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Harvard and Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health Team to Fight SARS-CoV-2 – Harvard Magazine

Posted: March 8, 2020 at 6:47 am

Ever since the earliest reports of a pneumonia-like illness spreading within Hubei province in China, the resemblance to the SARS outbreak of 2002-2003 has been uncanny: probable origins in the wild-animal markets of China; an illness that in some people resembles the common cold or a flu, but in others leads to pneumonia-like symptoms that can cause respiratory failure; community transmission that often occurs undetected; super-spreader events; and reported vertical transmission in high-rises or other living spaces where the waste systems are improperly engineered or drain catch-basins are dry, allowing aerosolized particles to pass from one floor of a building to another (see The SARS Scare for an in-depth description of the epidemiology and virology of the SARS outbreak of 2002-2003 and the four independent zoonotic transmissions of 2003-2004).

UPDATED 3-04-2020 at 12:57p.m. See below.

At first, this latest outbreak was referred to as a novel coronavirus, then in the media as COVID-19 (formally, the name for the disease in an infected person who has become sick, a distinction analogous to that between a person who is HIV positive and one who has developed AIDS). Now that the virus has been characterized and its relationship to SARS firmly established, its designation is SARS-CoV-2severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Will public-health measures be sufficient to contain its spread? How infectious is it? What is the incubation period? Is this a pandemic? What role does the immune-system response play in the progression of the disease? Which populations are most at risk? Can scientists develop a vaccine, and how quickly? These are some of the questions that scientists worldwide are asking, and that a collaboration among Harvard University and Chinese researchers will address as part of a $115-million research initiative funded by China Evergrande Group, which has previously supported Universitygreen-buildings research at the Graduate School of Design, research onimmunologic diseases, and work inmathematics. (See below for the University press release describing the initiative.)

Harvard Magazinespoke with some of the researchers involved in fighting the first SARS outbreak, and those who will be collaborating with Chinese colleagues, in what is already a worldwide effort to control SARS-CoV-2.

Michael Farzan 82, Ph.D. 97, who in 2002 was an assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at Harvard Medical School (HMS) studying the mechanism that viruses use to enter cells, was the first person to identify the receptor that SARS used to bind and infect human cells. SARS-CoV-2 is a close cousin to SARS, and uses the same human receptor, ACE2, reports Farzan, who is now co-chair of the department of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research. The ACE2 receptor is expressed almost exclusively in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and the kidneys, which explains why the disease is so effectively transmitted via both the respiratory and fecal-oral routes.

But there are subtle differences in the new virus behind the current outbreak, he explained in an interview. The viruss receptor binding domainthe part that attaches to the human receptorhas undergone a lot of what we call positive selection, meaning there has been a good deal of evolutionary pressure on that region from natural antibodies, probably in bats or some other animal host that is a reservoir for this disease. So while the virus retains its ability to bind ACE2, Farzan explains, it no longer binds the same antibodies. That is unfortunate, because as the first SARS epidemic wound down, HMS professor of medicine Wayne Marasco had identified a single antibodyfrom what was then a 27-billion antibody librarythat blocked the virus from entering human cells. (Marasco is actively testing new antibodies, hoping to find one that will have the same effect on SARS-CoV-2. For more on Marascos work, see below.) Still, we are not starting from square one, says Farzan.

In animal studies,Remdesivir [a new and experimental antiviral drug] has seemed to work against SARS-like viruses, he says. Its effectiveness will probably hinge on getting it early enough, in the same way that the antiviral drug Tamifluis most effective against the seasonal flu when given to patients early in the course of infection.

And there is a reasonable hope that a vaccine canbe developed, Farzan adds, because the part of the virus that binds the human receptor is exposed and accessible, making it vulnerable to the immune systems antibodies. In addition, the viral genome is relatively stable. That means SARS CoV-2 wont evolve much over the course of an epidemic, so a vaccine that is relatively protective at the beginning of an epidemic will remain effective until its end.

Another reason for optimismdespite the long road to deploying any vaccine in humansis that the science that allows researchers to understand the viruss structure, life cycle, and vulnerabilities is progressing far more rapidly today than during the first SARS outbreak 17 years ago. So, too, is the understanding of the human immune response to the virus, and of the most effective public-health strategies based on the epidemiology of the disease.

When epidemiologists assess the severity of an epidemic, they want to know how effectively the disease can propagate in a population. The first measure they attempt to calculate is the reproductive number (R0)the number of people that an infected individual will in turn infect in an unexposed population, in the absence of interventions. When the reproductive number is greater than 1 (meaning each infected person in turn infects more than one other person), more and more people become infected, and an epidemic begins. Public-health interventions are therefore designed to lower the rate of transmission below 1, which eventually causes the epidemic to wind down. The second number epidemiologists focus on is the serial intervalhow long it takes one infected person at a particular stage of the disease to infect another person to the point of the same stage of the disease. The serial interval thus suggests how rapidly the disease can spread, which in turn determines whether public-health officials can identify and quarantine all known contacts of an infected individual to prevent their retransmitting the disease to others.

Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch will be one of several Harvard scientists collaborating with Chinese colleagues to fight SARS-CoV-2Photograph by Kent Dayton

Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health (HSPH), and director of the schoolsCenter for Communicable Disease Dynamics, helped lead one of the two teams that first calculated the reproductive number of SARS in the 2002-2003 outbreak. SARS had an R0 of 3, he recalls: each case led to three others. In that outbreak, about 10 percent of those who became sick died. The good news is that SARS CoV-2 appears to have a much lower R0 than SARS, ranging from the high ones to low twos, and only 1 percent to 2 percent of those who become sick have died. On the other hand, the serial intervalstill being worked outappears to be shorter, meaning the new virus has the potential to spread faster.

In the current epidemic, Lipsitch notes a further concern: the fact that the incubation-period distribution and the serial-interval distribution are almost identical. Thats a mathematical way of saying that people can start transmitting the virus even when they are pre-symptomatic, or just beginning to exhibit symptoms. That makes tracing and quarantining contacts of infected individualsa classic, frontline public-health measurenearly impossible.

Tracing, quarantining, and other public-health interventions, such as distancing measures (closing workplaces or asking employees to work from home, for example) proved sufficient to defeat SARS in the early 2000s. But with SARS-CoV-2, public-health measures alone may prove inadequate. Controlling this version of SARS may require antivirals, stopgap antibody therapies, and ultimately, vaccines, deployedtogetherwith robust public-health containment strategies.

Unfortunately, SARS-CoV-2 is almost certainly already a pandemic, Lipsitch continues: demonstrating sustained transmission in multiple locations that will eventually reach most, if not all places on the globe. The disease appears to be transmitting pretty effectively, probably in Korea, probably in Japan, and probably in Iran. He now estimates that 20 to 60 percent [figures updated 03-04-2020 at 12:57 p.m.]of the adult global population will eventually become infected.

