial to assess the immunological activity of TroVax plus pemetrexed/cisplatin in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma - the SKOPOS trial. Oncoimmunology, 7 (12): e1457597. DOI:

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Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment - Technology Networks

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Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Future Opportunities, Production/Demand Analysis & Outlook 2029 – Packaging News 24

Posted: March 18, 2020 at 9:42 pm

Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Segmentation

The Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market is an intrinsic study of the current status of this business vertical and encompasses a brief synopsis about its segmentation. The report is inclusive of a nearly accurate prediction of the market scenario over the forecast period market size with respect to valuation as sales volume. The study lends focus to the top magnates comprising the competitive landscape of Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market, as well as the geographical areas where the industry extends its horizons, in magnanimous detail.

The market report, titled Canine Stem Cell TherapyMarket Research Report 2019 By Manufacturers, Product Type, Applications, Region and Forecast to 2029, recently added to the market research repository of details in-depth past and present analytical and statistical data about the Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market. The report describes the Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market in detail in terms of the economic and regulatory factors that are currently shaping the markets growth trajectory, the regional segmentation of the Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market, and an analysis of the markets downstream and upstream value and supply chains.

ThisPress Release will help you to understand the Volume, growth with Impacting Trends. Click HERE To get SAMPLE PDF (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) at

The report offers the market growth rate, size, and forecasts at the global level in addition as for the geographic areas: Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and Middle East & Africa. Also, it analyses, roadways and provides the global market size of the main players in each region. Moreover, the report provides knowledge of the leading market players within the Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market. The industry-changing factors for the market segments are explored in this report. This analysis report covers the growth factors of the worldwide market based on end-users.

In accordance with a competitive prospect, this Canine Stem Cell Therapyreport dispenses a broad array of features essential for measuring the current Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market performance along with technological advancements, business abstract, strengths and weaknesses of market position and hurdles crossed by the leading Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market players to gain leading position. Other aspects such as customer base, sales reach, local coverage, production price trends, and production cost layout are also analyzed to bestow accurate rivalry perspective.

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Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Future Opportunities, Production/Demand Analysis & Outlook 2029 - Packaging News 24

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Four pandemics that changed the world – AL DIA News

Posted: March 18, 2020 at 9:41 pm

When the World Health Organization (WHO)labeled the new COVID-19a "pandemic", that is, a disease that is occurringall over the world at the same time, there were moments reminiscentof times of war: thedeserted streets, supermarkets overwhelmed by hundreds of people scrambling for goods, and the constant media monitoring of the infection's progress the number of sick and dead increasing daily.Although our health system is not what it was in 1918, when the Spanish Fluwreaked havoc, nor will the coronavirus be as lethal as smallpox the most deadly pandemic some people will still make historical comparisons.To keep you up to date with what's happening now and what's happened in the past, here's tour of the five most devastating pandemics that we've emerged from.


It has killed more than 25 million people worldwide, and although preventive treatments such as PrEP have been developed toreduce infections by 90%, a global cure has yet to be found.HIV originated in Africa, where apes have an HIV-like virus known as SIV.

Scientists still speculate on whether interspecies contagion occurred from hunting or eating infected chimp meat.AIDS wasn't detected as a disease until the 1980s, when it was observed in the United States, especially among homosexual patients in New York and California. It was later determined an evolution of the HIV infection, which transmitted through any passage of bodily fluid (intravenous drug usage and sexual intercourse were the most common). Doctors named it acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)because the virus attacks the white blood cells that help fight infection.Today, there are two patients worldwide who have been cured of HIV thanks to a stem cell transplant whose donor carried a mutation known as CCR5-delta 32.

The Black Death or Bubonic Plague

It ravaged the European continent from the mid-14th century until its last outbreak three hundred years later and is responsible for more than 75 million deaths.

Although at that time the devastating epidemic was attributed to Divine Cholera and even to the passage of a comet, the origin was a bacterium that appeared in Asia and spread through parasites such as rat fleas. Its spread originated at trade ports, and was helped by the poor hygiene conditions and diet of the time period.

Death occurred in less than a week after the disease manifested, with the appearance of buboes - or swelling of nodes in the lymphatic system - accompanied by high fevers, delirium, chills and stinking suppurations. The sick were confined to their homes along with their families as means of containment. In some cases, it wiped out whole villages in Europe, which were sometimes discovered hundreds of years later.

Spanish Flu

The disease gotits name during WWI fromSpanish newspapers, which remained neutral in the conflict, and were the only ones to report on its lethality without censorship.

It is believed that Spanish Flu was responsible for between 50 and 100 million deaths and some the first cases reported were among the United States military, who could have broughtit to Europe when they landed to fight the Germans. Regardless, there are many theories around its origin.

