Genetics is a discipline of the Biological sciences that studies personal traits the human or living organism inherit from its ancestors through genes and Embryology studies the development of the fertilized embryo from the ovum to the fetus stage.
Journal of Human Genetics and Embryology is a peer reviewed scientific journal known for rapid dissemination of high-quality research. This Human Genetics Journal with high impact factor offers an open access platform to the authors in academia and industry to publish their novel research in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. It serves the International Scientific Community with its standard research publications.
This scholarly publishing is using Editorial Manager System for quality in the review process. Editorial Manager is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. Review process is performed by the editorial board members of Human Genetics & Embryology journal or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by the editor is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process.
Human genetics is the study of inheritance in human beings. Human characteristics are inherited from parents to offspring in discrete unites called genes. Genes consist of specific information coded in the chromosome that consists of segments of chromosomes. Human genetics includes a variety of overlapping fields like classical, molecular, biochemical, population, developmental, clinical and cytogenetics.
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Human Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Cytology & Histology,Hereditary Genetics: Current Research,General Medicine: Open Access,Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine,Immunogenetics: Open Access, American Journal of Human Genetics, Annals of Human Genetics, Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, Current Protocols in Human Genetics, European Journal of Human Genetics, Human Genetics, Twin Research and Human Genetics, International Journal of Human Genetics, Journal of Human Genetics
Genome biology deals with genomes. Genomes are the genetic material of an organism. They consists of DNA or RNA. Genome includes both the genes and as well as non-coding sequences of DNA or RNA.
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Human Genetics and Embryology,Cellular and Molecular Biology,Transcriptomics: Open Access,Journal of Probiotics & Health,Advancements in Genetic Engineering,Journal of Next Generation Sequencing & Applications,Genome Biology, Genome Biology and Evolution, Advances in Genome Biology, Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, Annals of Human Genetics
Mendelian genetics are the set of theories proposed by Gregor Johann Mendel. Mendelian genetics tends to explain inheritance and biological diversity regarding the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offsprings. These are based on statistical analysis and scientific breeding experiments on pea plants. Mendelian genetics is used to study the pattern of segregation of phenotypes under the control of genes taken one at a time.
Related Journals of Mendelian GeneticsHuman Genetics and Embryology,Journal of medical Microbiology and Medicine, Journal of phylogenetics and Evolutionary Biology, Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine,Trends in Genetics, Tree Genetics and Genomes, Topics in Current Genetics-TAG, Theoretical and applied genetics,Theoretische and angewandte Genetik, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Russian Journal of Genetics
Genetic linkagesis the tendency of alleles that are located close together on a chromosome to be inherited together during meiosis. Genes whose loci are nearer to each other are less likely to be separated onto different chromatids during chromosomal crossover, and are therefore said to be genetically linked. In other words, the nearer two genes are on a chromosome, the lower is the chance of a swap occurring between them, and the more likely they are to be inherited together.
Related Journals of Genetic Linkage Human Genetics and Embryology,Cellular and Molecular Biology, Herediatry Genetics: Current Research,Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine,Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, Molecular Medicine, Genetics Selection Evolution, Chromosoma, Journal of Medical Genetics, Evolution-international journal of organic evolution, PLoS Genetics
Genetic code helps in carrying the information of living cells by DNA and RNA molecules. The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded within genetic material (DNA or mRNA sequences) is translated into proteins by living cells. This help in determining the amino acid sequence used in the synthesis of an organism proteins. It is the basis of heredity. It is universal in all organisms.
Related Journals of Genetic CodeHuman Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Medical Microbiology and Diagnosis,Journal of Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Biology, Biology and Medicine, Genetics Selection Evolution, Genes Chromosomes and Cancer, Journal of Medical Genetics, Advances in Genetics, Nucleic Acids Research, Cell Stem Cell, Systematic Biology
Gene mapping is any method used for determining the location of gene and relative distances between genes on a chromosome. gene maps are used for linkage analysis. Relative positions of genes can be determined by inheritance patterns. locating and identifying genes in a genetic map is known as gene mapping or genetic mapping.
Related Journals of Genome Mapping Human Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine,Biology and Medicine,Cellular and Molecular Biology,Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, Human Brain Mapping, Mapping and Image Science, Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, American Journal of Human Genetics
Huntington disease is an inherited disease.Huntington disease causes the degeneration of nerve cells in brain. This leads to functional inabilities and psychiatric disorders. Huntington disease also affects muscle coordination. It is caused by an inherited defect in a single gene. Gene that causes Huntington disease is HIT gene. Symptoms of the disease can vary between individuals and affected members of the same family, but usually progress predictably.
