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Diabetes vs Stress and lifestyle – Economic Times

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:19 am

India is said to be the diabetic capital of the world. This is so despite the fact that we have access to gyms, good food and enough knowledge and awareness.

Diabetes is a dietary and a lifestyle disease the no. 1 cause of high uncontrolled chronic stress. Chronic stress not only affects ones immunity but also increases the level of stress hormone called cortisol in the body.

Increased cortisol leads to high blood sugar levels, in turn leading to elevated risk of type 2 diabetes. Insulin too does get affected with high cortisol levels / chronic stress, which has an impact on overall blood sugar levels leading to either hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

However, working with the mind, body and emotional health is a huge game changer in reversing the type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is also called a nutritional wasting disease as due to polyuria ( increased urination)one looses essential water soluble nutrients in urine like vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D3, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Although by drinkingenough water one can replace the loss to a certain extent but one cannot replenish the water soluble nutrients, thus making diabetes the no 1 cause of blindness, amputation, kidney failure and increasing the risk of both heart attack and stroke.

Increased stress, obesity and inactivity increase the risk of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes leads to insulin insensitivity. Insulin affects various tissues and cells in the body like fat cells which lead to inflammation which suppresses the immune system making ones body more vulnerable.

The best approach is to get to the root cause of diabetesand arrest it

1) By taking steps to reduce stress through meditation,yoga or doing asanas. Work ongetting sound sleep,forminimum 7 hours which should naturally repair and restore muscles, organs & tissues

2) Eating a healthy, well balanced, nutritious diet containing plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lentils.

3) Plant based diet has a positive impact on diabetes and reduces inflammation.

4) Foods with low-glycemic load have a better impact on lowering blood sugar levels than low-glycemic index.

5) Including super foods like organic apple cedar vinegar, fenugreek seeds, moringa, turmeric, garlic, aloe vera , curry leaves and cinnamon which help in diabetes.

6) Optimum water intake of minimum 2-3 litres in a day. One can make water alkaline by adding lime, cucumber or cinnamon. For better absorption of the nutrients, to improve blood circulation and for detoxification optimum water intake is a must.

7) Regular exercise and leading a physically active life increases release of serotonin and dopamine which reduces anxiety and depression.

8) Cut back on excess consumption of caffeine or alcohol, as it not only spikes up the cortisol level but also leads to other medical complications.

So in a nutshell, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutritious diet, avoiding processed foods, regular physical activity, optimum water intake, sound sleep and de- stressing ones body and mind is the key to prevent type 2 diabetes.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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Stemming the Tide Confronting Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century – The Times of Israel

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:18 am

Im having a difficulty formulating a cohesive thought process as my thinking changes on an hourly basis. As I dont have any brilliant epiphanies, this article may offer ideas that can be deemed contradictory. Inasmuch as Im horrified by recent events targeting the Jewish community I would rather not posit morose or doomsday scenarios depicting the demise of the American Jewish community. On the contrary, and in spite of what transpired, the State of Israel and the American Jewish community has the support of the majority of American people. I cant recall a time in our collective history when Jews were as free to outwardly profess their religion as they are today. Relative to a perfect world, our situation is far from perfect. However, relative to an imperfect world, our situation is far better than our ancestors.

One one hand it seems like a redundant theme; every few months we decry another incident against Jews and the Jewish community. Of course we are all grief stricken by the murder of innocent victims and express our condolences and sympathy to their families and community. We pray for those injured in the latest attack in Monsey and beseech the Almighty to grant them a speedy recovery from their physical and emotional injuries. Furthermore, an uptick in violence against Jews in the New York and New Jersey area has brought the matter of anti-Jewish sentiment a little closer to home. Understandably, people are angry and politicians will announce new measures, but what if anything can be done to reverse the trend.

To many its uncomfortable to feel pessimistic, yet dismissing reality and living with a false sense of security is a far less attractive alternative. King Solomon wrote, There is nothing new under the sun, and indeed there are those who opine that nothing has significantly changed in the history of the Jews. This vile hatred has always existed and its only our proximity to the violence that has our communities more on edge. The goldiner medina was the way refugees who suffered from Europes blatant anti-semitism referred to the United States. It was the one country where Jews imagined they were safe and secure. It was the one country in which religious Jews werent afraid to dress in traditional garb or look and act as they did in the shtetl back home. Yet now they question if that belief was fictitious? Was it only an illusion?

For years, smatterings of anti-Jewish sentiment were quickly dismissed as irrelevant and part of the loony fringe but now they have begun to think differently. They believed the KKK was an extinct part of a shameful past and our country was now bonding together to counter extremism and protect minorities, but that too is being reevaluated. The recurring excuse for resentment against the Jew for killing Jesus was replaced with ecumenical encouragement, mutual understanding, and forgiveness. The pope himself refuted such hateful allegations and reflected on the synthesis the church should have with their Jewish brethren. Collectively they sighed a breath of relief and believed that the problems of yesteryear were behind us. But now they have begun to question if it was all a mirage and nothing at all has really changed.

What happened? How is it possible that in 2020 the Jews in America are facing the same dilemma that the Jews in Europe faced a hundred years ago? And if Bernie Sanders can be a front runner as the Democratic nominee why arent the Jews feeling as accepted and equal as they were a few years ago? Although there is a growing pronouncement that this hatred will no longer be tolerated or accepted, it still exists. Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders stand together against hate but Jews are still being murdered. People of all ethnicities and political views express solidarity and mutual love, but why has little changed. Tomorrow or the day after another catastrophic event will engender more sympathy and ecumenical hand holding but sadly the Jew is still scapegoated. It is as if were on a holding pattern with fuel running dangerously low and depending on fumes to land safely.

I offer no apologies for those who express these views because in one chamber of my heart I believe they are correct. Yet, I also can imagine a scenario where optimism reigns and a solution can be found. Instead of focusing on four millennium of religious intolerance I would study a country that faces this type of hostility on a daily basis. Israelis understand that anti-Israel sentiment was a foundation of their existence. Its an existential threat that weighs heavily on every prime minister and Israeli politician. They know better than anyone else, that the greatest of allies can turn into the greatest of foes and lifelong friends can become the evil nemesis of tomorrow. Today the United States is their greatest supporter but who knows what tomorrow might bring. The reverberations of political upheavals are an ever constant fear among those who have to protect the existence of the State of Israel and the security and safety of its citizens.

