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How does the embryo make all its parts at just the right moments? – Knowable Magazine

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:45 pm

In all sorts of animals, from fruit flies to mice to elephants, cells follow fairly similar sets of steps to grow from embryo to adult. But while these steps follow the same order and often involve the same kinds of genes and molecular signals, they proceed at different rates from species to species.

A mouse gestates in about 20 days; a human takes about nine months. An African elephant remains in the womb for nearly two years. And in step with their sizes speaking broadly goes the speed at which cells in their bodies develop.

So what are the timers that keep things trucking along at the right rate for any given organism, ensuring that it grows to the proper size and with all its parts in place? Its a question that James Briscoe, a developmental biologist at the Francis Crick Institute in London, would love to answer.

Take one lone example among many: motor neurons, the nerves that make muscles contract. These develop from precursor cells over a few days in mice but a week or two in humans and the same thing happens when the cells are grown in a dish. We can look at this carefully and demonstrate its the same genetic process, the same gene activities, the same mechanisms involved, and its just running slower in humans than in mouse embryos, Briscoe says. Were trying to tackle that problem.

In a 2018 review published in the journal Development, Briscoe and developmental biologist Miki Ebisuya, now at EMBL Barcelona, explored where the fields understanding of developmental time currently stands. Its a two-part question, Briscoe explains.

First of all, for bodies to properly form, events must unfold in the right sequence: A before B, and B before C, and so on, at right times all over the developing body. Though theres much still to know, scientists have amassed plenty of knowledge on this problem, especially (but not exclusively) in closely studied creatures like the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.

For example, theres a crisp order in how Drosophila neurons develop from stem cells in a part of the embryo called the ventral nerve cord. The stem cells produce neurons with different identities, one after the other; all of them develop, from the same pool of stem cells, just at different times, and once its time for the later types, theres no going back to making earlier ones. Theyre guided through this process by the sequential rise and fall of activity of a set of key genes.

The second aspect of timing is far more mysterious: the molecular processes setting the tempo such that clocks run faster or slower in different species.

Scientists already have identified types of clocks in sundry tissues. Speaking generally, such molecular timers either count up by steadily increasing the levels of a critical regulator until it exceeds a threshold, or count down by gradually decreasing the levels of an inhibitor, Ebisuya and Briscoe write.

Rats, for instance, use a count up timer to kick off brain-cell development in the embryo. As cells divide, chemicals that inhibit cell division gradually build up in the precursors to types of brain cells called oligodendrocytes. Once the inhibitors reach a key threshold level, the rat brain stops making new precursor cells and existing cells start to take on their mature forms.

In contrast, the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis employs a count down timer at a stage when that frog-to-be is a tiny ball of cells. Substances that spur cell division are diluted by speedy divisions until theyre so scarce that division slows and the next phase of embryo development kicks off.

Some clocks run through feedback loops, wherein proteins build up to a certain level and then act to shut down their production creating cyclical oscillations that cells can harness to drive developmental steps. Vertebrates of all kinds depend on an oscillating clock of this type to create the right number of structures called somites, which later develop into the bones and muscles of the vertebral column. (For more on this segmentation clock, one of the best-studied examples of developmental timing, see this related article in our special report.)

And in other cases, cells seem to keep track of how many times theyve divided, says developmental biologist Mubarak Hussain Syed of the University of New Mexico, who studies the timing of gene activity during Drosophila early brain development. The cell might be counting, OK, we have done 20 divisions, and now its time for the next step, he says.

Despite their strikingly different neck lengths, the giraffe and its nearest relative, the okapi, both have the same number of neck bones, called cervical vertebrae. The vertebrae are merely longer in the giraffe. Scientists believe that changes in the timing of developmental events (slowing down growth of one part relative to another, for example) had a huge part to play in the evolution of species.


Whatever the mechanisms, external signals not just clocks inside lone cells are involved to keep everything in step. Drosophila larvae, for example, contain multiple clumps, or discs, of tissue that develop into structures of the adult fly: a pair of discs for the wings, another pair for the eyes, and so on. If one of the wing discs is damaged, scientists observe that development is delayed to give the disc time to repair.

Todays modern technologies, including the ability to culture not just cells but mini-organs in dishes, should yield many clues. One might, for example, be able to add neuronal stem cells from one creature to a mini-brain of another and see if the foreign tissue develops at its own rate or changes its pace to match the cells that surround it, Syed says.

And the findings keep coming. Briscoes team recently posted unpublished results in the online archive BioRxiv suggesting that the difference in the pace of embryonic development of mice and humans may be caused by differences in protein stability between the two species. The differences appear to prolong the duration of the cell cycle in human cells.

