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Aborting Babies Because They’re Gay: Coming Soon to China – Patheos

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:03 am

DNA with rainbow colors behind (CC0 NeedPix)

New scientific discoveries mean that parents can do some selection regarding the sexual orientation of their children. They can determine a little bit about the probability their child will be homosexual and abort if they dont like those odds. It seems that sexual orientation has certain genetic factors but is not determined. I think this creates a conundrum for many who support abortion and in-vitro fertilization, but also think discriminating against homosexuals is wrong. Aborting people because they are more likely to be homosexuals is extreme discrimination. I will list the science, a bit of the Chinese and American cultural reactions, and then note a Catholic response.

The Genetic Literacy Project reported:

In October 2018, geneticist Andrea Ganna and his team at the Broad Institute reported that their review of markers across the entire genome of more than 493,000 test participants identified 4 genome-wide significant loci for homosexual behavior, with many more loci identified for partner count (meaning lifetime number of sexual partners) in heterosexuals. These results led researchers to estimate that 8-20% of variation in non-heterosexual behavior could be attributed to common genetic variants (those most likely to be detected through GWAS) found in this study. Some these genes display curious overlap with others that affect biological processes such as smell and hormone production, hinting at complex cross-genome relationships between sexual preference and other phenotypes. Previous twin and family studies had already suggested that about40 percentof our sexual orientation is genetically heritable.

The significance of these results isnt their confirmation of a genetically heritable component to homosexuality, but rather their identification of some of the specific gene variants involved. Scientists need to know which variants, or SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) are associated with which phenotypic traits to employ such technologies as PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) and gene editing to alter the genetic makeup of future children. Identifying the SNPs associated with homosexual behavior means that manipulating the genetics of sexual orientation could one day become possible.

The reaction here is vastly different in the West and the East. In the USA, testing to eliminate homosexual babies is unlikely to take hold but this will likely become a standard part of pre-implantation diagnosis done in IVF cases. The Genetic Literacy Project notes how this is received in the West:

In the United States, the political and party divisions that separate the conservative-religious right from the social-justice left do not prevent them from agreeing on the issue of gene-editing technologies, albeit for very different reasons. Typically, conservatives are afraid of playing God, while liberals are more focused on worsening inequality or harming vulnerable minority groups.

The article goes on to note how homosexuality is no longer stigmatized in North America or Europe.

GLP also notes the attitude in China, which are quite different

With no law prohibiting selectionagainstorforspecific sexual preferences yet in place, it remains possible that prospective parents may one day be able to choose or alter a future childs sexual preferences.

With strong growth in preimplantation genetic diagnosis procedures and no laws directly prohibiting selection of sexual orientation, its possible that Chinese parents could soon begin deciding their childs likely sexual preferences. The implications of this lie deep within the cultural context, as here homosexuality was banned for most of the 20thcentury. After legalization in 1997, it was finally removed from the official list of mental illnesses in 2001. Still, many taboos against homosexuals remain, and the status of LGBT culture is semi-underground. []

Unlike in American culture where fears of eugenics and an elite genetic class still linger after experiences from the first half of the 20thcentury, PGD [Pre-Implantation Diagnosis] in China has little stigma attached. The practice is being widely adopted across the country, and this continues to accelerate.

First of all, abortion is always wrong. There is no moral reason to directly kill an innocent baby in the womb or tiny zygote before implantation. We were all zygotes.

Second, using abortion for discrimination adds a layer of nastiness. This is why the Church has been doubly against sex-selective abortions. The catechism speaks out about discriminating against persons who have homosexual tendencies in 2358:

They [men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies] must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill Gods will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lords Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

The latter part of that reminds us to call these people to live Christian chastity.It is important to note that all humans are genetically predisposed to certain sins more than others and this varies per person. Some are more prone to anger or gluttony. We should not use this either to consider homosexuality different or use a genetic predisposition to change the moral code.

We Catholic should speak out about the intrinsic discrimination in any form of PGD as we should respect the humanity of each human conceived.

Hopefully, this never comes to the USA or Canada. Hopefully, it helps to humanize the unborn so people realize that an unborn baby is a person. If we will avoid this for homosexuality, why not also avoid it for other issues like Downs Syndrome?

Note: Please support me via Patreon so I can write more on the Catholic approach to genetic bioethics. If you cant give monthly, a one-time Christmas gift would be appreciated.