Related Journals of Huntington Disease Human Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Medical Microbiology and Diagnosis,Journal of Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Biology, Biology and Medicine, American Journal of Medical Genetics - Seminars in Medical Genetics, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, American Journal of Medical Genetics-Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Annual Review of Genetics, BAG - Journal of Basic and Applied Genetics
Embryology is a branch of biology. Embryology is the state of embryo development from the fertilization of the ovum to the fetus stage. Embryology deals with the origin, growth and development of an embryo. cells which result after fertilisation is termed as an embryo. After eight weeks the developed embryo can be termed as fetus. there are different stages of embryonic development. the study of embryo is also known as embryology.
Related Journals of EmbryologyHuman Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Phylogenetic Evolutionary Biology,Biology and Medicine, Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology, Romanian journal of morphology and embryology, Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Neuroembryology, International Journal of Embryology
Human fertilization is a union of egg and sperm resulting in a fertilized egg, also called as zygote. Fertilization takes place inside the fallopian tube. Embryogenesis starts with fertilization of egg cell. Embryogenesis forms and develop the embryo.
Related Journals of Human Fertilization and EmbryogenesisHuman Genetics and Embryology,Molecular Biology, Journal of Medicine Microbiology and Diagnosis, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Herediatry Genetics: Current Research, Journal of embryo transfer, Journal of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, Iraqi Journal of Embryos and Infertility Research, Zygote, Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology
Correlative embryology is a branch of embryology. It is used to compare and contrasts embryos of different species. Correlative embryology is used to show how all animals are related. Many things are compared, whether or not the organism has a notochord or whether or not it has gill arches. All embryos pass from single cells to multi celled zygotes, clumps of cells called morulas and hallow balls of cells called blastula before they differentiate into organs and systems of body. Many components go into Comparative Embryology and about the developmental similarities between species can be taken from its study, which many conclusions can be drawn.
Related Journals of Comparative EmbryologyHuman Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine,Biology and Medicine,Journal of Medicine Mcrobiology and Diagnosis, International Journal of Embryology, Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Anatomical Record Part A, The Discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary Biology, Animal Reproduction, Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology
Embryonic development takes 8weeks to the embryo to develop. human embryo development depends on stem cells. During embryonic development cells divide, migrate and specialize. Early development stages forms a group of cells called inner cell mass which are able to produce all tissues of the body. Later during gastrulation period, the three germ layers are formed and most cells become restricted in type of cells that they produce.
Related Journals of Embryonic DevelopmentHuman Genetics and Embryology,Cellular and Molecular Biology, Herediatry Genetics: Current Research,Biology and Medicine,Zoomorphology, TSW Development & Embryology, Tissue and Cell, Stem Cells and Development, Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics, Sexual Development, Russian Journal of Developmental Biology
Morphogenesis is an embryological process of differentiation of cells, tissues and organs and the development of organ systems according to genetic blueprint of the organism and environmental conditions. Morphogenesis is the development of biology along with the control of growth and cellular differentiation.
Related Journals of MorphohenesisHuman Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Phylogenetics and Evolutiomnary Biology, Herediatry Genetics: Current Research, Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine, Biology and Medicine,Journal of Medical MIcrobiology and Diagnosis, Biology and Medicine, General Medine: Open Access, Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine, Journal of Morphology, Journal of Anatomy, Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Human Reproduction, Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Molecular Reproduction and Development,
Sex chromosomes are either a pair of chromosomes that determines whether an individual is male or female. Sex chromosomes are designated as X and Y. There are 23 pairs of sex chromosomes. The other 22 chromosome are called as autosomes. chromosome which differs from shape or function of other chromosome that determines the sex of child. If the sex chromosome is Xy then it is male child and if sex chromosome is XY then it is female child. sex chromosomes carry those genes that control development of reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics.
Related Journals of Sex chromosomesHuman Genetics and Embryology,Journal of Medical Microbiology and Diagnosis, Journal of Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Biology, Genes Chromosomes and Cancer, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer - Index Copernicus, European Journal of Human Genetics, Journal of Genomics
Journal of Human Genetics and Embryology is associated with our international conference " 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Cell & Gene Therapy during May 19-21, 2016 at San Antonio, USA. We are particularly interested in research area Human genetics, Genome Sequencing, Embryology, Human fertilization, Genetic Disorders, Embryonic Development, Genetic code, Fertilization, Comparative Embryology, genome biology.
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Human Genetics and Embryology - Open Access Journals