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Library : Transhumanism | Catholic Culture

Posted: April 16, 2019 at 2:47 pm

by Adrian Calderone

Mr. Adrian Calderone provides a thorough explanation of transhumanism, which attempts to free mankind from its biological limitations by employing such methods as genetic engineering. Calderone traces its foundations back to secular humanism the modern religion of the Western world.

Homiletic & Pastoral Review

28 31 & 41 43

Ignatius Press, San Francisco, CA, June 2008

The political philosopher Francis Fukuyama called it the world's most dangerous idea.1 He was talking about transhumanism.

Just what is transhumanism and why is it so dangerous?

Like many other ideas, it can imply different things to different people. But generally, transhumanism refers to an attempt to free humanity from its biological limitations. Today, transhumanists advocate the use of various types of rapidly developing technology, especially bioengineering, to accomplish this purpose. Some transhumanists imagine the creation of a new type of human being. That is, a human being with biological features so far removed from natural human biology as to warrant classification as "post-human."

Transhumanists hold firmly to Darwinian materialism. We know that Darwinian evolution is predicated upon the assumptions of random variation and natural selection. But suppose, through genetic engineering, we can create our own genetic variations perhaps with inheritable traits. The transhumanists hope to achieve an artificial, human-guided evolution, at least on the level of microevolution, as well as the creation of "post humans."

Ask a person what he considers to be the most dangerous thing in the world and most probably the answer would be atomic weapons they can eradicate several hundred thousand human beings in a flash. But with transhumanism, you can displace nature with technology and subvert natural human biology.

Sir Julian Huxley is credited with coining the term transhumanism in 1957.2 He wrote:

As we shall see later, use of the term transhumanism predates Sir Julian Huxley by several centuries. Nevertheless, we can credit Sir Julian with putting the name to a modern movement that seeks to modify human beings through technological manipulation in order to transcend human biology. The technology can include genetic engineering and interfaces between the human body and machines.

One definition offered by the World Transhumanist Association3 is this:

Transhumanists see it as an ethical imperative to use technology to transcend physical barriers to human potentials, and to proceed with their project of humanly guided evolution.

What has happened in the past century is the development of science and technology at a pace so fast and in so many different specialties that one scarcely has the opportunity to understand one development before it is made obsolete by another development.

There are four areas especially in which we've seen such rapid advancement in the past twenty to thirty years: biotechnology, information technology, wireless technology and nanotechnology.

In biotechnology we see the genetic manipulation of life. In information technology we see the ever-expanding reach of digital information processing to the point where hardly any household in the developed world is without some type of personal computer. Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables computers to "learn" from experience and modify their own operational procedures without human intervention.

As for wireless, the Internet is accessible without land lines or physical hook-ups. Everywhere you turn there is someone talking on a cell phone. Nanotechnology deals with the manufacture and use of very small particles, which can include simple materials or even tiny machines with interacting parts machines, for example, that can be introduced into the human body to cut away arterial plaque or perform operations on a submicroscopic level. We still don't know all of the potentials of nanotechnology. Keep in mind, also, that these technologies can be merged.

These technologies enable us to do things inconceivable even a few decades ago. These new potentials present new dimensions of ethical dilemmas.

Suppose you can insert portions of the genetic material of one type of being into the genetic material of another type of being. In fact, this has been done. Who would have thought to introduce the genes of fireflies into a tobacco plant to create a plant that glows in the dark? Yet this was done over twenty years ago. The cloning of animals, transgenic plants and a host of other developments are historical events, not futuristic speculations. A U.S. patent application is on file detailing the creation of an artificial life form.4

Genetic engineering enables us to use living organisms bacteria for example as miniature drug factories to manufacture pharmaceuticals that otherwise could not be produced. Genetically modified viruses can be used to introduce modified DNA into target organisms.

But suppose one merges portions of human genetic material with portions of the genetic material of an animal an animal, say, with the genetic instructions for growth of human organs, or humans with animal features. What have we produced? And suppose that the chimerical being we've created can reproduce itself. What is the moral status of such beings? What is one to think about the deliberate creation of "subhuman beings" or "superhuman beings" through genetic engineering? We believe that the human soul does not arise from matter but that God creates and infuses a rational soul into a human being at conception. This is clear enough from human procreation. But what of the prospect of artificially assembling DNA, inserting that DNA into a cell, and letting that cell grow into an organism? How close do we have to be to the DNA characteristic of human beings for the organism to be considered human? Suppose a gorilla body can be combined with a human brain. Does God implant a human soul into it? How do we know unless we let the organism grow and see if it matures into a rational being? Does the possibility of salvation apply to homo artificialis as it does to homo Sapiens?

Yet genetic engineering can have legitimate therapeutic purposes, for example, to overcome naturally occurring genetic abnormalities, or to provide new cancer therapies.5 Genetic engineering and other technologies also might be used to enhance the genetic potential of healthy people, for example, to increase lifespan.

There is also now the possibility of implanting computer chips in the human brain. Neural implants, human-computer interfaces these are concepts that just a few years ago were the subjects of science fiction. Today, they are the subjects of U.S. patents.6 One should also consider the possibility of wireless communication between a neural computer implant and some remote control center. How do Catholic moral principles apply to such things? Until now, we've not had to think about a coherent moral position in the face of such possibilities. That's changed.

It's not only personal morality that needs to be addressed. We also have to think about social and political effects. One of the criticisms of all this genetic enhancement is that it will be available only to the wealthy. Will we have society stratified into classes of the "genetically enhanced" and the "genetically deprived"? What new weapons will be unleashed upon us in future wars?

As I stated earlier, Sir Julian was not the first person to conceive of a process of transhumanization. Let's go back several centuries. Before there was a Julian Huxley there was a Dante Alighieri. Dante expressed the idea of transhumanization in Canto I of Paradiso, written sometime in the early 1300s. Dante wrote, "Transhumanizing cannot be signified in words therefore let the example suffice him for whom grace reserves the experience."

Transhumanization is something ineffable, something beyond the ability of words to encompass. It can only be experienced, and that is a matter of grace. One can also refer to the Epistles, where St. Paul often talks about being a new creation in Christ and being sons of God through faith in Christ.7

Transhumanization is not a concept alien to Christianity. Quite the contrary, it is our Christian hope. But in Christianity transhumanization is a matter of God's grace. Although we can begin the process of transhumanization in this life by living in the state of God's grace, completion of the process is meant for a future life, an eternal life, of intimacy with God. In our present life in this world, grace does not destroy or change human nature, but works through human nature and perfects it. Through grace we are transformed into images of Christ. But we must await our resurrection for final transformation in the world to come. In the journey of our lives we must take as our companions the Christian virtues of patience and perseverance.