Zooming in on details could yield a vast view. Scientists believe that changes in developmental timing heterochronies, as they are called had profound roles to play in the evolution of the diversity in body shapes and proportions we see in modern creatures. Snakes, for example, have many more vertebrae than do mice; they achieve this by running their segmentation clock at a faster clip relative to the development of other body parts. Giraffes come by their long necks another way: They have the same number of cervical vertebrae as their closest relatives, okapi, but those vertebrae are given more time to grow large.

By revealing the molecular clocks that time growth, biologists may start to understand the influences that gave the world mice, humans and elephants to begin with.

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How does the embryo make all its parts at just the right moments? - Knowable Magazine

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Healthy Men: Benefits of male hormone replacement therapy – Duluth News Tribune

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:44 pm

Q: A recent news release suggested that men with low testosterone levels may have improvement in sexual function and quality of life. How can I determine whether I can benefit and what questions should I ask my doctor?

A: Before we get into the details of the newly reported benefits of testosterone therapy including the scope of those benefits and the men most likely to see them lets talk about what, exactly, testosterone is, what it does, and what constitutes low levels (also sometimes referred to as low T, andropause, or even male menopause).

To start with, testosterone is the most important male hormone (although women have measurable levels as well). In a nutshell, its what makes men men at least physically. Its manufactured in the testicles and plays a significant role in puberty (including penis and testicle growth and voice deepening), muscle and bone growth and development, strength, sex drive, and fertility.

Testosterone levels are usually measured with a blood test and are reported in terms of nanograms per deciliter (abbreviated as ng/dL). The normal range for men 20-70 is 300-1000 ng/dL. However, starting at about age 30, mens levels gradually decrease by an average of 1-2% per year. According to the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, the symptoms of low testosterone include little or no interest in sex, erectile dysfunction, less energy/feeling weak, mood changes and feeling depressed, loss of bone mineral density, and loss of body and facial hair. However, there is significant debate as to whether these symptoms are truly associated with low testosterone or if they are a result of other factors, such as chronic illness or certain medications.

Studies have found that 20%-40% of males ages 30-70 have low testosterone levels (although its important to note that not all of them will have any negative symptoms).

Okay, now lets talk about the news stories you may have heard about. The study in question evaluated 38 other high-quality studies and focused on men with age-related low testosterone and the effects of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). The findings were fairly limited: Overall, men who received TRT experienced small improvements in sexual function and quality of life. The researchers did not find that TRT offered any benefits for other age-related issues, such as lack of energy, mood, strength, memory, or cognitive ability. And they were unable to shed any new light on any of the previously reported links between testosterone replacement therapy and heart health, prostate cancer, or mortality.

So, what should you do if you think you might have age-related low testosterone? The Washington DC-based non-profit, Mens Health Network (, recommends that you discuss your symptoms with your doctor and ask for a blood test. If your levels come back low, you should ask your doctor the following questions recommended by the American College of Physicians (ACP): Will taking TRT help with the symptoms that I came to discuss with you? What method of TRT is best for me? What are the risks and side effects of treatment? And How long will it take for TRT to work, and what if it does not work?

Mens Health Network supports the ACPs guidelines, which recommend that doctors consider offering TRT via intramuscular injection rather than a patch, gel, or pellet. The ACP believes that injections are cheaper, yet just as effective as other methods and involve similar side effects. However, they recognize that injections (which will need to happen every 1-4 weeks) may not be for everyone.

Armin Brott is the author of Blueprint for Mens Health, Your Head: An Owners Manual, and many other works on mens health. Visit him at

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is Estimated to Grow at the Highest Growth Rate till 2020-2024 – Expedition 99

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:44 pm

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Research Report aims to provide insights that strongly demonstrate the market structure, scope, history, potential, and development perspective. By crossing through the historical and present market status, the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report provides authentic and reliable estimates for the forecast period.

It became essential to distinguish the saturation of consumption in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market owing to building competitiveness. Hence, the report furnishes a deep-felt market segmentation analysis based on several segments such as types, applications, regions, and end-users. It serves to precise target the actual market size and product and service needs of customers. It also helps industry companies in promoting products that completely meet emerging customer needs.

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The report furnishes the analysis of market encounter, segmentation, leading market players, industry environment, and microeconomic factors that help clients, Testosterone Replacement Therapy companies, investors, officials, and researchers perceive ongoing market performance within a minute. The report also reveals in-depth details of shifting market dynamics, pricing structures, trends, restraints, limitations, demand-supply variations, growth-boosting factors, and market variations that have been considered the most important factors in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market.

Comprehensive analysis of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market segment by manufactures:

The report also highlights its financial position by assessing gross margin, profitability, production cost, pricing structure, expenses, Testosterone Replacement Therapy sales volume, revenue, and growth rate. Their raw material sourcing strategies, organizational structure, corporate alliance, Testosterone Replacement Therapy production volume, manufacturing base, sales areas, distribution network, global presence, product specifications, effective technologies, major vendors, and import-export activities are also emphasized in this report.

