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Stem Cell Research Program –

Posted: June 23, 2018 at 12:45 am

Effective October 1, 2014, the authority for administrationof the Stem Cell Research Program transferred to Connecticut Innovations. Alink to the Connecticut Innovations webpage is provided:

Public Act 05-149, "An Act Permitting Stem Cell Research and Banning the Cloning of Human Beings" (the Act), was approved by the General Assembly and signed by Governor M. Jodi Rell on June 15, 2005. The Act has subsequently been codified in Connecticut General Statutes 19a-32d through 19a-32g and 4-28e(c)(3). Passage of this legislation positioned Connecticut as just the third state in the nation in providing public funding in support of embryonic and human adult stem cell research. On November 21, 2006, $19.78 million was awarded for 21 stem cell research proposals.As of June 10, 2013, $78.64 million has been allocated to stem cell research in Connecticut through the stem cell grants-in-aid program.

TheDepartment of Public Health is responsible for managing all aspects of this legislation, including working out committee appointments, conducting and coordinating internal and external meetings, and establishing and fostering collaborative relationships with members of the Connecticut Stem Cell Research Committee, advocates, and policy makers. One of the guiding and continuing principles of the Departmentis the commitment to transparency, and we are proud to offer this web page as an important vehicle in maintaining open and transparent lines of communication with residents of Connecticut and members of the national and international stem cell research community.

Connecticut Innovations provides all administrative support to the Stem Cell Research Program.

We invite you to use this site to learn more about stem cells and stem cell research, to link to other helpful stem cell research web pages, to find out more about Connecticuts Stem Cell Research Program, to keep track of the States progress in terms of the granting of public dollars to support research, and to access information on the activities and proceedings of the Stem Cell Research Advisory and Peer Review Committees.As always, we invite your comments and suggestions regarding any aspect of this web page.

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Regenerative Therapies | DAVID KLOTH, MD | Connecticut …

Posted: June 23, 2018 at 12:45 am

Regenerative therapy is a generic term to describe a variety of different therapeutic interventions which stimulate the body to repair and regenerate its own tissue. This was famously described by Drs. Hackett and Hemwall in the 1930s and was termed Prolotherapy. These physicians used a high concentration sugar based solution, often with other irritating additives, to stimulate an inflammatory response. This inflammatory response, a normal reaction by the body to this irritating solution, is associated with the development of controlled scar tissue in the region, strengthening the structure which has been damaged. Regenerative therapies have developed over the years to a more sophisticated form of treatment; PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and Stem Cell Therapy which instead provides the direct delivery of cells and tissue growth factors to the area of injury through an injection. All regenerative medicine techniques work by sending a message to the body to regrow and repair damaged tissue. Regenerative therapies are typically performed to ligamentous, tendinous, or cartilaginous surfaces. These particular tissues typically receive poor blood supply and it is this lack of blood flow in part that prevents these injuries from healing properly; the body must be able to deliver repair cells into the area of damage. Regenerative therapy techniques involve the placement of these reparative cells directly into the area of damage.

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FAQs – Ocean Springs, MS – Gulf Coast Stem Cell …

Posted: June 23, 2018 at 12:45 am

Our Technology

Gulf Coast Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center (GCSC&RMC) uses adipose-derived stem cells for deployment & clinical research. Early stem cell research has traditionally been associated with the controversial use of embryonic stem cells. The new focus is on non-embryonic adult mesenchymal stem cells which are found in a persons own blood, bone marrow, and fat. Most stem cell therapy centers in the world are currently using stem cells derived from bone marrow.

A recent technological breakthrough enables us to now use adipose (fat) derived stem cells. Autologous stem cells from a persons own fat are easy to harvest safely under local anesthesia and are abundant in quantities up to 2500 times those seen in bone marrow.

Clinical success and favorable outcomes appear to be related directly to the quantity of stem cells deployed. Once these adipose-derived stem cells are administered back into the patient, they have the potential to repair human tissue by forming new cells of mesenchymal origin, such as cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons, nerve, fat, muscle, blood vessels, and certain internal organs. Stem cells ability to form cartilage and bone makes them potentially highly effective therapy for degenerative orthopedic conditions. Their ability to form new blood vessels and smooth muscle makes them potentially very useful in treating Peyronies disease and impotence. Stem cells are used extensively in Europe and Asia to treat these conditions.

We have anecdotal and experimental evidence that stem cell therapy is effective in healing and regeneration. Stem cells seek out damaged tissues in order to repair the body naturally. The literature and internet are full of successful testimonials but we are still awaiting definitive studies demonstrating the efficacy of stem cell therapy. Such data may take five or ten years to accumulate. In an effort to provide relief for patients suffering from certain degenerative diseases that have been resistant to common modalities of medical care, we are initiating pilot studies as experimental tests of therapy effectiveness with very high numbers of adipose-derived stem cells obtained from fat. Adipose fat is an abundant and reliable source of stem cells.

