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Social media may prove to be a valuable tool for college admissions officers – Daily Bruin

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:42 am

Social media typically represents what a person wants to show about themselves.

But sometimes, its also what they dont want to be seen as.

Kaplan Test Prep administered a survey that was made public Jan. 13, reporting that roughly 36% of college admissions officers look at the social media accounts of university applicants. This is a marked increase from the reported 25% last year and an indication of the rising relevance of social media in society.

Online posts are public information and easily searchable, making them fair game for college admissions officers.

When hopeful students apply to colleges, many dont realize that admissions officers would consider anything beyond whats included in their applications. However, its in universities best interests to look at their candidates as holistically as possible.

After all, they arent accepting an application theyre accepting the person behind it.

UCLA and universities nationwide not only have the ability to check applicants social media profiles, but they also owe it to themselves to select candidates using all the information they have at their disposal. Universities are completely justified in using public, online information regarding candidates as a part of the admissions process.

And that includes social media.

Perhaps the most obvious reason for colleges to judge applicants through social media is simply because its available to them. Combined with the fact that social media can provide meaningful insight into an applicants personality, it seems like a no-brainer that colleges should look at an applicants profiles.

Mitchell Chang, UCLA education and Asian American studies professor, said in an emailed statement that looking at social media may help admissions committees make more informed decisions regarding specific applicants.

If an applicant expresses him/herself in ways that raise serious concerns, such harmful expressions should not be overlooked, Chang wrote. If applied carefully, social media will have an insignificant impact overall, but when it does make a difference, it could be immeasurable.}

This alludes to the crux of the issue: Social media provides a way for colleges to judge applicants in a relatively unfiltered manner. In other words, it offers a unique perspective on an applicant that an admissions officers may not get from an application.

And more importantly, social media can alert colleges as to whether applicants have posted something derogatory or demeaning in some way. It can reflect integrity and maturity, or a lack thereof and that can be vital in difficult admissions decisions.

A school wouldnt want someone who has bad moral character to represent them, said Maya Andari, a third-year microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics student. With that being known, youre expected to be conscious about what you post.

But social media doesnt just act as a check on poor character.

It can positively supplement students application in certain cases. An applicants social media presence may focus around an activity or passion that reflects personality or good character. It gives the admissions officer another perspective of the candidate, with the possibility of exposing more positive qualifications and experiences.

Madeline Buecheler, a second-year economics and world arts and cultures student, said that social media has helped her with landing an internship.

Social media helped me demonstrate my passion for fashion, and its a big thing to have a social media handle in my field, Buecheler said. Its a great way of having different people see your image.

And this method of personal screening isnt new or exclusive by any stretch. Employers often check the social media presence of potential hires and one of the primary goals of college is preparing students for future careers.

Employers wont hesitate to hire or fire people based on social media presence, which students will come to learn once they enter their careers postgraduation. Cognizance regarding social media presence is a must for jobs, and college admissions following suit is good preparation for common hiring practices.

Many would argue that colleges looking at social media illustrates a blatant violation of privacy. People typically associate these platforms with personal use, and nobody expects it to bleed over into their professional life. But what most fail to understand is that public profiles on social media represent information made available of ones own volition.

As such, its not a violation of privacy its an indication of how you represent yourself on the most public sphere there is: the internet.

Another common misconception is that colleges may judge applicants for personal beliefs or ideologies not included in their applications but emblazoned on their social media. But that would only play a role if those beliefs were actively meant to hurt or demean others and colleges are justified in being wary of that.

So if, hypothetically, an applicant posts derogatory remarks toward other groups or other people, college admissions officers should have the right to use that information when coming to a decision about a candidate.

At the end of the day, colleges can and should use all the information they have available to make their decisions on applicants.

Students are more than just their applications, and universities need to understand who theyre choosing to represent them.

And if that means checking Instagram, so be it.

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Social media may prove to be a valuable tool for college admissions officers - Daily Bruin

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Exploring a hands-on approach to engaging with science – The Irish Times

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:42 am

Congratulations, you recently won a Science Foundation Ireland award for outstanding contribution to Stem communication. Tell us about Cell Explorers.

Cell Explorers is an outreach programme, where volunteers who are scientists go to primary schools and festivals and do hands-on experiments with children. The volunteers come from universities and institutes of technology around Ireland, and the idea is for them to build their communication skills and share their passion for science with young people.

We tend to work with schoolchildren who are between age 10 and 12. Research shows this is the age around which they form opinions about science including whether they like it or not, and if it is for them so an important aspect of the programme is to provide a positive hands-on experience of engaging with science, with facilitators who might act as science role models and dont look like the stereotypical scientist.

How did you get the idea?

I was a researcher at NUI Galway, working on how cells can detect damage in DNA, and activate ways to repair the DNA. Part of my job was to teach undergraduate students, and I did some training to become a better lecturer.

I saw how you can encourage people to learn by co-creating with them, and I got the idea to work with undergraduates to design molecular biology workshops for school students, where they could do experiments themselves and learn more about it.

And that was the start of Cell Explorers?

Yes. I got some funding from NUIG to start a staff-student collaborative project. I asked biotechnology students would they like to join the project and work with my sons school. Ten of them volunteered and designed four workshops, including Fantastic DNA, which we are still running now.

Everyone really enjoyed it and from this Cell Explorers was started. We got successive funding from the RDS, the Wellcome Trust and Science Foundation Ireland for going into more schools and taking part in science festivals. In eight years we built a network of 13 Cell Explorers teams across 15 institutions around Ireland.

How do you assess its impact?

I have taken a scientific approach with the evaluation of Cell Explorers, gathering the evidence about it from the very beginning. This is to the point that it has become my research and I dont do molecular genetics in the lab any more. Between 2012 and the end of 2019 we reached about 40,000 people.

Throughout that time we have been reflective, documenting and improving our practice and sharing our findings with others. In addition to our evaluation, one PhD student and one postdoctoral researcher are looking at the potential impact of our programme on how children perceive science and scientists.

What keeps you going with it?

I find it very rewarding to see the responses of the children in the classroom, of the teacher and of our young volunteer scientists. I cant put numbers on this part, it is a feeling that you are making a connection and it is worth it. It is why I do this.

How do you take a break?

At home, I like to spend time with my family. I am French and I love to cook, especially with my children. We love cats my husband is counting the number that are turning up in our garden! We are also a family of readers, we enjoy reading books and discussing them.

And what was the last book you read?

In English? That would be Normal People by Sally Rooney. I also recently read and enjoyed Notes to Self by Emilie Pine. Over Christmas, I read a lot of books in French, including books that my children read too, and we had fun talking about them.

See more here:
Exploring a hands-on approach to engaging with science - The Irish Times

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Coronavirus: Meet the Scottish doctor working to create life-saving vaccine – Scotland on Sunday

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:42 am

The Scottish scientist in the frontline of the battle against the deadly coronavirus is warning the need for a vaccine is even more critical with more than 31,000 confirmed cases and around 630 deaths.

Dr Kate Broderick, is working round the clock with her team of researchers at the pharmaceutical company Inovio in San Diego to develop a jab in just six months.

The 42-year-old, who is originally from Dunfermline, and has been living in California for 20 years, says the aim is to make a vaccine faster than theyve made any other in our history.

Broderick has helped create successful vaccines for ebola, zika, lassa fever and Mers (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) moving from Glasgow to develop her work in molecular genetics.

She first read about the coronavirus outbreak on Hogmanay and saw that the World Health Organisation had reported a couple of cases.

From there the Chinese authorities published the DNA sequence online which was the trigger for Broderick and her team to start working on a new vaccine.

She said: Seeing it online was like 100 per cent confirmation that this was a new virus but even before that from the disease symptoms it wasnt fitting into any particular box.

So, we already suspected that this was something new.

