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Americans Heading to Costa Rica For Stem Cell Treatments

Posted: December 15, 2018 at 12:47 am

Americans are herding to Costa Rica for stem cell treatments

The stories are starting to come in the man with the heart attack, now with a stem cell transplant, his glands can now generate insulin. The Florida parents of 7-year-old, who has autism, are taking him to Costa Rica at the end of this month for adult stem cell treatments.

Success stories have grabbed international media attention, with cable and TV networks jumping on the bandwagon by running stories like Paralyzed valley woman holds hope in Costa Rica treatment and Glenburn boy returns from Costa Rica after having adult stem cell therapy.

Adding to the hype of stem cell treatment, back in March, 2009 US President Barack Obama issued an executive order that lifted Bush-era restrictions on federal funding for stem cell research, but much of the treatment is still a long way off, experts say. With all this media attention, and America still in the Black Ages, the list of Americans seeking stem cell treatment in Costa Rica has tripled in the last year.

But the media and presidential endorsement of treatments (well at lease to a point) has made doctors in the U.S. nervous for the obvious reasons.

Its common knowledge that overall Costa Ricas medical tourism and the use of their wellness centers has doubled and tripled. Now the number of foreigners seeking and undergoing stem cell treatment in Costa Rica for ailments from bone fractures to multiple sclerosis has doubled. Costa Rican doctors say they are providing these medical tourists with groundbreaking treatments.

But I would not jump on the next plane to Costa Rica, stem cell scientists in the U.S. accuse Costa Rica of offering false hope by pushing techniques that have not been scientifically proven.

But it has not stopped Costa Rican legislators because they are putting the finishing touches on a law to promote and regulate adult stem cell research and treatment across a spectrum of diseases. Obviously, this could fuel further debate over techniques that U.S. doctors say have only produced anecdotal success but it certainly has not stop the flow of stem cell medical tourism.

Americans already make up close to 90 percent of the stem cell patients at CIMA Hospital. Dr. Fabio Solano who directs the stem cell institute at San Joses CIMA Hospital, one of the countrys leading private hospitals says his team has treated as many as 400 patients with procedures that involve stem cells.

However in Costa Rica, Catholicism is the state religion, working with human embryos is out of the question. So there is contentious debate around stem cells by prohibiting work with human embryos and instead promoting research on whats known as adult stem cells derived from tissue including body fat and umbilical blood or tissue.

Like most medical tourism in Costa Rica it is not really regulated by any Medical Institution or FDA, or are doctors subject to outrageous malpractice premiums, the cost for medical treatments, substance abuse, plastic surgery or dental work can be as much as 70% less.

In the case of stem cells treatments for MS in the U.S offers from university labs in guinea pig treatments range into the $100,000 to $150,000 where in Costa Rica the same treatment can be as low as $10,000.

A December 2008 study by the journal Cell Stem Cell found that international stem cell treatment hovers around an average of $20,000.

Calypso Cruises

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Americans Heading to Costa Rica For Stem Cell Treatments

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Stem cells: The secret to change | Science News for Students

Posted: December 12, 2018 at 8:42 am

Inside your body, red blood cells are constantly on the move. They deliver oxygen to every tissue in every part of your body. These blood cells also cart away waste. So their work is crucial to your survival. But all that squeezing through tiny vessels is tough on red blood cells. Thats why they last only about four months.

Where do their replacements come from? Stem cells.

These are a very special family of cells. When most other cells divide, the daughter cells look and act exactly like their parents. For example, a skin cell cant make anything but another skin cell. The same is true for cells in the intestine or liver.

Not stem cells. Stem cells can become many different types. That is how an embryo grows from a single fertilized egg into a fetus with trillions of specialized cells. They need to specialize to make up tissues that function very differently, including those in the brain, skin, muscle and other organs. Later in life, stem cells also can replace worn-out or damaged cells including red blood cells.

The remarkable abilities of stem cells make them very exciting to scientists. One day, experts hope to use stem cells to repair or replace many different kinds of tissues, whether injured in accidents or damaged by diseases. Such stem cell therapy would allow the body to heal itself. Scientists have found a way to put specialized cells to work repairing damage, too. Together, these cell-based therapies might one day make permanent disabilities a thing of the past.

One unusual type of stem cell offers special promise for such therapeutic uses. For the recent development of this cell type, Shinya Yamanaka shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine.

Meet the family

Blood stem cells live inside your bones, in what is called marrow. There, they divide over and over. Some of the new cells remain stem cells. Others form red blood cells. Still others morph into any of the five types of white blood cells that will fight infections. Although blood stem cells can become any one of these specialized blood cells, they cannot become muscle, nerve or other types of cells. They are too specialized to do that.

Another type of stem cell is more generalized. These can mature into any type of cell in the body. Such stem cells are called pluripotent (PLU ree PO tint). The word means having many possibilities. And its not hard to understand why these cells have captured the imaginations of many scientists.

Until recently, all pluripotent cells came from embryos. Thats why scientists called them embryonic stem cells. After an egg is fertilized, it divides in two. These two cells split again, to become four cells, and so on. In the first few days of this embryos development, each of its cells is identical to all the others. Yet each cell has the potential to develop into any specialized cell type.

When the human embryo reaches three to five days old, its cells start to realize their potential. They specialize. Some will develop into muscle cells or bone cells. Others will form lung cells or maybe the cells lining the stomach. Once cells specialize, their many possibilities suddenly become limited.

By birth, almost all of a babys cells will have specialized. Each cell type will have its own distinctive shape and function. For example, muscle cells will be long and able to contract, or shorten. Red blood cells will be small and plate-shaped, so they can slip through blood vessels with ease.

Hidden among all of these specialized cells are pockets of adult stem cells. (Yes, even newborns have adult stem cells.) Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells cannot transform into any and every cell type. However, adult stem cells can replace several different types of specialized cells as they wear out. One type of adult stem cell is found in your marrow, making new blood cells. More types are found in other tissues, including the brain, heart and gut.

Among naturally occurring stem cells, the embryonic type is the most useful. Adult stem cells just arent as flexible. The adult type also is relatively rare and can be difficult to separate from the tissues in which it is found. Although more versatile, embryonic stem cells are both difficult to obtain and controversial. Thats because harvesting them requires destroying an embryo.

Fortunately, recent discoveries in stem cell research now offer scientists a third and potentially better option.

The search for answers

In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka discovered that specialized cells like those in skin could be converted back into stem cells. Working at Kyoto University in Japan, this doctor and scientist induced or persuaded mature cells to become stem cells. He did this by inserting a specific set of genes into the cells. After several weeks, the cells behaved just like embryonic cells. His new type of stem cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells, or iP stem cells (and sometimes iPS cells).

Yamanakas discovery represented a huge leap forward. The iP stem cells offer several advantages over both embryonic and adult stem cells. First, iP stem cells are able to become any cell type, just as embryonic stem cells can. Second, they can be made from any starting cell type. That means they are easy to obtain. Third, in the future, doctors would be able to treat patients with stem cells created from their own tissues. Such cells would perfectly match the others, genetically. That means the patients immune system (including all of its white blood cells) would not attack the introduced cells. (The body often mounts a life-threatening attack against transplanted organs that come from other people because they dont offer such a perfect match. To the body, they seem foreign and a potentially dangerous invader.)