However, Israelis realized long ago what the Jews in America are unwilling to accept. They understood that every day requires innovative thinking to ensure that they survive today. There is never a guarantee of what tomorrow may bring but there is an acknowledgment that tomorrows existence is totally dependent on existing today. Every day is a new battle and every fight has the chance of being the last. Failure is not an option. Therefore, the Israelis are never complacent and never let down their guard. They are always prepared for the next inevitable eventuality. Yet, they also embrace a philosophy of outreach to their enemies. It is an outreach that is not dependent on sympathy or compassion but is reliant on proving that its more beneficial to be friends than enemies. They may be unsuccessful on university campuses but they are making tremendous strides in the international arena. Israel has decided to confront reality instead of hiding from it. Their solicitation to the Arab world is directed against the Arab worlds fear of the Iranian regime and economic benefits that will benefit both sides. Their solicitation to the African continent is directed against famine and protection against insurgents and terrorist organizations. And their solicitation to the western world is directed towards a goal of eradicating terror cells and Israels knowledge of cyber security. And its leadership in areas of biotech, medicinal breakthroughs and development of the high tech industry has further allowed Israel to help stem its pariah status. Israel is changing the rules of the game. It is empowered by a newly conceived victor mentality and has ceased relying on playing the victim. What will happen tomorrow is anyones guess. But it wont be from an apathy and a lack of trying.

Perhaps the Jew in America can confront Anti-Semitism by using an approach similar to Israel. For thousands of years diaspora Jews were victims of oppression and denigration by hostile regimes. We survived but never thrived. The great sage Hillel wrote two thousand years ago, If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? What he expresses to the 21st century Jew is an understanding that success and failure is dependent on us. I must be my strongest advocate; I must decide once and for all, that I am no longer a victim. My strength or weakness is not determined by others, it is I who has control of my destiny. That being said, Hillel continues if we are only for ourselves, who are we?

In reality, Im more optimistic today despite the tragedies that occurred over Chanukah. Although we have not yet succeeded in eradicating anti Jewish sentiment, positive inroads have been made. Jews no longer cower in fear worrying about anti Jewish legislation and negative propaganda. On the contrary, may of enemies are coming to our defense. They are finally realizing they have more to lose than we do. Even Al Sharpton has had an about face and recently met with Rabbi Marc Schneier to apologize on behalf of the African American community. Is there more thats needed, absolutely. There is never a justification for any hatred or animus based solely on race or religion. But small significant steps are far better than no steps at all.

Who knows if Hillels dictum can offer a meaningful way to hasten the forward trajectory? As few solutions have been effective over the past four millennium, its worth to begin thinking outside of the box. Hillel concludes his premise with the realization that human beings are reticent to change and frightened of the ramifications. So he added an addendum And if not now, when?

Shabbat Shalom,Rabbi Jack Engel

Rabbi Jack and his wife, Miriam have reinvigorated Anshei Emuna, a Modern Orthodox Synagogue located in Delray Beach, Florida, in the ten plus years they have been at the Shul, through their experiences gleaned from serving in pulpits in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They are advocates of a modern Orthodoxy, being open minded, yet adhering to the integrity of halacha. They believe that being an ohr lagoyim refers first and foremost to the entirety of our collective Jewish family.

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Firm adds a new wrinkle to anti-aging products – Williamson Daily News

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:17 am

HUNTINGTON Serucell Corporation, a cosmeceutical company based in Huntington, has developed the worlds only dual-cell technology to create and produce anti-aging skincare products, and they did it in Huntington.

Serucell KFS Cellular Protein Complex Serum is made start to finish at Serucells laboratory on the south side of Huntington.

This has been one of the best kept secrets in West Virginia, said Cortland Bohacek, executive chairman and a co-founder of Serucell Corporation.

The company soft launch was in September 2018 at The Greenbrier Spas. The Official online launch was April 2019 and is getting exposure with some well known sellers like Neiman Marcus, local dermatologist and plastic surgeons offices and several other retail locations from New York to California. It is also sold online at

One person that has tried the product is Jennifer Wheeler, who is also a Huntington City Council member.

As a consumer I have an appreciation of the quality of the product and the results Ive seen using it, she said. It has been transformative for my skin and seems like its success will be transformative for our city as well.

She said Serucell and the people behind it are impressive on every level.

In my role on council, Im especially grateful for the companys conscious effort to stay and grow in our city, Wheeler said.

A one-ounce bottle of the serum costs $225. The recommended usage is twice per day and it will last on average of about six weeks.

Serucells active ingredient is called KFS (Keratinocyte Fibroblast Serum), which is made up of more than 1,500 naturally derived super proteins, collagens, peptides and signaling factors that support optimal communication within the cellular makeup of your skin.

This is the first and only dual-cell technology that optimizes hydration and harnesses the power of both keratinocytes and fibroblasts, two essential contributors to maintaining healthy skin by supporting natural rejuvenation of aging skin from the inside out, said Jennifer Hessel, president and CEO of the company.

When applied to the skin, KFS helps boost the skins natural ability to support new collagen and elastin, strengthen the connection and layer of support between the upper and lower layers of your skin. The result, over time is firmer, plumper and smoother skin, according to Hessel.

Why it works so naturally with your skin is because it is natural, Hessel said. These proteins play an important role in strengthening the bond between the layers of your skin, and thats where the re-boot happens.

KFS is the creation of Dr. Walter Neto, Serucells chief science officer and co-founder of the company. Neto is both a physician and a research scientist, specializing in the field of regenerative medicine with an emphasis on skin healing and repair.

Neto said Serucells technology unlocks the key to how our cells communicate and harnesses the signaling power actions to produce the thousands of bioactive proteins necessary to support the skins natural rejuvenation.

Originally from Brazil, Neto studied at Saint Matthews University and completed his clinical training in England. His clinical research on stem-cell cancer therapies, bone and tissue engineering and wound and burn healing led to his discovery in cell-to-cell communication, and ultimately the creation of Serucells KFS Cellular Protein Complex Serum.

Neto received multiple patents for the production method of Serucell KFS Serum. He lives in Huntington with his wife and four golden retrievers and works alongside his longtime friend, Dr. Brett Jarrell.

I have known Brett since I was 18 years old, Neto said.

Jarrell practices emergency medicine in Ashland, Kentucky, and oversees all aspects of quality control for Serucell. He received his bachelors degree in biology from Wittenberg University, his masters degree in biology from Marshall University and his medical degree from the Marshall University School of Medicine. Jarrell completed his residency at West Virginia University and is board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine.