How, then, did we get from Christian transhumanization to biological transhumanism?

I want to offer a very cursory review of certain philosophical developments that have led up to secular humanism, which has become the de facto religion of the Western world. Transhumanism is an extension of secular humanism. If we use the image of a tree, secular humanism is the trunk, transhumanism one of the branches and the roots are planted in the soil of unbelief. This unbelief is not just ordinary atheist materialism. That's been around for millennia. Rather, it is something just a few centuries old. It is not so much a non-God view as it is an anti-God view. More particularly, it is an anti-Christianity percolating through modern culture.

First, let's turn to the Enlightenment, which is a foundation of modern secular humanism. The Enlightenment embraced a turning away from religion in general and Christianity in particular. The Enlightenment thinkers weren't all atheists. Many were deists who believed in a creator, but one not personally involved with creation on an ongoing basis.

However, the question arises: if you don't put your trust in a God who takes a personal interest in the world, then in what do you put your trust? Throughout history there runs the theme of salvation and the hope of it. In what do we place our trust? Where is our hope?

The Enlightenment thinker places his trust in the human potential to remake society by human reasoning and human will.8 The basis for hope is science and technology. Remember that the Enlightenment period of the 1700s was also a period of the rapid growth of scientific discovery. It must have been intoxicating. Here was the way to truth in the scientific method. One aspect, then, of the Enlightenment is positivism, a philosophy based upon sense experience and relying only on scientific observations for knowledge about the external world. Concomitantly, Enlightenment thought rejects tradition, the supernatural and revelation.

Now, social order cannot be achieved without values. So, where do values come from? The scientific method doesn't provide values, only data. Also, for some time philosophy in Europe had been turning inward, away from the objectively knowable external world into the subjective operations of the mind. Eventually, there came from this a subjectivity with respect to values, or moral relativism.

A post-Enlightenment philosopher, Nietzsche, saw inherent weaknesses in Enlightenment liberalism. But, instead of turning back to the pre-modern, common sense philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas, he followed the thread of modern philosophy to a logical end point. God is dead. What's more, according to Nietzsche, we killed him. God and religion became our enemies by limiting our freedom. In the end there is nothing but will to power. We are what we will to be.

The twentieth century atheistic philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre was very influential in promoting existentialism.9 He was not an optimistic person. The concluding observation in one of his plays was, "Hell is other people." Sartre defined existentialism by asserting the principle that existence precedes essence. This was the reversal of centuries of philosophical understanding that held that essence was first. This may seem like an academic issue of concern only to ivory tower philosophers, perhaps arguing over the matter at two o'clock in the morning in some cafe. But ideas have consequences, and one of the consequences of this idea is the slaughter of millions of unborn children each year.

Pro-lifers, for example, argue that the fertilized human ovum is, from the moment of conception, in essence, a human being. The attributes and powers we normally associate with fully developed humans a nervous system, the ability to move and think, self awareness, etc. are present in the human embryo as potentialities that, in the course of natural development, unfold or outwardly express themselves. In an ontological ordering essence precedes existence.

The pro-choice position, at least among some, is that an unborn child does not have the attributes and powers of a human being and is therefore not morally equivalent to a human being. In other words, existence precedes essence.

The dictum that existence precedes essence means that there is no human nature. According to Sartre, we invent and make ourselves. Sartre, like Aquinas, held that there can be no human nature unless there is a God who designs it. But Sartre took his atheism to its logical conclusion and denied the objective existence of human nature. If we do not believe that there is a human nature created by God, there is no level of dehumanization to which we cannot fall in our headlong rush to engineer human evolution.

We are running up against a wall of misconceptions, prejudices, faulty valuations and linguistic confusions firmly cemented together by existentialism. It takes great ingenuity and effort to render a population oblivious to common sense and reality. But our educational institutions, mass media and public officials have proven up to the task.

Modern humanism, founded upon Enlightenment thought and modified by the influence of Nietzsche and Sartre, has several important features.

Add to these features of secularism the powers given to us by technology, and the result is transhumanism. Transhumanism is the new face of eugenics, with this difference: in the older conception of eugenics human biological reproduction is limited by law or social pressure to those deemed to have the physical and intellectual qualifications defined by the ruling elite. It is like breeding horses or dogs. But the biology of reproduction remains natural. With transhumanism the biology is engineered.

The Church has begun to deal with transhumanism. The 2002 document of the International Theological Commission entitled Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God addresses some of the issues I have mentioned. This document warns against mankind usurping the role of God. "Neither science nor technology are ends in themselves; what is technically possible is not necessarily also reasonable or ethical."11 The document also deals with cloning, germ line genetic engineering, enhancement genetic engineering and therapeutic interventions.12

But there is an ethical labyrinth to journey through that becomes ever more complex. In trying to help students find their way through complex philosophical ideas, one philosophy teacher used the metaphor of the golden string given by Ariadne to Theseus to find his way through the labyrinth after killing the Minotaur.'13

What's our golden thread? How do we find our way through the ethical labyrinth of transhumanism? It has to be the fundamental principles derived from our religion. What does it mean to be a human person? What is our mission and destiny as human beings? If you exclude God from consideration there is no way through the labyrinth, even for well-meaning secularist philosophers such as Fukuyama who do see the dangers ahead.

Through it all we have to remember that the world has lost sight of something precious a vision seen only through the eyes of faith the vision of something supernatural and eternal.14 There will always be a little flame of faith shining in the wilderness of this world. The spirits of darkness are afraid of it and try to snuff it out, because as long as it shines there is the potential for the world to catch fire and for the grace of God to illuminate everything. As Catholics we have to keep this vision always in sight for ourselves and continually present it to the world.

End Notes

Mr. Adrian Calderone graduated from Manhatten College with B. Ch. E. and M. E. degrees in chemical engineering. He spent more than three years living and traveling in Asia. Having earned his Juris Doctorate from New York Law School, he now practices intellectual property law. He and his wife Jo live in Brooklyn, New York and have three daughters. His last article in HPR appeared in October 2007.

Ignatius Press

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Posted: April 15, 2019 at 10:53 pm

At The Regenerative Medicine Institute of South Carolina, our patients receive the most effective, safe, and advanced regenerative stem cell therapy available. Our HUCT stem cell therapy activates the bodys own self-healing mechanisms for cellular/tissue regeneration and repair.

Not all stem cells are created equal. At the Regenerative Medicine Institute of South Carolina, we utilize HUCT stem cells for our treatments. Mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord blood are known to have three very important properties: they help reduce inflammation, adjust the immune system and secrete factors that helps tissue to regenerate.