As deadly as it is heartbreaking, there were cases in the United States of people rising with fever and dying on their way to work.

In a previous article, we commented on why its fatality rate, which is often used incomparisontoCovid-19, is wrong, as it is well over the 2% reported by WHO.


Holding the position of the most devastating global pandemic,Smallpoxhas contributed to the decline of entire civilizations such as the Aztec and Inca Empires when theSpanish brought the disease in their "conquest" of the New World in 1519. It is estimated that 90% of indigenous deaths during European colonization were not due to "fire," but rather, disease.

In Europe, smallpox killed 60 million people in the 18th century alone, and a hundred years later there were 300 million deaths worldwide.

Its Latin name means "spotted", because of the bumps and bruises that appeared on the faces of those afflicted. It was highly contagious and those who survived would carry marks on their skin for the rest of their lives, and some even wentblind.

One of modern medicine's greatest achievements was the creation of a vaccine for smallpox in 1979. As a result, Smallpox is considered eradicated.

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Stem cell therapy revives cardiac muscle damaged during heart attacks – Cardiovascular Business

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 6:46 pm

For their study, Terzic and colleagues analyzed the hearts of mice that received cardiopoietic stem cell therapy as well as those that did not. They used an algorithmic approach to map the proteins in the heart muscle, identifying 4,000 proteins. Ten percent of these were damaged during a heart attack.

The investigators found that the therapy either fully or partially reversed two-thirds of the changes caused by the event. And about 85% of cellular functional categories impacted by infarction responded positively to treatment, the authors wrote. They also noted that new blood vessels and heart tissue began to grow as a result of the intervention.

In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds, according to the study, which kills this precious cardiac tissue and leads to a significantly weaker heart. Although cardiopoietic stem cells are still being investigated in advanced clinical trials in human patients, this most recent study is a big step in the right direction.

The current findings will enrich the base of knowledge pertinent to stem cell therapies and may have the potential to guide therapeutic regimens in the future," Terzic concluded.

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Buckley couple thank community for their support as dad-of-two receives life-saving treatment | The Leader – LeaderLive

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 6:46 pm

A BUCKLEY man is one step closer to a clean bill of health after receiving life-saving treatment.

The Leader previously reported that Matt Davies was given 12-months to live without a stem cell transplant, which sparked a massive support network, with thousands signing up to become a donor.

Wife Sarah Davies urged people to sign up to become a donor, which could save the lives of many people and over 7,000 had signed up from her link alone.

Before Christmas, Matt was given the news that there was a match for him and he could start his treatment in January.

She told the Leader: It was a success, at the moment the cells in his body are 99.5 per cent donor and 0.5 per cent his. In time they will be 100 per cent donor so its definitely working which is fantastic.

We are on day 67 and on day 100 we can have a bone marrow scan to find out what stage we are.

GvHD is our biggest worry at the moment. Small amounts after a transplant can be good because it means his body is fighting but in huge amounts it can be damaging. It is starting to affect his gut now.

Because we live in Wales and have done for several years, we couldnt get the funding for the therapy which is what the Christie does, but we are now in the process of getting the drug for him, we are in constant talks so its a frustrating game at the moment.

We need to start this medication to get rid of this GvHD before it becomes chronic, so we are still in the process of getting that drug but hes doing really well.

Graft versus host disease (GvHD) is a condition that might occur after a transplant. In GvHD, the donated bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells view the recipient's body as foreign, and the donated cells then attack the body.

Matt was diagnosed with cancer last year and beat it, however less than eight months later after having his three-monthly routine bone marrow results he was told the leukaemia was back and his only option was a stem cell transplant.

He has since made significant progress however the pair say they are worried about the latest coronavirus outbreak due to Matt essentially having no immune system.

Sarah said: At the moment with coronavirus its very scary because he has a low immune system, he is basically starting from scratch with his immune system so cant get immunisations until he is one year old. We have decided to take the kids out of school because we dont want him catching anything.

Hes done absolutely fantastic and is now back to eating.

Matt has been really lucky. They are pleased with his progress, but they would like his GvHD levels to be lower.

Although Matt faced no real complications during the treatment however has lost a significant amount of weight.

A JustGiving Page has been set up to raise funds for the Christie in Manchester where Matt has been receiving his treatment.

Sarah added: Even still now I will be walking somewhere and random people who Ive never met before will ask me how he is doing. Its actually been so positive. I dont think people realise how much it has helped, just them asking it has really helped us get through this and knowing that a lot of people are supporting us.

On social media we have spoken to so many people in similar situations as ours, its about helping one another, and we have made friends for life.

Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to us and its lovely for us to read all the comments, even if we cannot reply to them all.

