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First Proof CRISPR Can Be Safe in Cancer Therapy – BioSpace

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Although CRISPR gene editing is touted as likely to revolutionize medicine, the actual proof of its effectiveness and safety in treating diseases has been slow in coming. At least until now. Sort of.

Researchers with the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, led by Carl June, published results from the first U.S. Phase I trial of CRISPR-Cas9-edited T-cells in humans with advanced cancer. The data was published in the journal Science.

The trial involved three patients with refractory cancer, two women and one man, all in their 60s. One of the patients had sarcoma and two had multiple myeloma. The approach was similar to that seen in CAR-T therapy, where the patients own T-cells are recovered, engineered to express a specific receptor that can detect and kill cancer cells, then reinfused into the patient.

In the case of this trial, instead of engineering the T-cells with a receptor to a protein like CD19, they used CRISPR to remove three genes from the T-cells. Two edits removed the T-cells natural receptors, which could then be reprogrammed to express a synthetic T-cell receptor called NY-ESO-1. The third edit eliminated PD-1, a checkpoint receptor that allows cancer cells to hide from T-cells.

The researchers are presenting the data as a positive because it appears to be safe. June told Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, CRISPR technology has proven safe in patients with advanced refractory and metastatic cancer. Our results demonstrate the ability to precisely edit the DNA code at three different genes.

In an accompanying article, Jennifer Hamilton and CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna wrote, These findings provide a guide for the safe production and non-immunogenic administration of gene-edited somatic cells. The clinically validated long-term safety of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited cells reported [here] paves the way for next-generation cell-based therapies.

Before getting overly excited about this, it was also reported that one of the patients has since died and the disease became worse in the other two. June indicated the goal of the study wasnt to cure cancer, but to show that the CRISPR technique was feasible and safe.

With that goal in mind, its safe to say the trial was a success.

This is a Rubicon that has been decisively crossed, said Fyodor Urnov, a genome editor at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, in a Science article. He noted the trial was the first of its kind in the U.S. and answered questions that have frankly haunted the field.

The research also suggests what the limitations of the approach are, at least currently.

One of the big concerns in using CRISPR is off-target edits. CRISPR is generally pretty precise, but the human genome is quite larger and even a target of 20 or so specific nucleotides in a gene might be duplicated elsewhere, which could have unintended effects. And, studies of the three patients in the study confirmed that CRISPR had resulted in some off-target edits. There werent many and the number of cells affected decreased over time.

There have also been questions on how long gene edits last. In theory, they should last indefinitely, but some research has suggested the body tries to fix the edits and return them to their original state. However, this study showed the CRISPR-edited cells continued at least nine months, which is significant compared to about two months in similar CAR-T therapeutic studies.

So this study, which is significant, is more of a starting point for CRISPR-based therapies, particularly given the modest clinical response.

It wasnt like you turned off those genes and those T-cells started doing things that were amazing, Antoni Ribas, a UC Los Angeles oncologist told Science. But it was a needed start and going forward, Its going to be easierbecause they did it first.

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First Proof CRISPR Can Be Safe in Cancer Therapy - BioSpace

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What it costs to eat organic – Yahoo Finance

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Americans are still paying more for organic groceries, but less than previous years, data shows.

Organic food and drinks cost 24 cents more per item on average than regular food on grocery store shelves or around 7.5 percent more, Nielsen data shows. The premium is down from 27 cents more (9 percent) five years ago.


Sales of organic foods surged 9 percent in 2018, according to Nielsen as reported by The Associated Press. The average price for a gallon of organic milk, for example, is around $4.76 or nearly 90 percent more than a gallon of regular milk priced at around $2.53. And an organic loaf of bread is around $4.89, or almost double the price of regular bread, which is around $2.50. Organic eggs, meanwhile,cost between $4 to as much as $7,an 86 percent premium over regular eggs, which cost around $2.99.


When something is labeled organic, it refers to the way a farmer grows foods like vegetables, fruits, grains and meat. Organic farming has to meet requirements like healthy habitats for livestock and enhancing water and soil quality. Genetic engineering used to ward off pests and diseases, along with providing antibiotics or growth hormones for livestock is not permitted.


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What it costs to eat organic - Yahoo Finance

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Have humans evolved beyond nature and do we even need it? – The Conversation UK

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Our society has evolved so much, can we still say that we are part of Nature? If not, should we worry and what should we do about it? Poppy, 21, Warwick.

Such is the extent of our dominion on Earth, that the answer to questions around whether we are still part of nature and whether we even need some of it rely on an understanding of what we want as Homo sapiens. And to know what we want, we need to grasp what we are.

It is a huge question but they are the best. And as a biologist, here is my humble suggestion to address it, and a personal conclusion. You may have a different one, but what matters is that we reflect on it.

Perhaps the best place to start is to consider what makes us human in the first place, which is not as obvious as it may seem.

This article is part of Lifes Big QuestionsThe Conversations new series, co-published with BBC Future, seeks to answer our readers nagging questions about life, love, death and the universe. We work with professional researchers who have dedicated their lives to uncovering new perspectives on the questions that shape our lives.

Many years ago, a novel written by Vercors called Les Animaux dnaturs (Denatured Animals) told the story of a group of primitive hominids, the Tropis, found in an unexplored jungle in New Guinea, who seem to constitute a missing link.

However, the prospect that this fictional group may be used as slave labour by an entrepreneurial businessman named Vancruysen forces society to decide whether the Tropis are simply sophisticated animals or whether they should be given human rights. And herein lies the difficulty.

Human status had hitherto seemed so obvious that the book describes how it is soon discovered that there is no definition of what a human actually is. Certainly, the string of experts consulted anthropologists, primatologists, psychologists, lawyers and clergymen could not agree. Perhaps prophetically, it is a layperson who suggested a possible way forward.

She asked whether some of the hominids habits could be described as the early signs of a spiritual or religious mind. In short, were there signs that, like us, the Tropis were no longer at one with nature, but had separated from it, and were now looking at it from the outside with some fear.

It is a telling perspective. Our status as altered or denatured animals creatures who have arguably separated from the natural world is perhaps both the source of our humanity and the cause of many of our troubles. In the words of the books author:

All mans troubles arise from the fact that we do not know what we are and do not agree on what we want to be.

We will probably never know the timing of our gradual separation from nature although cave paintings perhaps contain some clues. But a key recent event in our relationship with the world around us is as well documented as it was abrupt. It happened on a sunny Monday morning, at 8.15am precisely.

The atomic bomb that rocked Hiroshima on August 6 1945, was a wake-up call so loud that it still resonates in our consciousness many decades later.