Umbilical cord stem cells are less mature than other cells, so the bodys immune system is unable to recognize them as foreign and there has never been a single instance rejection. Umbilical cord stem cells also proliferate more efficiently than older cells, such as those found in the bone marrow and therefore, they are considered to be more potent.

In scientific terms, they are multipotent stromal (connective tissue) cells thatstimulatesyour body to differentiate them into a variety of cell types, including neurons, cartilage, fat, blood (red, white or platelet blood cells), bone, and muscle. Multipotent means they can develop into multiple types of cells, but divide a limited number of times (abuilt insafety mechanism). They are messengers that signal your body to activate self-healing and regeneration. The MSCs themselves do not create new tissue or healing, they signal your body to activate a cascade of cellular functions. As we age, we have fewer mesenchymal stem cells, therefore getting a boost ofbrand new MSCs from HUCT may help many conditions. Umbilical Cord Stem Cells contain a small, but significant amount of mesenchymal stem cells that signal self-healing and regeneration.

Human umbilical cord stem cells have an innate intelligence and activate the bodys own self-healing mechanisms. They seek out inflammation and degenerations. In other words, they give your body a boost of fresh, day zero, very young stem cells to help with regeneration. Our stem cells age with us and we lose a significant percentage over time. Thats why as we age. our body does not recover at the same rate as it did when we were younger.

Umbilical cord stem cells reside in the umbilical cords from healthy newborn babies and healthy mothers in the United States. Like all post-natal cells, they are categorized as adult stem cells. The umbilical cord tissue is donated by pre-screened and tested healthy mothers and healthy babies in the United States. We abide by the most stringent FDA and medical guidelines.

Dr. Blundy on Frequently Asked Questions about HUCT Cells

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Development of the dopaminergic system – from stem cells …

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 10:53 pm



Siew-Lan Ang,Crick Institute, UK

Ernest Arenas,Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Rajeshwar Awatramani,Northwestern University, USA

Anders Bjorklund,University of Lund, Sweden

Sandra Blaess,University of Bonn Germany

Vania Broccoli,San Raffaele Scientific Institute/CNR Institute of Neuroscience, Italy

Claude Brodski,Ben Gurion University, Israel

Huaibin Cai,NIH National Institute on Aging, USA

Wolfgang Driever,University of Freiburg, Germany

Siew-Lan Ang,Crick Institute, UK

Su-Chun Zhang,University of Wisconsin-Madison/Duke-NUS Medical School, USA

Cecilia Flores,McGill University, Canada

Mary Hynes,Stanford University, USA

Jeff Kordower,Rush University, USA

Martin Lvesque,Laval University,CERVO Brain Research Centre, Canada

Emmanouil Metzakopian,UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI),University of Cambridge, UK

Lia Panman,MRC Toxicology Unit, Cambridge, UK

Janelle Drouin-Ouellet,University of Montreal, Canada

Juha Partanen,University of Helsinki, Finland

Jeroen Pasterkamp,University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

Thomas Perlmann,Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Nilima Prakash,Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Alain Prochiantz,College de France, France

Jens Schwammborn,University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Marten P. Smidt,University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Lorenz Studer,Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA

Louis-Eric Trudeau,University of Montreal, Canada

Andrea Wizenmann,Univeristy of Tbingen, Germany

Wolfgang Wurst,Helmholtz Zentrum mnchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Germany

Development of the dopaminergic system - from stem cells ...

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Fort Worth Stem Cells | Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Texas

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 10:51 pm

The Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas is helping Fort Worth, Texas patients stop chronic pain with customized non-invasive treatment options to address your unique health needs and meet your health goals. We specialize in Advanced Regenerative Cell Therapy that offers safe and effective solutions for patients with a wide array of conditions. Our expert staff focuses on total body health and works with you to design your personal path to ending your chronic pain and reclaiming your life. Our innovative Advance Regenerative Cell Therapy has been proven effective in treating degenerative arthritic conditions, hip, knee, shoulder and elbow joint conditions, rotator cuff tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Traditional treatment plans often rely on medications with dangerous side effects and risky invasive surgeries, but The Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas in Fort Worth is focused on providing patients an alternative path to healing and living a pain free life with Advanced Regenerative Cell Therapy that helps you avoid these harmful options. Patients living with chronic pain from degenerative joint conditions like hip osteoarthritis regularly endure steroid injections, never-ending pain medication protocols and joint replacement surgery often with little to no relief from their pain. Advanced Regenerative Cell Therapy treatments work to heal the underlying cause of your chronic pain and gives patients long-term results they can trust instead of just masking symptoms.

At The Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas we take creating a personalized patient experience seriously so its only natural that we provide a revolutionary treatment like Advanced Regenerative Cell Therapy that works with your body on a cellular level with cutting edge healing power. Advanced Cell Therapy commands growth factors and cytokines to the affected area and helps to repair and regenerate bone, ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Our skilled staff is dedicated to helping you stop chronic pain with a healthy, safe, non-invasive treatment. Call our team Fort Worth, Texas today and discover how Advanced Regenerative therapy can change your life.

Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Texas offers functional medicine, including physical therapy and stem cell therapy in Fort Worth, TX, 76132 and Arlington, TX, 76010. For your FREE consultation, call us today at 817-618-6443 in Fort Worth or 817-678-8558 in Arlington.

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Stem Cell Rejuvenation Therapy |

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 10:51 pm

As most people today know, stem cells play an essential role in tissue regeneration. They replace cells that have died as a result of the aging process. (Stem cells also are responsible for regeneration and rejuvenation following cellular injury or damage that is not related to the aging process).

Do you know that over 10 million cells in your body die every second? These cells need to be regenerated and replaced which can be possible through the stem cell rejuvenation Therapy!

Stem Cells Defined

In simplest terms, a stem cell is an unspecified cell that can both self-renew (i.e., reproduce itself) and differentiate into many types of mature cells, (from collagen, to skin, to cartilage, to heart, to lung, to pancreas, and so on.) Consequently, stem cells are a key component of attaining and maintaining good health and well-being across the lifespan, and of achieving the full 120 years promised to us by God in Genesis 6:3. This is because stem cells have the capability to change into other types of cells, which gives them enormous regenerative and rejuvenating power. In other words, stem cells can keep us young and in prime health!

Most of the FDA-approved stem cell therapy in California, United States today is Autologous. Autologous stem cells are stem cells taken from the same individual who will receive the graft of the extracted stem cells. (In other words, autologous means that the individual is both the donor and the recipient.)