Scientists the world over learned of the technique developed by Yamanaka (who now works at the Gladstone Institutes which is affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco). Many of these researchers adopted Yamanakas procedure to create their own induced pluripotent stem cells. For the first time, researchers had a tool that could allow them to make stem cells from people with rare genetic diseases. This helps scientists learn what makes certain cell types die. Experts can also expose small batches of these diseased cells to different medicines. This allows them to test literally thousands of drugs to find out which works best.

And in the future, many experts hope induced stem cells will be used to replace adult stem cells and the cells of tissues that are damaged or dying.

Therapies take patients and patience

Among those experts is Anne Cherry, a graduate student at Harvard University. Cherry is using induced stem cells to learn more about a very rare genetic disease called Pearson syndrome. A syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur together. One symptom of Pearson syndrome is that stem cells in bone marrow cannot make normal red blood cells. This condition typically leads to an early death.

Cherry has begun to study why these stem cells fail.

She started by taking skin cells from a girl with the disease. She placed the cells in a test tube and added genes to turn them into stem cells. Over several weeks, the cells began to make proteins for which the inserted genes had provided instructions. Proteins do most of the work inside cells. These proteins turned off the genes that made the cells act like skin cells. Before long, the proteins turned on the genes to make these cells behave like embryonic stem cells.

After about three months, Cherry had a big batch of the new induced stem cells. Those cells now live in Petri dishes in her lab, where they are kept at body temperature (37 Celsius, or 98.6 Fahrenheit). The scientist is now trying to coax the induced stem cells into becoming blood cells. After that, Cherry wants to find out how Pearson syndrome kills them.

Meanwhile, the patient who donated the skin cells remains unable to make blood cells on her own. So doctors must give her regular transfusions of blood from a donor. Though life-saving, transfusions come with risks, particularly for someone with a serious disease.

Cherry hopes to one day turn the girls induced stem cells into healthy new blood stem cells and then return them to the girls body. Doing so could eliminate the need for further transfusions. And since the cells would be the girls own, there would be no risk of her immune system reacting to them as though they were foreign.

Sight for sore eyes

At University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Iqbal Ahmad is working on using stem cells to restore sight to the blind. A neuroscientist someone who studies the brain and nervous system Ahmad has been focusing on people who lost sight when nerve cells in the eyes retina died from a disease called glaucoma (glaw KOH muh).

Located inside the back of the eye, the retina converts incoming light into electrical signals that are then sent to the brain. Ahmad is studying how to replace dead retina cells with new ones formed from induced pluripotent stem cells.

The neuroscientist starts by removing adult stem cells from the cornea, or the clear tissue that covers the front of the eye. These stem cells normally replace cells lost through the wear and tear of blinking. They cannot become nerve cells at least not on their own. Ahmad, however, can transform these cells into iP stem cells. Then, with prodding, he turns them into nerve cells.

To make the transformation, Ahmad places the cornea cells on one side of a Petri dish. He then places embryonic stem cells on the other side. A meshlike membrane separates the two types of cells so they cant mix. But even though they cant touch, they do communicate.

Cells constantly send out chemical signals to which other cells respond. When the embryonic stem cells speak, the eye cells listen. Their chemical messages persuade the eye cells to turn off the genes that tell them to be cornea cells. Over time, the eye cells become stem cells that can give rise to different types of cells, including nerve cells.

When Ahmads team implanted the nerve cells into the eyes of laboratory mice and rats, they migrated to the retina. There, they began replacing the nerve cells that had died from glaucoma. One day, the same procedure may restore vision to people who have lost their sight.

Another approach

In using a bodys own cells to repair injury or to treat disease, stem cells arent always the answer. Although stem cells offer tremendous advances in regenerating lost tissue, some medical treatments may work better without them. Thats thanks to the chemical communication going on between all cells all of the time. In some situations, highly specialized cells can act as a conductor, directing other cells to change their tune.

In 2008, while working at the University of Cambridge in England, veterinary neurologist Nick Jeffery began a project that used cells taken from the back of the nose. But Jeffery and his team were not out to create stem cells. Instead, the scientists used those nasal cells to repair damaged connections in the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is basically a rope of nerve cells that ferry signals to and from the brain and other parts of the body. Injuring the spinal cord can lead to paralysis, or the loss of sensation and the inability to move muscles.

Like Ahmad, some researchers are using stem cells to replace damaged nerve cells. But Jeffery, now at Iowa State University in Ames, doesnt think such techniques are always necessary to aid recovery from spinal injuries. Stem cell transplantation, points out Jefferys colleague, neuroscientist Robin Franklin, is to replace a missing cell type. In a spinal injury, the nerve cells arent missing. Theyre just cut off.

Nerve cells contain long, wirelike projections called axons that relay signals to the next cell. When the spine is injured, these axons can become severed, or cut. Damaging an axon is like snipping a wire the signal stops flowing. So the Cambridge scientists set out to see if they could restore those signals.

Jeffery and his fellow scientists work with dogs that have experienced spinal injuries. Such problems are common in some breeds, including dachshunds. The team first surgically removed cells from the dogs sinuses or the hollow spaces in the skull behind the nose. These are not stem cells. These particular cells instead encourage nerve cells in the nose to grow new axons. These cells help the pooches maintain their healthy sense of smell.

The scientists grew these sinus cells in the lab until they had reproduced to large numbers. Then the researchers injected the cells into the spinal cords of two out of every three doggy patients. Each treated dog received an injection of its own cells. The other dogs got an injection of only the liquid broth used to feed the growing cells.

Over several months, the dogs owners repeatedly brought their pets back to the lab for testing on a treadmill. This allowed the scientists to evaluate how well the animals coordinated their front and hind feet while walking. Dogs that had received the nasal cells steadily improved over time. Dogs that received only the liquid did not.

This treatment did not result in a perfect cure. Nerve cells did reconnect several portions of the spinal cord. But nerve cells that once linked to the brain remained disconnected. Still, these dog data indicate that nasal cells can aid in recovering from a spinal cord injury.

Such new developments in cellular research suggest that even more remarkable medical advancements may be just a few years away. Yamanaka, Cherry, Ahmad, Jeffery, Franklin and many other scientists are steadily unlocking secrets to cellular change. And while you cant teach an old dog new tricks, scientists are finding out that the same just isnt true of cells anymore.

cornea The clear covering over the front of the eye.

embryo A vertebrate, or animal with a backbone, in its early stages of development.

gene A section of DNA that carries the genetic instructions for making a protein. Proteins do most of the work in cells.

glaucoma An eye disease that damages nerve cells carrying signals to the brain.

immune cell White blood cell that helps protect the body against germs.

molecule A collection of atoms.

neuron (or nerve cell) The basic working unit of the nervous system. These cells relay nerve signals.

neuroscientist A researcher who studies neurons and the nervous system.

paralysis Loss of feeling in some part of the body and an inability to move that part.

retina The light-sensitive lining at the back of the eye. It converts light into electrical impulses that relay information to the brain.

sinus An opening in the bone of the skull connected to the nostrils.

spinal cord The ropelike collection of neurons that connect the brain with nerves throughout the body.

tissue A large collection of related, similar cells that together work as a unit to perform a particular function in living organisms. Different organs of the human body, for instance, often are made from many different types of tissues. And brain tissue will be very different from bone or heart tissue.

transfusion The process of transferring blood into one person that had been collected from another.

