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Stem Cells for Hip Brookfield, WI | Wisconsin Stem Cell …

Posted: October 26, 2018 at 10:47 am

Stem Cell Therapy for General Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common problem that affects many people making it difficult to walk, stand and sit. Hip pain has many causes, making it essential to be evaluated properly to find the true cause. There are many conditions that can cause hip pain, including osteroarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and osteonecrosis.

Wisconsin Stem Cell Therapys doctors have extensive experience when it comes to hip pain treatment. We have pioneered the industrys latest proven alternatives to surgery and steroids. Our in-office, same-day procedures will alleviate your hip pain regardless of the cause. Our revolutionary platelet rich plasma (PRP) and regenerative cell procedures treat all the damage and underlying conditions that cause you pain. Our surgeons use stem cell therapy to rebuild and strengthen the damaged tissue of your hip, eliminating your pain and improving your quality of life.

Osteoarthritis of the hip results from years of wear and tear. Cartilage provides a buffer in the joint between the bones to allow smooth, easy movement. Over time, this cartilage begins to break down and become brittle. Without enough cartilage to protect the bones from rubbing together and causing damage, this friction leads to swelling and painful inflammation. Ultimately, stiffness and soreness can limit mobility, and make moving the joint very painful.

Traditionally, hip pain has been difficult to treat, with pain medications, steroid injections, or even surgery being the best possible treatment options. Fortunately, recent developments in technology and medicine make it possible to treat osteoarthritis pain naturally. Stem Cell Therapy cells are powerful healing agents that, when used in concentrated doses, can quickly reduce inflammation and scar tissue, and enhance the natural healing processes of the body. Regenerative Cell Therapy is a non-invasive, in-office procedure that safely and effectively alleviates osteoarthritis pain.

A labrum tear is caused in many different ways. Sports injuries are the main cause of labrum tears. The reason is that the outermost part of the labrum attaches directly to the tendon. So the athletes who use a lot of force and motion such as weightlifters, golfers and baseball pitchers are at high risk of this type of injury.

Traumatic injury is the most common cause of a tear. Traumatic injury may result from a situation such as falling in a manner that puts strain on the hip or a direct blow or sudden pull. Furthermore, a labrum tear can result from degradation of the cartilage from overuse, repetitive motion and a dislocated hip.

If you are suffering from labrum tear, you can visit us for a painless alternative to cortisone injections and/or surgery. After undergoing our procedure it will take you a very short time to recover. Wisconsin Stem Cell Therapys procedure for labrum tears includes stem cell therapy. This procedure reduces the risk associated with traditional surgery and treats the underlying damage causing the pain. These cells accelerate the healing process by making the conditions in the affected area more conducive to repair and stimulating the movement of regenerative cells towards the site of inflammation.

The hips are often the most used joint in the body, and over time take a lot of wear and tear. Hip degeneration is a condition that usually develops and worsens over a long period of time and with the aging process. Some may not notice any symptoms in the first stages, and then they may appear suddenly. When the cartilage protecting and surrounding the hip bones begins to wear down, those bones can begin to rub together. This friction between the bones eventually causes severe pain, inflammation, and swelling. It may cause stiffness, limit the joints range of motion, or even lead to the development of bone spurs.

Advanced developments in regenerative medicine now make it possible to effectively treat pain from hip degeneration without prescription medications or steroid injections. In many cases, it may even help some sufferers avoid high-risk surgeries. Procedures like Stem Cell Therapy take regenerative cells and use them to heal specific areas of damaged tissue. When inflammation and aging slows down the natural production of these cells, providing the body with them in concentrated levels quickly reduces pain, inflammation, and scar tissue. This process provides support for the immune system to help heal damage and degeneration within the hip joint.

Inside the larger joints of the body are small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae that provide cushioning between muscles, bones and tissues, allowing them to move smoothly without friction. Bursitis is a condition involving the inflammation of one or more of these bursae. It can occur within the hip joints, causing mild to severe pain and stiffness, while making movement uncomfortable.

