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Lisa George health: Coronation Street stars ongoing health battle – how she fights it – Express

Posted: January 6, 2020 at 7:41 am

Lisa George, 47, whos appeared in ITVs Coronation Street since 2011, is now appearing on Dancing On Ice, and over the last few weeks has been training hard to feel comfortable on the ice. Fitness has played an important role for much of the actresss life because of her familys experience with diabetes.

Her mother Muriel, known as Min, and father Kenneth both have diabetes.

Min has type 1 diabetes and Kenneth has type 2 diabetes. Both conditions affect a persons blood sugar control.

With type 1 diabetes, the body attacks the cells in the pancreas that makes insulin so the bodys unable to produce any insulin at all.

With type 2 diabetes, the body is unable to make enough insulin or the insulin the body does make doesnt work properly.

READ MORE:Jayne Torvill health: Stars gruelling condition triggered by ice-skating - the symptoms

Both types of diabetes cause blood glucose levels to become too high.

While Lisa hasnt been diagnosed with diabetes, shes aware the condition can be hereditary.

Fortunately, up to 80 percent of cases can be delayed or prevented by making some simple lifestyle changes, and Lisa has been determined to do that.

So to prevent the condition developing, Lisa has made some simple lifestyle changes.


She told in 2014: I thought Id better get right on it, so Ive been using the MyFitnessPal app and logging what I eat.

Ive started power walking and Ive got an exercise bike thats no longer just a clothes hanger. And Ive lost weight just under a stone.

The main symptoms of diabetes are listed by the NHS as:

Type 1 diabetes can develop quickly over weeks or even days.

But many people with type 2 diabetes can have it for years without realising, because early symptoms tend to be general.

There are no lifestyle changes you can make to lower your risk of type 1 diabetes.

But you can help manage type 2 diabetes through simple lifestyle changes.

The NHS advises a healthy diet and keeping active can help a person manage their blood sugar levels.

When it comes to diet, theres nothing you cannot eat, but certain foods should be limited.

The health body says: You should eat a wide range of foods including fruit, vegetables and some starchy foods like pasta, keep sugar, fat and salt to a minimum and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day do not skip meals.

When it comes to being active, the health body says you should aim for 2.5 hours of activity a week.

It advises: You can be active anywhere as long as what you're doing gets you out of breath. This could be fast walking, climbing stairs and doing more strenuous housework or gardening.

Losing weight if youre overweight can also make it easier for the body to lower blood sugar.

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Examining Changes in BMI From Childhood to Puberty in Type 1 Diabetes – Medical Bag

Posted: January 6, 2020 at 7:41 am

In a multinational study of young patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D), fluctuations in body mass index (BMI) z score from early childhood to puberty differed between countries. The high prevalence of overweight and obesity, however, was consistent in this population across different geographic areas and was persistent over time, according to study results published in Pediatric Obesity.

Previous studies in the general population have pointed to increased risk for obesity in adults with a history of a rapid increase and greater variability in BMI during childhood. In the current study, researchers aimed to identify longitudinal trajectories of changes in BMI z score and analyze differences across sex and geographic location, as well as to explore the associations between BMI z score trajectory with being from an ethnic minority, insulin pump use, poor metabolic control, and age at diagnosis of diabetes.

The researchers used data from 3 registries: the T1D Exchange (United States), the Diabetes Prospective Follow-up (Germany/Austria/Luxemburg), and the Australasian Diabetes Data Network (Australia). The analysis included 11,513 young patients with T1D followed from age 8 to 17 years with a baseline BMI measure before age 11 years and 5 BMI measures during follow-up.

Of 1718 children and adolescents in the American registry (55% boys), obesity was evident in 18% at baseline, 14% at age 12 years, and 17.7% at puberty. In the German/Austrian/Luxembourgian registry (8722 participants; 54% boys), the respective rates were 12.5%, 9.0%, and 9.4%. In the Australian registry (1073 participants; 54% boys), the respective rates were 20.2%, 12.8%, and 14.8%.

Using latent class growth modeling, the researchers found trajectories of BMI z score that were clearly diverse between the 3 registries. In the German/Austrian/Luxembourgian registry, 6 trajectories were identified, 2 of which crossed at age 12 years. In the Australian and American registries, 5 trajectories of BMI z score were identified, which did not cross during the follow-up period.

Further analysis of trajectories revealed substantial differences in BMI trajectories by sex. In boys, the trajectories were generally stable or decreased over time. In girls, the trajectories varied with 4 heterogeneous trajectories in the American registry, 7 heterogeneous trajectories in the German/Austrian/Luxembourgian registry, and 6 heterogeneous trajectories in the Australian registry.

Being from an ethnic or racial minority was associated with alignment to overweight and obese trajectories in both the German/Austrian/Luxembourgian and American cohorts. In the American cohort, insulin pump usage resulted in almost 3 times the odds of belonging to the low stable trajectory group as opposed to the normal stable trajectory. This effect was not seen in the other registries and insulin pump usage was not related to being part of any other trajectory group.

Older age at diabetes diagnosis and elevated glycated hemoglobin level also conferred a greater risk for adverse weight trajectories, but these findings were not consistent across all 3 registries.

The researchers acknowledged several possible limitations of the study, including potential selection bias, the use of arbitrary ages as indication of stage of puberty, and missing data on ethnic minority status in the Australian registry.

These findings support the need for close monitoring of weight and nutrition in this population, and to encourage youth with type 1 diabetes and their families to adopt healthy eating and meet targets for physical activity, concluded the researchers, adding that the differences across countries likely result from diverse environmental, genetic, and therapeutic elements.

Our findings suggest that education needs to specifically target girls prior to puberty, they added.


