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The hidden pattern that drives brain growth | Stanford News – Stanford University News

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:46 am

Life is rife with patterns. Its common for living things to create a repeating series of similar features as they grow: think of feathers that vary slightly in length on a birds wing or shorter and longer petals on a rose.

Stanford researchers used advanced microscopy and mathematical modeling to discover a pattern that governs the growth of neurons in the flatworm brain, shown here. Using this technique, they hope to find patterns that guide the growth of cells in other parts of the body in order to pave the way to bioengineer artificial tissues and organs. (Image credit: Courtesy of Wang Lab)

It turns out the brain is no different. By employing advanced microscopy and mathematical modeling, Stanford researchers have discovered a pattern that governs the growth of brain cells or neurons. Similar rules could guide the development of other cells within the body, and understanding them could be important for successfully bioengineering artificial tissues and organs.

Their study, published in Nature Physics, builds on the fact that the brain contains many different types of neurons and that it takes several types working in concert to perform any tasks. The researchers wanted to uncover the invisible growth patterns that enable the right kinds of neurons to arrange themselves into the right positions to build a brain.

How do cells with complementary functions arrange themselves to construct a functioning tissue? said study co-author Bo Wang, an assistant professor of Bioengineering. We chose to answer that question by studying a brain because it had been commonly assumed that the brain was too complex to have a simple patterning rule. We surprised ourselves when we discovered there was, in fact, such a rule.

The brain they chose to examine belonged to a planarian, a millimeter-long flatworm that can regrow a new head every time after amputation. First, Wang and Margarita Khariton, a graduate student in his lab, used fluorescent stains to mark different types of neurons in the flatworm. They then used high-resolution microscopes to capture images of the whole brain glowing neurons and all and analyzed the patterns to see if they could extract from them the mathematical rules guiding their construction.

What they found was that each neuron is surrounded by roughly a dozen neighbors similar to itself, but that interspersed among them are other kinds of neurons. This unique arrangement means that no single neuron sits flush against its twin, while still allowing different types of complementary neurons to be close enough to work together to complete tasks.

The researchers found that this pattern repeats over and over across the entire flatworm brain to form a continuous neural network. Study co-authors Jian Qin, an assistant professor of chemical engineering, and postdoctoral scholar Xian Kong developed a computational model to show that this complex network of functional neighborhoods stems from the tendency of neurons to pack together as closely as possible without being too close to other neurons of the same type.

While neuroscientists might someday adapt this methodology to study neuronal patterning in the human brain, the Stanford researchers believe the technique could be more usefully applied to the emerging field of tissue engineering.

The basic idea is simple: tissue engineers hope to induce stem cells, the powerful, general-purpose cells from which all cell types derive, to grow into the various specialized cells that form a liver, kidney or heart. But scientists will need to arrange those diverse cells into the right patterns if they want the heart to beat.

The question of how organisms grow into forms that carry out useful functions has fascinated scientists for centuries, Wang said. In our technological era, we are not limited to understanding these growth patterns at the cellular level but can also find ways to implement these rules for bioengineering applications.

This work was supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.

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Repurposed drugs may help scientists fight the new coronavirus – Science News

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:45 am

As the new coronavirus makes its way around the world, doctors and researchers are searching for drugs to treat the ill and stop the spread of the disease, which has already killed more than 3,800 people since its introduction in Wuhan, China, in December.

The culprit virus is in the same family as the coronavirusesthat caused two other outbreaks, severe acute respiratory syndrome and MiddleEast respiratory syndrome. But the new coronavirus may be more infectious. Inearly March, the number of confirmed cases of the new disease, called COVID-19,had exceeded 100,000, far surpassing the more than 10,600 combined total casesof SARS and MERS.

Health officials are mainly relying on quarantines to try tocontain the virus spread. Such low-tech public health measures were effectiveat stopping SARS in 2004, Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. NationalInstitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said January 29 in Arlington,Va., at the annual American Society for Microbiologys Biothreats meeting.

But stopping the new virus may require a more aggressive approach. In China alone, about 300 clinical trials are in the works to treat sick patients with standard antiviral therapies, such as interferons, as well as stem cells, traditional Chinese medicines including acupuncture, and blood plasma from people who have already recovered from the virus.

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Researchers are not stopping there. They also are working to develop drugs to treat infections and vaccines to prevent them (SN: 3/14/20, p. 6). But creating therapies against new diseases often takes years, if not decades. With this new coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, nobody wants to wait that long. Thanks to their experience developing treatments against the MERS coronavirus, as well as other diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis C, influenza, Ebola and malaria, researchers are moving quickly to see what they can borrow to help patients sooner.

Finding new uses for old drugs is a good strategy,especially when racing to fight a fast-moving disease for which there is notreatment, says Karla Satchell, a microbiologist and immunologist atNorthwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

Repurposing drugs is absolutely the best thing that could happen right now, Satchell says. Potentially, drugs that combat HIV or hepatitis C might be able to put the new coronavirus in check, too. Those drugs exist. Theyve been produced. Theyve been tested in patients, she says. Although these drugs arent approved to treat the new coronavirus disease, theyre a great place to start. One of the most promising candidates, however, hasnt yet been approved for any disease.

Scientists have been quick to reveal the new coronavirussecrets. When SARS emerged in 2002, researchers took about five months to get acomplete picture of the viruss genetic makeup, or genome. With the new virus,Chinese health officials first reported a cluster of mysterious pneumonia casesin Wuhan to the World Health Organization on December 31. By January 10, thenew coronaviruss full genome was made available to researchers worldwide inpublic databases.

A viruss genome is one of the most valuable toolsscientists have for understanding where the pathogen came from, how it worksand how to fight it. The first thing that coronaviruses have in common is thattheir genetic material is RNA, a chemical cousin to DNA.

Researchers immediately began comparing the newcoronaviruss genome with SARS and MERS viruses and other RNA viruses todetermine whether drugs developed to combat those disease-causing organismswould work against the new threat. As a result, some potential Achilles heelsof SARS-CoV-2 have already come to light.

One target is the viruss main protein-cutting enzyme,called M protease. RNA viruses often make one long string of proteins thatlater get cut into individual proteins to form various parts of the virus. Inthe new coronavirus, the M protease is one of 16 proteins that are linked likebeads on a string, says Stephen Burley, an oncologist and structural biologistat Rutgers University in Piscataway, N.J.

The virus can mature and infect new cells only if M proteasecan snip the string of proteins free, he says. Stop the protease from cuttingand the virus cant reproduce, or replicate.

Existing drugs might be able to stop the viruss M protease, two research groups proposed online January 29 at One group suggested four drugs, including one used to treat hepatitis C and two aimed at HIV. A second group named 10candidates, including an anti-nausea medication, an antifungal drug and some cancer-fighting drugs.

HIV and hepatitis C are both RNA viruses that need aprotease to cut proteins free from long chains. Drugs that inhibit thoseproteases can reduce levels of the HIV and hepatitis C viruses to undetectable.Some of those drugs are now being tested against the new coronavirus inclinical trials in China.

The HIV drug Kaletra, also called Aluvia, is a combination of two protease inhibitors, lopinavir and ritonavir. Kaletras maker, the global pharmaceutical company AbbVie, announced on January 26 that it is donating the drug to be tested in COVID-19 patients in China. Kaletra will be tested alone or in combination with other drugs. For instance, researchers may combine Kaletra with Arbidol, a drug that prevents some viruses from fusing with and infecting human cells. Arbidol may be tested on its own as well.

But the HIV drugs may not work against the new virus because of two differences in the proteases. The coronavirus protease cuts proteins in different spots than the HIV protease does, say Guangdi Li of the Xiangya School of Public Health of Central South University in Changsha, China, and Erik De Clercq, a pioneer in HIV therapy at KU Leuven in Belgium. Secondly, the HIV drugs were designed to fit a pocket in HIVs protease that doesnt exist in the new coronaviruss protease, the researchers reported February 10 in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.

Yet a few anecdotal accounts suggest the HIV drugs may help people with COVID-19 recover. Doctors at Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok reported in a news briefing February 2 that they had treated a severely ill 70-year-old woman with high doses of a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir and the anti-influenza drug oseltamivir, which is sold as Tamiflu. Within 48 hours of treatment, the woman tested negative for the virus.