Treatment for bursitis should first reduce the inflammation that is causing the pain and stiffness in the hip joint. Stem Cell Therapy is one of our advanced treatment options that takes concentrated amounts of healing cells, and uses them to treat the specific area of inflammation and damage. Stem Cell Therapy is a revolutionary solution to heal degeneration of soft joint tissues and a safe alternative to medications, steroid injections, and surgery. This is a non-surgical procedure that can be done in-office to quickly and naturally alleviate your hip pain.

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Stem Cell Therapy in Annapolis Maryland | Stem Cell …

Posted: October 25, 2018 at 2:45 pm

Across the country joint pain can not only be unbearable but difficult to treat. The Annapolis Maryland area is no exception. Surgery is often the only way to help reduce the pain but often requires an invasive procedure that will require an extended recovery period. With advancementsin stem cell therapy many individuals of choosing this alternative over the complex surgeries with greater success.

Stem cell therapy is the process of injecting stem cells into the painful joints, which promotes a regeneration process where the body begins to heal itself. The stem cell used in this process are amniotic stem cells that are retrieved only from C-section births. Retrieving the stem cells through the C-section birth means no harm is inflicted on the mother or child during the process. Stem cell therapy has been used to help treat a wide range of joint pains in the knee, hip, shoulder, and wrists.

Shoulder pain is often ignored until the pain becomes too unbearable to function properly throughout the day. Often times, the only treatment to help correct the shoulder pain is through a risky and invasive surgery. Many times the surgeries are not successful and will only provide temporary relief to the patients.

Stem cell therapy, however, can be a more successful alternative to shoulder surgery. Stem cell therapy is a non-invasive procedure that is done in just one day. There is no complex surgery or prolonged recovery time.

Stem Cell Therapy can help relieve these common shoulder conditions:

Many times the aches and pains in the knee are caused from overworking the joints, which is typically from just everyday wear and tear. The aches can quickly turn into severe pains that limit the mobility of the knee. At the onset of these aches and pains cortisone shots can be recommended to allow temporary relief of the pain but, over time they become ineffective and the individual is left with no other choice but to have knee surgery.

Stem cell therapy can provide a long lasting relief for individuals who suffer from knee pain. The amniotic stem cell injects can help regenerate the damaged cells in the knee and because they contain hyaluronic acid the joints are well lubricated allow for quick pain relief and restored mobility.

Stem Cell Therapy can help relieve these common knee conditions:

Any hip injury can cause severe pain to the individual and can often require ongoing pain management without surgery. Stem cell therapy can provide a much more effective alternative for individuals suffering from hip pain. The stem cell injection can promote a natural regrowth to cells and tissue causing the pain.

Stem Cell Therapy can help relieve these common hip conditions:

You need your hands and wrist to perform just about any daily activity so having a risky surgery that will have you without the function of one of your hands for months is not an ideal option. Stem cell therapy can allow individuals to have the full use of the hands with a noninvasive and effective injection,

Stem Cell Therapy can help relieve these common wrist conditions:

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Biotechnology – American Farm Bureau Federation

Posted: October 16, 2018 at 7:45 pm

Biotechnology has proven to be an important tool for better sustainability and food security. It helps farmers grow more food while improving the environment. For example, biotechnology reduces the use of costly inputs and improves weed management, allowing farmers to reduce tillage for better soil, water and air quality. Today, roughly 90 percent of corn, cotton and soybeans grown in the U.S. have been improved through biotechnology, and farmers are choosing biotech traits when growing other crops such as alfalfa, sugarbeets and canola.

Despite rapid adoption by farmers and a strong scientific consensus that biotechnology does not pose health and environmental risks, regulatory burdens are slowing research and innovation of new biotech traits and are starting to reduce U.S. farmers international competitive advantage. In addition, activist groups routinely threaten the availability of new traits by blocking science-based regulatory decisions, filing lawsuits and advocating for labeling mandates.

GM crops require less water and fewer chemical applications than conventional crops, and they are better able to survive drought, weeds, and insects.