GCSC&RMCs cell harvesting and isolation techniques are based on technology from Korea. This new technological breakthrough allows patients to safely receive their own autologous stem cells in extremely large quantities. Our therapy and research are patient funded and we have endeavored successfully to make it affordable. All of our sterile procedures are non-invasive and done under local anesthesia. Patients who are looking for non-surgical alternatives to their degenerative disorders can participate in our trials by filling out our application to determine if they are candidates.GCSC&RMC is proud to be state of the art in the new field of Regenerative Medicine. RETURN TO TOP

We are currently in the process of setting up FDA approved protocols for stem cell banking in collaboration with a reputable cryo-technology company. This enables a person to receive autologous stem cells at any time in the future without having to undergo liposuction which may be inconvenient or contraindicated. Having your own stem cells available for medical immediate use is a valuable medical asset.

Provisions are nearly in place for this option and storage of your own stem cells obtained by liposuction at GCSC&RMC or from fat obtained from cosmetic procedures performed elsewhere should be possible in the near future. RETURN TO TOP

Adult (NonEmbryonic) Mesenchymal Stem Cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to replace dying cells and regenerate damaged tissue. These special cells seek out areas of injury, disease, and destruction where they are capable of regenerating healthy cells and enabling a persons natural healing processes to be accelerated. As we gain a deeper understanding of their medical function and apply this knowledge, we are realizing their enormous therapeutic potential to help the body heal itself. Adult stem cells have been used for a variety of medicaltherapies to repair and regenerate acute and chronically damaged tissues in humans and animals. The use of stem cells is not FDA approved for treating any specific disease in the United States at this time and their use is therefore investigational. Many reputable international centers have been using stem cell therapy to treat various chronic degenerative conditions as diverse as severe neurologic diseases, renal failure, erectile dysfunction, degenerative orthopedic problems, and even cardiac and pulmonary diseases to name a few. Adult stem cells appear to be particularly effective at repairing cartilage in degenerated joints. RETURN TO TOP

Regenerative Medicine is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function lost due to damage, or congenital defects. This field holds the promise of regenerating damaged tissues and organs in the body by stimulating previously irreparable organs to heal themselves. (Wikipedia) RETURN TO TOP

Traditionally, we have used various medications and hormones to limit disease and help the body repair itself. For example, hormone replacement therapy has, in many cases, shown the ability to more optimally help the immune system and thus help us repair diseased or injured tissues. Genetic research is an evolving area where we will eventually learn and utilize more ways of specifically dealing with gene defects causing degenerative disease. Stem cell therapy is another rapidly evolving and exciting area that has already shown considerable promise in treating many degenerative conditions. RETURN TO TOP

A stem cell is basically any cell that can replicate and differentiate. This means the cell can not only multiply, it can turn into different types of tissues. There are different kinds of stem cells. Most people are familiar with or have heard the term embryonic stem cell. These are cells from the embryonic stage that have yet to differentiate as such, they can change into any body part at all. These are then called pluripotential cells. Because they are taken from unborn or unwanted embryos, there has been considerable controversy surrounding their use. Also, while they have been used in some areas of medicine particularly, outside the United States they have also been associated with occasional tumor (teratoma) formations. There is work being conducted by several companies to isolate particular lines of embryonic stem cells for future use.

Another kind of stem cell is the adult stem cell. This is a stem cell that already resides in ones body within different tissues. In recent times, much work has been done isolating bone-marrow derived stem cells. These are also known as mesenchymal stem cells because they come from the mesodermal section of your body. They can differentiate into bone and cartilage, and probably all other mesodermal elements, such as fat, connective tissue, blood vessels, muscle and nerve tissue. Bone marrow stem cells can be extracted and because they are low in numbers, they are usually cultured in order to multiply their numbers for future use. As it turns out, fat is also loaded with mesenchymal stem cells. In fact, it has hundreds if not thousands of times more stem cells compared to bone marrow. Today, we actually have tools that allow us to separate the stem cells from fat. Because most people have adequate fat supplies and the numbers of stem cells are so great, there is no need to culture the cells over a period of days and they can be used right away. RETURN TO TOP

These adult stem cells are known as progenitor cells. This means they remain dormant (do nothing) unless they witness some level of tissue injury. Its the tissue injury that turns them on. So, when a person has a degenerative type problem, the stem cells tend to go to that area of need and stimulate the healing process. Were still not sure if they simply change into the type of injured tissue needed for repair or if they send out signals that induce the repair by some other mechanism. Suffice it to say that there are multiple animal models and a plethora of human evidence that indicates these are significant reparative cells. RETURN TO TOP