Phelan H, Foster NC, Schwandt A, et al. Longitudinal trajectories of BMI zscore: an international comparison of 11,513 Australian, American and German/Austrian/Luxembourgian youth with type 1 diabetes [published online November 5, 2019]. Pediatr Obes. doi:1-.1111/ijpo.12582

This article originally appeared on Endocrinology Advisor

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These Vaginas Evolved to Fight the Penis, Not Accommodate It – VICE

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:41 am

Evolutionary biologist Patty Brennan had watched a lot of birds have sex. But in 2002, in Costa Rica, she saw something she never had before: a bird penis.

Most male birds don't have penises. They mate using an opening called a cloacaderived from the Latin word for sewer. It's a cavity inside a bird's anus that's a one-stop shop for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts. When birds mate, the male and female cloaca touch. The male releases sperm, and it enters the females body. It's referred to, somewhat romantically, as a "cloacal kiss."

Brennan was observing a pair of Great tinamousbrown, chicken-like birds with small heads that live in the Costa Rican forest. Instead of just the subtle and brief cloacal kiss, the male bird grabbed the female by the neck. Then, the two birds started walking around still attached, as if they were fused together. When they separated, she saw a white, tentacle-looking organ hanging from his body.

"This was unlike anything I had ever seen," she said. "I was like, is this a penis?" (According to biologist Richard Prum, the tinamous penis had been seen and described by Victorian anatomists, but the appendage was forgotten to science. Her sighting was probably the first-ever observation of the tinamou penis in action," he wrote in a 2017 book.)

That unexpected bird penis launched Brennan, now an assistant professor of biological sciences at Mount Holyoke College, into a career of studying the weird and wonderful variations of genitalia in the natural world. But unlike many scientists before her who had noticed the dizzying variety of penises out there, Brennan began to ask: What about the vaginas? A long-standing misconception in evolutionary biology was that penises were incredibly diverse, but vaginas were not. In the past two decades, biologists, like Brennan, have been finding otherwise.

While doing so, they've been uncovering how gender biases might have played a role in obscuring vaginal variety, and how excluding vaginas from the study of genital evolution led to gaping holes in our understanding of why genitals look and behave the way they do. Only by examining how male and female parts evolve together can we see how sometimes, strange genitals are a result of sexual conflicteach sex trying to get the upper hand to control the reproductive act to best suit their needs. That's what Brennan learned, not through bird penises alone, but also through the vaginas with which they interact.

After her encounter in Costa Rica, Brennan wanted to continue studying bird genitalia. She shifted her focus to ducks, a more accessible subject than tinamous. At a duck farm in California's Central Valley in 2009, she captured some duck penises in action. (These ducks had been trained to ejaculate into small glass bottles for artificial insemination.)

You might remember what she and Prum discovered because, for a short while, the duck penis went viral online. Brennan found that the penises unfurl out of a duck's body at lengths of around 5 to 7 inchessome duck penises can be almost as long as the male's body. And they were spiraled, like a fleshy cavatappi pasta noodle. Male ducks forced these long corkscrew penises onto females. The internet was horrified, and also, enthralled.

In the history of people (and scientists) marveling at genitalia in nature, this is where it often stops: Look at this weird penis! In 1979, Science published a paper on the penis of the damselfly. As Dutch evolutionary biologist, Menno Schilthuizen, wrote in his book, Nature's Nether Regions, this minuscule penis carried a miniature spoon that, during mating, cleaned out the females vagina, scooping out any remaining sperm from previous males. It was an eye-opener as well as a sperm-scooper.

This finding opened biologists' eyes to the fact that even tiny creatures had strange penises. The chicken flea's penis is rolled up in its body like a coiled spring. Other insects have musical penises, where males rub them against ribbed parts of their bodies to emit loud noises. Black widow spiders have penis tips that break off to block other males sperm from entering a female. It was somewhat of an evolutionary mystery: Why were penises so different from one another if they had the same evolutionary purposeto deliver sperm to a female's eggs?

The lock and key theory was one potential explanation, proposed in the mid 19th century. It said that male genitals were like a key, and for each key there needed to be a corresponding lock (the vagina). If the key doesnt fit into the lock, mating couldn't take place. Essentially, penises varied to keep different species from mating with one another. Another guess was sexual selectionthat females detected some particular feature of the male genitalia and used it to choose a mate, pushing the male's penis evolution in bizarre off-shoots.

Still, the focus remained on male genitalia and how it was changing and evolving, even in more recent texts on genital evolution, like important work from scientist William Eberhard on sexual selection. Brennan wrote in a 2016 paper that while Eberhard noted female choice was important in shaping male genital features, he concluded that female genitalia are relatively uniform while male genitalia are diverse.

"It created this idea, from my reading of the literature later on, that the females were somehow boring," Brennan said. "We need to look at the males, because thats where all the action is.

As a result, most of the research on genital evolution has focused on males. Nearly two times as many studies have looked at male genitals compared to females. In 2014, evolutionary biologist and gender researcher Malin Ah-King and her colleagues looked at 364 studies published over the last two decades, and found that 49 percent of them only looked at male genitals, compared to 8 percent that looked only at females, and 44 percent that looked at both.

Even the language that researchers use to describe male and female genitals has differed. A study found that active words like "coercion" are used for males, while more passive words like "avoidance" or "resistance," are provided for females. As Ah-King and her co-authors wrote: Too often, the female is assumed to be an invariant container within which all this presumed scooping, hooking, and plunging occurs.

When Brennan first saw the duck penis, though, she immediately considered the duck vagina. I looked at their penis and next question was, 'wow these penises are so big. So what do the vaginas look like?' Surprisingly, no one had investigated that before, she told me. To her, it was an obvious question. As she told science writer Carl Zimmer for a New York Times article: You cant have something like that without some place to put it in. You need a garage to park the car.