U.S. agriculture will maintain its competitive advantage in world markets only if we continue to support innovations in technology and grasp opportunities for future biotech products.

To improve regulation of biotechnology, Farm Bureau supports:

Farm Bureau encourages efforts to educate farmers to be good stewards of biotech crops to preserve accessand marketability.

Farm Bureau believes agricultural products grown using approved biotechnology should not be subject to mandatory labeling. We supportexisting FDA labeling policies and opposestate policies on biotech labeling, identification, use and availability.

On July 29, 2016 the president signed S. 764, the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard, into law. While not perfect, S. 764 was a compromise that Farm Bureau endorsed. The law creates a uniform standard for the disclosure of ingredients derived from bioengineering and allows food companies to provide that information through an on-package statement, symbol or electronic disclosure. It also created a strong federal preemption provision to protect interstate commerce and prevent state-by-state labeling laws and was effective on the date of enactment. USDA has two years to develop the disclosure standards and Farm Bureau has been an active participant in the rulemaking process.

Farm Bureau supports active involvement and leadership by the U.S. government in the development of international standards for biotechnology, including harmonization of regulatory standards, testing and LLP policies.

This resource can help set the record straight on GMOs, to correct misinformation and show why biotechnology is so important to agriculture.

Benefits of Biotech Toolkit (PDF)

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Benefits of Genetic Engineering | Chemistry Learning

Posted: October 14, 2018 at 8:44 pm

The production of technologies based on genetic engineering is often referred as modern biotechnology. With the improvement of genetic engineering ....

Genetic engineering facilitates the manipulation and duplication of DNA pieces, for industrial, medical and research purposes. Genetic engineering has produced a revolution in molecular biology. Benefits of Genetic Engineering are experienced in whole array of fields especially in agriculture, in production of valuable proteins and vaccine production.

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The production of technologies based on genetic engineering is often referred as modern biotechnology. With the improvement of genetic engineering techniques, the time for generating and evaluating new germplasm (a collection of genetic resources for an organism) can be drastically reduced. Genetic engineering may ultimately have their most significant effect on agriculture. Recent advances have raised possibility of development of new plant germplasm through introduction of any gene from any organism into plant.

With respect to agriculture, modern biotechnology has been considered as the second phase of green revolution. Organisms whose genes have been altered by manipulation are called genetically modified organism (GMO). The working of GMO is due to nature of transferred genes, nature of host organism and food web formed. Some useful benefits of genetically modified plants in agricultural biotechnology are:

The first genetically modified food was Flavr Savr Tomato which was resistant to rotting.

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Another genetically modified food is golden rice (Pro Vitamin A enriched). Several other genetically modified foods include, soybeans, corn, cotton, seed oil etc have been formed. But many controversies are associated with genetically modified food including environment and human safety, ethics, food security, poverty reduction etc.

Some success has been achieved in developing varieties resistant to herbicides, viral diseases and insect pest. Genetic engineering promises rapid acceleration of plant breeding efforts for crop improvement.

Another benefit of genetic engineering is realized in production of valuable proteins. Recombinant DNA made possible the use of bacteria to produce proteins of medical importance. One such example is that of genetically engineered human insulin which is of great importance and now marketed throughout the world.

Some important genetically engineered proteins include:

Human InsulinHuman insulin or Humulin has great importance. Earlier, patients could not tolerate pig insulin, as it has slightly different amino acid sequence as compared to human. Humulin eventually became cheaper than that extracted from animal pancreas and is now available.

InterferonInterferon is an antiviral agent which is secreted by cells which are attacked by virus. Several types of genetically engineered interferon are available in market and gives rise to antitumoral effect (thwarting formation of cancerous tumors).

Growth hormoneIn humans, growth hormone helps in treatment of hypopituitary dwarfs. Genetically engineered growth hormones may prove useful in the treatment of bone fractures, skin burns and bleeding ulcers of digestive tract. The human hormone is marketed in United States and bovine hormone is expected to yield bigger cattle and thus more beef. Hence growth hormones are commercially very demanding.