That said, Infected is different from sick, he is careful to point out. Only some of those people who become infected will become sick. As noted above, only about 1 percent to 2 percent of those who have becomesickthus far have died, he says. But the number of people who areinfectedmay be far greater than the number of those who are sick. In a way, he says, thats really good news. Because if every person who had the disease was also sick, then that would imply gigantic numbers of deaths from the disease.

I'm very gratified, Lipsitch continues, to see that both China and Harvard recognize the complementarity between public health and epidemiology on the one hand, and countermeasure-development on the other hand. We can help target the use of scarce countermeasures [such as antivirals or experimental vaccines] better if we understand the epidemiology; and we will understand the epidemiology better if we have good diagnostics, which is one of the things being developed in this proposal. These approaches are truly complementary.

In the short term, Lipsitchwho has sought to expand the modeling activities of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics to better understand the current outbreaks epidemiologysays, It would be great toexpand collaborations with Chinese experts. Longer term, I see a really good opportunity for developing new methods for analyzing data better, as we have in previous epidemics. After the first SARS outbreak, for example, epidemiologists developed software for calculating the reproductive number of novel diseases; that software now runs on the desktop computers of epidemiologists around the world. And in 2009, during an outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, Lipsitch and others developed a method for using the incidence of the disease among awell-documented cohort of travelerswho had left Mexico, to estimate the extent of the disease among amuch larger and less well surveyedpopulation of Mexican residents.

What they found then was that the estimated number of cases in Mexican residents likely exceeded the number of confirmed cases by two to three orders of magnitude. The same method is being used to assess the extent of SARS-CoV-2 in China right nowso far without any hiccups. In the Mexican case, Lipsitchreports, the estimates suggested that severe cases of the disease were uncommon, since thetotal numberof cases was likely much larger than the number ofconfirmedcases. So I think we have learned from each epidemic how to do more things. And in between them, you solidify that less visible, less high-profile research that builds the foundation for doing better the next time. His group, for example, has been developing ways to make vaccine trials faster and better once a vaccine candidate exists.

A vaccine is the best long-term hope for controlling a disease like SARS-CoV-2. Higgins professor of microbiology and molecular genetics David Knipe, who like Lipsitch will participate in the newly announced collaboration, works on vaccine delivery from a molecular perspective. Knipe has developed methods to use the herpes simplex virus (HSV) as a vaccine vector and has even made HSV recombinants that express the SARS spike proteinthe part of the virus that binds the human ACE2 receptor. He now seeks to make HSV recombinants that express the new coronavirus spike protein as a potential vaccine vector.

But Knipe also studies the initial host-cell response to virus infection, which is sometimes called the innate immune response. And he has used HSV vectors that expressed the first SARS spike protein to study how it activates innate immune signaling. That is important because inSARS 1, initial symptoms lasted about a week, but it was the second phasecharacterized by a massive immune-system response that began to damage lung tissuethat led to low levels of oxygen saturation in the blood, and even death.The inflammation in the lungs is basically a cytokine storm, an overwhelming and destructive immune response thats the result of innate signaling, Knipe explains. So were going to look at that with the new coronavirus spike protein, as well. This could help to determine the actual mechanism of inflammation, and then we can screen for inhibitors of that that might be able to alleviate the disease symptoms.

The idea, he says, is to stop theinflammatoryresponse now killing people in the respiratory phase of the disease by targeting the specific molecular interaction between the virus and the host cell. This, he explains, aligns with one of the principal initial goals of the collaboration, which is to support research both in China and at Harvard to address the acute medical needs of infected individuals during the current crisis.

Another form of frontline defense against the virus is antibody therapy. In an epidemic, this type of therapy is usually administered as a prophylaxis to first responders at high risk of infection, or as treatment to patients who are already sick or to people who might be harmed by a vaccine, such as pregnant women, the elderly, or those with co-morbidities. Wayne Marasco, an HMS professor with a lab at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, was the first to develop antibody therapies against SARS and MERS, a related coronavirus, in 2014. What he learned in those outbreaks was that using only a single antibody to bind the viruss receptor binding domainthe part of the virus that attaches to the human receptoris not enough to prevent escape through mutations that neutralize the therapy. You have to use combinations of antibodies to block the escape pathways, he explains. But the combinations have to be carefully designed to avoid the risk that the virus will evolve a gain of functionor the virus coming out of the patient is more pathogenic than the virus you started to treat.

During the MERS outbreak, Marasco led the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencys 7-Day Biodefense program.DARPA would drop an unknown pathogen off at our doorstep, Marasco says, and we had seven days to develop a therapeutic that could be manufactured at scale. A second DARPA-funded project focused on reducing the cost of therapies to less than $10 a dose. The government has made efforts to streamline that process to get the production sped up and the cost decreased, he notes, although the efforts are independent of regulatory approval, which has a life of its own.

Marasco currently collaborates with an international team that can perform studiesincluding some that cant be done at Harvardthanks to ready access to a Biosafety Level 4 laboratory and to non-human primates for testing. The team is working to develop antibody therapies effective against SARS-CoV-2, but Marasco cautions that the situation is pretty worrisome with a disease that has a long latency period when people show no symptoms, and when public-health officials cannot identify source cases (as in Italy and in the single case of apparent community transmission in California reported February 26).

The problem in getting ahead of this now, he continues, is funding. Government resources are generally a redistribution of funds that have previously been granted to projects such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, or come as administrative supplements to preexisting grants. But with the pace of this epidemic, a lack of resources is limiting what can get done and how quickly it can be accomplished. Beyond the creation of therapeutics, there are all kinds of epidemiologic considerations that require rapid funding, from investigating modes of transmission to field testing for infection.

In the near term, the way to treat masses of patients, he says, is to take blood plasma from someone who has recovered and administer it to an infected person. The convalescents antibodies then fight the infection. The FDA would never approve it, he notes, but it does work. Ultimately, the treatment of choiceand the most cost-effective approach, he says, will be a vaccine.

In the last days of 2019 and the first days after the New Year, we started hearing about a pneumonia-like illness in China, says Dan Barouch, an HMS professor of medicine and of immunology known for his anti-HIV work, whose lab has developed a platform for rapid vaccine development. (During the Zika virus outbreak of 2016, for example, his group was the first to report, within a month, a vaccine protective in animal models.) When the genome of the virus was released on Friday, January 10, we started reviewing the sequence that same evening, working through the weekend. By Monday morning, we were ready to grow it.

His concern about this latest outbreak was that the rate of spread seemed to be very rapid. In addition, the outbreak had the clinical features of an epidemic. We reasoned that this might make it difficult to control solely by public-health measures, he says, particularly because the virus can be transmitted by asymptomatic individuals. Thus, if the epidemic is still spreading toward the end of this year or early 2021, by which point a vaccine might be available, Barouch explains, such a remedy could prove essential. Historically, when viral epidemics don't self-attenuate, the best method of control is a vaccine.