When she dissected some female ducks, "I could not believe it, she said. The differences in the vagina of a duck compared to the vagina of a chicken or a finch or quail was like the difference between night and day.

What Brennan found was a vagina like a labyrinth. Yes, duck penises were spiraledbut duck vaginas were too, in the opposite direction. Rather than finding a vagina that had evolved to fit this weird penisa garage that fit the carthe duck vagina indicated a less cooperative history.

Given that duck mating was often forced, Brennan and her colleagues hypothesized that the vagina had co-evolved to actively resist the males. The ducks vagina is swirled in a clockwise coil, so the males can only completely penetrate her with their counter-clockwise penis if she chooses to relax her vaginal muscles. Even though female ducks can't stop the male ducks from forcing themselves on them, they can control if the male could successfully inseminatereclaiming some reproductive autonomy.

Brennan and her colleagues looked at other species where the males took part in forced copulation, and then at the corresponding females. In ducks and geese, they found that when male birds forced sex on the females, females also had complicated vaginas. In species where theres no forced copulation, then the females have a regular, tube-looking vagina," Brennan said.

It also meant that the duck penis size and shape wasn't solely a result of males competing with other males, or females making a choice between malesit was the female and male ducks' competition driving the evolution.

This is the core tenet of sexual conflict: Males and females dont always agree about the best way to mate. For males, mating with a large number of females is the ideal way for them to procreate. For females, who are often left with the care of the offspring, as well as giving birth and pregnancy, being selective about reproduction is her best bet for creating progeny that will survive. This creates a conflict, where the males are going for quantity and the females, for quality.

Lets say a male animal evolves a penis hook, which allows him to latch onto a female. Even if that hook hurts the female, or gives her an infection, if it benefits the male by allowing him to reproduce more, the genes for that hook will be passed to the next generation. That puts the female a step behind, so evolution might next select for females that can defend themselves against the hook, and evolve thicker walls in their vagina. (Something very similar has happened in sharks.) This is a way of understanding the evolution of genitals as a kind of conversation, even if a contentious and competitive one. And this perspective is providing new understanding for a whole host of creatures.

The males evolve these weird penises and females evolve their convoluted vaginas in response, Brennan said. This is a lot more widespread than what we had originally realized. It's just, we have to go out there and look.

Take the earwig, an insect with a male reproductive organ called a virga. The virga has a fringe-like tip that can brush away sperm from any male that mated with a female before him. Looking at the male genitals only tells one half of the story, because the females have receptacles in their bodies to store sperm that lie just out of reach of the virga. It may seem that the males are controlling the sperm, but the females have the upper hand. As science writer Ed Yong wrote: The male can scrape away all he wants; the female decides whether to keep or jettison her sperm.

Dolphins have a complex series of vaginal folds that researchers once assumed were there to keep sea water from getting inside the female reproductive tract. Theyre realizing now how intricate their vaginas are, partly by making the effort to look closer at them. In 2017, biologist Dara Orbach made silicone molds of the dolphin vagina "revealing complex folds and spirals," the New Scientist reported. Brennan said it's now thought that those folds are actually barriers to male's penises.

Paying more attention to vaginas can help explain strange mating behavior too: In water striders, bugs that live and walk on water, the females evolved a genital shield, which can block any males that try to force them into mating. That led the males to adopt new "courting" techniques. "The males have started tapping the surface of the water while mounted on a female; the resulting ripples attract fish, and since the female is under the male, she's more likely than him to become a meal," according to post on Nature's blog. "Females can avoid this grisly end by giving in to the male's intimidation and mating with him.

Without knowing that the females have a genital shield, researchers' understanding of such behavior would be incomplete. It allows us to understand all of these bizarre morphologies and behaviors that we see in the context of, essentially, an arms race, said Teri Orr, a evolutionary ecologist at The University of Utah.

Spiders are another of Orrs favorites, because they can have around a dozen different pockets in them for manipulating spermsome are for receiving sperm, or moving it around. Orr frequently studies bats, and said they will store sperm for a full year in the reproductive tract. Leaf cutter ants can store sperm for around ten years.

Female chickens can eject about 80 percent of sperm from undesirable mates. Female guppies can hold onto sperm tooone study found that one in four guppies in Trinidad and Tobago were fathered by males that had been dead for 10 months. By doing so, females could wait to reproduce at favorable times of the year.

Theyre able to keep those sperm until its a good time of year for them to become pregnant, and then carry out that pregnancy and have babies when theres food available for them, Orr said. To me, that is absolutely mind-blowing. A lot of it is almost science fiction, what these species are able to do."

It also shows how the female anatomy is anything but passive. Outside of sperm storage, the vagina is awash with muscles that control contractions and movementits as mobile as the digestive tract is, Orr said. These muscles can play a part in moving the sperm where they want it to go. We didnt know what until about a decade ago, she said. And even then, its only in cattle, horses, mice and humans that its been studied. Thats such a small part of the diversity thats out there.

In 2005, more than 200 scientists met in London at The Royal Society for a meeting titled Sexual conflict: a new paradigm? Brennan said that since then, she feels the field is moving to include vaginas, and that several of the most recent papers on genital evolution acknowledge the fact that female genitals have been overlooked. But Orr said that when she presents her work at conferences, it can still feel like its regarded as out there" or niche. It hasnt reached mainstream science yet, she said. I think its going to take a little while until its fully embraced and not just a noveltybut normal biology.