Vaccines produced by genetic engineering offer an advantage that the microbial strains from which the proteins are extracted do not contain complete viruses. And thus, there are no risks of accidental inoculation with live virus.

Cloning directly into vaccinia virus DNA holds great promise, although vaccines so produced are not yet in the market. Recombinant vaccinia viruses for example, a gene from genital herpes virus within its DNA, can multiply and can subsequently be inoculated into humans. The vaccinia virus produces mild infection, and expresses some of herpes virus protein and produces immunity. This is very similar in a way to what Edward Jenner did over 100 years ago when he introduced the first vaccination scheme, which eventually led to the extinction of smallpox.

Vaccines can be produced using recombinant DNA technology or using cell culture. Vaccines of common use are usually produced by cell cultures or animals. Such vaccines contain weakened or inactivated pathogens. Crop plants can bear cheaper bioreactors to produce antigens to be utilized as Edible vaccines. These edible vaccines are said to be a cheap alternative as compared to recombinant vaccines.

The transgenic plants are treated as edible vaccines and consumption of these transgenic plants viz. transgenic banana and tomato cure diseases like Cholera and Hepatitis-B. Foot and mouth diseases can be cured by feeding them transgenic sugar beet. In the near future, these vaccines can be used as conventional vaccines.

Humulin was the first therapeutic product to be made commercially by genetically engineered bacterium. Recently a genetically engineered malarial vaccine SPF 66 has been produced.

Genetic engineering, promises to have an enormous impact on the improvement of crop species. Genetic transformation can boost plant breeding efforts for developing disease resistant varieties. Now the disease resistant genes can be isolated and transferred to high yielding susceptible plants to produce pathogen free plants. Through gene sequencing, it is possible to locate gene and after identification, gene is isolated and transferred to the host. Several disease resistant somaclones have been identified for resistance to severe potato disease, early blight of potato, caused by Alternaria Solani. Scientists are using Agrobacterium gene transfer system to produce tobacco plants with increased resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV).

Insect resistant plants are also developed, using biotechnological applications. Several biopesticides are developed e.g. Bt cotton, Bt corn, rice, tomato, potato, and soybeans etc.

Process of Insertion of Bt gene in corn to make it resistant from insect attack

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Bt signifies Bacillus thuringiences. This bacterium contains insect toxin gene. Bt toxin gene is cloned from the bacteria and expressed in plant to provide resistance from insects, without requirement of insecticides. These modified disease resistant plants are called transgenic plants.

Mar 11, 2009admin

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Stem Cell Doctors Delaware, Stem cell injections, Stem …

Posted: October 14, 2018 at 8:42 pm

Stem cells are a particular sort of cells that have the capacity to repeat and recover themselves inside the human body. Grown-up mesenchymal foundational microorganisms work as a sort of interior repair framework, having the capacity to separate to recharge different cells. These regenerative cells have the one of a kind ability to remain an undifferentiated cell or turn into another sort of cell with a particular capacity inside the human body, for example, bone, ligament, muscle or skin cells. Given their great and extraordinary regenerative nature, fat inferred regenerative cell treatment offers new potential in the treatment of specific signs.

Delaware, USA a small Mid-Atlantic U.S. state, sits on a peninsula marked by dune-backed beaches bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Delaware River and Delaware Bay. In Dover, the capital, First State Heritage Park encompasses 18th-century Colonial landmarks like the Georgian-style Old State House.

Stem cells have the capability to modify into specific cell types. There are two defining characteristics of a stem cell are perpetual self-renewal and the ability to differentiate into a specialized adult cell type.

We offer a complete way to deal with construct their training by teaching people in general in a straightforward way. Our careful screening process insures doctors a high quality treatment for patients suffering from inflammatory and degenerative conditions.

For further information about our systems or doctors Contact us today.