This will depend on the type of degenerative condition you have. A specialist will evaluate you and discuss whether youre a potential candidate for stem cell therapy. If after youve been recommended for therapy, had an opportunity to understand the potential risks and benefits, and decided on your own that you would like to explore this avenue, then you can be considered for stem cell therapy. Of course, even though its a minimally invasive procedure, you will still need to be medically cleared for the procedure. RETURN TO TOP

NO. However, GCSC&RMCs procedures fall under the category of physicians practice of medicine, wherein the physician and patient are free to consider their chosen course for medical care. The FDA does have guidelines about therapy and manipulation of a patients own tissues. At GCSC&RMC we meet these guidelines by providing same day deployment with the patients own cells that undergo very minimal manipulation and are inserted during the same procedure. RETURN TO TOP

No. Only adult mesenchymal stem cells are used. These cells are capable of forming bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, ligaments, blood vessels, and certain organs. Embryonic stem cells are associated with ethical considerations and limitations. RETURN TO TOP

Patients suffer from many varieties of degenerative illnesses. There may be conditions associated with nearly all aspects of the body. Board-certified specialists are ideal to evaluate, recommend and/or treat, and subsequently, follow your progress. Together, through the GCSC&RMC, we work to coordinate and provide therapy mainly with your own stem cells, but also through other avenues of regenerative medicine. This could include hormone replacement therapy or other appropriate recommendations.

For example, if you have a knee problem, you would see GCSC&RMCs Board Certified orthopedic surgeon rather than a generic clinic director. Also, you might be recommended for evaluation for hormone replacement therapy or an exercise program should such be considered optimal. Nonetheless, we believe stem cell therapy to be the likely foundation for regenerative medicine.It should also be noted, that all therapies are currently in the investigational stage. While we recognize our patients are seeking improvement in their condition through stem cell therapy, each deployment is part of an ongoing investigation to establish optimal parameters for future therapies, to evaluate for effectiveness and for any adverse effects. It is essential that patients understand they are participating in these investigational (research) analyses. Once sufficient information is appropriately documented and statistically significant, then data (validated by an Institutional Review Board) may be presented to the FDA for consideration of making an actual claim. RETURN TO TOP

Urology, cosmetic surgery, ear, nose, & throat, orthopedics, internal medicine, and cardiology are represented. Plans are currently being made for a number of other specialties. GCSC&RMC is the first multi-specialty stem cell center in the United States. RETURN TO TOP

Many have been told that they require surgery or other risky procedures for their ailments and are looking for non-invasive options. Some have heard about the compelling testimonials about stem cells in the literature and on various websites. Many have read about the results of stem cell therapy in animal models and in humans. GCSC&RMC gives a choice to those informed patients who seek modern regenerative therapy but desire convenience, quality, and affordability. GCSC&RMC fills a need for those patients who have been told that they have to travel to different countries and pay as much as twenty to one hundred thousand dollars for stem cell therapy offshore. (See stem cell tourism). RETURN TO TOP

Stem cells are harvested and deployed during the same procedure. Our patients undergo a minimally-invasive liposuction type of harvesting procedure by a qualified surgeon in our facility in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. The harvesting procedure generally lasts a few minutes and can be done under local anesthesia. Cells are then processed and are ready for deployment within 90 minutes or less. RETURN TO TOP

Bone marrow sampling (a somewhat uncomfortable procedure) yields approximately 5,000 60,000 cells that are then cultured over several days to perhaps a few million cells prior to deployment (injection into the patient). Recent advances in stem cell science have made it possible to obtain high numbers of very excellent quality multi-potent (able to form numerous other tissues) cells from a persons own liposuction fat. GCSC&RMC uses technology acquired from Asia to process this fat to yield approximately five hundred thousand to one million stem cells per cc of fat, and therefore, it is possible to obtain as many as 10 to 40 million cells from a single procedure. These adipose-derived stem cells can form many different types of cells when deployed properly including bone, cartilage, tendon (connective tissue), muscle, blood vessels, nerve tissue and others. RETURN TO TOP

GCSC&RMC patients have their fat (usually abdominal) harvested in our special sterile facility under a local anesthetic. The fat removal procedure lasts approximately twenty minutes. Specially designed equipment is used to harvest the fat cells and less than 100cc of fat is required. Postoperative discomfort is minimal and there is minimal restriction on activity. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cells are harvested under sterile conditions using a special closed system technology so that the cells never come into contact with the environment throughout the entire process from removal to deployment. Sterile technique and antibiotics are also used to prevent infection. RETURN TO TOP