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Stem cells: The secret to change | Science News for Students

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Stem Cells | Arizona Pain Specialists – Scottsdale …

Posted: December 11, 2018 at 12:48 pm

Stem cells are a specialized subset of cells within the body that are capable of dividing for the purpose of replenishing themselves and differentiating into specialized cells of the body, which are able to complete certain tasks (Bellehsen, Nagler, & Levi-Schaffer, 2008). For example, a stem cell might divide to create new stem cells, or to create a cell capable of undergoing biological transformation into a heart, lung, skin or other type of cell needed within the body.

For decades, researchers have investigated the means by which stem cells could be harnessed in medicine. Perhaps the most notable application of stem cells in medicine are the use of bone marrow and blood stem cell transplants to restore stem cells lost to chemotherapy in the treatment of cancers (ExitCare, LLC, 2011). Investigators are finding other potential uses for stem cells as well. The following are some of the conditions for which stem cells are being investigated as a potential medical treatment:

Stem cells are being investigated for many other medical applications as well, including ACL reconstruction, muscular dystrophies and more (Bagaria, et al., 2006). Stem cells are also currently used in cosmetic medical procedures. Even more exciting, however, are the stem cell therapies currently available for the treatment of conditions causing chronic pain. Many stem cell therapies have shown benefits and good outcomes during clinical studies, most of which are for the treatment of soft tissue and bony injuries. Research has shown that stem cells can aid in the recovery and replenishment of tendon, bone, cartilage and muscle tissue (Centeno, et al., 2008). Examples of painful conditions currently treated with stem cells by pain management specialists include osteoarthritis and other cartilage and tendon injuries.

There are two basic types of stem cells, embryonic and adult (Bellehsen, Nagler, & Levi-Schaffer, 2008):

One class of adult stem cells in particular, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), are important in emerging treatments for chronic pain. Unlike most adult stem cells, MSCs are pluripotent, thus gaining the advantages of embryonic stem cells without the ethical questionability surrounding embryonic stem cell harvesting. MSCs can be easily collected and grafted to injured tissue, thus serving as a primary source of stem cells in therapeutic applications for chronic pain (Drazin, et al., 2012).

A third type of stem cell currently gaining traction for the treatment of pain due to wounds and soft tissue and bony injuries are amniotic stem cells, which are largely comprised of MSCs (Steed, et al., 2008). These cells are harvested from the amniotic fluid that cushions and nourishes a fetus while to develops within the womb during pregnancy. These stem cells can also differentiate into a variety of different cell lines such as bone, nerve, muscle and skin.

Prior to a stem cell therapy procedure, the cells themselves must be acquired. Stem cells can originate from the patient themselves (autologous) or a close donor match (homologous or allogenic) (ExitCare, LLC, 2011). For procedures involving autologous transplant, the stem cells are first harvested from a patient, and then spun down in a centrifuge to allow gravity to separate the stem cells by weight. These stem cells can be collected via needle from blood, bone marrow or adipose tissue depending upon the procedure to be performed. For allogenic transplants, this same harvesting procedure is done with a donor, and the stem cells are stored for later use. For treatments involving amniotic stem cells, the cells are harvested from amniotic fluid during cesarean section and frozen for later use (Applied Biologics, 2011). Also, depending upon the procedure, before injection the stem cells collected may be supplemented with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP consists of blood plasma concentrated to include higher than normal numbers of platelets, a cell that provides a multitude of protein growth factors involved in many other biological responses involved in healing and tissue repair (Mishra & Pavelko, 2006).

The source of stem cells may differ depending upon the type of procedure being performed. For most orthopedic applications, and procedures for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain, bone marrow or peripheral blood serves as the best source of stem cells (Regenexx, 2010). For cosmetic applications of stem cells or procedures using stem cells for the treatment of nerve degeneration, adipose or fat tissue is often the best source.

The procedure for stem cell treatments differ depending upon the nature of the treatment and goals for therapy. However, all stem cell therapy procedures follow a basic outline. A patient is informed of all benefits, risks and alternatives to a stem cell therapy, before the procedure is scheduled. If harvesting of the stem cells is required, it is usually done in the morning before the procedure, such that the stem cells can be prepared before the patient returns in the afternoon. Harvesting involves using a needle to draw stem cells from the blood, adipose tissue or bone marrow by direct puncture of a flat bone, such as the hip.

Once the stem cells are prepared and available, a patient is comfortably positioned on a procedural table such that an injection or operative site is accessible to the physician (Centeno, et al., 2008). The site is then cleaned and sterilized, and the patient may be given local or general anesthesia to prevent any discomfort associated with the procedure. Once preparations are complete, a needle is guided to the target site of degenerated tissue, and the stem cell solution is injected directly to the area (Centeno, et al., 2008). The needle is often guided with radiographic assistance, such as ultrasound or fluoroscopy, a type of real-time x-ray.

For outpatient procedures, such as stem cell therapy for low back pain or soft tissue injuries, patients are often able to return home following a short period in which medical staff can monitor a patient for any adverse reactions. Any extra stem cells collected for the procedure can be cryo-stored (frozen) for future use.

Based on very early, but very promising case studies in which stem cells are used for the treatment of osteoarthritis and cartilage and tendon injuries, patients receiving stem cell therapy for chronically painful conditions can expect to see improvement in pain and in quality of life following the procedure. A major benefit of utilizing stem cell therapy for the treatment of chronic pain is that if successful, it can delay or even replace the need for surgical intervention.

As with any medical procedure involving injection or access through the protective skin barrier, infection and bleeding are a risk. These risks are minimal however, and stem cell therapy for the treatment of chronic pain associated with muscle, bone, tendon and cartilage disorders is considered very safe.

Patients should monitor their injection/operative site closely following the procedure, observing for any increased pain, redness, swelling or discharge which may require immediate medical attention. Patients can follow up with their pain management physician for any concerns.

Given the nature of stem cells ability to differentiate, and the infancy of stem cells for medical therapy, there has been significant concern in the medical community as to whether or not stem cell therapies might become cancerous. Thus far however, studies performed to assess this possibility have reported no cancerous complications associated with stem cell therapy (Centeno, et al., 2011).

In one pilot study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of implanting stem cells to treat degeneration of bone, researchers found that when compared to controls, patients receiving autologous stem cell therapy reported greater improvement in pain and other symptoms and were less likely to progress to further bone degeneration (Greenspan & Gershwin, 2008). Follow up studies have shown that stem cells can halt progression of bone degenerative disease. Many case reports report similar findings for conditions ranging from tendon injuries to osteoarthritis.

Stem cell therapies are certainly in their infancy; However, early studies show great promise for the use of stem cells in the treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal conditions causing chronic pain. With time and research over the next few years, many more applications of stem cell therapy will undoubtedly arise. Patients experiencing chronic pain should consult with a pain management specialist to find out of stem cell therapy may be appropriate for pain management, or as an alternative to surgery.

ReferencesApplied Biologics. (2011). Amniomatrix FAQ. Retrieved from Applied Biologics Website:

Bagaria, V., & al., e. (2006). Stem cells in orthopedics: Current concepts and possible future applications. Ind J Med Sci , 162-169.

