The Science behind the HCG Diet
HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a hormone produced by both men and women. Women who are pregnant on the other hand, produce a higher quantity of HCG in their placenta. HCG is consists of 244 amino acids. It is a catalyst hormone that stimulates the production of other hormones in the body. HCG also plays a role in controlling womens metabolism.
HCG was first connected with weight loss by Dr. Albert T.W. Simeons back in the 60s and 70s. He gave HCG to boys with low testosterone levels. He found out that the boys starts to lose abnormal belly fat and had slimmed down. From this observation he conducted research. He experimented with various amounts of HCG and its relation to metabolism and weight loss.
Eventually, he discovered through his research that a large amount of belly fat can be lost through HCG hormone and strict diet. Soon, his breakthrough was discovered. Doctors from around the world were coming to Rome to learn more about his discovery.
In 1967, Dr. Simeons published Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity. The book summarizes and helps delivers Dr. Simeons weight loss findings to the world. In this protocol, the point of focus and the philosophy behind HCG diet is the abnormal fats. HCG hormone allows the body to burn up abnormal fats by working on the brains hypothalamus. Hypothalamus performs important functions such as controlling the appetite and mobilizing stubborn fats. Research shows that following the protocol, HCG hormone can help curb and eliminate cravings for sugar and starch.
In Dr. Simeons Pounds and Inches Away, he said that obesity in all its many forms is due to an abnormal functioning of some part of the body. He believed that abnormal buildup of fats is caused by a disorder and not just by eating more than normal. In his opening pages, he discussed issues of obesity alongside his theory about the accumulating fat disorder. He also tackled ways on how correct it through the three phases of HCG diet.
In the early Neolithic times, a change took place which accounts for the development of todays obesity. The change was the institution of regular meals, the three-meal system. Through Dr. Simeons writing, he examines the concept of regular meals and its connection to stored fats. He discussed that in the Pre-Neolithic time man only ate when he was hungry. When man eats, he only eats as much as he requires stilling the pangs of hunger. Much of his food is unrefined and raw.
But with the advent of regular meals, the body had to take more food at a faster rate. This contributes to an extremely unhealthy trend. Each meal provides the body with nourishment that is not needed at the time. So this nourishment has to be stored somewhere thus leading to obesity we now see. He further emphasized that rather than the regular meals, the pre-Neolithic diet is what our body needs.
Dr. Simeons establishes that body fats are of three types.
It fills the gap between organs, a sort of packing material. It also performs an important function such as protecting the arteries, providing beddings for kidney and keeping the skin taut and smooth. Structural fats also provide the springy cushion under the bones of the feet.
It is the normal reserve of fuel that can be used by the body for energy. Normal fat contains a high amount of calories in a small amount of space. It is reserved for muscular activity and for the maintenance of body temperature. The normal and structural normal fats are both important. Even if the fats will accumulate in the body, it is completely normal and can never be considered obese.
These fats are created by the high intake of sugar and starch in the modern diet. Abnormal fats cause obesity. It is found around the hips, buttocks, stomach and thigh. Abnormal fat is a potential reserve of fuel however it is not readily available to the body. Without proper weight loss methods, it will remain in the body.
When obese dieters try to reduce by eating less, they first lose their normal fat reserves. When these are used up the body switches to structural fats and only as a last resort will the body uses the abnormal fats. However, by that time the body is too hungry and too weak to properly exercise. Yet the body has changed very little.
There are many glands in the body that regulates normal body activities. This gland includes the pituitary glands, thyroid glands and adrenal glands. Dr. Simeons debunks various obesity myths around these glands and connects it to weight loss. However, after a series of test, he found out that there is no correlation among the glands with weight loss.
Dr. Simeons made an interesting connection between the concept of a bank and how fat works in our body. Our fat storage works like bank accounts. When the body absorbs more fuel than what is needed, the rest is locked away for large amounts of time.
In order to lose weight, he emphasizes that we must understand how our body deposits and withdraws fat. When we eat large amounts of food all at once the fat deposit grows rapidly. This system of eating causes an exhaustion of the fat-bank. The fat center will take a large amount of food than the usual. This overpowers the Diencephalon or Hypothalamus, the part of the brain that manages the withdrawal and deposit of fats which leads to obesity.
Dr. Simeons narrowed the main causes of obesity into three.
1. Psychological aspect - Dr. Simeons believed that emotional eating is an instinct gratification by a part of the brain. When a person is unhappy and lonely he can use this outlet to pent-up instinct pressure. When this happens, no amount of happiness and gratification of other instinct can correct the condition.
2. Compulsive eating - Dr. Simeons believed that most people who are obese do not suffer from compulsive eating. They are truly hungry. Their sudden desire for sweets and other foods can allay their pangs of hunger. However, some obese does experience compulsive eating. It comes on with an attack and not because of real hunger.