Although Barouchs Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center lab is working on DNA and RNA vaccines, a new technology that has the potential to cut vaccine development times in half, large-scale manufacturing using so-called nucleotide vaccines is unproven. That's why I think there needs to be multiple parallel vaccine efforts, he emphasizes. Ultimately, we don't know which one will be the fastest and most protective. At the moment, he reports, there are at least a half dozen scientifically distinct vaccine platforms that are being developed and he believes that vaccine development for this pathogen will probably go faster than for any other vaccine target in human history.

Ever since I graduated from medical school, he points out, there have been new emerging or re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks of global significance with a surprising and disturbing sense of regularity. There is Ebola. There was Zika. There were SARS, MERS; the list keeps growing. With climate change, increasing globalization, increasing travel, and population shifts, the expectation is that epidemics will not go away, and might even become more frequent.

In this global context, Barouch emphasizes the importance of a collaborative response that involves governments, physicians, scientists in academiaandin industry, and public-health officials. It has to be a coordinated approach, he says. No one group can do everything. But I do think that the world has a greater sense of readiness this time to develop knowledge, drugs, and therapeutics very rapidly. The scientific knowledge that will be gained from the vaccine efforts [will] be hugely valuable in the biomedical research field, against future outbreaks, and in the development of a vaccine to terminate this epidemic.

University provost Alan Garber, a physician himself, adds that Global crises of such magnitude demand scientific and humanitarian collaborations across borders. Harvard and other institutions in the Boston area conduct research on diagnostics, virology, vaccine and therapeutics development, immunology, epidemiology, and many other areas.With its tremendous range of expertise and experience, our community can be an important resource for any effort to address a major global infectious disease outbreak. Our scientists and clinicians feel an obligation to be part of a promising collaboration to overcome the worldwide humanitarian crisis posed by this novel virus.


In a closed-door meeting that took place Monday, March 2, 2020, at Harvard Medical School, nearly 80 Boston-area scientists gathered to discuss with colleagues from China participating via video link how to respond to COVID-19 disease and the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes it. This was the first meeting to take place as a result of the collaboration with scientists at theGuangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health announced on Monday, February 24.In attendance locally were experts from Harvard Medical School (HMS), the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the HMS-affiliated hospitals, the Ragon Institute, Boston University, the Broad Institute, MIT, the Wyss Institute, as well as representatives from industry. The workshop, convened by HMS dean George Q. Daley, was a planning session to map out the process for coordinating on collaborative projects, designed to allow the participants to meet, form working groups by research area, and determine next steps.

The collaboration harnesses the strengths of the Boston scientific and biomedical ecosystem, the events organizers said in a statement, with the critical experience of Chinese scientists, who are providing on-the-ground insight into diagnostics and care for patients on the frontlines.

This public health crisis, they continued, is an opportunity to catalyze an unprecedented level of collaboration among various scientific efforts across Boston and Cambridge to address both the acute, most pressing challenges of this particular epidemic but also to establish a framework for future collaborations and create a more nimble rapid-response system for other epidemics.

The meeting was organized according to areas of research interest, need, and opportunity including:

The meeting demonstrated the need to establish a collaborative regional response capacity, not only for this outbreak, but for other future emerging infectious diseases, said the organizers. They are now working to create an organizational structure that will formalize the working groups in each of the above areas, and allow for the optimal deployment of resources including disciplinary and clinical expertise, shared core facilities, and funding.

The official Harvard press release follows:

Harvard University Scientists to Collaborate with Chinese Researcherson Development of Novel Coronavirus Therapies, Improved Diagnostics

At a glance:

Since its identification in December, the novel coronavirus has quickly evolved into a global threat, taking a toll on human health, overwhelming vulnerable health care systems and destabilizing economies worldwide.

To address these challenges, Harvard University scientists will join forces with colleagues from China on a quest to develop therapies that would prevent new infections and design treatments that would alleviate existing ones.

The U.S. efforts will be spearheaded by scientists at Harvard Medical School, led by DeanGeorge Q. Daley, working alongside colleagues from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Harvard Medical School will serve as the hub that brings together the expertise of basic scientists, translational investigators and clinical researchers working throughout the medical school and its affiliated hospitals and institutes, along with other regional institutions and biotech companies.

The Chinese efforts will be led by Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health and Zhong Nanshan, a renowned pulmonologist and epidemiologist. Zhong is also head of the Chinese 2019n-CoV Expert Taskforce and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Through a five-year collaborative research initiative, Harvard University and Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Health will share $115 million in research funding provided by China Evergrande Group, aFortuneGlobal 500 company in China.

We are confident that the collaboration of Harvard and Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health will contribute valuable discoveries to this worldwide effort, said Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow. We are grateful for Evergrandes leadership and generosity in facilitating this collaboration and for all the scientists and clinicians rising to the call of action in combating this emerging threat to global well-being.

Evergrande is honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the fight against this global public health threat, said Hui Ka Yan, chair of the China Evergrande Group. We thank all the scientists who responded so swiftly and enthusiastically from the Harvard community and are deeply moved by Harvard and Dr. Zhongs teams dedication and commitment to this humanitarian cause. We have the utmost confidence in this global collaborative team to reach impactful discoveries against the outbreak soon.

While formal details of the collaboration are being finalized, the overarching goal of the effort is to elucidate the basic biology of the virus and its behavior and to inform disease detection and therapeutic design. The main areas of investigation will include:

With the extraordinary scale and depth of relevant clinical and scientific capabilities in our community, Harvard Medical School is uniquely positioned to convene experts in virology, infectious disease, structural biology, pathology, vaccine development, epidemiology and public health to confront this rapidly evolving crisis, Daley said. Harnessing our science to tackle global health challenges is at the very heart of our mission as an institution dedicated to improving human health and well-being worldwide.

We are extremely encouraged by the generous gesture from Evergrande to coordinate and supportthe collaboration and by the overwhelmingly positive response from our Harvard colleagues, said Zhong, who in 2003 identified another novel pathogen, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and described the clinical course of the infection.

We look forward to leveraging each of our respective strengths to address the immediate and longer-term challenges and a fruitful collaboration to advance the global well-being of all people, Zhong added.

Harvard University ProvostAlan M. Garbersaid outbreaks of novel infections can move quickly, with a deadly effect.

This means the response needs to be global, rapid and driven by the best science. We believe that the partnershipwhich includes Harvard and its affiliated institutions, other regional and U.S.-based organizations and Chinese researchers and clinicians at the front linesoffers the hope that we will soon be able to contain the threat of this novel virus, Garber said. The lessons we learn from this outbreak should enable us to respond to infectious disease emergencies more quickly and effectively in the future.

