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Stem Cell Basics VI. |

Posted: March 15, 2019 at 4:48 am

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem celllike state by being forced to express genes and factors important for maintaining the defining properties of embryonic stem cells. Although these cells meet the defining criteria for pluripotent stem cells, it is not known if iPSCs and embryonic stem cells differ in clinically significant ways. Mouse iPSCs were first reported in 2006, and human iPSCs were first reported in late 2007. Mouse iPSCs demonstrate important characteristics of pluripotent stem cells, including expressing stem cell markers, forming tumors containing cells from all three germ layers, and being able to contribute to many different tissues when injected into mouse embryos at a very early stage in development. Human iPSCs also express stem cell markers and are capable of generating cells characteristic of all three germ layers.

Although additional research is needed, iPSCs are already useful tools for drug development and modeling of diseases, and scientists hope to use them in transplantation medicine. Viruses are currently used to introduce the reprogramming factors into adult cells, and this process must be carefully controlled and tested before the technique can lead to useful treatment for humans. In animal studies, the virus used to introduce the stem cell factors sometimes causes cancers. Researchers are currently investigating non-viral delivery strategies. In any case, this breakthrough discovery has created a powerful new way to "de-differentiate" cells whose developmental fates had been previously assumed to be determined. In addition, tissues derived from iPSCs will be a nearly identical match to the cell donor and thus probably avoid rejection by the immune system. The iPSC strategy creates pluripotent stem cells that, together with studies of other types of pluripotent stem cells, will help researchers learn how to reprogram cells to repair damaged tissues in the human body.

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Stem Cell Basics III. |

Posted: March 15, 2019 at 4:44 am

Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitroin an in vitro fertilization clinicand then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body.

Growing cells in the laboratory is known as cell culture. Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) aregenerated by transferringcells from a preimplantation-stage embryointo a plastic laboratory culture dish that contains a nutrient broth known as culture medium. The cells divide and spread over the surface of the dish. In the original protocol, the inner surface of the culture dish was coated with mouse embryonic skin cellsspecially treated so they will not divide. This coating layer of cells is called a feeder layer. The mouse cells in the bottom of the culture dish provide the cells a sticky surface to which they can attach. Also, the feeder cells release nutrients into the culture medium. Researchers have nowdevised ways to grow embryonic stem cells without mouse feeder cells. This is a significant scientific advance because of the risk that viruses or other macromolecules in the mouse cells may be transmitted to the human cells.

The process of generating an embryonic stem cell line is somewhat inefficient, so lines are not produced each time cells from the preimplantation-stage embryo are placed into a culture dish. However, if the plated cells survive, divide and multiply enough to crowd the dish, they are removed gently and plated into several fresh culture dishes. The process of re-plating or subculturing the cells is repeated many times and for many months. Each cycle of subculturing the cells is referred to as a passage. Once the cell line is established, the original cells yield millions of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells that have proliferated in cell culture for six or more months without differentiating, are pluripotent, and appear genetically normal are referred to as an embryonic stem cell line. At any stage in the process, batches of cells can be frozen and shipped to other laboratories for further culture and experimentation.

At various points during the process of generating embryonic stem cell lines, scientists test the cells to see whether they exhibit the fundamental properties that make them embryonic stem cells. This process is called characterization.

Scientists who study human embryonic stem cells have not yet agreed on a standard battery of tests that measure the cells' fundamental properties. However, laboratories that grow human embryonic stem cell lines use several kinds of tests, including:

As long as the embryonic stem cells in culture are grown under appropriate conditions, they can remain undifferentiated (unspecialized). But if cells are allowed to clump together to form embryoid bodies, they begin to differentiate spontaneously. They can form muscle cells, nerve cells, and many other cell types. Although spontaneous differentiation is a good indication that a culture of embryonic stem cells is healthy, the process is uncontrolled and therefore an inefficient strategy to produce cultures of specific cell types.

So, to generate cultures of specific types of differentiated cellsheart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells, for examplescientists try to control the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. They change the chemical composition of the culture medium, alter the surface of the culture dish, or modify the cells by inserting specific genes. Through years of experimentation, scientists have established some basic protocols or "recipes" for the directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells into some specific cell types (Figure 1). (For additional examples of directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells, refer to the 2006 NIH stem cell report.)

Figure 1. Directed differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. Click here for larger image. ( 2008 Terese Winslow)

If scientists can reliably direct the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, they may be able to use the resulting, differentiated cells to treat certain diseases in the future. Diseases that might be treated by transplanting cells generated from human embryonic stem cells include diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and vision and hearing loss.

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Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research | The …

Posted: March 15, 2019 at 4:44 am

Embryonic stem cells are the basic building blocks for some 260 types of cells in the body and can become anything: heart, muscle, brain, skin, blood. Researchers hope that by guiding stem cells in the laboratory into specific cell types, they can be used to treat diabetes, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, or other disorders. The primary clinical source is the aborted fetus and unused embryos currently housed in frozen storage at IVF facilities. A developed stem cell line comes from a single embryo, becoming a colony of cells that reproduces indefinitely. Consider now the following ten problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR).

1. The issue of who or what

As the nation sits embroiled over the battle of where to draw the line on ESCR, the real issue that truly divides us is whether embryonic stems represent a who or a what. In other words, are we talking about people or property?

Since Roe v. Wade we have not been willing or able as a nation to address the issue. As a result, those who oppose ESCR and those who support it will never reach an acceptable point of compromise. Still, in the midst of the flurry of all this biotechnology and all the problems it presents, there is some very good news that has been overlooked by almost everyone. Ready? Cloning proves scientifically that life begins at conceptiona position to which the author and most Christians philosophically already adhere.

Additionally, the insights provided by cloning technology destroy the scientific and legal basis of distinguishing a preembryo from an embryo, the popular distinction made at 14 days after conception. This is significant because this distinction determines the handling and treatment of human life less than 14 days old, which is so basic to all ESCR.

In short, our understanding of embryonic development as provided by cloning technology could force not only those who participate in ESCR specifically, but also those who participate in in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures generally, to recognize there is no real preembryoembryo distinction and that all human life begins at conception. Therefore, as a nation, we should rightly adjust the moral and legal treatment and status of all embryos to people not property from the point of conception.