The report includes profound importance for the individuals/companies operating and financing in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market as AbbVie, Endo International, Eli lilly, Pfizer, Actavis (Allergan), Bayer, Novartis, Teva, Mylan, Upsher-Smith, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, it holds helpful insights that immediate to discover and interpret market demand, market size, share, and rivalry sitch. The report incorporates comprehensive market intelligence procured using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It also contracts proficient systematic analytical studies including Porters Five Forces, SWOT analysis, and Probability analysis to review the market thoroughly.

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The report moreover presents a comprehensive representation of Testosterone Replacement Therapy manufacturers and companies who have been attempting to pose their dominance in the market in terms of sales, revenue, and growth. The report traverses their applications such as product research, development, innovation, and technology appropriation which supports them deliver more efficient product lineup in the industry. Profitable business plans, including acquiring, mergers, ventures, amalgamations, as well as product launches, and brand promotions are also elucidating in the report.

Comprehensive analysis of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market segment Type, Application:

Furthermore, it explores various requisite segments of the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market such as types, applications, regions, and technologies. The report grants a comprehensive analysis of each market acknowledging market acceptance, attractiveness, demand, production, and predicted sales revenue by Type(Gels, Injections, Patches, Other) and by Application(Hospitals, Clinics, Others). The segmentation analysis helps consumers to select suitable segments for their Testosterone Replacement Therapy business and specifically target the wants and needs of their existing and potential customer base.

Comprehensive analysis of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market segment by Regional Anlaysis:

The report focuses on regional coverage across the globe principally with respect to x-x Units, revenue (Million USD), market share and growth rate variable with in each region depending upon its capacity. Regions that have been covered for this market included Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, Middle East & Africa, South America

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Ample Market Research provides comprehensive market research services and solutions across various industry verticals and helps businesses perform exceptionally well. Our end goal is to provide quality market research and consulting services to customers and add maximum value to businesses worldwide. We desire to delivery reports that have the perfect concoction of useful data. Our mission is to capture every aspect of the market and offer businesses a document that makes solid grounds for crucial decision making.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is Estimated to Grow at the Highest Growth Rate till 2020-2024 - Expedition 99

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy or Hormone Replacement Therapy? – Reno Hotline

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:44 pm

If you have a confirmed testosterone deficiency, its important to identify if there are any reversible causes that can be addressed before committing to, what should be considered a lifelong therapy. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is an involved process. In my professional opinion, the most effective method of replacement is daily Testosterone Cypionate and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections. Your dose is carefully titrated to normalise your male androgen levels.

TRT is an involved process, its a financial commitment and its a time-consuming process. Two daily subcutaneous injections, admittedly with a tiny 29-gauge insulin needle, preparation of your multi-dose vial, every 3 months for Testosterone Cypionate and monthly for HCG, regular blood tests, additional blood tests after a protocol change. We have patients from all over the UK, Europe and further afield, they all have an initial face to face consultation and yearly thereafter, the rest can be managed remotely. Some of my patients travel thousands of miles, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Dubai, the Philippines to ensure they receive Gold Standard care. Londoners often complain a trip to Poole is too far, little do they know.

TRT has traditionally been thought of as simply replacing the testosterone. It makes sense, replace the testosterone that is deficient. The issue lies with the subsequent negative effect on other important parameters administration of exogenous testosterone has on the body. Injecting testosterone shuts down the Hypo-pituitary Gonadal (HPG) axis, you know longer produce Lutenising Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland in the brain. LH stimulates the Leydig cells of the testes to produce testosterone, the FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to produce sperm through a process called spermatogenesis.

HCG mimics LH, it is used in the treatment of male infertility. Intra-testicular testosterone is partly converted to oestradiol by the aromatase enzyme, this helps facilitate spermatogenesis. The Mens Health Clinic now has 20 pregnancies with the concurrent use of HCG alongside testosterone. Its important to appreciate that there are LH receptors all over the body, most noticeably the brain. HCG is clearly important to help maintain fertility and testicular size, but its effects are more wide ranging. Men report an improved sense of well-being and libido using HCG alongside testosterone.

I am uncomfortable with allowing an organ, in this case your testicles, to atrophy with testosterone monotherapy. It seems illogical to me that this should be accepted. I believe that irrespective of whether you want to conceive or not, you should replace this hormone. TRT should be considered hormone replacement therapy (HRT), we should be maintaining function with HCG and supplementing with testosterone to ensure your male androgen levels are normalised.