It's not as if Brennan wants the research to flip and only focus on femalesthe point is that you need both pieces of the puzzle. Ive been very adamant that when youre looking at genitalia, you cant just look at the female or the male alone," she said. "You need to look at both because of that mechanical fit. I could commit the opposite sin, in a way. I could just go look at a bunch of females and never look at the males. Thats not going to tell me much.

She hopes that the field of genital evolution become more well-rounded, and also that the public will recognize its value. When Brennan's work on duck genitalia went public, conservatives latched onto it as a waste of government money (like a lot of academic research, it was partly funded by the National Science Foundation), acquiring the moniker #DuckPenisGate. Fox News put up a poll on their site where readers could vote if the research was a worthwhile use of taxpayer money, and 89 percent voted it was not. Brennan and her co-author Prum had to write articles defending the research.

The thing about basic science, Brennan said, is that you never know when a seemingly obscure discovery in nature is going to lead to an application for humans. So could secrets to our evolutionary past (and sexual conflicts) be hidden in our genital shapes? It's true that humans also have weird penises awash with unsolved questions, Brennan said. They are disproportionately wide given our body size and MRI studies of people having sex show that the shape of the male and female genitalia can change during intercourse, for reasons that are not completely understood.

Humans don't have penile spines, unlike many of our close primate relatives. Humans have also lost the baculum, a little bone inside of the penis of many animals, like bats, rodents, and primates. We have no idea what it does, Orr said. Its buried in tons of soft tissue and so its not interacting with the female, so its quite mysterious." Even less understood is the tiny little bone some animals have inside of the clitoris which humans didn't retain.

But more often, translation from basic science will come from where you least expect it. One obvious example is how the immune system of a bacteria was developed into a revolutionary gene editing techniqueCRISPR/Cas9.

In the realm of genital evolution: duck penises grow and shrink every season, which means there are probably stem cells in the penis that allow for that growth each year. If researchers could learn what those cells are and how they work, they could have all sorts of medical or cosmetic applications. Could we actually grow penile cells that might become a treatment someday? Its perfectly possible," Brennan said.

Many of the stages where pregnancy fails in humans are the same ones where bats are able to intervene and store fertilized eggs or sperm. By looking closer at those processes, it might lead to ideas for aiding issues in human or reproduction or endocrinology, Orr said.

Hypospadias is a birth defect leading to a malformed urethra; one in every 200 boys is born with some type of hypospadias. For people with such developmental problems, or others, like malformation of the uterus, research into genitals that are naturally bifurcated could lead to an understanding of what causes those hiccups, and how to fix them.

Even if those animal-human translations aren't right around the corner, the field of genital evolution has already offered something else: Recognizing the value in seeing how gender biases and language can divert research to ignore crucial elements. Anthropologist Emily Martin's 1991 essay The Egg and the Sperm highlighted how the (often incorrect) descriptions of human sperm and eggs reflected stereotypical male and female roles. It's a reminder that it could happen again, and to examine what social constructs are currently inseminating scientific research.

And Brennan wonders if the response to her research doesn't betray how touchy and judgemental people still are about genitalia, especially vaginas. It's almost as if there was something a little perverse with that line of questioning or that particular type of research," she said. "I happen to think that we actually need to understand a lot more about sex and sexual interactions than less.

She views genitals just like any other organs. If you think about our other organs: livers, kidneys, hearts, or brainsthere's much less variation and excitement. It's a rare window into what evolution can do. Genitalia are critical biological organs to be studying, she said. Im still surprised that we know as little as we seem to know. Evolutionarily, this is where the rubber meets the road.

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These Vaginas Evolved to Fight the Penis, Not Accommodate It - VICE

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University of Connecticut Reverses Prader-Willi Syndrome in Lab by Restoring Silent Genes – Gilmore Health News

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:33 am

Discovery by UConn Health Researchers Could Mean Much for Prader-Willi Syndrome Treatment

Stem cell researchers at the University of Connecticut Health Center (UConn Health) have made a discovery that may significantly improve the treatment of people with Prader-Willi syndrome.

A child with PraderWilli Syndrome

In research published in Human Molecular Genetics, scientists reported that they were able to reverse this genetic disorder in brain cells growing in the lab. They achieved this by turning on genes that are usually silent in patients.

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Prader-Willi syndrome is typically the result of certain genes losing their functions. It develops when there is a deletion of a section of a chromosome a baby inherits from his father.

The disorder occurs in around one of every 15,000 births. It is the leading genetic cause of life-threatening obesity and has no cure.

Prader-Willi syndrome is not due to a defective gene. It is rather the outcome of a healthy gene that refuses to perform its role having been silenced. The gene becomes silent if only the copy inherited from the mother is present in a child.

The UConn Health researchers got rid of a protein responsible for the silencing in this study. As a result, there was an improvement in Prader-Willi syndrome.

The scientists observed that a particular protein caused the gene to become silent. This compound referred to as ZNF274 also plays a part in blocking some other gene types from expressing themselves.

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However, the protein appears to work alone in the case of this genetic disorder. It often acts together with another protein to silence other types of genes.

To find a way around the silencing of the gene inherited from a mother, the UConn Health researchers got stem cells from some Prader-Willi patients. They then proceeded to delete the ZNF274 protein from the area of the DNA involved in this disorder.

After the deletion, the research team stimulated the stem cells to grow into neurons or nerve cells. The neurons grew as normal to the expectation of the scientists. Most importantly, they expressed the silent gene inherited from the mother.

This discovery provides a direction for future research aimed at finding a cure for this genetic disorder. Studies have mostly focused on finding a treatment for certain symptoms linked to it.

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Symptoms associated with Prader-Willi syndrome include increased appetite and obesity, which can pose a serious threat to health. Short stature and intellectual disability are among other possible signs.

Interventions that can help to control these unpleasant symptoms can make so much difference in the life of a patient.