2. The deliberate misuse of terminology in defining stem cells

Proponents of ESCR often use the term pluripotent. This word intends to imply that the ESC cannot make or reform the outer layer of the embryo called the trophoblast. The trophoblast is required for implantation of the embryo into the uterus. This is a distinction used by proponents of ESCR to imply a fully formed implantable embryo cannot and does not reform after the original embryo is sacrificed. This is significant because to isolate the stem cells, scientists peel away the trophoblast or skin of the embryo much like the peel of an orange. They then discharge the contents of the embryo into a petri dish.

At this stage of development, the stem cells that comprise almost the entire inner body of the early embryo look and function very similar to one another. Once put into the petri dish, the un-programmed cells can be manipulated to multiply and divide endlessly into specific cell types. The question regarding use of the term pluripotent is whether stem cells emptied into the petri dish can reform the trophoblast creating an implantable embryo of the originally sacrificed embryo?

The uncomfortable truth is, James Thomson, who led the effort that first isolated and grew embryonic stem cells in the laboratory says the trophoblast can reform under certain circumstances. That means even after months of continuous proliferation of the cells, implantable cloned human beings of the original embryo might be forming as the stem cells are grown in petri dishes. Therefore, use of the term pluripotent is scientifically inaccurate and deliberately misleading.

3. ESCR is related to human cloning

Understanding how ESCR and human cloning relate requires delineation between the two forms of human cloning: reproductive and therapeutic.

Reproductive cloning creates a later born twin from a single cell of another person by transplanting the DNA of the adult cell into a human egg whose nucleus has been removed. This process is somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this procedure, the resulting embryo is implanted in a woman and carried to birth. Proponents say that reproductive cloning is a logical extension of infertility treatments, hence the intimate link to IVF procedures.

By contrast, therapeutic cloning occurs when an adult undergoes a cloning procedure to duplicate his own cells in order to stave off personal disease, illness or the effects from sudden and serious injury. This procedure also begins by creating a clone of the adult through somatic cell transfer. In therapeutic cloning however, the embryos are allowed to live up to 14 days, at which time their trophoblasts are removed, as in standard ESCR, to harvest the highly prized stem cells for the donor's treatment.

In summary, therapeutic cloning begins with the same procedure as reproductive cloning. The goal of reproductive cloning is to produce a baby. The goal of therapeutic cloning is to produce embryonic stem cells for research and or treatment.

Additionally, whenever embryonic stem cell research results in the spontaneous reformation of the trophoblast around other stem cells, a fully implantable cloned life of the originally sacrificed embryo is created, however temporarily.

4. The current status of ESCR in the U.S. is unsettled at best

President Bush announced on August 9, 2001, that federal funds would not be used for ESCR that result in the future destruction of embryos. They can, however, be used to conduct research on the 64 stem cell lines that currently exist because "the life-and-death decision has already been made." However, scientists who work with some of these cells say many of the 64 lines are not yet developed and some may never pan out. Some researchers are uncertain about the quality of the cells and wonder if the limited number is enough. Proponents of this research are now focused on gaining more ground by passing legislation in Congress.

5. There is law that could apply to ESCR

Originally attached to the 1995 Health and Human Services (HHS) appropriations bill, the "Dickey Amendment" has prohibited federal funding of "any research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death." Unfortunately, there are no laws to protect preembryos (embryos under 14 days old) or that prohibit private individuals, research firms, or pharmaceutical companies from forming, manipulating, or destroying stem cells, human clones, or embryos.

6. Polls show that the American people do not approve using public money to destroy human embryos in medical research

7. ESCR puts us on the road to growing humans for body parts

The un-programmed cells of an early embryo are derailed from their natural course of development and coaxed through chemical manipulation to become very specific tissue types that will be used to treat the unhealthy or diseased tissue of those already born. Opponents of funding ESCR have argued vehemently against this stark utilitarian treatment of human life, unfortunately with little effect.

Regarding the justification that the embryos "left over" in IVF clinics (reportedly >300,000 in the US alone) will simply be discarded anyway, reflects a chilling absence of moral conscience. We do not consider it appropriate to take organs from dying patients or prisoners on death row before they have died in order to increase someone else's chances for healing or cure. Neither, then, should we consider any embryos "spare" so that we may destroy them for their stem cells.

How far down this road have we already come? Consider the story of Adam and Molly Nash. Molly was diagnosed with Fanconi anemiaa hereditary and always fatal disease. Doctors determined that the best hope for Molly was a cell transplant from a relative whose cells matched Molly's, but without anemia. So Molly's parents produced fifteen embryos by IVF, only one of which had the right genetic material. It was implanted in Mrs. Nash who gave birth to Adam. Adam's stem cells were taken from his umbilical cord and implanted in his sister. Despite all the success of the treatment and the medical justification, the fact remains that Adam was conceived, not just to be a son, but a medical treatment. Adam was a means valuable only insofar as he carried the right genetic material. If he hadn't, he would have been rejected like the other fourteen discarded embryos. The undeniable conclusion is that we are growing humans for body parts.

8. Contemporary moral issues often follow the flow of money

Stem cell research and human cloning are about transforming the mystery and majesty of life into a mere malleable and marketable commodity. In the short term, this is big business and offers great fame and fortune to the pioneers and biotech companies who master their secrets and harness the power of life through ESCR.

9. ESCR currently has major disadvantages

The promises of ESCR are right now nothing more than hoped for possibilities. Successful clinical trials for people are years away at best. Why? The reality is that the scientific evidence so far does not support public statements.