Matts progress can be found on social media via the Team Davies Facebook and Instagram page.

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Buckley couple thank community for their support as dad-of-two receives life-saving treatment | The Leader - LeaderLive

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HELP ME HAYLEY: Spokane father of six receiving life-saving cells from Poland donor – KHQ Right Now

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 6:46 pm


SPOKANE, Wash. -- Life-saving cells for alocal father of six are on their way to him from Poland. His family has been panicked after a travel ban was put in place by the Polish Government. They say they were told the status of the transport was stalled, and with time slipping away, they needed immediate action.

Jared Weeks was diagnosed withAcute Myeloid Leukemia back in October. His wife Janet contacted 'Help Me Hayley' on Saturday. On Sunday morning, Janet got word that the cells were on their way. She reached out to many government officials and is still trying to sort how and who helped make this happen for her husband.

"I heard that relief in (my husband's) voice and that's all I needed," she said. "I'm so thankful to everyone who shared the story, sent us prayers. I felt it. I really did. People are so overwhelmingly beautiful."

Janet says her husband will have the stem-cell transplant on Tuesday.

"I will be traveling over to Seattle on Monday evening to be there for his 're-birthday,'" she said of the procedure. "I'm so grateful."


SPOKANE, Wash. -- A local father of six desperately needs help receiving life-saving cells provided by an overseas donor. His family says his life depends on it.

His wife Janet sent our Hayley Guenthner this 'Help Me Hayley' request:

"Dear Help Me Hayley,

My children and I are desperate to save my husband. He was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on 10/15/2019 (on his 42nd birthday of all days) since then he has been in the hospital. At the beginning of February we started our journey to the west side of the state to be under the care of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and to make a long story short, we are now in the transplant stage of his disease.

My husband, Jared Weeks, went inpatient to the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) on behalf of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. He started his myeloablative chemo regimen on March 10th with the expectation of receiving an Unrelated Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell transplant. He had the highest dose of chemotherapy to eliminate his disease and replace his immune system with a 38-year-old female peripheral blood stem cell donation from Poland. Because of the travel ban put in place by the Polish Government in response to the outbreak of the Novel COVID-19 virus, it is becoming impossible to transport these LIFE-SAVING cells that have been extracted from my husband's donor and brought back to the United States. I have left messages for Senator Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Governor Jay Inslee, Mayor Woodward and Senator Maria Cantwell. I was able to speak personally with State Senator Shelly Short who is passing on this to some of her contacts in the cabinet. I reached out to the Polish Government agency handling the travel ban restrictions and have spoken with an Overseas Citizen Services Safety Officer out of Krakow Poland at the US Embassy-State Department. The travel ban has been put in place but I have been told that roads are still open as well as trains and planes, but as of midnight tonight (not sure if our time or their time) the borders will be closed until March 25th, and maybe extended depending on the COVID-19 outbreak. The cells have been collected from the donor and we are desperate to get them here. Please help us!! God help us.

My husband, Jared Weeks, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on October 15, 2019 and is in DIRE need of these stem cells to survive.

We need some assistance from the "powers that be" to get these life-saving stem cells to my husband in Washington State ASAP.

His life depnds on it."

There have many people offering to test to see if they are a local match for Jared. Unfortunately, the family doesn't have the kind of time required to find a new donor.

"They would need to go to , however, it is too late in the game to be a donor for Jared but there are hundreds of others that need this life-saving donation as well," Janet said. "The HLA TYPING that is done can take weeks to complete and for Jared, we don't have that kind of time."

Janet is currently in Spokane with their children. She said she is doing everything she can to stay strong for her husband.

"(Jared) is one heck of a dad," Janet said. "He is hardworking, loves the outdoors, fishing, boating and taking his kids on adventures. He is amazing to us and is the center of gravity for our rather large family. He has been through hell and back with this cancer, and is still trusting God completely."

Seattle Cancer Cancer Care Alliance sent KHQ a statement on Jared and other cancer patients relying on life-saving bone marrow transplants during the COVID-19 outbreak.

"The COVID-19 outbreak is an evolving and fluid situation, and the global medical community is collaborating to address the needs of people who are relying on bone marrow transplants for their treatment and survival.

"Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is evaluating every patient who is currently connected with an international or USA-based donor to ensure we have an alternative solution for their treatment should the need arise.

"We are committed to continuing to coordinate with the National Marrow Donor Program and the World Marrow Donor Association, along with donor representatives in various countries, to prevent potential disruptions of critical medical transport so that every cancer patient has access to the life-saving treatment they need.

"SCCA is dedicated to providing the highest-quality cancer care, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We continue to work very closely with our alliance partners -Fred Hutch, UW Medicine and Seattle Childrens- and sharing our approach and best practices with other transplant centers around the country who may face similar unprecedented challenges."