Bellehsen, L., Nagler, A., & Levi-Schaffer, F. (2008). Stem Cells: What Are They and Why Do We Need Them? Retrieved from MD Consult. Adkinson: Middletons Allergy: Principles and Practice, 7th ed.

Centeno, C., & al., e. (2008). Increased knee cartilage volume in degenerative joint disease using percutaneously implanted, autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Pain Physician , (11) 343-353.

Centeno, C., & al., e. (2008). Regeneration of meniscus cartilage in a knee treated with percutaneously implanted autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Med Hypo , (71) 900-908.

Centeno, C., & al., e. (2011). Safety and complications reporting update on the re-implantation of culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells using autologous platelet lysate technique. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther , (6) 368-78.

Drazin, D., & al., e. (2012). Stem Cell Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease. Advances in Orthopedics , 1-8.

ExitCare, LLC. (2011). Bone Marrow Transplantation & Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation: Q & A. Retrieved from MD Consult. Patient Education.

Greenspan, A., & Gershwin, M. (2008). Osteonecrosis. Retrieved from MD Consult. Firestein: Kelleys Textbook of Rheumatology, 8th ed.

Gurtner, G., & al., e. (2007). Progress and Potential for Regenrative Medicine. Annu Rev Med , 299-312.

Hendricks, W., & al., e. (2006). Predifferentiated Embryonic Stem Cells Prevent Chronic Pain Behaviors and Restore Sensory Function Following Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. Mol Med , (12) 1-3.

Mishra, A., & Pavelko, T. (2006). Treatment of Chronic Elbow Tendinosis with Buffered Platelet-Rich Plasma. Am J Sports Med , 1774-1778.

Olek, M. (2012). Treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis in adults. Retrieved from In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA.

Regenexx. (2010). Having Many Stem Cell Sources in the Toolbox benefits the Patient. Retrieved from Regenexx:

Sakai, D., & al., e. (2005). Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplanted to a Rabbit Degenerative Disc Model: Potential and Limitations for Stem Cell Therapy in Disc Regeneration. Spine , (30) 2379-2387.

Sakai, D., & al., e. (2003). Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells embedded in Atelocollagens gel to the intervertebral disc:a potential therapeutic model for disc degeneration. Biomaterials , (24) 3531-3541.

Steed, D., & al., e. (2008). Amnion-derived Cellular Cytokine Solution. Eplasty .

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Stem Cell Therapy Specialist – Oklahoma City, OK & San …

Posted: December 11, 2018 at 12:47 pm

What is stem cell therapy used for?

Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, can prompt diseased or dysfunctional tissue to repair itself. A member of the highly skilled Revive Medical team injects the stem cells into a specific area of your body to treat a particular condition for example, arthritis, neuropathy, and rheumatoid arthritis. This therapy also works to help heal wounds and relieve joint, shoulder, ankle, wrist, and hip pain.

Neuropathy is a chronic health condition in which damaged nerves transmit incorrect messages to other parts of your body. This condition is sometimes brought on by other health issues such as diabetes. Neuropathy symptoms range from intense pain to a tingling feeling in the affected areas of your body, especially your hands and feet.

To help relieve these painful symptoms, stem cells injected into the affected areas of your body, such as your feet, ankles, and other afflicted joints, work to heal existing scar tissue caused by neuropathy, prompting healthier tissue to grow. This process relieves inflammation and pain so you can return to your daily activities with renewed ease of motion.

Stem cell therapy can help arthritis sufferers through direct injections into the area surrounding the arthritic joints. These stem cells can potentially develop into cartilage cells, can suppress inflammation that often makes arthritis pain worse, and can release proteins to slow down cartilage degeneration. Ultimately, the treatment can have a profound effect on people with arthritis by substantially decreasing pain.

You may experience temporary, minor pain or swelling at the points on your body where the stem cells are harvested and injected. In most cases, irritation or discomfort is minimal.

The doctors at Revive Medical recommend that you are otherwise in overall good health before deciding if stem cell therapy is right for you. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, go online or call to speak to an integrative wellness professional at the Oklahoma City and San Diego areas.

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South Florida Stem Cell Center | Melvin M. Propis, M.D.

Posted: December 11, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Cardiac-Pulmonary Conditions

Led by Melvin M. Propis, M.D., South Florida Stem Cell Center is one of theleading Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy Clinics in South Florida. Dr. Propis is a seasoned M.D. and surgeon who has had solid success rates.

Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy is a breakthrough in medical science that treats and prevents conditions and diseases using stem cells. This is accomplished by harvesting cells and then concentrating those cells in a lab before precisely re-injecting them. This greatly increases your bodys own natural repair cells and promotes healing.

South Florida Stem Cell Center is made up of research scientists and experts in Stem Cell Therapy.Our passion and belief is that our treatments truly helpthose that are suffering and need our help.

Maribella MKnee Injury

I injured both of my knees. After confirming that the cartilage was still in the joint, Dr. Propis injected my knees with a mixture of stem cells and PRP 4 months ago. Today I walk comfortably, No pain in those joints. I have noticed significant improvement in my balance and no longer need a walker or narcotics for pain.

Mia HCrohn's Disease

I have had Crohns disease for most of my short life which has led me to miss out on many teenage activities. After seeing other patients improve from having stem cells injected, I (and my mother) decided to try it. It was a wonderful thing to gradually be able to discontinue giving myself Humara shots routinely. I can actually have an active social life without worrying and even married the love of my life last year. Thanking my doctor, mom, God, and the many people who believe in stem cells for my happy ending!

George BDiabetes

I flew to the US in hopes of getting help for my diabetes. Having tried medicine & diets with no results, I was ready to try stem cells. After 1 treatment (and a six month period) I am off all meds and not considered diabetic anymore. To me, life changing! Especially after a relatively simple procedure. Thank you to the office of Dr. Propis and staff.

We Specialize In Treating:

Immunological Conditions

A chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract.

Widespread muscle pain and tenderness.

A chronic inflammatory disorder affecting many joints, including those in the hands and feet.

An inflammatory disease caused when the immune system attacks its own tissues.

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Neurological Conditions

A congenital disorder of movement, muscle tone, or posture.

Damage to the brain from interruption of its blood supply.

A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions.

A disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves.

A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors.

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Degenerative Conditions

Damage to any part of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the spinal canal.

A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose).

Kidney Failure (Renal Failure)

A condition in which the kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and balance fluids.

A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down.

Occurs when a man can't get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.

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Florida Stem Cell Treatments – Regenerative Orthopedic …

Posted: December 11, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Adult stem cells circulate throughout or body and are also found in large numbers in the bone marrow and fat cells. Stem cells act as natural healers and have vast potential and almost limitless capabilities. They are the repairmen of the body. Recent advancements in stem cell therapy have allowed the use of stem cells for orthopedic treatment.

Adult stem cell therapy involves the use of a patients own cells (autologous) with no possibility of the body rejecting the new tissue formed. Therefore, stem cell therapy is very safe and very effective. This treatment allows the body to take advantage of the normal healing pathways at a greatly accelerated rate.

Stem cell therapy is routinely combined with platelet rich plasma (PRP). This is a concentrate of platelets from the patients own blood. Among the effects of platelets is the release of growth factors into diseased or injured tissue. These growth factors stimulate the stem cells to regenerate new tissue. This innovative treatment can be used to regenerate articular cartilage and/or collagen in tendons and ligaments. The use of stem cells combined with concentrated platelets result in a powerful treatment for ostroarthritis, sports injuries, and spinal disorders.