First, one minor complication is that use of human embryonic stem cells requires lifelong use of drugs to prevent rejection of the tissue. Second, another more serious disadvantage is that using embryonic stem cells can produce tumors from rapid growth when injected into adult patients. A third disadvantage reported in the March 8, 2001, New England Journal of Medicine was of tragic side effects from an experiment involving the insertion of fetal brain cells into the brains of Parkinson's disease patients. Results included uncontrollable movements: writhing, twisting, head jerking, arm-flailing, and constant chewing. Fourth, a recent report in the Journal Science reported that mice cloned from ESC were genetically defective. If human ESC are also genetically unstable, that could materially compromise efforts to transform cells extracted from embryos into successful medical therapies. Finally, the research may be hampered because many of the existing stem cell lines were grown with the necessary help of mouse cells. If any of this research is to turn into treatments, it will need approval from the FDA, which requires special safeguards to prevent transmission of animal diseases to people. It is unclear how many of these cell lines were developed with the safeguards in place. This leads to a host of problems related to transgenic issues.

10. The Success and Promise of Adult Stem Cell Research

In all fairness, adult stem cells have restricted differentiation potential and do not proliferate as well as ESC. On the other hand, while ESCR yields, at best, meager results, and has only far distant possibilities of successful clinical applications, current clinical applications of adult stem cells are abundant! They include treatments for the following: corneal restoration, brain tumors, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, liver disease, leukemia, lupus, arthritis, and heart disease. Thousands of patients are treated and cured using adult stem cells. Alternative sources for adult stem cells include: placenta, cord blood, bone marrow organ donors, and possibly fat cells.

For these ten reasons my conclusion is that more dollars should be invested in adult stem cell research and the macabre research associated with ESCR should be abandoned entirely.

* Dr. Hollowell has a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology.

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Prof. Brian Catchpole – Our People – About – Royal …

Posted: March 14, 2019 at 10:43 am

Brians research interests centre around canine immunology and immunogenetics in relation to susceptibility to immune-mediated diseases and response to vaccination. Brian is currentlyinvestigating canine endocrine disease, more specifically working to understand the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and hypoadrenocorticism in dogs.

Brianis also involved in a studycharacterising canine innate immune response genes to determine whether these are involved in susceptibility to various disease syndromes (including anal furunculosis and inflammatory bowel disease). Alongside this, Brian is also examining the genetics of vaccine responses in dogs; how immune response genes can influence the response to vaccination and how immunosenescence impacts on the immune response as dogs get older.

Addisons disease (hypoadrenocorticism) is an autoimmune condition that occurs in dogs when the immune system attacks and destroys the adrenal gland, leading to a deficiency of steroid hormones.

We are interested in the genetics and autoimmune response in canine Addisons disease and have identified autoantibodies in the blood that react to proteins in the adrenal gland. We are interested in carrying out further research into this disease, to measure these autoantibodies, to see whether they can be used as part of diagnostic testing and potentially to identify dogs that have an autoimmune reaction, before they develop clinical signs. We are keen to recruit dogs that are undergoing blood sampling as part of diagnostic testing for Addisons disease or who are being monitored for their response to steroid replacement therapy.

Download theOwner Information Sheet / Sample Submission Form

1: Dutton LC, Dudhia J, Catchpole B, Hodgkiss-Geere H, Werling D, Connolly DJ.Cardiosphere-derived cells suppress allogeneic lymphocytes by production of PGE2acting via the EP4 receptor. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 6;8(1):13351. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31569-1. PubMed PMID: 30190508; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC6127326.

2: Boag AM, Christie MR, McLaughlin KA, Syme HM, Graham P, Catchpole B. Alongitudinal study of autoantibodies against cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavageenzyme in dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) affected with hypoadrenocorticism(Addison's disease). Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2018 Aug;202:41-45. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2018.05.013. Epub 2018 May 26. PubMed PMID: 30078597.

3: Soutter F, Martorell S, Solano-Gallego L, Catchpole B. Inconsistent MHC classII association in Beagles experimentally infected with Leishmania infantum. VetJ. 2018 May;235:9-15. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2018.03.001. Epub 2018 Mar 7. PubMedPMID: 29704945.

4: Holder A, Jones G, Soutter F, Palmer DB, Aspinall R, Catchpole B.Polymorphisms in the canine IL7R 3'UTR are associated with thymic output inLabrador retriever dogs and influence post-transcriptional regulation by microRNA185. Dev Comp Immunol. 2018 Apr;81:244-251. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2017.12.008. Epub2017 Dec 14. PubMed PMID: 29247721.

5: Holder A, Mirczuk SM, Fowkes RC, Palmer DB, Aspinall R, Catchpole B.Perturbation of the T cell receptor repertoire occurs with increasing age indogs. Dev Comp Immunol. 2018 Feb;79:150-157. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2017.10.020. Epub2017 Oct 28. PubMed PMID: 29103899; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5711257.

6: Dutton LC, Church SAV, Hodgkiss-Geere H, Catchpole B, Huggins A, Dudhia J,Connolly DJ. Cryopreservation of canine cardiosphere-derived cells: Implicationsfor clinical application. Cytometry A. 2018 Jan;93(1):115-124. doi:10.1002/cyto.a.23186. Epub 2017 Aug 22. PubMed PMID: 28834400.

7: O'Kell AL, Wasserfall C, Catchpole B, Davison LJ, Hess RS, Kushner JA,Atkinson MA. Comparative Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diabetes in Humans, NOD Mice,and Canines: Has a Valuable Animal Model of Type 1 Diabetes Been Overlooked?Diabetes. 2017 Jun;66(6):1443-1452. doi: 10.2337/db16-1551. PubMed PMID:28533295; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5440022.

8: Davison LJ, Holder A, Catchpole B, O'Callaghan CA. The Canine POMC Gene,Obesity in Labrador Retrievers and Susceptibility to Diabetes Mellitus. J VetIntern Med. 2017 Mar;31(2):343-348. doi: 10.1111/jvim.14636. Epub 2017 Feb 8.Erratum in: J Vet Intern Med. 2017 Jul;31(4):1362. PubMed PMID: 28176381; PubMedCentral PMCID: PMC5354034.

9: Scudder CJ, Niessen SJ, Catchpole B, Fowkes RC, Church DB, Forcada Y. Felinehypersomatotropism and acromegaly tumorigenesis: a potential role for the AIPgene. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 2017 Apr;59:134-139. doi:10.1016/j.domaniend.2016.11.005. Epub 2016 Dec 8. PubMed PMID: 28119176.