Her recovery may be due more to the HIV drugs than to oseltamivir. In 124 patients treated with oseltamivir at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, no effective outcomes were observed, doctors reported on February 7 in JAMA. Clinical trials in which these drugs are given to more people in carefully controlled conditions are needed to determine what to make of those isolated reports.

Researchers may be able to exploit a second weakness in thevirus: its copying process, specifically the enzymes known as RNA-dependent RNApolymerases that the virus uses to make copies of its RNA. Those enzymes areabsolutely essential, says Mark Denison, an evolutionary biologist atVanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville. If the enzyme doesntwork, you cant make new virus.

Denison and colleagues have been testing molecules that muckwith the copying machinery of RNA viruses. The molecules mimic the nucleotidesthat RNA polymerases string together to make viral genomes. Researchers havetested chemically altered versions of two RNA nucleotides adenosine andcytidine against a wide variety of RNA viruses in test tubes and in animals.The molecules get incorporated into the viral RNA and either stop it fromgrowing or they damage it by introducing mutations, Denison says.

One of the molecules that researchers are most excited aboutis an experimental drug called remdesivir. The drug is being tested in peoplewith COVID-19 because it can stop the MERS virus in the lab and in animalstudies. The drug has also been used in patients with Ebola, another RNA virus.

Remdesivir has been given to hundreds of people infected with Ebola, without causing serious side effects, but the drug hasnt been as effective as scientists had hoped, virologist Timothy Sheahan of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said January 29 at the Biothreats meeting. In a clinical trial in Congo, for example, about 53 percent of Ebola patients treated with remdesivir died, researchers reported November 27 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Thats better than the 66 percent of infected people killed in the ongoing Ebola outbreak, but other drugs in the trial were more effective.

Several tests of remdesivir in lab animals infected with MERS have researchers still hopeful when it comes to the new coronavirus. In studies in both rhesus macaques and mice, remdesivir protected animals from lung damage whether the drug was given before or after infection. Molecular pathologist Emmie de Wit of NIAIDs Laboratory of Virology in Hamilton, Mont., and colleagues reported the monkey results February 13 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Remdesivir appears to be one of the most promisingantiviral treatments tested in a nonhuman primate model to date, the teamwrote. The results also suggest remdesivir given before infection might helpprotect health care workers and family members of infected people from gettingsevere forms of the disease, Sheahan says.

Denison, Sheahan and colleagues tested remdesivir on infected human lung cells in the lab and in mice infected with MERS. Remdesivir was more potent at stopping the MERS virus than HIV drugs and interferon-beta, the researchers reported January 10 in Nature Communications.

But the question is still open about whether remdesivir canstop the new coronavirus.

In lab tests, it can. Both remdesivir and the antimalaria drug chloroquine inhibited the new viruss ability to infect and grow in monkey cells, virologist Manli Wang of the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and colleagues reported February 4 in Cell Research. Remdesivir also stopped the virus from growing in human cells. Chloroquine can block infections by interfering with the ability of some viruses including coronaviruses to enter cells. Wang and colleagues found that the drug could also limit growth of the new coronavirus if given after entry. Chloroquine also may help the immune system fight the virus without the kind of overreaction that can lead to organ failure, the researchers propose.

In China, remdesivir is already being tested in patients. And NIAID announced February 25 that it had launched a clinical trial of remdesivir at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. The first enrolled patient was an American evacuated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan that had been quarantined in February because of a COVID-19 outbreak.

Ultimately, nearly 400 sick people at 50 centers around theworld will participate in the NIAID trial, which will compare remdesivir with aplacebo. The trial may be stopped or altered to add other drugs depending onresults from the first 100 or so patients, says Andre Kalil, an infectiousdisease physician at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Researchers considered many potential therapies, but basedon results from the animal and lab studies, remdesivir seemed to be the onethat was more promising, Kalil says.

In the early patient studies, figuring out when to give remdesivirto patients might not be easy, Sheahan says. Often drugs are tested on thesickest patients. For example, those in the NIAID trial must have pneumonia toparticipate. By the time someone lands in the intensive care unit withCOVID-19, it may be too late for remdesivir to combat the virus, Sheahan says.It may turn out that the drug works best earlier in the disease, before viralreplication peaks.

We dont know because it hasnt really been evaluated inpeople how remdesivir will work, or if it will work at all, Sheahan cautions.

The drug seems to have helped a 35-year-old man in Snohomish County, Wash., researchers reported January 31 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The man had the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States. He developed pneumonia, and doctors treated him with intravenous remdesivir. By the next day, he was feeling better and was taken off supplemental oxygen.

Thats just one case, and the company that makes remdesivirhas urged caution. Remdesivir is not yet licensed or approved anywhereglobally and has not been demonstrated to be safe or effective for any use,the drugs maker, biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, headquartered inFoster City, Calif., said in a statement on January 31.

But global health officials are eager to see the drug testedin people. Theres only one drug right now that we think may have realefficacy, and thats remdesivir, WHOs assistant director-general BruceAylward said during a news briefing on February 24. But researchers in Chinaare having trouble recruiting patients into remdesivir studies, partly becausethe number of cases has been waning and partly because too many trials ofless-promising candidates are being offered. We have got to start prioritizingenrollment into those things that may save lives and save them faster, Aylwardsaid.

Another strategy for combating COVID-19 involves distracting the virus with decoys. Like the SARS virus, the new virus enters human cells by latching on to a protein called ACE2. The protein studs the surface of cells in the lungs and many other organs. A protein on the surface of the new virus binds to ACE2 10 to 20 times as tightly as the SARS protein does.

Researchers at Vienna-based Apeiron Biologics announced February 26 that they would use human ACE2 protein in a clinical trial against the new coronavirus. When released into the body, the extra ACE2 acts as a decoy, glomming on to the virus, preventing it from getting into cells.

ACE2 isnt just a viruss doorway to infection. Normally, it helps protect the lungs against damage, says Josef Penninger, an immunologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and a cofounder of Apeiron. Penninger and colleagues reported the proteins protective qualities, based on studies with mice, in Nature in 2005.

During a viral infection, the protein is drawn away from thecell surface and cant offer protection. Penninger thinks that adding in extraACE2 may help shield the lungs from damage caused by the virus and by immunesystem overreactions. The protein is also made in many other organs. Penningerand colleagues are testing whether the new virus can enter other tissues, whichmight be how the virus leads to multiple organ failures in severely ill people.

The decoy protein drug, called APN01, has already beenthrough Phase I and Phase II clinical testing. We know its safe, Penningersays. Now researchers just need to determine whether it works.

No one knows whether any of these approaches can help stemthe spread of COVID-19.

Right now, we need lots of people working with lots ofideas, Satchell says. Similarities between the viruses that cause SARS andCOVID-19 may mean that some drugs could work against both. There is a hopethat several small molecules that were identified as inhibitors of the SARSprotease would represent reasonable starting points for trying to make a drugfor the 2019 coronavirus, Burley says.

The open questionis, can you produce a drug that is both safe and effective quickly enough tohave an impact? SARS was stopped by traditional infection-control measures in2004, before any virus-fighting drugs made it through the development pipeline.

But had a decision been made then to spend $1 billion tomake a safe and effective drug against SARS, Burley says, such a drug might beworking now against the new coronavirus, eliminating the need to spend hundredsof billions of dollars to contain this new infection.

An investment in SARS would not have paid off for peoplewith MERS, which is still a danger in the Middle East. The MERS virus is toodifferent from SARS at the RNA level for SARS drugs to work against it.

But a future coronavirus might emerge that is similar enough to SARS and SARS-CoV-2 to be worth the cost, Burley says. Even if the current outbreak dwindles and disappears, he says, governments and companies should keep investing in drugs that can stop coronaviruses.

Im quite certain that the economic impact of the epidemic is going to run into the hundreds of billions, he says. So you would only need a 1 percent chance of something that was treatable with the drug to show up in the future to have made a good investment.

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Coronavirus And Parenting: What You Need To Know Now – KPCW

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:44 am

We are education reporters by day and parents by night (and day). But, in recent weeks, our two worlds have collided, with parents and educators equally concerned about the spread of COVID-19. So here's a quick rundown of some of the great questions we've heard from listeners and readers and the answers we've been able to explore in our reporting. For even more, you can listen to this new episode of NPR's Life Kit podcast.