Stems cells are collected by either aspirating the bone marrow from the back of the patients pelvis using a small needle, or by collecting fat cells from the abdomen. Both types of aspiration can be performed in an office setting with local anesthesia and with little or no discomfort. The aspirate is then placed in a centrifuge which spins it at high speed to separate the stem cells from the rest of the bone marrow aspirate. The concentration of stem cells, called bone marrow aspiration concentrate (BMAC), is then injected close to the injured or diseased tissue using ultrasound or x-ray guidance.

Stem cells by themselves are not capable of repairing the area. They need to be directed, and the platelets are the directors. Once activated, the stem cells are capable of addition to repairing the damage, the stem cells encourage damaged cells to repair themselves and also take part in the repair process.

Stem cell therapy is a repair process than takes several weeks to occur . Even though the repair can take 2-3 months, improvement of pain and function can be seen much earlier. An adequate environment for healing improves the results of stem cell therapy. For that reason, the use of nutritional supplements including Vitamin D3, carnosine, and green tea extract is highly recommended.

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Missouri University of Science and Technology – Wikipedia

Posted: December 10, 2018 at 7:41 am

Missouri University ofScience and Technology

Former names

Academic staff

Administrative staff


Sporting affiliations

Missouri S&T, or Missouri University of Science and Technology, is a public land grant and space grant university located in Rolla, Missouri, United States and a member institution of the University of Missouri System. Most of its 8,884 students (fall 2017)[4] study engineering, business, sciences, and mathematics. Known primarily for its engineering school, Missouri S&T offers degree programs in business and management systems, information science and technology, sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts.

Missouri S&T was founded in 1870 as the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (MSM), the first technological learning institution west of the Mississippi River. Early in its history, the School of Mines was focused primarily on mining and metallurgy. Rolla is located close to the Southeast Missouri Lead District which produces about 70% of the U.S. primary supply of lead as well as significant amounts of the nation's zinc.[11]

The school was founded under the auspices of the University of Missouri in Columbia in order to take advantage of the Morrill Land-Grant Acts to "teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life."[12] The act endowed Missouri a federal land grant of 30,000 acres for each of the state's two senators and nine representatives at the timeor 330,000 acres (133,546.26ha; 515.62sqmi). The endowment said that the land could not be sold for less than $1.25/acre and as such as was a minimum endowment of $412,500 for Missouri. There was an intense debate in the state over the location and number of schools before it was finally decided to have one school in Columbia and a branch in the mining area of southeast Missouri.[13]

Iron County, Missouri (Ironton, Missouri) and Phelps County, Missouri (Rolla) made bids for the school. Iron County's bid was valued at $112,545 and Phelps County's bid was $130,545 so the Phelps bid was officially approved on December 20, 1870.[13]

Classes began in November 23, 1871 in a new Rolla High School building that the city of Rolla had just built. The college had an enrollment of 28 and three graduates in 1874.[13] The college bought what is now called the "Rolla Building" for $25,000 in January 1875. That building is now used as the Mathematics and Statistics Department's library, chair's office, part of the main office, and other faculty offices following a $2 million renovation in 1995.[14]

By the 1920s, the school expanded into civil, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering as well as chemistry, physics, mathematics and geology. The school became home to Missouri's first operational nuclear reactor in 1961.[citation needed]

Until 1964, the school was considered an offsite department of MU's School of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, reporting to the main campus in Columbia (although it began fielding sports teams in 1935 in the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association). As such, its presiding officer was originally called a director (18711941), then a dean (19411964).[15] In 1963 the University of Missouri System was created with the additions of standalone campuses in Kansas City and St. Louis. A year later, MSM was upgraded to an autonomous standalone campus as the University of Missouri at Rolla and its presiding officer, like that of its sister schools, was granted the title of chancellor. The curriculum was expanded to include most of the science and engineering disciplines, as well as social sciences and liberal arts such as psychology and history. In 1968, the campus name was slightly altered to the University of MissouriRolla, thus conforming to the naming scheme of the other three campuses. Business and management programs were gradually added in the following years. On January 1, 2008 UMR became known as Missouri University of Science and Technology or Missouri S&T for short.[16]

In making the case for changing the name, then Chancellor John F. Carney III noted that Rolla in 2007 was "one of the few technological research universities in the nation. A technological research university (polytechnic university or institute of technology) may be defined as one in which a majority of students are enrolled in engineering, the sciences, business or mathematics; the graduate and research programs in those fields are robust; and exceptional academic programs in the liberal arts, humanities and social sciences complement and provide context to the technological strengths of the institution."

He noted that more than 70 percent of its enrollment was in engineering and more than 90 percent was in engineering, business, science and mathsignificantly higher than engineering schools such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He noted "The universitys name, however, does not reflect the distinctive nature of the campus. Often, UMR is viewed as a 'satellite' or 'branch' campus due to its name or as a 'feeder' campus for the University of Missouri-Columbia (commonly referred to as the University of Missouri). This branch-campus designation hinders many of our efforts to achieve national recognition and a strong reputation as a technological research university."[17][18]

He noted, "Of the 1.1 million seniors in the nation who took the ACT in 2006, only 551 non-Missouri seniors or .05 percent sent their scores to UMR." He also noted that the school's acronym of UMR got it confused with the University of Minnesota Rochester.[17]

Among the other names that were considered were Missouri University of Science and Engineering, Missouri Technological University, and Missouri Science and Engineering University.[18]

Missouri S&T Stonehenge, next to U.S. Highway 63 (Bishop Avenue)

Missouri S&T Stonehenge is a partial reconstruction of the original Stonehenge monument located on Salisbury Plain, in southern England. Missouri S&T's version of the ancient structure is located on the northwest corner of campus, and was dedicated on June 20, 1984 during the summer solstice. It features a 50-foot (15m) diameter ring of 30 stones around a horseshoe of five trilithons through which various sightings of sunrise and sunset can be made. About 160 tons of granite were used to construct the monument. The rock was cut by Missouri S&T's water jet cutter equipment, which used two waterjets cutting at a pressure of 15,000 pounds of force per square inch (103 MPa), slicing across the surface just like a conventional saw. The cutter moved at a speed of about 10 feet per minute (50mm/s) and cut between one-quarter and one-half inch (6 and 13mm) on each pass.[19]

After completion, Missouri S&T Stonehenge received an award from the National Society of Professional Engineers for being one of 1985's Ten Outstanding Engineering Achievements.[20]

The university developed a new way to make deep cuts in granite and worked with artist Edwina Sandys who used the method to create the Millennium Arch sculpture. The Arch is a single trilithon with the stylized silhouettes of a man and a woman cut from the two uprights. The figures cut from the uprights stand nearby as freestanding statues. The work, which is located on 10th Street facing Castleman Hall, was developed as a project of the High Pressure Waterjet Laboratory of the Rock Mechanics & Explosive Research Center at Missouri S&T.

There are two similar but smaller megaliths showing the same silhouette on each side of the sidewalk entrance to the Rock Mechanics & Explosive Research Center.

