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Jimbo Fisher’s Kidz1stFund, Aggie Corps of Cadets team up for Be the Match bone marrow donor registry drive – Bryan-College Station Eagle

Posted: March 2, 2020 at 9:43 am

A bone marrow donor registry drive on Texas A&M Universitys campus brought more than 400 students to Duncan Dining Hall on Friday.

Participants swabbed their mouths to provide DNA samples and have their names added to Be the Matchs national bone marrow registry, which will help people in need of bone marrow connect with donors. The event was a collaborative effort between the A&M Corps of Cadets, the Kidz1stFund and Be the Match.

If anyone is matched, Community Engagement Representative for Be the Match Gulf Coast Benita Davis said they will need to have additional blood work done before donating.

A&M senior and Cadet 1st Lt. Mitchell Moore said his attendance on Friday was motivated in part by his interest in the medical field, since he is aiming to go to medical school.

Its minimum to no risk for you and not too much time, Moore said about donating. A small time on your part can make a huge difference and extend someones life by years.

A&M football coach Jimbo Fisher and Candi Fisher started Kidz1stFund in 2011 to raise money for research about fanconi anemia, which is a rare blood disorder that their teenage son was diagnosed with. Fisher stopped by Fridays event to speak with organizers and meet participants.

Its amazing how many great people there are in this world who are willing to help other people, Fisher said. These young men and women out here are actually saving lives.

Davis said donating is not as painful as many people often think, especially since about 80% of donations can be made with the nonsurgical method of giving peripheral blood stem cells. The other 20% of donations involve marrow being removed from the hip while the donor is asleep under general anesthesia. According to the Be the Match website, about one in 430 people on the registry end up donating.

The cadets in attendance on Friday were a reflection of who they are as people and students, according to Amy Thompson, assistant commandant, marketing and communications for the Corps of Cadets.

Selfless service is an A&M core value its also a core value for the Corps of Cadets, Thompson said. The commandant really supports and encourages cadets to seek out opportunities to be leaders in selfless service. This is one of those opportunities where we can do that on a very large scale and make a huge impact.

Corps Squadron 1 commander and A&M senior Jacob Svetz donated using stem cells about two years ago. He said he thinks everyone should sign up for the registry.

The few pin pricks that you get Its such a miniscule amount of pain compared to what that family and individual are suffering through, Svetz said. To put yourself into a position to be able to help that for me, it doesnt make sense not to.

Be the Match On Campus President and A&M senior Paige Boone said the organization hosts drives every month. The next one will be March 25 at A&Ms Rudder Plaza. Home swab kits are also an option. To get started, visit or text CORPS to 61474. Anyone ages 18 to 44 can participate.

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Jimbo Fisher's Kidz1stFund, Aggie Corps of Cadets team up for Be the Match bone marrow donor registry drive - Bryan-College Station Eagle

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Texas A&M Researcher Named To National List Of Inspiring Black Scientists – Texas A&M University

Posted: March 2, 2020 at 9:43 am

Texas A&M researcher Dr. Yava Jones Hall was named to a list of 100 inspiring black scientists in the U.S.

Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Yava Jones-Hall, an associate professor in theDepartment of Veterinary Pathobiology (VTPB)at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), is leading in the field of veterinary medicine as the only veterinarian selected for CrossTalks list of100 inspiring black scientists in America.

CrossTalk is the official blog of Cell Press, a leading publisher of more than 50 scientific journals across the life, physical, earth and health sciences.

We are very happy to see one of our high-caliber faculty members being recognized for their outstanding work, said Carol A. Fierke, Texas A&M University provost and executive vice president.

Jones-Hall is joined on the list by scientists from African, Afro-Caribbean, Afro-Latinx and African-American backgrounds ranging from assistant professors to department heads at universities across the country.

It was surprising and amazing to be selected, especially being a veterinarian, Jones-Hall said. It was nice to see veterinary medicine represented.

The list of inspiring black scientists was created to encourage current and future generations of scientists and emphasize the importance of diversity in the field. CrossTalk clarified that while there are many more than 100 black scientists in the U.S. deserving of recognition, the list was created to provide an example of the impact black scientists can have on America.

Diversity drives excellence in everything that we do as a team, including biomedical education and research, saidDr. Ramesh Vemulapalli, VTPB department head. We are very proud to have Dr. Jones-Hall on our faculty. She is a great role model to minority students aspiring to pursue a career in veterinary medicine.

I definitely see diversity in veterinary medicine as an important concept, Jones-Hall said. The reality is, the world is not homogenous. We need our students to be exposed to working with different types of people to have cultural sensitivity and understand that not everybody is like you. Also, once you have diversity within any program, you get diverse ideas.

While earning her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree at the Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine, Jones-Hall was introduced to the field of patholog they, study of the causes and effects of disease. Once she saw how seamlessly pathology combines with collaborative research, she was hooked.

As a veterinary pathologist, Im trained to understand disease in any organ in a multitude of species, Jones-Hall said. Whatever field of research an investigators in, I help them figure out how best a pathologist can tease out the data for them to see whats happening and how best to frame the research.

Considering herself a veterinary detective, Jones-Hall helps researchers look at clues in cells and body tissues to find the best way for the research to progress. Working on a variety of research topics, and never knowing what will come through the door next, are what make the field of pathology so appealing to her.

Jones-Hall joined the CVM from the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine last August and, as the sirector of CVMs Histology Laboratory, began the project of creating a digital pathology program to increase the efficiency and accuracy of one of a pathologists typical jobs analyzing slides of cells to count those of the same kind.

Traditionally, pathologists would look at the slide under the microscope and give a subjective assessment of disease, Jones-Hall said. Digital pathology augments traditional pathology by allowing the pathologist to use computer-generated algorithms to assess disease. This gives objective, quantifiable, and repeatable results. Whereas it would take me weeks to look at hundreds of slides, I scan the slides to make a digital image and direct a computer program to find the cells of interest or disease state. Hundreds of slides can now be analyzed in hours instead of weeks.

Outside of the lab, Jones-Hall donates much of her spare time to volunteering for community outreach efforts and taking any opportunity she can to promote STEM careers, and specifically veterinary medicine, to disadvantaged youth.

She is also a member of Texas A&Ms STRIDE (Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve Diversity and Excellence) Committee, leading workshops for faculty members involved in faculty recruitment.

Diversity is important, in general, and its important to me, so Im willing to do more in order to improve the climate and increase everyones awareness she said.

Jones-Hall hopes that her recognition from CrossTalk can inspire others to spend their careers thinking not only of themselves, but also those who may not have had the same advantages.

The CVM is extremely proud of Dr. Jones-Hall for her accomplishments as an individual and as the only veterinarian to appear on the list of 100 inspiring black scientists, saidDr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine. The work she does within and outside of the university will undoubtedly make a huge impact, both for the college and within the community, as she demonstrates the possibilities for budding scientists from all backgrounds.