10: Peiravan A, Allenspach K, Boag AM, Soutter F, Holder A, Catchpole B, KennedyLJ, Werling D, Procoli F. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in majorhistocompatibility class II haplotypes are associated with potential resistanceto inflammatory bowel disease in German shepherd dogs. Vet Immunol Immunopathol.2016 Dec;182:101-105. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2016.10.012. Epub 2016 Oct 22. PubMedPMID: 27863539.

11: Holder A, Mella S, Palmer DB, Aspinall R, Catchpole B. An Age-AssociatedDecline in Thymic Output Differs in Dog Breeds According to Their Longevity. PLoSOne. 2016 Nov 8;11(11):e0165968. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165968. eCollection2016. PubMed PMID: 27824893; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5100965.

12: Boag AM, Christie MR, McLaughlin KA, Syme HM, Graham P, Catchpole B.Autoantibodies against Cytochrome P450 Side-Chain Cleavage Enzyme in Dogs (Canislupus familiaris) Affected with Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison's Disease). PLoSOne. 2015 Nov 30;10(11):e0143458. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143458. eCollection2015. PubMed PMID: 26618927; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4664467.

13: Threlfall AJ, Boag AM, Soutter F, Glanemann B, Syme HM, Catchpole B. Analysisof DLA-DQB1 and polymorphisms in CTLA4 in Cocker spaniels affected withimmune-mediated haemolytic anaemia. Canine Genet Epidemiol. 2015 Jun 9;2:8. doi:10.1186/s40575-015-0020-y. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 26401336; PubMedCentral PMCID: PMC4579385.

14: Holder AL, Kennedy LJ, Ollier WE, Catchpole B. Breed differences indevelopment of anti-insulin antibodies in diabetic dogs and investigation of therole of dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) genes. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2015 Oct15;167(3-4):130-8. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2015.07.014. Epub 2015 Aug 2. PubMedPMID: 26272177.

15: Boag AM, Catchpole B. A review of the genetics of hypoadrenocorticism. TopCompanion Anim Med. 2014 Dec;29(4):96-101. doi: 10.1053/j.tcam.2015.01.001. Epub2015 Jan 5. Review. PubMed PMID: 25813849.

16: Killick DR, Stell AJ, Catchpole B. Immunotherapy for canine cancer--is ittime to go back to the future? J Small Anim Pract. 2015 Apr;56(4):229-41. doi:10.1111/jsap.12336. Epub 2015 Feb 23. Review. PubMed PMID: 25704119.

17: Soutter F, Kennedy LJ, Ollier WE, Solano-Gallego L, Catchpole B. Restricteddog leucocyte antigen (DLA) class II haplotypes and genotypes in Beagles. Vet J.2015 Mar;203(3):345-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.12.032. Epub 2015 Jan 5. PubMedPMID: 25634081; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4366010.

18: Adams JP, Holder AL, Catchpole B. Recombinant canine single chain insulinanalogues: insulin receptor binding capacity and ability to stimulate glucoseuptake. Vet J. 2014 Dec;202(3):436-42. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.09.027. Epub 2014Oct 5. PubMed PMID: 25457265.

19: Short AD, Catchpole B, Boag AM, Kennedy LJ, Massey J, Rothwell S, HenthornPS, Littman MP, Husebye E, Ollier B. Putative candidate genes for caninehypoadrenocorticism (Addison's disease) in multiple dog breeds. Vet Rec. 2014 Nov1;175(17):430. doi: 10.1136/vr.102160. Epub 2014 Aug 14. PubMed PMID: 25124887.

20: Kathrani A, Lee H, White C, Catchpole B, Murphy A, German A, Werling D,Allenspach K. Association between nucleotide oligomerisation domain two (Nod2)gene polymorphisms and canine inflammatory bowel disease. Vet ImmunolImmunopathol. 2014 Sep 15;161(1-2):32-41. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2014.06.003. Epub2014 Jun 26. PubMed PMID: 25017709.

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What is epigenetics? – Genetics Home Reference – NIH

Posted: March 14, 2019 at 10:40 am

DNA modifications that do not change the DNA sequence can affect gene activity. Chemical compounds that are added to single genes can regulate their activity; these modifications are known as epigenetic changes. The epigenome comprises all of the chemical compounds that have been added to the entirety of ones DNA (genome) as a way to regulate the activity (expression) of all the genes within the genome. The chemical compounds of the epigenome are not part of the DNA sequence, but are on or attached to DNA (epi- means above in Greek). Epigenetic modifications remain as cells divide and in some cases can be inherited through the generations. Environmental influences, such as a persons diet and exposure to pollutants, can also impact the epigenome.

Epigenetic changes can help determine whether genes are turned on or off and can influence the production of proteins in certain cells, ensuring that only necessary proteins are produced. For example, proteins that promote bone growth are not produced in muscle cells. Patterns of epigenetic modification vary among individuals, different tissues within an individual, and even different cells.

A common type of epigenetic modification is called methylation. Methylation involves attaching small molecules called methyl groups, each consisting of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, to segments of DNA. When methyl groups are added to a particular gene, that gene is turned off or silenced, and no protein is produced from that gene.

Because errors in the epigenetic process, such as modifying the wrong gene or failing to add a compound to a gene, can lead to abnormal gene activity or inactivity, they can cause genetic disorders. Conditions including cancers, metabolic disorders, and degenerative disorders have all been found to be related to epigenetic errors.

Scientists continue to explore the relationship between the genome and the chemical compounds that modify it. In particular, they are studying what effect the modifications have on gene function, protein production, and human health.

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What is epigenetics? - Genetics Home Reference - NIH

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Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics

Posted: March 13, 2019 at 7:46 am

Each quarter, UCLA undergraduate science students showcase the research they have done. We would like to invite you to see our students in action and to share your professional expertise during theWinter 2019 MIMG/MCDB Undergraduate ResearchPoster Symposium.