I am rather shocked and appalled that the medical community has such a simplistic approach to TRT, as one NHS Endocrinologist recently said to me either the patient wants to retain fertility in which case you offer HCG or they do not want to retain fertility in which case you treat with testosterone. This regressive and outdated attitude and approach to TRT is one of the reasons men are willing to travel from all over the world to The Mens Health Clinic, Gold Standard care.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy or Hormone Replacement Therapy? - Reno Hotline

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Stan Douglas Wants to Take You to Another Earth – Interview

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:43 pm

Stan Douglas, the Canadian video artist and photographer, likes to think about when things go awry. This is the premise of his video installation, Doppelgnger, currently on view at David Zwirner in New York and Victoria Miro in London. As its title suggests, the work, which premiered at the Venice Biennale in 2019, is a tale of doubles. Douglass video, projected on two translucent screens, visible on both sides, centers around two parallel realitiestwo Earths orbiting at opposite ends of the galaxy, unaware that theyre identical to each other.

On each Earth, an astronaut named Alice is copied via stem cells and teleported to a spaceship light-years away, bound for a distant planet. Scientists at Mission Control are shocked, however, when the vessels, thought to be progressing deep into the cosmos, inexplicably return to Earths orbit. Unbeknownst to them, the Alice clones have actually crossed the galaxy, arriving on the Earth opposite from that which they emerged. The astronomers, a political official, and the original Alice together grapple with how to treat this uncanny other. In one case, Douglas says, Alice is treated like a returning citizen who needs comfort, B12 injections, and bed rest. The other one is treated like a dangerous alien who gets quarantined, interrogated, and shot up with sodium Pentothal. For Douglas, the work functions as an allegory for immigration, pointing to the artists penchant for deploying speculative fiction as a mode of social inquiry.

2020 finds Douglass career in the midst of its own thrilling saga: back-to-back openings on two continents, an evening talk at the Guggenheim Museum, and a career-changing announcement; Douglas will be representing Canada at the next Venice Biennale. Amidst all that, Interview sat down with the artist to discuss Doppelgnger, Star Trek, and his fascination with the hypothetical.

ELLA HUZENIS: Tell me about your process in conceiving Doppelgnger. What inspired you?

STAN DOUGLAS: I was in Berlin just having premiered in Munich my play Helen Lawrence, and I saw this person in Rosa-Luxemburg Platz in East Berlin. I had the feeling that this person was an East Berliner just by their posture, their composure, their clothing, and just a general attitude. I dont know for sure, but that was my suspicion. But I had this uncanny feeling that this person is in East Berlin but he feels out of place in East Berlin. Hes from East Germany, but looks out of place in East Germany. Which is just funny, that condition. And that sort of inspired me, this idea of who belongs where? And how is identity established from one person to another?

HUZENIS: So, what is your background in science fiction? Has that been a long interest for you?

DOUGLAS: Im a big fan. I remember way back when, Id be watching Star Trek, my mothers boyfriend would walk into the room, and go, Have they been taken over yet? And I said, I notice a formula, just dont remind me. Let me be surprised. When you see an opera, you know what the outcome is going to be but you suspend disbelief and let it flow over you. Star Trek is the same way. In fact, the lighting in Star Trek kind of inspired what you see in Doppelgnger. Im not sure if it was done just to make it seem strange, but I got a feeling that, because old color TVs were kind of crude instruments, they had very saturated color in those TV shows. I sort of appropriate that look for what you see in Doppelgnger, and theres sort of a code to it as well. When were on the original Earth, were with the original Alice, everything is like a terrestrial house, everything is blue and yellow. And when were with the duplicate Alice, things are magenta and green. So these sort of color codes tell you what kind of location youre in.

HUZENIS: Many artists have looked to science fiction as a lens through which to examine broader social issues. How do you relate to that history of the genre?

DOUGLAS: I cant predict the future, so in a way, my science fictionlike everything else, like historical thingsis an allegory of the present. I guess the main thing I was going for is an overall vibe of dread and uncertainty. But I kind of like for people to discover things by themselves. Its much more enjoyable when you look at something, you look at a structure, and then you imagine how things are working. You have an analogy of what you know and how youve learned things and how youve lived your life.

HUZENIS: And while the work examines these two alternate scenarios, it still leaves open a lot of possibilities. It leaves viewers with so many questions about how such a scenario could transpire and how it would look. Talk about planning out Doppelgnger.

DOUGLAS: Many things had to be improvised on the day. Certain technical devices, certain parts of the scenery didnt work the way I thought they would, so I had to make up things on the day of. On the day youre shooting, you have the best-laid plans, and some things work, some things dont. Even behind the people at Mission Control, behind them there was supposed to be plexiglass. I thought it would be reflective plexiglass, in which case we could have a reflection of what we were seeing of the control screens. But it turned out to be somewhat opaque plexiglass, which was sort of like, What do I do with this? But then I realized, if I could have some backlighting on that, that kind of added a very creepy, almost ominous feeling to those scenes, seeing these figures who appear, disappear, reappear, and sometimes double in the background. So often mistakes turn into possibilities, too.