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Harvard and Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health Team to Fight SARS-CoV-2 - Harvard Magazine

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Novel Resolution Mediators of Severe Systemic Inflammation | ITT – Dove Medical Press

Posted: March 8, 2020 at 6:47 am

Verena Gudernatsch, Sylwia Anna Stefaczyk, Valbona Mirakaj

Molecular Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Tbingen, Eberhard Karls University Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany

Correspondence: Valbona MirakajMolecular Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Tbingen, Eberhard Karls University Tbingen, Hoppe-Seyler-Strae 3, Tbingen 72076, GermanyTel +49 7071 29-86622Fax +49 7071 29-5533Email

Abstract: Nonresolving inflammation, a hallmark of underlying severe inflammatory processes such as sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome and multiple organ failure is a major cause of admission to the intensive care unit and high mortality rates. Many survivors develop new functional limitations and health problems, and in cases of sepsis, approximately 40% of patients are rehospitalized within three months. Over the last few decades, better treatment approaches have been adopted. Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge underlying the complex pathophysiology of the inflammatory response organized by numerous mediators and the induction of complex networks impede curative therapy. Thus, increasing evidence indicates that resolution of an acute inflammatory response, considered an active process, is the ideal outcome that leads to tissue restoration and organ function. Many mediators have been identified as immunoresolvents, but only a few have been shown to contribute to both the initial and resolution phases of severe systemic inflammation, and these agents might finally substantially impact the therapeutic approach to severe inflammatory processes. In this review, we depict different resolution mediators/immunoresolvents contributing to resolution programmes specifically related to life-threatening severe inflammatory processes.

Keywords: inflammation, resolution, specialized lipid mediators, neuronal guidance protein, sepsis, immunoresolvents

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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Novel Resolution Mediators of Severe Systemic Inflammation | ITT - Dove Medical Press

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Stem cells that can grow new bone discovered by researchers – Drug Target Review

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:52 pm

A new population of stem cells that can generate bone has been revealed by researchers, which they say could have implications in regenerative medicine.

A population of stem cells with the ability to generate new bone has been newly discovered by a group of researchers at the University of Connecticut (UConn) School of Dental Medicine, US.

The researchers present a new population of cells that reside along the vascular channels that stretch across the bone and connect the inner and outer parts of the bone.

This is a new discovery of perivascular cells residing within the bone itself that can generate new bone forming cells, said lead investigator Dr Ivo Kalajzic. These cells likely regulate bone formation or participate in bone mass maintenance and repair.

Stem cells for bone have long been thought to be present within bone marrow and the outer surface of bone, serving as reserve cells that constantly generate new bone or participate in bone repair. Recent studies have described the existence of a network of vascular channels that helped distribute blood cells out of the bone marrow, but no research has proved the existence of cells within these channels that have the ability to form new bones.

In this study, Kalajzic and his team are the first to report the existence of these progenitor cells within cortical bone that can generate new bone-forming cells osteoblasts that can be used to help remodel a bone.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers observed the stem cells within an ex vivo bone transplantation model. These cells migrated out of the transplant and began to reconstruct the marrow cavity and form new bone.

While this study shows there is a population of cells that can help aid formation, more research needs to be done to determine the cells potential to regulate bone formation and resorption, say the scientists.

According to the authors of the study: we have identified and characterised a novel stromal lineagerestricted osteoprogenitor that is associated with transcortical vessels of long bones. Functionally, we have demonstrated that this population can migrate out of cortical bone channels, expand and differentiate into osteoblasts, therefore serving as a source of progenitors contributing to new bone formation.

The results are published inSTEM CELLS.

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Stem cells that can grow new bone discovered by researchers - Drug Target Review

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CAR T-cell Therapy and Its Side Effects

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

Your immune system works by keeping track of all the substances normally found in your body. Any new substance the immune system doesn't recognize raises an alarm, causing the immune system to attack it. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is a promising new way to get immune cells called T cells (a type of white blood cell) to fight cancer by changing them in the lab so they can find and destroy cancer cells.CAR T-cell therapies are sometimes talked about as a type of gene or cell therapy, or immune effect cell therapy.

The immune system recognizes foreign substances in the body by finding proteins called antigens on the surface of those cells. Immune cells called T cells have their own proteins called receptors that attach to foreign antigens and help trigger other parts of the immune system to destroy the foreign substance.

The relationship between antigens and immune receptors is like a lock and key. Just as every lock can only be opened with the right key, each foreign antigen has a unique immune receptor that is able to bind to it. Cancer cells also have antigens, but if your immune cells do not have the right receptors, they cannot attach to the antigens and help destroy the cancer cells.

The T cells used in CAR T-cell therapies get changed in the lab to spot specific cancer cells by adding a man-made receptor (called a chimeric antigen receptor or CAR). This helps them better identify specific cancer cell antigens. Since different cancers have different antigens, each CAR is made for a specific cancer's antigen. For example, certain kinds of leukemia or lymphoma will have an antigen on the outside of the cancer cells called CD19. The CAR T-cell therapies to treat those cancers are made to connect to the CD-19 antigen and will not work for a cancer that does not have the CD19 antigen. The patient's own T cells are used to make the CAR T cells.

The process for CAR T-cell therapy can take a few weeks.

First, white blood cells (which include T cells) are removed from the patients blood using a procedure called leukapheresis. During this procedure, patients usually lie in bed or sit in a reclining chair. Two IV lines are needed because blood is removed through one line, and then put back into the bloodstream through the other line, after the white blood cells have been removed. Sometimes a special type of IV line is used called a central venous catheter, that has both IV lines built in. The patient will need to stay still for 2 to 3 hours during the procedure. Sometimes calcium levels can drop during leukapheresis, which can cause numbness and tingling or muscle spasms. This can be easily treated with calcium, which may be given by mouth or through an IV .

After the white cells are removed, the T-cells are separated, sent to the lab, and genetically altered by adding the specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). This makes them CAR T cells. It can take a few weeks to finish making the large number of CAR T cells needed for this therapy.

Once enough CAR T cells have been made, they will be given back to the patient to launch a precise attack against the cancer cells. A few days before a CAR T-cell infusion, the patient might be given chemotherapy to help lower the number of other immune cells. This gives the CAR T cells a better chance to get activated to fight the cancer.This chemotherapy is usually not very strong because CAR T cells work best when there are some cancer cells to attack. Once the CAR T cells start binding with cancer cells, they start to increase in number and can destroy even more cancer cells.

CAR T cell therapy is FDA approved for some kinds oflymphomas, and for certain patients with relapsed or hard to treat leukemia. Many clinical trials are underway with the hope of treating even more patients. One problem with some types of cancer is that they dont have the same antigens for the CAR T cell to work with because the proteins are inside the cells, not on the cell surface. This may mean that the CAR T cell needs a special armor to be able to get into the cell to work. More research is needed to study this.

The CAR T-cell therapies currently approved are:

Some people have had serious side effects from this treatment, especially as the CAR T cells multiply in the body to fight the cancer. As CAR T cells multiply, they cause massive amounts of chemicals called cytokines to be released into the blood. Serious side effects of this release can include very high fevers and dangerously low blood pressure in the days after treatment is given. This is called cytokine release syndrome, or CRS. Even though it can be a scary side effect, it's important to remember that it means the CAR T cells are working and doctors have learned how to expect it and treat it.