According to the UConn Health researchers, there are some other questions yet to answer regarding this discovery. For instance, it is not yet clear whether this approach can achieve the same effect directly in human brain cells. There is also a need to find out if it will work only in embryos, among other things.

Maeva Langouet, one of the UConn Health researchers, said there was still a need to find out whether deleting ZNF274 could lead to unwanted effects.

The post-doctoral fellow did express the hope that their findings may prove helpful to children with Prader-Willi syndrome in the future.

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University of Connecticut Reverses Prader-Willi Syndrome in Lab by Restoring Silent Genes - Gilmore Health News

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How Colds Are Unlocking Secrets About Life on Other Planets – Sciworthy

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:31 am

Scientists from the University of Zurich and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, as well as the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have come together to summarize recent evidence has challenged our working theory on the origin of life. Previously, scientists thought early life may have arisen from proteins or other chemical reactions important for life reacting in the hot soup of early Earth before there were actually cells. Then, it has been thought that these chemical reactions may have later been taken over by early cells.

However, long ago, after discovering large amounts of amino acids, DNA, and RNA on meteorites in our cosmic neighborhood, researchers again had to shift their train of thought. This paper explained that experiments that mimicked the temperature, acidity, pressure, and energy of an Early earth provided evidence that life may have come from random assortments of RNA and other small molecules. Then, the authors continued, a hypothesis was developed that RNA may have been the primordial first lifeform which took shape on our planet and may have already formed on others. The authors claim that this led to this most recent and widely accepted theory: our world may have been a RNA world at one point in its development; one in which life was composed of a few self-reproducing RNA molecules that worked to spread information as rapidly as possible and combined with amino acids to make proteins which could assist it. The problem with this idea is that researchers are still struggling to engineer RNA molecules that create themselves; a necessary condition if RNA is to reproduce and be able to evolve. Enter the viroid viroids are, essentially, a piece of RNA that can copy itself. Viroids can also insert themselves into a hosts DNA using normal cell processes.

A study highlighted in this article attempted to imitate RNA. Researchers showed that, in solutions of rich in salts and sugars, RNA can spontaneously regrow quite rapidly. These molecules were able to reproduce across 74 generations. From looking at how the sequences changed over these generations, it was determined that viroids replicated fast and continually became smaller and smaller strands of RNA.

The authors conclude that, given what we know about viroids, the idea of a viroid-first origin-of-life theory should be seriously considered, though there is not yet enough evidence to be confident. The good news is that detecting small organic molecules and viroid particles in the depths of space and below the surface of other planets is a lot easier to do than finding evidence to support other origin of life theories, since this theory uses techniques and science that are already familiar to biologists. Genetic engineers are still struggling to create self-copying RNA outside of a viroid-like model and proteins and metabolic chemicals havent turned up in our observations of the space beyond our solar system.

Evidence of organic molecules such as pieces of RNA, DNA, and proteins have been found on recent meteorites. This demonstrates that space already has the conditions to allow for these chemical reactions to take place beyond Earth. The authors suggest that the beginning of life must have been simple, and the search for signatures of viruses, viroids, and small RNA and the modeling of these life forms may be where we need to turn our attention next to answer the questions about life in our Universe.

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FDA: Is It a Cold or the Flu? Prevention, Symptoms, Treatments – Sierra Sun Times

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:31 am

Espanol Version

January 4, 2020 -Most viral respiratory infections, like the common cold, usually come and go within a few days, with no lasting effects. But influenza (flu) is a disease that can cause serious health problems and can result in hospitalization or death.

You can fight back by adopting healthy habits and by using medicines and vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to combat and help prevent the flu.If you are generally healthy, heres how to tell if you have a cold or the flu, and when to seek medical care.

Flu and cold viruses spread mainly by droplets, when infected people cough, sneeze, or talk. You also can get infected by touching a surface or object that has flu viruses on it, such as a door handle, and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Flu season in the United States may begin as early as October and can last as late as May, and generally peaks between December and February.

Colds:Symptoms of colds usually are a stuffy or runny nose and sneezing. Other symptoms include coughing, a scratchy throat, and watery eyes. There is no vaccine to prevent colds, which come on gradually and often spread through everyday contact.

Flu:Symptoms of the flu come on suddenly and can include fever, headache, chills, dry cough, sore throat, body or muscle aches, tiredness, and feeling generally miserable. Like the viruses that cause a cold, flu viruses can cause a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. Young children also may experience nausea and vomiting.

Check with your health care provider promptly if you are at high risk for flu-related complications and you have flu symptoms or if you have flu symptoms that do not improve.People at high riskinclude:

Some health care providers can give you an FDA-cleared rapid flu test. There are 17 rapid flu tests (11 antigen-based and six molecular-based) on the market with updated performance criteria that the FDA created to provide reasonable assurance that the test is accurate, reliable, and clinically valid.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions flu testing guidelines, you dont need testing or to await test results before your health care provider can prescribe antiviral medication. Your health care provider will decide what to prescribe based on the signs and symptoms you have.

Colds usually run their course. When youre sick, limit exposing yourself to other people. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Also, stay hydrated and rested. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated products.

There are FDA-approved prescription medications called antivirals for treating flu. Also, a cold or flu may lead to a bacterial infection (such as bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, and pneumonia) that could require antibiotics.

Most people with the flu who aren't at high risk have mild illness and do not need medical care or antiviral drugs. Still, your symptoms may last up to two weeks.

Read medicine labels carefully and follow the directions.People with certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, should check with a doctor or pharmacist before taking a new cough or cold medicine.

Choose the right over-the-counter (OTC, or non-prescription) medicines for your symptoms.