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Aborting Babies Because They're Gay: Coming Soon to China - Patheos

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Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:03 am

About 20 percent of cancers are familial and genetic. Breast, prostate, ovaries, colon, rectum, pancreases and some type of brain cancers have a genetic connection and run from one generation to the next. Blood cancer, which is common in some families, can occur during childhood, after puberty or at later stages of life. Bilateral renal and eye cancers also have genetic links and can occur in younger people and adults. But genetics are not the only factor. A large number of cancers occur because of environmental factors, eating habits, infection and lifestyle. Therefore, any planning around cancer treatment must take them into account.

Worryingly, the federal and provincial health departments have no strategy for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and terminal management of patients with malignancies. To understand cancer and its management in Pakistan, it is important to know some basic facts about the disease and the challenges confronted by health planners in our country.

Potential causes

Eating habits play an important role in many types of cancers. Cancer of the oesophagus is more common in Quetta and some parts of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where people prefer having hot food and drinks because of the cold weather. Cancer of the mouth and throat are more common among consumers of paan, gutka and betel nut in Karachi. In recent years, these cancers are becoming more common in rural Sindh where gutka and different kinds of paan masalas are spreading like an epidemic. In some parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and along the Saraiki belt in Punjab, smoked meat is a part of regular diet which can cause stomach cancer. People eating lots of overcooked and burnt meat in barbecues are also prone to cancer. Prostate cancer is more common in men who eat too many dairy products, especially among the cattle farming community. Of course, smoking cigarettes, beerri and huqqa is also associated with lung cancer. And in Pakistan, smoking is one of the major causes of early lung cancer and death, particularly in males.

Lifestyle is also implicated in different kinds of cancers. The lack of a good nights sleep and high levels of stress cause a failure of the immune system, causing the body to lose its ability to fight the early development of cancers. Lack of exercise can also put one in danger. People with low physical activity and high consumption of heavy food have extra insulin in their bodies which is another known cause of cancer. Obesity is another important factor, especially when it comes to cancer among young people. Cancer risk can be reduced by losing weight and increasing physical activity.

To win the battle against cancer, it is imperative that we understand the enemy and develop policies accordingly

Infection is also a major cause of cancer in humans and responsible for thousands of deaths in Pakistan every year. Human papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are associated with different kind of cancers in the cervix, the anogenital area, the skin, the nasopharynx and the liver.

About 15 percent of the Pakistani population is infected with HBV and HCV. These viruses can lead to liver cancer and even deaths in our relatively young population.

Recently, a UN summit on environment and climate has highlighted the risk to life on earth, which may vanish if world leaders dont do anything about global warming. A polluted environment causes cancer. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH) are the chemicals from industrial waste present in the outer environment which attach to fine carbon particles and their inhalation causes lung cancer.

Additionally, there are other PAH-type chemicals associated with cancers in industrial countries despite strict environmental regulations. Polluting the body with benzene, food preservatives, nitrates, pesticides and some cosmetics are associated with certain types of cancers. High levels of chlorine in water can also cause cancer with long-term drinking, especially among children. Long-term UV radiation causes cancer in farmers working on fields. Electromagnetic radiation and x-rays are also responsible for cancer. Non-protective x-rays of abdomen in young girls during puberty can cause ovarian and breast cancer.

A time for change

It is about time we had a national policy to fight cancer in Pakistan. Health planners should think about cancer and its management in light of peoples lifestyles and their exposure to chemicals. Familial cancers are another big challenge and it is important to create awareness about these among the masses for early detection, diagnosis and management. Teaching about familial cancer in school and using media for awareness can lead to early detection, thereby decreasing instances of cancer-related deaths in a high-risk population. Nowadays, it is possible to diagnose cancer of the breast, ovaries, colon, rectum and prostate at early stages. Early detection makes curative treatment possible.

Of course, the government should also strictly enforce measures to discourage use of cigarettes, gutka, betel nuts and paan masalas. It should go without saying that children should not have any access to these cancerous materials. A massive campaign is required to create awareness about cancer of the mouth, tongue, larynx, nasopharynx, mandible, nose and lungs. These cancers are preventable and by their prevention it is possible to save millions of rupees that would be spent in treatment. There is also a need for carrying out electronic and social media preventive campaigns regarding cancer-causing eating habits in different parts of country.

Health planners should also accept their failure in prevention and control of HBV and HCV and redouble their efforts to remedy this. A vaccine is available for the prevention of HBV which should be provided to every citizen of Pakistan.