No. Only a persons own adult autologous cells are used. These are harvested from each individual and deployed back into their own body. There is no risk of contamination or risk of introduction of mammalian DNA. RETURN TO TOP

These facilities are obtaining stem cells from bone marrow or blood in relatively small quantities and they are then culturing (growing) the cells to create adequate quantities. Research seems to indicate that success of stem cell therapy is directly related to the quantity of cells injected. GCSC&RMC uses adipose derived stem cells that are abundant naturally at approximately 2,500 times levels found in bone marrow (the most common source of mesenchymal stem cells). GCSC&RMC uses technology that isolates adipose stem cells in vast numbers in a short time span so that prolonged culturing is unnecessary and cells can be deployed into a patient within 90 minutes of harvesting. RETURN TO TOP

GCSC&RMC is doing pioneer research for treating many diseases. All investigational data is being collected so that results will be published in peer review literature and ultimately used to promote the advancement of cellular based regenerative medicine. FDA regulations mandate that no advertising medical claims be made and that even website testimonials are prohibited. RETURN TO TOP

No. Many are confused by this because they have heard of cancer patients receiving stem cell transplants. These patients had ablative bone marrow therapy and need stem cells to re-populate their blood and marrow. This is different from the stem cells we deploy to treat noncancerous human diseases at GCSC&RMC. RETURN TO TOP

Adult mesenchymal stem cells are not known to cause cancer. Some patients have heard of stories of cancer caused by stem cells, but these are probably related to the use of embryonic cells (Not Adult Mesenchymal Cells). These embryonic tumors known as teratomas are rare but possible occurrences when embryonic cells are used. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cell therapy is thought to be safe and not affect dormant cancers. If someone has had cancer that was treated and responded sucessfully, there is know reason to withhold stem cell deployment. In most cases, stem cells should not be used in patients with known active cancer. RETURN TO TOP

We know of no documented cases personally or in the literature where serious harm has resulted. All of our patients will be entered into a database to follow and report any adverse reactions. This information is vital to the development of stem cell science. There have been a few reports of serious complications from overseas and these are being thoroughly evaluated by epidemiologists to ascertain the facts. The International Stem Cell Society registry has over 1,000 cases currently registered and only 2% were associated with any complications, none of which were considered serious adverse events. RETURN TO TOP

None. Our aim is to make cell based medicine available to patients who are interested and to provide ongoing research data under approved Institutional Review Board (IRB) validated studies. We will follow our stem cell therapy patients over their lifetimes. This will enable us to accumulate significant data about the various degenerative diseases we treat. Instead of providing simply anecdotal or testimonial information, our goal is to categorize the various conditions and follow the patients progress through various objective (e.g. x-ray evidence or video displays) and subjective (e.g. patient and/or doctor surveys) criteria. We are aware of a lot of stories about marked improvement of a variety of conditions, but we make no claims about the intended therapy. At some point, once adequate amounts of data are accumulated, it might be appropriate to submit the information to the FDA at which point an actual claim may be substantiated and recognized by the Agency. Still, these are your own cells and not medicines for sale. They are only being used in your own body. Most likely, no claim needs to be made; rather a statistical analysis of our findings would suffice to suggest whether therapy is truly and significantly effective. We also hope to submit our patients data to an approved International Registry (See ICMS Stem Cell Registry) further fostering large collections of data to help identify both positive and negative trends. RETURN TO TOP

Our adipose derived stem cell harvesting and isolation technique yields extremely high numbers of stem cells. In reviewing outcomes data, therapy cell numbers appear to correlate with therapy success. Our cells are actually in a type of soup called Stromal Vascular Fraction SVF which is stem cells bathed in a rich mixture of natural growth factors (Not the same as human growth factor hormone which is only one type of growth factor). Some types of orthopedic and urologic diseases appear to respond better to stem cells that are super enriched with growth factors created by administering Platelet Rich Plasma to the patient. Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma is derived from a patients own blood drawn at the time of deployment. At GCSC&RMC we do not add any foreign substances or medications to the stem cells. RETURN TO TOP

Depending on the type of therapy required, stem cells can be injected through veins, arteries, into spinal fluid, subcutaneously, or directly into joints or organs. All of these are considered minimally invasive methods of introducing the stem cells. Stem cells injected intravenously are known to seek out and find (see photo) areas of tissue damage and migrate to that location thus potentially providing regenerative healing. Intravenously injected stem cells have been shown to have the capability of crossing the blood-brain barrier to enter the central nervous system and they can be identified in the patients body many months after deployment. Note yellow arrow showing the stem cells concentrated in the patients hand where he had a Dupytrens contracture (Dupuytrens contracture is a hand deformity that causes the tissue beneath the surface of the hand to thicken and contract). RETURN TO TOP