We downloaded the sequences and the first stage of our development is done on a computer which is why our technology at Novio allows us to go so far.

We ran the sequences through a computer algorithm and three hours later we actually had a full design for the vaccine and the next day we were able to put that into manufacturing.

She added: Its definitely 100 per cent a race against the clock were working here 24/7 and thats not an exaggeration to get this thing out.

What were trying to do here is make a vaccine faster than weve ever made any other vaccine in our history.

Our fastest in the past was seven months from sequence to patient and that was for the Zika outbreak where kids were being born with these terrible neurological deficits and we really sprang into action there.

We got the viral sequence and we got it tested in humans within seven months and we were so proud of that and here for the novel coronavirus were trying to do it significantly faster than that.

We need international support and I think were seeing that in the scientific community.

Theres a lot of organisations working together but its absolutely a race against time.

The UK government announced earlier this week that it has pledged 20 million to develop new vaccines to combat the worlds deadliest diseases, amid concerns over the novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV.

Dr Broderick welcomed the funding which will go to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), originally formed in response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.

She added: Thats what we need now funding to support this work.

We have to follow all the established protocols and work with the authorities thats absolutely critical.

So, all we would do first is a phase one clinical trial which we plan to do early summer.

Thats testing it on completely healthy people just to get a read-out of the fact the vaccine is safe and its doing what we hope its going to do.

We hope to roll that out in the US in the early summer and well also be working with our colleagues in China to do similar kinds of trials there with an eye to discussing with the Chinese authorities to get the vaccine out to people who need it as soon as its available.

Dr Broderick has retained her Scottish accent having gone to St Columbas High School in Dunfermline before studying genetics at the University of Glasgow, where she also completed her PhD.

Her father was a physicist, her mother a therapist, one of her sisters is a nurse and the other is a social worker.

She met her husband, Steve, in California, and 20 years on is still there. She has two children, Rory, aged eight, and four-year-old Isla.

She said: Every single day almost someone will ask me if Im here on vacation and Ill say no Ive been here for 20 years.

I come back to Scotland at least once a year and my whole family are still in Scotland and I feel very, very Scottish.

Im proud of my adopted home in California but I very much consider myself Scottish.

The rest is here:
Coronavirus: Meet the Scottish doctor working to create life-saving vaccine - Scotland on Sunday

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Using isotopes to reconstruct life histories within the transatlantic slave trade – UC Santa Cruz

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:42 am

"We know villages were destroyed and people were being taken," says Vicky Oelze. "We want to put numbers on it. I'm interested in individual histories." (Photo by Fred Deakin)

This geological map of equatorial Africa shows strontium isotope sampling locations Oelze's team will use to create the first-ever strontium isotope map of the region, a tool researchers will use to help trace the origins of Africans who were abducted during the transatlantic slave trade. (Map courtesy of Vicky Oelze)

Vicky Oelze, an assistant professor of anthropology, should introduce herself as a detective. Who else would attempt to fill in the gaps of the transatlantic slave trade by gathering clues from cemeteries in South Carolina and the shores of West Africa?

Four hundred years after the forced displacement of millions of Africans began, Oelze wants to use isotope biogeochemistry to trace back and identify the origins of individuals who were abducted and perished in the Americas.

Skeletal remains of slaves hold the clues that Oelze will use to identify where in Africa individuals were born and raisedinformation that has been lost to history.

"The narrative we have now is based on log books written by people who were deporting hundreds of Africans on ships," said Oelze. "They documented only the numbershow many left and how many arrived in the respective harbors. There was no recordkeeping of where people were actually from."

Archaeologists have had great success in parts of the developed Western world using strontium isotopes to identify the geological origin of prehistoric people, matching data to detailed strontium isotope maps researchers have developed. This type of map does not exist for tropical Africa, a gap Oelze will fill with over 400 environmental samples from 40 field sites that cover most major geological formations in tropical Africa. The principle is simple: Vegetation takes up a specific isotopic makeup of the trace element strontium from bedrock, and, in tiny quantities, that isotopic "signature" becomes locked in the teeth of people and animals that consume it. Oelze will use samples of African flora and fauna to build a strontium isotope map to match the signatures in skeletal remains of slaves to specific regions in Africa.

With support from the Helen and Will Webster Foundation, Oelze is hiring a postdoctoral researcher for two years to work in partnership with collaborators at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany. In a second step, the team will start examining human remains from the Americas for their strontium isotope values. Strontium isotope analysis is particularly valuable when deterioration of skeletal material has ruled out genetic analyses as an option, and it is a much more precise way to assess human mobility on an individual, rather than population, level, said Oelze. The team will also analyze human remains from urban centers of the West African slave trade in collaboration with UCSC archaeologist Cameron Monroe.

"We know villages were destroyed and people were being taken," said Oelze. "We want to put numbers on it. I'm interested in individual histories."

The remains of millions of slaves are buried in designated slave cemeteries and near slave trade centers in the Caribbean and the Americas, as well as in informal burial plots that have been lost to history, noted Oelze. "It is imperative to include descendant communities in the process, she said. Many have a genuine interest in their ancestors. It's important to them, which is why so many are turning to 23andMe."

However, genetics from Africa are postcolonial and therefore flawed, said Oelze. As people were displaced by the pressures of slave raids, they effectively erased their geographic origins; strontium isotope analysis holds the promise of retracing movements from the past, she said.

Oelze's results will also aid wildlife conservation. "Trafficking of endangered animals is of growing concern to conservation, and this map of strontium isotopes in tropical Africa will help identify hotspots of illegal poaching activity," said Oelze, who plans to share her data internationally in open-access publications. She is also eager to use the findings to spark interest in STEM fields among students from Historically Black Colleges and from high schools with diverse student populations.

A hub of excellence

UC Santa Cruz has the potential to lead the field in tracing the histories, geographies, and molecular archaeology of the slave trade, according to Katharyne Mitchell, dean of the Division of Social Sciences. In Anthropology, Lars Fehren-Schmitz brings expertise in the analysis of ancient DNA, and Monroe has conducted extensive research in Bnin and Togo on the transformation of West African communities during the slave trade, as well as related archaeological research in the Caribbean. In History, Professor Greg O'Malley has done pathbreaking work on the transatlantic slave trade.

"This cohort of brilliant scholars is doing transformational work," said Mitchell. "Vicky is a powerhouse, and I'm delighted the Webster family wanted to support her research. I see great things emerging from this."

Oelze, who joined the faculty in 2016 from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, will organize a symposium on campus on the molecular forensics of the transatlantic slave trade, drawing historians, archaeologists, isotope geochemists, and geneticists to campus.

See the rest here:
Using isotopes to reconstruct life histories within the transatlantic slave trade - UC Santa Cruz

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The Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression: Where Is It Going? – James Moore

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:42 am

The spurious chemical imbalance theory of depression is arguably the most destructive thing that psychiatry has ever done. Worldwide, millions of individuals are taking antidepressants, often with a cocktail of other drugs, because they have been told the blatant falsehood that they need the pills to combat a brain illnessa real illness just like diabetes.

Many of these individuals were told the additional lie that they needed to take the pills for life and are now addicted to the products.

At the present time, some psychiatrists and psychiatric facilities are backing away from the hoax. Most of these recantations take the form: We didnt mean it literally. The chemical imbalance thing was just a metaphor.

But what needs to be stressed is that the impetus for these diluted recantations came, not from psychiatry, but rather from the anti-psychiatry movement. It was the thousands of protesting voices that finally persuaded psychiatry that some backing off was needed, particularly as no proof of the theory had ever been uncovered.

The response from psychiatry, however, has not been commensurate with the damage done. What we need to see are full page ads in all major newspapers and cyber news outlets acknowledging that the chemical imbalance theory was a hoax; that it induced millions of people worldwide to take these drugs; and that it was developed and propagated to increase psychiatrys prestige and earnings. But thats not what we are seeing.