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IEEE-NANOMED 2016 The 10th IEEE International Conference …

Posted: October 13, 2018 at 8:45 am

Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central Sands Cotai Central, Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macau SAR, China

Program Timetable (PDF version) is available. (FINAL, updated on Oct 26)

Registration Time:

IEEE-NANOMED is one of the premier annual events organized by the IEEE Nanotechnology Council to bring together physicians, scientists and engineers alike from all over the world and every sector of academy and industry, working at advancement of basic and clinical research in medical and biological sciences using nano/molecular and engineering methods. IEEE-NANOMED is the conference where practitioners will see nano/molecular medicine and engineering at work in both their own and related fields, from essential and advanced scientific and engineering research and theory to translational and clinical research.

Conference Theme:

Authors are also invited to submit results to a special issue of the journal Micromachines (impact factor 1.295), on the topic of Microdevices and Microsystems for Cell Manipulation. More information on the special issue and paper submission can be found here:

Authors are also invited to submit results to a special issue of the journal Micromachines (impact factor 1.295), on the topic of MEMS/NEMS for Biomedical Imaging and Sensing. More information on the special issue and paper submission can be found here:

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HB810 | Right to Try Law | Texas Stem Cell Law | StemGenex

Posted: October 13, 2018 at 8:45 am

June 12, 2017

House Bill (HB810) on stem cell therapy has passed in the Texas state legislature and become law. Patients in Texas will now have access to this Right to Try innovative form of therapy for those suffering with debilitating and incurable illnesses.

Rita Alexander, Chief Administrative Officer at StemGenex Medical Group in La Jolla, CA, applauded Texas for this landmark legislation and Republican State Rep. Drew Springer, R-Muenster, who strongly advocated for this bill. She noted that over the past three years, Right to Try advocates in 33 states have helped enact legislation to eliminate obstacles for terminally ill patients seeking treatments that may not be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Those advocates are showing considerable momentum in the remaining 17 states, potentially expediting clinical therapies for patients who have limited options with current Texas stem cell laws.

At StemGenex, we are committed to helping people achieve optimum health and better quality of life through the healing benefits of their own stem cells, said Alexander. Specifically, we use adipose-derived adult stem cell therapy for patients battling conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. We are also committed to the science of stem cell therapy and sponsor five clinical outcome studiesregistered with theNational Institute of Health (NIH) for these diseases.

What I personally witnessed before the start of StemGenex were patients who had exhausted conventional medical treatments but wanted to try alternative therapies. I was one of them, suffering from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ihad only three options; I could seek a clinical trial, travel to outside of the U.S. to try alternative therapies such as stem cell treatment or petition the FDA for access to drugs under the agencys expanded access, or compassionate use program. Now, new state laws like the one just passed in Texas, built on model legislation from the Goldwater Institute in Arizona, will allow doctors and patients to make their own informed decisions on treatments that have cleared the safety phase of FDA testing.

Last year, in a move that was seen by some as a response to Right to Try laws, the 21st Century Cures Act, a landmark piece of legislation focused on medical innovation and medical research, was signed into law by President Obama. This Act provides the FDA with the flexibility to accelerate how it evaluates regenerative medicine treatments, such as stem cell therapies, while maintaining its high standards of safety and efficacy.

Were on the cusp of a major change on how patients can access stem cell therapy, saidAlexander. Today, new treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by a wide range of autoimmune and degenerative illnesses, said Alexander. StemGenex Medical Group is proud to offer the highest quality of care and to potentially help those with unmet clinical needs improve their quality of life.

To find out if you are a candidate for treatment or to learn more about stem cell laws,Call (855) 742-7836to speak with a Patient Advocate or

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Geron Official Affirms iPS Cells Are the Future of Stem …

Posted: October 13, 2018 at 8:44 am

On a Sunday morning national news broadcast, Mike West, an official at Geron Corporation, effusively affirmed that ethical iPS cells are the future of stem cell research. West stated several times that iPS cells are without controversy and the path which unites scientists and the country to pursue promising stem cell research to treat debilitating illnesses.

West described for a national audience how four molecules are used to take ordinary cells and turn them back to their embryonic state, resulting in iPS cells. No one has to die in this reprogramming process.