The Basics of Stem Cell Rejuvenation Therapy

Stem cells can be collected from peripheral blood, adipose (fat) tissue or bone marrow. Adipose tissues have more stem cells but fewer growth factors, while peripheral blood cells have fewer stem cells but more growth factors in the plasma component of the blood. Therefore, a combination of these two sources of stem cells-peripheral blood cells and adipose tissue-offers the best of both worlds, so to speak, allowing for more stem cells and more growth factors. In addition, the collection of stem cells from peripheral blood cells and adipose tissue is less painful than collection from bone marrow while yielding more stem cells than bone marrow. It is widely known that the age of the donor and the donors level of growth factors, such as IFG-1 (insulin growth factor), HGH (human growth hormone), testosterone, and estrogen, are directly proportional to the quantity and quality of the donors stem cells. (Remember, in the case of Autologous stem-cell therapy, the same individual is both donor and recipient). Thus, total hormone supplementation/replacement program plays an essential role in stem cells. In order to have a good quantity and quality of stem cells collected, we check the levels of growth factors in the donor before starting therapy.

The Role of Bio-identical Hormones and Growth Factors in Stem Cells

IGF-1, HGH, and other Growth Factors.

IGF-1 is a growth-hormone-related protein and a growth factor that we use to measure and estimate the level of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in each individual. Again, we use IGF-1 for this purpose because the level of HGH in the body fluctuates on an hourly basis throughout the every 24-hour period, whereas the level of IGF-1 in the body does not fluctuate. Lets more deeply examine the scientific findings related to IGF-1, HGH and stem-cell growth.

Life Technologies in Maryland has conducted much research in this area. Their researchers have reported the increase of cell growth in studies of human stem cells cultured in IGF-1 (4ug/ml) of controlled medium. This growth was reported after six days in the culture, at which time cell numbers increased from 100,000 to 500,000.

Researchers at the University of Wurzburg in Germany have reached similar conclusions and have in fact expanded upon the results described above. To summarize the conclusion of my German colleagues, Age-dependent impairment of stem cells is corrected by growth hormone-mediated increase of IGF-1.

The Wurzburg research team further reported the following results from studies of middle-aged (57.4, plus or minus 1.4 years) males, as well as elderly (older than 58.8) and young (younger than 56) male subjects.

Furthermore, cellular aging is associated with an increased risk for atherosclerosis (so-called hardening of the arteries), a possible cause of which is low stem-cell numbers and dysfunctional endothelial stem cells that insufficiently repair damaged vascular walls. (Endothelial cells line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.) Growth-hormone-mediated increase of IGF-1 improved the situation in the subjects in the Wurzburg study who received growth hormone (recombinant GH 0.4mg/d) over a ten-day period.

Conducting separate studies related to the administration of growth hormones, medical researchers in Texas have reported conclusions similar to what we have discussed thus far. Specifically, GH administration selectively augments the outgrowth of stem-cell population in healthy individuals, which supports GH replacement in the setting of adult GH deficiency in order to maintain vascular integrity; this has positive implications for the use of GH in future regenerative cell-based therapies.

Furthermore, the decrease in stem cells observed as part of the aging process may in part be explained by the decline of GH, thereby contributing to cardiovascular senescence (aging/ deterioration). The Texas research teams studies suggest that stem cells impact vascular health by modulating vascular repair and function: current evidence demonstrates that both the number of stem cells and their functionality are restored/ regenerated as a result of growth-hormone-mediated IGF-1; therefore, modulation of GH and IGF-1 may provide a useful therapy in the prevention of age-associated changes in the cardiovascular system and in future regenerative cell-based therapies.

The supportive findings continue. Another research team in the Netherlands, working independently of the teams described above, concluded that one year of recombinant GH replacement in adults with GH deficiency improved endothelial function and increased the number of circulating stem cells, which strengthens and corroborates the conclusions discussed thus far.

In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Dr. Yamanaka who, continuing the work of British scientist Dr. Gurdon, discovered that reprogramming in cells (for example an adipose tissue cell) can be accomplished by just four transcription factors (OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, C-MYC.) Transcription factors are proteins made by master genes to regulate other genes. By injecting the four transcription factors into an adult cell of any type Dr. Yamanaka showed that he could lead the cell back to its primitive, or stem cell, form.

This type of discovery shows how important it is to have these growth factors, which are in the plasma of the donor, be transplanted together and at the same time with the adipose tissue cells in cosmetic procedures.

Now that we have thoroughly examined the importance of IGF-1, HGH and Growth Factors, lets explore some of the other essential hormones as related to the quantity and quality of the stem cells in our bodies, and to the total hormone supplementation/replacement therapy program.

Estrogen and Pregnenolone Influence the Quantity and Quality of the Stem Cells in Our Bodies

Lets examine the effects of estrogen on stem cells and the human bodys capacity for stem cell regeneration/rejuvenation. (Remember that estrogen is a female sex hormone.) In general, estrogen offers significant benefits among diverse stem-cell populations. Specifically, estrogen increases the proliferation of embryonic neural stem cells and accelerates differentiation of neurons during neurogenesis (growth of nerve cells), which suggests that estrogen may play a role in transplantation of neural stem cells as part of a therapeutic approach to neurodegenerative disease. Separate clinical research on estrogen indicates that premenopausal women presented the highest level of circulating stem cells (1.4 per 10,000 cells), while postmenopausal women presented the lowest (4 per 1,000,000 cells); moreover, the level of stem cells increased significantly with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, on average by 25.5 percent.

Another key hormone, Pregnenolone, promotes the proliferation of human stem cells (also called progenitor cells), making Pregnenolone vital to both stem cell replacement therapy and the total hormone replacement/supplementation therapy program.

Thyroid Hormones and Melatonin Hormone Also Influence the Quantity and Quality of Our Stem Cells

Whereas Pregnenolone works to proliferate stem cells in a more aggregate manner, T3 (a thyroid hormone) promotes cardiac differentiation and maturation of embryonic stem cells; that is, embryonic stem cells can differentiate into functional cardiomyocytes (cardiac-muscle cells), meaning that T3 promotes stem-cell growth of heart-muscle tissue.

Finally, we must consider melatonin, which behaves as a preconditioning agent that increases the survival of stem cells. Using melatonin for pretreatment of stem cells may represent a new a new safer approach to improving the beneficial effects of stem-cell therapy administered to solid organs, as appeared to be the case following an intraparenchymal injection of melatonin into an ischemic kidney. (The kidney was considered ischemic because of a deficient supply of blood as a result of an obstructed inflow of arterial blood to the organ.)

With each passing day, more innovative and exciting research takes place in the groundbreaking field of stem cell rejuvenation therapy. To be sure, the findings will only proliferate, reinforcing our existing knowledge that bio identical hormonal treatment all play an essential role in maintaining the quantity and quality of the stem cells in our bodies.