Q. What's the single most important thing we can do to protect our kids?

Make sure they understand that hand-washing isn't optional. And that means showing them how to do it properly: using soap, warm water and time. Washing should take 20 seconds, which means you may need to help them find a song they can sing (in their heads, maybe twice) like the ABCs or "Happy Birthday" songs. Be sure they wash whenever they come in from outside, before eating, after coughing or sneezing or blowing their nose and, of course, after using the bathroom.

For younger kids, it can't hurt to remind them that nose-picking is a no-go, and that they should cough into their elbows. If you're feeling ambitious, clip their fingernails frequently, as they provide a sneaky hiding spot for viruses. Hand lotion keeps skin comfy and unbroken, which also helps prevent the spread of infection.

A few more ideas: Try laundering things like coats, backpacks and reusable shopping bags more frequently and take off shoes when you come inside. For cleaning the house, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says "diluted household bleach solutions, alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol, and most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective."

Q. How do I get my kids to STOP TOUCHING THEIR FACES?

Sorry. This is one of the few questions to which we have no good answer. Because I (Cory) have not yet figured out how to stop touching my own face.

As an experiment, maybe try making them wear scratchy mittens. Or do what I (Anya) did and paint your child's face so you can catch them red-handed, though this could also lead to unwanted faceprints on walls and windows.

Q. This health crisis can be scary. How should we talk about it with kids?

Keep it simple, age-appropriate and fact-based. For example, don't tell your child they won't get COVID-19; you don't know that. Instead, the CDC suggests telling children that, from what doctors have seen so far, most kids aren't getting very sick. In fact, most people who've gotten COVID-19 haven't gotten very sick. Only a small group have had serious problems. And, channeling the great Mr. Rogers: Look for the Helpers. Assure your kids, if they (or someone they love) do get sick, the world is full of grown-ups who will help. And be sure to check out this incredible comic by our colleague, Malaka Gharib. She made it specifically for kids who may be scared or confused about coronavirus.

Q. With racist incidents toward Asians and Asian Americans, is this a teaching moment for social justice?

Absolutely. We must remind the children in our lives that viruses can make anyone sick, regardless of a person's race or ethnicity. No matter where scientists first documented COVID-19, this outbreak isn't anyone's fault. Similarly, just because someone looks different or talks differently, doesn't mean they are at a higher risk of getting the coronavirus or spreading it. And let children know that if they hear language in school or on the playground that suggests otherwise, they should be sure to let you know.

Q. Why is/isn't my school being closed?

Closing schools is a complicated decision. Many school leaders and public health officials seem to be waiting for an infection or potential infection in their immediate school community before closing. While the science suggests closing schools earlier is more effective at slowing the spread of disease, it's important to understand why so many school leaders are so reluctant to close schools.

For one thing, parents should understand that for many kids in the United States, being sent home from school is also a public health risk. Many children may not have parents who can take off work, or work from home, if school is canceled. They may also live in unsafe neighborhoods. Millions of U.S. children rely on schools for free or reduced-price meals, too, and 1.5 million schoolchildren nationwide are housing-insecure. For many of these kids, having to miss several weeks of school could be incredibly destabilizing.

One more thing: Rest assured that the decision to close schools is not being taken lightly and is being made in conjunction with local public health officials. Emphasis on local this decision is being made school by school, district by district.

Q. What do we do if school is canceled?

Many parents and caregivers will have to scramble for child care, especially low-wage workers who may not have vacation or sick leave. If you're not one of those parents, try to do something to help those who are. School closure can last two weeks or more; flexibility and empathy will help us all through this.

For parents who can stay home, many are wondering: What exactly is "social distancing?" Can my children still go on play dates? Or is it screen time, all the time?

The idea with closing schools is to limit the number of social contacts. That is what is going to be most effective in slowing the spread of this disease. But we want to acknowledge that staying with immediate family only might be hard to enforce for more than a few days.

Luckily, public health officials in King County, Washington, offer this helpful guidance:

"Social distancing doesn't mean you have to stay stuck in your house. ... The current recommendation is to avoid large groups. That mostly means groups over 50 people but conservatively means anything more than 10 people. However, if you don't fall into the high risk group, you can still certainly visit each other."

Think of it as a good opportunity for one-on-one hangouts.

Also, be extra mindful of grandparents, neighbors, friends and people with compromised immune systems. They are the most vulnerable in this outbreak. Instead of a face-to-face visit next week with Nana and Papa, try starting a video-chat habit: Try coloring together, cooking or reading aloud.

Q. What does it mean to work from home and parent young (preschool and elementary) kids that are home as a result of school closures at the same time? Disney+ all day everyday???

Common Sense Media is a great resource for quality screen-time recommendations both free and paid, educational and purely recreational including privacy tips. I (Anya) like Duolingo for language learning, Tynker for coding and Khan Academy for academic subjects. Epic is a subscription service with endless books and comics for tablets, searchable by age.

As we said, you can also get creative with video chat. In addition to checking in with grandparents, try setting up a remote play date for your kids. Some long-distance families stay connected with a Zoom or Google hangout portal that just stays open. Try playing hide-and-seek by carrying a laptop around the house!

Also, if school's been canceled, think about using video chat to continue learning opportunities: piano lessons, tutoring or Sunday school with your child's regular teacher. A company called Outschool does live online classes for kids.

There are even physical screen-time options. GoNoodle offers both physical dance/movement and meditation videos, and this is a great time for everyone in the family to learn TikTok dances like the Renegade.

Special note on teens and screens: Online spaces are their social spaces and it's good to respect that. Take this as an opportunity to learn more about their online worlds. Help them bust rumors and disinformation. (Check out this free online module to become an expert detector of coronavirus hoaxes.) Check in with their mental health. Be a media mentor.

Q. What about non-screen activities?

Yes! Getting outside isn't just a good idea, it's good for your physical and mental health. Go for a walk, a bike ride or, if possible, a family hike.

And here's a wild card: While everyone's home, try giving the kids more responsibility around the house, including cooking a meal or doing the laundry. And cleaning there's going to be a lot of cleaning to do!


Hi, I'm Anya Kamenetz, an NPR reporter and the mother of two girls.


And I'm Cory Turner, an education reporter and the dad of two boys. And today, we're going to talk with you about really the only thing that Anya and I have been talking about for the last two weeks - coronavirus.

KAMENETZ: Obviously, right? That's what everyone has been talking about.

TURNER: So this is going to be a special LIFE KIT parenting episode about how to talk with young kids about coronavirus, how to deal with school closures. Maybe your school is closed, or maybe it isn't and you're worried about why it isn't. We're also going to talk about some screen time strategies if your kids are home and, most importantly, how to keep our kids healthy.

KAMENETZ: And because we're education reporters, we are in the privileged position of talking to experts about this. And so we thought that we would come to you, our LIFE KIT listeners, and pull together everything that is potentially useful. So here we go.


TURNER: Takeaway No. 1 - and we're going to start super basic here - is, we've said this two weeks ago, we're going to say it again - your kids need to understand not only that it is important to wash their hands, but, really, show them how to wash their hands well. Make sure they take 20 seconds. Make sure they use soap. And, you know, have them sing a song in their heads. Whatever it is, whatever it takes, this is seriously one of the most powerful things that you and they can do to protect not only themselves but all of us.

KAMENETZ: Right. So when should they wash their hands? They should wash their hands when they come in from outside, before eating. And then coming along with that - so I spoke to a friend of mine, Kavitha (ph), and she is the mom, actually, of an immunocompromised kid. He's 3 years old. He's doing pretty well. But he had - he's had a stem cell transplant in the past, so they are really, really used to all this stuff as a family. And here's some of the stuff that she told me.

KAVITHA: As soon as we walk inside, we just wash our hands for a good 30 seconds to a minute.

KAMENETZ: Do you use lotion?

KAVITHA: We use lotion because the handwashing can really cause your skin to crack. We use Aquaphor.

KAMENETZ: And things that we might not think of - don't forget to clip your fingernails every other day. Keep them short because a virus hides under there. And we've heard this thing to stop touching your face, right?