Presently, the federal health ministry is also trying hard to initiate a plan for safe blood banking and the use of disposable syringes in hospitals and the community. There is also a need to create awareness about safe shaving at barber shops, the use of the same miswaak in the mosque and sharing of blades during azadar in Moharram.

Furthermore, policymakers must recognise that cervical cancer in women is 100 percent preventable because of a vaccine against the cancer-causing virus. Every girl in the country should get vaccinated at the age of 11/13 to eradicate this cancer from the community.

A healthy and hygienic lifestyle is a preventive measure against different viral infections. Clean drinking water should be another high priority for health planners. In our country we have no policy regarding cancer-causing chemicals and industrial waste. Our environment is polluted with chemicals, our rivers are used as reservoirs for industrial waste, our vegetables are grown in river beds laden with cancer-causing chemicals.

The cost of inaction

Some of these points may sound like stating the obvious, but doing this work is of the utmost importance. Cancer treatment is very expensive and there are a few trained cancer surgeons, competent oncologists, radiologist and dedicated nursing staff available in Pakistan. A group of Karachi doctors started the City Tumour Board Karachi in March 2010, which meets every alternate Sunday to provide free consultation to cancer patients from the experts in the field. Other cities should have this kind of arrangement for the patients who are not able to afford treatment in private hospitals.

Most teaching hospitals provide services for cancer patients but lack human resources, medicine and modern radiotherapy units. ThePakistan Atomic Energy Commission(PAEC)has 18 centres in different cities of Pakistan providing free services to patients, but they confront a financial crisis with an increasing number of patients each year. In Karachi, KIRAN, the cancer treatment centre of PAEC, treats more than 6,000 cancer patients without any charges.

Unfortunately, there is also no recognition of palliative care (care for terminally ill patients and their families) in our country. Health planners should invest in the training of oncology nurses and palliative care technicians who can help doctors in the management of cancer patients as is being done in developed countries. And the Pakistan Nursing council should come forward with the plans for training of these health cadets.

Clearly, we have our work cut out for us.

The writer is ex-Secretary General of Pakistan Medical Association

Published in Dawn, EOS, January 5th, 2020

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Amnion of Florida Announces Greater Geographic Reach for Their Regenerative Health Services by Partnering With Care First Medical Group – Business…

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:00 am

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Amnion of Florida, a leading provider of alternative medicine utilizing cryopreserved placental cell allograft for advanced bioactive facial rejuvenation, is pleased to announce a partnership to enhance patient outcomes for joint pain and anti-aging therapies.

Amnion announces a partnership with Care First Medical Group, Inc. to improve patients experience with managed medical care and provide non-pharmaceutical solutions for joint repair/pain management and anti-aging. The goals of the collaboration are to provide alternatives to medical care and to help patients seeking to eliminate chronic joint pain, look younger, and take a more active role in mapping their medical care to avoid illness in the future.

Sabriya Rogers, President of Care First, states, Our Board-Certified primary care providers specialize in managed health, thus patients can take a proactive approach in deciding the course of their care, which yields a lower cost to patients, while keeping families together, and maintaining a high degree of medical care.

The partnership will provide more location options for patients. With offices throughout greater Orlando, Sanford, Leesburg, Palm Coast, and Longwood, patients will find a location nearby that fits busy schedules.

Our team of medical professionals and aestheticians at Amnion are excited to partner with Care First to provide enhanced medical care and rejuvenation services at our partnership locations, said Eusebio Coterillo, President of Amnion.

In a constantly changing field, Amnion of Florida, under the guidance of an on-site medical staff, provides the highest level of quality products and procedures in regenerative medicine. They offer cutting edge treatments that are shown to be effective, use FDA cleared or registered products, and are widely published and peer endorsed. The collaboration with Care First will bring added benefits such as managed care, urgent care, and programmed care for long term issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, and allergies in a full-service clinical setting.

More about Amnion of Florida

Amnion of Florida, based in Central Florida, is a leading provider of alternative medicine using cryopreserved placental cell transplants or allografts, processed from donated cellular birth tissue, which are natural alternatives to autologous regenerative medicine products. The primary function of our allogeneic regenerative treatments is to promote soft tissue joint/skin repair and regeneration mediated by growth factors and cells naturally found in placental tissue. These treatments have shown safety and efficacy in treating a variety of ailments including osteoarthritis, chronic ulcerative wounds, joint pain, skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, urinary incontinence, and ED. Learn more at

More about Care First Medical Group, Inc.