Geron Corporation, located in California, has been a major player in embryonic stem cell research. Earlier this year, Geron was given clearance by the FDA to conduct the first human embryonic stem cell trials. Thats why it was so interesting to hear West speak approvingly of ethical iPS cell research as the future.

Wests statements also corroborate what Wisconsin Right to Life and others stated last week following Obamas reversal of the Bush policy prohibiting federal funding to kill more human embryos: Obama is turning back the clock and using ideology to trump science.

Barbara Lyons

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Spotlight on: Regenerative medicine – Research – Medical …

Posted: October 12, 2018 at 11:48 am

What is regenerative medicine?

Losing the use of your voice box, or larynx, can be devastating. It affects your ability to speak, swallow and breathe, and can also dampen your sense of smell and make it difficult to cough. MRC scientists in London are now working on an extraordinary new treatment to help over two thousand people who suffer with serious larynx problems each year. Using stem cells, they are partially rebuilding the larynxas a potential replacement organ for patients.

This ground-breaking research is an example of the work being undertaken in regenerative medicine a branch of science that seeks to repair or replace damaged and diseased human cells and tissues. This may involve transplanting stem cells or tissues that have been grown in the lab, such as the larynx, or stimulating the body to repair itself. Regenerative medicine has the potential to completely change the way we care for patients by helping us to develop new treatments for a wide range of debilitating conditions.

At the heart of regenerative medicine is research using stem cells. These are cells that can regenerate almost indefinitely. Some, known as pluripotent stem cells, can develop into any of the cell types in the body. This extraordinary flexibility means they have the potential to treat many different diseases and conditions that currently have no cure, like type 1 diabetes, blindness, Parkinsons disease, heart disease and arthritis.

Creating new cells to replace dead or damaged tissue is known as stem cell therapy. Professor Robin Ali is an MRC-funded scientist at University College Londonwho is exploring the use of stem cell therapy for restoring eyesight in patients with degenerative retinal disease. By producing new, healthy retinal cells and injecting them into a patient with the disease, Robin hopes to find out if the therapy will be safe and effective to use in future. So far it has been successfully tested in mice, and now Robins work is moving towards clinical trials. Theres little more we can learn by treating another mouse. The most exciting science now is in patients and seeing just how effectively the technology can work in people, says Robin.

Professor Robin Ali is an MRC-funded scientist working at the forefront of regenerative medicine to find new therapies for people with degenerative eye conditions.

Stem cells are also being used to improve our understanding of how degenerative diseases develop and progress. This will help scientists to find drugs that can slow down the symptoms of these diseases, prevent them from getting worse, and even reverse them. A specific type of adult stem cell, called an induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell, is essential to this work. iPS cells are created from ordinary skin, blood or hair cells by winding back the clock and reprogramming them to become stem cells. They are then able to develop into many different cell types that can be used in the lab to study disease. This approach has been used to recreate nerve cells from patients who are suffering with conditions like Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease, and cardiac cells from patients with heart disease. Scientists can study these cells more closely and use them to develop and test drugs something which is impossible to do in living patients.

Research in regenerative medicine is already having a huge impact in the clinic. Though sometimes overlooked, bone marrow transplants using blood stem cells are a well-established treatment for leukaemia. There are also a number of new regenerative therapies that are being used to help patients in the clinic. For example, there are skin regeneration treatments for burns patients and people with diabetic ulcers, treatments for anaemia and cartilage damage, and new options for reconstructive surgery.

Work is now underway to develop potential future treatments. One approach is looking at whether transplanting adult cells can stimulate damaged tissue to repair itself. Stuart Forbes, at the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine in Edinburgh, is investigating how cells called macrophages, which are extracted from patients bone marrow, can be used to encourage damaged liver cells to repair themselves. Another MRC-funded clinical trial has shown how this type of cell therapy can stimulate the self-repair of nerve cells, restoring limb movement in dogsthat have injured their spines. Efforts are now focused on how to use this technique to help human patients.