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HELP ME HAYLEY: Spokane father of six receiving life-saving cells from Poland donor - KHQ Right Now

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Fate Therapeutics: Potential Catalysts Ahead – Seeking Alpha

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 6:45 pm

Today, we will see why Fate Therapeutics (FATE) is an attractive pick in March 2020.

Fate Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of next-generation cellular immunotherapies for cancer and immune disorders. The company has pioneered proprietary iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cell) platform technology to develop off-the-shelf cell-based cancer immunotherapy products. Current patient-derived autologous and allogeneic cell therapies suffer from drawbacks such as high costs, manufacturing complexity, product heterogeneity, and high turnaround time. These methods, including patient and donor-derived approaches to cell therapy, also require batch-to-batch sourcing and engineering of millions of primary cells.

Fate Therapeutics aims to be the game-changer in cell-based cancer immunotherapy space by enabling the development of off-the-shelf cell products derived from master cell lines. The company aims to develop less costly, homogenous, and multi-dose or multi-cycle cell therapies with small turnaround time. The resultant cell therapy products are expected to be well-defined and uniform in the composition and can be mass-produced at a significant scale in a cost-effective manner and can be delivered off-the-shelf for broad patient accessibility.

The company's cell therapy pipeline comprises immune-oncology programs including off-the-shelf NK- and T-cell product candidates derived from master iPSC lines, and immuno-regulatory programs, including product candidates to prevent life-threatening complications in patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation and to promote immune tolerance in patients with autoimmune disease.

Human-induced Pluripotent Stem cells are generated by reprogramming adult somatic cells to a pluripotent state. Fibroblasts are the most commonly used primary somatic cell type for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells. They are reprogrammed using retroviruses. Pluripotent cells are capable of differentiating in all cell types that make up the body.

A single human iPSC can potentially differentiate into more than 200 cell types and provides a renewable source for making cells.

NK (natural killer) cells are the body's first line of defense against tumors and various pathogens. Fate Therapeutics is leveraging its iPSC platform to produce off-the-shelf NK cell therapy products.

FT500 is Fate Therapeutics' first off-the-shelf iPSC-derived NK-cell product candidate. The FT500 study is an open-label, multi-dose Phase 1 clinical trial designed to evaluate FT500 for the treatment of advanced solid tumors.

The dose-escalation stage of the study was originally designed to assess the safety and tolerability of three once-weekly doses of FT500, without IL-2 cytokine support, as a monotherapy and in combination with one of three FDA-approved ICI (immune checkpoint inhibitor) therapies in patients that have failed prior ICI therapy.

Data for the first 12 patients in the Phase 1 study has demonstrated clean safety for the iPSC platform. The cutoff date considered was November 28, 2019. It was seen that there were no reported dose-limiting toxicities, no FT500 related Grade 3 or greater adverse events or serious adverse events, and no incidents of cytokine release syndrome, neurotoxicity, or graft-versus-host disease.

Further, the trial also involved the evaluation of a multi-dose treatment course consisting of outpatient lympho-conditioning followed by three once-weekly doses of FT500 over up to two 30-day treatment cycles. Here, based on patients' T-cell and antibody repertoire, no anti-product immune responses against FT500 were evident over the multi-dose treatment course.

A total of 62 doses of FT500 were administered to these 12 patients in a safe and well-tolerated manner. Initial clinical data thus provides strong evidence that multiple doses of iPSC-derived NK-cells can be delivered off-the-shelf without patient matching.

In December 2019, the company disclosed plans to amend the trial protocol by including IL-2 cytokine support with each dose of FT500 after completion of 300 million cells per dose cohort in the ICI combination arm. The company has commenced dose-expansion part of Phase 1 trial with 300 million cells per dose and is focusing on enrolling NSCLC patients who are refractory to or have relapsed following CBT. This tumor type is highly susceptible to NK-cell recognition and killing. The study is enrolling at three clinical sites in the U.S. Fate Therapeutics expects expansion data readout from the trial in the second half of 2020.

Fate Therapeutics is studying the second product candidate from iPSC product platform and off-the-shelf NK-cell cancer immunotherapy, FT516, in an open-label, multi-dose Phase 1 trial. This product has been engineered to augment antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.

In December 2019, the company announced results for two patients dosed with FT516. FT516 was administered as a monotherapy to the first patient who was suffering from relapsed/refractory AML (acute myeloid leukemia). The company dosed FT516 in combination with rituximab to the second patient who was suffering from high-risk DLBCL (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) and had relapsed after multiple rituximab combination regimens, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant, and CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) T-cell therapy. The patients had received a first treatment cycle consisting of outpatient lympho-conditioning, three once-weekly doses of FT516 and IL-2 to better promote NK-cell activity.