TURNER: Yeah. It's very hard for me. I will fully admit I caught myself on the metro this morning touching my nose.

KAMENETZ: Right. So something...

TURNER: Sorry everybody who saw me do it. I know it was really alarming. Sorry.

KAMENETZ: So a couple of tips - one is I painted my toddler's face yesterday and she had touched it so many times within, like, five minutes.


KAMENETZ: And I think it was actually a pretty good reminder for us - still spitballing on that one.

TURNER: (Laughter) All right. Moving on to takeaway No. 2 - when we're talking about coronavirus, it is really important to give them facts and be reassuring.


TURNER: Don't make promises, though, that you cannot keep.


TURNER: So the big thing that comes to mind for me is any parent's first reaction when a child asks, am I going to get coronavirus, is going to be, well, no, of course not, that - no, don't be silly. Don't say that because you don't know that. That is not a promise that you can keep.

And so instead - and these recommendations come directly from the CDC - talk about what COVID-19 looks and feels like, say, you know, it can feel kind of like a flu. People can get a fever or a cough. They might have a hard time breathing. You can be reassuring that only a small group of people, really, who get it actually have more serious problems. And we also know from what doctors have seen so far that kids don't seem to be getting very sick.

KAMENETZ: Yeah, that's a huge one, I think, for kids to listen to and to hear is that very, very few kids have gotten sick.

TURNER: Yeah, absolutely. And Anya, one more thing just because I don't think we can say this enough in every episode that we do for parents and kids is always double down on the fact that there are helpers out there. There are always helpers. Whether you get sick with COVID-19 or flu or you fall off your bicycle and break your arm, there are going to be folks out there who will help you get through this.

KAMENETZ: Yeah, totally. You know, we have a whole LIFE KIT episode on talking to kids about scary stuff in the news. But just in a 30-second recap, ask what they have heard, what rumors they may have come across, ask how they're feeling, make sure that you check in and limit the flow of information in your house. And honestly, this really goes for parents, too. You know, no screens in the bedroom at night. Don't play the news all day. We all need to take a lot of breaks from what's coming in at us.

TURNER: Absolutely.

KAMENETZ: So our takeaway No. 3 is that we should all try to reduce any stigma or misinformation or xenophobia around this virus.

TURNER: Yeah. You may have heard politicians talking about the Chinese coronavirus. You know, it's been kicking around. It's very important, especially when you talk to school leaders, educators, social workers - it's very important when talking with kids especially about this outbreak that we don't try to assign blame because this disease affects all of us, and we all need to help protect each other.

KAMENETZ: Our takeaway No. 4 is about closing schools. And, you know, Cory's been reporting on this. It's really a complicated decision.

TURNER: Yeah. I think we're really just at the beginning of a wave of closures. And there are a couple of things that I really want parents to understand here. I know there's been a lot of clamor from parents to close schools now. And there is research - Anya, you and I both know this. There is research out there that says that closing schools proactively - doing it early - does help slow the spread of disease. It is effective.

But the thing I want parents to understand is there are very real public health concerns and risks that come with closing the schools. So think about it, in this country, we have nearly 30 million kids who depend on schools for free or reduced-price breakfast, lunch, sometimes even dinner.

KAMENETZ: Yeah. And we have a million and a half kids, sadly, that don't have stable housing. So I guess the take-homes here are just to know this is a very complicated decision. Obviously, authorities are making it. Understand the pressure that they're under and figure out ways that we as communities can pull together and help the kids that are needier in our communities when it comes to this. And I've already heard of really creative thoughts around that, sort of extending meal distribution in communities, for example. So we should all be on the lookout for ways to help, I think.


TURNER: Takeaway No. 5 now is if school does close, you still have options.

KAMENETZ: OK. This was a key question for me, which was, is it OK to have playdates or to trade off for child care if you need to?

TURNER: Yeah, yeah.

KAMENETZ: Basically, the science of this is the idea with closing schools is to limit the number of social contacts. In an ideal world, you would limit social contacts just to the people in your immediate family. That's what's most effective in slowing the spread of the disease. However, we also want to acknowledge that this might be really hard to enforce for more than a week or two, and it probably is impossible for a lot of families, especially if someone has to go to work.


KAMENETZ: And it's also really tough on your mental health.

TURNER: Right.

KAMENETZ: So there's a more realistic recommendation and it comes from the Seattle area public health officials. Obviously, they've been at the epicenter of this. And the key here is social distancing, not social isolation.

TURNER: Yeah, that's a hugely important distinction. Their guidance says, look, it's OK for families to socialize with small, controlled numbers. Like, think fewer than 10 people, all of whom agree, you know, to wash their hands, take their temperatures and stay isolated if they get sick. You need to be able to practice social distancing. Think of it as a good opportunity for a one-on-one hangouts.

KAMENETZ: Definitely.

TURNER: The real key here is avoid larger groups - anything 50 people or more, which is why we're seeing so much guidance now canceling everything from public sporting events to church on Sundays.

KAMENETZ: That's right. And so when you do get together, you know, you need to be able to practice social distancing and that means elbow bumping, waving. It's really, really hard if you have a young, young child. This might be off limits, right? It might be hard to get them to understand that.

And then we also - and I put you in mind to the fact that we need to be extra careful of our grandparents, older folks, anyone who's immunocompromised, has respiratory issues, those are our most vulnerable family members. And you know, it's hard. They want to see their grandkids. But that's the most dangerous.

TURNER: Yeah. And I want to say one thing on that count because my parents live about 45 minutes away from me. And I'm going to take this as an opportunity to really improve my FaceTime game with them.

KAMENETZ: Perfect timing. Create that...

TURNER: (Laughter).

KAMENETZ: ...Screen time. And, you know, that's kind of my thing. So our takeaway No. 6 is that, actually, there are better ways to do screen time. You don't have to be 24/7 Disney Plus...

TURNER: (Laughter).

KAMENETZ: ...And nothing else. I have a bunch of tips on this. Some schools are going to be sending home online homework while some will not. There's equity issues involved with that. I would encourage people to kind of think creatively about this because it's going to get really old after a couple days. Common Sense Media has put out a bunch of quality screen time recommendations - both free and paid - including privacy tips, which you want to think about if you're downloading a whole much a new apps.

So let's think really creative about what you might be able to do over video chat. Could you do your piano lessons on video chat? Could you do Sunday school on video chat? And then socializing - right? - so playdates, grandparents, like you mentioned, Cory. So you can read books over video chat. You can play hide and seek by carrying the laptop around the house. And...

TURNER: You could cook together.

KAMENETZ: You can cook together, totally. You could have a dance party together.

TURNER: (Laughter).

KAMENETZ: It doesn't mean, however, that you can't do enrichment.


KAMENETZ: That you have to just, you know, resign yourself to totally entertainment-based time. I mean, there's Khan Academy if they want to do different kinds of math. There is Tynker and a lot of other tools for practicing coding online. So you know, you might want to divide your screen time into vegetables and dessert and not just let them do entertainment all day, every day.

TURNER: (Laughter).

KAMENETZ: I want to think about the physical screen time options. So GoNoodle is something we use in our house. It's free videos with dances and also there's meditation videos and yoga videos on GoNoodle. Cosmic Kids Yoga is another video channel on YouTube that's all, like, yoga videos that work with even very young kids. It's also a really good time for everyone in the family to learn the Renegade...

TURNER: (Laughter).

KAMENETZ: ...And other viral dance crazes on TikTok. Like, make it active, right? It doesn't have to be a totally solo pursuit.

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Coronavirus And Parenting: What You Need To Know Now - KPCW

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Gene Therapy How Does It Work and Its Examples

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

Gene therapy is a medical therapeutic process involving the delivery of the gene into cells to treat diseases. It is an application of recombinant DNA technology in the field of medicine. The main aim of gene therapy is to cure a disease by providing the patient with a correct copy of the defective gene. The technique can be applied to target specific affected tissues in the body. Although gene therapy was used to treat inherited disease in earlier attempts, the application has now been extended to cure any disease by the introduction of a cloned gene into the patients cells or tissues instead of drugs. One of the potential benefits of gene therapy is that it can be used to treat diseases with single or few administrations rather than frequent dosing.