Instead, the general response from psychiatry continues to be one of denial, minimization, and excuse-making. The very eminent and learned Ronald Pies, MD, is the master of denial in this area, but minimizers and self-excusers abound. We are told that patients needed a simple formula for understanding their problems. They didnt. They needed the truth. We are told that patients needed a biological explanation to reduce stigma and alleviate their feelings of guilt. They didnt. They needed valid explanations. Besides, biological explanations actually increase stigma (here, here, here, and here).

The essential point is that as the drugs began to come on stream in the 50s, 60s and 70s, psychiatry needed illnessesreal illnesses with clear-cut biological etiologiesto cash in on the pharma-generated bonanza. Real illnesses were not to hand, so they invented their various chemical imbalance theories and promoted them as fact with all the vigor and energy that they could muster. Since then, psychiatrists have produced a truly overwhelming volume of research all aimed at proving the theory correct, but with no success. The simplistic shortage-of-serotonin-in-the-brain nonsense remains stubbornly unproven. As mentioned above, psychiatrists have backed off the more blatant expressions of this theory, but, remarkably, the treatments remain the same: Take these pills every day and come back in three months for more.

All of which is very interesting. But of even more interest is the recent development of a new approach to validatingor rather attempting to validatepsychiatric illness.

In JAMA Psychiatry, October 2019, Kenneth Kendler, MD, published an essay titled From Many to One to Many-the Search for Causes of Psychiatric Illness. Dr. Kendlers essential thesis is as follows. Prior to about 1850, causes of illness were anecdotally recorded from individual cases, resulting in long and diverse lists for all disorders. In the second half of the nineteenth century, single causes were found for many infectious diseases. Causal thinking shifted from multicausal approaches to monocausal theories of etiology. Dr. Kendler writes, Indeed proving monocausal etiology became a way to establish the legitimacy of a disorder. In the mid 20th century, general medicine shifted to a chronic disease model in which paradigmatic disorders, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, were shown to be highly multicausal. Psychiatry, however, continued to pursue monocausal theories in their attempt to legitimize their activity. Despite ample evidence to the contrary, monocausal thinking continues to influence our field, for example, in the popular but improbable view that we can, with a few key advances, move easily from descriptive to etiologically based diagnoses.

Dr. Kendler works for Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Professor of Human Genetics, and Director of the Virginia Institute of Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics. He served on the DSM-III-R Work Group, on the DSM-IV Task Force, and on the DSM-5 Work Group for mood disorders.

Dr. Kendlers essay highlights two main themes: firstly, that psychiatry is not blameworthy in the promotion of spurious and monocausal etiologies; and secondly, that even though the quest has failed dismally, this is not a problem because a multicausal approach is better anyway.

Here are some pertinent quotes from Dr. Kendlers paper, interspersed with my thoughts and observations.

The second epidemiologic phase, termed infectious disease, had as its paradigm the germ theory, lasted roughly from 1850 to 1950, and was dominated by monocausal etiologic theories in which the relationship between putative etiologic agents and specific diseases was one to one (although most investigators recognized such modifying factors as host resistance). The third epidemiological phase, termed chronic disease, had a dominant black box paradigm. It incorporated a multifactorial disease model for what was termed chronic noncommunicable diseases (eg, diabetes, heart disease, certain forms of cancer, and hypertension), diseases often associated with particular lifestyles that could not be explained by a single salient causal factor. In this paradigm, the goal of epidemiology was to determine the magnitude and causal nature of the associations between a wide range of putative risk factors and these chronic noncommunicable diseases. This phase began around 1950 and has lasted until current times. (p 1087)

The essential point that Dr. Kendler is making here is that there is a fundamental distinction between these two phases. But is this really so? Let us compare scarlet fever, a classic monocausal infectious disease, with diabetes, which is the first example Dr. Kendler gives of a multicausal chronic disease.

Scarlet fever is caused by a streptococcal infection of the throat, while diabetes is widely considered to arise from many causes, or risk factors, as they are sometimes called. These include inheritance, lifestyle factors, and diet. However, the essential cause of diabetes is an inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin to adequately process and utilize the sugar in the blood stream. This in turn stems from a damaged or compromised pancreas, ingestion of more sugar than the pancreas can cope with, or other causes. When considered in this light, diabetes is a monocausal illness, even though there are multiple pathways to the final cause.

Applying the same logic in reverse, one can make a case that scarlet fever is multicausal. Firstly, the individuals throat has to be exposed to the streptococcal infection. Secondly, the germ has to survive the initial immune system response. Thirdly, as hand-washing is one of the major protections against contracting this illness, anything that militates against frequent hand-washing could be considered a cause, e.g., living in crowded unsanitary conditions.

In addition, the time period leading up to the contraction of an illness can be analyzed and re-analyzed almost indefinitely. Any incident or event in that time frame has the potential to be considered a contributing cause. Let us say, for instance, that a child contracted scarlet fever at a birthday party given by one of his friends. We could legitimately say that the invitation caused the illness; or that the childs acceptance of the invitation was the cause. Or let us become even more imaginative and say that the child in question was rather shy and didnt want to go to the party, but was prevailed upon by his parents to do so, in the belief that it would do him good. So the illness was caused inadvertently by the parents! And so on.

Back to Dr. Kendlers essay.

During the second half of the 20th century, the approach to disease causation of major parts of psychiatry was out of step with the rest of medicine and medical epidemiology. Instead of multicausal models, the rising and soon to be dominant field of biological psychiatry pursued monocausal models for their major disorders. (p 1088)

The reader will have no difficulty seeing where this is going. Psychiatrists were chasing single causes, for their so-called illnesses, when they should have been looking for many causes. So the great failure of psychiatry to deliver the promised causes wasnt a failure at all. They were simply looking for the wrong kind of explanation. Butand this is the point that Dr. Kendler glosses overit wasnt a benign error. Psychiatry needed clear-cut biological explanations in order to take advantage of the drugs and to establish themselves as bona fide doctors. In this regard they routinely prioritized their own guild interests over the welfare of their clients.

In the early to mid-1960s, through histofluorescence stains, the cell bodies and neuronal pathways of the 3 monoamine neurotransmitters were identified: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. This further spurred the development of 3 long-lived monocausal neurochemical theories for psychiatric illness. All were proposed in the mid-to-late 1960s: the catecholamine hypothesis of affective disorders, the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, and the serotonin hypothesis of depression. Although based on a range of evidence, the primary support for these theories was reasoning backward from therapeutic mechanisms to etiology. That is, for Parkinson disease the logic was sound: clarification of cause leading to a proposed treatment. By contrast, psychiatry followed the more problematic approach of extrapolating backward from a proposed mechanism of treatment to the cause of the disease. Although the original articles proposing these theories were couched in qualifications, as a psychiatry resident in the late 1970s, I was taught these theories as monocausal explanations. Schizophrenia was caused by excess dopamine transmission. Decades later, I would commonly see patients who would say some version of my psychiatrist said I have a chemical imbalance in my brain and then proceed to summarize one or more of these theories. It is now widely accepted that these theories, claiming a dominant causal pathway to illness, are false although debate continues regarding the dopamine hypothesis. (p 1088) [Emphases added]

Theres a lot in this quote. Firstly, note the phrase Although based on a range of evidence. In fact the evidence supporting these chemical imbalance theories was flawed, i.e. it was not evidence at all. Secondly, note the sentence By contrast, psychiatry followed the more problematic approach of extrapolating backward from a proposed mechanism of treatment to the cause of the disease. [Emphasis added] This was not a more problematic approach; it was a bogus approach; a hoax. And if the psychiatrists who promoted these theories couldnt see the deception, then they had no business presenting themselves as a helping profession. It becameand perhaps still isroutine for mental health workers who drew attention in case conferences to critical psychosocial realities to be told by the psychiatrists that first we have to treat the depression, which invariably meant drugs or electric shocks.