In a second approach, researchers are transplanting specific cell types or tissue grown in the lab to actively repair damage. This is where the use of pluripotent stem cells in particular, human embryonic stem cells (hESC) has the most potential. The first hESC-based clinical trial has just started in the UK to treat the juvenile eye condition, Stargardts macular dystrophy. Another trial, led by Professor Pete Coffey at University College London, will test the use of hESC to treat age-related macular degeneration. This is a degenerative condition leading to blindness which affects around 1 in 4 people over the age of 60 in the UK.

MRC scientists are also using hESCs in other disease areas. Tilo Kunath, at the University of Edinburgh, is creating dopamine-releasing brain cells from hESCs that can be used as potential cell transplants to treat patients with Parkinsons Disease. And at the University of Sheffield, Marcelo Rivolta is exploring new ways of treating congenital deafness, which affects 1 in every 1,000 children, by replacing the sensory hair cells in the inner ear. Marcelos team has shown that these cells, when grown from hESCs, can be transplanted to restore hearing in gerbils. They are now looking to develop this approach into a treatment for humans.

Promoting stem cell research and regenerative medicine is a priority for the MRC. We have supported pioneering stem cell research since the field first emerged, and remain at the forefront of regenerative medicine. In the 1980s we funded Sir Martin Evans Nobel Prize-winning work to isolate and genetically manipulate embryonic stem cells for the first time, and today our scientists are investigating the use of stem cells to treat blindness, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease and Multiple Sclerosis.

We are the main funder of regenerative medicine research in the UK, and spend in the region of 40 million per year in this area. Our work is guided by a Strategy for UK Regenerative Medicine (PDF, 1.60MB) which describes the many opportunities and challenges faced by the field. As well as supporting individual teams of scientists, we have invested in MRC research centres, units and institutes across the UK such as those in Edinburgh, London, Oxford and Cambridge.

The UK Regenerative Medicine Platform launched in 2013

The field of regenerative medicine faces many technical and scientific challenges. These include understanding how to turn stem cells into the type of cell needed and how to manufacture them safely and in large-enough quantities for use in the clinic. It is also crucial to figure out how to target treatments to the part of the body that needs repairing, and to find ways of stopping the body from rejecting transplants.

To tackle these and other obstacles, we helped to launch the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform (UKRMP)in 2013, together with BBSRC and EPSRC. This 25 million initiative has brought together leading research teams from different universities and different areas of science such as biology, medicine and engineering. This will help to ensure that promising scientific discoveries in regenerative medicine are translated into the clinic where they can benefit patients. The UKRMP will work closely with the newly established Innovate UK'sCell Therapy Catapult, which promotes the commercialisation and late-stage development of regenerative medicine products, as well as with research charities and other stakeholders.

It is important that researchers can access and use human stem cells that are ethically-sourced and reliable. We play a leading role in this area by making sure that UK human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is appropriately regulated. Our activity includes MRC funding for the UK Stem Cell Bank the worlds first which provides ethical and high-quality hESC lines that scientists in the UK and overseas can use for laboratory and clinical work. These hESC lines must be produced to the highest quality in order to be used in patient studies. To help with this, we have funded three centres to produce more than 20 hESC lines that are now being used in clinical studies (see From the lab to the clinic).

As well as the UK Stem Cell Bank, we established the Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiative (HIPSCI) in 2013, together with Wellcome Trust. HIPSCI is creating a catalogue of iPS cells from over 500 healthy volunteers and 500 patients with genetic disease. These cells will be made available to scientists who want to do laboratory research on the effects of our genes on health and disease. Their work will help us to understand how iPS cells can be controlled and used in future stem cell therapies.

Our work in regenerative medicine is not limited just to the UK. In the past three years, we have collaborated with the US and China on stem cell research. Together with the Californian Institute of Regenerative Medicine in the US, we are addressing new approaches for treating age-related macular degeneration and acute myeloid leukaemia. We are also working with the National Natural Science Foundation of China on a number of projects that link the best UK and Chinese labs in stem cell research.