Different conditions are treated in different ways and there are different degrees of success. If the goal is regeneration of joint cartilage, one may not see expected results until several months. Some patients may not experience significant improvement and others may see dramatic regeneration of damaged tissue or resolution of disease. Many of the disorders and problems that the physicians at GCSC&RMC are treating represent pioneering work and there is a lack of data. FDA regulations prevent GCSC&RMC from making any claims about expectations for success, however, if you are chosen for therapy, it will be explained that we believe stem cell therapy may be beneficial or in some cases that we are unsure and therapy would be considered investigational. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cell therapy relies on the bodys own regenerative healing to occur. The regenerative process may take time, particularly with orthopedic patients, who may not see results for several months. In some diseases, more immediate responses are possible. RETURN TO TOP

No. Only certain medical problems are currently being treated at GCSC&RMC. Check our list or fill out a candidate application form on the website. All patients need to be medically stable enough to have the stem cell deployment in our facility. There may be some exceptional conditions that may eventually be treated in hospitalized patients, but that remains for the future. Some patients may be declined due to the severity of their problem. Other patients may not have conditions appropriate to treat or may not be covered by our specialists or our protocols. A waiting list or outside referral (if we know of someone else treating such a problem) might be applicable in such cases. RETURN TO TOP

Yes. Patients with uncontrolled cancer are excluded. If you have an active infection anywhere in your body you must be treated first. Severely ill patients may require special consideration. Also, anyone with a bleeding disorder or who takes blood thinning medications requires special evaluation before consideration for stem cells. RETURN TO TOP

The specialist seeing you at GCSC&RMC will make a determination based on your history and exam, studies, and current research findings. Any complex cases may be reviewed by our ethics advisory committee. Occasionally, we may seek opinions from thought leaders around the world. RETURN TO TOP

No. Participation in any of our protocols is not mandatory and there are no incentives, financial or otherwise, to induce patients to enroll in our studies. However, GCSC&RMC is dedicated to clinical research for the development of stem cell science. GCSC&RMC is taking an active role in cutting edge clinical research in the new field of regenerative medicine. Research studies will be explained and privacy will be maintained. Formal future research studies will be regulated by an Institutional Review Board which is an authorized agency that promotes validity, transparency and protection of human study enrollees. RETURN TO TOP

At this time, we are not treating autism, spinal cord injuries, and some advanced diseases. See list of problems currently being studied at GCSC&RMC. RETURN TO TOP

Patients who are considered to be candidates based on information provided in the candidate application form will be invited for a consultation with one of our panel physicians. $250 is charged for this consultation which includes office evaluation (but may also include physicians evaluation of X-Rays, records, or telephonic consultations). Unfortunately, insurance generally will not cover the actual cost of stem cell therapy in most cases since stem cell therapy is still considered experimental. The cost varies depending on the disease state being treated and which type of stem cell deployment is required. RETURN TO TOP

Because of recent innovations in technology, GCSC&RMC is able to provide outpatient stem cell therapy at a fraction of the cost of that seen in many overseas clinics. The fee covers fat cell harvesting, cell preparation, and stem cell deployment which may include the use of advanced interventional radiology and fluoroscopy techniques. Financing is available through a credit vendor. RETURN TO TOP

Stem cells can be cryopreserved in the form of liposuction fat for prolonged periods of time. Currently, this service is outsourced to an outside provider known to have excellent quality control. Many patients have been inquiring about banking cells while they are still young since stem cell numbers drop naturally with each decade of life and some advocate obtaining and saving cells to be used later in life as needed. (see chart). RETURN TO TOP

Most patients, especially those with orthopedic conditions, require only one deployment. Certain types of degenerative conditions, particularly auto-immune disease, may respond best to a series of stem cell deployments. The number and necessity of any additional procedures would be decided on a case by case basis. Financial consideration is given in these instances. RETURN TO TOP

A good resource is the International Cellular Medicine Society (ICMS). Stem Cells 101


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Stem cell treatments in Baja California

Posted: June 23, 2018 at 12:43 am

Stem cells reside in adult bone marrow and fat, as wellas other tissues and organs of the body. These cells have a natural ability to repair damaged tissue, however in people with degenerative diseases they are not released quickly enough to fully repair damaged tissue. In the case of fat stem cells they may not be released at all. The process of actively extracting, concentrating and administering these stem cells has been shown in clinical trials to have beneficial effects in degenerative conditions. We offer patients and their doctors access to these therapies now.