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Texas A&M Researcher Named To National List Of Inspiring Black Scientists - Texas A&M University

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What to do in Madison: March 2-8, 2020 – The Bozho

Posted: March 2, 2020 at 9:43 am

Need motivation to get through another dreaded week at your soul-sucking job? Theres no shortage of cool stuff to do in Madison its just figuring out which cool stuff best suits you. Heres what Madison is doing this week.

Monday, March 2, The Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery (info)

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is spreading in the United States, despite the presidents belief that its a hoax. But in China, the disease has already killed thousands. And to understand the virus, you need to understand where it began. Five UW professors will convene to discuss the ins and outs of the sociological and scientific effects of coronavirus on the country. And while were at it, a friendly reminder: wash your damn hands, people!

Tuesday, March 3, Buck and Honeys, Monona (info)

I know, I know. Dan Kelly sucks. But March 3 is my birthday. And there is nothing more I would like than for you to go and ask the Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice to his face about those extreme, gross and wildly outdated views. If you cant make it, a nice consolation would be to vote for Jill Karofsky on April 7.

Tuesday, March 3, Central Library (info)

Back when I was playing team sports, I wasnt above seeking out some higher power to carry the squad to victory. The field hockey players of Quan Barrys novel We Ride Upon Sticks take it a step further, calling on dark magic to aid them. Though I suppose thats par for the course in Danvers, Mass., home of the 1692 witch trials. Barrys 1980s-set book draws on that history, as well as me-decade touchstones like Heathers to create this darkly comic story. Barry, whos also a UW professor, will be on hand to discuss her novel.

Tuesday through Thursday, March 3-5, Monona Terrace (info)

When it comes to cheese, Wisconsin does not fuck around. So it makes perfect sense that the World Cheese Championship would be held here in Madison. Cheesemakers from around the globe will gather in hopes of being named best in the world. There are over 3,500 submissions this year and no matter who wins, attendees will still get the chance to sample a whole lot of good cheese.

Wednesday, March 4, Shannon Hall at Memorial Union (info)

Im going to do my best to describe this because as weve covered here before, I am not the brightest when it comes to STEM. (Not for lack of trying, though! Nova is my friend.) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, an award-winning 2010 book by Rebecca Skloot, tells the story of Lacks, a woman whose preserved cervical cancer cells posthumously contributed to numerous scientific advancements from the polio vaccine to the effect space travel has on human cells. Here, Skloot will discuss both her book and ethics in science in general. Knowledge is power!

Wednesday, March 4, Comedy on State (info)

And then there were five. After weeks of competition, the original field of 60+ local jokesmiths has been whittled down to Ton Johnson, Jackson Jones, Kayla Ruth, David Schendlinger and Jake Snell. These five comedic gladiators will battle for the title of funniest comic in town. Who will join the ranks of hilarious folks like past winners Johnny Walsh and Nick Hart?

Wednesday, March 4, Central Library (info)

Do you have a quote from a movie or TV show that youve co-opted into your everyday life? Ive got a few, but my most frequent is ordinary fuckin people from Repo Man. Its a catchall utterance for when the general public gets you down, something Harry Dean Stantons crusty character in the 80s punk cinema touchstone Repo Man would know all about. In this cult classic, Stanton plays a veteran repo guy who takes an aimless suburban punk (Emilio Estevez) under his wing. Its funny, freaky and boasts one of the best soundtracks in movie history, featuring Iggy Pop, Black Flag and Circle Jerks. Everyone needs to see this movie at least once.

Thursday, March 5, Communication (info)

I like my music how I like my coffee: dark, rich and filled with overcast progressive electronics. Given this, Kayo Dot should be my new favorite artist. The NYC-based act began as a sort of quasi-metal, but has experimented and blossomed so much that its hard to figure what exactly to call it other than very good. Support comes from fellow New York metal explorers Psalm Zero and Madison krautrock duo Telechrome.

Thursday through Saturday, March 5-7, Comedy on State (info)

Former SNL cast member Jay Pharoah is an incredible impressionist, but hes also an incredible stand-up, an animated force on stage with a gift for character work. The 32-year-old is a chameleon, able to shift between observational humor and celebrity imitations with the same ease as hed have tying his shoes. My personal favorite is his pitch-perfect take on his ex-SNL coworker John Mulaney. Pharoah has also appeared in films like Ride Along and Chris Rocks critically acclaimed 2014 directorial effort, Top Five.

Thursday through Saturday, March 5-7, The Marquee at Union South (info)

Ive been a member of the Bong Joon-ho hive for a while now The Host practically exploded my mind in school but Parasite entirely changes the conversation around the South Korean auteur. Bong has long been able to mix genre cinema with social commentary, but Parasite ratchets that up to an entirely new level. Without giving too much away, an extremely poor family (led by frequent Bong collaborator Song Kang-ho) gradually infiltrates an extremely rich family. And then about halfway through the film, things go extremely sideways. It also just picked up a bunch of Oscars, including Best Picture. And it absolutely, 100% deserves it. Its not only Bongs own masterpiece, but a cinematic marvel in general.

Thursday through Saturday, March 5-7, The Marquee at Union South (info)

Hayao Miyazaki is like Japans own Walt Disney, but without all the anti-semitism. The legendary animator makes fantastical, emotionally riveting films that burrow into your psyche. Theyre all good, but Spirited Away stands a cut above the rest. In it, a young girl accidentally stumbles into a spirit world and must work to both adapt to her new surroundings and find a way back to her family on the outside. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2003, making it the first foreign-language film to ever win that particular trophy. Though if you ask me, every Miyazaki is Oscar-worthy.

Friday, March 6, High Noon Saloon (info)

If you yearn for the halcyon days of 1990s alternative, Bad Bad Hats is the perfect band for you. The Minneapolis trio is like Superchunk for a new generation, a pitch perfect mix of pop punks hooks and grungy guitars. And they play around these parts enough that Im going to go ahead and name them an honorary Madison band.

Friday, March 6, Memorial Union Rathskeller (info)

Pysch rock duo Dumbo Gets Mad may now call Los Angeles home, but theyre a long way from their actual homes. Luca Bergomi and Carlotta Menozzi hail from Italy and mix pop hooks with kaleidoscopic instrumentation, making it as easy to listen to as it is to get totally lost inside of. And thats the mark of psychedelia done well: music that practically envelops the listener. With Sea Moya, another set of European transplants who moved from Germany to Montreal in 2018.

Friday, March 6, Mickeys Tavern (info)

Looking for pure, unadulterated punk rock? Milwaukees beer soaked Sex Scenes have you covered. With a blistering pace and wild live show, the group is as loud and melodic as they are sweaty. And when you play as hard as Sex Scenes do, you get very sweaty. Local support comes from a pair of equally energetic Madison punx, Treatment and Black Cat.

Friday, March 6, Orpheum Theater (info)

For many comedians, keeping it clean would eliminate their entire act. But Nate Bargatze manages family-friendly material without losing any of its comedic edge. The Tennessee native is endlessly relatable, riffing on every minutiae in a way that everyone from cynical stand-up nerds and pearl-clutching grannies alike can LOL at. Case in point, hes received praise from the disparate likes of Jim Gaffigan and Marc Maron. His first one-hour special, The Tennesssee Kid, premiered on Netflix last year.