Jarrell has served as a clinical instructor of emergency medicine at the Marshall School of Medicine, president of the West Virginia chapter of the American College of Emergency Medicine and he has published a number of peer-reviewed journal articles on stroke research.

Jarrell also lives in Huntington.

Another co-founder of the company is Dr. Tom McClellan.

McClellan is Serucells chief medical officer and director of research and is a well-respected plastic and reconstructive surgeon with a private practice, McClellan Plastic Surgery, in Morgantown.

McClellan completed his plastic and reconstructive surgery training at the world-renowned Lahey Clinic Foundation, a Harvard Medical School and Tufts Medical School affiliate in Boston, Massachusetts. While in Boston, he worked at Lahey Medical Center, Brigham and Womens Hospital, as well as at the Boston Childrens Hospital. McClellan is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

In addition to his practice and role at Serucell, McClellan utilizes his surgical skills through pro bono work with InterplastWV, a non-profit group that provides comprehensive reconstructive surgery to the developing world. He has participated in surgical missions to Haiti, Peru and the Bahamas.

McClellan lives in Morgantown with his family.

All three doctors here have strong connections to West Virginia, and we didnt want to leave, Neto said. We all want to give back to West Virginia, so that is the main reason we have our business here in Huntington.

We are building a company we believe can make a difference in the community, Hessel added. Our goal is to grow Serucell and build our brand right here in Huntington. There is a pool of untapped talent here in Huntington. When we expand our business here, we can provide another reason for young people to be able to stay and grow their careers, whether it is in science, operations or manufacturing. The team is a pretty excited to make an impact in the community where it all started.

Hessel decline to give sales numbers, but said the business has been growing each year since the product was introduced. She also declined to give the number of employees at the facility, but did say it has sales representatives across the country.

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The 10 best cyberpunk games on PC – PC Gamer

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:14 am

Theres an innate joy to a good cyberpunk game; that sense of fighting The Man, of struggling up from the gutter in a world that doesnt care, of being a rebel with a cause and, more importantly, some serious hardware. Sometimes its a depressing odyssey, other times, very tongue in cheek. Here, then, are our pick of the games worth selling your genitals on the black market for.

Released: 2001 Publisher: Eidos InteractiveDeveloper: Ion Storm

Few cyberpunk games have the same indie-rock feel as Anachronox, the game from Ion Storm that wasnt Deus Ex or Daikatana. Its Tom Halls tribute to pretty much everything Tom Hall loves, from the dimension-shifting titular planet to comic book worlds, to the fact that you spend much of the game travelling with a planet as a companion. A literal planet. Shrunk down, hovering next you, its people voting on what they all want to do next. Anachronox is a janky experience to be sure, but an unforgettable one, and its a genuine tragedy well never get the planned sequel.

Released: 1994Publisher: VirginDeveloper: Revolution Software

Beneath A Steel Sky offers a different feel to most cyberpunk; a somewhat low-key, sardonic take, in a city that thrives on cruel mundanity. Its not long before youre digging deeper into cyberpunk tropes, however, as you battle the omnipresent computer system LINC, explore cyberspace in search of clues, and save a city thats Blade Runner by way of Hull. Along the way you get the delightful company of your robot buddy Joey, who mirrors the genres love of transhumanism with his own slow evolution from humble circuit board towell, spoilers. Best of all, its completely free.

Released: 2015Publisher: Wadjet Eye GamesDeveloper: Wadjet Eye Games

It may be a fantastic adventure, but Technobabylon stands out most for having a deep sense of heart. Cyberpunk is often a cold genre, either through pessimism or a focus on the dehumanising nature of technology. Technobabylon flips that, with a story that comes at the usual elements from an entirely human directionfamily, loss, isolation and community. Its icier elements remain brutal, from restaurants that serve cloned human flesh to terrorists whose bones have been turned into bombs, but its the warmth that makes it unforgettable. That and the jingle for T.H.E. Foods, which will, alas, never leave you.

Released: 2016Publisher: Sukeban GamesDeveloper: Ysbyrd Games

Most cyberpunk games have you fighting against a corrupt system in some way. VA-11 HALL-A is more about helping it get drunk. Its a mix of visual novel and bartending simulator, where you bounce between mixing drinks and talking with the bizarre visitors at your seedy bar. The trick is that, by mixing the right drinks, you can make them open up and tell you stories of the harsh world outside. Some of those guests are dogs. Its that kind of bar. VA-11 HALL-As clever ideas and well realised setting are well worth visiting for a round or two.

Released: 2011Publisher: Streum on StudioDeveloper: Streum on Studio

Were meant to give you a pithy summary of EYE at this point, but thats just not going to happen. You wont find many games so devoted to making your brain melt, from its convoluted plot to the way the game works. Youre an amnesiac caught in a dreamscape, and things only get more surreal when you enter the real world and find yourself surrounded by groups with names like the Secreta Secretorum and the Meta-Streumic Force. EYE is every cyberpunk trope thrown into a big futuristic blender and then spiced up with a little LSD. Its endlessly fascinating, especially if you like Deus Ex but find it just a bit too predictable.

Released: 1999Publisher: EADeveloper: Irrational Games

The System Shock series isnt quite the same flavour of cyberpunk as most of the games on this list, but it stands as one of the first truly successful attempts at the genre. Its villain, rogue AI SHODAN, is deservedly considered one of gamings greatest baddies, and the first games take on cyberspace as a surreal maze of wireframe graphics and deadly geometric shapes certainly warrants the series its place. The sequel largely drops that element, but replaces it with a new interest in transhumanism by way of the improvements offered by a more evolved SHODAN, who refuses to be humbled by needing to rely on a mere fleshbag.

Released: 2016 Publisher: UbisoftDeveloper: Ubisoft

The first Watch Dogs was more overtly cyberpunk than its sequel, but its also a far inferior game. Watch Dogs 2 picks up everything it did well, particularly the use of hacking as a primary weapon and a city in which everything can be manipulated, and throws out everything else. While the sequel doesnt have much raw story, it does a great job of making new hero Marcus Holloway feel like part of something important. Watch Dogs 2 puts you at the bottom of the social ladder, then hands you a hacksaw to bring the system crashing down. Doing so makes for great set-pieces and a genuine feeling of power.