We offer treatments using both autologous (your own) stem cells and/or third party donor cells. All of our stem cells are treated in a laboratory approved and regulated by COFEPRIS, or the Mexican equivalent of the US FDA.

Adult stem cells can be extracted from many areas of the body, including the bone marrow, fat, and peripheral blood. Once the cells have been harvested, they are sent to the lab where they are purified and assessed for quality before being reintroduced back in the patient. Stem cells isolated from the bone marrow or fat have the ability to become different cell types (i.e. nerve cells, liver cells, heart cells, and cartilage cells). Studies have also shown that these are capable of homing to and repairing damaged tissue. Animal studies have shown that these stem cells also secrete proteins and peptides that stimulate healing of damaged tissue, including heart muscle and spinal cord.

Fat stem cells are essentially sequestered and are not available to the rest of the body for repair or immune modulation.

Experimental studies suggest fat derived stem cells not only can develop into new tissues but also suppress pathological immune responses as seen in autoimmune diseases. In addition to orthopedic conditions, Stem Cell Institute has experience treating patients with Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases using fat derived stem cells.

The bone marrow stem cell is the most studied of the stem cells, since they were first discovered to in the 1960s. Originally used in bone marrow transplant for leukemias and hematopoietic diseases, numerous studies have now expanded experimental use of these cells for conditions such as peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, heart failure, and other degenerative disorders.

Umbilical cord stem cells reside in the umbilical cords of newborn babies. HUCT stem cells, like all post-natal cells, are considered to be adult stem cells.

Recently, the placenta has been shown to be a plentiful, non-controversial source of stem cells. It has a number of advantages over traditional methods of preparing stem cells. We have developed methods to harvest and employ stem cells from the placenta and the umbilical cord tissue so as to provide a safe non-controversial alternative to the harvesting of embryonic or fetal stem cells.

Embryonic stem cells, as their name suggests, are derived from embryos. Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitroin an in vitro fertilization clinicand then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors.

For ethical and legal reasons we do not work with Fetal or embryonic stem cells.

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Stem cell treatments in Baja California

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Laws Governing Stem Cell Research Wisconsin Right to Life

Posted: June 23, 2018 at 12:43 am

President Bushs Embryonic Stem Cell Policy

In August of 2001, President Bush established a federal policy on embryonic stem cell research. You are probably confused and believed, as many did, that President Bush cut off federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

The facts are that the Bush policy allowed federal funds to be used for research onexisting stem cell linesderived from embryos that had already been destroyed before August of 2001. The policy did not allow federal funds to be used todestroy more living human embryos.

President Bush and the previous Congress committed hundreds of millions of dollars to ethical adult stem cell research and to establish cord blood banks.

President Obama's Embryonic Stem Cell Policy

By Executive Order, President Obama overturned the Bush policy in 2009, allowing federal tax dollars to be used to destroy living human embryos. It remains to be seen if the Obama administration will commit dollars to ethical research using adult stem cells and iPS cells.

WisconsinStem Cell Policy

Wisconsin has a law which informs a pregnant woman that for research purposes she can donate cord blood normally discarded after the birth of her baby.

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New Mexico State University – Department of Physics

Posted: June 23, 2018 at 12:42 am

A team of researchers from New Mexico State Universitys Department of Physics have, for the first time, created a three-dimensional rendering of a microscopic nanoparticles structural transformation induced and controlled by an external electrical source.Topological defects are stable configurations of matter formed during phase transitions that in general may dramatically alter material properties. But until recently it was impossible to non-destructively probe 3D topological structures embedded in ferroelectric nanoparticles while applying external perturbations to monitor their behavior during structural phase transitions.

A depiction of a ferroelectric nanoparticle undergoing phase transition with the outside influence of an electrical field.

The team, led by Edwin Fohtung, assistant professor at NMSU, performed the experiments with Barium Titanate (BTO) nanoparticles. Using an external electrical field the scientists were able to observe in three dimensions a ferroelectric vortex rod of 30 nanometers in widtha billion times smaller than a human hair.

This discovery can provide scientists with new methods in designing next-generation quantum computing components. For example, nanoparticles with such vortex-phases may increase computer RAM storage capacity by 10,000-fold.

Fohtung and his teams work is supported by the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The team used X-rays from the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois, and the Bragg X ray Coherent Diffractive Imaging (BCDI) technique to probe a single particle of BTO, with 18 nanometers resolution in 3D.

BCDI can be used to reconstruct the density of the sample in phases. This reconstruction technique is called phase-retrieval. This technique developed by Fohtung and his team at NMSU is applicable to other areas, such as biology and regenerative medicine, where scientists and medical doctors are studying how stem cells and cancer cells and other micro-organisms collectively evolve in their environment, undergoing transitions in a similar way.