Care First, based in Central Florida, is focused on providing affordable healthcare for primary and urgent care needs through prevention, patient education, with the personal touch to improve communication with the patient, and patients overall health. Our vision is to transform the health care experience through a culture of caring, quality, safety, service, innovation, and excellence. Our goal is to be recognized by employees, physicians, patients and families, volunteers, and the community as a company that delivers results through our proactive approach to medicine. Learn more or schedule an appointment at (407) 449-0632.

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Inside Indiana’s Precision Health Initiative: BTN LiveBIG – Big Ten Network

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:00 am

At the 200-year mark, some institutions would be content to rest on their laurels. But not Indiana University. As their bicentennial celebrations nears, the Hoosiers have dedicated themselves to a tackling what they are calling Grand Challenges, a suite of economic, social and environmental problems plaguing Indiana and the world. These challenges are marked by their impressive scale, immense impact, driven commitment to solutions, and a spirit of interdisciplinary collaboration.

One of the Grand Challenges is the Precision Health Initiative, which aims to match patients more closely and carefully with treatments that meet their individual needs. According to Anatha Shekhar, the executive associate dean of research affairs at the Indiana University School of Medicine, the initiative derives that precision by taking a decidedly holistic look at a patient's health.

"What we're trying to do here is to have a comprehensive approach to understanding a person's health, taking into account their genetics, their environment, their behavior, their culture, and to understand the diseases that are caused by these factors," Shekar explains. "We're particularly focusing on five major serious illnesses that currently have no good treatments and that are uniformly lethal or disabling."

Those five diseases include three types of cancer: triple-negative breast cancer, multiple myeloma, and pediatric sarcoma. They're also targeting diabetes, in particular gestational diabetes affecting pregnant women, as well as Alzheimer's disease.

The Precision Health Initiative was the first project to receive Grand Challenges funding. A truly transformative undertaking, Indiana is pulling together researchers and physicians from across the university ecosystem to create new approaches to prevention, treatment and health care delivery.

"The Precision Health Initiative is trying to just marshal the great resources we have here, all the scientific minds, all the technology, to attack big, bold problems," says Aaron Carroll, professor of pediatrics and associate dean for research mentoring at the IU School of Medicine.

The project is funneling $120 million into six different major scientific pillars: Genomic Medicine; Cell, Gene & Immune Therapy; Regenerative Medicine & Engineering; Psychosocial, Behavioral & Ethics; Data & Informatics; and Chemical Biology & Biotherapeutics.

Carroll likens it all to a moonshot. Where research is normally understood to move slowly, taking tiny steps towards a solution, Indiana seeks great strides founded in unfettered access to both real and mental capital. And, as the only medical school in the state, as well as a regional and national research leader, their charge is an imperative. "It's certainly very Hoosier. I think the idea that we're going to take our local expertise and really try to band together and cross boundaries to try to make a big difference, it's, it's very Indiana," Carroll says.

Clinically speaking, the Precision Health Initiative is not just seeking to draw down instances of the maladies their targeting. Rather, they seek wholesale cures for the cancers, and robust, workable preventative measures for diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Their patient-focused approach is already being taught to physicians-in-training at the IU School of Medicine. The importance of factors such as genetic and family medical history, sleep and eating habits, exercise levels and overall mental health is emphasized alongside traditional testing in making a diagnosis.

In the lab, Indiana researchers are matching that holistic approach to patient health with an equally vibrant understanding of how diseases operate. They're working towards a more-perfect model of exactly how cancers evolve and how they become resistant to certain treatments. Concurrently, pharmaceutical scientists are making gains in drug discovery for the treatment of Alzheimer's.

Shekhar says that the feeling among the Precision Health Initiative team is that the work being done now is serving as inspiration for others to "think big and to go for the fences rather than do incremental work."

There are, though, factors limiting the speed at which the team can make new discoveries. Key among them is the need for an expansion in data analysis and management as well as advances need in AI to help researchers make sense of extremely large data sets.

One such set derives from the All In project, which is under the Precision Health Initiative umbrella. Researchers are asking people from across the state and all walks of life to share with them a blood sample as well as specific, yet anonymous health data. This will aid immensely in their understanding of how and why diseases flourish and progress in various populations.

That particular project is indicative of the larger initiative, says Shekhar, echoing Carroll's sentiment that Indiana is uniquely positioned to helm such an audacious undertaking.