The possibility of gene therapy began in the 1960s and 1970s when scientists discovered the first evidence for uptake and expression of exogenous DNA in mammalian cells. However, due to the lack of gene transfer methods and the inefficiency of the techniques available, then, the concept could not be materialized. In the early 1970s, the development of genetically marked cell lines and the clarification of mechanisms of cell transformation by the papovaviruses polyoma and SV40 suggested the use of transforming viruses for therapeutic gene transfer. The first attempt to the gene transfer in a human was carried out by Martin Cline and his colleagues at UCLA in 1980. They conducted an rDNA transfer into the bone marrow cells of two thalassemia patients.

There are two basic approaches to gene therapy Germline Therapy and Somatic Cell Therapy.

In germline therapy, germ cells (sperms or eggs) are modified. A fertilized egg is provided with a copy of the correct version of the relevant gene and re-implanted into the mother. If successful, the gene is present and expressed in all cells of the resulting individual. Germline therapy is usually carried out by microinjection of a somatic cell followed by nuclear transfer into an oocyte and theoretically could be used to treat any inherited disease. Germline gene therapy, however, raises various ethical and technical concerns and is prohibited in many countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and Israel.

Somatic cell therapy involves the manipulation of cells, which either can be removed from the organism, transfected, or then placed back in the body, or transfected in situ without removal. The technique has the most promise for inherited blood diseases such as hemophilia and thalassemia, with genes being introduced into stem cells from the bone marrow, which give rise to all the specialized cell types in the blood. The strategy is to prepare a bone marrow extract containing several billion cells, transfect these with a retrovirus-based vector, and then re-implant the cells. Subsequent replication and differentiation of transfectants lead to the added gene being present in all the mature blood cells. Thus, in somatic cell therapy, the effects caused by the foreign gene is restricted to the individual patient only and is not inherited to the offspring.

The gene therapy can be carried out ex vivo or in vivo. In the ex vivo approach, the intended genes are transferred into the cells grown in culture. Transformed cells are selected and then re-introduced into the patient. The in vivo approach involves the transfer of cloned genes directly into the tissues of the patient.

The process of gene therapy starts with the selection of a suitable vector, a carrier that will transfer the intended gene to the cells. Two types of vectors used in gene therapy are viral vectorsrecombinant viruses, and non-viral vectorsnaked DNA or DNA complexes. The viral vectors introduce their genetic material into the host cell and use the host cells machinery to produce proteins encoded by the viral DNA. Viruses used in gene therapy are retroviruses, adenoviruses, adeno-associated virus, herpes simplex, and vaccinia. Retroviruses are most commonly used because they can incorporate their genetic material into the host cells DNA, thus changing the genetic component of that cell. And they have an extremely high transfection frequency, enabling a large proportion of the stem cells in a bone marrow extract to receive the new gene.

As the vector binds and enters inside the target cell, its genetic material enters the cells nucleus. Then, the viral vector either tricks the host cells machinery to replicate its genetic material or integrate its genetic material into the host genome and cause it to replicate and produce proteins encoded by the viral genetic material. Thus, the therapeutic gene previously recombined with the viral genetic material can be expressed in the host cell.

Gene therapy techniques are applied with various strategies based on the need for function. Gene augmentation therapy is used to add a functioning gene into a cell with a non-functioning copy of that gene. It is suitable to treat diseases caused by a mutation that stops a gene from producing a functioning product, such as a protein. Similarly, Gene inhibition therapy is suitable for the treatment of cancer, infectious, and inherited diseases caused by improper gene activity. This does so by blocking the expression of a gene or interfering with the activity of the product of another gene. The third strategy is targeted killing of specific cells such as cancers by inserting suicide genes or genes encoding antigenic proteins. The fourth strategy is correcting a defective or mutant gene to restore its function.

Scientists and researchers have been working on gene therapy for a few decades, and hundreds of trials are in the clinical phase, most in the first-in-human phase. The number of patients who have received effective gene-based therapy is few, but the future of gene therapy is promising. The diseases and disorders that have been successfully treated by gene therapy so far include immune deficienciesSevere Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) and Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency, Hereditary blindness, Hemophilia, beta-Thalassemia, Fat metabolism disorder, several types of cancermelanoma, leukemia, and Parkinsons disease. Gene therapy is, therefore, becoming the game changer of modern therapeutic medicine.

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Gene Therapy Reverses Heart Failure in Animal Model of Barth Syndrome – BioSpace

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

Boston Children's Hospital researchers used an investigational gene therapy to treat heart failure in a mouse model of Barth syndrome. Barth syndrome is a rare genetic disorder in boys that results in life-threatening heart failure. It also causes weakness of the skeletal muscles and the immune system. The disease is caused by a mutation of a gene known as tafazzin or TAZ.

In 2014, William Pu and researchers at Boston Childrens Hospital collaborated with the Wyss Institute to develop a beating heart on a chip model of Barth syndrome. It used heart-muscle cells with the TAZ mutation that came from patients own skin cells. This was able to prove that TAZ was the cause of the cardiac problems. The heart muscle cells did not organize normally and the mitochondria, the cells energy engines, were disorganized, resulting in the heart muscle contracting weakly. By adding healthy TAZ genes, the cells behaved more normally.

The next step was an animal model. The results of the research were published in the journal Circulation Research.

The animal model was a hurdle in the field for a long time, Pu said. Pu is director of Basic and Translational Cardiovascular Research at Boston Childrens and a member of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Efforts to make a mouse model using traditional methods had been unsuccessful.

Douglas Strathdees research team at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research in the UK recently developed animal models of Barth syndrome. Pu, research fellow Suya Wang, and colleagues characterized the knockout mice into two types. One had the TAZ gene deleted throughout the body; the other had the TAZ gene deleted just in the heart.

Most of the mice that had TAZ deleted throughout their whole bodies died before birth, likely from skeletal muscle weakness. Of those that survived, they developed progressive cardiomyopathy, where the heart muscle enlarges and is less able to pump blood. The heart also showed signs of scarring similar to humans with dilated cardiomyopathy, where the hearts left ventricle is dilated and thin-walled.

The mice that lacked TAZ only in their heart tissue that survived to birth had the same features. Electron microscopy indicated that the heart muscle cells and mitochondria were poorly organized.

Pu and Wang and their team then used gene therapy to replace TAZ in the newborn mice and in older mice, using slightly different techniques. In the newborn mice the engineered virus was injected under the skin; in the older mice it was injected intravenously. The mice who had no TAZ in their bodies and received the gene therapy survived to adulthood.

In the newborn mice receiving the gene therapy, the therapy prevented cardiac dysfunction and scarring. In the older mice receiving the therapy, it reversed the cardiac dysfunction.

The study also showed that TAZ gene therapy offered durable treatment of the cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle cells, but only when at least 70% of the heart muscle cells had taken up the gene via the therapy. Which the researchers point out that when the therapy is developed for humans, that will be the most challenging problem. You cant just scale up the dose because of inflammatory immune responses, and multiple doses wont work either because the body develops an immune response. Maintaining the gene-corrected cell is also a problem. In the heart muscles of the treated mice, the corrected TAZ gene stayed relatively stable, but slowly dropped in skeletal muscles.

The biggest takeaway was that the gene therapy was highly effective, Pu said. We have some things to think about to maximize the percentage of muscle cell transduction, and to make sure the gene therapy is durable, particularly in skeletal muscle.

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Gene Therapy Reverses Heart Failure in Animal Model of Barth Syndrome - BioSpace

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Nationwide Childrens among hospitals leading the way in gene therapy – Massillon Independent

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

The Center for Gene Therapy at Nationwide Childrens Hospital is working to develop childrens gene therapy treatments. Officials say the gene therapy research and clinical trials there are starting to attract companies to central Ohio.

Nationwide Childrens Hospital is in the forefront of curing several genetic childhood diseases, transforming Columbus into a major medical hub, several gene therapy experts say.

The hospital's Center for Gene Therapy at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute is working to develop treatments for children, which is attracting patients and companies to Ohio, according to officials at Nationwide Childrens and JobsOhio, the state's economic development organization.

The illnesses that were making use of in gene therapy are devastating illnesses, said Dr. Kevin Flanigan, the director of Nationwide Childrens Center for Gene Therapy. These are ones we know that children would be significantly impaired for life or die because of the disease.