Date: Friday March 15th, 2019

Time: 2:00 4:00 PM


Good Weather: Molecular Sciences Bldg.Patio

Poor Weather: Life Sciences Bldg.rm2320

Program Overview: Showcases and celebrates undergraduate student research and allows students to present their work to the campus and broader community. Studentswillpresent the results of their work conducted thisyear in thefollowinglaboratory programs:

MIMG 103BL AdvancedResearchAnalysis inVirology:Characterizationand Genomic Analysis ofNovelBacteriophages

MIMG 109BL AdvancedResearchAnalysis in Microbiology: Agricultural Impacts on Soil Microbial Communities

MCDB 150L Research Immersion Laboratory in Plant-Microbe Ecology: Plant Growth Promotion in Diverse Soils

Your Role: Give studentsan opportunity to share their research and to practice and strengthen their public speaking skills.Your role is to listen to student poster talks and provide students with feedback on their work and presentations.

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Stem Cell Therapy for Knees and Orthopedics | Riordan …

Posted: March 13, 2019 at 7:45 am

Dont rely on pain management to mask injuries. Explore biologic therapies with a group committed to the most minimally invasive procedures that help the body heal naturally and effectively.

Neil Riordan, PA, PhD is one of the early pioneers and experts in applied stem cell research. Dr. Riordan founded publicly traded company Medistem Laboratories (later Medistem Inc.) which was acquired by Intrexon in 2013.

Dr. Riordan has published more than 70 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals. In the stem cell arena, his colleagues and he have published more than 20 articles on multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, autism, and Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome.

In addition to his scientific journal publications, Dr. Riordan has authored two books about mesenchymal stem cell therapy: Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide: How Stem Cells Are Disrupting Medicine and Transforming Lives and MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cells): Clinical Evidence Leading Medicines Next Frontier. Dr. Riordan has also written two scientific book chapters on the use of non-controversial stem cells from placenta and umbilical cord.

Learn more about Dr. Riordan

Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, Fellowship Trained in Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction, and Orthopaedic Surgery. Also specializes in Total Joint Replacement, Revision Total Joint Arthroplasty, Computer Assisted Surgery, MAKOplasty, Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement and Arthroscopy, and Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Mittal is a native Texan who grew up in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. After attending Baylor University on a full academic scholarship, he attended one of the best medical schools in the United States, University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas. In medical school he cultivated his growing interest in Orthopaedic surgery, and subsequently accepted a much sought after Orthopaedic residency position at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth. His desire to perform total joint replacement surgery led him to the highly acclaimed fellowship program at Charlotte Orthopaedic Specialists (now OrthoCarolina) in Charlotte, North Carolina where thousands of joint replacements are performed each year.

In addition to his work at Riordan Medical Institute and The Orthopaedic Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Dr. Mittal was instrumental in the adoption of computer navigation and the MAKOplasty RIO Robotic Arm with Hillcrest Hospital where he continues to perform surgeries. He has quickly established himself as an innovator and advocate of advanced orthopaedic care with skills in computer navigation, MAKOplasty, mobile-bearing knee replacements and alternate bearing hip replacements. Dr. Mittal is different from other CAS & MAKOplasty users in his ability to use the navigation software and RIO robotic arm to truly customize the hip or knee prosthesis to fit the patient, in terms of sizing, alignment and ligament balancing.

Dr. Mittal has an avid interest in fitness training and sports. In his free time, he enjoys traveling and spending time with his family and friends.

Learn more about Dr. Mittal

Dr. Rudy Herrera is an ACGME fellowship-trained, board-certified interventional pain management physician. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. His residency occurred at the highly competitive Family Medicine program at John Peter Smith (JPS) Health Network in Fort Worth.

Following residency, Dr. Herrera was one of four selected into the Sports Medicine Fellowship program at JPS Health Network. He continued his training in interventional pain management in an ACGME accredited pain fellowship that was a joint venture between UT Southwestern Medical Center and JPS Health Network.

In addition to administering stem cell therapy for orthopedic conditions at RMI (spinal discs, knees, hips, and shoulders), Dr. Herrera specializes in the evaluation, treatment and prevention of complex pain syndromes: osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, cancer pain, pelvic and abdominal pain, chronic pain, complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy), fibromyalgia, headaches, neuropathic pain, shingles, phantom limb pain, post herpetic neuralgia and sports related injuries.

Learn more about Dr. Herrera

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Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research – The Balance

Posted: March 13, 2019 at 7:43 am

Debates over the ethics of embryonic stem cell research have divided scientists, politicians, and religious groups for years.

However, promising developments in other areas of stem cell research have led to solutions that help bypass these ethical barriers and win more support from those against embryonic stem cell research; the newer methods don't require the destruction of blastocysts.

Many parties continue to have strong opinions that trigger ongoing debates about stem cell research, and the following pros and cons provide a snapshot of some the points on each side of the issue.

Medical benefits such as regenerating organ tissue and therapeutic cell cloning

May hold the answer to curing various diseases, including Alzheimer's, certain cancers and Parkinson's

Research potential for human cell growth and development to treat a variety of ailments

Possibility of use for embryonic treatment

Requires only a small number of cells because of the fast replication rate

The difficulty of obtaining stem cells and the long period of growth required before use

Unproven treatments often come with high rejection rates

Cost can be prohibitive for many patients

Ethical controversy over use of stem cells from lab-fertilized human eggs

Additional ethical issues regarding the creation of human tissues in a lab, such as cloning

The excitement about stem cell research is primarily due to the medical benefits in areas ofregenerative medicineand therapeutic cloning. Stem cells provide huge potential for finding treatments and cures to a vast array of medical issues:

Stem cell research presents problems like any form of research, but most opposition to stem cell research is philosophical and theological, focusing on questions of whether we should be taking science this far:

In 1998, the first published research paper on the topic reported that stem cells could be taken from human embryos. Subsequent research led to the ability to maintain undifferentiated stem cell lines (pluripotent cells) and techniques for differentiating them into cells specific to various tissues and organs.

The debates over the ethics of stem cell research began almost immediately in 1999, despite reports that stem cells cannot grow into complete organisms.

In 20002001, governments worldwide were beginning to draft proposals and guidelines to control stem cell research and the handling of embryonic tissues and reach universal policies. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) drafted a list of recommendations for stem cell research in 2001. In the U.S., the Clinton administration drafted guidelines for stem cell research in 2000. Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and other countries followed suit and formulated their own policies.