The day the sun rose twice was not only a forceful demonstration of the new era that we had entered, it was a reminder of how paradoxically primitive we remained: differential calculus, advanced electronics and almost godlike insights into the laws of the universe helped build, well a very big stick. Modern Homo sapiens seemingly had developed the powers of gods, while keeping the psyche of a stereotypical Stone Age killer.

We were no longer fearful of nature, but of what we would do to it, and ourselves. In short, we still did not know where we came from, but began panicking about where we were going.

We now know a lot more about our origins but we remain unsure about what we want to be in the future or, increasingly, as the climate crisis accelerates, whether we even have one.

Arguably, the greater choices granted by our technological advances make it even more difficult to decide which of the many paths to take. This is the cost of freedom.

I am not arguing against our dominion over nature nor, even as a biologist, do I feel a need to preserve the status quo. Big changes are part of our evolution. After all, oxygen was first a poison which threatened the very existence of early life, yet it is now the fuel vital to our existence.

Similarly, we may have to accept that what we do, even our unprecedented dominion, is a natural consequence of what we have evolved into, and by a process nothing less natural than natural selection itself. If artificial birth control is unnatural, so is reduced infant mortality.

I am also not convinced by the argument against genetic engineering on the basis that it is unnatural. By artificially selecting specific strains of wheat or dogs, we had been tinkering more or less blindly with genomes for centuries before the genetic revolution. Even our choice of romantic partner is a form of genetic engineering. Sex is natures way of producing new genetic combinations quickly.

Even nature, it seems, can be impatient with itself.

Advances in genomics, however, have opened the door to another key turning point. Perhaps we can avoid blowing up the world, and instead change it and ourselves slowly, perhaps beyond recognition.

The development of genetically modified crops in the 1980s quickly moved from early aspirations to improve the taste of food to a more efficient way of destroying undesirable weeds or pests.

In what some saw as the genetic equivalent of the atomic bomb, our early forays into a new technology became once again largely about killing, coupled with worries about contamination. Not that everything was rosy before that. Artificial selection, intensive farming and our exploding population growth were long destroying species quicker than we could record them.

The increasing silent springs of the 1950s and 60s caused by the destruction of farmland birds and, consequently, their song was only the tip of a deeper and more sinister iceberg. There is, in principle, nothing unnatural about extinction, which has been a recurring pattern (of sometimes massive proportions) in the evolution of our planet long before we came on the scene. But is it really what we want?

The arguments for maintaining biodiversity are usually based on survival, economics or ethics. In addition to preserving obvious key environments essential to our ecosystem and global survival, the economic argument highlights the possibility that a hitherto insignificant lichen, bacteria or reptile might hold the key to the cure of a future disease. We simply cannot afford to destroy what we do not know.

But attaching an economic value to life makes it subject to the fluctuation of markets. It is reasonable to expect that, in time, most biological solutions will be able to be synthesised, and as the market worth of many lifeforms falls, we need to scrutinise the significance of the ethical argument. Do we need nature because of its inherent value?

Perhaps the answer may come from peering over the horizon. It is somewhat of an irony that as the third millennium coincided with decrypting the human genome, perhaps the start of the fourth may be about whether it has become redundant.

Just as genetic modification may one day lead to the end of Homo sapiens naturalis (that is, humans untouched by genetic engineering), we may one day wave goodbye to the last specimen of Homo sapiens genetica. That is the last fully genetically based human living in a world increasingly less burdened by our biological form minds in a machine.

If the essence of a human, including our memories, desires and values, is somehow reflected in the pattern of the delicate neuronal connections of our brain (and why should it not?) our minds may also one day be changeable like never before.

And this brings us to the essential question that surely we must ask ourselves now: if, or rather when, we have the power to change anything, what would we not change?

After all, we may be able to transform ourselves into more rational, more efficient and stronger individuals. We may venture out further, have greater dominion over greater areas of space, and inject enough insight to bridge the gap between the issues brought about by our cultural evolution and the abilities of a brain evolved to deal with much simpler problems. We might even decide to move into a bodiless intelligence: in the end, even the pleasures of the body are located in the brain.

And then what? When the secrets of the universe are no longer hidden, what makes it worth being part of it? Where is the fun?

Gossip and sex, of course! some might say. And in effect, I would agree (although I might put it differently), as it conveys to me the fundamental need that we have to reach out and connect with others. I believe that the attributes that define our worth in this vast and changing universe are simple: empathy and love. Not power or technology, which occupy so many of our thoughts but which are merely (almost boringly) related to the age of a civilisation.

Like many a traveller, Homo sapiens may need a goal. But from the strengths that come with attaining it, one realises that ones worth (whether as an individual or a species) ultimately lies elsewhere. So I believe that the extent of our ability for empathy and love will be the yardstick by which our civilisation is judged. It may well be an important benchmark by which we will judge other civilisations that we may encounter, or indeed be judged by them.

There is something of true wonder at the basis of it all. The fact that chemicals can arise from the austere confines of an ancient molecular soup, and through the cold laws of evolution, combine into organisms that care for other lifeforms (that is, other bags of chemicals) is the true miracle.

Some ancients believed that God made us in his image. Perhaps they were right in a sense, as empathy and love are truly godlike features, at least among the benevolent gods.

Cherish those traits and use them now, Poppy, as they hold the solution to our ethical dilemma. It is those very attributes that should compel us to improve the wellbeing of our fellow humans without lowering the condition of what surrounds us.

Anything less will pervert (our) nature.

To get all of lifes big answers, join the hundreds of thousands of people who value evidence-based news by subscribing to our newsletter. You can send us your big questions by email at and well try to get a researcher or expert on the case.

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Have humans evolved beyond nature and do we even need it? - The Conversation UK

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In small study, hints of promise for ‘natural killer’ cell therapy – BioPharma Dive

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

A new type of cancer cell therapy could avoid some of the serious side effects commonly associated with CAR-T treatments, and possibly offer an easier path to developing "off-the-shelf" treatments, suggest findings from a small study led by researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.

The results, which were published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, are from just 11 patients. Other factors, such as the use of postremission therapy, limit what conclusions can be drawn about the researchers' approach, which relies on "natural killer" cells rather than the T cells used in cellular drugs like Novartis' Kymriah.

Still, the data offer a glimpse into why Japanese drugmaker Takedaagreed last November to license the CAR NK cell therapy from MD Anderson, part of the company's broader push into cell and gene treatments. Some of the data published Wednesday was previously disclosed by the pharma.

The success of cancer immunotherapy, of which CAR-T treatments are a major part, has put T cells at the center of a now decade-long research revival in oncology.

But T cells are only one component of the body's immune system, and scientists in academia and in biotech are exploring whether other cellular defenders could be similarly recruited.