Released: 1997Publisher: VirginDeveloper: Westwood Studios

Westwoods Blade Runner absolutely nails the style of the movie, recreating its locations with fully animated backgrounds, and offers a score painstakingly recreated by the composer from the original. Its a brand new story in the Blade Runner universe, playing out concurrently with Deckards. The first act especially is a masterful bit of work, plunging you deep into the world and dripping with atmosphere. You get to perform the Voight-Kampff test, face off with replicants who arent afraid to thrust you into an arcade sequence without warning, and generally live for a while in a more-or-less perfect recreation of LA, 2019.

Released: 2014Publisher: Harebrained SchemesDeveloper: Harebrained Schemes

Its amazing that we had to wait so long for either of the two big cyberpunk tabletop RPGs to make their way to PCif you ignore Microsofts team-based FPS Shadowrun, which everyone really should. Despite both SNES and Mega Drive owners getting Shadowrun games in the early 90s, we had to wait until 2013 for Harebrained Schemes Shadowrun Returns. The original campaign, Dead Mans Switch, is solid enough. The sequel (originally an expansion pack before thankfully being re-released as a standalone game), is phenomenal.

Shadowruns take on cyberpunk is a complex one, mixing in magical and fantasy elements, with the playersshadowrunnersas mercenaries in a world gone mad. Dragonfall absolutely nails this, essentially giving you a team, a general objective to raise enough money for a big mission, and a city of opportunities to pick and choose from. Its not a complex business simulation or anything like that, but it conveys the vibe of being a shadowrunner far more effectively than a series of mandatory missions ever could. You spend time with your team and get to know their personalities and problems, help them out, and slowly improve your gear until youre ready to take on literal dragons.

All of this plays out in two basic modes: RPG exploration, and solid tactical combat that makes good use of your team and their abilities. The magical parts of the setting really help with these, allowing the action to go beyond guns.

The third game, Shadowrun: Hong Kong, was also an excellent RPG, but it was this sense of actually being in control that made Dragonfall stand out, both in its series and the genre in general. Its a structural approach we dont often see, and yet one that doesnt get in the way of a strong main storyline and a satisfying ending. What Dragonfall lacks in raw technology, with its relatively simple engine and graphics, it more than makes up for in scope and heart.

Its one of the best RPGs of the last few years, and one of the best cyberpunk games full stop. Harebrained is now part of strategy behemoth Paradox Interactiveheres hoping its working on something even bigger and better.

Released: 2011Publisher: Square EnixDeveloper: Eidos Montreal

Honestly, the question was never whether Deus Ex would end up topping this list, but whether this or the original would take the crown.

The first game is of course a classic, but time hasnt been especially kind to its technology or some of its ideas, and politically its from a very different era. Human Revolution lacks some of its raw scope and imagination, but is a far sleeker experience that builds on what the original does so well, and what other franchises have brought to the immersive sim genre in the intervening years. Yes, the boss fights suck, and can rightly go and stand in the corner with those copies of Invisible War and Mankind Divideds garbage ending, but in all other respects, Human Revolution still holds up extremely well as a glimpse of a possible future.

It helps that, while the original Deus Ex was largely built around conspiracy theoriesgroups like the Illuminati and so onHuman Revolution concentrates on transhumanism and the societal chasms between the haves and have-nots that are only widened by the addition of technology. As gravelly-voiced, professional not-asker-for- this Adam Jensen, youre in the rare position of being in the middle of the situation, with a body full of fancy toys that isnt exactly yours. Youre neither truly with the rich and powerful in their ivory towers, nor down with the gutter-rats, but perfectly placed to either prop up a failing society or help it come crashing down.

This gives Human Revolution a resonance that many other supercop fantasies struggle with, in a world perfectly set up to explore technology in both its positive and negative forms. The same science that can replace an arm or eyeball can also be abused, or simply demonised, with just a few flicks of a switch. Fancy cyborg gear can elevate the average person, but also make them subject to its creators in both body and soul. Is it a fair trade? What if the people just seize it?

The sequel, Mankind Divided, focuses on the social issues of all this, with questionable success. Human Revolution handles it more elegantly by simply presenting the situation, and allowing you, the player, to decide which path is correct. Admittedly, this boils down to pressing a button and watching a video clip, but still. While it lasts, its a solid shooter, a thought-provoking game, and also it lets you punch people through walls.

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Top Movies Of 2019 That Depicted Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Analytics India Magazine

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:14 am

Artificial intelligence (AI) is creating a great impact on the world by enabling computers to learn on their own. While in the real world AI is still focused on solving narrow problems, we see a whole different face of AI in the fictional world of science fiction movies which predominantly depict the rise of artificial general intelligence as a threat for human civilization. As a continuation of the trend, here we take a look at how artificial intelligence was depicted in 2019 movies.

A warning in advance the following listicle is filled with SPOILERS.

Terminator: Dark Fate the sixth film of the Terminator movie franchise, featured a super-intelligent Terminator named Gabriel designated as Rev-9, and was sent from the future to kill a young woman (Dani) who is set to become an important figure in the Human Resistance against Skynet. To fight the Rev-9 Terminator, the Human Resistance from the future also sends Grace, a robot soldier, back in time, to defend Dani. Grace is joined by Sarah Connor, and the now-obsolete ageing model of T-800 Terminator the original killer robot in the first movie (1984).

We all know Tony Stark as the man of advanced technology and when it comes to artificial intelligence, Stark has nothing short of state-of-the-art technology in Marvels cinematic universe. One such artificial intelligence was the Even Dead, Im The Hero (E.D.I.T.H.) which we witnessed in the 2019 movie Spider-Man: Far From Home. EDITH is an augmented reality security defence and artificial tactical intelligence system created by Tony Stark and was given to Peter Parker following Starks death. It is encompassed in a pair of sunglasses and gives its users access to Stark Industries global satellite network along with an array of missiles and drones.

I Am Mother is a post-apocalyptic movie which was released in 2019. The films plot is focused on a mother-daughter relationship where the mother is a robot designed to repopulate Earth. The robot mother takes care of her human child known as daughter who was born with artificial gestation. The duo stays in a secure bunker alone until another human woman arrives there. The daughter now faces a predicament of whom to trust- her robot mother or a fellow human who is asking the daughter to come with her.

Wandering Earth is another 2019 Chinese post-apocalyptic film with a plot involving Earths imminent crash into another planet and a group of family members and soldiers efforts to save it. The films artificial intelligence character is OSS, a computer system which was programmed to warn people in the earth space station. A significant subplot of the film is focused on protagonist Liu Peiqiangs struggle with MOSS which forced the space station to go into low energy mode during the crash as per its programming from the United Earth Government. In the end, Liu Peiqiang resists and ultimately sets MOSS on fire to help save the Earth.