Debates over the ethics of studying embryonic stem cells continued for nearly a decade until the use of adult-derived stem cellsknown as induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs)became more prevalent and alleviated those concerns.

In the U.S. since 2011, federal funds can be used to study embryonic stem cells, but such funding cannot be used to destroy an embryo.

Use of adult-derived stem cellsknown as induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs)from blood, cord blood, skin, and other tissues has been demonstrated as effective in treating different diseases in animal models. Umbilical cord-derived stem cells obtained from the cord blood also have been isolated and used for various experimental treatments. Another option is uniparental stem cells. Although these cell lines are shorter-lived than embryonic cell lines, uniparental stem cells hold vast potential if enough research money can be directed that way: pro-life advocates do not technically consider them individual living beings.

Two recent developments from stem cell research involve the heart and the blood it pumps. In 2016, researchers in Scotland began working on the possibility of generating red blood cells from stem cells in order to create a large supply of blood for transfusions. A few years earlier, researchers in England began working on polymers derived from bacteria that can be used to repair damaged heart tissue.

See the article here:
Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research - The Balance

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Stem rust – Wikipedia

Posted: March 11, 2019 at 10:45 pm

Puccinia graminisScientific classificationKingdom:Phylum:Class:Subclass:Order:Family:Genus:Species:


Dicaeoma anthistiriaePuccinia albigensisPuccinia anthistiriaePuccinia brizae-maximaePuccinia cerealisPuccinia elyminaPuccinia favargeriPuccinia graminis f. macrosporaPuccinia graminis f.sp. avenaePuccinia graminis f.sp. secalisPuccinia graminis f.sp. triticiPuccinia graminis subsp. majorPuccinia graminis var. graminisPuccinia graminis var. stakmaniiPuccinia graminis var. triticiPuccinia jubataPuccinia linearisPuccinia megalopotamicaPuccinia secalisPuccinia vilisTrichobasis linearis

The stem, black, and cereal rusts are caused by the fungus Puccinia graminis and are a significant disease affecting cereal crops. Crop species that are affected by the disease include bread wheat, durum wheat, barley and triticale.[1] These diseases have affected cereal farming throughout history. Since the 1950s, wheat strains bred to be resistant to stem rust have become available.[2] Fungicides effective against stem rust are available as well.[3]

In 1999 a new virulent race of stem rust was identified that most current wheat strains show no resistance against. The race was named TTKSK (e.g. isolate Ug99), named after the country where it was identified (Uganda) and the year of its discovery (1999).[4] It spread to Kenya, then Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen, and is becoming more virulent as it spreads.[4] An epidemic of stem rust on wheat caused by race TTKSK is currently spreading across Africa, Asia and the Middle East and is causing major concern due to the large numbers of people dependent on wheat for sustenance. Scientists are working on breeding strains of wheat that are resistant to UG99. However, wheat is grown in a broad range of environments. This means that breeding programs would have extensive work remaining to get resistance into regionally adapted germplasms even after resistance is identified.[4]

An outbreak of another virulent race of stem rust, TTTTF, took place in Sicily in 2016, suggesting that the disease is returning to Europe.[2] Comprehensive genomic analysis of Puccinia graminis combined with plant pathology and climate data has pointed out the potential of the re-emergence of stem wheat rust in UK.[5][6]

There is considerable genetic diversity within the species P. graminis, and several special forms, forma specialis, which vary in host range have been identified.

P. graminis is a member of the phylum Basidiomycota within the kingdom Fungi. The characteristic rust color on stems and leaves is typical of a general stem rust as well as any variation of this type of fungus. Different from most fungi, the rust variations have five spore stages and alternate between two hosts. Wheat is the primary host, and barberry is the alternate host.

There are multiple pathotypes (including QCC and MCC) affecting barley, within forma specialis tritici.[7]

The stem rust fungus attacks the parts of the plant that are above ground. Spores that land on green wheat plants form a pustule that invades the outer layers of the stalk.[4] Infected plants produce fewer tillers and set fewer seed, and in cases of severe infection the plant may die. Infection can reduce what is an apparently healthy crop about three weeks before harvest into a black tangle of broken stems and shriveled grains by harvest.[1]

Stem rust of cereals causes yield losses in several ways:[8]

Stem rust on wheat is characterized by the presence of uredinia on the plant, which are brick-red, elongated, blister-like pustules that are easily shaken off.[1] They most frequently occur on the leaf sheaths, but are also found on stems, leaves, glumes and awns.[1] On leaves they develop mostly on the underside but may penetrate to the upperside.[1] On leaf sheaths and glumes pustules rupture the epidermis, giving a ragged appearance.[1]

Towards the end of the growing season black telia are produced.[1] For this reason stem rust is also known as 'black rust'.[1] The telia are firmly attached to the plant tissue.[1]

The site of infection is a visible symptom of the disease.

Pycnia appear on barberry plants in the spring, usually in the upper leaf surfaces.[8] They are often in small clusters and exude pycniospores in a sticky honeydew.[8] Five to ten days later, cup-shaped structures filled with orange-yellow, powdery aeciospores break through the lower leaf surface.[8] The aecial cups are yellow and sometimes elongate to extend up to 5mm from the leaf surface.[8]

Like other Puccinia species, P. graminis is an obligate biotroph (it colonizes living plant cells) and has a complex life cycle featuring alternation of generations. The fungus is heteroecious, requiring two hosts to complete its life cycle - the cereal host and the alternate host.[8] There are many species in Berberis and Mahonia that are susceptible to stem rust, but the common barberry is considered to be the most important alternate host.[1] P. graminis is macrocyclic[8] (exhibits all five of the spore types that are known for rust fungi[9]).

Animated video of the life cycle of stem rust

P. graminis can complete its life cycle either with or without barberry (the alternate host).[8]

Due to its cyclical nature, there is no true 'start point' for this process. Here, the production of urediniospores is arbitrarily chosen as a start point.