HUZENIS: I want to turn back to the ominous affective qualities of the work. Theres a somewhat unsettling moment in the video when the characters discuss what might have happened had the experiment gone as theyd expected. The Alice copy could be living alone on this totally uninhabited planet

DOUGLAS: Its more her intrepidness. She is going to do this thing. There is a very slight chance that everything will be okay. We dont really know what the planet is like. So when she gets there, either shell be able to land and things will be okay, or it will be uninhabitable and shes alone and will die when her food runs out. In a way, this is sort of this experience of immigration too, because in immigration, youll take the risk of going to an unknown place, and just make a new life for yourself. Immigrants are heroes because they get there and they will do everything, every skill they have, every bit of energy they have to make that new life and to make the place they live a better place to be. Thats why immigration is such an important thing. Especially in a new world where were allexcept for one group of people, the indigenous peoplewere all based on that history.

Alice is the kind of person who would be going there in the hopes that things will work out. So she will teleport there, and if things dont work out, okay, things didnt work out. But if they do, great, she can actually discover or explore a brand new world.

HUZENIS: In many discussions of your work, you talked about your interest in where things go wrong and the different decisions people can make in those moments. In general, what attracts you to that kind of speculative exercise, and what do you hope to discover through it in Doppelgnger?

DOUGLAS: Well, I cant remember the quote exactly, or who it was by, but its this idea that the past is never really passed. The past is always with us. Were always continuing the past in the present. But theres a story which may be apocryphal which I read in a book by Susan Buck-Morss where she talks about how when [the science fiction writer] H.G. Wells worked for the London Times, he interviewed Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and at one point Lenin says, I cant wait for the day when we make contact with an alien intelligence because then well realize our way of life is not the only possibility.

HUZENIS: Do you think of exploring alternative possibilities for what life can be as a kind of social or political mission of your practice?

DOUGLAS: Open possibilities. Start with a question of saying, this is how it should be, this is good, this is bad. But its important to remind people that these possibilities can be thought through. And if youre able to imagine an alternative to what were enduring right now, this is the little thing that art can contribute to the more global conversation.

HUZENIS: Do you often contemplate these issues in the context of your own life, in examining your own ways of being?

DOUGLAS: One key thing for me in understanding all this was reading a little book by Samuel Beckett called Proust. He talks about Prousts idea of habit, and there is a funny quote where he says, Habit is the ballast which tethers the dog to its vomit. Which is a weird perversion of a quote from the Bible. Hes talking about how habit allows us to find comfort from the horror of the real. If were paying attention to whats around us, and whats going on, the complexity of intersubjectivity, the bizarreness of our being able to pick something up and move it around in space, if we really attend to that well go crazy. But we have habits to allow us to drive a car, walk down the street, read a book, and that kind of thing.

But occasionally, something breaks that habit and were forced to actually deal with that, either by reinforcing habit more vehemently or finding a new solution to the way we interact with the world. And this happens on a bigger scale as well. 9/11, where for the first time there was a foreign attack on US soil, the way in which the United States dealt with that is a clear indication of their relationship to diplomatic habit.

HUZENIS: In the context of your own career, is there any particular moment that you would say was transformative?

DOUGLAS: Its a question of being at the right place at the right time, doing the right work at the right time, given that I a long time ago knew a guy named Jan Hoet who was the director of a museum in Ghent called S.M.A.K. He came to my studio when I was first out of art school, saw this work. He wanted to have it put in an exhibition, but it was actually censored by one of his curators. He felt very awful about that, very apologetic, and he wrote me a letter about that and I said Yeah, what the hell. And then I was in Sydney for the Sydney Biennale in 1990, and there he was. He says Stan, you must be the next documenter. It was that chance encounter that gave me a platform to show my first video work in a context where video was being shown with an equal stature to painting and sculpture. Because typically in those shows, video would be in an airless room in the corner of a museum, but here it was, front and center. And in that context, I got sudden visibility I could have never had before.

HUZENIS: And it was just announced youll be representing Canada in the next Venice Biennale. What was your reaction to that news? What does that honor mean to you?

DOUGLAS: I guess I should find an answer to that because Im asked this question a lot.

It feels great to do that, but Im not really a nationalist per se. I dont think the idea of nations is always that healthy. It has led to a lot of problems. But in Venice, it is a legacy of old European empires, if you look at the layout of the pavilions, which ones were big, which ones were small. And so, the work I want to make for that will have a more global or internationalist reach or subject to avoid this idea of just representing yourself. Im interested in things which connect our different cultures, or may be common to our cultures. And I have some ideas which I wont tell you.