Other serious side effects include neurotoxicity or changes in the brain that cause swelling, confusion, seizures, or severe headaches.

One other problem is that the CAR T cells can kill off some of the good B cells that help fight germs, so the patient may be at risk for infection.

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CAR T-cell Therapy and Its Side Effects

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CAR T Cells: Engineering Immune Cells to Treat Cancer …

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

For years, the foundations of cancer treatment were surgery,chemotherapy, andradiation therapy. Over the last two decades, targeted therapies likeimatinib(Gleevec) andtrastuzumab(Herceptin)drugs that target cancer cells by homing in on specific molecular changes seen primarily in those cellshave also cemented themselves as standard treatments for many cancers.

But over the past several years, immunotherapytherapies that enlist and strengthen the power of a patient's immune system to attack tumorshas emerged as what many in the cancer community now call the "fifth pillar" of cancer treatment.

A rapidly emerging immunotherapy approach is called adoptive cell transfer (ACT): collecting and using patients' own immune cells to treat their cancer. There are several types of ACT (see the boxbelow, titled"ACT: TILs, TCRs, and CARs"), but, thus far,the one that has advanced the furthest in clinical development is called CAR T-cell therapy.

Until recently, the use of CAR T-cell therapy has been restricted to small clinical trials, largely in patients with advanced blood cancers. But these treatments have nevertheless captured the attention of researchers and the public alike because of the remarkable responses they have produced in some patientsboth children and adultsfor whom all other treatments had stopped working.

In 2017, two CAR T-cell therapies were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), onefor the treatment of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) andthe otherfor adults with advanced lymphomas. Nevertheless, researchers caution that, in many respects, its still early days for CAR T cells and other forms of ACT, including questions about whether they will ever be effective against solid tumors like breast and colorectal cancer.

The different forms of ACT "are still being developed," said Steven Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Surgery Branch in NCI's Center for Cancer Research (CCR), an immunotherapy pioneer whose lab was the first to report successful cancer treatment with CAR T cells.

But after several decades of painstaking research, the field has reached a tipping point, Dr. Rosenberg continued. In just the last few years, progress with CAR T cells and other ACT approaches has greatly accelerated, with researchers developing a better understanding of how these therapies work in patients and translating that knowledge into improvements in how they are developed and tested.

"In the next few years," he said, "I think we're going to see dramatic progress and push the boundaries of what many people thought was possible with these adoptive cell transferbased treatments."

CAR T cells are the equivalent of "giving patients a living drug," explained Renier J. Brentjens, M.D., Ph.D., of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, another early leader in the CAR T-cell field.

As its name implies, the backbone of CAR T-cell therapy is T cells, which are often called the workhorses of the immune system because of their critical role in orchestrating the immune response and killing cells infected by pathogens. The therapy requires drawing blood from patients and separating out the T cells. Next, using a disarmed virus, the T cells are genetically engineered to produce receptors on their surface called chimeric antigen receptors, or CARs.

These receptors are "synthetic molecules, they don't exist naturally," explained Carl June, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvania Abramson Cancer Center, during a recent presentation on CAR T cells at the National Institutes of Health campus. Dr. June has led a series of CAR T cell clinical trials, largely in patients with leukemia.

These special receptors allow the T cells to recognize and attach to a specific protein, or antigen, on tumor cells. The CAR T cell therapies furthest along in development target an antigen found on B cells called CD19 (see the box below, titled "The Making of a CAR T Cell").

Once the collected T cells have been engineered to express the antigen-specific CAR, they are "expanded" in the laboratory into the hundreds of millions.

The final step is the infusion of the CAR T cells into the patient (which is preceded by a "lymphodepleting" chemotherapy regimen). If all goes as planned, the engineered cells further multiply in the patient's body and, with guidance from their engineered receptor, recognize and kill cancer cells that harbor the antigen on their surfaces.

The Making of a CAR T Cell

A growing number of CAR T-cell therapies are being developed and tested in clinical studies.

Although there are important differences between these therapies, they all share similar components. The CAR on the cells surface is composed of fragments, or domains, of synthetic antibodies. The domains that are used can affect how well the receptor recognizes or binds to the antigen on the tumor cell.

The receptors rely on stimulation signals from inside the cell to do their job. So each CAR T cell has signaling and "co-stimulatory" domains inside the cell that signal the cell from the surface receptor. The different domains that are used can affect the cells' overall function.

Over time, advances in the intracellular engineering of CAR T cells have improved the engineered T cells' ability to produce more T cells after infusion into the patient (expansion) and survive longer in the circulation (persistence).

Advances have also been made in how long it takes to produce a batch of CAR T cells. Although it initially took several weeks, many labs have now reduced the time to less than 7 days.

The initial development of CAR T-cell therapies has focused largely on ALL, the most common cancer in children.

More than 80% of children diagnosed with ALL that arises in B cellsthe predominant type of pediatric ALLwill be cured by intensive chemotherapy. But for patients whose cancers return after chemotherapy or a stem cell transplant, the treatment options are "close to none," said Stephan Grupp, M.D., Ph.D., of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

Relapsed ALL, in fact, is a leading cause of death from childhood cancer.

Dr. Grupp has led several trials of CAR T cells in children and young adults with ALL that had recurred or was not responding to existing therapies. In one of these earlier trials, which used CD19-targeted CAR T cells, all signs of cancer disappeared (a complete response) in 27 of the 30 patients treated in the study, with many of these patients continuing to show no signs of recurrence long after the treatment.

These early successes laid the foundation for a larger trial of a CD19-targeted CAR T-cell therapy, called tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah), for children and adolescents with ALL. Many of the patients who participated in the trial, funded by Novartis, had complete and long-lasting remissions. Based on the trial results, FDA approved tisagenlecleucel in August 2017.

Similar results have been seen in trials of CD19-targeted CAR T cells led by researchers in CCR's Pediatric Oncology Branch (POB).

The progress made with CAR T-cell therapy in children with ALL "has been fantastic," said Terry Fry, M.D., a lead investigator on several POB trials of CAR T cellswho is now at Children's Hospital Colorado. CD19-targeted CAR T cells were initially tested in adults. But the fact that the first approval is for a therapy for children and adolescents with ALL is a watershed moment, Dr. Fry continued.

The agency approving a new therapy in children before adults "is almost unheard of in cancer," he said.

However, there is no shortage of promising data on CAR T cells used to treat adult patients with blood cancers. CD19-targeted CAR T cells have produced strong results not only in patients with ALL but also in patients with lymphomas. For example, in a small NCI-led trial of CAR T cells primarily in patients with advanced diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, more than half had complete responses to the treatment.

"Our data provide the first true glimpse of the potential of this approach in patients with aggressive lymphomas, who, until this point, were virtually untreatable," said the trial's lead investigator, James Kochenderfer, M.D., of the NCI Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch.