Urediniospores are formed in structures called uredinia, which are produced by fungal mycelia on the cereal host 12 weeks after infection.[8] The urediniospores are dikaryotic (contain two un-fused, haploid nuclei in one cell) and are formed on individual stalks within the uredinium.[8] They are spiny and brick-red.[8] Urediniospores are the only type of spores in the rust fungus life cycle that are capable of infecting the host on which they are produced, and this is therefore referred to as the 'repeating stage' of the life cycle.[8] It is the spread of urediniospores that allows infection to spread from one cereal plant to another.[8] This phase can rapidly spread the infection over a wide area.

Towards the end of the cereal host's growing season, the mycelia produce structures called telia.[8] Telia produce a type of spore called teliospores.[8] These black, thick-walled spores are dikaryotic.[8] They are the only form in which Puccinia graminis is able to overwinter independently of a host.[8]

Each teliospore undergoes karyogamy (fusion of nuclei) and meiosis to form four haploid spores called basidiospores.[8] This is an important source of genetic recombination in the life cycle.[8] Basidiospores are thin-walled and colourless.[8] They cannot infect the cereal host, but can infect the alternative host (usually barberry).[8] They are usually carried to the alternative host by wind.

Once basidiospores arrive on a leaf of the alternative host, they germinate to produce a haploid mycelium that directly penetrates the epidermis and colonises the leaf.[8] Once inside the leaf the mycelium produces specialised infection structures called pycnia.[8] The pycnia produce two types of haploid gametes, the pycniospores and the receptive hyphae.[8] The pycniospores are produced in a sticky honeydew that attracts insects.[8] The insects carry pycniospores from one leaf to another.[8] Splashing raindrops can also spread pycniospores.[8] A pycniospore can fertilise a receptive hypha of the opposite mating type, leading to the production of a dikaryotic mycelium.[8] This is the sexual stage of the life cycle and cross-fertilisation provides an important source of genetic recombination.[8]

This dikaryotic mycelium then forms structures called aecia, which produce a type of dikaryotic spores called aeciospores.[8] These have a worty appearance and are formed in chains - unlike the urediniospores that are spiny and are produced on individual stalks.[8] The chains of aeciospores are surrounded by a bell-like enclosure of fungal cells. The aeciospores are able to germinate on the cereal host but not on the alternative host (they are produced on the alternative host, which is usually barberry).[8] They are carried by wind to the cereal host where they germinate and the germ tubes penetrate into the plant.[8] The fungus grows inside the plant as a dikaryotic mycelium.[8] Within 12 weeks the mycelium produces uredinia and the cycle is complete.[8]

Since the urediniospores are produced on the cereal host and can infect the cereal host, it is possible for the infection to pass from one year's crop to the next without infecting the alternate host (barberry).[8] For example, infected volunteer wheat plants can serve as a bridge from one growing season to another.[8] In other cases the fungus passes between winter wheat and spring wheat, meaning that it has a cereal host all year round.[8] Since the urediniospores are wind dispersed, this can occur over large distances.[8] Note that this cycle consists simply of vegetative propagation - urediniospores infect one wheat plant, leading to the production of more urediniospores that then infect other wheat plants.

Puccinia graminis produces all five of the spore types that are known for rust fungi.[8]

Spores are typically deposited close to the source, but long-distance dispersal is also well documented.[1] The following three categories of long-distance dispersal are known to occur:[1]

This can occur unassisted (the robust nature of the spores allows them to be carried long distances in the air and then deposited by rain-scrubbing) or assisted (typically on human clothing or infected plant material that is transported between regions).[1] This type of dispersal is rare and is very difficult to predict.[1]

This is probably the most common mode of long-distance dispersal and usually occurs within a country or region.[1]

This occurs in areas that have unsuitable conditions for year-round survival of Puccinia graminis - typically temperate regions where hosts are absent during either the winter or summer.[1] Spores overwinter or oversummer in another region and then recolonise when conditions are favorable.[1]

A number of stem rust resistance genes (Sr genes) have been identified in wheat.[10] Some of them arose in bread wheat (e.g. Sr5 and Sr6), while others have been bred in from other wheat species (e.g. Sr21 from T. monococcum) or from other members of the tribe Triticeae (e.g. Sr31 from rye and Sr44 from Thinopyrum intermedium).

None of the Sr genes provide resistance to all races of stem rust. For instance many of them are ineffective against the Ug99 lineage.[10] Notably Ug99 has virulence against Sr31, which was effective against all previous stem rust races. Recently, a new stem rust resistance gene Sr59 from Secale cereale was introgressed into wheat, which provides an additional asset for wheat improvement to mitigate yield losses caused by stem rust (Rahmatov et al., 2016)

Singh et al., [2011] provide a list of known Sr genes and their effectiveness against Ug99.[10]

The fungal ancestors of stem rust have infected grasses for millions of years and wheat crops for as long as they have been grown.[4] According to Jim Peterson, professor of wheat breeding and genetics at Oregon State University, "Stem rust destroyed more than 20% of U.S. wheat crops several times between 1917 and 1935, and losses reached 9% twice in the 1950s," with the last U.S. outbreak in 1962 destroying 5.2% of the crop.[4]

While Ug99 wasn't discovered until 1999, stem rust has been an ongoing problem dating back to Aristotle's time (384-322 B.C).[8] An early ancient practice by the Romans was one where they would sacrifice red animals such as foxes, dogs, and cows to Robigus (fem. Robigo), the rust god. They would perform this ritual in the spring during a festival known as the Robigalia in hopes of the wheat crop being spared from the destruction caused by the rust.[8] Weather records from that time have been observed and it has been speculated that the fall of the Roman Empire was due to a string of rainy seasons in which the rust would have been more harsh, resulting in reduced wheat harvests.[8] Laws banning barberry were established in 1660 in Rouen, France. This was due to the fact that European farmers noticed a correlation between barberry and stem rust epidemics in wheat.[8] The law banned the planting of barberry near wheat fields and was the first of its kind before the parasitic nature of stem rust was discovered in the 1700s.[8]

Two Italian scientists, Fontana and Tozzetti, first explained the stem rust fungus in wheat in 1767.[8] Italian scientist Giuseppe Maria Giovene (1753-1837), in his work Lettera al dottor Cosimo Moschettini sulla ruggine, also thoroughly studied the stem rust.[11] Thirty years later it received its name, Puccinia graminis, by Persoon, and in 1854 brothers Louis Ren and Charles Tulasne discovered the characteristic five-spore stage that is known to some stem rust species.[8] The brothers were also able to make a connection between the red (urediniospore) and black (teliospore) spores as different stages within the same organism, but the rest of the stages remained unknown.[8]