Although the original articles proposing these theories were couched in qualifications, as a psychiatry resident in the late 1970s, I was taught these theories as monocausal explanations. (p 1088)

Dr. Kendler did his psychiatry residence at Yale University, during which, he tells us, he was taught the various chemical imbalance theories, presumably as valid, factual explanations. This seems straightforward enough, and presents no surprises. But there is some ambiguity. If I were to say that my father taught me how to ride a bike, I am actually making two statements. Firstly, I am asserting that my father expended some time and effort in this process, and secondly, that his efforts were successful. In his essay, however, Dr. Kendler leaves this issue vague. Did he believe the hoax, and did he in turn foist it on his customers? It is obvious that Dr. Kendler is a very bright person and, given the fact that the original articles proposing these theories were couched in qualifications, it is reasonable to believe that he did see through the whole sordid deception. So what did he say to the trusting victims who parroted back the bogus theories to him? Did he tell them the truth? Or did he play along?

It is not my intention to pressure Dr. Kendler on this matter. Economics can make cowards of us all. But if he genuinely wants to promote honesty and integrity in this area, it would be helpful if he were to write an expos of sorts concerning the pressures he experienced in these matters during his psychiatric residency at Yale. Such an endeavor would be unlikely to endear him to his colleagues, but would shed light on a facet of psychiatry that has for too long been kept hidden, and might even encourage other psychiatrists to follow suit.

Psychiatry has had a long-term love affair with monocausal theories of illness dating at least from the late 19th century, heavily influenced by our success at the identification and effective eradication of GPI [general paresis of the insane]. In the latter half of the 20th century, with both neurochemical and molecular genetic theories of illness, our enthusiasm for monocausal theories outran our common sense. Emerging from decades of psychoanalytic dominance, we were deeply committed to reestablishing our medical legitimacy. What better way to show that we treated real diseases than to show that they were monocausal? (p 1089)

There is a distinct exculpatory tone to this passage. Instead of acknowledging that psychiatrists were systematically deceiving their customers for their own benefit, Dr. Kendler tells us that it was just a long-term love affair, in which their enthusiasm for monocausal theories outran [their] common sense.

Indeed, as mentioned earlier, this exculpatory stance is one of the dominant themes of the essay. Here are some additional quotes:

Our long yearning for monocausal theories of etiology drives, at least in part, our heartfelt calls for the abandonment of our descriptive nosologic systems in favor of an etiologic model. (p 1089)

There have not been heartfelt calls or long yearning from psychiatry on this matter. Rather, they simply declared the matter resolved, and promoted the chemical imbalance theories as fact. I have written extensively on this subject here.

This search has 2 prominent phases, both fueled by new scientific developments. The first was neurochemical. The stage was set in 1957 by Montagus discovery of dopamine in brain tissue quickly followed, in 1960, by the dramatic finds from Ehringer and Hornykiewicz of the decreased content of dopamine in the postmortem brains of patients with Parkinson disease. Here was a major neurologic disorder fitting apparently into a monocausal neurochemical theory. What could be more exciting for the then young and ambitious field of biological psychiatry? (p 1088) [Emphasis added]

So the systematic, self-serving, and widespread deception perpetrated by psychiatry stemmed from their excitement! How eminently understandable.

The second wave of monocausal theories in psychiatry was genetic. Despite much evidence from family studies that major psychiatric disorders did not segregate in pedigrees as expected for a mendelian condition, the first successful linkage study of Huntington disease in 1983elicited intense excitement in psychiatric genetics and launched a large number of linkage studies, especially of schizophrenia and bipolar illness. (p 1088) [Emphasis added]

Even more excitement!

Yet the ghost of GPIof monocausal psychiatric disorderslurks in our memory. To this day, it influences our nosologic thinking. It makes us too willing to adopt a monocausal perspective in our clinical work and in our explanations of psychiatric disorders to patients. Monocausal thinking continues to support hard reductionist approaches that seek the cause of our major disorders and is one of several factors inhibiting collaborative psychiatric research work across scientific levels. (pp 1089-1090)

So it is the ghost of GPI lurking in psychiatrists collective memories that inhibits them from acknowledging the non-medical nature of depression, painful memories, paranoid thinking, distractibility, etc

Despite the wide acceptance of the chronic noncommunicable disease model in modern medicine, there remains in our culture a sense that disorders with many causes have reduced legitimacy. Therefore, both clinicians and their patients would feel more secure if a large indisputable cause were found for their disorders. This, however, is a social and not a scientific problem. (p 1089-1090) [Emphasis added]

So a monocausal breakthrough would make clinicians and their patients feel more secure. So, telling a bereaved woman that her sadness is the expected and reasonable response to the death of her spouse will make her feel less secure than telling her the gross falsehood that there is something wrong with her brain. Or telling a battered wife that her sadness is the understandable response to the violence would make her feel less secure than telling her it stems from a brain disease. This is exculpation taken to a new level. We lie to our customers because it makes them feel more secure.

Dr. Kendler closes his essay on an upbeat, exhortative note.

The stigma of psychiatric illness and the low status of the psychiatric profession need to be addressed at both social and political levels and will not likely be solved through the discovery of major single causes for our illnesses. The legitimacy of the discipline of psychiatry does not rest on our ability to find single major causes of our disorders. (p 1090)

How does one address the stigma associated with psychiatric disorders and the low status of the psychiatric profession at social and political levels? PR campaigns? Lobbying politicians to pass psychiatry-friendly laws? These things are happening already, but the routine prescribing of pills and electric shocks continues to be psychiatrys only stock in trade, and the self-centered promotion of biological psychiatry continues to dominate the field.

Rather than grieving for the loss of our visions of another GPI around the corner, we can positively embrace the etiologic complexity of our disorders. (p 1090)

Actually they are not psychiatrists disorders. Rather, they are the disorders that psychiatrists self-servingly foist on their hapless clients.

If the common, morbid dysfunctions of the human cardiovascular, immune,hormonal, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal systems, which cause most of the morbidity in our country, are highly multifactorial, could we realistically expect anything else from the parallel dysfunctions of our mind/brain system? (p 1090)

In other words, psychiatric illnesses have as much ontological reality as diabetes, heart disease, cancers, hypertension, etc. Dr. Kendler encourages his colleagues not to grieve the abandonment of the quest, but rather to positively embrace the etiological complexity of psychiatric illnesses.

But what does etiologic complexity actually mean in this context, and why is it so important to Dr. Kendler?

Dr. Kendler uses various terms to describe etiologic complexity. For instance, he describes the illnesses in question as multifactorial, chronic noncommunicable, often associated with particular life styles, multicausal, etc.

Dr. Kendler has been working on this general theme for quite some time. In 2012 he published an article in Molecular Psychiatry calledLevels of explanation in psychiatric and substance use disorders: implications for the development of an etiologically based nosology (2012: 17, 11-21). Here are two quotes from the abstract:

The soft medical model for psychiatric illness, which was operationalized in DSM-III, defines psychiatric disorders as syndromes with shared symptoms, signs, course of illness and response to treatment. Many in our field want to move to a hard medical model based on etiological mechanisms. (p 11)

a move toward an etiologically based diagnostic system cannot assume that one level of explanation will stand out as the obvious candidate on which to base the nosology. This leaves two options. Either a hard medical model will be implemented that will require a consensus about a preferred level of explanation which must reflect value judgments as well as science. To take this approach, we need to agree on what we most want from our explanations. Alternatively, we will need to move away from the traditional hard medical model that requires that we ground our diagnoses in single biological essences, and focus instead on fuzzy, cross-level mechanisms, which may more realistically capture the true nature of psychiatric disorders. (p 11)

Theres a lot here. Firstly, there is what many readers might consider a contradiction in the first sentence: The soft medical model for psychiatric illness, which was operationalized in DSM-III, defines psychiatric disorders as syndromes [Emphases added] But syndromes are not illnesses. Heres how DSM-III defines a syndrome:

A grouping of symptoms that occur together and that constitute a recognizable condition. The term syndrome is less specific than disorder or disease. The term disease generally implies a specific etiology or pathophysiological process. In DSM-III most of the disorders are, in fact, syndromes. (p 368)

And elsewhere in the text (p 6), the term mental disorders is defined as a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome. However, even before DSM-III was published (in 1980), it was widely accepted and promoted by psychiatrists that many psychiatric disorders, including depression, were genuine bona fide illnesses. (In my entire career I have encountered only one psychiatrist who acknowledged that psychiatric disorders were syndromes, not real illnesses.) This massive deception has been discussed at great length in various venues and need not be labored here. But what is noteworthy is Dr. Kendlers next sentence: Many in our field want to move to a hard medical model based on etiological mechanisms. But in fact almost all psychiatrists have already made this move and have been promoting the chemical imbalance hoax for decades. Many psychiatrists who are now retired practiced nothing but bio-bio-bio psychiatry for their entire careers.