Initial clinical data based on bone marrow biopsy at day 42 demonstrated no morphologic evidence of leukemia. There was even evidence of hematopoietic recovery following the completion of the first FT516 treatment cycle in the AML patient. There was also no circulating leukemia cells in the patient's peripheral blood. The patient even reported the recovery of neutrophils without growth factor support. The data did not demonstrate dose-limiting toxicities, although serious adverse events were seen. Initial dose escalation data may be read out in the second half of 2020.

This initial clinical evidence highlights the high probability of engineered iPSC-derived NK-cells demonstrating anti-tumor activity in AML indication. Besides, there is a body of data that has demonstrated clinical proof-of-concept for donor-derived NK-cell therapy in relapsed refractory AML and relapsed refractory DLBCL.

In December 2019, FDA accepted FT516's second IND application for studying the product in combination with PDL1, PD1, EGFR and HER2-targeting monoclonal antibody therapies in solid tumor indications. Initially, the company plans to prioritize the combination of FT516 and avelumab in patients with advanced solid tumors who are refractory to or have relapsed following, at least one line of anti-PDL1 monoclonal antibody therapy. The company plans to initiate enrollment in a clinical trial for FT516 and avelumab in mid-2020.

Fate Therapeutics is studying off-the-shelf multi-antigen targeted CAR NK-cell product candidate, FT596, in solid tumor indications.

In December 2019, Fate Therapeutics reported favorable in vivo preclinical data for FT596.

Here, in humanized mouse models of lymphoma and leukemia, FT596's efficacy was comparable to that of primary CAR T-cells in promoting tumor clearance and extending survival. FT596 combined with rituximab also showed the enhanced killing of lymphoma cells in vivo as compared to rituximab alone. FT596 can thus emerge to be best-in-class off-the-shelf treatment in B-cell malignancies. Fate Therapeutics has started enrolling patients in the open-label Phase I study. Initial dose escalation data readout on FT596 is expected in the second half of 2020.

Fate Therapeutics has high hopes for FT596, considering that initial clinical data from a donor-derived CAR19 NK-cell program at MD Anderson, demonstrated a 73% overall response rate in patients with relapsed refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia with no major toxicities. Hence, while the efficacy seemed similar to CAR T therapy, the safety profile was differentiated in favor of CAR NK-cell therapies.

Although early, this data has highlighted CAR NK-cells' capacity to confer a high level of efficacy without the CAR-T cell therapy-related toxicities. Fate Therapeutics expects FT596 to effectively replace patient-specific and allogeneic CAR19 T-cell immunotherapies. The latter single-antigen specific and hence pose a risk of disease relapse due to antigen escape as well as cause significant toxicities due to off-target activity. FT596, on the other hand, has been engineered with three active anti-tumoral functional components.

Fate Therapeutics aims to be the first company to introduce off-the-shelf iPSC-derived CAR T-cell therapy to patients, FT819, by submitting IND in the second quarter of 2020. The company expects to file an IND application for off-the-shelf CRISPR-edited, iPSC-derived NK-cell product candidate, FT538, by early May 2020. The company has also planned IND submission for FT576 in the second half of 2020.

Although Fate Therapeutics is pioneering a revolutionary approach for mass production of off-shelf cell therapy products, its pipeline is very early stage. There has not been sufficient data from its clinical programs to make an informed estimate about the success probability of these programs. In this backdrop, the company is exposed to significant R&D failure risks. In case data readouts from FT500 and FT596 clinical programs do not match expectations, the company may witness increased share price volatility.

At the end of 2019, the company had cash worth $261 million on its balance sheet. The company spent cash worth $83.2 million on operating activities in 2019. This is a proxy for the 2019 cash burn rate. We assume that the annual cash burn rate in 2020 will be around $120 million, considering that three assets have entered in-human trials. Hence, the company seems to have cash that can sustain operations until the end of 2021. However, if cash is needed at a faster pace, the company may land up requiring more funds. This can lead to equity dilution.

According to finviz, the 12-month consensus target price of Fate Therapeutics is $37.94. On March 4, Citi analyst Yigal Nochomovitz reiterated the "Buy" rating and increased target price from $26 to $41. On March 4, Barclays analyst Peter Lawson also initiated coverage of Fate Therapeutics with an Overweight rating and $40 price target.