Stem Cell Rejuvenation Therapy |

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Banking Menstrual Stem Cells | What are Menstrual Stem …

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 12:53 am

Stem cells in menstrual blood have similar regenerative capabilities as thestem cells in umbilical cord blood and bone marrow. Cryo-Cell's patent-pendingmenstrual stem cell service offers women in their reproductive years the ability to store and preserve these cells for potential use by herself or a family memberfree from ethical or political controversy.

Cryo-Cell is the only stem cell bank in the world that can offer womenthe reassurance and peace of mind that comes with this opportunity.

What are menstrual stem cells?Stem cells in menstrual blood are highly proliferativeandpossess the unique ability to develop into various other types of healthy cells. During a womans menstrual cycle, these valuable stem cells are discarded.

Cryo-Cell'smenstrual stem cell bankingservice captures those self-renewing stem cells, processes and cryopreserves them for emerging cellular therapies that hold the promise of potentially treatinglife-threatening diseases.

How are menstrual stem cells collected, processed and stored?The menstrual blood is collected in a physicians officeusing a medical-grade silicone cup in place of a tampon orsanitary napkin. The sample is shipped to Cryo-Cell via a medical courier and processed in our state-of-the-art ISO Class 7 clean room.

The menstrual stem cells are stored in two cryovials that are overwrapped to safeguard them during storage. The overwrapped vials are cryogenically preserved in a facility that isclosely monitored at all times to ensure that your menstrual stem cells are safe and ready for future use.

What are the benefits of banking menstrual stem cells?Cryo-Cell's innovative menstrual stem cell banking service provides women with the exclusive opportunity to build their own personal healthcare portfolio with stem cells that will be a 100% match for the donor. Menstrual stem cells have demonstrated the capability of differentiating into many other types of stem cells such as cardiac, neural, bone, fat and cartilage.

Bankingmenstrual stem cells now is an investment in your future medical needs. Currently, they are being studied to treat stroke, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and ischemic wounds in pre-clinical and clinical models.

Cryo-Cells activities for New York State residents are limited to collection, processing, and long-term storage ofmenstrual stem cells. Cryo-Cells possession of a New York State license for such collection, processing, and long-term storage does not indicate approval or endorsement of possible future uses or future suitability of these cells.

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Masters in Genetic Counseling –

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 12:52 am

Masters in Genetics Counseling The curriculum consists of 40 semester hours: 22 semester hours of didactic course work and 7 semester hours of research. Additionally, there are four 8-week clinical rotations, one 3-week laboratory rotation and one 6-week summer clinical rotation required of all students, which provide an additional 11 credit hours.

MS/MA in Genetic Counseling and Bioethics The Departments of Genetics & Genome Sciences and Bioethics offer a dual degree program between the Masters in Genetic Counseling and the Masters in Bioethics Programs. The dual degree program provides a comprehensive curriculum integrating foundational principles of genetics and ethics.

Faculty Leadership Read about the Genetic Counseling Training Program's Leadership.

How to Apply Interested in Applying? Read about how to apply to Case Western Reserve University's Masters of Genetic Counseling.

The Genetic Counseling Training Program offers two degrees: a Master of Science degree in Genetic Counseling or a Masters in Genetic Counseling and Bioethics (dual degree program).

The Master of Science degree in Genetic Counseling is a two-year academic program comprised of didactic coursework, laboratory exposure, research experience and extensive clinical training. The program, directed by Anne L. Matthews, RN, PhD, is an integral component of the teaching and research programs in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences at CWRU under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, MD/PhD, chairman of the department. Program leadership also includes Rebecca Darrah, MA, MS, PhD, Associate Director; and the program's medical director, Anna Mitchell, MD, PhD Associate Professor in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences and Medical Director of the Center for Human Genetics, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center; and Michelle Merrill, MS, LCGC, Director for Clinical Training and genetic counselor at the Center for Human Genetics, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. The dual degree program in Genetic Counseling and Bioethics is co-directed by Drs. Matthews and Aaron Goldenberg, PhD, Associate Professor of Bioethics and Genetics & Genome Sciences.

The Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC) and graduates of the program are eligible to apply for Active Candidate Status and sit for the American Board of Genetic Counseling certification examination. We are extremely proud of our 98.7% pass rate for graduates who sat for the ABGC examination.

The mission and overall objective of the Genetic Counseling Training Program is to prepare students with the appropriate knowledge and experiences to function as competent and empathetic genetic counselors in a wide range of settings and roles. With unprecedented advances in our understanding of the genetic and molecular control of gene expression and development, and in our ability to apply this knowledge clinically, the Program strives to train students who can interface between patients, clinicians, and molecular and human geneticists. Students gain insightful and multifaceted skills that will enable them to be effective genetic counselors, aware of the many new technical advances and often-difficult ethical, legal and social issues that have surfaced in the light of the Human Genome Project. Graduates of the Program will be prepared to work in a variety of settings including both adult and pediatric genetics clinics, specialty clinics such as cancer genetics, cardiovascular genetics. and metabolic clinics, and prenatal diagnosis clinics, as well as in areas of research or commercial genetics laboratories relevant to genetic counseling and human genetics.

A unique aspect of the Genetic Counseling Training Program that it is housed within Case Western Reserve's Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences that is internationally known for both its clinical expertise and cutting edge research in molecular genetics, model organisms and human genetics. Thus, the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences at CWRU provides an interface between human and medical genetics with basic genetics and provides an exciting atmosphere in which to learn and develop professionally. The direct access to both clinical resources and advanced technologies in human and model organisms affords students with an unparalleled environment for achievement.

The Graduate Program in Genetics in the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences provides an interactive and collaborative environment for both pre (genetic counseling and PhD students) - and post-doctoral trainees to come together in a collegial atmosphere. By fostering interactions between pre- and post-doctoral trainees in genetic counseling, medical genetics, and basic research at an early stage of their careers, it is anticipated that graduates will be well-rounded professionals with an understanding of the importance of both clinical and basic research endeavors. Moreover, such resources as the Department of Biomedical Ethics, the Center for Genetic Research, Ethics and Law, the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, and the Law-Medicine Center provide for an enriched learning experience for students.

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The Cost Of Stem Cell Therapy And Why It’s So Expensive …

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 12:50 am

How much is stem cell therapy? As stated by CBC Canada,the cost of stem cell therapy is $5,000 to $8,000per stem cell treatment for patients. According to a Twitter poll by BioInformant, the cost can be even higher. Our May 2018 poll found that stem cell treatments can cost as much as $25,000 or more. This article explores the key factors that impact the cost of stem cell therapy, including the type of stem cells used within the protocol, the number of treatments required, and the site of theclinic. It also provides pricing quotes from stem cell clinics within the U.S. and worldwide.