Obviously Dr. Kendler is aware of this. So, what point is he making?

a move toward an etiologically based diagnostic system cannot assume that one level of explanation will stand out as the obvious candidate on which to base the nosology. (p 11)

In other words: if psychiatrists continue down their present road trying to use science to prove their various disease theories, they are just as likely to discover that major depression, schizophrenia, PTSD, etc., stem from psychosocial and economic causes rather than from their cherished brain diseases. In effect Dr. Kendler is saying: abandon the search or we run the risk of losing everything. (We) cannot assume that one level of explanation will stand out as the obvious candidate on which to base the nosology. In other words, we cannot assume that biological explanations will emerge as the dominant perspective. Dr. Kendler warns his colleagues, we need to agree on what we most want from our explanations. What does he mean by this? Read on.

Here are some quotes from the body of the 2012 article:

Let me sketch what we might find for MD [major depression]. Single gene effects for MD are even smaller and less well established than for AD [alcohol dependence]. Aggregate genetic effects are also somewhat weaker and are modified by a range of environmental exposures. Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have suggested a range of central nervous system abnormalities that correlate with MD but the specificity and strength of these associations, as well as their causal status, remain uncertain. A number of physiological abnormalities including endocrine and immune function have been reported in cases of MD but again, sensitivity and specificity have typically remained modest. Several aspects of personality are strongly correlated with risk for MDespecially neuroticism. This association is almost certainly causal but is nonspecific as high levels of neuroticism predispose to many internalizing disorders. Some cognitive processes may be more specific and here their causal role has been clearly demonstrated by many randomized controlled trials of cognitive behavior therapy. A range of early environmental risk factors have been well established for MD (for example, poor parenting and sexual abuse) and are generalizable across cultures but are quite nonspecific. Stressful life events can be quite strongly associated with risk for MD. Much, but not all, of this association is likely causal and some classes of events are moderately specific for MD. However, stressful life events are likely to be quite distal influences on risk pathways to MD and many such events predispose to other psychiatric disorders. Economic factors can impact on risk for MD via levels of unemployment and cultural factors can shape the expression and help-seeking behavior of those with depressive syndromes. (p 16)

Nature does not appear to have provided us one critical level of explanation for psychiatric illness that stands out from the background. For CF [cystic fibrosis], explanatory power is highly concentrated in the level of DNA base-pair variation. For psychiatric disorders, explanatory power is dispersed and diffuse. (p 16)

So, genuine scientific investigation might show that depression, say, is as likely to stem from sad events in peoples lives as from any kind of brain disease.

The current status of our science, and, most probably, the nature of psychiatric disorders themselves, does not yield up unambiguous choices for the best level at which to define psychiatric illness etiologically. (p 16) [Emphasis added]

Or might even show that depression is much more likely to stem from sad events.

But, despite these obvious concessions to a bio-psycho-social-cultural-economic perspective, Dr. Kendler is careful not to jettison the baby with the bathwater. He still seeks to preserve the notion that psychiatric disorders are real illnesses.

a rejection of the hard medical model for psychiatric disorders should not be misunderstood as setting up a deep divide between etiologic models for psychiatric and medical disorders. (p 16)

If, as our review of the data suggest, there is no a priori way to pick a single level of explanation on which to base an etiological nosology, we could try to argue it out on pragmatic grounds. What do we most want as a field from our explanations? (p 17)

What indeed? To date, psychiatrys primary motivations have been enhanced prestige, expansion of scope, and increased earning power, all of which were well-served by the chemical imbalance hoax.

What Dr. Kendler is telling his colleagues here is that the hoax is exposed; that science will not give them what they seek; and that by continuing to promote a purely biological perspective they are running the risk of losing what they want most: the reality of psychiatric illness. In other words, the science is not going our way, so we need to ask ourselves what do we most want, and then promote concepts that will help us achieve this. Dr. Kendlers wording is carefully chosen, but it seems to be that he is encouraging his colleagues to dispense with the formalities and neutrality of science and promote concepts that will retain psychiatrys hegemony in the field: what we want most.

Towards the end of the article Dr. Kendler provides us with more descriptors of the psychiatric diagnostic system that he envisions for the future. These include disorders (of) complex, mutually reinforcing networks of causal mechanisms, disordered multi-level mechanisms, and higher-order disturbances in multi-level mechanisms. [Emphases added]

Note the words disorders, disordered, and disturbances. Dr. Kendler, as in the 2019 paper, affords no recognition to the fact that the thoughts, feelings, and actions in question are not actually illnesses, and in many (perhaps most) cases are clearly adaptive.

Four years later (2016) Dr. Kendler published The Nature of Psychiatric Disorders (World Psychiatry, 2016: 15: 5-12). Heres a quote from the abstract:

Therefore, we should argue more confidently for the reality of broader constructs of psychiatric illness rather than our current diagnostic categories, which remain tentative. Finally, instead of thinking that our disorders are true because they correspond to clear entities in the world, we should consider a coherence theory of truth by which disorders become more true when they fit better into what else we know about the world. In our ongoing project to study and justify the nature of psychiatric disorders, we ought to be broadly pragmatic but not lose sight of an underlying commitment, despite the associated difficulties, to the reality of psychiatric illness. (p 5)

Note the phrase we ought to not lose sight of an underlying commitment, despite the associated difficulties, to the reality of psychiatric illness. To which I can only ask: why not? The common and accepted meaning of the word illness is something going significantly awry with the structure or function of an organ. If what psychiatrists call major depression doesnt actually conform to this description, why should psychiatry maintain an underlying commitment to the reality of psychiatric illness? Also, note the phrase In our ongoing project to study and justify the nature of psychiatric disorders [Emphasis added]. Isnt this arguably the very opposite of valid science? Didnt most of the great errors of science stem from efforts to justify the status quo often for the benefit of various powerful conflicting interests?

Despite Dr. Kendlers writings on these matters, his polycausal model is not attracting a large following. Here are quotes from the websites of some psychiatric facilities:

Harvard Medical School: What causes depression?

Certain areas of the brain help regulate mood. Researchers believe that more important than levels of specific brain chemicals nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression. Still, their understanding of the neurological underpinnings of mood is incomplete. [Note how the simplistic chemical imbalance theory is being nudged aside, and being replaced by the more generic notion of nerve functioning.]

This quote is followed by five pages of closely-written type under the following headings: (Brain) regions that affect mood; Areas of the brain affected by depression (with picture); Nerve cell communication; How the (neurological) system works; When the (neurological) system falters; Kinds of neurotransmitters; How neurons communicate (with picture); Genes effect on mood and depression; Temperament shapes behavior; Stressful life events; How stress affects the body; Early losses and trauma; Seasonal affective disorder; Medical problems; and Depression medications.