Saturday, March 7, Four Star Video Rental (info)

Theres something sweetly nostalgic about renting movies. It reminds me of going to Hollywood Video after school and checking out The Matrix for the 20th time. Those chain stores went to the great return box in the sky a long time ago. Here in Madison, Four Star Video Rental has long been the hub not just for movie borrowing, but for film appreciation in general. Now the local institution is celebrating its new West Gilman location with a party that will include two DJs and drinks. Be kind, unwind.

Saturday, March 7, Crystal Corner Bar (info)

If youre into psychedelics (specifically the music, but Im not one to judge),this show features some of the best jammers in the Madison area. The headliner Sweet Delta Dawn approaches the genre through the lens of heavy blues rock. Think Stevie Ray Vaughan by way of Phish. Featuring the eclectic and chaotic seven-piece White Bush Unicorn and high-energy rock outfit Magic Conch.

Saturday, March 7, The Winnebago (info)

Like any country singer worth their salt, Craig Gerdes is a road warrior. The Southern Illinois native has spent enough time on the road to call it a second home, gigging with everyone from Tyler Childers to Stainds Aaron Lewis. Along the way, hes honed an earthy, authentic sound thats got the power of an 18-wheeler. Yee and I cant stress this enough haw.

Sunday, March 8, High Noon Saloon (info)

Despite hailing from the middle of Texas, Summer Salt sound made for the beach. Their tunes combine breezy melodies with lush instrumentals and will have you yearning for the weather to stay above 50 degrees. They released their sophomore album, Honeyweed, in 2019. The warm retro-folkies of Okey Dokey and charming reverb-lovers Breakup Shoes will open.

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What to do in Madison: March 2-8, 2020 - The Bozho

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cyborgs, robots, and biohackers: the first-ever survey of transhumanism – Designboom

Posted: March 2, 2020 at 9:42 am

london-based photographers david vintner and gem fletcher document individuals who form part of the transhumanism culture throughout europe, russia and the united states in their latest collaborative photo series, I want to believe an exploration of transhumanism. the five-year-long project explores the core idea behind transhumanism the belief that human beings are destined to transcend their mortal flesh through technology.

neil harbisson hears color neil harbisson was born with achromatism, a rare disease that renders him colourblind. rather than overcome achromatism, harbisson created a new sense to go beyond the human visual spectrumin 2004 he had an antenna implanted into his skull. the antenna allows him to perceive visible and invisible colours as audible vibrations, including infrareds and ultraviolets.

the photo series by vintner and fletcher illustrates three gradual stages of transhumanism from testing ground, patient zero to humanity 2.0. at the lowest tier, testing ground looks into individuals who have created wearable technology to expand their human abilities, improving everything from concentration to mental health.patient zero studies those who have taken permanent action to become half human and half robot. in the final chapter, humanity 2.0, the transhumanist subjects focus on life extension and immortality.

the work of the individuals in this book demonstrates how optimizing our brains and bodies could revolutionize and redefine humanity. as human architects, we are only limited by our imagination, explains vintner and fletcher.

kevin warrick widely considered as one of the first cyborgs.kevin warrick is a pioneering professor in cybernetics and considered by many as the worlds first cyborg. kevin instigated a series of experiments involving the neuro-surgical implantation of a device into the nerves of his left arm in order to link his nervous system directly to a computer. this enabled him to have a symbiotic connection with a robotic hand. he could control the hand using his own brain signals from anywhere in the world, as well as sense what the robot hand was feeling.

humans are now gods. we are now able to create and design humans, but do humans have the foresight to do it in the right way? questions the photographers.

cyborg arm

for many transhumanists, life extension and immortality is the goal. transhumanism started as early as 1923 and has developed over recent years through the rise of sci-fi themed books, movies and the democratization of technology. as studies on experimental genetic engineering, tissue regeneration and stem cell treatments are also becoming more apparent in todays world, transhumanists hope to extend the life of the human body anywhere from twenty to 500 years longer than the average lifespan.

vintner and fletcher are working together on releasing the photo series as a book, which can be funded on crowd-funding platform kickstarter, here.

moon ribas sensing earthquakesmoon ribas is connected to online seismographs allowing her to perceive the seismic activity of the planet through vibrations in her body. the vibration she feels depends on the intensity of the earthquake. if she is standing in newcastle, she can sense earthquakes happening everywhere from japan to greece. she describes the sensation as having two heartbeats, her biological heartbeat and the earthbeat, which has its own rhythm inside her body.

dr natasha vita-more a leading expert on human enhancement and emerging technologies

dr. aubrey de grey biomedical gerontologist and the chief science 0fficer of SENS research foundation

liz parrish founder of bioviva

dr max more president and CEO of the alcor life extension foundation

patient zero - james young after an accident that left him a double amputee, james young turned to bionics to redesign his body. obsessed with the metal gear solid, he worked with gaming giant konami and prosthetic sculptor sophie de oliveira barata to develop an advanced bionic arm inspired by the computer game.

carbon fibre bionic limb

patient zero - rob spence known as the eyeborg, rob spence lost an eye as a child while playing with his grandfather's shotgun. inspired by a love of the bionic man and his interest in documentary filmmaking, spence created an eye with a wireless video camera inside. the camera is not connected to his optic nerve but sends footage to a remote receiver. over the years, he has created several different aesthetics for the eye, from a realistic 'hidden camera' version to a terminator inspired glowing red version.

patient zero - neil harbisson neil harbisson was born with achromatism, a rare disease that renders him colourblind. rather than overcome achromatism, harbisson created a new sense to go beyond the human visual spectrumin 2004 he had an antenna implanted into his skull. the antenna allows him to perceive visible and invisible colours as audible vibrations, including infrareds and ultraviolets.

image out of rob spence's eyes

new ways of seeing - EYEsect the experimental device aims to recreate the experience of seeing the world like a chameleon, with two single steerable eyes. in changing the way we perceive the world around us, eyesect alters our version of reality enabling new ways to sense and experience our environment.

new ways of seeing - north sense created by liviu babitz and scott cohen, north sense is a small matchbox-sized artificial sense organ that delivers a short vibration every time the user faces north, similar to the biological abilities of migratory birds, extending the human perception of orientation.

new ways of seeing - aisen caro chacin / echolocation the echolocation headphones are a pair of goggles that aid human echolocation. it is designed to substitute the users vision augmenting our spatial awareness with sound, similar to the abilities of bats and whales. the device has both the potential to aid the visually impaired and provide sighted individuals with a new sense.

project info:

title:I want to believe an exploration of transhumanism

artistic director: gem fletcher

photographer: david vintiner

kick starter page: I want to believe

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cyborgs, robots, and biohackers: the first-ever survey of transhumanism - Designboom

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A time-travelling musical comedy with lots of flying – Insane Animals arrives at HOME – Manchester Evening News

Posted: March 2, 2020 at 9:42 am

They say there's nothing new under the sun, and this week's big opening somehow both proves and disproves the theory.