In this article:

Stem cell therapy is the use of living cells as therapeutics to treat disease or injury. Read on to learn about the cost requirements of these procedures.

CBC Canadas pricing involves Cell Surgical Network (CSN) following its protocol to remove fat tissue and process it before re-injecting [adipose-derived stem cells] either directly or intravenously into the same patient. Unfortunately, the U.S. FDA and Department of Justice (DOJ) sent this network of stem cell treatment providers a permanent injunction notice in May 2018. Therefore, patients should not seek treatments from the group at this time.Although Cell Surgical Network (CSN) is based in California, it has a network of approximately 100 U.S. treatment centers. They also have three Canadian clinics located in Vancouver, Sudbury,andKamloops.

The controversy such as the one above stirs up questions about the safety of stem cell procedures. Anyone considering stem cell therapy from any tissue or source will benefit from understanding the possible consequences of stem cell therapy and the factors driving costs.

For the patient, a stem cell transplant involves multiple steps, including:

There are also real costs for the doctors who provide stem cell treatments. They have overhead costs, including:

There is also time and expertise required toperform the procedure and offer post-operative care. In some cases, the physician must pay licensing fees to access stem cell sourcing, processing, or delivery technologies.

Stem cell treatment has gained more and more traction over the last decade. It has been helped along by considerable advances in research. In 2017, the number of scientific publications about stem cells surpassed 300,000. The number of stem cell clinical trials has also surpassed4,600 worldwide.

However, stem cell therapy is still expensive. Among the cheapest and easiest options is to harvest adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) those that exist in adult fat layers and re-deliver them to the patient. Unlike harvesting from bone marrow or teeth, providers can feasibly remove fat, separate stem cells, then re-inject them into a patient the same day. This approach is typically less expensive than those that require more invasive procedures for harvesting. Because of its practicality in terms of cost, it has become a common approach to stem cell treatment.

Relatively easy harvesting stilldoesnt translate to inexpensive cost, although some are certainly more affordable than others. For orthopedic conditions, the costof stem cell therapy is typically lower, averaging between $5,000 and $8,000. Examples of these types of medical conditions include:

Note that these prices are typically out-of-pocket costs paid by the patientbecause most insurance companies will not cover them. They are considered experimental and unapproved by the FDA. This means patients needing stem cell treatment will need to use their own savings.

Although fat is a frequently utilized source for stem cells, it is also possible for physicians to utilize stem cells from bone marrow. Regenexx provides this service in the U.S. and Cayman Islands. With theRegenexxstem cell injection procedure, a small bone marrow sample is extracted through a needle, and blood is drawn from a vein in the arm. These samples are processed in a laboratory, and the cells it contains are injected into an area of the body that needs repair. On June 19, 2018, ACAP Health, a leading provider in innovative, clinical-based solutions partnered with Regenexx to reduce high-cost musculoskeletal surgeries.ACAP Health is a national leader in employer healthcare expense reduction. It is one of the first healthcare groups to partner with a stem cell treatment group to support insurance coverage to patients.

A recent Twitter poll conducted by BioInformant reported that, on average, patients can expect to spend $25,000 or more on stem cell therapies. According to the poll,

Most likely, those paying lower stem cell treatment costs under $5,000 were pursuing treatment for orthopedic or musculoskeletal conditions. In contrast, those paying higher treatment costs were likely getting treated for systemic or more complex conditions, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimers disease or dementia), psoriatic arthritis, as well as the treatment for autism.

In the U.S., treatment protocols vary depending on the clinic and the treating physician. A one-time treatment that utilizes blood drawn from a patient can cost as little as $1,500. However, protocols that utilize a bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue extraction can run as much as $15,000 $30,000. This is because bone marrow extraction is an invasive procedure that requires a penetrating bone and adipose tissue extraction requires a medical professional trained in liposuction.

For treatments that require a systemic or whole-body approach, the cost tends to be in the higher range, often averaging from $20,000 to $30,000. Examples of the diseases or conditions requiring this type of stem cell treatment include:

These higher costs reflect the complexity of treating these patients and the fact that multiple treatments are often required.

Founded by Dr. Neil Riordan, a globally recognized stem cell expert, theStem Cell Institutein Panama is one of the worlds most trusted adult stem cell therapy centers. Over the past 12 years, the center has performed more than10,000 procedures, making it a widely recognized destination for stem cell treatments.

Working in collaboration with universities and physicians worldwide, its stem cell treatment protocols utilize combinations of allogeneic human umbilical cord blood stem cells and autologous bone marrow stem cells to treat a wide variety of conditions.

A reader of BioInformant was recently treated for psoriatic arthritis at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama in early 2018. The price of his stem cell treatment was $22,000. With travel and lodging included, the total expenses were approximately $30,000.

Because of its proximity to the U.S., Mexico is increasingly becoming a destination for medical tourism.Before choosing a stem cell treatment provider in Mexico, ensure the clinic is fully authorized by COFEPRIS, the Mexican equivalent to the FDA.

One patient who recently shared stem cell treatment quotes with BioInformant found that the treatment for glycogen storage disease, a metabolic disorder that often onsets in infancy and continues into adulthood, would cost $23,900 throughGIOSTAR Mexico.

In contrast, the patient was quoted$33,000 throughCelltex, a U.S.-based company that treats patients in Cancun, Mexico.Celltex follows FDA regulations concerning the export of cells to Mexico and is compliant with the standards and procedures of COFEPRIS. Celltex also has an alliance with a certified hospital in Mexico, which is approved to receive cells and administer them to patients by a licensed physician.

In contrast, the patient was quoted $10,000 from Stem Cell Therapy of Las Vegas and Med Spa, an American clinic. This price difference may reflect regulatory restrictions that prevent U.S. providers from expanding cells. It may also reflect the therapeutic approach used by the clinic, as well as the quality of their expertise.

In Mexico, where certain types of stem cell expansion are allowed that are restricted within the U.S., treatment protocols vary depending on the clinic and the treating physician. A one-time treatment that utilizes peripheral blood from a patient can cost as little as $1,000. In contrast, protocols that utilize more invasive sources of stem cells can run as much as $15,000 $35,000. Examples of invasive procedures includebone marrow and adipose tissue extraction. In some cases, hospitalization may be required, which raises costs. The location of a stem cell facility can factor heavily into thecost of the procedure.

Not every cost associated with treatment gets billed to the patient at the time of the procedure. Hidden costs such as reactions to the treatment, graft-versus-host disease, or disability derived from the treatment can all result in more money to the patient, to insurance, or to the government.