The material is heavily slanted towards a biological perspective. Even the headings that sound psychosocial are slanted. The section on stressful life events contains:

Disturbances in hormonal systems, therefore, may well affect neurotransmitters, and vice versa.

The section on early losses and trauma contains:

Many researchers believe that early trauma causes subtle changes in brain function that account for symptoms of depression and anxiety. The key brain regions involved in the stress response may be altered at the chemical or cellular level.

Mayo Clinics article Depression (major depressive disorder) under the section Causes:

Its not known exactly what causes depression. As with many mental disorders, a variety of factors may be involved, such as:

Biological differences.People with depression appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain, but may eventually help pinpoint causes.

Brain chemistry.Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring brain chemicals that likely play a role in depression. Recent research indicates that changes in the function and effect of these neurotransmitters and how they interact with neurocircuits involved in maintaining mood stability may play a significant role in depression and its treatment.

Hormones.Changes in the bodys balance of hormones may be involved in causing or triggering depression. Hormone changes can result with pregnancy and during the weeks or months after delivery (postpartum) and from thyroid problems, menopause or a number of other conditions.

Inherited traits.Depression is more common in people whose blood relatives also have this condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing depression.

University of Rochester Medical Center, Major Depression, under the heading What causes depression?

Researchers are studying the causes of depression. Several factors seem to play a role. It may be caused by chemical changes in the brain. It also tends to run in families. Depression can be triggered by life events or certain illnesses. It can also develop without a clear trigger.

And so on. Its clear that most pro-psychiatry writers have received the message to downplay the simplistic too-little-serotonin-in-the-brain theory. Many, however, are still relying on this notion but couching it in different terms or adding some token psychosocial material, usually referred to as triggers.

In psychiatry there is no actual illness behind the symptoms. Major depressive disorder and psychiatrys other functional disorders are nothing more than loose collections of vaguely and arbitrarily defined thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Psychiatrys clear objective in the past fifty years has been to pathologize every significant difficulty of thinking, feeling, and/or behaving, and to sell these bogus illnesses to the general public, the media, insurance companies, and government officials. The only essential difference between psychiatrists and street-corner drug-pushers is that the latter dont pretend that they are treating or curing illnesses.

Dr. Kendler has written an interesting and thought-provoking essay, but, in my view, has missed the central point: that depression, regardless of severity, duration, or impact, is not an illness. In fact, the opposite is the case. Depression is an adaptive mechanism that encourages us to make changes in our lives, habits, or circumstances. Just as pain provides an incentive to remove our hand from a hot stove, so depression encourages us to leave home, change jobs, develop some assertion skills, find a partner, etc. It is a mechanism that we share with virtually all other animal species, though the precise nature, complexity, and impact of the depression varies enormously.

As a species we can experience a wide range of emotions. We have this ability because we have machinery in our brains, and other organs, that enables this to happen. It is widely believed in psychiatric circles that if neurobiologists could uncover the precise mechanisms involved in experiencing depression, this would prove that depression is an illness. But, in fact, uncovering such mechanisms would no more pathologize depression than the neurobiology of walking or seeing or writing poetry would pathologize these activities. All human activity has a neurobiological underpinning, without which the activity cannot occur. We cannot see without eyes and optic nerves, etc.; we cannot feel without feeling machinery though we dont know exactly what this machinery is or how it works.

It certainly needs to be acknowledged that a persons feeling apparatus can malfunction, but such malfunctions are almost certainly rare, and cannot be routinely inferred from the presence of depression, regardless of severity. I have personally worked with hundreds of depressed individuals in my career, but have never encountered anyone whose level of depression was incommensurate with his/her story. Psychiatrists have essentially numbed themselves to this reality, firstly because of their spurious atheoretical approach (if youve got the symptomsregardless of why youve got themthen you have the illness); and secondly because their primary, or perhaps only, agenda is to clinch the diagnosis. It is particularly interesting in this regard that before the arrival of the pills, psychiatrists, most of whom practiced some kind of psychotherapy, had no difficulty recognizing the reality: that if people are given the opportunity to talk, they can tell you very clearly why they are depressed.

For several decades psychiatry has been lying to its customers that depression is a pathological state caused by a shortage of serotonin, and can, apparently miraculously, be diagnosed without ever examining the brain but simply by scoring yes on five of the nine items on the facile checklist. Some of the more prestigious facilities and colleges are stepping back from the serotonin hypothesis, largely as a result of being outed by the anti-psychiatry movement. But the diagnostic criteria are still the same, and the treatment hasnt changed. Its still eat these pills every day and come back in three months. And if that doesnt work, well try electric shocks.

Sometimes people feel trapped in their circumstances and are unable to muster the resources or skills to effect the necessary changes. An abused wife, for instance, might lack the economic or emotional means to leave her abusive husband. A man stuck in a job that he hates might not be able to see a way out. In cases like these, the depression can appear permanent and unrelenting. What people in these kinds of circumstances need is genuine help to identify the nature of the issues, generate positive targets, and begin the process of change. An abused wife needs a safe home for herself and her children, an effective safety network, and ongoing emotional and practical support. She does not need a diagnosis of major depressive disorder and a bottle of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Drugging a perfectly effective depression mechanism out of existence in order to reduce the immediate sense of discomfort and misery is a bit like sticking duct tape over the check engine light on ones dashboard. It may reduce ones negative feelings on the matter, but will produce no lasting benefits. Physicians who participate in these pharma-sponsored activities are not practicing medicine in any true sense of the term. Rather, they are drug pushers, pure and simple.

Dr. Kendler is proposing that psychiatry abandon the search for monocausal explanations of psychiatric illness and embrace the multicausal perspective. His reasoning is that this is a better perspective and is more in tune with present-day approaches to chronic non-communicable illnesses.

But he has perhaps revealed his true motivation in the 2016 paper:

In our ongoing project to study and justify the nature of psychiatric disorders, we ought to be broadly pragmatic but not lose sight of an underlying commitment, despite the associated difficulties, to the reality of psychiatric illness. (p 5)

In this very clear statement, Dr. Kendler is acknowledging an ongoing and underlying commitment to justify psychiatric disorders and to affirm their reality. But isnt this the very antithesis of science? Isnt it a fundamental requirement of science that we leave our beliefsno matter how deeply cherishedat the door, and go where the science takes us? How much credence should we afford a scholar who acknowledges, apparently without compunction, that in his work and writings his agenda includes an underlying commitment to the reality of psychiatric illness?

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The Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression: Where Is It Going? - James Moore

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Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market Expectation Surges With Rising Demand And Changing Trends Agilent Technologies Inc., Abbott, F….

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:42 am

A comprehensive Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market analysis report serves to be an ideal solution for better understanding of the market and high business growth. It has become the requisite of this rapidly changing market place to take up such marker report that makes aware about the market conditions around. This market report comprises of an array of factors that have an influence on the market and industry which are industry insight and critical success factors (CSFs), market segmentation and value chain analysis, industry dynamics, drivers, restraints, key opportunities, technology and application outlook, country-level and regional analysis, competitive landscape, company market share analysis and key company profiles.

Market Analysis:

The Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market is estimated to rise from the value of USD 627.6 million in 2017 to an estimated value of USD 1933.2 million by 2025, registering a CAGR of 15.1% during the forecast period of 2018-2025. This growth can be attributed to the rising cases of infectious diseases, and the growing demand for approved Point of Care Molecular Diagnostic tests.

Key Market Competitors: Few of the major competitors currently working on the Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market are Agilent Technologies Inc., Abbott, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Illumina Inc., Hologic Inc., QIAGEN, Myriad Genetics, Cepheid, Genomic Health, GenePOC Inc., DxNA LLC., Binx Health Inc., Spartan Bioscience Inc., Biocartis, Beckman Coulter Inc., Johnson & Johnson Services Inc., Medtronic, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Grifols S.A., Abaxis, Bayer AG, bioMrieux SA, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Danaher, OraSure Technologies Inc., BD, Sysmex Corporation, Quidel Corporation, and Meridian Bioscience Inc.