Insane Animals takes its inspiration from the Epic of Gilgamesh - an ancient poem from Mesopotamia that is widely regarded as the oldest great work of literature yet discovered.

It was written around 1800BC and deals with some pretty weighty themes, not the least of which is immortality. And given we're still talking about Gilgamesh right now, you could say he's gone some way to reaching that goal.

Insane Animals is brought to us by cult cabaret duo and leading lights of the UKs alternative performance scene Bourgeois and Maurice, otherwise known as George Heyworth and Liv Morris. As you can imagine, their work is about as a la mode as it's possible to be.

George said of the subject matter: "It just felt really current. It's a story about survival and attempting to outlive your human body. Its central character and a lot of the themes that it explores feel like they really chime with what's going on in the world at the moment and the people that are running the world at the moment, so we were kind of drawn to it for that reason."

So what can we expect? George again: "Well, we've written quite a lot in this script about things flying in, so that'll be happening.

"Just generally it's a bigger cast. It's us with a cast of eight. The music is bigger, the storytelling is much bigger, just the spectacle of the thing is much bigger.

"We've got some really exciting creatives on the show. Our director is Phillip McMahon, who has just got an amazing vision and ability to see the story.

"So we're going Gothic and we're going big and we're going camp and we're going showbiz."

Liv adds: "It is our biggest show that we have ever made. It's a musical adventure, through the telling of the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and looking forward to the future and the idea of some of the themes around survival and immortality that this ancient ancient poem talks about, and these ideas of future tech and transhumanism that we are talking about now.

"All with some funny rhymes and songs."

Insane Animals is an outrageous larger-than-life time-travelling musical comedy in which two hyper-glam aliens arrive from a faraway galaxy to rescue present-day earth from impending political, environmental, and social doom. This epic joyride from the dawn of civilisation to the sequinned near future sees Bourgeois and Maurice on hand to help the human race live forever.

HOME / / 0161 200 1500 / Friday, February 2 to Saturday March 14 / 13-27

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A time-travelling musical comedy with lots of flying - Insane Animals arrives at HOME - Manchester Evening News

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Jason Silva Harnesses the Ineffable – The Good Men Project

Posted: March 2, 2020 at 9:42 am

Jason Silva, speaking as though he is hosting a sance, channeling the likes of Sartre, Whitman, Kant. Spitting poetic diction through a lens of existential angst over the absurdity that is mortal beauty, the impermanence of all we hold dear. His phone, the Mediums parlor. We, his guests. This summarizes the Jason Silva experience.

His video series aptly named Shots of Awe is a collage of inspiration-induced euphoria, taking viewers deeper into common existential concepts than their everyday language would otherwise permit. His concepts have evolved over the years, but the longing to unveil the existential condition of humankind remains the driving force behind his impressive exuberance. Having admitted a deep-seated fear of death, that fear has paradoxically created a passion for life that seems to spill out of him even in moments of mundanity. A true artists artist. And an artist of the people. While he is commonly referred to as a modern philosopher and storyteller, there may not yet be an appropriate term to describe what he does. Spoken-word therapist comes to mind, for he soothes his viewers existential angst or at the very least, validates it.

While he is well known for hosting National Geographics Brain Games, the bulk of his fan base know him from his social media musings where he can often be found sharing cinematic epiphanies on topics that range from the value of presence to hallucinogenic therapies and transhumanism, and while his philosophy degree lends him a vocabulary that is somewhat unrelatable, his passion to put words to the ontological dilemmas that plague humanity creates an incredible connection between himself and his following. And connection seems to be the perpetual end-goal of Silvas philosophical musings namely connection with self via authentic expression of his own inner dialogue, which in turn opens a safe space for his viewership to tap into their own existential vulnerabilities. What sets Silvas content apart from that of other influencers is his unique ability to craft language, something that is not only one of his natural skills but also a conceptual passion of his.

My creative work, which is pretty much my life, is concerned with ineffability; those experiences of such aesthetic impact, such existential agitation, that we can hardly find the words to describe them. We lose ourselves in these moments. They silence the chatter in our heads and hurl us into the holy. In positive psychology, researchers call these moments of flow and awe, states of rapture and surrender. From these moments sprout music, poetry, mythopoetic rhapsody people think words dont do justice to these moments, but I disagree all of human creative expression mirrors these states of being. So thats what compels me to put lightning in a bottle. To find the words. To bring the infinite down to size.

Complex language is what sets humans apart in the animal kingdom, the proverbial red flower that can decode sensory intake and imbue it with meaning. When Silva seems exasperated it is only because he is trying to find the right words to decode what he is experiencing. When he finds those words they are nothing short of incantations, the weaving of semantic sorcery that leaves his audience entranced, something we call awe being filled with a wonder that surpasses what language can encapsulate and for Silva it is not enough to merely experience those moments sensorially, he must decode them. So he searches for the words and his impressive ability to find them, mostly unscripted and in real-time no less, transfixes his audience.

Empirical language is limited because it lives in the literal grid, but poetic language is more elastic, more flexible. I can weave worlds into being with poetic language. Thats why I call my work art before anything else. Im not a journalist. I wrap myself in the blanket of poetic license.

To Silva, poetic language is an almost religious expression his chosen refuge from the despair of mortality. To take it from the horses mouth, it is the root of human spirituality, a literal expression of the human spirit and one of the most fundamental means of alchemizing the sacred or holy. And as phenomenological experience is the master that Silva bows to, he takes neutral theistic ground. For him, a noumenal approach to divinity would be akin to blasphemy a counterintuitive self-betrayal, if you will.

Spirituality is an emergent quality of aliveness, a particular form of subjectivity characterized by heightened, qualitative intensity. Deeper presence. A sense of entering an archetypal and mythopoetic realm. One enters into spirituality and while it certainly FEELS like a glimpse of eternity and freedom from mortality, I havent been fully convinced that we can know for sure that it is anything beyond neuro-modulated ecstasy. At the same time, these realms are restorative and infuse our lives with deeper felt meaning so that alone gives them existential weight.

Silvas spiritual beliefs seem to rest somewhere between agnosticism and a yet-undefined existential consciousness theory. In watching his videos, there is always a bit of reluctance to translate moments of euphoria as anything other than a neuro-sensory experience. And this is perhaps the greatest point of resonance for viewers. His reverence for the unknowable a refreshing humility in not needing to make those moments concrete by some defined godhood. A pureness in bowing to the experience even if it ends with an ellipsis rather than a safe and familiar period because most things in life are implied rather than explicit and Silva refuses to pretend otherwise. His worship is awe-filled presence, his hymnal made up of all the resulting poetic musings, musings that are his existential war-cries his refusal to go gently into that good night prayers on the lips of a mortal who seeks immortality through robust reflection rather than religious resignation, for he knows that obsessing over the source of human consciousness while forgetting to simply revel in the miracle of it is the most primal of sins.