For example, in the case of someone with cancer, it frequently isnt viable to harvest the patients own stem cells because they may contain cancerous cells that can reintroduce tumors to the body. Instead, the patient would receive stem cells by transplant. Treatments that involve cells from another person are called allogeneic treatments. The danger here is that the body may see those cells as invaders and attack them via the immune system, a condition known as graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). The body (host) and the introduced stem cells (graft) then battle rather than coexist.

Transplanted cells often face the risk of being rejected by their host; this article discusses the effect of plasma exchange on acute graft vs. host disease

Katie Bunde (@kbuns76) May 29, 2018

In addition to making the stem cell treatments less effective or ineffective, GvHD can be deadly. Roughly30 to 60 percent ofhematopoieticstem cell and bone marrow transplantationpatients sufferfrom it, and of those, 50 percent eventually die. The hospital costs associated with it are substantial.

Another hidden cost is the potential to disrupt a system that formerly functioned adequately. The best current example of this isthe case of Doris Tyler, who received bilateral stem cell injections in her eyes from Drs.RobertHalpernand JamieWalraven of Stem Cell Center of Georgia. According to her, while her vision was failing, it was still good enough to perform various tasks, and now it is not. That means the cost increases for her, as well as potential insurance or disability claims (though again, insurance is unlikely to cover the specific consequences of this action).

Because of tight regulations surrounding stem cell procedures performed in the United States, many stem cell treatment providers provide both on-shore (U.S.-based) and offshore (international) treatment options.Depending on where a treatment is received, patients may have to pay travel, lodging,and miscellaneous expenditures.

For example, Regenexx offers treatments at a wide range of U.S. facilities using non-expanded stem cells. However, it also offers a laboratory-expanded treatment option at a site in the Cayman Islands, which can administer higher cell doses to patients by expanding the cells in culture within a laboratory.

Similarly, Okyanos (pronounced Oh key AH nos) offers treatments to patients at its Florida location and provides more involved stem cell procedures at its offshore site inGrand Bahama. It was founded in 2011 and is a stem cell therapy provider specializing in treatments for congestive heart failure (CHF) and other chronic conditions. It is fully licensed under the Bahamas Stem Cell Therapy and Research Act and adheres to U.S. surgical center standards.

Similarly, Celltex is headquartered in Houston, Texas, but offers stem cell treatments in Cancun, Mexico. Celltex specializes in storing a patients mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for therapeutic use.

While no hard evidence yet points to stem cell clinics raising their rates as a result of lawsuits, that is a typical response in industries whose products or services the public perceives as a high risk.

An additional danger to stem cell treatment providers,points out Nature, is the reduction of bottom-line profits through former patients winning suits. If clinics have to pay out the money they earned and then some to individuals suing for damages, they may soon become faced with an unviable business model. That is a definite concern for those hoping to leverage these treatments now and in the future.

As with any other area of medicine, patient evaluations of stem cell providers and treatments run the gamut from extremely satisfied to desolately unhappy. Those like Doris Tyler who have lost their eyesight exist at the negative end of the spectrum. However, many others praise stem cell treatments for their power to heal diseases, boost immunity, fight cancer, and more.

For example, BioInformants Founder and President, Cade Hildreth, had a favorable experience with stem cell therapy. Cade had bone marrow-derived stem cells collected and then had them re-injected into the knee to treat a devastating orthopedic injury. Cade was able to reverse pain, swelling, and scarring to reclaim an elite athletic ability.

As of now, this much is clear. There exists enough interest in America and across the world that stem cell providers are continuing to offer a wide range of treatments. Stem cell treatments also offer the potential to reverse diseases that traditionally had to be chronically managed by drugs. Like most medical practices, stem cell treatments will require further testing to reveal merits and faults. Until then, the public will likely continue to pursue services when medical needs arise.

Although the cost of stem cell therapy is pricey, some patients choose to undergo the treatment because it is more economical than enduring the costs associated with chronic diseases.

Although most stem cell therapy providers do not provide FDA-approved procedures, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to encouragepatients to pursue approved therapies, even if there is a higher associated treatment cost.

Providers rarely post their prices for stem cell treatments in print or digital media because they want patients to understand the benefits of therapy before making a price decision. Additionally, the price of stem cell treatments varies by condition, the number of treatments required, and the complexity of the procedure, factors that can make it difficult for medical providers to provide cost estimates without a diagnostic visit for the patient. However, in many cases, it is not in the patients best interest to make treatment decisions based on the cost of stem cell therapy. The best way to know whether to pursue stem cell therapy is to explore patient outcomes by condition and compare the healing process to other surgical and non-surgical treatment options.

The cost of stem cell therapy is indeed expensive, especially because the procedures are rarely covered by health insurance. However, with the right knowledge and a clear understanding of the treatment process, the risk of undergoing stem cell therapy can be worth it, especially if it removes the requirement for a lifetime of prescription medication. Although stem cell therapy has associated risks, it has improved thousands of lives and will continue to play in a key role in the future of modern medicine.

Download this infographic for your reference:

Are you seeking a stem cell treatment? If so, we have partnered with GIOSTAR to help you acccess medical guidance and advice.

In alignment with what we believe at BioInformant, GIOSTARs goal is to offer cutting-edge, extensively researched stem cell therapy options designed to rejuvenate and improve a patients quality of life.

Click here to Schedule a Consultation or ask GIOSTAR a question.

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Up Next: Japan to Supply Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESC) for Clinical Research

Cost Of Stem Cell Therapy And Why Its So Expensive

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Second patient free of HIV after stem-cell therapy

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 12:50 am

A person with HIV seems to be free of the virus after receiving a stem-cell transplant that replaced their white blood cells with HIV-resistant versions. The patient is only the second person ever reported to have been cleared of the virus using this method. But researchers warn that it is too early to say that they have been cured.

The patient whose identity hasnt been disclosed was able to stop taking antiretroviral drugs, with no sign of the virus returning 18 months later. The stem-cell technique was first used a decade ago for Timothy Ray Brown, known as the Berlin patient, who is still free of the virus.

So far, the latest patient to receive the treatment is showing a response similar to Browns, says Andrew Freedman, a clinical infectious-disease physician at Cardiff University in the UK who was not involved in the study. Theres good reason to hope that it will have the same result, he says.

Like Brown, the latest patient also had a form of blood cancer that wasnt responding to chemotherapy. They required a bone-marrow transplant, in which their blood cells would be destroyed and replenished with stem cells transplanted from a healthy donor.