Since that time, findings from a larger trial funded by Kite Pharmaceuticals (which has a research agreement with NCI to develop ACT-based therapies) have confirmed these earlier results and formed the basis for FDA's approval of Kite's CAR T-cell product, axicabtagene ciloleucel (Yescarta),for some patients with lymphoma.

The results in lymphoma to date "have been incredibly successful," Dr. Kochenderfer said, "and CAR T cells are almost certain to become a frequently-used therapy for several types of lymphoma."

The rapid advances in and growth of CAR T-cell therapy has exceeded the expectations of even those who were early believers in its potential.

"Did I think it could work? Yes," Dr. Brentjens said. But he initially thought it would be a "boutique therapy" limited to a very small, defined patient group. The experience over the past 5 years, including the entry of the biopharmaceutical industry into the field, has altered his outlook.

"We have cohorts of patients who would have been considered terminal who are now in durable and meaningful remissions with good quality of life for up to 5 years," he continued. "So the enthusiasm for this technology is now quite high."

Like all cancer therapies, CAR T-cell therapy can cause several worrisome, and sometimes fatal, side effects. One of the most frequent is cytokine release syndrome (CRS).

As part of their immune-related duties, T cells release cytokines, chemical messengers that help to stimulate and direct the immune response. In the case of CRS, there is a rapid and massive release of cytokines into the bloodstream, which can lead to dangerously high fevers and precipitous drops in blood pressure.

Ironically, CRS is considered an "on-target" effect of CAR T-cell therapythat is, its presence demonstrates that active T cells are at work in the body. Generally, patients with the most extensive disease prior to receiving CAR T cells are more likely to experience severe CRS, Dr. Kochenderfer explained.

In many patients, both children and adults, CRS can be managed with standard supportive therapies, including steroids. And as researchers have gained more experience with CAR T-cell therapy, theyve learned how to better manage the more serious cases of CRS.

Several years ago, for instance, the research team at CHOP noticed that patients experiencing severe CRS all had particularly high levels of IL-6, a cytokine that is secreted by T cells and macrophages in response to inflammation. So they turned to therapies that are approved to treat inflammatory conditions like juvenile arthritis, including the drug tocilizumab (Actemra), which blocks IL-6 activity.

The approach worked, rapidly resolving the problem in most patients. Since that time, tocilizumab has become a standard therapy for managing severe CRS.

"We've learned how to grade [CRS], we've learned how to treat it," Dr. Grupp said during an FDA advisory committee meeting on Novartis' CD19-targeted therapy. "And IL-6 blockade was really the key."

Another potential side effect of CAR T-cell therapyan off-target effectis a mass die off of B cells, known as B-cell aplasia. CD19 is also expressed on normal B cells, which are responsible for producing antibodies that kill pathogens. These normal B cells are also often killed by the infused CAR T cells. To compensate, many patients must receive immunoglobulin therapy, which provides them with the necessary antibodies to fight off infections.

More recently, another serious and potentially fatal side effectswelling in the brain, or cerebral edemahas been seen in some of the larger trials being conducted to support potential FDA approval of CAR T-cell therapies for patients with advanced leukemias. One company, in fact, decided to halt further development of their leading CAR T-cell therapy after several patients in clinical trials died as a result of treatment-induced cerebral edema.

However, the problem appears to be limited, with the leaders of other trials of CAR T-cell therapies reporting no instances of cerebral edema.

Other so-called neurotoxicitiessuch as confusion or seizure-like activityhave been seen in most CAR T-cell therapytrials. But in nearly all patients the problem is short lived and reversible, Dr. Brentjens said.

There was speculation early on that these neurotoxicities might be related to CRS. But although researchers are still trying to get their hands around the mechanisms, he added, "I think most investigators [in the field] would agree that they're distinct from CRS."

CAR T cells and TCR T cells are engineered to produce special receptors on their surfaces. They are then expanded in the laboratory and returned to the patient.

Credit: National Cancer Institute

Research on CAR T cells is continuing at a swift pace, mostly in patients with blood cancers, but also in patients with solid tumors. As the biopharmaceutical industry has become more involved in the field, for instance, the number of clinical trials testing CAR T cells has expanded dramatically, from just a handful 5 years ago to more than 180 and counting.

Most of the trials conducted to date have used CD19-targeted CAR T cells. But thats changing quickly, in part out of necessity.

Some patients with ALL, for example, don't respond to the CD19-targeted therapy. And even in those who experience a complete response, up to a third will see their disease return within a year, Dr. Fry said. Many of these disease recurrences have been linked to ALL cells no longer expressing CD19, a phenomenon known as antigen loss.

So, in children and young adults with advanced ALL, researchers in NCIs POB are testing CAR T cells that target the CD22 protein, which is also often overexpressed by ALL cells. In the first trial of CD22-targeted CAR T cells, most treated patients had complete remissions, including patients whose cancer had progressed after initially having a complete response to CD19-targeted therapy.

Similar to the case with the CD19-targeted CAR T cells, however, relapses after CD22-targeted treatment are not uncommon, Dr. Fry explained.

"There is definitely room to improve from the standpoint of the durability of remissions," he said.

One potential way to improve durability and perhaps at least forestall antigen loss, if not prevent it altogether, is to attack multiple antigens simultaneously. Several research groups, for example, are testing T cells that target both CD19 andCD22 in early-phase clinical trials.

CHOP researchers are also testing a CAR T cell that targets both CD19 and CD123, another antigen commonly found on leukemia cells. Early studies in animal models have suggested that this dual targeting may prevent antigen loss.

Antigen targets for CAR T-cell therapy have been identified in other blood cancers as well, including multiple myeloma.

Dr. Kochenderfer and his colleagues at NCI, as part of the collaboration with Kite, have developed CAR T cells that target the BCMA protein, which is found on nearly all myeloma cells.

In anearly-phaseclinical trial of BCMA-targeted CAR T cells in patients with advanced multiple myeloma, more than half of the patients had acomplete response to the treatment. Kite has now launched a trial to test the BCMA-targeted T cells in a larger group of patients.

There is some skepticism that CAR T cells will have the same success in solid tumors. Dr. Rosenberg believes that finding suitable antigens to target on solid tumorswhich has been a major challengemay prove to be too difficult in most cases.

"Efforts to identify unique antigens on the surface of solid tumors have largely been unsuccessful," he said.

Researchers estimate that the overwhelming majority of tumor antigens reside inside tumor cells, out of the reach of CARs, which can only bind to antigens on the cell surface.

As a result, as has already been shown in melanoma, Dr. Rosenberg said that he believes other forms of ACT may be better suited for solid tumors.

But that doesn't mean that researchers arent trying with CAR T cells.

For example, investigators are conducting trials of CAR T cells that target the protein mesothelin, which is overexpressed on tumor cells in some of the most deadly cancers, including pancreatic and lung cancers, and the protein EGFRvIII, which is present on nearly all tumor cells in patients with the aggressive brain cancer glioblastoma.