"I think Indiana is unique in that first of all, we have the largest medical school in the country, that is a state wide medical school with nine campuses," he says. "We have the largest health system in the state. We serve about two million people every year for their health needs. So, we have gone all the way from engaging large scientific teams, recruiting nearly 50 new scientists to Indiana University to work on this, to engaging nearly hundred thousand people from the community. It's an initiative that couldn't happen in very many places except in Indiana."

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Regenerative Medicine Market Segmentation, Top Companies, Applications, Comprehensive Research Report and Forecast to 2026 – Market Research Sheets

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:00 am

The recent report added by Verified Market Research gives a detailed account of the drivers and restraints in the Global Regenerative Medicine market. The research report, titled [Global Regenerative Medicine Market Size and Forecast to 2026] presents a comprehensive take on the overall market. Analysts have carefully evaluated the milestones achieved by the global Regenerative Medicine market and the current trends that are likely to shape its future. Primary and secondary research methodologies have been used to put together an exhaustive report on the subject. Analysts have offered unbiased outlook on the global Regenerative Medicine market to guide clients toward a well-informed business decision.

Global Regenerative Medicine Market was valued at USD 19.10 Billion in 2018 and is expected to witness a growth of 22.72% from 2019-2026 and reach USD 98.10 Billion by 2026.

The comprehensive research report has used Porters five forces analysis and SWOT analysis to give the readers a fair idea of the direction the global Regenerative Medicine market is expected to take. The Porters five forces analysis highlights the intensity of the competitive rivalry while the SWOT analysis focuses on explaining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats present in the global Regenerative Medicine market. The research report gives an in-depth explanation of the trends and consumer behavior pattern that are likely to govern the evolution of the global Regenerative Medicine market.

The following Companies as the Key Players in the Global Regenerative Medicine Market Research Report:

Regions Covered in the Global Regenerative Medicine Market:

Europe (Germany, Russia, UK, Italy, Turkey, France, etc.)

The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt)

North America (United States, Mexico, and Canada)

South America (Brazil etc.)

Asia-Pacific (China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

The scope of the Report:

The research report on global Regenerative Medicine market includes segmentation on the basis of technology, application, end users, and region. Each segmentation is a chapter, which explains relevant components. The chapters include graphs to explain the year-on-year progress and the segment-specific drivers and restraints. In addition, the report also provides the government outlooks within the regional markets that are impacting the global Regenerative Medicine market.

Lastly, Verified Market Researchs report on Regenerative Medicine market includes a detailed chapter on the company profiles. This chapter studies the key players in the global Regenerative Medicine market. It mentions the key products and services of the companies along with an explanation of the strategic initiatives. An overall analysis of the strategic initiatives of the companies indicates the trends they are likely to follow, their research and development statuses, and their financial outlooks. The report intends to give the readers a comprehensive point of view about the direction the global Regenerative Medicine market is expected to take.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Regenerative Medicine Market

1.1 Overview of the Market 1.2 Scope of Report 1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology of Verified Market Research

3.1 Data Mining 3.2 Validation 3.3 Primary Interviews 3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Regenerative Medicine Market Outlook

4.1 Overview 4.2 Market Dynamics 4.2.1 Drivers 4.2.2 Restraints 4.2.3 Opportunities 4.3 Porters Five Force Model 4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Regenerative Medicine Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Regenerative Medicine Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Regenerative Medicine Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Regenerative Medicine Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview 8.2 North America 8.2.1 U.S. 8.2.2 Canada 8.2.3 Mexico 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Germany 8.3.2 U.K. 8.3.3 France 8.3.4 Rest of Europe 8.4 Asia Pacific 8.4.1 China 8.4.2 Japan 8.4.3 India 8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific 8.5 Rest of the World 8.5.1 Latin America 8.5.2 Middle East

9 Regenerative Medicine Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview 9.2 Company Market Ranking 9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product Outlook 10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Analysts with high expertise in data gathering and governance utilize industry techniques to collate and examine data at all stages. Our analysts are trained to combine modern data collection techniques, superior research methodology, subject expertise and years of collective experience to produce informative and accurate research reports.

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Regenerative Medicine Market Segmentation, Top Companies, Applications, Comprehensive Research Report and Forecast to 2026 - Market Research Sheets

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Supply Chain Management Software Solutions Market Will Grow Significantly in Coming Years – Supply and Demand Chain Executive

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:00 am

Cell and Advanced Therapies Supply Chain Management Market: Focus on Technological Solutions, 2019-2030report features an extensive study of the growing supply chain management software solutions market.