Leach Theatre is located in Castleman Hall and has a maximum seating capacity of 650 audience members. The theatre was opened in 1991 and plays host to approximately 100 events each academic year, including campus events and touring performances of groups such as the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, the Russian National Ballet, Stomp, as well as off-Broadway shows such as Cats, Evita, and 42nd Street.[21]

The Curtis Laws Wilson Library is the main academic library on campus.[22] Wilson served as dean of the school from 1941 to 1963. The library's third floor is strictly a quiet study area with multiple rooms circling around the main area. The IT Helpdesk Walk-In Center is located on the first floor. The Miner Break Cafe (currently a Starbucks) is also located in the front right corner of the first floor.

The basement of the library is a quiet study area and is also home to several campus organizations, including:

The Puck is a small, circular stage in the center of the campus.[26] It is used for many student events, and is used extensively during St. Patrick's Day to host different events. It is a common gathering area, and tours given to new students often start at the landmark. Every year it is refaced to reflect the current "Best Ever" Saint Patrick's Day.

Officially opened in December 2010,[27] the Solar Village consists of four entries by Missouri S&T in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon.[28] Students, staff, faculty, and donors of Missouri S&T designed, constructed, and competed homes in each of the first four Decathlons including the Solar House in 2002,[29] the Prairie House in 2005,[30] the Solar House in 2007,[31] and the Show-Me House in 2009.[32] In 2012, the Solar Village was one of two highlights in a video short that won recognition from Second Nature and a Climate Leadership Award for the campus.[33] In 2014, the Solar Village was expanded to include a microgrid system and an electric car charging station,[34] and in 2016, Missouri S&T announced a second, EcoVillage, composed of Decathlon entries including the 2013 Chameleon House and the 2015 Nest Home.[35]

Recent school rankings include:

The school operates the 200kW Missouri S&T nuclear reactor on-campus for educational, training, and research purposes. It became the first nuclear reactor to have become operational in Missouri, and first achieved criticality in 1961.

The Student Design & Experiential Learning Center (SDELC)[49] was established in 2000 to better support the various multi-disciplinary student design teams. In 2004, the Center's mission expanded to provide experiential learning in academic courses, identify and support student service learning projects within the curriculum, and support ad-hoc student teams in specialty academic events involving multi-disciplinary student research.

By 2006, the SDELC had expanded to ten student design teams. The center's expanded mission involved better funding and offering support and resources to multi-disciplinary project teams that had a research base to their activities. The SDELC provided academic credit opportunities in the form of three, one-hour classes on design, leadership and communication. The center also offers a half-credit course on experiential design through the Residential College (RC) program which has a per-semester enrollment of over 100 students engaged in hands-on learning projects. The SDELC's student design teams, research teams and projects, and academic courses are the foundation of experiential learning at Missouri S&T.[49]

The Missouri S&T Solar House Team, designs and builds a house that is completely sustained by energy collected directly from the sun.[50] After the house is built on campus, it is disassembled and transported to Washington, D.C. for the Solar Decathlon, a month-long competition. The Solar House Team placed 11th overall in both 2007[51] and 2009 out of a total of 20 teams. The team is one of only three teams to compete in four decathlons, and one of two teams to compete in four consecutive decathlons. The 2011 Decathlon is the first that Missouri S&T did not participate, but the Solar House Team is back in the 2013 Decathlon in Irvine, California. The team took first place in the Energy Balance category at the 2005 competition. At the 2002 competition the team took first place in Refrigeration, second place in Energy Balance and third in Hot Water. In 2002 and 2005, the Missouri S&T team took 9th place out of 14 teams and 7th place out of 18 teams respectively. After competition, the homes are returned to the Solar Village on the S&T campus where they are rented as student housing.

Missouri S&T's chapter of Engineers Without Borders has four ongoing international projects in Guatemala, Honduras, and Bolivia. Over one hundred students are part of a team that works to develop sustainable solutions to engineering problems, such as lack of access to drinking water, in developing countries.[52]

The Advanced Aero-Vehicle Group constructs a remote controlled airplane for the annual Society of Automotive Engineers' Aero Design competition. The project is of interest mainly to aerospace engineering students, but students from other disciplines are also on the team. The Advanced Aero Vehicle Group also constructs a rocket every year. The rocket competes in the USLI competition hosted by NASA, in which the rocket must carry a payload one mile into the atmosphere. The AAVG group is also working on a research and development subgroup to compliment the existing plane and rocket groups.

The Missouri S&T Human Powered Vehicle Team demonstrates the engineering excellence of its members via a human-powered vehicle. The team promotes alternative energy technology while providing tomorrow's engineers with hands-on experience in applying classroom knowledge. Through the spirit of intercollegiate competition, this project hopes to foster leadership, teamwork and the continuous advancement of technologies for the betterment of humanity. The Missouri S&T Human Powered Vehicle Team competes annually at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Human Powered Vehicle Challenge in both West and East Coast Competitions. The team has placed among the top two overall in 14 of 16 competitions, and holds the female sprint record of 41.8mph and male sprint record of 48.6mph.[53] In 2010, the team swept both the East and West Coast competitions and placed 1st in every event: Design, Male Drag Race, Female Drag Race and the Endurance Race, giving the team 1st Place Overall and National Speed Class Champions.

The Missouri S&T Formula SAE team constructs a small formula-style race car every year, suitable for mass production and sale to weekend autocrossers. The team competes in Brooklyn, Michigan against more than 100 other teams from universities around the world. The vehicle's cost, sales presentation, engineering design, acceleration, braking and racing performance all factor into its final score. The team has placed in the top ten in eight of the past twelve competitions, including first-, second- and fourth-place finishes.[54]

The Missouri S&T Concrete Canoe Team designs and constructs a concrete canoe and races it on a lake in regional and national competitions. The team has participated in concrete canoe competitions since the 1970s. The entire project, including fundraising and construction, is completed by the students. The team took third place in 2004.[55]

Missouri S&T's solar car team has met with much success. Every two years, the team constructs a single-passenger car, its top covered with solar cells, that runs exclusively on solar power. The car houses lithium ion batteries, which are much lighter than conventional lead-acid batteries. Every time the car is rebuilt, changes make it lighter and more efficient. The team regularly enters solar car races in the United States and occasionally enters international races. The car claimed first place in Sunrayce '99, first place in the 2000 Formula Sun Grand Prix, fourth place in the Australian World Solar Challenge in 2001, second place in the 2001 American Solar Challenge, and first place in the 2003 American Solar Challenge. In 2016, the team placed fourth in the American Solar Challenge after not participating for six years.

The Missouri S&T Satellite Project team began as an Aerospace engineering course (AE301 Spacecraft Design) when NASA held a contest for a 2-year development and build project (Nanosat program) that had to accomplish its goals in the harsh environment of space. After taking third place in Nanosat-4, the team continued perfecting its twin satellites for spaceflight and entry into the Nanosat-6 competition. During this cycle, the team was awarded "Best Outreach"[56] for its work at encouraging an interest by local school students in STEM-related fields. The team placed second during Nanosat-7, beating rival MIT.[57] With their legacy twin-satellite design and feedback from the AFRL sponsors, the team went on to win Nanosat-8 in 2015.[58]

The S&T Robotics Team participates annually in the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC).[59] The team builds autonomous vehicles that traverse obstacle courses consisting of lane markers and obstacles. The current vehicles are designed to be omnidirectional so that they can easily drive around obstacles. Typically there are 3050 students on the team and two faculty advisers. The students handle all design and management aspects of the team but occasionally receive help from technicians to fabricate parts.