Researchers at MD Anderson have turned to natural killer cells, which by design recognize and attack cancers or other invaders. Such cells have been tested as an anti-cancer treatment before,but using genetic engineering to improve their tumor-killing properties, which the MD Anderson team has done, is a newer innovation.

"To my knowledge, this is the largest body of evidence on the use of CAR NK cells in patients with cancer," said Katayoun Rezvani, the study's corresponding author and a professor of stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy at MD Anderson, in an interview.

Using NK cells derived from cord blood, Rezvani and her colleagues engineered the cells to express a receptor for a protein called CD19, commonly found on the surface of B-cell malignancies like leukemia and lymphoma. They also added a gene for interleukin-15 to boost the expansion and persistence of the infused NK cells, which without engineering would typically disappear after about two weeks.

While the CAR-T treatments Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel) and Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) also target CD19, they are made from a patient's own T cells, which are extracted and then engineered outside the body. The personalized process is time-consuming and laborious, hampering the commercial uptake of both Kymriahand Yescarta.

By using cord blood, Rezvani and her team are pursuing an allogeneic, or "off-the-shelf," approach to cell treatment something many consider to be the next step for the field.

Initial data look promising. Seven of the 11 treated patients, who had either chronic lymphocytic leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma, responded to treatment, with the cancers of three going into remission.Most notably, none experienced cytokine release syndrome or neurotoxicity, two severe side effects that commonly occur in patients treated with CAR-T therapy.

"The lack of toxicity is very exciting here," wrote Stephan Grupp, an oncologist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a leader in the CAR-T field, in comments emailed to BioPharma Dive. He was not involved with the MD Anderson study.

"We really think that this is something inherent to the biology of the natural killer cells, which means their profile of toxicity is different than that of T cells,"Rezvanisaid.

Study participants did have blood toxicities that researchers associated with the chemotherapy given prior to infusion of the CAR NK cells.

While positive, the results are limited by several factors which make drawing broader conclusions about the ultimate potential of the treatment difficult.

Five of the seven responding patients received postremission treatment, including stem cell transplants, Rituxan (rituximab) and Revlimid (lenalidomide), so researchers did not assess the duration of response to CAR NK therapy.

Additionally, a fresh CAR NK cell product was manufactured for each patient in this study, rather than using the cord blood to produce multiple therapies as would be envisioned for a true off-the-shelf product.

"I think the potential for this approach to be 'off-the-shelf' is also a little speculative at this time," wrote Grupp.

"We would need to see multiple patients treated from the same expanded product with no HLAmatching to know if 'off-the-shelf' is going to be part of the story here," he added, referring to the process by which patients are matched to donor cells.

If cord blood-derived CAR NK cells were able to be given without matching to a patient's HLA genotype, any resulting treatment could be used more widely. Nine patients were partially matched in the MD Anderson study, while the last two were treated without consideration of HLA type.

The MD Anderson researchers plan to continue enrolling patients in the study and are working with Takeda to design a larger, multi-center trial.

The drugmaker is planning to advance the treatment, which it licensed and now calls TAK-007, into pivotal studies in two types of lymphoma and CLL by 2021, with a potential filing for approval in 2023.

"Targeting CD19 was a proof of concept and now that we've demonstrated that this CAR NK approach can work and is safe we want to use this platform to target other types of cancers," said Rezvani, indicating interest in multiple myeloma and acute myeloid leukemia.

See the article here:
In small study, hints of promise for 'natural killer' cell therapy - BioPharma Dive

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GMO Weed: The Future of Bud – Greencamp

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Theres no reason to be scared of genetically-modified marijuana. It could be the best bud youve ever had.

In 1996, the world was shocked when the news was announced that scientists in Scotland had cloned an animal. Dolly, as she was named, was an exact genetic duplicate of a female sheep.

To some extent, the researchers behind Dolly managed to achieve what no scientists before them had ever accomplished: they demonstrated humankinds mastery over its own genes.

What Dollys birth really represented, however, was humankinds mastery over our DNA, which is what makes up our genes. DNA is the instruction manual for how our biological processes operate. By birthing Dolly, we showed we can control genetic destiny.

One of the ways we are controlling our futures is by applying the techniques that created Dolly to change the genetic configurations of other living things, including plants.

This is the essence of genetic modification technology, and has led to the creation of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

GMO can be a bit of a dirty word, especially if youre a devotee of organic food. Many people think GMOs are unhealthy. But, where cannabis is concerned, genetic modification can allow us to improve how marijuana is produced.

The cannabis plant is a wonder of evolution, but in terms of maximizing the amount of medicinally useful molecules like THC and CBD that the plant produces, nature could use some juicing up.

As it stands, the only parts of the cannabis plant that produce psychoactive compounds are the trichomes small hair-like outgrowths on the surface of female cannabis plants flowers.

This means that the vast majority of the plants biomass, around 90%, from leaves to stalk to stems are useless from a commercial perspective.

So, imagine the possibilities if the cannabis plant could somehow be re-engineered so that it could produce those THC-bearing trichomes from root to tip. It would mean more than 90% of the plant could be used commercially, rather than being sent straight to the compost heap.

A trichome-saturated cannabis plant would also give producers much more bang for their buck, as it could produce more THC and/or CBD without more water, fertilizer or energy.

But the most radical proposal for engineering cannabis is to get rid of the plant altogether. Stay with me here it ends up making a lot of sense.

Because DNA is the universal genetic language that governs cells basic functions such as the manufacture of proteins, the replication of genetic material and the production of cellular energy they work the same way in many different organisms.

THC is the end result of a metabolic pathway. This means that a chemical, or combination of chemicals, is acted upon by an enzyme, or series of enzymes.

The starting chemicals are transformed by the enzyme into another chemical. In the case of cannabis, two chemicals in the plant, called geranyl pyrophosphate and olivetol, are combined by an enzyme called THCA synthase to form THC. The THC is then stored in the trichomes on the surface of the plant.

Now, the magic begins.

THCA synthase the enzyme that synthesizes THC in the cannabis plant is made out of protein. Because of this, we can determine the genetic sequence that encodes this protein.

This is easy to do, because the entire genetic sequence of the cannabis plant the cannabis genome has already been decoded, and this entire set of information is publically available.

Once you determine the genetic sequence that encodes the THCA synthase enzyme, you can use chemicals called restriction enzymes to clip that exact piece of DNA out of the strands of DNA that compose the cannabis genome.

Now, the researcher has a piece of DNA that encodes the THCA synthase enzyme, and nothing else. This chunk of genetic material can then be inserted into whatever type of organism you desire.

When you think of yeast, generally two things come to mind: beer and baking. But yeast represents a lot more than a glass of suds or a fresh-baked loaf of bread.