The applications in biomedicine are currently being pursued by Dmitry Karpov, an NMSU affiliate and a visiting research fellow from the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia).

The results have been published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Nature Communications.

Read the full NMSU news release from 09/13/2017.

New Mexico State University - Department of Physics

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About Us | Utah Stem Cells

Posted: June 22, 2018 at 12:51 am

William Cimikoski, MD Medical Director of Utah Stem Cells, is a Medical Toxicologist that specializes in Stem Cell Joint Regeneration, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Medical Aesthetics, and Medial Weight Loss. With seven years of medical Residency and Fellowship specialty training, he is a foremost authority featured Healthline TV, ABC News, Fox 13, CBS, KSL Studio 5, and Good Things Utah.

Dr. Cimikoski was born and raised in Fairfield County, CT, in the suburbs of Manhattan. As a youth, he excelled in several contact sports, including hockey, lacrosse, and soccer. By the time he was 17 years old, he had suffered multiple sports related knee injuries (on both knees) and underwent numerous surgeries, ultimately culminating in major reconstructive knee surgery during his senior year of high school. This essentially ended his participation in competitive contact sports and he started to pursue other passions in non-contact sports, including skiing and windsurfing. This is what brought him to the beautiful mountains of Utah where he could delight to his hearts content in the plentiful powdery snow.

He has completed seven years of specialty residency and fellowship training. He received his medical training at Brown University, where he did his Internship, followed by his Emergency Medicine Residency at Georgia Health Sciences University and Albany Medical Center. He also completed a Critical Care Fellowship in Medical Toxicology at Penn State University. To indulge his vice of windsurfing, he took a several year hiatus from the rat race and rigors of Emergency Medicine to work as a Ships Physician for Carnival Cruise Lines. While working for Carnival in 2004, he met his beautiful wife, Sarah (from Brazil), and they decided to settle in Utah in 2009 to start a family. They now have three young children under the age of six, two boys and a girl.

Because of his commitment to providing the very best in regenerative medicine and helping people get long lasting results, Dr. Cimikoski has sought and achieved designations beyond his academic background. He is one of the very few (less than 40 doctors in the USA) to have successfully obtained the designation of IROMC Certified, Interventional Regenerative Orthopaedic Medicine by the American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine. Furthermore, Dr. Cimikoski is one of a select few Doctors in the USA who have been personally trained by Dr. Charles Runels, the inventor of the Vampire procedures. With his toxicology background, Dr. Cimikoski is able to combine the Vampire Procedures with Amniotic and Umbilical Cord Stem Cells to offer even more pronounced and long-lasting results.

Dr. Cimikoski is keenly aware of the perils associated with osteoarthritis and orthopedic injuries, due to his own experiences and interest related to these debilitating processes. He is an exceptionally accomplished fitness and nutrition expert. This, coupled with his Medical Toxicology background, makes him uniquely qualified to provide the very best health care, and optimize his patients potential through the use of Bioidentical Hormones, Stem Cell Joint Regeneration, Medical Aesthetics, and Medical Weight Loss Management.He is pleased and eager to offer these innovative services with Utah Stem Cells, a new concept in medical healthcare wellness.

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Our Team | Gulf Coast Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center

Posted: June 22, 2018 at 12:51 am

In 2000, he settled on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where he operated extensively at several coastal hospitals, performing thoracic, cardiac and vascular (including endovascular and dialysis access) surgery. Over the years, he developed a special interest in renal dialysis access work and in venous and lymphatic disorders. In summer 2011, Dr. Barmada decided to dedicate more time to his expanding venous practice; in addition to developing an interest in aesthetics; then, interest in the use of stem cells for the investigational deployment in inoperable conditions he encountered quite frequently over decades, including vascular ischemic occlusions, severe COPD and heart conditions.

Dr. Barmadas prestigious awards and associations include membership of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Society for Vascular Ultrasound, the American Venous Forum and the American College of Phlebology, a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, London, England, a fellow of the British Boards in Cardiothoracic Surgery and previous membership of the editorial board of the Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants. Dr. Barmada possesses two active medical licenses in Mississippi and Louisiana, and he has two US patents.

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Our Team | Gulf Coast Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center

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Regenerative Cell Therapy – Delaware Integrative Medicine

Posted: June 22, 2018 at 12:51 am

The Power and Uniqueness of Regenerative Cells

Stem cells are a distinct kind of cells that possess the ability to replicate and regenerate themselves within the human body. Adult mesenchymal stem cells function as a kind of internal repair system, possessing the ability to differentiate to replenish other cells. These regenerative cells have the unique capacity to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a specific function within the human body such as bone, cartilage, muscle or skin cells. Given their powerful and unique regenerative nature, adipose derived regenerative cell therapy offers new potential in the treatment of certain indications.