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The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% – Yahoo Finance

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:43 pm

NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --

High incidence of cancer & other target diseases is a major factor driving the growth of the gene therapy market

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The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% during the forecast period. The high incidence of cancer and other target diseases, availability of reimbursement, and the launch of new products are the major factors driving the growth of this market. In addition, the strong product pipeline of market players is expected to offer significant growth opportunities in the coming years. However, the high cost of treatment is expected to hamper market growth to a certain extent in the coming years.

Neurological diseases segment accounted for the largest share of the gene therapy market, by indication, in 2018Based on indication, the market is segmented into neurological diseases, cancer, hepatological diseases, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and other indications.The neurological diseases segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2018.

This can be attributed to the increasing number of gene therapy products being approved for the treatment of neurological diseases and the high market penetration of oligonucleotide-based gene therapies.

Viral vectors segment to register the highest growth in the gene therapy market during the forecast periodThe gene therapy market, by vector, has been segmented into viral and non-viral vectors.In 2018, the non-viral vectors segment accounted for the largest share of this market.

However, the viral vectors segment is estimated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, primarily due to the increasing demand for CAR T-based gene therapies and the rising incidence of cancer.

North America will continue to dominate the gene therapy market during the forecast periodGeographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.In 2018, North America accounted for the largest share of the gene therapy market, followed by Europe.

Factors such as the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, high healthcare expenditure, presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, favorable reimbursement scenario, and the presence of major market players in the region are driving market growth in North America.

The primary interviews conducted for this report can be categorized as follows: By Company Type: Tier 1 - 32%, Tier 2 - 44%, and Tier 3 - 24% By Designation: C-level - 30%, D-level - 34%, and Others - 36% By Region: North America - 50%, Europe - 32%, Asia Pacific - 10%, and Rest of the World - 8%

List of companies profiled in the report Amgen, Inc. (US) Biogen (US) Novartis AG (Switzerland) Gilead Sciences, Inc. (US) Spark Therapeutics, Inc. (US) MolMed S.p.A. (Italy) Orchard Therapeutics plc. (UK) SiBiono GeneTech Co., Ltd. (China) Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (US) Human Stem Cells Institute (Russia) AnGes, Inc. (Japan) Dynavax Technologies (US) Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Ireland) Akcea Therapeutics (US) bluebird bio, Inc. (US) uniQure NV (Netherlands) AGTC (US) Mustang Bio (US) Cellectis (France) Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. (US) Sangamo Therapeutics (US)

Research Coverage:This report provides a detailed picture of the global gene therapy market.It aims at estimating the size and future growth potential of the market across different segments (by vector, indication, delivery method, and region).

The report also includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key market players, along with their company profiles, recent developments, and key market strategies.

Key Benefits of Buying the Report:This report will help market leaders/new entrants by providing them with the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall gene therapy market and its subsegments.It will also help stakeholders better understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their business better and make suitable go-to-market strategies.

Also, this report will enable stakeholders to understand the pulse of the market and provide them with information on the key market drivers, challenges, and opportunities.

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The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% - Yahoo Finance

Posted in New York Stem Cells | Comments Off on The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% – Yahoo Finance

Avenue Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXI) vs. Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ:MGTA) Head to Head Analysis – Tech Know Bits

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 10:43 pm

Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ:MGTA) and Avenue Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXI) are both small-cap medical companies, but which is the better stock? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their risk, institutional ownership, analyst recommendations, earnings, dividends, valuation and profitability.

Analyst Ratings

This is a breakdown of recent ratings and recommmendations for Magenta Therapeutics and Avenue Therapeutics, as reported by MarketBeat.


This table compares Magenta Therapeutics and Avenue Therapeutics net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

Insider & Institutional Ownership

63.4% of Magenta Therapeutics shares are owned by institutional investors. Comparatively, 8.7% of Avenue Therapeutics shares are owned by institutional investors. 10.9% of Magenta Therapeutics shares are owned by company insiders. Comparatively, 5.0% of Avenue Therapeutics shares are owned by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that endowments, hedge funds and large money managers believe a company is poised for long-term growth.

Risk and Volatility

Magenta Therapeutics has a beta of 3.27, suggesting that its share price is 227% more volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, Avenue Therapeutics has a beta of -0.16, suggesting that its share price is 116% less volatile than the S&P 500.

Valuation & Earnings

This table compares Magenta Therapeutics and Avenue Therapeutics revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.

Avenue Therapeutics is trading at a lower price-to-earnings ratio than Magenta Therapeutics, indicating that it is currently the more affordable of the two stocks.


Magenta Therapeutics beats Avenue Therapeutics on 7 of the 11 factors compared between the two stocks.