Check the medicines side effects.Medications can cause drowsiness and interact with food, alcohol, dietary supplements, and other medicines. Tell your doctor and pharmacist about every medical product and supplement you are taking.

Check with a health care professional before giving medicine to children.

Get vaccinated against the flu.The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated every year. The vaccine changes each year and contains flu virus strains that are expected to be prevalent during the upcoming flu season. The protection from the previous years vaccine will diminish over time and may be too low to protect you into the next year, even if the flu virus strains circulating the next year are the same as those contained in the previous years vaccine.

With rare exceptions, the CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older should be vaccinated against flu. The flu vaccine provides protection from the flu and its potential complications, which can result in hospitalization and sometimes death.

Annual vaccination is especially important for people at high risk for developing serious complications from flu: health care workers, and anyone who lives with or cares for people at high risk for serious flu-related complications.

Although children younger than 6 months are too young to be vaccinated, they have the highest risk for being hospitalized because of flu and flu-related complications compared to children of other ages. Therefore, the CDC recommends that parents, grandparents, caregivers, and all household members 6 months or older should be vaccinated because they will be less likely to get the flu and spread it to the unvaccinated child. If possible, keep infants away from crowds for the first few months of life.

Wash your hands often.Teach children to do the same. Both colds and flu can be passed through contaminated surfaces, including the hands. Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Try not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially when someone is ill.

Limit exposure to infected people.Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.Source: FDA

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FDA: Is It a Cold or the Flu? Prevention, Symptoms, Treatments - Sierra Sun Times

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Roswell Biotechnologies created a chip capable of reading biological information from human DNA – FREE NEWS

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:31 am

Roswell completed the development and prototyping of the first of its kind molecular-electronic chips, which used all the latest achievements from the fields of semiconductor technology, nanotechnology, biosensors, etc. All this made it possible to create an integrated CMOS chip, which contains a huge number of elements of molecular sensors, which, at a chip price of $ 100, can read information from the entire human genome in just one hour.

In 2019, Roswell Biotechnologies, Inc, whose management managed to attract $ 32 million of investments, completed the development of a number of key technologies necessary for implementing direct, high-speed and accurate reading of genetic data and other information of biological origin.

As mentioned above, Roswells first molecular-electronic chip is designed to quickly read genetic information from DNA. The chips that the company plans to create in the near future will be much more complicated and they will be able to perform more complex functions, such as detecting certain types of proteins, biomarkers of various diseases, which can be used in field infectious medicine, environmental monitoring, or to identify biological samples of various nature.

Currently, the ENDSeq System (Electronic Nano-Device Sequencing) technology, which can reduce the time it takes to read genetic information from a few days to tens of minutes, can become a drastic reduction in the cost of this procedure. This, in turn, can serve as a strong impetus for the further development of the relevant areas of medicine. In addition, on the basis of the new chip, Roswell plans to launch the first device, Data Reader, which will provide high speed information reading using synthetic DNA molecules as an information carrier.

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Head-To-Head Survey: NantHealth (NASDAQ:NH) and Zendesk (NASDAQ:ZEN) – Riverton Roll

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:31 am

Zendesk (NYSE:ZEN) and NantHealth (NASDAQ:NH) are both computer and technology companies, but which is the better investment? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their risk, analyst recommendations, profitability, dividends, valuation, institutional ownership and earnings.

Insider and Institutional Ownership

95.9% of Zendesk shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 2.8% of NantHealth shares are held by institutional investors. 4.6% of Zendesk shares are held by company insiders. Comparatively, 64.5% of NantHealth shares are held by company insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that endowments, large money managers and hedge funds believe a stock is poised for long-term growth.

Risk & Volatility

Zendesk has a beta of 1.22, indicating that its share price is 22% more volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, NantHealth has a beta of 1.53, indicating that its share price is 53% more volatile than the S&P 500.


This table compares Zendesk and NantHealths net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

Analyst Recommendations

This is a summary of recent recommendations and price targets for Zendesk and NantHealth, as reported by MarketBeat.

Zendesk presently has a consensus target price of $94.94, indicating a potential upside of 21.17%. NantHealth has a consensus target price of $1.00, indicating a potential downside of 1.96%. Given Zendesks higher probable upside, analysts clearly believe Zendesk is more favorable than NantHealth.

Valuation & Earnings

This table compares Zendesk and NantHealths top-line revenue, earnings per share (EPS) and valuation.

Zendesk has higher revenue and earnings than NantHealth. Zendesk is trading at a lower price-to-earnings ratio than NantHealth, indicating that it is currently the more affordable of the two stocks.


Zendesk beats NantHealth on 10 of the 14 factors compared between the two stocks.

Zendesk Company Profile

Zendesk, Inc., a software development company, provides SaaS products for organizations. Its flagship product is Zendesk Support, a system for tracking, prioritizing, and solving customer support tickets across various channels. The company also offers Zendesk Chat, a live chat software to connect with customers on Websites, applications, and mobile devices; Zendesk Talk, a cloud-based call center software; Zendesk Guide, a knowledge base that powers customer self-service and support agent productivity; Zendesk Sell, a sales force automation software to enhance productivity, processes, and pipeline visibility for sales teams; Zendesk Connect that manages customer communication across channels; and Zendesk Explore, which provides analytics for businesses to measure and enhance the customer experience. In addition, it provides Zendesk Sunshine, a customer relationship management platform; Zendesk Embeddables, which allow developers to embed support, chat, and guide experiences on the Web and within mobile applications; and Zendesk application platform interfaces and Apps. The company has operations in North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, Asia, and South America. Zendesk, Inc. was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