On March 3, BMO Capital analyst Do Kim raised the firm's price target on Fate Therapeutics to $28 from $22 and reiterated the "Market Perform" rating. On March 3, Guggenheim analyst Michael Schmidt reiterated the "Buy" rating and increased target price from $25 to $41. On March 3, Roth Capital analyst Tony Butler reiterated the "Neutral" rating but increased the target price from $20 to $30. On March 3, BTIG analyst Amanda Murphy reiterated the "Buy" rating and increased target price from $27 to $42. The analyst has also raised the estimated value of the company's iPSC platform from $740 million to $2.0 billion.

On March 3, Oppenheimer analyst Matthew Biegler reiterated the "Outperform" rating and increased the target price from $27 to $36. Piper Sandler analyst, Edward Tenthoff also reiterated the "Overweight" rating and raised the target price from $28 to $57.

In September 2019, Fate Therapeutics launched in-house GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) manufacturing facility at headquarters in San Diego, California. This is custom designed to use clonal master iPSC lines as a renewable cell source for the consistent and scaled manufacture of off-the-shelf NK-cell and CAR T-cell products. The company has already produced hundreds of cryopreserved, infusion-ready doses of FT500, FT516, and FT596 at a low cost per dose. Currently stored in inventory, these doses are immediately available for use in the clinical settings.

The full control of cGMP production and the technical expertise to genetically engineer iPSCs and create qualified clonal master lines for clinical use implies that the company has operational expertise and redundancies required for the consistent cost-effective manufacturing and clinical supply of off-the-shelf cell products.

I believe that the 12-month target price of $30 fairly reflects the growth potential as well as risks associated with early-stage Fate Therapeutics. I consider this company to be a good pick for aggressive biotech investors with an investment horizon of at least one year.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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Confocal microscopy: Seeing what does not meet the eye – Ophthalmology Times

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 6:45 pm

Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is an ocular surface disorder that results from decreases in the number and function of corneal epithelial stem and progenitor cells that results in the inability to maintain the normal homeostasis of the corneal epithelium.

LSCD signs include conjunctivalization and persistent epithelial defects with or without neovascularization, ocular surface inflammation, and scarring. The disease can be acquired non-immune-mediated, acquired primary immune-mediated, idiopathic, or inherited.

Related: Ocular surface inflammation: Vicious cycle of ocular surface disruption

Diagnosis can be tricky because the disease presentation varies greatly with the degrees of severity of the stem cell deficiency, according to Sophie X. Deng, MD, PhD. This can range from stippling staining in the very early stage to a vortex configuration in the late stage with loss of the palisades of Vogt and vortex keratopathy.

A problem with LSCD is the difficulty in differentiating it from severe dry eye disease, according to Dr. Deng, professor, Stein Eye Institute, University of California, Los Angeles. LSCD can present with staining patterns not generally associated with the disease.

Physicians have used impression cytology to detect corneal goblet cells in LSCD, but the sensitivity of the technique is too low to establish a definitive diagnosis and the degree of the stem cell deficiency cannot be quantified.

Related: Doing justice to corneal irregularities

Confocal microscopyConfocal microscopy using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph III (HRT) is a more reliable and rapid way to diagnose LSCD that visualizes all of the corneal microstructures from the epithelium to the endothelium, Dr. Deng explained.

In vivo imaging using the HRT III has very high resolution, which facilitates visualization of individual cells, the nerve plexus, the conjunctiva/cornea junction, and the palisades of Vogt, she said.

The goal of microscopy is detection of the changes in the cell morphology that are evident even in early-stage disease. Dr. Deng demonstrated that the corneal cells appear to enlarge with disease progression and become more metaplastic followed subsequently by the absence of stem cells altogether in the corneal epithelium. In the limbus, some eyes exhibit an influx of inflammatory cells.

Related: Stem cell treatment: What could possibly go wrong with procedure?

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A Tale Of Two States: California Shifts Towards Mitigation Over Containment While New York Sends In National Guard – Kaiser Health News

Posted: March 17, 2020 at 6:45 pm

California and New York are two of the states that have seen the most cases. Officials in California say the "cat is out of the bag" when it comes to community spread, and it is focusing on mitigation strategies like canceling large events. In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has created a one-mile containment zone to try to stop the spread in a community that was particularly hard hit.