In an era that increasingly recognizes the benefits of going inward and being present (the self-help industry is worth a whopping 10 billion dollars), Silvas exuberance may appear contradictory to the Zen-like composure many seek to attain. But in the context of decoding awe as a means to better understanding Self, he may be the freshest expression of the new-age movement, bottling the ineffable and serving it like holy water to those who thirst. He is afoot with wonder. A walking Walt Whitman poem. Ginsbergs Howl. Restless for the same cause a cause that lit a fire beneath Socrates feet and the same cause that induces vows of silence amongst monks. He is a seeker and his distinct form of expression lands for many in ways that the Deepak Chopras of the world cannot.

Have you read the original anthology that was the catalyst for The Good Men Project? Buy here: The Good Men Project: Real Stories from the Front Lines of Modern Manhood

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Jason Silva Harnesses the Ineffable - The Good Men Project

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First human to live 1,000 years may already be alive says scientist fighting to end ageing –

Posted: March 1, 2020 at 8:47 am

Dr de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist, is chief science officer at the SENS Research Foundation which conducts counter-ageing research. He argued we could reach the point of longevity escape velocity, when scientific breakthroughs are able to keep pace with the ageing process, in as little as 20 years.

However the leading scientist called for a dramatic increase in funding for research aimed at stopping ageing, arguing it will revolutionise human society.

Speaking to Dr de Grey stated massive advances in the fight against ageing have been made over the past two decades.

He said: Oh a huge amount of progress has been made - absolutely immense.

Over the past 15 years the whole concept that I first started putting forward about 20 years ago of comprehensively repairing the molecular and cellular damage that the body does to itself throughout life, that concept has become not only totally mainstream; weve seen enormous progress towards actually doing it in the laboratory and even now in the clinic.

There are many different types of damage that need to be repaired which means there are many different therapies that need to be developed, but some of them are already in clinical trials and most of them have got to the point where they will be in clinical trials in the next year or two.

The SENS Research Foundation, based in California, was founded in 2009 to conduct research aimed at halting ageing.

According to Dr de Grey it focuses on early stage research that is unlikely to attract commercial investment.

Asked whether the first human to live to 1,000 years is already alive Dr de Grey predicted they are.

He said: Probably already alive - its very important to be probabilistic about this.

We all know this is early stage research and therefore any timeframe predictions are extremely speculative.

The number of 1,000 years is actually an extremely conservative estimate.

Dr de Grey previously said longevity escape velocity is likely to be reached within 20 years.

Asked if still believes this he replied: I certainly think thats likely.

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In fact I think my estimate on how long it is before we have an at least 50-50 chance of reaching longevity escape velocity is now about 17 years so its coming down slowly as time goes on.

The definition of the term is the point at which we reach the rate of progress that means we are staying one step ahead of the problem and that the health problems of late life are being postponed faster than time is passing.

And yes I do believe we are definitely getting there.

However Dr de Grey was critical of politicians who he believes need to focus more on the societal effects of radically extended human life.

He commented: The Government always comes last into all of this because ultimately elected representatives main priority is to get reelected and therefore the essence of public policy always follows public opinion rather than leading it.

Theres always a lot of caution amongst the general public in believing progress is really being made against this problem that weve been trying to make progress against since the beginning of civilisation.

READ MORE:Body health deteriorates from 'head to toes' in forties, study reveals

Its beginning to become a conversation within the corridors of power, particularly in the US, but its really only just beginning.

Its crazy that politicians are keeping their heads in the sand like this.

Dr de Grey argued we should expect politicians and wider society to take radical life extension more seriously as technology improves over the next few years.

He asked: How will society change when it becomes the case that most people expect to live a very very long time?

Because that transition of expectation is likely to occur really rather soon.

Whats going to happen is pretty much overnight people are going to go from an expectation that they will live maybe slightly longer than their parents did to an expectation that they will live a very great deal longer.

A huge amount of restructuring of the economy is going to have to happen pretty much at once in order to avoid this transition being really rather turbulent and its about time policy makers started to realise that.

Dr de Grey claimed the main obstacle to research aimed at combatting ageing is the lack of funding.

He said: Even today when this field is becoming much more established it is still really difficult to get enough resources to move as fast as the science allows.

Im quite sure we could be going at least twice as fast if we had one extra digit on our tiny little budget.

Last year the all party parliamentary group on longevity was launched in the UK, though it is primarily focused on managing the ageing population rather than halting ageing itself.

Dr de Grey argued attitudes to ageing amongst the public will shift sharply once the progress towards its abolition he anticipates is made.

He commented: The fundamental problem is that humanity has been aware of ageing since the beginning of civilisation and has been aware that its absolutely horrifying.

Most people have only one way that theyre able to cope with that, namely to put it out of their minds and get on with their lives and make the best of it.

Nobody wants to hear the answers, they want to carry on thinking that ageing is a blessing in disguise so as to not get their hopes up.

Now at some point how close we actually are to achieving this will get to a sufficient stage that the fear of getting ones hopes up can finally be dismissed and people can actually get their hopes up and get emotionally invested in it.

But were not there yet.

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First human to live 1,000 years may already be alive says scientist fighting to end ageing -

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Denver Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Therapy

Posted: March 1, 2020 at 8:45 am

At Downtowns Healthcare our Medical team is highly trained and have 100s of hours in post graduate study to bring to Colorado a variety of regenerative therapy options. In a regenerative therapy session, growth factors, proteins HA, cytokines and/or medicinal signaling cells are injected into injured or damaged areas to enhance the bodys natural ability to heal tissues. In patients who cannot rebuild as quickly as others, this matrix of cells essentially works more quickly to signal native stem cells to stimulate your bodys natural healing response. Even after one treatment, many of our patients report experiencing a reduction in their pain. In fact, what makes DHC one of the best offices is the following: Our providers skill set is the best of the best. Karen Rea NP has taken 100s of post grad hours in the delivery of joint injections. In fact she teaches other MDs, NPs, PAs throughout the country and is accredited through AANP (American Association of Nurse Practitioners) We always use diagnostic ultrasound in the delivery for visualization and accurate placement of the regenerative treatment. In fact, a recent study stated that when diagnostic ultrasound is used it resulted in a 48% reduction in procedural pain, a 42% reduction in pain scores at outcome, 107% increase in the responder rate.

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We do a very thorough consultation and evaluation to see if one is a candidate. If a patient is, we offer options in regenerative therapy and recommend the one that we feel would give the best results. This is one of the reasons for such a high improvement rate in our office. Though this treatment does not help everyone, a majority of patients report some form of improvement from increased range of motion, less pain, pain scores going from an 8-9 out of 10 to a 0-3, 10 being the most pain. Patients have also reported taking fewer medications such as opioids/over the counter medications and many joint surgeries have been cancelled or postponed as patients have had an increase in function and feel better overall. Call today at 303-292-9992 to schedule a consultation and evaluation to see if you are a candidate.

How Does Regenerative Therapy Work?

Over time, healthy tissue can become dysfunctional due to age and injury. Regenerative therapy treatments help the body through cell signaling to repair and regenerate damaged ones.