Anton de Bary later conducted experiments to observe the beliefs of the European farmers regarding the relationship between the rust and barberry plants, and after successful attempts to connect the basidiospores of the basidia stage to barberry, he also identified that the aeciospores in the aecia stage reinfect the wheat host.[8] Upon de Bary's discovery of all five spore stages and their need for barberry as a host, John Craigie, a Canadian pathologist, identified the function of the spermogonium in 1927.[8]

Due to the useful nature of both barberry and wheat plants, they were eventually brought to North America by European colonists.[8] Barberry was used for many things like making wine and jams from the berries to tool handles from the wood.[8] Ultimately, as they did in Europe, the colonists began to notice a relationship between barberry and stem rust epidemics in wheat.[8] Laws were enacted in many New England colonies, but as the farmers moved west, the problem with the stem rust moved with them and began to spread to many areas, creating a devastating epidemic in 1916.[8] It wasn't until two years later in 1918 that the United States created a program to remove barberry. The program was one that was supported by state and federal entities and was prompted by the looming fear of food supplies during the war.[8] The "war against barberries" was waged and called upon the help of citizens through radio and newspaper advertisements, pamphlets, and fair booths asking for help from all in the attempt to rid the barberry bushes of their existence.[8] Later, in 1975-1980, the program was reestablished under state jurisdiction.[8] Once this happened, a federal quarantine was established against the sale of stem rust susceptible barberry in those states that were part of the program.[8] A barberry testing program was created to ensure that only the species of barberry and other variations of plants that are immune to stem rust will be grown in the quarantine area.[8]

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Stem rust - Wikipedia

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Top 15 Anatomy News For 2017 – Bio Explorer

Posted: March 11, 2019 at 10:42 pm

Top Anatomy News For 2017: There were several advancements, breakthroughs, and innovations in several fields of biology in 2017. In this article, lets glance over the top 15 anatomy and physiology related news in 2017. Also find out who won the Nobel prize for anatomy in 2017. Lets begin.

Enhanced Reality Human Anatomy Learning Tool

The year 2017 brought a revolution in anatomy education at medical universities. The way anatomy is taught substantially changed and has made it virtually possible for students to learn the subject without the use of cadavers.

A Simpler Model For Rib Proximal-Distal Patterning

Researchers studied the development of the vertebrate rib cage. They discovered using computational tools that concentration levels of the Hedgehog protein are essential for cells to make the decision to form born or cartilage in the rib cage.

Discovery of Linkage Between Hallucination & Musical Aptitude

Researchers at the University of Liverpool discovered a link between brain structure and an individuals susceptibility to experiencing hallucinations and to their musical aptitude. In People with musical knowledge, hallucinations were less likely. This new finding opens the door to possibility that providing musical training to psychotic patients or those experiencing hallucinations can help fight off the disease.

Hippocampal CA2 Region For Social Interactions

Researchers were able to elucidate the function of a minuscule area of the hippocampus known as the CA2. The team discovered that CA2 is responsible for development of social memory which involves remembering faces and objects.

Human NMJs Morphologically Unique From Rodent NMJs

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh studied cell connections known as Neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) to elucidate the connection between nerves and muscles and how impulses are transmitted from one to the other, and how this information can be used to study NMJ disorders in detail.

Rods in The Retina Help in Daylight Vision

A team of scientists at the Institute of Ophthalmic research and the University of Tubingen has discovered that rods are capable of much more than just dark vision. They were able to show that rods, in fact, do contribute to vision in daylight conditions up to the highest level of light.

Breakthrough New Therapy For Sciatica Patients

Scientists have developed a new therapy for lower back pain and sciatica treatment. The new image-guided radiofrequency treatment has produced incredible results in sciatica patients.

Unique Questionnaire To Detect Osteoporosis Early

A group of scientists designed a questionnaire for older women along with bone density measurements that can help identify women at risk of osteoporosis early on, thus preventing hip fractures.

Discovery of Spinal Cord Role in Providing A Steady Gait

Researchers at the Salk Institute have discovered a potentially new and interesting role of the spinal cord information processing. While walking, specific neurons process and filter out information that proves to be disruptive thus providing a steady gait.

Nucress Scaffold Technology For Bone Healing

Scientists have developed a new technology at the University of Arkansas called the NuCress Scaffold. The scaffold can be loaded with drugs, stem cells or hormones for treatment and bone growth. This technology can prove beneficial for patients requiring bone healing.

Novel MRI Technique Discovers Spinal Disc Degeneration Cause

Scientists have discovered that spinal disc degeneration is caused by changes in the water content of the disk. They used a novel MRI technique to study the movements of water in the spine and its effect on spinal degeneration.

Virtual Reality For Paraplegics

Researchers in Switzerland have implemented Virtual reality to reduce phantom pain in the body. This technology allows people with paraplegia to feel sensation in their paralyzed legs.

Leopard Geckos Tail Cut-Off Research In Spinal Cord Treatments

A University of Guelph researcher discovered that cells known as the radial glia present in the spinal cord region of a leopard geckos tail have unique regenerative properties. When the tail is cut off, these cells proliferate to regrow the lost body part. These cells are found in the spinal cord and may provide a way to treat humans with spinal cord injuries.

Breakthrough Stem Cell Research in Spinal Cord Injury

Scientists elucidated the role of stem cells in the treatment of spinal cord injury by transplanting human stem cells into paralyzed rats. These rats regained mobility in their legs and also showed spinal cord healing.

Nobel Prize Winners in Anatomy/Physiology For 2017

Three scientists namely Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael W. Young were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology for the year 2017 for their contributions to molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm.

Do you know of any breakthroughs in Anatomy for 2017 that we missed here? Comment them below.

Top 15 Anatomy & Physiology News In Innovations & Breakthroughs For 2017

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Top 15 Anatomy News For 2017 - Bio Explorer

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