About Magenta Therapeutics

Magenta Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biotechnology company, develops novel medicines to extend the curative power of stem cell transplant, gene therapy, genome editing, and cell therapy to patients. It is developing C100, C200, and C300 targeted antibody-drug conjugates for transplant conditioning; MGTA-145, a novel stem cell mobilization product candidate to control stem cell mobilization; MGTA-456, an allogeneic stem cell therapy to control stem cell growth; E478, a small molecule aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonist for the expansion of gene-modified stem cells; and G100, an antibody-drug conjugate program to prevent acute graft and host diseases. The company was formerly known as HSCTCo Therapeutics, Inc. and changed its name to Magenta Therapeutics, Inc. in February 2016. Magenta Therapeutics, Inc. was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

About Avenue Therapeutics

Avenue Therapeutics, Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical company, acquires, licenses, develops, and commercializes products primarily for use in the acute/intensive care hospital setting. Its product candidate is intravenous Tramadol, which is in Phase III clinical trials to treat moderate to moderately severe post-operative pain. The company was founded in 2015 and is based in New York, New York.

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Avenue Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ATXI) vs. Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ:MGTA) Head to Head Analysis - Tech Know Bits

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The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% – PRNewswire

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 1:44 am

NEW YORK, Jan. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --

High incidence of cancer & other target diseases is a major factor driving the growth of the gene therapy market

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The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% during the forecast period. The high incidence of cancer and other target diseases, availability of reimbursement, and the launch of new products are the major factors driving the growth of this market. In addition, the strong product pipeline of market players is expected to offer significant growth opportunities in the coming years. However, the high cost of treatment is expected to hamper market growth to a certain extent in the coming years.

Neurological diseases segment accounted for the largest share of the gene therapy market, by indication, in 2018Based on indication, the market is segmented into neurological diseases, cancer, hepatological diseases, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and other indications.The neurological diseases segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2018.

This can be attributed to the increasing number of gene therapy products being approved for the treatment of neurological diseases and the high market penetration of oligonucleotide-based gene therapies.

Viral vectors segment to register the highest growth in the gene therapy market during the forecast periodThe gene therapy market, by vector, has been segmented into viral and non-viral vectors.In 2018, the non-viral vectors segment accounted for the largest share of this market.

However, the viral vectors segment is estimated to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, primarily due to the increasing demand for CAR T-based gene therapies and the rising incidence of cancer.

North America will continue to dominate the gene therapy market during the forecast periodGeographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.In 2018, North America accounted for the largest share of the gene therapy market, followed by Europe.

Factors such as the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, high healthcare expenditure, presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, favorable reimbursement scenario, and the presence of major market players in the region are driving market growth in North America.

The primary interviews conducted for this report can be categorized as follows: By Company Type: Tier 1 - 32%, Tier 2 - 44%, and Tier 3 - 24% By Designation: C-level - 30%, D-level - 34%, and Others - 36% By Region: North America - 50%, Europe - 32%, Asia Pacific - 10%, and Rest of the World - 8%

List of companies profiled in the report Amgen, Inc. (US) Biogen (US) Novartis AG (Switzerland) Gilead Sciences, Inc. (US) Spark Therapeutics, Inc. (US) MolMed S.p.A. (Italy) Orchard Therapeutics plc. (UK) SiBiono GeneTech Co., Ltd. (China) Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (US) Human Stem Cells Institute (Russia) AnGes, Inc. (Japan) Dynavax Technologies (US) Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Ireland) Akcea Therapeutics (US) bluebird bio, Inc. (US) uniQure NV (Netherlands) AGTC (US) Mustang Bio (US) Cellectis (France) Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. (US) Sangamo Therapeutics (US)

Research Coverage:This report provides a detailed picture of the global gene therapy market.It aims at estimating the size and future growth potential of the market across different segments (by vector, indication, delivery method, and region).

The report also includes an in-depth competitive analysis of the key market players, along with their company profiles, recent developments, and key market strategies.

Key Benefits of Buying the Report:This report will help market leaders/new entrants by providing them with the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall gene therapy market and its subsegments.It will also help stakeholders better understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their business better and make suitable go-to-market strategies.

Also, this report will enable stakeholders to understand the pulse of the market and provide them with information on the key market drivers, challenges, and opportunities.

Read the full report:

About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place.

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SOURCE Reportlinker

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The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% - PRNewswire

Posted in New York Stem Cells | Comments Off on The global gene therapy market is projected to reach USD 13.0 billion by 2024 from USD 3.8 billion in 2019, at a CAGR of 27.8% – PRNewswire

Stem Cells Market Global and Regional Analysis by Top Key Market Players, Key Regions, Product Segments, and Applications by 3685 – The Industry…

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 1:44 am

A leading research firm, Zion Market Research added a latest industry report on "Global Stem Cells Market" consisting of 110+ pages during the forecast period and Stem Cells Market report offers a comprehensive research updates and information related to market growth, demand, opportunities in the global Stem Cells Market.