Gene therapy involves altering the genes inside the patient's cells in an effort to treat or stop disease. It gives doctors the chance to treat many previously untreatable rare and genetic diseases.

Gene therapy is currently available primarily in a research setting, with only four gene therapy products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sale in the United States. One of the four, Zolgensma, started as a clinical trial for spinal muscular atrophy at Nationwide Childrens in 2014.

The hospital is working on a handful of gene therapy treatments for various childhood diseases that affect muscle, motor or mental functions, Flanigan said.

Gene therapy presents a tremendous opportunity for our medical system, and Columbus has been a huge part of that growth thanks to the work being done at Nationwide Childrens Hospital, Edith Pfister, chairwoman of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapys communications committee, said in an email.

The FDA approved Zolgensma, a one-time treatment that intravenously delivers the gene that is missing in children with spinal muscular atrophy, on May 24.

SMA is a progressive childhood neuromuscular disease that is caused by a mutation in a single gene that attacks nerve cells. It causes major physical limitations including the inability to breathe, swallow, talk or sit up. Children born with SMA typically die or need permanent breathing assistance by the time they turn 2 years old.

Donovan Weisgarber was diagnosed with SMA type 1 at Nationwide Childrens in November 2015 when he was 5 weeks old. His parents, Matt and Laura Weisgarber, decided to participate in a clinical trial at the hospital and Donovan received Zolgensma.

Before the treatment, Donovan was unable to swallow and had difficulty breathing. Today, the 4-year-old has doubled his life expectancy and is able to talk, sit up, roll over and hold his head up on his own. He also attends the Early Childhood Education and Family Center on Johnstown Road on the East Side, which offers services from the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

(Gene therapy) has given us an opportunity that we otherwise wouldnt have to love Donovan and experience him, said Matt Weisgarber, 33, of northeast Columbus.

A lot of people hear Ohio and think flyover state, but now Columbus is going to be a hub of the most groundbreaking science known to mankind and thats a really cool thing, he said.

Boston Childrens Hospital and Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia also have impressive gene therapy centers, but Columbus sets itself apart from those East Coast cities, said Severina Kraner, JobsOhios health care director.

The cost to operate, manufacture and live in Ohio is cheaper than Boston and Philadelphia, putting Ohio in a position to win cell and gene therapy companies, she said.

People are being priced out of these coastal cities, Kraner said.

One of the companies who has committed to building in Columbus is Sarepta Therapeutics, a Massachusetts-based biopharmaceutical company. Sarepta signed an agreement with Nationwide Childrens in May 2019, giving the company the licensing to a gene therapy treatment that came out of hospital research for limb-girdle muscular dystrophies, a group of diseases that cause weakness and wasting of the muscles in the arms and legs.

Sarepta is scheduled to open an 85,000-square-foot Gene Therapy Center of Excellence near Nationwide Childrens Hospital in the fall to do early research for all the companys gene therapy programs. A team of about 30 employees from Sarepta is currently working at a facility at Easton Town Center.

The region has every ingredient needed for a thriving gene therapy cluster: a strong academic foundation, world-renowned research hospitals, and, now, industry investment, Louise Rodino-Klapac, Sareptas senior vice president of gene therapy, said in an email. All of these contribute to creating a pipeline of talented people who will accelerate scientific advances that help patients.

Nationwide Childrens recently also announced it will be expanding its gene therapy research by creating Andelyn BioSciences, a new for-profit subsidiary that will manufacture gene therapy products for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

Were hoping, and we have a vision, that Andelyn can help capitalize a biotechnology hub in central Ohio focused on developing and advancing gene therapies, said Dr. Dennis Durbin, Nationwide Childrens chief science officer.

Andelyn BioSciences will launch this summer and operate out of the Abigail Wexner Research Institute, 575 Children's Crossroad. Nationwide Children's is trying to secure a permanent location for Andelyn and is looking at land on Ohio State Universitys West Campus.

Gene therapy treatment, however, comes at a high price.

The manufacturer set the price of Zolgensma at more than $2.1 million. Insurers can pay $425,000 a year for five years for one treatment.

Insurance companies are used to regular installment payments, but the single-dose nature of gene therapies are adding a level of uncertainty to health insurance structures, Pfister said in an email. A one-time administration gene therapy costs less overall, but it occurs in one upfront payment.

Pfister said she is hopeful the cost of gene therapy will go down.

Currently, most of the FDA-approved gene and cell therapies are tailored for the specific patient, but theres an incredible amount of research going into standardizing the components and delivery mechanisms behind gene therapy, Pfister said in an email.

Dr. Jerry Mendell helped usher in the era of gene therapy at Nationwide Childrens when he came to the hospital in 2004.

Nationwide Childrens first gene therapy trial was in 2006 for duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare, inherited, degenerative muscle disorder that almost exclusively affects boys.

Things have really changed significantly in the gene therapy world because of the contributions weve made here, and its been a very gratifying experience, said Mendell, the principal investigator in Nationwide Childrens Center for Gene Therapy.

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Nationwide Childrens among hospitals leading the way in gene therapy - Massillon Independent

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Almost 400 cell and gene therapies in US pipeline, finds report – European Pharmaceutical Review

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

New research has found that there are 362 cell and gene therapies in clinical pipelines in the US, an increase from 2018.

A new report from Americas Biopharmaceutical Companies has revealed that there are 362 cell and gene therapies in development in the US. Roughly a third of the therapies, 132, are potential treatments for rare diseases.

The research also highlights that the rate of R&D in this field is growing, as in 2018, a Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) report on the cell and gene therapy pipeline found 289 therapies in clinical development in the US.

There are currently nine cell or gene therapy products approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Cell and gene therapies represent two overlapping fields of biomedical research with similar aims, which target DNA or RNA inside or outside the body. Gene therapies use genetic material, or DNA, to alter a patients cells and treat an inherited or acquired disease, whereas cell therapy is the infusion or transplantation of whole cells into a patient for the treatment of an inherited or acquired disease.

According to the report, the novel cell and gene therapies range from early to late stages of clinical development and are focused on a variety of diseases and conditions from cancer, genetic disorders and neurologic conditions.

Some of the cell and gene therapies in the pipeline include:

Another finding highlighted by the report is the 60 RNA therapeutics in development. Whilst not a kind of cell or gene therapy,RNA interference (RNAi) and antisense RNA use a genes DNA sequence to turn it off or modify the gene expression. So, these treatments can potentially inhibit the mechanism of disease-causing proteins.

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Almost 400 cell and gene therapies in US pipeline, finds report - European Pharmaceutical Review

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Gene Therapy Reverses Heart Failure in Mouse Model – Technology Networks

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

Barth syndromeis a rare metabolic disease caused by mutation of a gene calledtafazzinorTAZ. It can cause life-threatening heart failure and also weakens the skeletal muscles, undercuts the immune response, and impairs overall growth. Because Barth syndrome is X-linked, it almost always occurs in boys. There is no cure or specific treatment.

In 2014, to get a better understanding of the disease,William Pu, MD, and colleagues at Boston Childrens Hospital collaborated with the Wyss Institute to create a beatingheart on a chip model of Barth syndrome. The model used heart-muscle cells with theTAZmutation, derived from patients own skin cells.It showedthatTAZis truly at the heart of cardiac dysfunction: the heart muscle cells did not assemble normally, mitochondria inside the cells were disorganized, and heart tissue contracted weakly. Adding a healthyTAZgene normalized these features, suggesting that gene replacement therapy could be a viable treatment.

But to fully capture Barth syndrome and its whole-body effects, Pu and colleagues needed an animal model. The animal model was a hurdle in the field for a long time, says Pu, director of Basic and Translational Cardiovascular Research at Boston Childrens and a member of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Efforts to make a mouse model using traditional methods had been unsuccessful.

As described in the journalCirculation Research, most mice with the whole-bodyTAZdeletion died before birth, apparently because of skeletal muscle weakness. But some survived, and these mice developed progressive cardiomyopathy, in which the heart muscle enlarges and loses pumping capacity. Their hearts also showed scarring, and, similar to human patients with dilatedcardiomyopathy, the hearts left ventricle was dilated and thin-walled.