Yeast is actually a very powerful genetic organism. Yeast cells grow quickly in a culture solution at room temperature they will double in number every 100 minutes.

Now comes the fun part. Using some chemical tricks, we can take the segment of DNA we just snipped out of cannabis plant remember, the one that encodes the THCA synthase enzyme and pop it right into a yeast cells DNA.

This means that, as that single yeast cell copies itself and grows exponentially, from one to a sea of billions, it will ceaselessly manufacture the THCA enzyme as if that plant gene were a part of the very fabric of the yeast cell, which in fact it is.

So, if you put the THCA enzyme in a yeast cell, then grow that yeast cell in huge vats, youll eventually end up with a lot of THCA enzyme floating around in your vat.

The next step is to extract the enzyme from the solution, filtering out the cellular debris and growth medium. Once this is done, all you really need to do is add geranyl pyrophosphate and olivetolic to your THCA enzyme and voila, you have fully formed THC.

This THC can then be extracted from the growth medium; quality control-checked; packaged and sold at a hefty markup to a ravenous consumer market.

If using yeast cells to churn out cannabis products seems far-fetched, you might be surprised to know its actually happening now.

Hyasynth Bio, a company in Montreal, Canada, has developed their own strain of yeast cell that is genetically engineered to churn out cannabinoids.

The yeast cells are grown in giant vessels called bioreactors, each containing thousands of litres of growth medium, which are continually checked to ensure an absence of contamination and a proper growth environment.

Then, the yeast cells are disassembled; the yeast particles filtered out and the cannabinoids extracted from that solution.

Theres also another approach, one that may not sit well with purists. It involves making Frankenplants. But the future of genetically altered plants need not stoke horrific associations.

If anything, GMO weed could be the plant of the future, for a number of reasons.

GMO technology has gotten a very bad rap over the past couple of decades. Initial pushes to roll out GMO food crop staples things like tomatoes, wheat and corn that were engineered to be pest resistant were met with a huge amount of opposition, organized by environmental groups who had little knowledge of what they were protesting.

The world was shocked in the late 1990s and early 2000s when images flashed across TV screens around the world of protestors ripping up genetically-modified crops in test fields dressed in biohazard suits.

Many of these protests took place in the UK, which remains a hotbed of anti-GMO sentiment, led by organizations like Greenpeace UK, which is committed to boycotting genetic plant technologies.

As GMO crops began to be rolled out across North America, European activists tried to convince people on the other side of the pond that crops that had been genetically engineered were Frankenfoods and were to be avoided at all costs. They were met with some success.

But North Americans generally proved to be more tolerant to the idea that plants could be genetically modified and also safe to consume. That seems to be why countries in the western hemisphere seem to be leading the charge when it comes to GMO plant technologies, including cannabis.

There are several ways genetic modification technologies could enhance the experience of consuming your favourite strain of bud.

First, the cannabis plant could be engineered such that a tissue-specific promoter is added in front of the gene that produces the THCA enzyme.

A promoter is a small segment of DNA that is associated with a particular gene. It contains instructions that activate the gene it controls.

The promoter attached to the THCA gene would tell the gene to turn on in every part of the plant, such as its leaves, stem, etc. This means, in turn, the THCA enzyme would thus be active in every part of the cannabis plant, not just the buds.

Thus, every part of the plant including the parts youd never think of consuming would literally be dripping in THC, which could increase yields up to 90% for growers and producers of industrial cannabis.

With genetic modification technology, it seems the questionable environmental cost of large-scale cannabis production can be effectively mitigated.

The cannabis plant could also be engineered to require less water, or to express more photosynthetic pigments so it requires less energy to grow relative to a plant found in the wild.

But GMO technology doesnt just have the capability to dramatically increase yields of THC, CBD and other valuable compounds.

Because most plants grow based on DNA templates that are more or less interchangeable, traits from virtually any number of plant species could be spliced into the cannabis genome.

For example: imagine a Blueberry Kush strain that contains actual blueberry flavour compounds from the blueberry plant? Or a Unicorn sativa: a plant festooned with candy-coloured, multi-hued swirls of buds containing pigments from across the plant kingdom?

The future of cannabis is waiting to be engineered.

One of the ways this engineering is soon to happen will involve the CRISPR/Cas9 system. This genetic technology has gotten a lot of press recently, and for good reason.

CRISPR/Cas9 allows researchers to edit genomes from scratch with an incredible level of precision, which means certain traits can be custom-engineered.

In the most dystopian case, this means editing a human egg cell so the baby is sure to have blue eyes.

In a less ominous context, CRISPR/Cas9 could allow researchers to tweak the cannabis genome to get the plant to produce substances we would never be able to imagine, like fish proteins to protect against frost bite and citrus molecules that smell like a spring breeze

Lest that sound like science fiction, its already happening: Canopy Growth Corporation, one of the worlds largest legal cannabis companies, paid US$300 million to acquire Colorado-based Ebbu, a company that specializes in fiddling with cannabis genes using the CRISPR/Cas9 system.

As the technology becomes more and more widespread outside of niche applications in the biological sciences, expect more companies to crop up that use CRISPR/Cas9 to drive product development in the cannabis space.

No matter the technology used, or no matter what you think of GMOs, genetic manipulation of the cannabis plant is set to be a huge area of interest now and into the future. The tools of todays biological scientists make those used by Dollys engineers look positively paleolithic.

The best advice for thinking about the future of GMO weed: expect the unexpected.

See more here:
GMO Weed: The Future of Bud - Greencamp

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Gene Therapy Market Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored, Forecast to 2026: Voyager Therapeutics, Sanofi, Juno…

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Gene therapy can be defined as the treatment of a disease by modifying, replacing, or supplementing a genetic combination that is absent or abnormal and is responsible for causing causing the disease. Gene therapy has emerged as one of the most sought after research objectives in order to cure incurable diseases. Globally increasing instances of HIV, Cancer and other difficult to cure diseases is driving the demand for gene therapy.

This press release was orginally distributed by SBWire

New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/10/2020 -- The global gene therapy market was valued at $393.35 million in 2018, and is estimated to reach $6,205.85 million by 2026, registering a CAGR of 34.8% from 2019 to 2026. Gene therapy is a technique that involves the delivery of nucleic acid polymers into a patient's cells as a drug to treat diseases. It fixes a genetic problem at its source. The process involves modifying the protein either to change the genetic expression or to correct a mutation. The emergence of this technology meets the rise in needs for better diagnostics and targeted therapy tools. For instance, genetic engineering can be used to modify physical appearance, metabolism, physical capabilities, and mental abilities such as memory and intelligence. In addition, it is also used for infertility treatment. Gene therapy offers a ray of hope for patients, who either have no treatment options or show no benefits with drugs currently available. The ongoing success has strongly supported upcoming researches and has carved ways for enhancement of gene therapy.