According to the report the Stem Cells Market Global and Regional Analysis by Top Key Market Players, Key Regions, Product Segments, and Applications by 3685

The Stem Cells Market report provides in-depth analysis and insights into developments impacting businesses and enterprises on global and regional level. The report covers the global Stem Cells Market performance in terms of revenue contribution from various segments and includes a detailed analysis of key trends, drivers, restraints, and opportunities influencing revenue growth of the global consumer electronics market.This report studies the global Stem Cells Market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Stem Cells Market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.

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The Stem Cells Market report mainly includes the major company profiles with their annual sales & revenue, business strategies, company major products, profits, industry growth parameters, industry contribution on global and regional level.This report covers the global Stem Cells Market performance in terms of value and volume contribution. This section also includes major company analysis of key trends, drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities, which are influencing the global Stem Cells Market. Impact analysis of key growth drivers and restraints, based on the weighted average model, is included in this report to better equip clients with crystal clear decision-making insights.

The Stem Cells Market research report mainly segmented into types, applications and regions.The market overview section highlights the Stem Cells Market definition, taxonomy, and an overview of the parent market across the globe and region wise.To provide better understanding of the global Stem Cells Market, the report includes in-depth analysis of drivers, restraints, and trends in all major regions namely, Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East & Africa, which influence the current market scenario and future status of the global Stem Cells Market over the forecast period.

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The Stem Cells Market report provides company market size, share analysis in order to give a broader overview of the key players in the market. Additionally, the report also includes key strategic developments of the market including acquisitions & mergers, new product launch, agreements, partnerships, collaborations & joint ventures, research & development, product and regional expansion of major participants involved in the market on the global and regional basis.

Major Company Profiles Covered in This Report:

Osiris Therapeutics Inc., STEMCELL Technologies Inc., BIOTIMEInc., Celgene Corporation, Human Longevity Inc., Cynata, Cytori Therapeutics, Promethera Biosciences, and Advanced Cell Technology Inc.,.

Some of the major objectives of this report:

1) To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Stem Cells Market.

2. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the Stem Cells Market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porter five force analysis etc.

3. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the Stem Cells Market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World.

4. Country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective.

5. To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by application, product type and sub-segments.

6. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market.

7. Track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Stem Cells Market.

About Us:

Zion Market Research is an obligated company. We create futuristic, cutting edge, informative reports ranging from industry reports, company reports to country reports. We provide our clients not only with market statistics unveiled by avowed private publishers and public organizations but also with vogue and newest industry reports along with pre-eminent and niche company profiles. Our database of market research reports comprises a wide variety of reports from cardinal industries. Our database is been updated constantly in order to fulfill our clients with prompt and direct online access to our database. Keeping in mind the clients needs, we have included expert insights on global industries, products, and market trends in this database. Last but not the least, we make it our duty to ensure the success of clients connected to usafter allif you do well, a little of the light shines on us.

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Stem Cells Market Global and Regional Analysis by Top Key Market Players, Key Regions, Product Segments, and Applications by 3685 - The Industry...

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Spinal injury researchers find a sweet spot for stem cell injections – New Atlas

Posted: January 31, 2020 at 1:41 am

As they do in many areas of medicine, stem cells hold great potential in treating injured spinal cords, but getting them where they need to go is a delicate undertaking. Scientists at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) are now reporting a breakthrough in this area, demonstrating a new injection technique in mice they say can deliver far larger doses of stem cells and avoid some of the dangers of current approaches.

The research focuses on the use of a type of stem cell known as a neural precursor cell, which can differentiate into different types of neural cells and hold great potential in repairing damaged spines. Currently, these are directly injected into the primary cord of nerve fibers called the spinal parenchyma.

As such, there is an inherent risk of (further) spinal tissue injury or intraparechymal bleeding, says Martin Marsala, professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at UCSD School of Medicine.

In experiments on rodents, Marsala and his team have demonstrated a safer and less invasive approach. The scientists instead injected the stem cells in between a protective layer around the spine called the pial membrane and the superficial layers of the spinal cord, a region known as the spinal subpial space.

This injection technique allows the delivery of high cell numbers from a single injection, says Marsala. Cells with proliferative properties, such as glial progenitors, then migrate into the spinal parenchyma and populate over time in multiple spinal segments as well as the brain stem. Injected cells acquire the functional properties consistent with surrounding host cells.

Following these promising early results, the scientists are hopeful that stem cells injected in this way could one day greatly accelerate healing and improve the strength of cell-replacement therapies for several spinal neurodegenerative disorders, including spinal traumatic injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis. But first will come experiments on larger animal models closer to the human anatomy in size, which will help them fine tune their technique for the best results.

The goal is to define the optimal cell dosing and timing of cell delivery after spinal injury, which is associated with the best treatment effect, says Marsala.

The research was published in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine.

Source: University of California San Diego

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Spinal injury researchers find a sweet spot for stem cell injections - New Atlas

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