James Camerons futuristic action epic for 2019 Alita: Battle Angel is a sci-fi action film which depicts the human civilization in an extremely advanced stage of transhumanism. The movie describes the dystopian future where robots and autonomous systems are extremely powerful. To elaborate, in one of the initial scenes of the movie, Ido attaches a cyborg body to a human brain he found (from another cyborg) and names her Alita after his deceased daughter, which is an epitome of advancements in AI and robotics.

Jexi is the only Hollywood rom-com movie depicting artificial intelligence in 2019. The movie features an AI-based operating system called Jexi with recognizable human behaviour and reminds the audience of the previously acclaimed film Her, which was released in 2014. But unlike Her, the movie goes the other way around depicting how the AI system becomes emotionally attached to its socially-awkward owner, Phil. The biggest shock of the comedy film is when Jexi the AI which lives inside Phils cellphone acts to control his life and even chases him angrily using a self-driving car.

Hi, AI is a German documentary which was released in early 2019. The documentary was based on Chucks relationship with Harmony an advanced humanoid robot. The films depiction of artificial intelligence is in sharp contrast with other fictional movies on AI. The documentary also depicts that even though human research is moving in the direction of creating advanced robots, interactions with robots still dont have the same depth as human conversations. The film won the Max Ophls Prize for best documentary for the year.


Vishal Chawla is a senior tech journalist at Analytics India Magazine (AIM) and writes on the latest in the world of analytics, AI and other emerging technologies. Previously, he was a senior correspondent for IDG CIO and ComputerWorld. Write to him at

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1 of 2 escapees from troubled Mississippi prison in custody – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:13 am

One of two prisoners believed to have escaped from one of several Mississippi prisons recently rocked by violence is back in custody, authorities said early Sunday.

The Mississippi Department of Corrections tweeted just before 3:30 a.m. that David May was in custody. Further details weren't immediately released.

Gov. Phil Bryant on Saturday said via Twitter that he directed "the use of all necessary assets and personnel" to find the two inmates who escaped Saturday from the Mississippi State Penitentiary at Parchman. Five inmates have died in prison violence since Dec. 29; three of those deaths have occurred at Parchman.

The corrections department said in a Facebook post that May, 42, and Dillion Williams, 27, were discovered missing from Parchman during an "emergency count" about 1:45 a.m. Saturday. May is serving a life sentence for two aggravated assault convictions in Harrison County, and Williams is serving a 40-year sentence for residential burglary and aggravated assault in Marshall County.

The state Department of Public Safety deployed state troopers and the highway patrol's special operations group to help the Department of Corrections find the two inmates and to help restore order at the troubled facility that they escaped from, Bryant said.

The department said via Twitter on Saturday afternoon that there were no major disturbances occurring at Parchman.

"There was a minor fire at Unit 30 earlier this week. That fire, set by an inmate, was immediately extinguished. Like other facilities in the prison system, the prison has limited movement," the department tweeted.

Parchman is a series of cell blocks scattered across thousands of acres of farmland in Mississippi's Delta region. Inmates who escape their cells sometimes don't make it off the property.

Mississippi's outgoing prisons chief said Friday that four of the five killings of inmates since Sunday stem from gang violence, as guards struggle to maintain control of restive inmates.

Corrections Commissioner Pelicia Hall said the department won't confirm the names of the gangs "for security purposes," but relatives of inmates who spoke to The Associated Press and other news outlets said there's an ongoing confrontation between the Vice Lords and Black Gangster Disciples.

It wouldn't be the first time the two gangs have warred behind bars in Mississippi, with previous confrontations at Parchman and other prisons over the past 15 years. A 2015 survey found nearly 3,000 Black Gangster Disciple members and nearly 2,000 Vice Lords in prisons statewide.

"These are trying times for the Mississippi Department of Corrections," Hall said Friday.

All state prisons statewide remained locked down Saturday, Bryant said, with inmates confined to cells, and no visitors allowed.

T he first of five inmates identified as dying was Terrandance Dobbins, 40, who died Sunday at the South Mississippi Correctional Institute in Leakesville. Two days later, Walter Gates, 25, was stabbed and several other inmates were injured at Parchman during a fight that spread to multiple units of the sprawling prison. Then on Thursday, Gregory Emary, 26, was killed at the Chickasaw County Regional Correctional Facility, a county-run jail that holds state inmates. Also Thursday, 32-year-old Roosevelt Holliman was fatally stabbed at Parchman in a fracas that led to multiple injuries. Before dawn Friday, Denorris Howell, 36, was found dead in his cell at Parchman.

Corrections officials have repeatedly not answered questions about how many people overall have been injured, or whether there have been other violent incidents in prisons.

Mississippi's prison system has struggled to fill guard vacancies, with Hall saying it's difficult to attract people with salaries that start below $25,000 a year. Some guards end up bringing illegal drugs and cellphones into prisons. Criminal charges were filed in 2014 against 26 state correctional officers.

Some prisons, including South Mississippi, have areas where many prisoners are housed in bunks in one large room, instead of individual cells. This can lead to worsened security problems. South Mississippi, in Greene County, was locked down for almost all of 2019, in part because of guard shortages.

The violence came even as U.S. District Judge William Barbour ruled Tuesday that while conditions may have previously been poor at East Mississippi Correctional Facility near Meridian, there's no longer any evidence that the privately run prison is violating inmates' rights.

Hall announced Tuesday that she will resign in mid-January to take a private sector job, signaling incoming Gov. Tate Reeves won't retain her upon taking office Jan. 14.

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1 of 2 escapees from troubled Mississippi prison in custody - Minneapolis Star Tribune

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Year in Review: The Top Science Stories of 2019 – WTTW News

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:11 am

2019 has seen some astonishing scientific breakthroughs, from the creation of the first ever image of a black hole a feat once thought impossible to the use of DNA splicing technology to treat sickle cell disease.

As the year comes to an end, three of our regular science contributors Daniel Holz of the University of Chicago, Rabiah Mayas of the Museum of Science and Industry and Mark Hammergren of the Adler Planetarium share what they regard as the most significant science stories of the year.

Here are the stories they selected.

Daniel Hotz: First ever image of a black hole

Using the Event Horizon Telescope, scientists obtained an image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon. (Credits: Event Horizon Telescope collaboration et al.)

In April, an international astronomical team called the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration produced an image of a black hole for the first time.