3. Reluctance in losing weight - Dr. Simeons points out that some patients do not like the idea of losing weight. They are deeply attached to their fats. Some are afraid to lose weight fearing that people will like or be jealous of their figure. Others are deeply attached to their obese childhood. To some, being obese is their source of pride.
Dr. Simeons also studied the diencephalon or hypothalamus. He connects it with how the body stores and burn fuel. He believed that hypothalamus has something to do with how the body stores fat. He thought that if he can tap into the diencephalon center, he could discover ways on how obese can lose weight that has not yet examined.
There are early signs and symptoms of obesity as concluded by Dr. Simeon.
Common signs include:
1. A buildup of excessive fats around the hips, thighs, abdomen, upper arms and chin.
Less obvious signs which were examined by Simeon to be true with obese:
1. Two upper front teeth that are disproportionately large.
2. Dimple on both sides of the sacral bone just above the buttocks.
3. A pad of fat on the inside of the knees.
Clinical symptoms of obesity include:
1. Rheumatic pains
2. Frequent headaches
3. Frequent headaches
4. Lethargy
Dr. Simeons first used HCG to help speed up puberty with underdeveloped children in India. He gave them several hundred international units twice a week. As a result of these injections, Dr. Simeon made a few discoveries.
1.First, the small daily dose was just as effective as the larger dose given twice a week.
2.Second and one of the most important discoveries was that the patients began to lose large appetite even without being on a restrictive diet.
3.Third, he noticed that the body shapes began to change. He believed that this was because of the abnormal fats moving away from the hips. The fats become available as fuel for the body to burn. The abnormal fats are a new source of fuel which can be used as a replacement for foods. This answers his questions as to why the boys were not hungry even on a restricted diet.
4.A higher dose of HCG does not cause any harm to the body.
5.Patients on 500 calorie diet were able to go on their normal day.
His discoveries had made it clear that with HCG, the body can transition from using the normal fat reserves to the abnormal fats.
Dr. Simeon began to develop his theory of HCG injections and weight loss after a series of test. He discussed how pregnant woman can drastically lose weight without feeling hungry. He also believed that in pregnant woman abnormal deposit of fat is not created due to the presence of enormous quantities of HCG in the body.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin was created long before its effects on the body were truly understood. It has been used for over a century in the development of the first pregnancy test. Gonadotrophin means a sex-gland directed substance or hormone. However, Dr. Simeons points out that HCG has no effect on normal sex function.
Dr. Simeons found out only 125 units of HCG hormone each day is needed to lose weight. With 500 calorie diet, an obese patient can lose at least one pound each day. He believes that HCG can also cure complicating disorders that are often associated with obesity.
1.Diabetes - His research revealed that HCG diet has the ability to lower the blood sugar. The diabetic patients blood sugar often reaches the normal level in 2-3 weeks. It is often possible to stop all insulin treatments after the first few weeks with HCG.
2.Rheumatism - Rheumatic pains can also decrease after few days of HCG treatment. It allows obese patients to stop using cortisone medicine for a while without a recurrence of pain.
3.High Cholesterol - Obese patient with abnormally high cholesterol has been seen to decrease when treated with HCG.
4.Gout - HCG can help patients with gout pain even if the blood uric acid increases during treatment.
5.Blood Pressure - During HCG diet, the blood sugar of patients may drop. This is one of the significant discoveries with the use of HCG.
1. What are the side effects of HCG? - Similar to other diets, there are a few minor side effects that you should be aware of. Some of these side effects can include irritability, fatigue, headache and restlessness. However, these side effects tend to be from the protocol and not the HCG. In most cases, it can be corrected by menu adjustments.
2. How many calories should I eat a day? - The original protocol of Dr. Simeons recommends a maximum of 500 calories a day. However, this is a strict protocol. You cant just eat anything that equals to 500 calories.
3. Do I need a Prescription to do the HCG diet? - No. You dont need a prescription to order your HCG. In fact, you can order it here.
4. Will I feel hungry while on the HCG Diet? - You will likely feel hungry in the beginning but that usually goes away. Your body will soon adjust to the lower calorie intake.
5. Can men use the HCG diet? - Yes, both men and women can use HCG diet to lose weight.
6. How long does the diet last? - You can do a 23 day or a 40-day cycle round depending on how much weight you want to lose.
7. Does the diet really work? - HCG diet has proven to work. Majority of people who tried and adhere to every requirement of the protocol have achieved their goal.
8. How much weight will I lose? - Men typically lose 1 pound a day. Women, on the other hand, lose an average of pound a day.
9. Do you need to exercise on the HCG diet? - Since it is a very low-calorie diet of 500 calories a day, there is no exercise required. In the original protocol, exercise is actually prohibited outside of normal daily activity.
10. Is HCG Diet dangerous? - No. HCG Diet is completely safe.
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The Science Behind the HCG Diet - hCG Injections Shop