Los Angeles Times:California Retreats From Containment, New York Sends In National GuardIn New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo sent the National Guard to a suburban enclave northeast of New York City to prevent COVID-19 from infecting more people there, after 108 residents tested positive in recent days. In Santa Clara, where California is experiencing its largest outbreak of the virus with 45 positive cases confirmed, health officials continued to direct residents not to congregate, following a ban on large events earlier this week. (Chabria, Gutierrez, Baumgaertner and Karlamangla, 3/11)

The Washington Post:Coronavirus: Schools Close, National Guard Deployed To Help New York Suburb Stem Spread Of DiseaseNew York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo took the country's most drastic steps to curb the spread of the coronavirus Tuesday, ordering the closure of schools and other gathering places within a one-mile radius in this New York suburb. The creation of what he called a "containment zone" for two weeks will keep about half the city's 10,500 students at home and will allow the National Guard to sanitize public spaces. (Guarino, Bailey, Meckler and Zezima, 3/10)

The New York Times:Coronavirus In N.Y.: Containment Area Is Ordered For New RochelleThe National Guard will move in. Schools, churches and synagogues will be shut down. Large indoor gatherings will be officially banned. The sights and rituals of life in this New York City suburb, which had already been altered, took an eerie turn on Tuesday when Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced a drastic new step to try to control the spread of the coronavirus in the largest cluster in the United States. (Nir and McKinley, 3/10)

Associated Press:National Guard Sent Into New York Suburb To Help Control VirusNew Yorks governor announced Tuesday he is sending the National Guard into a New York City suburb to help fight what is believed to be the nations biggest cluster of coronavirus cases one of the most dramatic actions yet to control the outbreak in the United States. The move came as health authorities contended with alarming bunches of infections on both sides of the country and scattered cases in between. (Villeneuve and Rodriguez, 3/10)

The Wall Street Journal:Containment Area Planned For New York Suburb To Stem Coronavirus SpreadNow this Westchester County suburb has become ground zero for one of the largest efforts in the country to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. Many residents are in quarantine. Businesses are struggling to get customers in the door. And on Thursday, New York state plans to close schools for two weeks in a roughly three-square-mile area of New Rochelle and limit large public gatherings, officials said. People would be able to enter and exit the zone and move about within it. Restaurants and businesses would remain open, officials said, but facilities such as houses of worship and schools would be closed. (Vielkind, Brody and Paris, 3/10)

CBS News:New York Has 173 Cases Of Coronavirus Among The Highest In The U.S.As the total number of cases of coronavirus in the U.S. continues to rise, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said New York now has at least 173 cases making it among one of the states with the largest number of confirmed cases in the country. In New York, 108 cases are in Westchester County, with New York City and Nassau County following with 36 and 19 cases, respectively, according to officials. Rockland county has six cases, Saratoga has two, Suffolk and Ulster each have one. (Lewis, 3/10)

The Wall Street Journal:New York City Eyes Measures To Stop Virus Spread To JailsNew York City correctional officials said Tuesday they were preparing measures to stop the coronavirus from infecting staff and prisoners at jails that experts said could become incubators for the rapidly-spreading disease. The Department of Correction is focused on keeping its jail cells and shared space clean, screening visitors for symptoms, raising awareness with posters about avoiding the disease and encouraging inmates to keep a physical distance from each other, officials said. (Paul, 3/10)

The Wall Street Journal:Coronavirus Could Sap New Yorks Tax Revenue, Cuomo SaysNew York lawmakers, facing a $6 billion budget deficit, began the month with an optimistic projection. Stock markets were doing well, Wall Street bonuses were coming in strong, and lawmakers could plug some of the gap by assuming another $700 million in revenue was coming. Also at the beginning of the month, the state confirmed its first case of novel coronavirus. (Vielkind, 3/10)

San Francisco Chronicle:Bay Area Counties Shift Coronavirus Stance: It Can Be Slowed, But Not ContainedCoronavirus cases have blown up across Northern California in the past week, and counties increasingly are refocusing from aggressive containment of the disease to acceptance that its in the community and their limited resources are better spent on slowing down its spread. On Tuesday, Sacramento County reported its first death, and the third in the state. The victim in their 90s with underlying health problems was a resident of an assisted living facility. The same day, the county announced it would no longer conduct extensive investigations on every new case of COVID-19 the disease caused by coronavirus and that people who have contact with a known case will no longer be asked to quarantine for two weeks. (Allday, 3/10)

Los Angeles Times:Why Bay Area Coronavirus Warnings Are Stricter Than L.A. Area'sUp to now, some Bay Area public health agencies have been more aggressive than those in Los Angeles and some other counties in issuing coronavirus-related restrictions. But that could be about to change. With the first case of the coronavirus believed to be transmitted within the community now reported in Los Angeles County, the experiences in the San Francisco Bay Area may offer a glimpse for what Southern California is in for. (Lin and Shalby, 3/10)

NPR:Coronavirus: Sacramento County Gives Up On Automatic 14-Day QuarantinesCalifornia's Sacramento County is calling off automatic 14-day quarantines that have been implemented for the coronavirus, saying it will focus instead on mitigating the impact of COVID-19. The change is an acknowledgement that the county cannot effectively manage the quarantines while its health system copes with coronavirus cases. It also reflects problems with the U.S. government's coronavirus testing program issues that slowed efforts to identify people with the deadly virus and to contain COVID-19. (Chappell, 3/10)