Because not even light can escape from the immense gravity well that is a black hole, the idea of imaging a one was once thought impossible. Holz explained that the image the Event Horizon Telescope team produced is actually of super-heated matter about to fall into the black hole.

We are not looking at the black hole itself, what we are doing is seeing stuff fall into the black hole and that stuff gets very, very hot superheated because of the strong gravity and then it glows, said Holz. And what we are seeing is that glow but in the center nothing is glowing and thats because theres a black hole there.

Mayas noted the years of hard work and international collaboration that created what has already become an iconic image. The team used telescopes around the world to, in effect, create one huge telescope the size of the Earth to create the image.

There were scientists and engineers and astronomers from across the globe that came together to generate this image, said Mayas. The shear technology and the instrumentation and the collaboration that led to that is another example of what a career in STEM can look like for young people.

Rabiah Mayas: Gene-edited cells used to treat sickle cell disease

Researchers at the Sarah Cannon Research Institute in Nashville, Tennessee, announced in November that they had used genetically edited cells to treat sickle cell disease a painful and until now incurable condition that impacts millions of people in the United States and around the world.

Doctors used cells from a patients bone marrow that had been modified using CRISPR cas9 gene-splicing technology and reintroduced the cells back into the patients body.

CRISPR cas9 is something that was identified in bacteria as part of a bacterias natural immunity, said Mayas. The way that CRISPR works is that it looks for specific regions of DNA so the genetic information in the cells of many organisms and recognizes the particular sequence. And cas9 is an enzyme that can cut it. So it cuts the DNA, makes a break, and then your cell can put those ends back together.

CRISPR in this case was used to genetically modify the version of hemoglobin which is the protein that is malformed in Sickle Cell and turn it into a different form that is functional, said Mayas.

Within a month, those cells were producing healthy hemoglobin.

Mark Hammergren: Artemis moon mission

NASA is returning to the moon much sooner than it originally planned.

At the direction of President Donald Trump, NASA has been asked to accelerate its Artemis mission and return humans to the moons surface by 2024. The original Artemis schedule would have put humans back on the moon by 2028.

President Trump and his administration have proposed accelerating this return to the moon and came out and said we are going to land humans on the moon a man and a woman on the moon by 2024. And that is the directive given to NASA, said Hammergren. Regardless of what you think of these plans this is a directive to NASA that NASA has to follow.

Mayas noted that although the Artemis mission is to the moon, it is also regarded as a way to answer key questions and test and prove technology that could one day take humans to Mars.

What does it mean to spend time on another solar body? What does it mean to look for water and develop systems on a place that is not Earth in preparation for Mars?

All: Climate change

Activists on the evening of Monday, Oct. 7, 2019 closed down the streets in front of Chicago City Hall and the James R. Thompson Center as they called on Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Gov. J.B. Pritzker to declare a climate emergency. (WTTW News)

Climate change is the defining challenge of our time, according to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Guterres noted in an introduction to the latest report of the UNs Science Advisory Group, released in September, that the climate is already changing and highlights the far-reaching and dangerous impacts that will unfold for generations to come.

All three of our scientific contributors believe that climate change is one of the top science stories of the year.

I think young people have been telling us for years that they have been concerned about climate change, said Mayas. Young people from indigenous cultures around the world, from black and other marginalized communities in this country and elsewhere have been screaming for a while about climate change in part because we know from data that certain communities suffer the consequences of climate change more than others.

Hammergren said that as a planetary scientist we have to consider the Earth as a system as a whole and that he had seen directly the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in his astronomical observations.

Holz noted the evidence for global warming was overwhelming at this point.

The last few years have shown just look at the news the wildfires, the storms, the rising sea levels its just this whole parade of disasters. And this is just the beginning, said Holz. I fear for the future.

But Holz also noted that its not yet too late to try and address some of the worst impacts of climate change, particularly as young people around the world have rallied around this issue.

Its not too late, we can all get involved theres lots of things to do and the fact that young people are rising up. It really impacts them the most and we should listen to them, said Holz. Its somewhat embarrassing that we have to have the young, the next generation, to hold us to task.

Related stories:

Field Museums New Meteorite Contains Stardust That Predates the Solar System

Astronomers Take First-Ever Picture of a Black Hole

Climate Simulations Are Mostly Accurate, Study Finds

Climate Activists: The Oceans Are Rising, And So Are We

Continued here:
Year in Review: The Top Science Stories of 2019 - WTTW News

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How To Thrive On the Edge of Chaos: A Guide for Farmers – Successful Farming

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:10 am

Vance Crowe is a communications consultant who thrives on chaos. Heis a keynote speaker at the Land Expo 2020 in Des Moines on January 14. Successful Farming magazine caught up with him ahead of time to get a preview.

VC: My talk is called The Edge of Chaos, where and how society changes. What is accepted, what is desirable, and what is not allowed in a society? There is a difference between perceptions in the countryside and the city. What ramifications does this have for how things will be done in the future with agricultural lands, whether thats growing crops or raising animals? Which perceptions and demands of people living in the city are fads, and which ones actually have a chance of radically changing the way land is being managed?

VC: Ive only been involved in agriculture for the last five years. Before that, my jobs varied widely. I ran a camp for inner city kids, was a deckhand on a ship that traveled around the Western Hemisphere, lived in Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer, worked in public radio in northern California, worked at the World Bank, and then worked at Monsanto.

It has been an interesting journey. I have seen how ideas started and then flowed out into society. That became very real for me when I was working at Monsanto. A group of people who disagree with modern agriculture can alter the publics perception of the way the world ought to change. I saw what happened when society and culture turn against certain components of agriculture.

VC: Things you think are certain can change. The Overton window can shift on you. Changes in society that you couldnt imagine can happen. Even if you know something is far better for society, it may reject it.

On the other hand, you can change perception with enough coordinated effort. Five years ago, there was a lot of concern about whether or not you should eat GMOs, and that fight has basically dissipated. There are people who still think that, but the issue is nowhere near at the velocity and temperature that it was before. Agriculture figured out that it was a technology people didnt understand, so we have to explain it to them. Otherwise they will become so impassioned that they wont let us use this technology.

VC: Catastrophic. It is the manifestation of how our legal system can be profited by individuals. If you can sue glyphosate, you can do that to any chemical, because glyphosate is one of the most innocuous. That has very serious implications for the future.