The focus of this study is on software systems, including cell orchestration platforms (COP), enterprise manufacturing systems (EMS), inventory management systems (IMS), laboratory information management systems (LIMS), logistics management systems (LMS), patient management systems (PMS), quality management systems (QMS), tracking and tracing software (TTS), and other such platforms that are being used to improve / optimize various supply chain-related processes of cell and advanced therapies.

One of the key objectives of the report was to understand the primary growth drivers and estimate the future size of the supply chain management software solutions market. Based on multiple parameters, such as number of cell and advanced therapies under development, expected pricing, likely adoption rates, and potential cost saving opportunities from different software systems, we have developed informed estimates of the evolution of the market, over the period 2019-2030.

In addition, we have provided the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across:

Advanced therapy medicinal products, such as cell and gene therapies, have revolutionized healthcare practices. The introduction of such treatment options has led to a paradigm shift in drug development, production and consumption. Moreover, such therapies have actually enabled healthcare providers to treat several difficult-to-treat clinical conditions.

In the past two decades, more than 30 such therapy products have been approved; recent approvals include Zolgensma (2019), RECELL System (2018), AmnioFix (2018), EpiFix (2018), EpiBurn (2018), Alofisel (2018), LUXTURNA (2017), Yescarta (2017), and Kymriah (2017). Further, according to a report published by The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine in 2019, more than 1,000 clinical trials are being conducted across the globe by over 900 companies.

In 2018, around USD 13 billion was invested in this domain, representing a 73% increase in capital investments in this domain, compared to the previous year. It is worth highlighting that, based on an assessment of the current pipeline of cell therapies and the historical clinical success of such products, it is likely that around 10-20 advanced therapies are approved by the US FDA each year, till 2025.

The commercial success of cell and advanced therapies is not only tied to whether they are capable of offering the desired therapeutic benefits, but also on whether the developers are able to effectively address all supply chain requirements. The advanced therapy medicinal products supply chain is relatively more complex compared to the conventional pharmaceutical supply chain. As a result, there are a number of risks, such as possible operational inefficiencies, capacity scheduling concerns, process delays leading to capital losses, and deliverable tracking-related issues, which need to be taken into consideration by therapy developers.

This has generated a need for bespoke technological solutions, which can be integrated into existing processes to enable the engaged stakeholders to oversee and manage the various aspects of the cell and advanced therapies supply chain, in compliance to global regulatory standards. Over the years, several innovative, software-enabled systems, offering supply chain orchestration and needle-to-needle traceability, have been developed.

The market has also recently witnessed the establishment of numerous partnerships, most of which are agreements between therapy developers and software solutions providers. Further, given the growing demand for cost-effective personalized medicinal products, and a myriad of other benefits of implementing such software solutions, the niche market is poised to grow significantly in the foreseen future.

Amongst other elements, the report features:

In order to account for the uncertainties associated with some of the key parameters and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three market forecast scenarios portraying the conservative, base and optimistic tracks of the industry's evolution.

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Supply Chain Management Software Solutions Market Will Grow Significantly in Coming Years - Supply and Demand Chain Executive

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Is Trillium Therapeutics Inc (TRIL) Stock a Good Buy in Biotechnology – InvestorsObserver

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 3:59 am

Trillium Therapeutics Inc (TRIL) is near the top in its industry group according to InvestorsObserver. TRIL gets an overall rating of 93. That means it scores higher than 93 percent of stocks. Trillium Therapeutics Inc gets a 99 rank in the Biotechnology industry. Biotechnology is number 64 out of 148 industries.

Click Here to get the full Stock Score Report on Trillium Therapeutics Inc (TRIL) Stock.

Finding the best stocks can be tricky. It isnt easy to compare companies across industries. Even companies that have relatively similar businesses can be tricky to compare sometimes. InvestorsObservers tools allow a top-down approach that lets you pick a metric, find the top sector and industry and then find the top stocks in that sector.

Our proprietary scoring system captures technical factors, fundamental analysis and the opinions of analysts on Wall Street. This makes InvestorsObservers overall rating a great way to get started, regardless of your investing style. Percentile-ranked scores are also easy to understand. A score of 100 is the top and a 0 is the bottom. Theres no need to try to remember what is good for a bunch of complicated ratios, just pay attention to which numbers are the highest.