Major Key Players of the Gene Therapy Market are:Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc., Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd., Achieve Life Sciences, Inc., Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc., Abeona Therapeutics Inc., Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation, Arbutus Biopharma Corporation, Audentes Therapeutics, Inc., AveXis, Inc., Bluebird Bio, Inc., Celgene Corporation, CRISPR Therapeutics AG, Editas Medicine, Inc., Editas Medicine, Inc., GlaxoSmithKline Plc., Intellia Therapeutics, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Novartis AG, REGENXBIO Inc., Spark Therapeutics, Inc., Sangamo Therapeutics, Inc., Uniqure N. V.,Voyager Therapeutics, Inc ,Amgen, Epeius Biotechnologies, Sanofi, Juno Therapeutics, Advantagene

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This report on gene therapy covers different type of gene therapy developments, applications of gene therapy in curing diseases and market size in various geographical regions.-The report covers also cover gene therapy market developments from the development phase perspective as follows: Phase I, Phase II, Phase III-On the basis of applications of gene therapy, this report also covers all the major applications of gene therapy in curing major diseases, some of the major diseases covered in this report are as follows: Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Genetic Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus, Neurological Disorders and Others-This report has been further segmented into major regions, which includes detailed analysis of each region such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Rest of the World (RoW) covering all the major country level markets for gene therapy in each of the region.

By Vector Type:

- Viral vectoro Retroviruseso Lentiviruseso Adenoviruseso Adeno Associated Viruso Herpes Simplex Viruso Poxviruso Vaccinia Viruso Others

- Non-viral vectoro Naked/Plasmid Vectorso Gene Guno Electroporationo Lipofectiono Others

By Gene Type- Antigen- Cytokine- Tumor Suppressor- Suicide- Deficiency- Growth factors- Receptors- Others

By Application- Oncological Disorders- Rare Diseases- Cardiovascular Diseases- Neurological Disorders- Infectious disease- Other Diseases

North America is the largest regional market for gene therapiesThe global market is segmented into four major regions, namely, North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. In 2018, North America accounted for the largest share of the market, followed by Europe. The rising prevalence of chronic diseases, high and growing healthcare expenditure, presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, availability of reimbursements, and the presence of major market players in the region are the major factors driving the growth of the gene therapy market in North America.

Gene therapy involves modification of the faulty and missing gene/s and then delivery to the intended target using modified viral particles or other biotechnologically approved methods. This therapy is mostly considered as a one-time treatment; however, in some cases, it requires more than one dose of medication to completely cure the disease. Gene therapy, once considered impossible on a commercial-scale has now become a trend and most of the companies are banking on breakthrough innovations in the field. Many of the smaller companies have been successful in bringing few molecules to the market with the backing of larger companies.

Research objectives:- To study and analyze the global Gene Therapy consumption (value & volume) by key regions/countries, product type and application, history data. To understand the structure of the Gene Therapy Market by identifying its various sub-segments. Focuses on the key global Gene Therapy manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competitive landscape, SWOT analysis, and development plans in the next few years. To analyze the Gene Therapy with respect to individual growth trends, future prospects, and their contribution to the total market. To share detailed information about the key factors influencing the growth of the market (growth potential, opportunities, drivers, industry-specific challenges and risks).

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Table of Content :

8.1. Adaptimmune Therapeutics Plc.8.1.1. Company Overview8.1.2. Company Snapshot8.1.3. Operating Business Segments8.1.4. Product Portfolio8.1.5. Business Performance8.1.6. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.2. Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd.8.2.1. Company Overview8.2.2. Company Snapshot8.2.3. Operating Business Segments8.2.4. Product Portfolio

8.3. Achieve Life Sciences, Inc.8.3.1. Company Overview8.3.2. Company Snapshot8.3.3. Operating Business Segments8.3.4. Product Portfolio8.3.5. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.4. Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc.8.4.1. Company Overview8.4.2. Company Snapshot8.4.3. Operating Business Segments8.4.4. Product Portfolio8.4.5. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.5. Abeona Therapeutics Inc.8.5.1. Company Overview8.5.2. Company Snapshot8.5.3. Operating Business Segments8.5.4. Product Portfolio8.5.5. Business Performance8.5.6. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.6. Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation8.6.1. Company Overview8.6.2. Company Snapshot8.6.3. Operating Business Segments8.6.4. Product Portfolio8.6.5. Business Performance8.6.6. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.7. Arbutus Biopharma Corporation8.7.1. Company Overview8.7.2. Company Snapshot8.7.3. Product Portfolio8.7.4. Business Performance8.7.5. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.8. Audentes Therapeutics Inc.8.8.1. Company Overview8.8.2. Company Snapshot8.8.3. Product Portfolio8.8.4. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.9. Avexis Inc.8.9.1. Company Overview8.9.2. Company Snapshot8.9.3. Product Portfolio8.9.4. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

8.10. Bluebird Bio, Inc.8.10.1. Company Overview8.10.2. Company Snapshot8.10.3. Operating Business Segments8.10.4. Product Portfolio8.10.5. Business Performance8.10.6. Key Strategic Moves And Developments

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Many other therapies are also under development, which when approved and marketed, may contribute to significant revenue generation and would boost the industry growth. For instance, in 2018, there were 950 molecules in the development that were expected to be as effective treatment options for different indications like cancer, cardiac diseases, inherited blindness, and various other gene related defects.

About Market Growth InsightMarket Growth Insight is a one stop solution for market research reports in various business categories. We are serving 100+ clients with 10000+ diverse industry reports and our reports are developed to simplify strategic decision making, on the basis of comprehensive and in-depth significant information, established through wide ranging analysis and latest industry trends.

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Gene Therapy Market Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored, Forecast to 2026: Voyager Therapeutics, Sanofi, Juno...

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7 Hilarious and Thought-Provoking Time Travel Memes – Interesting Engineering

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Are you looking for some awesome memes about time travel? Then you have come to the right place.

Here we have hand-picked some of the best memes about time travel available on the internet. Some of them will also make you think!



It is a common theme in many a science fiction film and novel, but is time travel possible? As it turns out, it might just be -- but would be incrediblydifficult to achieve.

"Mathematically, you can certainly say something istravelingto the past," Liu said. But it is notpossiblefor you and me totravelbackward intime, he said. "However, some scientists believe thattravelingto the past is, in fact, theoreticallypossible, though impractical." -Live Science.

But, it should be notedthat traveling "forward" in time might actuallybe more plausible.