It is a challenge to be in the number one spot. People focus on you. The companies in the number two, three, and four spots dont jump up to help you out. They kind of scoot back and let you take the slings and arrows, even though they all have a shared interest in genetic engineering or crop protection. They say, Monsanto is the one being sued for glyphosate, its not really our problem, were going to stay out of this. But if you can knock glyphosate out, any chemical in their portfolio could get knocked out.

VC: Societies wont live in chaos. Its not acceptable. They will accept suboptimal conditions before they will accept not knowing. So people will choose a certain future that is less good, rather than an uncertain feature with lots of potential.

There are good things that can come from chaos. If you stay too much on the ordered side of life, you dont make the changes you need to make to evolve and thrive and get better. If youre too ordered, you become tyrannical.

VC: The people who thrive the most in these situations are the ones who are the most curious about the chaos the ones most interested in learning what is on the edge. Its good to have opinions, but loosely hold them so that other people can give you a good argument that makes sense. Be willing to change and adapt and not be so rigid that you break.

The only way you make change is if you get up there on the edge of chaos. You figure out what changes society is asking us to make that we should make, and which ones are unreasonable demands that we should find a way to convince them otherwise.

VC: Kenya, a place I used to live in while in the Peace Corps, is close to approving BT. Once farmers see the benefits of genetic engineering traits, you may watch the adoption of genetic engineering technology in a place that gets more sunlight than anywhere else on earth the continent of Africa. They are adding technology in a very big way. That will change global agriculture. It will change where countries like China look to do trade deals.

VC: Synthetic biology, whether it pertains to synthetic meat or other types of products that were naturally grown, is coming on in a big way. Where do farmers fit into that? Dont focus on the micro issues, because this is starting to blossom all over the world.

VC: Farmers either get mad or they get very dismissive of it. The biggest impact of synthetic meat is not going to be the burgers and steaks that the beef industry is so worried about. Its going to be pet food. Its like what the rebar market in steel did to the steel manufacturers. In Mexico, they built these tiny foundries that made cheap steel, and they stole 3% from the steel market, which was enough to grind that to a halt in the United States. Synthetic meat is going to enter through the pet food market, or some ancillary market that isnt going to compete on taste and texture.

VC: Absolutely, with 100% certainty. The things that are possible to do with precision gene editing over the long term are so mind bending as to be difficult to believe. It will have profound implications not only on the way we grow things, but also what we grow.

VC: Sensors will become inexpensive to put in peoples fields. Sensors can start figuring out exact applications of nitrogen for your field, meter by meter. Farmers will be able to conduct those tests themselves; they won't have to wait for an agronomist or a seed company to come by and tell them what to do. Thats coming very soon.

VC: I happen to know quite a bit about banking and the marijuana system. Banking is one of the biggest impediments, but once that flips and you can now start loaning on capital for hemp or for marijuana production, that is when the whole game takes off. Marijuana has been held off because you havent been able to do proper banking. We are within six months of that flipping, and then youre going to see a whole bunch of bankers looking for farmers to be taking those loans.

VC: There has not been a new active ingredients for crop protection approved by the USDA in the last 20 years. The rise of biologicals is because theyre regulated in a completely different way. Youre bringing it in through a side door. There is way more innovation going on there. A lot of it is snake oil, but some of it is solid gold. Biologicals are going to come on in a big way in feed. Its a way to lower methane emissions.

VC: I love Bitcoin. Thats one of my favorites. Its held its value. Its far and away the best investment Ive ever made by orders of magnitude. I was in pretty early.

VC: There is a concept called the intransigent minority. It was developed by a brilliant guy named Nassim Taleb, whos a mathematician that hates genetic engineering. He really hated Monsanto. The intransigent minority is the number of people you need in a given society to be absolutely entrenched on an idea that society relents to them and gives them whatever they want. For example, how many vegans would you need before you require all food to be vegan. Or organic?

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How To Thrive On the Edge of Chaos: A Guide for Farmers - Successful Farming

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Genetically engineered salmon: An update on how they are growing in Albany – The Star Press

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:10 am

The first batch of genetically engineered salmon at a fish farm in Albany has grown from the size of a thread to 60 grams, or about two ounces, as shown here through a portal.(Photo: AquaBounty Technologies)

ALBANY, Ind. The first batch of genetically engineered salmon eggs that arrived here in May/Junehasmade it from thehatchery into nursery tanks the size of backyard swimming pools and then into grow-out tanks that hold up to 70,000 gallons of water apiece.

The formerly threadlike salmon,the size of the end of your thumbnail, had grown to a length of about 8 inches and a weight of around60 grams (about two ounces) by early December and is increasing in size daily, according to AquaBounty Farms-Indianaowner AquaBounty Technologies.

"The first cohort of AquAdvantage Salmon that hatched in our Albany farm in June are healthy and growing well," AquaBounty spokesman Dave Conley told The Star Press via email.

The fish, engineeredto grow faster than conventional Atlantic salmon,are attracting attention because they're the first genetically modified animals approved for human consumption in the U.S.

The fish were mentioned Dec. 20 by U.S. Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., when he recapped the farm and agribusiness stops he made in the Hoosier state, including Albany, during 2019.

Young learned about regulatory challenges facing the fish from fellow Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who reportedly has used riders to single-handedly block genetically engineered (GE)salmon for years. Murkowski's office told The Star Press her efforts are all about ensuring clear labeling of GE salmon before they go to market.

The batch of conventional Atlantic salmon that AquaBountystarted farming in June of 2018 is growing well and is expected to be harvested beginning in the third quarter of2020, followed by the first harvest of the GE AquAdvantage Salmon in the fourth quarter of 2020, according to Conley.

A second batch of AquAdvantage Salmon eggsarrived at the land-based farm in Albany in mid-October, has now hatched and is almost ready to be moved to the nursery for their first feeding.

AquaBounty Technologies CEO Sylvia Wulf talks to reporters at the company's Albany facility.(Photo: Seth Slabaugh, The Star Press)

Sylvia Wulf,AquaBounty's CEO, said in a prepared statement:We are thrilled with the progress of our salmon at our Indiana farm. The fish are growing extremely well, and they look fantastic."

In its most recent quarterly report, AquaBounty notes that its AquAdvantage salmon remains the subject of a federal lawsuit pending in the northern district of California, brought by Friends of the Earth and other plaintiffs, versus the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Issues include the risk of AquAdvantage Salmon escaping and threatening endangered wild salmon stocks.

But last month, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria ruled in favor of the FDA, writing, "The lawsuit is both a broadside attack on the FDAs authority to regulate the genetic engineering of animals and a targeted attack on the particular process by which the agency approved the salmon.