Regenerative Therapy For Denver

At Downtowns Healthcare our Medical team is highly trained and have 100s of hours in post graduate study to bring to Colorado a variety of regenerative therapy options. In a regenerative therapy session, growth factors, proteins HA, cytokines and/or medicinal signaling cells are injected into injured or damaged areas to enhance the bodys natural ability to heal tissues. In patients who cannot rebuild as quickly as others, this matrix of cells essentially works more quickly to signal native stem cells to stimulate your bodys natural healing response. Even after one treatment, many of our patients report experiencing a reduction in their pain. In fact, what makes DHC one of the best offices is the following: Our providers skill set is the best of the best. Karen Rea NP has taken 100s of post grad hours in the delivery of joint injections. In fact she teaches other MDs, NPs, PAs throughout the country and is accredited through AANP (American Association of Nurse Practitioners) We always use diagnostic ultrasound in the delivery for visualization and accurate placement of the regenerative treatment. In fact, a recent study stated that when diagnostic ultrasound is used it resulted in a 48% reduction in procedural pain, a 42% reduction in pain scores at outcome, 107% increase in the responder rate.

View the study

We do a very thorough consultation and evaluation to see if one is a candidate. If a patient is, we offer options in regenerative therapy and recommend the one that we feel would give the best results. This is one of the reasons for such a high improvement rate in our office. Though this treatment does not help everyone, a majority of patients report some form of improvement from increased range of motion, less pain, pain scores going from an 8-9 out of 10 to a 0-3, 10 being the most pain. Patients have also reported taking fewer medications such as opioids/over the counter medications and many joint surgeries have been cancelled or postponed as patients have had an increase in function and feel better overall. Call today at 303-292-9992 to schedule a consultation and evaluation to see if you are a candidate.

How Does Regenerative Therapy Work?

Over time, healthy tissue can become dysfunctional due to age and injury. Regenerative therapy treatments help the body through cell signaling to repair and regenerate damaged areas.

My experience at the Downtowns Healthcare Denver CO, was by far, the best experience I have ever had at a medical treatment facility.

Below is the short note I sent to the staff.

Regeneration is a treatment I have never tried before but wish I had this treatment years ago.

Don Manns Experience

As for regeneration facilities, it is my understanding and belief that Downtowns Healthcare Denver CO is the number one facility of its kind in the US. Dr Gary Rademacher and Karen Rea were my treatment providers.

Thank you so very much for your wonderful hospitality, professionalism, care and for my treatments. I have never seen such an incredible health care facility or experienced such professional care. I did not want to leave! Also, thank you for working with me and my schedule.

As I told Gary, on a scale of 1 out of 10, my experience with you and the other staff members was a 100 plus.This morning, I am feeling great and am not experiencing any pain at all.

I look forward to seeing you again.

I would strongly encourage you to consider this option before going forward with knee replacement.

Thank you and I wish you luck.Don

Depending on the cause of your condition will dictate what treatment options will be recommended. We typically will recommend a variety of treatments along with regenerative medicine such as nutritional guidance, some form of rehab whether it be at our office, a referral to a PT and or home exercise. It is critical to identify the cause so that the best treatment options are identified. This also is a reason we feel we get better results than other offices as we focus on rehabbing the area as well.

We strive to help each patient start to feel better as quickly as possible, we know that certain pains and conditions hinder your performance and workflow throughout the day. Come over for a visit if you have any of the following conditions:

Regenerative therapy slows the progression of pain and deterioration in the body. Restoring proper function and mobility in the area or areas of the body affected. Be able to jump around and feel young again, you deserve it.

How Regenerative Therapy In Denver Has Helped Others

Conditions Treated

Depending on the cause of your condition will dictate what treatment options will be recommended. We typically will recommend a variety of treatments along with regenerative medicine such as nutritional guidance, some form of rehab whether it be at our office, a referral to a PT and or home exercise. It is critical to identify the cause so that the best treatment options are identified. This also is a reason we feel we get better results than other offices as we focus on rehabbing the area as well.

We strive to help each patient start to feel better as quickly as possible, we know that certain pains and conditions hinder your performance and workflow throughout the day. Come over for a visit if you have any of the following conditions:

Regenerative therapy slows the progression of pain and deterioration in the body. Restoring proper function and mobility in the area or areas of the body affected. Be able to jump around and feel young again, you deserve it.

How Regenerative Therapy In Denver Has Helped Others

1. PRP Platelet Rich Plasma: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections are derived from a sample of the patients own blood. These injections contain plasma with higher concentration platelets than what is normally found in blood. PRP injections attempt to take advantage of the bloods naturally healing properties to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, or even bone.

2. Amniotic Allografts:is allograft tissue derived from the amniotic membrane and fluid. Placental tissue is donated by healthy mothers at the time of scheduled cesarean section. Expectant mothers submit their past medical and social history and a detailed risk assessment is performed. Ultimately, approval of the tissue for use is made by the Medical Director following an intensive and complete medical review and prenatal evaluation prior to delivery. This tissue is rich with the basic components necessary for tissue regeneration including:Growth Factors, Cytokines, Collagen, Fibrinogen, Hyaluronic Acid, Messenger RNA.

Key Characteristics: The extracellular matrix of the amniotic membrane contains a high concentration of cellular scaffolding, cytokines, growth factors and proteins.

3. Umbilical Cord tissue: this regenerative therapy product is derived from Umbilical Cord Tissue Donations. This product contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and is rich in growth factors from umbilical cord tissue. These tissues are obtained under informed consents and strict ethical protocols. These tissues are from safe, reliable hospital sources via a non-invasive, simple, and painless procedure.

According to Neil Riordan PA, PhD

Younger cells, as found in umbilical cords, are more energetic in the system and hence have a better chance of persisting and being more effective. First, I believe the best stem cells the ones with the best healing and regenerative power as well as the fewest complications are adult stem cells, which can be obtained from donated umbilical cord blood; umbilical cord tissue from healthy, live births. So umbilical MSCS which come from discarded tissue, are just as good as your own MSCS.

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4. Adipose Tissue: Adipose-derived stem cells come from a patients fat tissue, which is surgically extracted via liposuction under anesthesia. Adipose-derived stem cells are recognized as being an effective mesenchymal stem cell population with enormous potential in different fields of regenerative therapy and stem cell therapy. There are various protocols for adipose derived stem cell isolation.

5. Bone Marrow: Adult stem cells can be extracted from bone marrow by aspiration, typically from the superior iliac crest or the sternum. The bone marrow aspiration (BMA) procedure is a concentrated serum of your own cells, the procedure is considered autologous point-of-care, and we do not expand or manipulate the marrow product other than placing it in a centrifuge.

We use an array of different regenerative treatment options. Based on a thorough history, consultation and evaluation, recommendations will be given on best option for your specific condition.


We encourage people to look into regenerative medicine. There are currently over 4,000 clinical trials being conducted worldwide. Go to for more information.

Downtowns Healthcare continues to review research, and put into play the most cutting edge treatments to help those who are interested in regenerative medicine.