"Travellingforwardsin time is surprisinglyeasy. Einsteins special theory ofrelativity, developed in 1905, shows that time passes at different rates for people who are moving relative to one another - although the effect only becomes large when you get close to the speed of light." -

Going back in time is, however, probably impossible. According to the principles of relativity, this would probably require you to travel faster than the speed of light.

This is a feat widely believed to be impossible. Some scientists have postulated that things called "wormholes" could be a way around this.

But they are not foolproof either. You could only travel back as far in time as when the wormhole itself was created.

"However, it would still be impossible to go back further in time than the point at which the wormhole was created, limiting the options for travel somewhat - and possibly explaining why we havent encountered any visitors from the future. If any natural wormholes were formed in the Big Bang, it might be possible to travel to a limited number of points in the past and in the distant universe, but wouldnt enable one to flit around the cosmos at will as the Doctor seems to do."-

But, it should be notedthat there are some who believe that "time" itself is something ofan illusion.

"According to theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli,timeis anillusion: our naive perception of its flow doesn't correspond to physical reality. Indeed, as Rovelli argues in The Order ofTime, much more is illusory, including Isaac Newton's picture of a universally ticking clock," -

According to sites like, here are some of the best films about time travel: -

So, without further ado, here are some great memes about time travel. Trust us when we say this list is far from exhaustive and is in no particular order.

Here's an interesting ethical dilemma. If you could, would you go back in time to kill Hitler as a baby?

You would? But haven't you just killed an innocent baby?

Doesn't such an act make you as bad as people like Hitler?

Most believe that children are not born "evil" and are, in fact, products of their life's experiences, indoctrination into particular ideologies and upbringing, etc. Though some scientists have found links between brain physiology and anti-social traits like psychopathy.

So would killing baby Hitler be a "good thing?" You are, after all,judging an infant to death over a "precrime," like in theMinority Report.

Perhaps it would be better to have him raised by better parents?

But it might not matteranyway. If time travel was possible,people in the futurewould never have actuallyhave heard of him.

It would probably be best to keep it to yourself -- you have just killed a babyafter all.

Whenever time-travel is the main theme of a film, there is an unwritten rule that it must contain a certain amount of things. From unnecessarily complex scientific terminology to cliched quotes like "that's not how time travel works,"you might want toplay time-travel bingo next time you watch one.

It usually also has to include some ingenious, if slightly unhinged, scientist. This is simplya must.

A prime example is the recent Marvel blockbuster "Avengers: End Game."Thankfully, this film appears to have learned lessons from previous time-travel films and makes light of these many themes.

Quite refreshing.

Could this be proof that time travel is actuallypossiblein the future?"Dabbing" is a recent cultural phenomenon, isn't it?

Of course, in this photoshop day and age, we might not be able totrust the source of this image completely. Such sad times we live in.

It would be great to believe this image is, indeed, real, however.

But, in reality, this is actually a set pic from Christopher Nolan's recent blockbuster "Dunkirk."

We knew it. Everyone knows that the only reason Elon Musk is pushing mankind to colonize Mars is to fulfill his dreams of power.

And yet, there are still those who believe Musk's ambitions are purely altruistic. How could we have been so trusting?

Let's just hope he is a fair and magnanimous leader for the people of Mars.

With all the latest developments in genetic engineering, it can only be a matter of time before we get a real Jurassic Park? What could possibly go wrong?

But, given the warnings from Michael Crichton, perhaps it might not be a good idea.

After all, as Ian Malcolm famously said: "our scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didnt stop to think if they should." Never a truer word was spoken.

But, that being said, it would be awesome!

Well, well, what have we here? With all those DeLoreans and a Tardis, this can only mean one thing -- A Time Traveller meetingof some kind.

This is one party we would certainlylove to be invited to. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.

But would they actuallyhave an "annual" meeting? It seems a little redundant.

And lastly, but by no means least, is this great quote from Carl Sagan. As it turns out, from a certain point of view, we have been able to travel to the past for as long as the written word has existed.

It is incredible to think that by reading ancient writers, like Marcus Aurelius,Aristotle, John Locke, or Thomas Aquinas (to name but a few), we can, in a way, talk to people from the past. This really is a mind-blowing thought when you think about it.

Now get out there and "stand on the shoulders of giants."

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7 Hilarious and Thought-Provoking Time Travel Memes - Interesting Engineering

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Intellia Therapeutics Presents New Data From Its Engineered Cell Therapy and In Vivo Programs at Keystone Symposia’s Engineering the Genome Conference…

Posted: February 10, 2020 at 2:42 pm

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), a leading genome editing company focused on developing curative therapeutics using CRISPR/Cas9 technology both in vivo and ex vivo, is presenting new data from two of its development programs at Keystone Symposias Engineering the Genome Conference, a joint meeting with the Emerging Cellular Therapies: Cancer and Beyond Conference, taking place Feb. 8-12, 2020, in Banff, Canada. Intellia researchers are presenting data in support of the companys lead engineered cell therapy development candidate, NTLA-5001 for the treatment of the hematological cancer, acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Intellia also is sharing preclinical results for its hereditary angioedema (HAE) program, which is Intellias third CRISPR/Cas9 development program, announced in January 2020.

Intellia continues to demonstrate strong progress across both our engineered cell therapy and in vivo pipelines, said Intellia President and Chief Executive Officer John Leonard, M.D. We are observing very favorable preclinical data with our engineered T cells, and we are moving ahead with IND-enabling studies and manufacturing for NTLA-5001, to enable a regulatory submission in the first half of 2021.

On the in vivo side, the data from our HAE development program reinforce the modularity of Intellia's non-viral delivery genome editing platform and how it is enabling independent, single-dose therapies for multiple monogenic diseases. For HAE, we expect to nominate a development candidate in the first half of this year, continued Dr. Leonard.

New Data from Intellias Engineered Cell Therapy Development Program for AML

NTLA-5001, which is Intellias first engineered T cell therapy development candidate and is wholly owned, utilizes a T cell receptor (TCR)-directed approach to target the Wilms Tumor 1 (WT1) intracellular antigen for the treatment of AML. The companys WT1-TCR T cell approach aims to develop a broadly applicable treatment for AML patients, regardless of mutational background of a patients leukemia.

The company is presenting data demonstrating that the selection of a natural, high-affinity TCR, in combination with CRISPR-enabled engineering and targeted insertion, results in an engineered T cell capable of specific and potent killing of primary AML blasts. Todays presentation at Keystone builds on data previously presented last fall at the Annual Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT).