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Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market,By Product (Assays & Kits, Instruments/Analyzers, Services & Software), Application (Respiratory Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Hospital-acquired Infection, Oncology, Hepatitis, Others), Technology (Polymerase Chain Reaction, In-Situ Hybridization, Chips and Microarrays, Mass Spectrometry, Sequencing, Isothermal Amplification, Others), End-User (Physician Offices, Hospitals, Research Institutes, Others), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa) Industry Trends & Forecast to 2025

Competitive Analysis:

The Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics market for global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.

Market Definition:Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market

Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics is diagnostic equipment which is used to determine the cause of infectious disease causing agents. These machines/equipments help determine the accurate cause of these diseases in a timely manner, which is of utmost importance when dealing with these kind of diseases and also to implement the correct course of action.

The advancements and developments in the diagnostics market is attributed to the fact that the healthcare industry is focusing on detection and diagnosis in place of pharmaceuticals and medicines, to prevent the development of the diseases. This trend has directly affected the market growth and is helping the market to grow significantly.

North America had the highest revenue share of around 40% of the market.

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Market Drivers:

Market Restraints:

Segmentation:Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market

Key Developments in the Market:Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market

Key Insights in the report:

Market Segmentation:-

To comprehend Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics market is analyzed across major global regions.

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Chapter 1: Methodology & Scope

Definition and forecast parameters

Methodology and forecast parameters

Data Sources

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

Business trends

Regional trends

Product trends

End-use trends

Chapter 3: Industry Insights

Industry segmentation

Industry landscape

Vendor matrix

Technological and innovation landscape

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Global Point of Care Molecular Diagnostics Market Expectation Surges With Rising Demand And Changing Trends Agilent Technologies Inc., Abbott, F....

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Deer hunter or Bambi lover: What you should know about chronic wasting disease – Ohio’s Country Journal and Ohio Ag Net

Posted: February 14, 2020 at 3:41 am

By Don Doc Sanders

I can still remember as a 12-year-old seeing live deer for the first time, in the field near my childhood home in Auglaize County. With his Super-8 movie camera my uncle captured four deer jumping a fence after they scouted the field for several minutes. It was an awesome experience for our whole family; none of us had ever seen deer in the wild.

Fast forward to today: We see deer everywhere. We also see the consequences of their presence, like damaged crops, deer-vehicle collisions and trampled flower beds. Deer seem to take a special liking to the security of residential areas, within city limits, safe from hunters. As a plus for the city deer, some people delight in putting out food, apparently in case the moochers are still hungry after plundering their neighbors gardens.

With deer as plentiful as they are, were constantly on edge as we drive on highways and country roads, especially at dusk, fearful one might run out at any moment into our path or the side of our car or truck. The deer are probably on edge, too.

Now they have an additional concern, besides becoming roadkill or getting bagged by a hunter: chronic wasting disease, or CWD. With CWD, as the diseases name implies, an infected deers musculature and flesh waste away over time until the animal dies from emaciation.

But CWD isnt just another infection like Strep, Staph or E. coli. CWD is believed to be caused by abnormally folded brain proteins called prions.

Scientists are still trying to learn why brain proteins become misfolded, but they recently learned that copper ions bind to the tail of prion proteins. They dont know how copper binding causes the misfolding, but they do know that it seems to lead to misfolding of proteins in adjacent brain cells, which clump together.

These clumped, misfolded brain proteins become dangerous pathogens that lead to widespread destruction of an infected brain.

Prion diseases are categorized, as a group, as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). TSE diseases are known by different names in different species Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, scrapie in sheep and mad cow disease in cattle (so called due to the bizarre, aggressive behavior of infected cows that endangers caretakers). By the way, cannibalistic tribes in New Guinea also have a TSE disease known commonly as kuru, which spreads when people eat the brains of misfolded-prion-infected dead family members. It appears that all TSE diseases are spread by consuming infected brain tissue or by inheriting it from the dam.

Hot off the press while I was writing this column a scientific report published by Texas Life Sciences, Colorado State and the USDA has reported that the CWD misfolded prions to also occur in deer semen and other reproductive organs. Researchers arent certain, but believe there may also be other causes.

There is some evidence that Alzheimers disease has prion-like lesions similar to those in CWD and mad cow disease. In Alzheimers, amyloid beta proteins malform and clump together in the brain. This suggests a link to prion diseases in animals more than previously speculated though amyloid beta proteins are different than prions.

Mad cow disease became epidemic in Britain during the 90s when carcasses of sheep that died from scrapie were processed into a protein source for cattle feed. At one point, Britain had 800,000 cases of mad cow disease, apparently as a result of this. Mad cow disease disappeared gradually in Britain once the cause was discovered and the processing of scrapie-infected sheep was stopped.

To prevent the spread of TSE diseases, packing plants under state or USDA inspection are required to remove brain and nerve tissue from food animal sources. Custom slaughter plants that process meat for individual customers must also follow inspection guidelines established by state veterinary and agricultural officials.

And to prevent the spread of CWD, Ohio state laws require that deer killed during a hunting season must have the head submitted for testing, to check for misfolded prions before the meat is processed. Checking for misfolded prions in the brain stem and mandibular lymph nodes is a reliable method for determining if a deer has CWD. Any deer carcass testing positive is immediately destroyed.

Ohios regulations require testing of any bagged deer a year old or older but will test younger harvested deer when requested. Ohio officials report that no deer have tested positive in the past few years. Prior to this, in 2014 multiple cases were diagnosed in one herd on a private Ohio deer farm. That herd was immediately destroyed. And several years ago, individual deer on three private farms tested positive. There have not been positive cases reported for CWD in deer since then.

CWD-infected deer have also been reported being harvested in the wild in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Indiana. We are living in an interesting new era as scientists work to discover the cause of all prion diseases, CWD included.

And even more hopeful for us humans are scientists continuing efforts to determine the causes of Alzheimers and dementia, to identify ways to prevent and treat this brain pathology.

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Deer hunter or Bambi lover: What you should know about chronic wasting disease - Ohio's Country Journal and Ohio Ag Net

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How Fruit Flies May Be Able To Teach Us About Football Injuries – Wisconsin Public Radio News

Posted: February 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm

Fruit flies and humans may have more in common than you think.

Flies were used during early research into human genetics, said Dr. Doug Brusich. Brusich, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, is among a group of researchers who now use the insect to study traumatic brain injuries. Their findings could have implications for athletes.

Brusich co-authored a paper published last year in the journal Fly focusing on the effects of repetitive, mild brain injuries the same type that might be suffered by offensive or defensive linemen. The researchers found mild brain injuries in quick succession have a compounding affect, which they referred to as synergistic, and can cause the same level of impairment as a single more severe injury.

Brusich has been working with flies for 10 years. Flies have all the same types of genes humans do, he said. Whereas humans often have multiple versions of each gene, however, flies can have just one.

"So if you were to make a mutation in the one version of the fly gene, you might get a nice model for disease that's a simpler way to study it than it would be in the human system," Brusich said.

With the help of several undergraduate researchers, Brusich anesthetizes flies in his lab and sorts them into individual vials. They then use a spring mechanism to launch the vials, at varying angles, against a padded surface. The method was developed by University of Wisconsin-Madison geneticists Dr. David Wassarman and Dr. Barry Ganetzky, Brusich said. It causes the flies to experience the same acceleration, deceleration or rotational forces a human might go through in a car crash.

Research on flies can yield quick results, Brusich said. Its also easy to isolate a control group when studying brain injuries in flies. The same cant be said for humans.