NantHealth Company Profile

NantHealth, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a healthcare technology company in the United States and internationally. The company engages in converging science and technology through an integrated clinical platform to provide health information at the point of care. It develops NantHealth solutions, including molecular profiling solutions, software, and hardware systems infrastructure, which integrates patient data management, bioinformatics, and molecular medicine to enable value-based care and evidence-based clinical practice. The company's products include GPS Cancer, a molecular profile that integrates whole genome sequencing of tumor and normal germline samples, as well as whole transcriptome sequencing; GPS Cancer Report, a GPS cancer solution; GPS in rare diseases and chronic illnesses; Liquid GPS, a blood-based molecular test; and Eviti, a decision support solution. It also provides Web-based and mobile software solutions, such as Device Connectivity Suite, a device connectivity and near real-time biometric software and hardware suite; DeviceConX, a device data normalization software; HBox, an Internet of Medical Things and Internet of Things hardware hub; and VitalsConX, a tablet-optimized application. In addition, NantHealth, Inc. offers NaviNet Open, a payer-provider collaboration platform comprising plan central, eligibility and benefit, claims status inquiry, claims management, referral, authorization, document exchange, and AllPayer services; and cloud-based computing, storage, and transport infrastructure-as-a-service solutions. The company was formerly known as Nant Health, LLC and changed its name to NantHealth, Inc. in June 2016. The company was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Culver City, California. NantHealth, Inc. is as a subsidiary of NantWorks, LLC.

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Head-To-Head Survey: NantHealth (NASDAQ:NH) and Zendesk (NASDAQ:ZEN) - Riverton Roll

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Identification of Candidate Genes and Therapeutic Agents for Light Cha | PGPM – Dove Medical Press

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:31 am

Wenxiang Bai,1,2,* Honghua Wang,1,* Hua Bai1,3

1Comprehensive Cancer Center, Xiangshui Peoples Hospital, Xiangshui 224600, Peoples Republic of China; 2Department of Respiratory Medicine, Xiangshui Peoples Hospital, Xiangshui, 224600, Peoples Republic of China; 3Department of Hematology, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing 210008, Peoples Republic of China

*These authors contributed equally to this work

Correspondence: Hua BaiComprehensive Cancer Center, Xiangshui Peoples Hospital, Xiangshui 224600, Peoples Republic of ChinaEmail

Objective: Systemic amyloid light chain (AL) amyloidosis is a rare plasma cell disease. However, the regulatory mechanisms of AL amyloidosis have not been thoroughly uncovered, identification of candidate genes and therapeutic agents for this disease is crucial to provide novel insights into exploring the regulatory mechanisms underlying AL amyloidosis.Methods: The gene expression profile of GSE73040, including 9 specimens from AL amyloidosis patients and 5 specimens from normal control, was downloaded from GEO datasets. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were sorted with regard to AL amyloidosis versus normal control group using Limma package. The gene enrichment analyses including GO and KEGG pathway were performed using DAVID website subsequently. Furthermore, the proteinprotein interaction (PPI) network for DEGs was constructed by Cytoscape software and STRING database. DEGs were mapped to the connectivity map datasets to identify potential molecular agents of AL amyloidosis.Results: A total of 1464 DEGs (727 up-regulated, 737 down-regulated) were identified in AL amyloidosis samples versus control samples, these dysregulated genes were associated with the dysfunction of ribosome biogenesis and immune response. PPI network and module analysis uncovered that several crucial genes were defined as candidate genes, including ITGAM, ITGB2, ITGAX, IMP3 and FBL. More importantly, we identified the small molecular agents (AT-9283, Ritonavir and PKC beta-inhibitor) as the potential drugs for AL amyloidosis.Conclusion: Using bioinformatics approach, we have identified candidate genes and pathways in AL amyloidosis, which can extend our understanding of the cause and molecular mechanisms, and these crucial genes and pathways could act as biomarkers and therapeutic targets for AL amyloidosis.

Keywords: light chain amyloidosis, bioinformatics approach, differentially expressed genes, candidate genes, therapeutic agent

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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Identification of Candidate Genes and Therapeutic Agents for Light Cha | PGPM - Dove Medical Press

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Alzheimer ‘Tau’ Protein Far Surpasses Amyloid in Predicting Toll on Brain Tissue – UCSF News Services

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:31 am

Brain imaging of pathological tau-protein tangles reliably predicts the location of future brain atrophy in Alzheimers patients a year or more in advance, according to a new study by scientists at the UC San Francisco Memory and Aging Center. In contrast, the location of amyloid plaques, which have been the focus of Alzheimers research and drug development for decades, was found to be of little utility in predicting how damage would unfold as the disease progressed.

The results, published Jan. 1, 2020, in Science Translational Medicine, support researchers growing recognition that tau drives brain degeneration in Alzheimers disease more directly than amyloid protein, and at the same time demonstrates the potential of recently developed tau-based PET (positron emission tomography) brain imaging technology to accelerate Alzheimers clinical trials and improve individualized patient care.

The match between the spread of tau and what happened to the brain in the following year was really striking, said neurologist Gil Rabinovici, MD, the Edward Fein and Pearl Landrith Distinguished Professor in Memory and Aging and leader of the PET imaging program at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center. Tau PET imaging predicted not only how much atrophy we would see, but also where it would happen. These predictions were much more powerful than anything weve been able to do with other imaging tools, and add to evidence that tau is a major driver of the disease.

Alzheimers researchers have long debated the relative importance of amyloid plaques and tau tangles two kinds of misfolded protein clusters seen in postmortem studies of patients brains, both first identified by Alois Alzheimer in the early 20th century. For decades, the amyloid camp has dominated, leading to multiple high-profile efforts to slow Alzheimers with amyloid-targeting drugs, all with disappointing or mixed results.