Mice lackingTAZjust in their cardiac tissue, which all survived to birth, showed the same features. Electron microscopy showed heart muscle tissue to be poorly organized, as were the mitochondria within the cells.

Pu, Wang, and colleagues then used gene therapy to replaceTAZ, injecting an engineered virus under the skin (in newborn mice) or intravenously (in older mice). Treated mice with whole-bodyTAZdeletions were able to survive to adulthood.TAZgene therapy also prevented cardiac dysfunction and scarring when given to newborn mice, and reversed established cardiac dysfunction in older mice whether the mice had whole-body or heart-onlyTAZdeletions.

Thats where the challenge will lie in translating the results to humans. Simply scaling up the dose of gene therapy wont work: In large animals like us, large doses risk a dangerous inflammatory immune response. Giving multiple doses of gene therapy wont work either.

The problem is that neutralizing antibodies to the virus develop after the first dose, says Pu. Getting enough of the muscle cells corrected in humans may be a challenge.

Another challenge is maintaining populations of gene-corrected cells. While levels of the correctedTAZgene remained fairly stable in the hearts of the treated mice, they gradually declined in skeletal muscles.

The biggest takeaway was that the gene therapy was highly effective, says Pu. We have some things to think about to maximize the percentage of muscle cell transduction, and to make sure the gene therapy is durable, particularly in skeletal muscle."

Reference: Wang et al. (2020).AAV Gene Therapy Prevents and Reverses Heart Failure in A Murine Knockout Model of Barth Syndrome.Circulation Research.

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Gene Therapy Reverses Heart Failure in Mouse Model - Technology Networks

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Tim Kelly Joins AskBio as President of Manufacturing to Lead AAV Vector Production for Gene Therapy – GlobeNewswire

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

Tim Kelly, PhD

Tim Kelly joins AskBio to lead manufacturing of clinical- and commercial-scale AAV vectors to be used in gene therapy.

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., March 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asklepios BioPharmaceutical, Inc. (AskBio), a leading, clinical-stage adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy company, today announced the appointment of Tim Kelly, PhD, as President of Manufacturing. He will oversee all manufacturing functions at AskBio and its Viralgen affiliate for the production of clinical- and commercial-scale AAV vectors. Prior to joining AskBio, Dr. Kelly was the President and Chief Executive Officer at KBI Biopharma, a contract services organization that provides drug development and biomanufacturing services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies globally.

AskBio currently has clinical studies underway in late-onset Pompe disease and congestive heart failure. To meet the growing demand for AAV gene therapies, the company is investing in manufacturing innovation, talent and capacity that will allow it to effectively and efficiently serve patient populations.

Our goal at AskBio is to continue advancing production technology to drive down costs to make gene therapies accessible to all patients who may benefit from treatment. I am delighted that Tim has joined the company to help us shape the future of manufacturing, said Sheila Mikhail, JD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder at AskBio. He brings a wealth of experience successfully leading therapeutic development and manufacturing and fostering the entrepreneurial, patient-focused culture that drives us at AskBio.

In January, Viralgen broke ground on a 300,000 square foot commercial facility in San Sebastin, Spain, with production expected to start in the spring of 2022, complementing the clinical-scale production currently carried out at its existing cGMP facility.

AskBios technology is truly transforming human health, and I am incredibly excited to help translate our innovations into reliable delivery of AAV gene therapy products to patients in need, said Dr. Kelly.

More about Tim KellyDr. Kelly has more than 20 years of experience in the development and manufacture of therapeutic proteins. He has overseen biopharmaceutical services for over 320 molecules at all stages of development and commercialization and supported numerous successful FDA and international regulatory inspections throughout his career. He began his tenure at KBI Biopharma in 2005, initially acting as Vice President of Biopharmaceutical Development, where he led the establishment and growth of KBIs analytical development, formulation development and cGMP laboratory services business. He subsequently served as Executive Vice President of Operations with responsibility for KBIs development and manufacturing functions in North Carolina and Colorado before becoming President and Chief Executive Officer. Prior to KBI, he directed the quality control function for Diosynth Biotechnology, where he supported clinical and commercial biopharmaceutical products. Dr. Kelly earned his PhD in molecular genetics and biochemistry from Georgia State University.

About AskBioFounded in 2001, Asklepios BioPharmaceutical, Inc. (AskBio) is a privately held, clinical-stage gene therapy company dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults with genetic disorders. AskBios gene therapy platform includes an industry-leading proprietary cell line manufacturing process called Pro10 and an extensive AAV capsid and promoter library. Based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, the company has generated hundreds of proprietary third-generation AAV capsids and promoters, several of which have entered clinical testing. An early innovator in the space, the company holds more than 500 patents in areas such as AAV production and chimeric and self-complementary capsids. AskBio maintains a portfolio of clinical programs across a range of neurodegenerative and neuromuscular indications with a current clinical pipeline that includes therapeutics for Pompe disease, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2i/R9 and congestive heart failure, as well as out-licensed clinical indications for hemophilia (Chatham Therapeutics acquired by Takeda) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Bamboo Therapeutics acquired by Pfizer). Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn.

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Tim Kelly Joins AskBio as President of Manufacturing to Lead AAV Vector Production for Gene Therapy - GlobeNewswire

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New drugs are costly and unmet need is growing – The Economist

Posted: March 14, 2020 at 7:43 am

Mar 12th 2020

BEING ABLE to see all the details of the genome at once necessarily makes medicine personal. It can also make it precise. Examining illness molecule by molecule allows pharmaceutical researchers to understand the pathways through which cells act according to the dictates of genes and environment, thus seeing deep into the mechanisms by which diseases cause harm, and finding new workings to target. The flip side of this deeper understanding is that precision brings complexity. This is seen most clearly in cancer. Once, cancers were identified by cell and tissue type. Now they are increasingly distinguished by their specific genotype that reveals which of the panoply of genes that can make a cell cancerous have gone wrong in this one. As drugs targeted against those different mutations have multiplied, so have the options for oncologists to combine them to fit their patients needs.

Cancer treatment has been the most obvious beneficiary of the genomic revolution but other diseases, including many in neurology, are set to benefit, too. Some scientists now think there are five different types of diabetes rather than two. There is an active debate about whether Parkinsons is one disease that varies a lot, or four. Understanding this molecular variation is vital when developing treatments. A drug that works well on one subtype of a disease might fail in a trial that includes patients with another subtype against which it does not work at all.

Thus how a doctor treats a disease depends increasingly on which version of the disease the patient has. The Personalised Medicine Coalition, a non-profit advocacy group, examines new drugs approved in America to see whether they require such insights in order to be used. In 2014, it found that so-called personalised medicines made up 21% of the drugs newly approved for use by Americas Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In 2018 the proportion was twice that.

Two of those cited were particularly interesting: Vitrakvi (larotrectinib), developed by Loxo Oncology, a biotech firm, and Onpattro (patisiran), developed by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. Vitrakvi is the first to be approved from the start as tumour agnostic: it can be used against any cancer that displays the mutant protein it targets. Onpattro, which is used to treat peripheral-nerve damage, is the first of a new class of drugssmall interfering RNAs, or siRNAsto be approved. Like antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), siRNAs are little stretches of nucleic acid that stop proteins from being made, though they use a different mechanism.

Again like ASOs, siRNAs allow you to target aspects of a disease that are beyond the reach of customary drugs. Until recently, drugs were either small molecules made with industrial chemistry or bigger ones made with biologynormally with genetically engineered cells. If they had any high level of specificity, it was against the actions of a particular protein, or class of proteins. Like other new techniques, including gene therapies and anti-sense drugs, siRNAs allow the problem to be tackled further upstream, before there is any protein to cause a problem.

Take the drugs that target the liver enzyme PCSK9. This has a role in maintaining levels of bad cholesterol in the blood; it is the protein that was discovered through studies of families in which congenitally high cholesterol levels led to lots of heart attacks. The first generation of such drugs were antibodies that stuck to the enzyme and stopped it working. However, the Medicines Company, a biotech firm recently acquired by Novartis, won approval last year for an siRNA called inclisiran that interferes with the expression of the gene PCSK9thus stopping the pesky protein from being made in the first place. Inclisiran needs to be injected only twice a year, rather than once a month, as antibodies do.