But rather than choosing just any suitable donor, the team led by Ravindra Gupta, an infectious-disease physician at the University of Cambridge, UK picked a donor who had two copies of a mutation in the CCR5 gene that gives people resistance to HIV infection. This gene codes for a receptor which sits on the surface of white blood cells involved in the bodys immune response. Normally, the HIV binds to these receptors and attacks the cells, but a deletion in the CCR5 gene stops the receptors from functioning properly. About 1% of people of European descent have two copies of this mutation and are resistant to HIV infection.

Guptas team describes the results in a paper due to be published in Nature on 5 March. The researchers report that the transplant successfully replaced the patients white blood cells with the HIV-resistant variant. Cells circulating in the patients blood stopped expressing the CCR5 receptor, and in the lab, the researchers were unable to re-infect these cells with the patients version of HIV.

The team found that the virus completely disappeared from the patients blood after the transplant. After 16 months, the patient stopped taking antiretroviral drugs, the standard treatment for HIV. In the latest follow-up, 18 months after stopping medication, there was still no sign of the virus.

Gupta says that its not yet possible to say whether the patient has been cured. This can only be demonstrated if the patients blood remains HIV free for longer, he says.

But the study does suggest that Browns successful treatment ten years ago wasnt just a one-off. Gupta says that the latest patient received a less aggressive treatment than Brown to prepare for the transplant. The new patient was given a regimen consisting of chemotherapy alongside a drug that targets cancerous cells, while Brown received radiotherapy across his entire body in addition to a chemotherapy drug.

This suggests that, to be successful, stem-cell transplants in HIV patients would not necessarily need to be accompanied by aggressive treatments that might have particularly severe side effects, says Gupta. The radiation really does knock the bone marrow and make you very sick.

Graham Cooke, a clinical researcher at Imperial College London, points out that this kind of treatment wouldnt be suitable for most people with HIV who dont have cancer and so dont need a bone-marrow transplant, which is a serious procedure that can sometimes have fatal complications. If youre well, the risk of having a bone-marrow transplant is far greater than the risk of staying on tablets every day, he says. Most people with HIV respond well to daily antiretroviral treatment.

But Cooke adds that for those who need a transplant to treat leukaemia or other diseases, it seems reasonable to try and find a donor with the CCR5 mutation, which wouldnt add any risk to the procedure.

Gero Htter, who led Browns treatment and is now medical director of the stem-cell company Cellex in Dresden, Germany, agrees that this kind of treatment could only ever be used for a small group of patients. But he hopes that the paper will stimulate a renewed interest in gene therapies that target CCR5, which could be applied to a much broader group. The real breakthrough, we are still waiting for, he says.

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Second patient free of HIV after stem-cell therapy

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Stem Cell Therapy for ED in Miami, FL – HealthGAINS

Posted: April 15, 2019 at 12:50 am

Maintaining a Healthy Sex Life

Most men between the ages of 30 and 65 will experience some degree of erectile dysfunction.

Whether you are looking to start a family or maintain a relationship, erectile dysfunction can drive a physical and emotional wedge between you and your partner. If you are dealing with erectile dysfunction or perhapsPeyronies disease, youre not able to live your best life. According to the latest clinical research, stem cells could be the key to reclaiming your healthy sex life.

Stem cells are the most powerful healing solution, arguably, in the history of medicine.

They have the ability to form completely new and healthy tissue, and in the case of Peyronies disease patients, it can completely eliminate the plaque that causes penile curvature in the first place.

If youre tired of pumping your body with risky or ineffective medications, stem cells can provide long-term relief and help you feel like youre in your 20s again!

At HealthGAINS, we exclusively use Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC). They are unique in that they are unspecialized and have the ability to morph into any specialized cells as needed.

Mesenchymal stem cells also have a self-renewing ability in which they continuously divide to make more of the cells that they transform into.

For years, doctors have utilized the unique nature of stem cells to produce renewed, healthier tissue and organs for patients in need of serious medical relief.

All stem cells carry three properties:

These properties, when applied to an area of the body, allow for the newly introduced stem cells to take on the function of surrounding cells. This addresses the deteriorating effects of aging. When applied to the groin, stem cells provide men with these key benefits:

For those suffering from moderate to severe erectile dysfunction, stem cell therapy is a viable solution. By introducing stem cells into the body, their regenerative effects work to restore and repair the blood vessels and tissues that are preventing the ideal blood flow that creates strong and lasting erections.

With renewed blood vessels, men can achieve harder and longer erections as well as improved sensation for a reinvigorated sexual experience. Men will be able to perform better, more often and with more ability and enthusiasm.

A unique behavior of stem cells is their innate ability to seek out and remove foreign particles from the body. For those suffering from Peyronies disease, little has provided you relief from the physical and sexual discomfort that comes with the condition. However, the plaque build-up that creates the uncomfortable bend, can be removed through stem cell treatments. The stem cells will identify the plaque as an issue and eliminate it entirely and permanently from the body.

Patients can, in as little as 8 weeks, experience lasting relief from their Peyronies disease and accompanying Erectile Dysfunction. Patients can resume or experience for the first time their healthy and satisfying sex lives.

If you arent familiar with our GAINSWave therapy, it utilizes the healing effects of sound waves that are pulsed into the penis to pump up its performance by improving blood flow. The results are impeccable, long lasting and produce no side effects.

Because GAINSWave therapy and stem cell treatments are surgery-free, they can be utilized to enhance each others effects on your sex life.

These treatments work together through GAINSWave creating a stimulant that triggers the body to generate growth factors and send them to the treated area. The stem cells then come in to assist in the creation of more growth factors (proteins) as well as become the building block for more tissue. From soft tissue to new blood vessels, these two treatments work together to regenerate and reinvigorate your sexual capabilities completely.

Are There Any Side Effects?

The Mesenchymal Stem Cells we utilize are donated from the umbilical cords of healthy, full-term infants after childbirth. These cells are the healthiest and strongest version of stem cells that have been extracted for medical use.

This, combined with the fact that mesenchymal stem cells are inherently immune privilege (meaning they contain no allergies and will not react negatively with the body), gives patients peace of mind. No side effects have been found in our stem cell treatments.

Stem cells are a very powerful solution to many medical issues. If you want the most out of your sexual health treatment or you have a serious case of Erectile Dysfunction, utilizing a combination of stem cells with a GAINSWave treatment will give you the most potent healing results that modern sexual health medicine can provide.

We recommend speaking with one of our mens health specialists. Our medical experts will review your medical history, current sexual health, and overall wellness goals to develop a treatment plan tailored to you.

If you want to drastically improve your sex life through natural treatment methods, call the experts at HealthGAINS at (866) 540-3555.

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