1. PRP Platelet Rich Plasma: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections are derived from a sample of the patients own blood. These injections contain plasma with higher concentration platelets than what is normally found in blood. PRP injections attempt to take advantage of the bloods naturally healing properties to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, or even bone.

2. Amniotic Allografts:is allograft tissue derived from the amniotic membrane and fluid. Placental tissue is donated by healthy mothers at the time of scheduled cesarean section. Expectant mothers submit their past medical and social history and a detailed risk assessment is performed. Ultimately, approval of the tissue for use is made by the Medical Director following an intensive and complete medical review and prenatal evaluation prior to delivery. This tissue is rich with the basic components necessary for tissue regeneration including:Growth Factors, Cytokines, Collagen, Fibrinogen, Hyaluronic Acid, Messenger RNA.

Key Characteristics: The extracellular matrix of the amniotic membrane contains a high concentration of cellular scaffolding, cytokines, growth factors and proteins.

3. Umbilical Cord tissue: this regenerative therapy product is derived from Umbilical Cord Tissue Donations. This product contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and is rich in growth factors from umbilical cord tissue. These tissues are obtained under informed consents and strict ethical protocols. These tissues are from safe, reliable hospital sources via a non-invasive, simple, and painless procedure.

According to Neil Riordan PA, PhD

Younger cells, as found in umbilical cords, are more energetic in the system and hence have a better chance of persisting and being more effective. First, I believe the best stem cells the ones with the best healing and regenerative power as well as the fewest complications are adult stem cells, which can be obtained from donated umbilical cord blood; umbilical cord tissue from healthy, live births. So umbilical MSCS which come from discarded tissue, are just as good as your own MSCS.

Click here to view more information

4. Adipose Tissue: Adipose-derived stem cells come from a patients fat tissue, which is surgically extracted via liposuction under anesthesia. Adipose-derived stem cells are recognized as being an effective mesenchymal stem cell population with enormous potential in different fields of regenerative therapy and stem cell therapy. There are various protocols for adipose derived stem cell isolation.

5. Bone Marrow: Adult stem cells can be extracted from bone marrow by aspiration, typically from the superior iliac crest or the sternum. The bone marrow aspiration (BMA) procedure is a concentrated serum of your own cells, the procedure is considered autologous point-of-care, and we do not expand or manipulate the marrow product other than placing it in a centrifuge.

We use an array of different regenerative treatment options. Based on a thorough history, consultation and evaluation, recommendations will be given on best option for your specific condition.


We encourage people to look into regenerative medicine. There are currently over 4,000 clinical trials being conducted worldwide. Go to for more information.

Downtowns Healthcare continues to review research, and put into play the most cutting edge treatments to help those who are interested in regenerative medicine.

As a disclaimer: Like all medical procedures, Downtowns healthcare procedures have a success and failure rate. Check out our website for testimonials. However, these should not be interpreted as a statements on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else. We do a very thorough consultation and evaluation to see if a person is a candidate for care.

When you come in to visit our office, you will quickly learn that all of our services are aimed to treat the underlying condition you suffer from, and not just the symptoms.Your health and overall well-being are very important to us; if you think we can help, don't hesitate to reach out.

When you come in to visit our office, you will quickly learn that all of our services are aimed to treat the underlying condition you suffer from, and not just the symptoms.Your health and overall well-being are very important to us; if you think we can help, don't hesitate to reach out.

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Denver Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell Therapy

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CAR T Cells to Go? Outpatient Therapy Can Be Safe – Medscape

Posted: March 1, 2020 at 8:44 am

ORLANDO, Florida Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy can be safely delivered in the outpatient setting, which could make the life-extending treatment available to patients who don't have access to a major teaching hospital or treatment center, contend investigators who analyzed data from three clinical trials.

Looking at outcomes for patients with large B-cell lymphomas (LBCL) who were treated with the CAR T-cell construct lisocabtagene maraleucel (liso-cel) in the outpatient setting at both university-based and nonacademic medical centers in three clinical trials, Carlos Bachier, MD, from the Sarah Cannon Blood Cancer Network in Nashville, Tennessee, and colleagues found that the incidences of severe adverse events were relatively low and manageable.

"Outpatient administration of liso-cel and subsequent monitoring were successfully implemented in multiple clinical trials at both university and nonuniversity sites," he said here at the Transplantation and Cellular Therapy annual meeting.

Dr Carlos Bachier

The need to monitor and treat serious side effects from CAR T therapy, such as the cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and neurologic toxicities, has previously limited the therapy to major treatment centers with extensive resources. Yet most patients in the US with relapsed or refractory large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma are treated at nonacademic centers where cancer therapies are typically delivered in outpatient infusion centers, Bachier said.

"Infusion and monitoring of patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy in the outpatient setting can lead to wider utilization and improved access," he said.

To get a better idea of the safety and efficacy of CAR T-cell therapy in the outpatient setting, Bachier and colleagues examined outcomes from the phase 1 TRANSCEND NHL 001 trial of liso-cel in one or two doses for a variety of aggressive lymphoma histologies, conducted in both university-based and nonuniversity centers; the phase 2 TRANSCEND-OUTREACH trial of outpatient liso-cel therapy after two or more prior lines of therapy against various lymphomas and lymphoproliferative disorders, conducted in nonuniversity centers; and the phase 2 TRANSCEND-PILOT-017006, testing liso-cel in patients with LBCL relapsed or refractory after a single line of immunochemotherapy who were ineligible for either high-dose chemotherapy or stem cell transplant. This trial was conducted in both university and nonuniversity settings.

In OUTREACH and PILOT, liso-cel was administered at a dose of 100 x 106 CAR-positive T cells; in TRANSCEND, it was given at doses of 50, 100, or150 x 106.

To qualify for outpatient administration and monitoring, both university centers and nonuniversity specialty oncology centers had to have at least hematopoietic stem cell therapy (HSCT) or phase 1 trial capability, an outpatient infusion center or inpatient infusion unit with same-day discharge; an affiliated aphereseis center; and a multidisciplinary medical team that can coordinate care between inpatient and outpatient settings, have standard operating procedures for outpatient monitoring and admissions when necessary, and an oncologist on call at all times.

In addition, each center had to have one designated hospital for care of CAR T-cell recipients with staff trained to manage typical CAR T-cell toxicities and a ready supply of tocilizumab (Actemra, Genentech) for treating CRS.

For their part, patients needed to have caregiver support and stay within 1 hour travel of the treatment center for the first 30 days after infusions, had to commit to returning to the site for immediate medical evaluation as necessary, and had to be educated about the early signs and symptoms of CRS and neurologic toxicities.

The analysis included data on 44 patients with a median age of 62 years (range 24 to 82), including 25 enrolled in TRANSCEND, 13 in OUTREACH, and 6 in PILOT. Eighteen patients were age 65 or older, 12 had high tumor burden, and 6 had lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels of 500 U/L or higher.

Treatment-related adverse events (TEAEs) occurring in at least 25% of outpatients were similar to those among all patients in TRANSCEND, with the most frequent grade 3 or 4 events being neutropenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. There were no treatment-related deaths among those monitored as outpatients.