(Netting covers the Albany farm'snursery fish tanks to prevent the salmon from jumping out. If any got through the netting, they would land on a concrete floor that drains to a trench containing screens to prevent them from advancing.

(As the fish grow in size and move to larger tanks, they encounter a number of screens, filters, gates, grates and cages to prevent an escape into the wild the chances of which AquaBountysays are zero. But even if a breakout occurred, the fish couldn't breed, the company says, because they're all sterilized females).

FDA has approved the production of the GE salmon eggs in a hatchery in Canada and the grow-out of the eggs in Albany.

The quarterly report also notes that legislative action could result in restrictions on or delays in commercialization of the GE salmon: "We could be subject to increasing or more onerous regulatory hurdles as we attempt to commercialize our product, which could require us to incur significant additional capital and operating expenditures and other costs in complying with these laws and regulations.

Murkowski included a provision within the Agriculture Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2020 to postpone the introduction of GE salmon to the U.S. market until a consumer label comprehension study is completed, to determine the effectiveness of USDAs new labeling guidelines for bioengineered foods, the senator's spokesperson, Karina Borger, told The Star Press earlier this month.

That bill advanced out of the full Appropriations Committee unanimously and then passed in the full Senate at the end of October as part of a funding package.

"Her efforts are all about ensuring clear labeling of GE salmon before they go to the U.S. market," Borger went on. "Murkowski has said we owe it to American consumers to ensure that the standards put in place for labeling GE salmon are clear, effective, and understandable. Murkowski believes that a clear, text-based label is the high standard that American consumers deserve, and has also introduced stand-alone legislation to that effect. That bill is the Genetically Engineered Salmon Labeling Act."

Sen. Todd Young talks to AquaBounty's Peter Bowyer during a tour.(Photo: Jordan Kartholl / The Star Press)

Sen. Young and fellow Hoosier Sen. Mike Braun have said in a letter the legislation would set "a troubling precedent regarding the function and authority of federal regulatory agencies. There are a great number of important agriculture innovations in the research, development and regulatory pipeline behind the bioengineered salmon. To effectively ban a first-in-class product for no legitimate reason will cast a chilling effect on the willingness or ability of other researchers and developers to invest in the United States."

Responding to Murkowski's position, Wulf, the CEO of AquaBounty, told The Star Press, "The senators feigned attempt at consumer concern is a smokescreen for her decade-long campaign to financially cripple a small company with an innovative way to combat the negative effects of climate change, which is a more significant threat to Alaskas salmon fishery than a faster-growing salmon. Putting 30 people out of work in Indiana will not solve her problem."

Because fresh and frozen fish are flown to markets all over the world, seafood has a large carbon footprint, AquaBounty says, adding that itsAquAdvantage Salmon can be grown in land-based facilities built closer to consumers to reduce the need for energy-intensive air freight shipping and transportation.

In September, the farm hosted a visit from Cornell University's Alliance for Science, which in turn was hosting a group of Turkish government regulators through a United States Department of Agriculture-funded program.

Since July 1, AquaBounty Farms-Indiana hashired 22 new people to work at the Albany farm, which now employs 30, according to Conley, who added the new hirescome from backgrounds in manufacturing, security andteaching. Some are recent Ball State graduates.

The farm also has added a lot of new equipment, including an automobile disinfecting system to improve bio-security, and has worked with local companies on farm improvements, including Versatile Metal Works of Muncie, which designed and fabricated fish handling equipment.

Fish manure is being spread as fertilizer on local crops.

The farm hosted a presentation for the town of Albany at the farm in October and sponsored a carriage ride for the Albany Christmas Festival on Dec. 8.

Non-genetically altered Atlantic salmon are raised in tanks at AquaBounty Technologies in Albany. The company began raising unmodified Atlantic salmon at the facility while waiting for FDA approval to transport genetically modified eggs across the Canadian border. (Photo: Jordan Kartholl/The Star Press)

Genetically engineered fish hatched in Albany

AquaBounty farm in Albany first of its kind endeavor

Contact Seth Slabaugh at (765) 213-5834 or

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How humans affect genetic connectivity of four mammals – The Hindu

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:10 am

Changing landscapes, habitat loss, fragmentation, and global climate change have been listed as the main reasons for biodiversity decline worldwide. Now, a new study from the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bengaluru, has added to the growing knowledge that anthropogenic activities can impact genetic connectivity or the movement among habitat patches usually resulting in mating and genetic exchange.

In several mammalian carnivores, juveniles disperse away from their mother's territory to establish their own territory. Males are known to travel longer distances than females. Isolation of habitat patches (due to habitat destruction and fragmentation) can restrict animal movement among habitat patches and thus reduce genetic exchange and increase the probability of extinction. Hence maintaining connectivity is critical to ensure long term persistence of a species, Prachi Thatte explains. Dr. Thatte is the first author of the paper published in Diversity and Distributions and now works with WWF-India on connectivity conservation

Four wide-ranging mammals Jungle cats, leopards, sloth bears, tigers were investigated for the genetic differentiation in central India, which is a critical landscape for several species. The DNA extracted from faecal samples were used for understanding genetic connectivity. The samples were collected from nine protected areas during the period 2012-2017.

The team looked at how land-use, human population density, nearby roads and traffic affected the genetic structure. The paper notes that tigers were impacted the most by high human footprint. Although known to travel long distances and move through agricultural fields to some extent, tigers in central India do not have equally high genetic exchange throughout the landscape. Some protected areas like Bandhavgarh tiger reserve seem to be getting relatively isolated (the 2014 tiger census report also shows the same), explains Dr. Thatte.

Jungle cats were found to be the least impacted. That is likely because in central India, they occupy a variety of habitats including forests, scrublands, grasslands and even irrigated agricultural fields close to the forests, she explains.

Despite being the least impacted by human activity, the team encountered several jungle cat road-kills while carrying out fieldwork. She explains that with increasing infrastructure and traffic, systematically studying the impact of roads on smaller species like jungle cat and jackals and ensuring the presence of mitigation structures like underpasses and overpasses would be crucial to ensure that we don't fragment the currently well-connected populations.

IIndia has also started paying attention to wildlife corridors and encouraging engineering reforms to promote wildlife movements. Last year, the Ministry of Environment along with the Wildlife Institute of India released a document that lays out the regulatory requirements for developing roads, railways, powerlines while recognising the impacts on wildlife and people. NHAI and all PWDs have been instructed to follow the guidelines.

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