Cell Rich Fat Transfer (CRFT) protocol is a special harvesting process with a unique cannula, which gently removes small adipose cell clusters that have been loosened inside the body via mechanical dissociation. It is a harvesting and transfer method that yields consistent volume of highly viable adipose derived regenerative cells (ADRCs). The CRFT method of autologous fat transfer has been shown to be superior to other methods, including those including enzymatic processing.

The high yield of ADRCs resulting from the in vivo dissociation of regenerative cells makes fat harvested using the CRFT protocol an ideal re-injectable material for achieving predictable outcomes. Studies have shown that CRFT protocol, which uses sterile decantation, preserves the integrity of fat cells and prevents the separation of free floating ADRCs, versus using a centrifuge method, which tends to damage fragile cells and can deplete the separated fat of beneficial ADRCs. Our system also adheres to the FDAs minimal tissue manipulation guidelines and follows good tissue practice regulations, unlike other systems that use an enzyme and are used off-label.

After fat is harvested, the final product is referred to as Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF). While not all potential elements of SVF have yet been identified, we do know it is composed of stem cells and growth factors. Growth factors are very powerful messengers that can signal cells in our bodies to reduce inflammation, repair, replenish and specialize for many functions and are currently being used more in clinical settings. Another source of concentrated growth factors known asPlatelet Rich Plasma (PRP)is already used frequently in orthopedics, wound care and cosmetic surgery, and performed in our office.

The Regenerative Cell procedures goal is to harness and enhance the bodys natural mechanism for healing. Cell Rich Fat Transfer (CRFT) is performed in-clinic by our board-certified physician and cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Henry Childers, assisted by our credentialed medical staff. This cutting-edge procedure is normally conducted on an outpatient basis and under local anesthetic. The total procedure normally takes about 2-3 hours, varying based on the patients condition and overall health. The goal of regenerative cell treatment is to minimize pain and advance function without the need for invasive surgery.

This procedure essentially entails taking adipose tissue, essentially fat, out of your body, separating the regenerative cells via our CRFT protocol, and reinjecting them into injured tissue for regenerative purposes. This in-clinic treatment is completed the same day, and there is no need to ship samples to an outside laboratory and wait days for the cells to be returned for an injection on a second visit. This faster process provides increased regenerative cell counts, without manipulation.

1. Harvesting of regenerative cells:The harvesting of regenerative cells is primarily acquired using in vivo dissociation with a liposuction procedure to obtain adipose tissue.

2. Separation of regenerative cells:Through sterile decantation, the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) is separated from the harvested fat cells.

3. Isolation of cells: Using multi-filtration methodologies, regenerative cells and other cells are isolated from the SVF.

4. Activation of regenerative cells: Once the isolated regenerative cells are acquired it is added to the patients Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and activated based on medical procedure protocol.

This process, during its duration, is constantly monitored and controlled by our physician. When considering regenerative cell therapy or making a decision to undergo the procedure as an ideal candidate, it is important to discuss your options with Dr. Childers. Devising a comprehensive treatment plan is crucial, as everyone is different and outcomes will vary.

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Regenerative Cell Therapy - Delaware Integrative Medicine

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Regenerative Cell Therapy in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Posted: June 22, 2018 at 12:49 am

Amniotic regenerative cell therapy is one of the newest and most cutting-edge therapies for chronic joint pain. Amniotic derived regenerative cell therapy offers patients 3 essential properties for healing and restoring joint health:

Since amniotic derived regenerative cell therapy is not derived from embryonic stem cells or fetal tissue, there are no ethical issues with the treatment. The amniotic regenerative cell therapy consists of an injection directly into the painful area. The therapy has the potential to actually alter the course of the condition and not simply mask the pain. This therapy has significant potential for those in pain, and could actually repair structural problems while treating pain and inflammation simultaneously. When the amniotic cell material is obtained, it comes from consenting donors who have undergone elective c-sections. The fluid is processed at an FDA regulated lab, and is checked for a full slate of diseases per FDA guidelines. The amniotic material has been used over 60,000 times in the US with no adverse events reported. It acts as an immunologically privileged material, meaning it has NOT been shown to cause any rejection reaction in the body. This means there is no graft versus host problem.

Our services are provided by Dr. John Biery D.O. F.A.O.S.M. F.A.C.S.M. F.A.C.O.F.P and Cindy Brownlow C.N.P.

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Regenerative Cell Therapy in Fort Wayne, Indiana

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