Los Angeles Times:Northern California Woman Dies Of Coronavirus In Senior FacilityAn elderly patient in a northern California assisted living facility has died of the novel coronavirus, sparking fears of an outbreak among other residents of the facility and renewing concerns about statewide availability of testing kits to detect the virus. Sacramento County health officials announced Tuesday that a patient in her 90s was the countys first fatality from COVID-19. The Sacramento Bee identified the facility as Carlton Senior Living. (Chabria, 3/10)

KQED:Coronavirus: As Cases In California Climb, Newsom Addresses Testing ConcernsIn a wide-ranging press conference, Gov. Gavin Newsom said that 157 people in California have now tested positive for the new coronavirus. The governor also detailed the latest steps California is taking to ramp up testing, implement social distancing guidance, and prepare for school closures, while processing passengers from the Grand Princess cruise 21 of whom are confirmed to have COVID-19. (Stark, 3/10)

Los Angeles Times:L.A. School Board Weighs Emergency Declaration For CoronavirusThe Los Angeles Board of Education on Tuesday declared a state of emergency, giving Supt. Austin Beutner the authority to take actions needed to close schools if necessary in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The action is seen as a precaution that would allow Beutner to act quickly as the need arises in the nations second-largest school district. As of Tuesday night, there were no plans to close schools and no individual diagnosed with COVID-19 had a connection to an L.A. Unified school, according to the district. (Blume and Kohli, 3/10)

Los Angeles Times:California Coronavirus: Silicon Valley Bans Gatherings Of 1,000 Or MoreWith Silicon Valley reporting a rapidly rising number of confirmed coronavirus cases, the health officer for Santa Clara County issued a rare legal order banning mass gatherings of 1,000 or more people. Santa Clara County, with 43 confirmed coronavirus cases and one death, has Californias largest number of confirmed infections. After declining an earlier recommendation to halt mass gatherings late last week, the San Jose Sharks said the team would abide by the countys new order at SAP Center in downtown San Jose, which is enforceable by the county sheriff and city police agencies. (Lin, 3/10)

The Hill:Three TSA Employees In California Test Positive For CoronavirusThree employees with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in California tested positive for the coronavirus, the agency confirmed Tuesday.The employees, who work at Mineta San Jose International Airport in Santa Clara County, and all other workers they came in contact with over the past two weeks are quarantined at home. (Axelrod, 3/11)

The New York Times:Coachella, Influential Music Festival, Is Postponed Amid Virus FearsCoachella is postponed. Organizers of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, the giant pop festival in the picturesque desert of Southern California, have delayed next months event to October over concerns about the coronavirus, the festival announced on Tuesday after days of speculation. (Sisario, 3/10)

Reuters:Passengers Plod Off Coronavirus-Stricken Cruise Ship In Face Masks In CaliforniaHundreds of travelers who boarded a cruise liner for Hawaii last month in sandals and sunglasses trudged off the coronavirus-stricken ship in face masks at the Port of Oakland, California, on Tuesday, headed to quarantine sites around the country. The tightly controlled disembarkation began on Monday, hours after the cruise ship Grand Princess arrived at a specially secured terminal across San Francisco Bay from its home port amid cheers from weary passengers who had spent days at sea confined to their staterooms. (3/10)

San Francisco Chronicle:SF Archdiocese Shutters 90 Schools After Student Tests Positive For The CoronavirusThe Archdiocese of San Francisco announced the closure of all its schools after a student tested positive for the coronavirus.The 90 schools in San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin counties will shut down Mar. 12 through Mar. 25, said Pamela Lyons, superintendent of schools in a letter to families Tuesday. The announcement did not identify the school the student attends, but the principal of Riordan High School in San Francisco confirmed that a student there tested positive for the virus Sunday. (Tucker, 3/10)

San Francisco Chronicle:Ro Khannas Bay Area District Is Being Hit By Coronavirus. He Says Congress Must Do MoreFremont Rep. Ro Khannas district has been one of the hardest hit in the country by the novel coronavirus.Santa Clara County, which covers much of Khannas 17th Congressional District, reported 43 cases as of Tuesday, the most in California. There are at least 153 cases across the state.Khanna says Congress isnt doing enough to stop the virus from spreading. The Chronicle spoke with him Monday about his push to increase emergency funding and quell racist sentiments during the outbreak. Here are highlights from the interview, which has been condensed for space purposes and clarity. (Gardiner, 3/10)

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A Tale Of Two States: California Shifts Towards Mitigation Over Containment While New York Sends In National Guard - Kaiser Health News

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