New biological insights, new ways of analysing patients and their disease and new forms of drug are thus opening up a wide range of therapeutic possibilities. Unfortunately, that does not equate to a range of new profitable opportunities.

Thanks in part to ever better diagnosis, there are now 7,000 conditions recognised as rare diseases in America, meaning that the number of potential patients is less than 200,000. More than 90% of these diseases have no approved treatment. These are the diseases that personalised, precision medicine most often goes after. Nearly 60% of the personalised medicines approved by the FDA in 2018 were for rare diseases.

Zolgensma is the most expensive drug ever brought to market.

That might be fine, were the number of diseases stable. But precision in diagnosis is increasingly turning what used to be single diseases into sets of similar-looking ones brought about by distinctly different mechanisms, and thus needing different treatment. And new diseases are still being discovered. Medical progress could, in short, produce more new diseases than new drugs, increasing unmet need.

Some of it will, eventually, be met. For one thing, there are government incentives in America and Europe for the development of drugs for rare diseases. And, especially in America, drugs for rare diseases have long been able to command premium prices. Were this not the case, Novartis would not have paid $8.7bn last year to buy AveXis, a small biotech firm, thereby acquiring Zolgensma, a gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Most people with SMA lack a working copy of a gene, SMN1, which the nerve cells that control the bodys muscles need to survive. Zolgensma uses an empty virus-like particle that recognises nerve cells to deliver working copies of the gene to where it is needed. Priced at $2.1m per patient, it is the most expensive drug ever brought to market. That dubious accolade might not last long. BioMarin, another biotech firm, is considering charging as much as $3m for a forthcoming gene therapy for haemophilia.

Drug firms say such treatments are economically worthwhile over the lifetime of the patient. Four-fifths of children with the worst form of SMA die before they are four. If, as is hoped, Zolgensma is a lasting cure, then its high cost should be set against a half-century or more of life. About 200 patients had been treated in America by the end of 2019.

But if some treatments for rare diseases may turn a profit, not all will. There are some 6,000 children with SMA in America. There are fewer than ten with Jansens disease. When Dr Nizar asked companies to help develop a treatment for it, she says she was told your disease is not impactful. She wrote down the negative responses to motivate herself: Every day I need to remind myself that this is bullshit.

A world in which markets shrink, drug development gets costlier and new unmet needs are ceaselessly discovered is a long way from the utopian future envisaged by the governments and charities that paid for the sequencing of all those genomes and the establishment of the worlds biobanks. As Peter Bach, director of the Centre for Health Policy and Outcomes, an academic centre in New York, puts it with a degree of understatement: if the world needs to spend as much to develop a drug for 2,000 people as it used to spend developing one for 100,000, the population-level returns from medical research are sharply diminishing.

And it is not as if the costs of drug development have been constant. They have gone up. What Jack Scannell, a consultant and former pharmaceutical analyst at UBS, a bank, has dubbed Erooms lawEroom being Moore, backwardsshows the number of drugs developed for a given amount of R&D spending has fallen inexorably, even as the amount of biological research skyrocketed. Each generation assumes that advances in science will make drugs easier to discover; each generation duly advances science; each generation learns it was wrong.

For evidence, look at the way the arrival of genomics in the 1990s lowered productivity in drug discovery. A paper in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery by Sarah Duggers from Columbia University and colleagues argues that it brought a wealth of new leads that were difficult to prioritise. Spending rose to accommodate this boom; attrition rates for drugs in development subsequently rose because the candidates were not, in general, all that good.

Today, enthused by their big-science experience with the genome and enabled by new tools, biomedical researchers are working on exhaustive studies of all sorts of other omes, including proteomesall the proteins in a cell or body; microbiomesthe non-pathogenic bacteria living in the mouth, gut, skin and such; metabolomessnapshots of all the small molecules being built up and broken down in the body; and connectomes, which list all the links in a nervous system. The patterns they find will doubtless produce new discoveries. But they will not necessarily, in the short term, produce the sort of clear mechanistic understanding which helps create great new drugs. As Dr Scannell puts it: We have treated the diseases with good experimental models. Whats left are diseases where experiments dont replicate people. Data alone canot solve the problem.

Daphne Koller, boss of Insitro, a biotech company based in San Francisco, shares Dr Scannells scepticism about the way drug discovery has been done. A lot of candidate drugs fail, she says, because they aim for targets that are not actually relevant to the biology of the condition involved. Instead researchers make decisions based on accepted rules of thumb, gut instincts or a ridiculous mouse model that has nothing to do with what is actually going on in the relevant human diseaseeven if it makes a mouse look poorly in a similar sort of way.

But she also thinks that is changing. Among the things precision biology has improved over the past five to 10 years have been the scientists own tools. Gene-editing technologies allow genes to be changed in various ways, including letter by letter; single-cell analysis allows the results to be looked at as they unfold. These edited cells may be much more predictive of the effects of drugs than previous surrogates. Organoidsself-organised, three-dimensional tissue cultures grown from human stem cellsoffer simplified but replicable versions of the brain, pancreas, lung and other parts of the body in which to model diseases and their cures.

Insitro is editing changes into stem cellswhich can grow into any other tissueand tracking the tissues they grow into. By measuring differences in the development of very well characterised cells which differ in precisely known ways the company hopes to build more accurate models of disease in living cells. All this work is automated, and carried out on such a large scale that Dr Koller anticipates collecting many petabytes of data before using machine learning to make sense of it. She hopes to create what Dr Scannell complains biology lacks and what drug designers need: predictive models of how genetic changes drive functional changes.

There are also reasons to hope that the new upstream drugsASOs, siRNAs, perhaps even some gene therapiesmight have advantages over todays therapies when it comes to small-batch manufacture. It may also prove possible to streamline much of the testing that such drugs go through. Virus-based gene-therapy vectors and antisense drugs are basically platforms from which to deliver little bits of sequence data. Within some constraints, a platform already approved for carrying one message might be fast-tracked through various safety tests when it carries another.

One more reason for optimism is that drugs developed around a known molecule that marks out a diseasea molecular markerappear to be more successful in trials. The approval process for cancer therapies aimed at the markers of specific mutations is often much shorter now than it used to be. Tagrisso (osimertinib), an incredibly specialised drug, targets a mutation known to occur only in patients already treated for lung cancer with an older drug. Being able to specify the patients who stand to benefit with this degree of accuracy allows trials to be smaller and quicker. Tagrisso was approved less than two years and nine months after the first dose was given to a patient.

With efforts to improve the validity of models of disease and validate drug targets accurately gaining ground, Dr Scannell says he is sympathetic to the proposal that, this time, scientific innovation might improve productivity. Recent years have seen hints that Erooms law is being bent, if not yet broken.

If pharmaceutical companies do not make good on the promise of these new approaches then charities are likely to step in, as they have with various ASO treatments for inherited diseases. And they will not be shackled to business models that see the purpose of medicine as making drugs. The Gates Foundation and Americas National Institutes of Health are investing $200m towards developing treatments based on rewriting genes that could be used to tackle sickle-cell disease and HIVtreatments that have to meet the proviso of being useful in poor-country clinics. Therapies in which cells are taken out of the body, treated in some way and returned might be the basis of a new sort of business, one based around the ability to make small machines that treat individuals by the bedside rather than factories which produce drugs in bulk.

There is room in all this for individuals with vision; there is also room for luck: Dr Nizar has both. Her problem lies in PTH1R, a hormone receptor; her PTH1R gene makes a form of it which is jammed in the on position. This means her cells are constantly doing what they would normally do only if told to by the relevant hormone. A few years ago she learned that a drug which might turn the mutant receptor off (or at least down a bit) had already been characterisedbut had not seemed worth developing.

The rabbit, it is said, outruns the fox because the fox is merely running for its dinner, while the rabbit is running for its life. Dr Nizars incentives outstrip those of drug companies in a similar way. By working with the FDA, the NIH and Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr Nizar helped get a grant to make enough of the drug for toxicology studies. She will take it herself, in the first human trial, in about a years time. After that, if things go well, her childrens pain may finally be eased.

This article appeared in the Technology Quarterly section of the print edition under the headline "Kill or cure?"

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New drugs are costly and unmet need is growing - The Economist

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