Early reports from these trials, however, have not reported the same success thats been seen with blood cancers.

"As far as targeting antigens on solid tumors the same way we go after CD19, I don't think that's going to work in most cases," Dr. Brentjens acknowledged.

Another key obstacle with solid tumors, he explained, is that components of the microenvironment that surrounds them conspire to blunt the immune response.

So success against solid tumors may require a "super T cell," he said, that has been engineered to overcome the immune-suppressing environment of many advanced solid tumors. Work on a CAR T cell with these propertiesan "armored" CAR T cellis ongoing at Memorial Sloan Kettering, he said.

ACT: TILs, TCRs, and CARs

CAR T cells have garnered the lion's share of the attention when it comes to the cellular therapies that fall under the ACT umbrella. But other forms of ACT have also shown promise in small clinical trials, including in patients with solid tumors.

One approach uses immune cells that have penetrated the environment in and around the tumor, known as tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). Researchers at NCI were the first to use TILs to successfully treat patients with advanced cancerinitially in melanoma and later in several other cancers, including cervical cancer. More recently, NCI researchers have developed a technique for identifying TILs that recognize cancer cells with mutations specific to that cancer. In several cases, this approach has led to tumor regressions in patients with advanced colorectal and liver cancer.

The other primary approach to ACT involves engineering patients' T cells to express a specific T-cell receptor (TCR). CARs use portions of synthetic antibodies that can recognize specific antigens only on the surface of cells. TCRs, on the other hand, use naturally occurring receptors that can also recognize antigens that are inside tumor cells. Small pieces of these antigens are shuttled to the cell surface and "presented" to the immune system as part of a collection of proteins called the MHC complex.

To date, TCR T cells have been tested in patients with a variety of solid tumors, showing promise in melanoma and sarcoma.

Other refinements or reconfigurations of CAR T cells are being tested. One approach is the development of CAR T-cell therapies that use immune cells collected not from patients, but from healthy donors. The idea is to create so-called off-the-shelf CAR T-cell therapies that are immediately available for use and don't have to be manufactured for each patient.

The French company Cellectis, in fact, has launched a phase I trial of its off-the-shelf CD19-targeted CAR T-cell product in the United States for patients with advanced acute myeloid leukemia. The company's productwhich is made using a gene-editing technology known as TALENhas already been tested in Europe, including in two infants with ALL who had exhausted all other treatment options. In both cases, the treatment was effective.

Numerous other approaches are under investigation. Researchers, for example, are using nanotechnology to create CAR T cells inside the body, developing CAR T cells with "off switches" as a means of preventing or limiting side effects like CRS, and using the gene-editing technologyCRISPR/Cas9 to more precisely engineer the T cells.

But there is still more to do with existing CAR T-cell therapies, Dr. Fry said.

He is particularly enthusiastic about the potential to use CAR T cells earlier in the treatment process for children with ALL, specifically those who are at high risk (based on specific clinical factors) of their disease returning after their initial chemotherapy, which typically is given for approximately 2 and a half years.

In this scenario, he explained, if early indicators suggested that these high-risk patients weren't having an optimal response to chemotherapy, it could be stopped and the patients could be treated with CAR T cells.

For patients who respond well, "they could be spared 2 more years of chemotherapy," Dr. Fry said. "That's amazing to think about."

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CAR T Cells: Engineering Immune Cells to Treat Cancer ...

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Cell Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Use-type, By Therapy Type, By Region And Segment Forecasts, 2020 – 2027 – Yahoo…

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

Cell Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Use-type (Research, Commercialized, Musculoskeletal Disorders), By Therapy Type (Autologous, Allogeneic), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2020 - 2027

New York, March 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Cell Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Use-type, By Therapy Type, By Region And Segment Forecasts, 2020 - 2027" -

The global cell therapy market size is expected to reach USD 8.8 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 5.4% over the forecast period. Cellular therapies hold a great therapeutic promise across various clinical applications. This has resulted in substantial global investments in research and clinical translation. Moreover, rapid advances in stem cell research hold the potential to fulfill the unmet demand of pharmaceutical entities, biotech entities, and doctors in disease management. These factors have boosted revenue growth for the market.

Currently, there are a limited number of FDA-approved commercial stem and non-stem cell therapies in the market.Furthermore, LAVIV (Azficel-T), manufactured and commercialized by Fibrocell Technologies, witnessed revenue wind-down in the past years.

Key developers are making substantial investments in the adoption of advanced technologies to address the aforementioned challenges.

The introduction of proprietary cell lines is recognized as the primary means by which a single cell can be exploited for the production of a robust portfolio of candidates. Companies are leveraging new technologies not only for the expansion of their product portfolio but also for establishing out-licensing or co-development agreements with other entities to support their product development programs.

For instance, MaxCyte has more than 40 high-value cellular therapy partnership programs within immune-oncology, regenerative medicine, and gene editing, including fifteen clinical-stage programs. Increase in the number of collaborations between entities for product commercialization is anticipated to accelerate market revenue to a major extent in the coming years.

In Asia Pacific, the market is anticipated to witness significant growth over the forecast period.This is attributed to rising awareness cellular therapies among patients and healthcare entities in chronic disease management.

In addition, availability of therapeutic treatment at lower prices is also driving the regional market. Japan is likely to witness fast growth over the forecast period attributed to increasing research activities on regenerative medicine.

Further key findings from the report suggest: The clinical-use segment accounted for low revenue share due to stringent regulations and non- commercial viability of some products However, the expanding knowledge over the commercial potential of cellular therapies is anticipated to result in the commercialization of a large number of products in the coming years On the contrary, the research-use segment accounted for the largest revenue share in 2019 owing to increase in research activities to explore the potential of the therapy in substantially improving disease management Furthermore, an increase in funding to explore the potential of these therapies has contributed to the large share of the research segment Allogenic therapies dominated the revenue share in 2019 owing to relatively lower relapse rates and growth in stem cell banking activities This is due to the high price and a large number of companies involved in the development of allogenic therapies Moreover, several companies are preparing to shift their business towards allogeneic therapy product development, resulting in significant revenue growth in this segment Autologous therapies are estimated to grow at the fastest pace during the forecast period Lack of donors and low affordability of allogeneic therapies are two key factors contributing to the increase in adoption of autologous therapies Considering the growing share of the cell therapy market in the biopharma industry, the companies are striving to gain a competitive advantage Vericel Corporation, JCR Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., MEDIPOST, and Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. are some key players operating in the market These companies are engaged in the expansion of their product portfolio, either through product development or acquisition of other players operating in the space.Read the full report:

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Cell Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Use-type, By Therapy Type, By Region And Segment Forecasts, 2020 - 2027 - Yahoo...

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Dylan Essner on Documentation Tools for CAR T-Cell Therapy – Cancer Network

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

Dylan Essner, an Epic Beacon Analyst at Washington University in St. Louis, talked about his work in implementing new documentation tools to streamline data for patients.