Professor Peter Andrews is an MRC-funded scientist who coordinates the International Stem Cell Initiative. His research in the lab focuses on the science behind stem cell therapies.

Our membership in the International Stem Cell Funders Forum (ISCF), which brings together the worlds major biomedical funding organisations, has allowed us to take a leading role in encouraging international working, sharing resources, and helping to establish best practice among researchers. An example of this is the International Stem Cell Initiative (ISCI) project, led by Professor Peter Andrewsat the University of Sheffield Centre. ISCI was set up to shed light on the factors that influence stem cell growth and behaviour. It does this by bringing together labs from across the globe to share data and resources. Work by ISCI has helped to identify unstable regions within the chromosomes of pluripotent stem cell lines, which need to be controlled if the lines are to be used as therapies in the future.

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Regenerative Medicine New York | Stem Cell Therapy

Posted: October 12, 2018 at 11:48 am

Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that utilizes the bodys natural healing mechanism to treat various conditions.

Stem cells are being used in regenerative medicine to renew and repair diseased or damaged tissues, and have shown promising results in treatments of various orthopedic, cardiovascular, neuromuscular and autoimmune conditions.

Stem cells are present in all of us acting like a repair system for the body. However, with increased age sometimes the optimum amounts of stem cells are not delivered to the injured area. The goal of stem cell therapy is to amplify the natural repair system of the patients body.

There are two major types of stem cells embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are stem cells derived from human embryos. They are pluripotent, which means they have the ability to develop into almost any of the various cell types of the body.

As the embryo develops and forms a baby, stem cells are distributed throughout the body where they reside in specific pockets of each tissue, such as the bone marrow and blood. As we age, these cells function to renew old and worn out tissue cells. These are called adult stem cells or somatic stem cells. Like embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells can also replicate into more than one cell type, but their replication is restricted to a limited number of cell types.

The unique self-regeneration and differentiating ability of embryonic stem cells can be used in regenerative medicine. These stem cells can be derived from eggs collected during IVF procedures with informed consent from the patient. However, many questions have been raised on the ethics of destroying a potential human life for the treatment of another.

Adult stem cells are most commonly obtained from the bone marrow, specifically the mesenchymal stem cells, which have the ability to replicate into cells that form the musculoskeletal system such as tendons, ligaments, and articular cartilage. They can be obtained from the iliac crest of the pelvic bone by inserting a needle and extracting the stem cells from the bone marrow.

Currently, stem cell therapy is used to treat various degenerative conditions of the shoulder, knees, hips, and spine. They are also being used in the treatment of various soft tissue (muscle, ligaments and tendons) as well as bone-related injuries.

You may be a good candidate for stem cell therapy if you have been suffering from joint pain and want to improve your quality of life while avoiding complications related to invasive surgical procedures.

The procedure begins with your doctor extracting stem cells from your own bone marrow. Bone marrow is usually aspirated from your hip region. Your doctor will first clean and numb your hip area. A needle is then introduced into an area of your pelvic bone known as the iliac crest. Bone marrow is then aspirated using a special syringe and the sample obtained is sent to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the aspirate is spun in a machine for 10 to 15 minutes and a concentrated stem cell sample is separated.

Your doctor then cleans and numbs your affected area to be treated and then, under the guidance of special x-rays, injects the stem cells into the diseased region. The whole procedure usually takes less than one hour and you may return home on the same day of the procedure.

The disadvantage of adult stem cell therapy is lack of data about its long-term effects as it is a newer evolving therapy.

Stem cell therapy is generally considered a safe procedure with minimal complications, however, as with any medical procedure, complications can occur.

Some risks factors related to stem cell therapy include infection as the stem cells may become contaminated with bacteria, viruses or other pathogens that may cause disease during the preparation process.

The procedure to either remove or inject the cells also has the risk of introducing an infection to the damaged tissue into which they are injected. Rarely, an immune reaction may occur from injected stem cells.

Excerpt from:
Regenerative Medicine New York | Stem Cell Therapy

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