The Missouri University of Science and Technology Electromagnetic Compatibility Consortium is a broad partnership of digital electronics companies committed to funding electromagnetic compatibility research.

The S&T Mars Rover design team finished in first place at the 2017 international University Rover Challenge competition held June 13, 2017, in Hanksville, Utah. Missouri S&T's Mars Rover, named Gryphon, was designed and built by the students. The team developed custom circuitry for the rover, machined the aluminum and carbon-fiber support structure, developed durable wheels for terrain mobility, and 3-D printed gears used in the rover.[60]

Missouri S&T athletic teams are known as the "Miners" and the women's teams are referred to as the "Lady Miners". The name comes from the university's history as a mining school. Missouri S&T competes at the NCAA Division II level in thirteen sports and is a member of the Great Lakes Valley Conference (GLVC) for most sports, and the New South Intercollegiate Swimming Conference (NSISC) for men's swimming.[61]

Club sports associated with Missouri S&T include ultimate frisbee,[62] lacrosse, rugby union, roller hockey, trap and skeet,[63] tennis, baseball,[64] and water polo.[65]

Intramural sports have a very large following at the Missouri S&T. With over 60 men's teams and over 10 women's teams, sports are arranged into divisions. Thirty different sports are contested each year: golf, softball, swimming, ultimate, flag football, billiards, badminton, volleyball, racquetball, bowling, basketball, table tennis, tennis, track, weightlifting, and soccer.

The Missouri S&T event calendar includes current campus events.[66]

There are over 200 student organizations at Missouri S&T, including student government, professional societies, community service organizations, and religious and cultural groups.[67]

The student-run newspaper at Missouri S&T, The Missouri Miner, is published every Thursday during the school year and can be read online.[68] In February 2007, the paper threatened to sue the school because the university cut funding.[69] After a one-school-year break for many reasons including a funding cut, The Missouri Miner started republishing in the fall 2009 semester.

Production of the university's RollaMo yearbook is handled by undergraduate students.[70]

Two broadcast radio stations are associated with Missouri S&T: KMNR, previously known as KMSM, is a student-run, freeform radio station whose music playlist varies with the mood and inclination of the DJ, with some playing caller requests. Every year KMNR hosts two concerts Freakers Ball in the fall and MasqueRave (formerly Glitter Ball) in the spring. KMST, previously known as KUMR, is a member-supported public radio station, typically playing classical, bluegrass and jazz and National Public Radio programs. On July 16, 2007, KUMR officially changed its call letters to KMST, in advance of the change of name from "University of MissouriRolla" to the "Missouri University of Science and Technology". In 2017, KMST's broadcast operations were transferred to the University of MissouriSt. Louis.

Amateur radio station, WEEE, founded in 1931 and run by the Amateur Radio Club, was the first campus club at MSM and is one of the oldest student/college amateur stations in the US.[71]

Honor societies with chapters at Missouri S&T include:

Approximately 25% of the undergraduate student body belongs to a social Greek organization.[72]There are 5 sororities and 22 fraternities.[73]

The nationally recognized fraternities with chapters at Missouri S&T are:

The nationally recognized sororities with chapters at Missouri S&T are:

The Beta-Eta chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon was founded at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy on March 8, 1947 the fraternity's 55th chapter. It remains active at Missouri S&T and has a chartered alumni association.[74][75] As of spring 2018, the chapter has initiated 1,173 members and received 52 international awards.[76] The Beta-Eta chapter is currently recognized internationally as a "Top TKE Chapter", the fraternity's highest recognition for a chapter.[77] In 2017, the Tau Kappa Epsilon chapter at Missouri S&T completed construction of a new chapter house on Fraternity Row where the old Delta Sigma Phi round house was located.[78][79]

St. Patrick's Day is the largest annual celebration and predominant cultural event at Missouri S&T, with each year's observance touted as the "Best Ever!". During St. Pat's, students wear green sweatshirts (which are sold as fund-raisers throughout the season), carry shillelaghs and party (including drinking green beer). One tradition, observed primarily among fraternities, is the "killing" of rubber snakes in commemoration of St. Patrick's mythical banishing of snakes from Ireland. Along with snake invasion comes the tradition of Follies. Students meet daily at "the Puck" (a short cylindrical stage bearing a large shamrock) to hear jokes and participate in short competitions. On the third day of Follies, students move to the town's band-shell to participate in the ceremonial arrival of St. Pat's Court. The day after Follies, students participate in "Gonzo and Games". Gonzo and Games are two days of elaborate games in which different organizations compete. Friday of St. Pat's week is concluded with Coronation, a ceremony where the Queen of Love and Beauty is announced. The final event of St. Pat's week is a Saturday morning parade on Pine Street, which is painted green by St. Pat's Board Alumni. This parade is known throughout the United States and boasts well over one hundred floats and participating groups. The rationale for the celebration is the notion that St. Patrick is the patron saint of engineers.[80][81]The recognition of St. Patrick as the "Patron Saint of Engineers" began in 1903 when the Engineering students of the University of Missouri in Columbia claimed St. Patrick's Day to be a holiday for engineers.[82] The tradition has remained to this day and has been adopted by many other schools across the nation.St. Patrick's Day 2008 marked the one hundredth consecutive year of St. Patrick's Day celebrations at Missouri S&T.[83]

The naming structure for the head of the university has changed reflecting its changes through the years. It is currently headed by a chancellor who in turn reports to the University of Missouri system.[84]

The chancellor lives on campus at the Chancellor Residence (constructed in 1889 as the "Club House" dormitory, converted to a room house, before becoming the Missouri State Geological Survey headquarters and finally becoming the residence for the then-director in 1905).[85]

Coordinates: 375720N 914625W / 37.955544N 91.773513W / 37.955544; -91.773513

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Missouri University of Science and Technology - Wikipedia

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Stem Cells for Hair in Park City, Utah Docere Medical

Posted: December 9, 2018 at 2:49 pm

What is platelet rich plasma (PRP)?

PRP is essentially blood that has been centrifuged and has had the red and white blood cells removed.Produced in just a few minutes from a normal venous blood draw, PRP contains a powerful mix of growth factors that can enhance tissue regeneration, healing and hair follicle growth. PRP has been studied widely and has established itself to be effective and safe as a medical treatment in the fields of oral surgery, orthopedics, cosmetic surgery and wound healing. Its use in hair restoration is relatively new but several studies have shown it to be an exciting non-chemical, non-pharmaceutical alternative to surgery.

Docere Medical is one of the early regenerative medicine clinics to offer you the option of using stem cells derived from your own fat tissue. After performing a lipoaspiration procedure (miniature liposuction), the stem cell rich, Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) is extracted from the whole adipose and these stem cells can be added to PRP to further boost the regenerative process on a cellular level. Research has shown that adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have proteins that exert diverse skin rejuvenating effects, such as the stimulation of collagen synthesis, triggering the growth of new blood vessels, as well as hair growth stimulating effects. Adding adult stem to PRP offers patients another innovative tool for hair restoration.

PRP has effectively grown hair in the following patient groups:

Absolutely. In fact, we encourage the use of many different treatment modalities such as low level light therapy, Minoxidil, and DHT blockers. We are happy to discuss all of these options with you during your consultation.