Many researchers are now taking a second look at tau protein, once dismissed as simply a tombstone marking dying cells, and investigating whether tau may in fact be an important biological driver of the disease. In contrast to amyloid, which accumulates widely across the brain, sometimes even in people with no symptoms, autopsies of Alzheimers patients have revealed that tau is concentrated precisely where brain atrophy is most severe, and in locations that help explain differences in patients symptoms (in language-related areas vs. memory-related regions, for example).

No one doubts that amyloid plays a role in Alzheimers disease, but more and more tau findings are beginning to shift how people think about what is actually driving the disease, explained Renaud La Joie, PhD, a postdoctoral researcher in Rabinovicis In Vivo Molecular Neuroimaging Lab, and lead author of the new study. Still, just looking at postmortem brain tissue, it has been hard to prove that tau tangles cause brain degeneration and not the other way around. One of our groups key goals has been to develop non-invasive brain imaging tools that would let us see whether the location of tau buildup early in the disease predicts later brain degeneration.

Despite early misgivings that tau might be impossible to measure in the living brain, scientists recently developed an injectable molecule called flortaucipir currently under review by the FDA which binds to misfolded tau in the brain and emits a mild radioactive signal that can be picked up by PET scans.

Rabinovici and collaborator William Jagust, MD, of UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have been among the first to adopt tau PET imaging to study the distribution of tau tangles in the normally aging brain and in a smaller cross-sectional study of Alzheimers patients. Their new study represents the first attempt to test whether tau levels in Alzheimers patients can predict future brain degeneration.

La Joie recruited 32 participants with early clinical stage Alzheimers disease through the UCSF Memory and Aging Center, all of whom received PET scans using two different tracers to measure levels of amyloid protein and tau protein in their brains. The participants also received MRI scans to measure their brains structural integrity, both at the start of the study, and again in follow-up visits one to two years later.

The researchers found that overall tau levels in participants brains at the start of the study predicted how much degeneration would occur by the time of their follow up visit (on average 15 months later). Moreover, local patterns of tau buildup predicted subsequent atrophy in the same locations with more than 40 percent accuracy. In contrast, baseline amyloid-PET scans correctly predicted only 3 percent of future brain degeneration.

Seeing that tau buildup predicts where degeneration will occur supports our hypothesis that tau is a key driver of neurodegeneration in Alzheimers disease, La Joie said.

Notably, PET scans revealed that younger study participants had higher overall levels of tau in their brains, as well as a stronger link between baseline tau and subsequent brain atrophy, compared to older participants. This suggests that other factors likely other abnormal proteins or vascular injuries may play a larger role in late-onset Alzheimers, the researchers say.

The results add to hopes that tau-targeting drugs currently under study at the UCSF Memory and Aging Center and elsewhere may provide clinical benefits to patients by blocking this key driver of neurodegeneration in the disease. At the same time, the ability to use tau PET to predict later brain degeneration could enable more personalized dementia care and speed ongoing clinical trials, the authors say.

One of the first things people want to know when they hear a diagnosis of Alzheimers disease is simply what the future holds for themselves or their loved ones. Will it be a long fading of memory, or a quick decline into dementia? How long will the patient be able to live independently? Will they lose the ability to speak or get around on their own? These are questions we cant currently answer, except in the most general terms, Rabinovici said. Now, for the first time, this tool could let us give patients a sense of what to expect by revealing the biological process underlying their disease.

Rabinovici and his team also anticipate that the ability to predict future brain atrophy based on tau PET imaging will allow Alzheimers clinical trials to quickly assess whether an experimental treatment can alter the specific trajectory predicted for an individual patient, which is currently impossible due to the wide variability in how the disease progresses from individual to individual. Such insights could make it possible to adjust dosage or switch to a different experimental compound if the first treatment is not affecting tau levels or altering a patients predicted trajectory of brain atrophy.

Tau PET could be an extremely valuable precision medicine tool for future clinical trials, Rabinovici said. The ability to sensitively track tau accumulation in living patients would for the first time let clinical researchers seek out treatments that can slow down or even prevent the specific pattern of brain atrophy predicted for each patient.

Authors: La Joie is corresponding author on the study; Rabinovici is senior author. Additional authors on the study are Adrienne V. Visani, Jesse A. Brown, Viktoriya Bourakova, Jungho Cha, Kiran Chaudhary, Lauren Edwards, Leonardo Iaccarino, Orit Lesman-Segev, Zachary Miller, David C. Perry, Julie Pham, Julio C. Rojas, Howard J. Rosen, William W. Seeley, Richard M. Tsai, and Bruce L. Miller, all of UCSF; Suzanne L. Baker, Mustafa Janabi, and James P. ONeil, of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL); and Jagust, of LBNL and UC Berkeley.

Funding: The study was supported by the Alzheimers Association (AARF-16-443577), the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the US National Institutes of Health (R01-AG045611, P50-AG023501, P01-AG19724), the Tau Consortium, and an Alzheimers Disease Research Center of California grant (04-33516) from the California Department of Health Services.

Disclosures: Rabinovici receives research support from Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, GE Healthcare, and Life Molecular Imaging, and has received consulting fees or speaking honoraria from Axon Neurosciences, Roche, Eisai, Genentech, Merck. La Joie reports no conflicts of interest. See study online for a full list of conflict of interest disclosures.

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is exclusively focused on the health sciences and is dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and excellence in patient care.UCSF Health, whichserves as UCSFs primary academic medical center, includestop-ranked specialty hospitalsandother clinical programs,and has affiliations throughout the Bay Area.

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Alzheimer 'Tau' Protein Far Surpasses Amyloid in Predicting Toll on Brain Tissue - UCSF News Services

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