The data being presented at the Keystone conference substantiate the advantages that a homogeneous T cell product developed through CRISPR engineering, like NTLA-5001, may have over traditional T cell engineering approaches. In particular, traditional T cell engineering methods typically result in a T cell product that carries two different TCRs, one endogenous and one transferred, which can pair in various combinations of alpha and beta chains and form mixed TCRs with unknown specificities. Intellia researchers are sharing today that the precise replacement of the endogenous TCR with the transgenic TCR (tgTCR) resulted in T cells with improved tgTCR expression levels and in 95% of edited T cells carrying exclusively the desired pairs of the tgTCR alpha and beta chains. This therapeutic TCR profile is expected to yield improved T cell product homogeneity, as researchers showed that Intellias T cell editing approach results in superior function of the engineered T cells toward WT1-positive targets in vitro. This therapeutic TCR profile is also expected to result in lower reactivity against unwanted targets on normal tissues that could lead to toxicities, including graft-versus-host disease (GvHD).

Researchers identified that the selected lead WT1 TCR exhibits high avidity (in the nM range) to its target epitope and shows tight epitope specificity. Being a natural TCR isolated from a healthy donor, it may have a lower cross-reactivity risk than many affinity-matured TCRs. Cells engineered with Intellia's lead WT1 TCR also demonstrated no detectable cytotoxicity toward bone marrow CD34+ cells, which express WT1 at low levels. This is an advantage over current CAR-T cell approaches targeting CD33 or CD123 in AML, which have been shown to induce severe bone marrow toxicity.

Furthermore, the data demonstrate that specific and potent killing of WT1-positive primary AML blasts result from T cells expressing Intellias lead WT1 TCR when cocultured in vitro. This outcome was observed across multiple patient samples that harbor the frequent HLA-A*02:01 allele and that express different WT1 levels as well as AML characteristics. These data validate that the epitope targeted by the lead WT1 TCR, which is distinct from a previously evaluated RMF epitope, is presented efficiently and broadly by AML tumor cells that carry the correct human leukocyte antigen (HLA) restriction. Intellias lead WT1 TCR also has the potential to target WT1-positive solid tumors, such as ovarian cancer, glioblastoma, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

The company plans to submit an Investigational New Drug (IND) application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the first half of 2021 for NTLA-5001 for the treatment of AML. Details on todays presentations on WT1 TCR T cells, including data from ongoing collaborations with researchers at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, at Keystone are as follows:

First Data Presented on Potential CRISPR/Cas9-Based Therapy for HAE, Intellias Third Development Program

Researchers presented yesterday at the Keystone conference the companys first dataset in support of Intellias development program for HAE. HAE is a rare genetic disorder characterized by recurring and unpredictable severe swelling attacks in various parts of the body, and is significantly debilitating or even fatal in certain cases. The disease is caused by increased levels of the bradykinin protein. Most patients with HAE have a C1 esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) protein deficiency, which normally prevents the unregulated release and buildup of bradykinin.

Intellias HAE treatment hypothesis involves knocking out the kallikrein B1 (KLKB1) gene to reduce kallikrein activity, which is involved in the biological pathway for release of bradykinin. Intellia expects this reduction to correlate with a decrease in bradykinin activity, thus, preventing the activation of endothelial cells that causes vascular leakage and angioedema in HAE patients. The data presented at the Keystone conference showed that the knockout of KLKB1 produces in non-human primates (NHPs) a 90% reduction in kallikrein activity, a level that translates to a therapeutically meaningful impact on HAE attack rates (Source: Banerji et al., NEJM, 2017). This kallikrein activity reduction was sustained for at least five months in an ongoing NHP study, in a highly reproducible manner observed across both rodent and NHP studies.

Similar to its lead in vivo program, for the treatment of transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), Intellias potential HAE therapy utilizes the companys modular non-viral lipid nanoparticle (LNP) system to deliver CRISPR/Cas9. Intellias proprietary LNP-based delivery system includes two basic components: Cas9 messenger RNA (mRNA) and a guide RNA (gRNA). The gRNA is the only variable portion of the LNP delivery system and is the sole component that needs to be changed from the LNP-based delivery system that forms the foundation of NTLA-2001, Intellias development candidate for the treatment of ATTR for which the company intends to submit an IND application in mid-2020.

Intellia continues to evaluate several potential guide RNAs and expects to nominate a development candidate for HAE in the first half of 2020. Intellias KLKB1 HAE program is subject to an option by Regeneron to enter into a Co/Co agreement, in which Intellia would remain the lead party.

Yesterdays short talk, titled In Vivo Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 to the Liver Using Lipid Nanoparticles Enables Gene Knockout Across Multiple Targets in Rodent and Non-Human Primates, was made by Jessica Seitzer, director, genomics, Intellia. These data included results from ongoing collaborations with researchers at Regeneron.

All of Intellias presentations can be found here, on the Scientific Publications & Presentations page of Intellias website.

About Intellia Therapeutics

Intellia Therapeuticsis a leading genome editing company focused on developing proprietary, curative therapeutics using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Intellia believes the CRISPR/Cas9 technology has the potential to transform medicine by permanently editing disease-associated genes in the human body with a single treatment course, and through improved cell therapies that can treat cancer and immunological diseases, or can replace patients diseased cells. The combination of deep scientific, technical and clinical development experience, along with its leading intellectual property portfolio, puts Intellia in a unique position to unlock broad therapeutic applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology and create a new class of therapeutic products. Learn more aboutIntellia Therapeuticsand CRISPR/Cas9 and follow us on Twitter @intelliatweets.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements ofIntellia Therapeutics, Inc.(Intellia or the Company) within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, express or implied statements regarding Intellias beliefs and expectations regarding its planned submission of an investigational new drug (IND) application for NTLA-2001 for the treatment of transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) in mid-2020; its plans to submit an IND application for NTLA-5001, its first T cell receptor (TCR)-directed engineered cell therapy development candidate for its acute myeloid leukemia (AML) program in the first half of 2021; its plans to nominate a development candidate for its hereditary angioedema (HAE) program in the first half of 2020; its plans to advance and complete preclinical studies, including non-human primate studies for its ATTR program, AML program, HAE program and other in vivo and ex vivo programs; its presentation of additional data at upcoming scientific conferences, and other preclinical data in 2020; the advancement and expansion of its CRISPR/Cas9 technology to develop human therapeutic products, as well as maintain and expand its related intellectual property portfolio; the ability to demonstrate its platforms modularity and replicate or apply results achieved in preclinical studies, including those in its ATTR, AML and HAE programs, in any future studies, including human clinical trials; its ability to develop other in vivo or ex vivo cell therapeutics of all types, and those targeting WT1 in AML in particular, using CRISPR/Cas9 technology; its business plans and objectives for its preclinical studies and clinical trials, including the therapeutic potential and clinical benefits thereof, as well as the potential patient populations that may be addressed by its ATTR program, AML program, HAE program and other in vivo and ex vivo programs; the impact of its collaborations on its development programs, including but not limited to its collaboration withRegeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(Regeneron) and Regenerons ability to enter into a Co/Co agreement for the HAE program; statements regarding the timing of regulatory filings for its development programs; its use of capital, including expenses, future accumulated deficit and other financial results during 2019 or in the future; and the ability to fund operations through the end of 2021.

Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on managements current expectations and beliefs of future events, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those set forth in or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: risks related to Intellias ability to protect and maintain our intellectual property position; risks related to Intellias relationship with third parties, including our licensors; risks related to the ability of our licensors to protect and maintain their intellectual property position; uncertainties related to the initiation and conduct of studies and other development requirements for our product candidates; the risk that any one or more of Intellias product candidates will not be successfully developed and commercialized; and the risk that the results of preclinical studies or clinical studies will not be predictive of future results in connection with future studies. For a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties, and other important factors, any of which could cause Intellias actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see the section entitled Risk Factors in Intellias most recent annual report on Form 10-K as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Intellias other filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission. All information in this press release is as of the date of the release, and Intellia undertakes no duty to update this information unless required by law.

Intellia Contacts:

Media:Jennifer Mound SmoterSenior Vice PresidentExternal Affairs & Communications+1

Lynnea OlivarezDirectorExternal Affairs & Communications+1

Investors:Lina LiAssociate DirectorInvestor Relations+1

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Intellia Therapeutics Presents New Data From Its Engineered Cell Therapy and In Vivo Programs at Keystone Symposia's Engineering the Genome Conference...

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Khat Chewing and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | DMSO – Dove Medical Press

Posted: February 9, 2020 at 7:52 pm

Mohammed Badedi,1 Hussain Darraj,1 Abdulrahman Hummadi,1 Abdullah Najmi,2 Yahiya Solan,1 Ibrahim Zakry,1 Abdullah Khawaji,1 Sayedah Zaylai,1 Norah Rajeh,1 Hassan Alhafaf,1 Wali Hakami,1 Awaji Bakkari,1 Maryam Kriry,1 Abdulraheem Dagreri,1 Ebrahim Haddad1

1Jazan Diabetes and Endocrine Center, Ministry of Health, Jazan, Saudi Arabia; 2Jazan Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Jazan, Saudi Arabia

Correspondence: Mohammed BadediJazan Diabetes Center, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia, PO Box 604, Abu Arish, Jazan 45911, Saudi ArabiaTel +966 559154136Email

Objective: Knowledge about the effects of khat chewing on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) development and glycemic control is very sparse. Emerging data suggest that khat chewing may increase the risk of T2DM occurrence. Therefore, this study aimed to measure the prevalence of khat chewing in Saudi people with T2DM in Jazan, Saudi Arabia and to determine the association of khat chewing with T2DM development and glycemic control in T2DM.Methods: This is an analytical, cross-sectional study that included 472 Saudi participants selected randomly from primary healthcare centers in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. A chi-square test and logistic regression were performed in the statistical analysis.Results: The prevalence of khat chewing in Saudi patients with T2DM in Jazan was 29.3%. After adjusting for covariates, khat chewing was significantly associated with T2DM (odds ratio 3.5), indicating that khat chewers had a more than three times higher risk of developing T2DM than those who do not chew khat. However, there was no association between khat chewing and glycemic control in T2DM.Conclusion: Khat chewing was highly prevalent in Saudi people with T2DM in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. There was an association between khat chewing and the development of T2DM. Establishing the causal association of khat chewing with T2DM development and glycemic control and clarifying the biological role of khat in T2DM are important aims for future studies.

Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, catha edulis, khat chewing

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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Muhammad Ali: The UK’s First Diabetic Boxer – Medscape

Posted: February 9, 2020 at 7:52 pm

Muhammad Ali is making history as the first British professional boxer who has type 1 diabetes.

It's not been an easy journey for the 26 year old. It wasn't until 2018 that he was finally allowed to fight as a professional following a battle against the British Boxing Board of Control.

Ali from Rochdale was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was 5-years-old. He got interested in boxing when he was 12 and had an impressive amateur career, including winning the Haringey Box Cup in 2013.

Ali applied for a professional boxing licence in 2015 but was rejected because he has type 1 diabetes. Eventually he got it after a 3-year long campaign. His team was able to provide key documentation proving that his condition wouldn't disrupt his ability to box. It set a precedent for other boxers with controlled type 1 diabetes to get their licences.

To date Ali has competed in six professional fights.

He has also taken on the role as an ambassador for Diabetes UK and speaks about his journey and tells how having type 1 diabetes doesn't mean you can't take part in exercise or sport even at an elite level.

Diabetes UK says it's delighted to work with him as an ambassador.

"Muhammad Ali has run the Manchester 10k for us; he's discussed our support minutes after winning fights and promoted Diabetes UK's work in interviews and filmed for us in his community of Rochdale," a charity spokesperson said.

Medscape UK asked Muhammad Ali about his journey to become a professional.

Congratulations on your latest win how does it feel to be competing professionally?

Thank you. It feels absolutely amazing. As a team, it had taken us nearly 3 years of battling to obtain my licence to compete.It feels good to be told by so many people around the world that I have inspired them not just to compete in boxing but overall not to give up on achieving their dreams.

How did you feel when you had your licence rejected because of your type 1 diabetes?

I had passed all of my medicals but because I am diabetic, the boxing board denied my licence without any medical reason given.I felt alienated and left out.

Who helped you eventually achieve your aim?

My manager Asad Shamim helped me massively. He spoke to me on a regular basis asking me about my boxing career. For example, he asked me for regular updates on the progress of my training.

When my licence got rejected by the board, he assessed the situation and contacted professionals such as doctors, legal team and the media.

On the 31st March 2018 during Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parkers fight we held a peaceful protest regarding my battle with the Boxing Board. After a 3-year battle going back and forth with the Board, and with helpful letters from [the doctor of Sir Steve Redgrave] Dr Ian Gallen and Diabetes UK telling them I was able to fight, we obtained a licence in the end.

What challenges do you have as a type 1 diabetic and a professional sportsperson?

Having diabetes is a challenge which I try being positive about by controlling my diet in a better manner. Im in regular contact with my specialist so that I can better myself as a diabetic.

You are now working with Diabetes UK to promote exercise as a helpful part of managing diabetes. Why is that important to you?

Its important to me because I want to help, show and motivate others with diabetes that exercise does help control your diabetes in a better way.For me personally if I help inspire or motivate another person with diabetes to better themselves it would be a huge achievementgreater than winning a boxing world title!

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Muhammad Ali: The UK's First Diabetic Boxer - Medscape

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