Within the CAR T(-cell) build in Epic, I helped mainly with the documentation tools for flow sheets. We have the CRS, ICANS and the ICE flow sheets, and I built all 3 of those flow sheets and included them in 1 flow sheet template that way the providers and nurses can go in and document their ICE, ICANS and CRS documentation. And then some of those--the ICANS and the ICE--have a formula built into the flow sheets that allows it to auto-populate the grade and score of the actual documentation. They just put in the different data points for each flow sheet and then we have a row at the bottom that auto-calculates the grade for each patient, so they dont have to go in and do that.

And then for CRS they actually have to go in and we give them an informational chart they can look at, and then from there they can grade the patient from the bottom row. With that flow sheet data, we also built some smart links that pull the data from those flow sheets into the progress notes, so it automatically just populates into their progress notes making documentation for them a lot easier.

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Dylan Essner on Documentation Tools for CAR T-Cell Therapy - Cancer Network

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Gene Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Indication, By Vector Type, By Region And Segment Forecasts, 2020 – 2027 – Benzinga

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

New York, March 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Gene Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Indication, By Vector Type, By Region And Segment Forecasts, 2020 - 2027" -

The global gene therapy market size is expected to reach USD 6.6 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 16.6% over the forecast period. The approval of early CAR-T-based gene therapy products has created lucrative avenues in product approvals over expanded indications. Clinical trials for T-cell therapies each year has risen exponentially in the recent past. Constant developments in CAR-T cell therapy are recognized as one of the key driving factors for market growth.

Although gene therapy has primarily been used for cancer treatment, it increasingly finds application in the treatment of various rare and incurable diseases. Approval of products for non-cancer applications, such as approval of Bluebird Bio's Zynteglo in June 2019 for ?-thalassemia, indicates the shift in preferences of companies toward other untapped segments.

Gene therapies involve complex molecules and hence manufacturing these molecules is a challenge for developers, particularly in with regard to specialized manufacturing facilities and highly skilled technical personnel. This has created lucrative avenues for contract service providers operating in the space.

Further key findings from the study suggest: Since viral vectors are the most conventional method for the delivery of genes, several operating players have designed their gene therapy programs based on viral vectors In 2019, the lentivirus and retrovirus generated significant revenue owing to the approval of lentivirus-based Kymriah and retrovirus-based Yescarta in 2017 by the U.S. FDA Among various indications, a majority of the revenue share is generated by various forms of cancer. This is attributed to the presence of approved products for cancer forms such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), large B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma North America dominated the global gene therapy market in 2019 as U.S. is the largest market for clinical trials related to gene therapy, since around 60.0% of all clinical trials in the world are carried out in the country. Moreover, FDA approval of Kymriah and Yescarta in U.S. in 2017 and Kymriah in Canada in 2018 has resulted in huge investments by sponsors and government agencies in North America Key market players include Bluebird Bio, Novartis AG, UniQure NV, Gilead Sciences, Spark Therapeutics LLC, and Celgene Corporation These players are engaged in signing licensing, commercialization, and development agreements with other market participants to expand their business operations in cell and gene therapy domain. For instance, Novartis Pharmaceuticals received commercialization rights for Spark Therapeutics' Luxturna for selling the product outside U.S.Read the full report:

About ReportlinkerReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.


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Gene Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Indication, By Vector Type, By Region And Segment Forecasts, 2020 - 2027 - Benzinga

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Increasing Demand of Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market by 2020-2026 with Top Key Players like #VALUE! – News Times

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market research report has been published by A2Z Market Research to give desired insights to drive the growth of businesses. The report has been intelligently framed with the process of gathering and calculating numerical data regarding services and products. The report is inclusive of the prominent industry drivers and provides an accurate analysis of the key growth trends and market outlook in the years to come in addition to the competitive hierarchy of this sphere.

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Some of the Top Companies covered in this Report includes: AVIVA BioSciences, AdnaGen, Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Silicon Biosystems.

The global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market is analyzed in terms of its competitive landscape. For this, the report encapsulates data on each of the key players in the market according to their current company profile, gross margins, sale price, sales revenue, sales volume, product specifications along with pictures, and the latest contact information. The reports conclusion leads into the overall scope of the global market with respect to feasibility of investments in various segments of the market, along with a descriptive passage that outlines the feasibility of new projects that might succeed in the global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market in the near future.

The report summarized the high revenue that has been generated across locations like, North America, Japan, Europe, Asia, and India along with the facts and figures of Cancer Stem Cell Therapy market. It focuses on the major points, which are necessary to make positive impacts on the market policies, international transactions, speculation, and supply demand in the global market.

Global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Detail Segmentation:

Segmentation by Type:

Segmentation by Application:

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Impressive insights of Global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Research report:

Table of Contents

Global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report 2020 2026

Chapter 1 Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market Forecast

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Increasing Demand of Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Market by 2020-2026 with Top Key Players like #VALUE! - News Times

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The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Releases 2019 Annual Report and Sector Year in Review – Yahoo Finance

Posted: March 7, 2020 at 3:49 pm

Second highest year for global financings in regenerative medicine, with nearly $10 billion raised globally

Washington, DC, March 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE -- The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) today announced the release of its 2019 Annual Report and Sector Year in Review, highlighting the organizations key priorities and initiatives, as well as offering an in-depth look at trends and metrics for the cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering sector.

ARM, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019, is the premier international advocacy organization representing the cell and gene therapy and broader regenerative medicine sector. In its 2019 annual report, the organization provides an update on its work with industry, national and international regulatory agencies, public and private payers, patient organizations and other stakeholders to create a positive environment for the development of and access to these innovative therapies.

Using data sourced from ARMs data partner Informa, the report also provides analysis on industry-specific statistics and trends from nearly 1,000 leading cell therapy, gene therapy, tissue engineering, and other regenerative medicine companies worldwide. Key features of the report include total financings for the sector, partnerships and other deals, clinical trial information, anticipated near-term product approvals and regulatory filings, and expert commentary from industry representatives in the US and Europe.

Key findings from the 2019 annual report include:

ARM will continue to update this information through new reports to be released after the close of each quarter, tracking sector performance, key financial information, clinical trial numbers, and clinical data events.

The report is available to download onlinehere, with interactive data and downloadable infographics availablehere. Past reports, issued quarterly and annually, are availablehere.

About The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) is an international multi-stakeholder advocacy organization that promotes legislative, regulatory and reimbursement initiatives necessary to facilitate access to life-giving advances in regenerative medicine worldwide. ARM also works to increase public understanding of the field and its potential to transform human healthcare, providing business development and investor outreach services to support the growth of its member companies and research organizations. Prior to the formation of ARM in 2009, there was no advocacy organization operating in Washington, D.C. to specifically represent the interests of the companies, research institutions, investors and patient groups that comprise the entire regenerative medicine community. Today, ARM has more than 350 members and is the leading global advocacy organization in this field. To learn more about ARM or to become a member, visit

Kaitlyn Donaldson

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