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Stem Cells for Hair in Park City, Utah Docere Medical

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*NEW* Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy | Ohio Therapy Centers

Posted: December 7, 2018 at 3:47 pm

The video above is Dr. Nick Fabian from our Elyria location talking about Regenerative Therapyduring a Facebook live segment with Jenny from the Block on Fox 8 Cleveland.

Unlike other cells, stem cells are unspecialized or undifferentiated in our bodies that have the capacity to change into any healthy cell in our body. Meaning they can change into skin, bone, heart, and muscle cells to name a few. They have the unique ability to divide or differentiate into many types of cells with specific functions such as muscle, skin or bone cells.

Stem cells can also give rise to new generations of undifferentiated stem cells, thus renewing themselves. Stem cells are located throughout our body in almost every organ and tissue such as bone marrow, fat, teeth, muscles, etc.

While cortisone and other drugs only provide temporary pain relief, Regenerative Therapy actually restores degenerated tissue while providing pain relief. Additionally, the injections contain collagen, proteins and hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricant on worn and damaged joints while encouraging new, healthy cartilage tissue growth.

Some people will feel immediate relief from their pain and will notice continued improvements in pain reduction, mobility, and range of motion following the treatment. Most results are seen within one to three months after injection.

The wonderful thing about Regenerative Therapy is that its being found to be a safer and more effective pain relief treatment than addicting prescription medications and surgeries that require weeks and sometimes months downtime from your active life.

However, this therapy doesnt just put a Band-Aid on the problem and walk away; it encourages your own body to start healing. The end result is reduced or eliminatedpain, healthier joint tissue, increased mobility, and the ability to once again engage in all of your favorite activities, allowing you to live a vibrant, healthy, and pain-free life!

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FAQs – Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis | SCRC

Posted: December 7, 2018 at 3:45 pm

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis

New treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by Osteoarthritis pain and symptoms. Stem Cell Research Centre provides stem cell therapy for Osteoarthritis to help those with unmet clinical needs achieve optimum health and better quality of life.

Stem cell therapy for Osteoarthritis is being studied for efficacy in improving the complications in patients through the use of their own stem cells. These procedures may help patients who dont respond to typical drug treatment, want to reduce their reliance on medication, or are looking to try stem cell therapy before starting drug treatment.

To learn more about becoming a patient and receiving stem cell therapy for Osteoarthritis through Stem Cell Research Centre, please contact one of our patient advocates at (800) 609-7795 or fill out the contact form on this page.Below are some frequently asked questions about stem cell treatment for Osteoarthritis.

The majority of complications in Osteoarthritis patients are related to the deterioration of cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in your joints. Cartilage is a firm, slippery tissue that permits nearly frictionless joint motion. In Osteoarthritis, this surface become rough. Eventually, if the cartilage wears down completely, patients will be left with bone rubbing on bone.

Stem cell treatment provided by Stem Cell Research Centre is designed to target these areas within the joints to help with the creation of new cartilage cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent and have the ability to differentiate into cartilage called (chondrytes). The goal of each stem cell treatment is to inject the stem cells into the joint to create cartilage (chondryte cells). Stem cells are a natural anti-inflammatories which can assist with Osteoarthritis pain and swelling in the joint area.

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of human tissue and have the ability to repair, rebuild, and rejuvenate tissues in the body. When a disease or injury strikes, stem cells respond to specific signals and set about to facilitate the healing process by differentiating into specialized cells required for the bodys repair.

There are four known types of stem cells which include:

Stem Cell Research Centre provides autologous adult stem cells (from fat tissue) where the stem cells come from the person receiving treatment.

Stem Cell Research Centre provides autologous adult adipose-derived stem cells (from fat tissue) where the stem cells come from the person receiving treatment.

We tap into our bodys stem cell reserve daily to repair and replace damaged or diseased tissue. When the bodys reserve is limited and as it becomes depleted, the regenerative power of our body decreases and we succumb to disease and injury.

Three sources of stem cells from a patients body are used clinically which include adipose tissue (fat), bone marrow and peripheral blood.

Performed by Board Certified Physicians, dormant stem cells are extracted from the patients adipose tissue (fat) through a minimally invasive mini-liposuction procedure with little to no downtime.

During the liposuction procedure, a small area (typically the abdomen) is numbed with an anesthetic and patients receive mild to moderate sedation. Next, the extracted dormant stem cells are isolated from the fat and activated, and then comfortably infused back into the patient intravenously (IV) and via other directly targeted methods of administration. The out-patient procedure takes approximately four to five hours.

Stem Cell Research Centre provides multiple administration methods for Osteoarthritis patients to best target the disease related conditions and symptoms which include:

Since each condition and patient are unique, there is no guarantee of what results will be achieved or how quickly they may be observed. According to patient feedback, many patients report results in one to three months, however, it may take as long as six to nine months. Individuals interested in stem cell therapy are urged to consult with their physician before choosing investigational autologous adipose-derived stem cell therapy as a treatment option.

In order to determine if you are a good candidate for adult stem cell treatment, you will need to complete a medical history form which will be provided by your Stem Cell Research Centre Patient Advocate. Once you complete and submit your medical history form, our medical team will review your records and determine if you are a qualified candidate for adult stem cell therapy.

Stem Cell Research Centre team members are here to help assist and guide you through the patient process.

Patients travel to Stem Cell Research Centre treatment center located in San Diego, California for stem cell treatment from all over the United States, Canada and around the globe. Treatment will consist of one visit lasting a total of three days. The therapy is minimally invasive and there is little to no down time. Majority of patients fly home the day after treatment.

We provide stem cell therapy for a wide variety of diseases and conditions for which traditional treatment offers less than optimal options. Some conditions include Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

The side effects of the mini-liposuction procedure are minimal and may include but are not limited to: minor swelling, bruising and redness at the procedure site, minor fever, headache, or nausea. However, these side effects typically last no longer than 24 hours and are experienced mostly by people with sensitivity to mild anesthesia. No long-term negative side effects or risks have been reported.

The side effects of adipose-derived stem cell therapy are minimal and may include but are not limited to: infection, minor bleeding at the treatment sites and localized pain. However, these side effects typically last no longer than 24 hours. No long-term negative side effects or risks have been reported.

Stem Cell Research Centre provides adult stem cell treatment with mesenchymal stem cells which come from the person receiving treatment. Embryonic stem cells are typically associated with ethical and political controversies.

Stem cell treatment is not FDA approved.

Stem cell for arthritis treatment is not covered by health insurance at this time. The cost for standard preoperative labs are included. Additional specific labs may be requested at the patients expense.

Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It is caused by the degradation of a joints cartilage. Cartilage is a firm, rubbery material that covers and cushions the ends of bones in normal joints. Its main function is to reduce friction in the joints and serve as an intermediary or cushion.

Over time, the cartilage may wear away in some areas, greatly decreasing its ability to act as a shock absorber. As the cartilage wears away, tendons and ligaments stretch, causing pain. In advanced cases, the bones could rub against each other, causing even more pain and loss of movement.

Osteoarthritis is very common in middle-aged and older people, and its symptoms can range from very mild to very severe. The disorder most often affects hands and weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, feet and shoulders, but can affect almost any joint in the body.

FAQs - Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis | SCRC

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