Trillium Therapeutics Inc (TRIL) stock is trading at $1.32 as of 10:16 AM on Friday, Jan 3, a drop of -$0.17, or -11.4% from the previous closing price of $1.49. The stock has traded between $1.21 and $1.40 so far today. Volume today is light. So far 1,222,468 shares have traded compared to average volume of 1,841,439 shares.

To see the top 5 stocks in Biotechnology click here.

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Is Trillium Therapeutics Inc (TRIL) Stock a Good Buy in Biotechnology - InvestorsObserver

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New system to promote wound healing – BusinessLine

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 3:59 am

Scientists at Department of Biotechnologys Thiruvananthapuram-based Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology have developed a new system that promises to improve the delivery of growth factors to help in healing wounds.

Wound healing is a complex process. It mainly consists of three phases - inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodeling. Application of growth factors at the site of the wound can improve the efficiency and quality of wound healing as they stimulate development of new blood vessels and proliferation of cells, which, in turn, regulates the production and degradation of the extracellular matrix.

Local application of growth factors are, however, not very effective as they have short half-life and dilute fast in the body. They also degrade quickly and become inactive due to various factors at the injury sites. Growth factors have also proved to have undesirable side effects at high systemic levels. Efforts are underway to develop ways to deliver growth factor in a controlled manner to overcome these problems.

The polymer Chitosan is being increasingly used in the treatment of wounds. Among other things, it has anti microbial properties and promotes tissue growth. However, its use in wound management is limited since it has poor mechanical properties.

In the new work, researchers at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology created a scaffold by cross-linking Chitosan with Polyethylene glycol (PEG), synthetic polymers. This helped to improve the strength and elasticity of Chitosan. They then conjugated the scaffold with a chemical called Heparin. This helped in the better adsorption of two growth factors -- Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (BEGF), which can be very helpful in wound healing.

In a paper published in journal, Scientific Reports, the scientists said, The efficiency of the scaffold for wound healing was tested in vitro by cell cytotoxicity assay and live/dead cell assay and in vivo by full thickness wound model. The Histology of the treated wound tissue was evaluated by H and E staining, Massons Trichrome staining, immunohistochemical staining of

Ki67 antibodies and it was found that the developed system had enhanced wound healing property.

The study was conducted by G.S.Vinod and Amritha Vijayan of Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, and A. Sabareeswaran of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology, which is also based in Thiruvananthapuram.

The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) began in 1990 as a small charitable society called the Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology. In 1991, recognizing its potential, Government of Kerala made it a "Grant-in-Aid" institute and it was renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Development of Education, Science and Technology. In 1994 the State

Government restructured it into a comprehensive biotechnology center and it was re-christened as Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology. Later, on November 18, 2002 the then President of India, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam dedicated it to the nation.

(India Science News)

Twitter handle: @ndpsr


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The Top Biotech ETFs to Watch in 2020 – 24/7 Wall St.

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 3:59 am

By Chris LangeJanuary 3, 2020 11:15 am

Companies in the biotech industry face an incredible amount of risk while getting their drugs to market. A study coming back negative or a candidate not being approved could crush a company. On the other hand, a positive clinical trial, or even an update from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), could send shares skyrocketing.

On a company by company basis, this makes investing in biotechs somewhat tricky. However, there is an investment strategy that makes this process much easier.

To mitigate this risk and concern about picking the winners or the losers within the biotech (or any) industry, exchange-traded funds offer a sampling and exposure to this market without an all-or-none risk in any single companys stock. As the saying goes: Theres an ETF for that strategy. ETF Database has collected much of the information about these ETFs, among others, and made it easily accessible for those looking to get into the game. Investors can use a number of ETFs to invest in a risky biotech industry.

iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (NASDAQ: IBB) has been around since February 2001, and it aims to track the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index. This fund seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of biotechnology and pharmaceutical equities listed on the Nasdaq. Note that this is the largest biotech ETF, with $7.59 billion in assets under management. Its overall expense ratio is 0.47%, and it posted gains of over 22% in 2019. This ETF has a total of 218 holdings. The top 10 holdings include a mix of large-cap domestic biotech companies:

SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (NYSEARCA: XBI) has been around since February 2006 and aims to track the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index. This fund seeks to provide exposure to the biotechnology segment of the S&P. It has $4.37 billion in assets under management. Its overall expense ratio is 0.35%, and it traded up 30% over the course of 2019. This fund has 127 holdings. The top 10 holdings include a smattering of U.S. biotechs in the S&P 500:

First Trust NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index Fund (NYSEARCA: FBT) has been around since June 2006 and aims to track the NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index. The fund targets biopharma companies involved with recombinant DNA technology, molecular biology, genetic engineering, monoclonal antibody-based technology, lipid/liposome technology and genomics. It has $1.81 billion in assets under management, its overall expense ratio is 0.57% and it gained over 19% in 2019. This ETF has 31 holdings. The top 10 include mostly domestic biopharma firms:

VanEck Vectors Biotech ETF (NASDAQ: BBH) has been around since December 2011, and it aims to track the MVIS US Listed Biotech 25 Index. This ETF seeks to track the overall performance of companies involved in the development and production, marketing and sales of drugs based on genetic analysis and diagnostic equipment. It was last seen to have $362.6 million in assets under management. Its overall expense ratio is 0.35%, and it traded up nearly 26% in 2019. This fund has a total of 25 holdings. The top 10 holdings include mostly domestic biotech firms:

By Chris Lange

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The Top Biotech ETFs to Watch in 2020 - 24/7 Wall St.

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Vir Biotechnology (VIR) Stock in the Investors Queue? – News Welcome

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 3:59 am

Technical Indicators of Vir Biotechnology Stock:

The share price of VIR is currently down -1.43% from its 20 days moving average and trading -5.67% declining the 50 days moving average. The stock price has been seen performing along below drift from its 200 days moving average with -6.24%. Moving averages are an important analytical tool used to identify current price trends and the potential for a change in an established trend. The simplest form of using a simple moving average in analysis is using it to quickly identify if a security is in an uptrend or downtrend.

RSI momentum oscillator is the most common technical indicator of a stock to determine about the momentum of the shares price and whether the stock trading at normal range or its becoming oversold or overbought. It also helps to measure Speed and change of stock price movement. RSI reading varies between 0 and 100. Commonly when RSI goes below 30 then stock is oversold and stock is overbought when it goes above 70. So as currently the Relative Strength Index (RSI-14) reading of Vir Biotechnology stock is 47.29.

Although it is important to look for trades in a direction of bigger trends when stocks are indicating an opposite short-term movement. Like looking for overbought conditions when bigger trend remained down and oversold conditions when bigger trend is up. In order to check a bigger trend for VIR a 14-day RSI can fell short and considered as a short-term indicator. So in that situation a Simple moving average of a stock can also be an important element to look in addition to RSI.

Looking into the Profitability indicators on Vir Biotechnology stock we analyze the stocks Profitability ratios.

Vir Biotechnology Profitability Spotlight:

Return on Investment (ROI) of stock is 66.00%. ROI ratio tells about the efficiency of a number of investments in a company.

Vir Biotechnology (VIR) Volatility Indicators:

Volatility of the Vir Biotechnology remained at 5.43% over last week and shows 6.62% volatility in last month. In addition to number of shares traded in last few trading sessions volatility also tells about the fluctuation level of the stock price, commonly a high volatility is the friend of day traders. Volatility is also measured by ATR an exponential moving average (14-days) of the True Ranges. Currently, the ATR value of companys stock is situated at 0.77.

Vir Biotechnology (VIR) has a market capitalization of $1.39B. Knowing about the market capitalization of a company helps investor to determine the company size, market value and the risk. The stock added 3.75% to value at $12.57 on Tuesday trading session. VIR recorded volume of 241429 shares in most recent trading session as compared to an average volume of 213.54K shares. It shows that the shares were traded in the recent trading session (12/31/2019) and traders shown interest in VIR stock. The stock EPS is $-1.26 against its recent stock value of $12.57 per share.

Analysts Estimation on Stock:

The current analyst consensus rating stood at 2.2 on shares (where according to data provided by FINVIZ, 1.0 Strong Buy, 2.0 Buy, 3.0 Hold, 4.0 Sell, 5.0 Strong Sell). Analysts opinion is also an important factor to conclude a stocks trend. Many individual analysts and firms give their ratings on a stock. While Looking ahead of 52-week period, the mean Target Price set by analysts is $26.

Now entering into the performance part of the article on Vir Biotechnology stock we should check the stocks actual performance in the past.

Performance of the VIR Stock:

Vir Biotechnology revealed performance of 0.36% during the period of last 5 trading days. The stock maintained for the month at 5.23%. The stock noted year to date 2019 performance at -10.31% . The stock is now standing at -23.79% from 52 week-high and is situated at 7.94% above from 52-week low price.

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