In her field, concussion treatment is becoming more personalized, said Sadie Buboltz-Dubs, clinical coordinator for UW-Green Bays new Master of Athletic Training program. Different factors like genetics and lifestyle can play a role in a persons outcome after a concussion.

"We want to help ourpatients as much as we can, and we can help them better if we have a better understanding of what's happening," she said.

Researchers can also study conditions in flies that are challenging to study in humans. Flies have been used to research chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). The diagnosis of CTE, which was linked to professional football players in 2002, can only be confirmed in patients when theyre dead, Brusich said.

According to the CTE Center at Boston University, a persons risk of developing the neurodegenerative disease doubles for every 2.6 years they play football.

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Dentists in South Africa aren’t being taught genetics. Why they should – The Conversation Africa

Posted: February 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm

Genetic and genomic research has improved our understanding of the genetic origin of growth, development and disease and affects all areas of healthcare. There is also mounting evidence that many complex conditions are the result of interactions between genes. These include diabetes and hypertension.

Genomics has become increasingly important to oral health too. Dentists regularly come across obvious expressions of genetic disorders or genetic-based diseases in the oral and head and neck region. There are approximately 5,500 known inherited conditions. More than 700 of these have abnormalities which involve the oral and dental region of the face.

These insights have been gained through continued and concerted efforts to understand the genetic aspects of diseases. This understanding, in turn, has generated novel approaches to prevent, diagnose and manage them.

In the area of dentistry, teaching has unfortunately not kept up with the science, particularly in Africa. This places dentists at a disadvantage. They cant or find it difficult to contribute to the overall health of patients with genetic disorders because they dont have the necessary knowledge. This would include the ability to recognise the indicators of genetic disorders and the confidence to manage these patients.

This is why dentists need a sound understanding of genetics. And its why genetics and genomics should be included in the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum. Investing in structured dental genetics programmes in dental schools in Africa would ensure an increase in the dental genetics workforce. This would ultimately improve the management of patients with inherited conditions with oral and dental manifestations.

To evaluate the need for human genetics in the dentistry curriculum my colleagues and I conducted a survey at the dental school at a South African university. Academic staff, 4th and 5th-year undergraduate dental students as well as postgraduate dental students participated in the survey.

The results indicated that students and clinicians had limited training and experience pertaining to the diagnosis and management of individuals with genetic disorders.

Currently, there are no plans in place to train dentists with a sound understanding of genetics. There are also no programmes in place to allow trained African dentists to choose such a career pathway.

As a result, there is an over-dependence of African clinical practice on research findings from technologically advanced Western countries. Secondly, it means that clinical research capacity building isnt happening. And finally, it means that patients arent being offered the best possible diagnosis and treatment.

There are several factors responsible for the lack of dental genetics in Africa. Among a few challenges are poor biomedical research infrastructure, minimal funding and an absence of a structured dentist genetics career pathways.

To address these challenges, African universities and dental schools need to develop and include dental genetics courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. These should be designed to ensure they help members of the dental fraternity to treat patients with hereditary conditions.

The dental genetics workforce would, in turn, increase trained dentists some of whom could have the option of following a research career. This would enhance networking among African dental researchers and lead to better dental research output across the continent.

Several first world universities, such as the universities of Pittsburg, Manchester and Oslo have included dental genetics into their curricula. Their vast research capacity has resulted in evidence-based dentistry being offered to patients in those countries.

Another way to foster an interest and understanding of genetics in the dental community is by developing collaborative relationships. One already exists in South Africa between the division of human genetics at the University of Cape Town and the dental faculty at the University of the Western Cape. This partnership runs a dental genetics clinic which serves patients with genetic disorders from across the Western Cape province. Postgraduate students also rotate through the clinic and are mentored in the dental management of children with genetic disorders and congenital abnormalities.

Adding courses on human genetics in the curriculum at dental schools would be a first step to ensuring that more dentists have an understanding of the field.

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Dentists in South Africa aren't being taught genetics. Why they should - The Conversation Africa

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$38 million grant going to UTRGV School of Medicine – Monitor

Posted: February 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm

HARLINGEN The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley announced Tuesday it has received a $38 million gift for the School of Medicine.

The university received the gift from the Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation, and its the largest single donation in the history of higher education in South Texas.

Guy Bailey, UTRGV president, thanked the Legacy Foundation for its generous donation at a presentation Tuesday. Community leaders, Valley Baptist representatives and university administrators gathered for the presentation at the UTRGV Clinical Education Building.

Ive never been at a university where Ive had a better partner than the Legacy Foundation, Bailey said. I want to thank you so much for this partnership.

The VBLF gifted UTRGV $15 million three years ago to help establish the UTRGV Institute of Neurosciences, which is currently under construction in Harlingen.

This is transformative in ways that are hard to express, Bailey said. It will change everything about what we do, the impact we have on the Valley. The benefits of this gift you will see for a long time.

The gift is historic and crucial in many respects, said Dr. John H. Krouse, dean of the UTRGV School of Medicine, which has a three-fold mission.

One part of that mission is training the next generation of physicians and biomedical scientists in the Rio Grande Valley.

Another part is conducting research that investigates diseases and medical issues of concern to the local population.

And third, its providing much-needed medical care to Valley residents who often have had poor access to needed primary and specialty care.

This generous funding offered to the School of Medicine allows us to deliver on all three of our core missions and change forever the landscape of medical education and health care in the Valley, Krouse said.

The gift will establish THRIVE Transform Health Research in the Valley and Elsewhere to make UTRGV a national epicenter for biomedical research.

We will be able to increase the range of research activities centered in Brownsville and conducted through our South Texas Diabetes and Obesity Institute, Krouse said. We will expand into related areas such as childhood genetics, genomic bio-imaging, and regenerative medicine.

He said it will enhance an already existing collaboration with the Institute of Neurosciences in Harlingen.

Secondly, Krouse said, through both these THRIVE funds and the establishment of a residency program in general surgery at Valley Baptist Medical Center, the School of Medicine will be able to train four new general surgeons each year in Cameron County. The School will also use the funds to expand programs in the education of biomedical scientists for its new PhD program in human genetics in Brownsville.

Finally, the funding of our general surgery residency program at Valley Baptist will allow the School of Medicine to expand much-needed surgical care in Cameron County, Krouse said. It will facilitate the hiring of additional surgeons to provide surgical services. It will expand the number of general surgeons and surgical specialists over time.

He pointed out that in many recent conversations with the public, with advocacy groups, and with elected officials, the School has learned of the strong need for accessibility to specialty and surgical services in the Valley.

Our patients who may have access to primary care may find that when they need something more than primary care its difficult to find it, Krouse said. Through this important gift, the UTRGV School of Medicine will be able to provide that critical service in filling the gap in surgical care throughout the Valley.

Dr. Nolan Perez, a member of the University of Texas System Board of Regents, said the gift will help end the brain drain which has affected the Valley for so long. In the past, aspiring local medical students had to accomplish their training outside the Valley. Physicians often practice where they receive their training. This has left a significant gap in the local medical community.

But no more.

As a physician here, Im really excited that we can finally put a dent in the access to public health care in this region, said Perez, a gastrointestinal doctor.

Also if you think about it, it allows our young kids the opportunity to get educated here and to stay here, he said.

Perez is also the president of the board of trustees for the Harlingen school district, which has established a medical pipeline from high school to the UTRGV School of Medicine. The grant and its far-reaching applications will enhance opportunities for local high school students entering the medical field.

I think today we are beginning to live the dream that we just had not too many years ago, Perez said. We all knew that UTRGV could indeed create enormous opportunities for our citizens.

The money will help put UTRGV on the map, Bailey said.

Universities around the country are ranked in something called the Top American Research Universities, he said. Youre talking about 200 ranked universities. Once this gift is fully realized, we will be 129th in the nation in annual giving. We will be 172 in total research expenditures.

Not bad for a university thats only five years old.

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