CRS of any grade occurred in 12 of 25 outpatients (48%) in TRANSCEND, in 5 of 13 (38%) in OUTREACH, and in none of the 6 outpatients in PILOT. Grade 3 or 4 CRS was seen in 1 outpatient in TRANSCEND, but in none of the other patients in the other two trials.

Grade 3 or 4 neurologic events occurred in two outpatients in TRANSCEND, but were not seen in any outpatients in OUTREACH or PILOT.

Three patients in TRANSCEND and two in OUTREACH received either tocilizumab or corticosteroids for CRS, and five patients in TRANSCEND received corticosteroids for neurologic adverse events. Prolonged grade 3 or greater cytopenias were seen in three patients in TRANSCEND, five in OUTREACH, and one in PILOT.

The median onset of CRS was 5 days, and the median onset of neurologic toxicities was 8 days among all outpatients, and was similar to combined inpatient and outpatient population in TRANSCEND. The median duration of the events 6 days for CRS, 16 days for neurologic events was also similar to that seen in TRANSCEND.

Of the 44 patients from all three trials, 24 (55%) were hospitalized after liso-cel administration, for a median of 6.5 days (range 2-23). The median time to hospitalization was 5 days. One third of the hospitalizations were for either CRS or neurologic events. There were 2 cases of ICU admissions after liso-cel administration, for a median ICU stay of 4 days.

In all, 45% of outpatients did not require hospitalization, and there was no increase in ICU admissions compared with inpatients, Bachier pointed out.

The overall response rate was 80%, with a complete response rate of 55%, similar to that seen in TRANSCEND, he said.

In an interview with Medscape Medical News seeking objective commentary on the findings, Yago Nieto, MD, from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, said that he would be comfortable with CAR T-cell therapy in the outpatient setting, provided that several key components of care are in place.

"It requires an organized effort to be able to see those patients in an outpatient clinic weekdays and weekends, having every contingency discussed beforehand, including for ICU team members to admit patients into the ICU if necessary which is unusual, particularly with liso-cel but it has to be all worked out in advance in a multidisciplinary effort," he said.

Nieto comoderated the session where the data were presented, but was not involved in the study.

Comoderator Mazyar Shadman, MD, MPH, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, who was not involved in the study, told Medscape that his center treats patients with CAR T therapy in the outpatient setting.

"But it's important to know that when you talk about outpatient care, it's not your outpatient clinic where you see patients once a week," he said. "These are intensive outpatient centers. We have a team that's just outpatient, but we see these patients on a daily basis, we have dedicated nurses and practitioners, and we have labs and immunotherapy services for getting results quickly."

"I feel comfortable giving CAR T therapy to a patient in this setting," he added, "but not to a patient being treated in the middle of nowhere."

The study was funded by Juno Therapeutics, a Bristol-Myers Squibb company. Bachier disclosed advisory board activities for various companies, not including Juno or BMS. Nieto disclosed research funding and consultancy for various companies not including the sponsors of this study. Shadman disclosed research funding, honoraria, and consultancy with various companies not including Juno or BMS.

Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR 2020: Abstract29. Presented February 19, 2020.

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CAR T Cells to Go? Outpatient Therapy Can Be Safe - Medscape

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Breakthrough, Non-Invasive Treatment Called Axol Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction And Enhanced Sexual Performance Now Available At Colorado Urology -…

Posted: March 1, 2020 at 8:44 am

DENVER, Feb. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The men's sexual health specialists at Colorado Urology now offer an exciting new treatment option for men living with erectile dysfunction (ED) called Axol Softwave Therapy. This safe and non-invasive treatment option is helping many men with ED achieve spontaneous and natural erections without the help of medications. The therapy can also be used to enhance a man's sexual performance.

About 5 in 10 men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point in their lives. First-line therapies often include oral medication to help men achieve an erection. Now, Axol Therapy is providing a safe and effective alternative.

This non-invasive procedure uses gentle full-spectrum, low-intensity sound waves that stimulate revascularization, a process in which new blood vessels form. Axol Therapy promotes improved blood flow to the penis, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the migration of the body's stem cells for long-term healing. The new treatment is helping men to achieve natural erections without ED medications, pumps, injections, or penile implants.

Learn about Axol Softwave Therapy at Colorado Urology:

Axol Therapy How it Works

Axol Therapy is a modern approach to healing the body by using four types of energy: Heat, Electrohydraulic, Acoustic, and Light (HEAL). Unfocused acoustic waves are delivered to the shaft of the penis using a treatment wand that features a patented unfocused electrohydraulic acoustic wave.

The pulsed acoustic waves are delivered through the skin into the tissue to open and repair aging blood vessels, stimulate new blood vessel growth, restore blood flow, and improve erectile quality. Axol Therapy typically takes only 20 minutes, once a week, for a total of six sessions in the physician's office.

How Well Does Axol Therapy Work?

For men who are the right candidates, Axol Therapy is a safe and effective option without the side effects often experienced with oral medications. Most patients can get the quality, rigid erections they once had with Axol Therapy's gentle acoustic pulse treatment within just six office visits. Incremental improvement in erectile function may be seen after just a few sessions.

Restoring Vitality and Quality of Life

There are a number of significant benefits to Axol Therapy. For men who are candidates for this treatment option, a future without erectile dysfunction is perhaps the biggest one. The restoration of a man's vitality and spontaneous active sex life are also major benefits of this exciting new treatment.

Learn more about Axol Softwave Therapy, the benefits, and how to schedule a consultation. Visit call 888-401-7149.

About Colorado Urology

Colorado Urology, an affiliate of United Urology Group, is Eastern Colorado's premier urology practice, which was formed when Advanced Urology, Alpine Urology, and Foothills Urology became one urology group in April 2019. The group provides a broad array of urologic services, and its integrated approach to urologic care provides patients with access to experienced specialists, a comprehensive support team of healthcare professionals, innovative diagnostic tools, and highly advanced treatments and therapies. Colorado Urology operates 12 medical offices throughout the Denver metro and Boulder area, has 18 urologists, 9 advanced practice providers, and more than 130 employees.

About United Urology Group

United Urology Group is a national management services organization whose member groups of urology practices include: Arizona Urology Specialists with locations across the greater Phoenix area; Chesapeake Urology, with offices located throughout Maryland and Delaware; Tennessee Urology, based in Knoxville, TN; and Colorado Urology, located in the greater Denver, Boulder and Front Range areas. United Urology Group members' collective staff today number more than 1,400 employees, including 150 physicians. United Urology's vision is to support the creation of a national network of urology affiliates, which will enable urologists to better meet the needs of their patients and provide the highest level of urological care.

Media Contact:

Patricia Schnably, Senior Vice President, Marketing & Communications United Urology Group25 Crossroads Drive, Suite 306, Owings Mills, MD 21117443-738-8107 [emailprotected]

SOURCE Colorado Urology

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Breakthrough, Non-Invasive Treatment Called Axol Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction And Enhanced Sexual Performance Now Available At Colorado Urology -...

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