Title Length Color Rating The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Stem cell research is a topic almost everybody in the world has a viewpoint on. Many view the issue of stem cell research and stem cell therapy as morally wrong and a crime against humanity, others view the study of stem cells as the next step in modern science. What are stem cells. Stem cells are non-specialized cells that have the capability to mature into more specified cells to help with certain functions or diseases. Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body and these tiny structures compose the skin, muscles, bones, and all of our internal organs.... [tags: stem cell]:: 2 Works Cited 1217 words(3.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes - Diabetes, or fully named Diabetes Mellitus is when a person has high blood sugar and that is cause by the lack of insulin produced by the pancreas or it is when the cells do not respond to the insulin produced, it is also according to the type of diabetes that the cause may be different from others. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and 2. Type 2 diabetes is mostly common found in adults, to reduce the glucose level, the subject can change diet or have a lot of exercise or if that doesnt work they will usually take a liquid medicine or pill that helps.Type 1 diabetes is mostly found in children and is mostly rare, and diet alone cannot fix this so sometimes the subject has to take dos... [tags: Stem Cell Essays]:: 5 Works Cited 1148 words(3.3 pages)Better Essays[preview] Legalize Stem Cell Research - Imagine waking up from a tragic accident that left you paralyzed from the neck down, would you have hope that you could ever recover. What if there was research that the use of stem cells could lead to potential treatments and cures. According to the National Institute of Health, stem cells in certain organs, have the ability to divide into other cells that are used to repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues (NIH). Although stem cell research raises ethical concerns, it should be legalized due to the possibility of medical advancements and cures of numerous diseases.... [tags: Stem Cell Research ]:: 6 Works Cited 987 words(2.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Breakthroughs in Stem Cell Research - The Acid-Bath Method Creates Viable Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells Recent breakthroughs in stem cell research are helping to narrow the ethical divide surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells. In a desperate attempt to avoid using embryonic stem cells, scientists are uncovering different methods of converting non-embryonic cells into stem cells. The first successful production of embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells was published in 2006 by Japanese stem cell research scientists who used a microscopic needle to directly inject the genes necessary to reprogram an adult somatic cell into an iPS cell.... [tags: embryonic stem cell, mouse-cloning]1046 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research: For Better or for Worse? - For as long as humans exist, optimal health continues to remain vital for a productive life. As new medical discoveries increase through generations, humans become healthier, therefore, their life expectancy rises. Stem cell research, a relatively new field, investigates to improve and lengthen human life. The possibility of stem cells to develop prospering health makes them beneficial to the human race. Why do stem cell debates create such a large uproar. Stem cells posses the potential to arise into hundreds of different cells in the body- for this reason stem cells are also referred to as undifferentiated cells.... [tags: Biology, Stem Cell Debates]744 words(2.1 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research Needs to Be Funded - A mother has developed Alzheimers, preventing her from having a normal relationship with her family. A newly born baby girl has a spinal cord issue, making for many years of rehabilitation ahead her. A diabetic wife struggles to take care of her household duties because of constantly having to monitor her blood sugar and deal with insulin shots. With the development of stem cell research, and the more controversial embryonic stem cell research, every one of these instances could not only be cured, but prevented, within the next half century.... [tags: Stem Cell Research, medical,]1546 words(4.4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Embryonic stem cell is one of the most controversial, widely discussed medical issues in the United States today. The medical use of stem cell raises difficult moral and political questions. To understand about embryonic stem cell. I thought we should discuss what embryonic stem cells are. According to Scientific American; June 2004, embryonic stem are derived from the portion of a very early stage embryo that would eventually give rise to an entire body. Because embryonic stem cells originate in this primordial stage, or having existed from the beginning.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]779 words(2.2 pages)Better Essays[preview] The Controversy Surrounding Stem-cell Research - Stem-cell research is a complex subject. First of all you need to know there are three main categories of stem cells. Embryonic, Fetal and Adult; not everyone is for or against all of these types. There are different sets on pros and cons to each of these types and I will address a few for each type. I believe the pros outweigh the cons in each of these and stem cell research is very beneficial for medical purposes. The term stem cell research was first used by gist Alexander Maksimov, a Russian histologist in 1908.... [tags: Stem-cell research, medical, ]625 words(1.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research Controversy - The controversy over stem cell researchs use in the medical field is almost two decades old. So why the sudden intense return of fierce political debates over an old issue. Its because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the medical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, "At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remains unknown and should not be overstated.... [tags: Medical Field, Stem Cell Research]:: 4 Works Cited 693 words(2 pages)Better Essays[preview] Understanding Stem Cell Research - Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is a new, inventive technology that will be and currently is saving lives. Stem cells have the ability to increase understanding of how diseases occur, generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells, and test new drugs for safety and effectiveness. (Mayo Clinic Staff). These special cells have become a new and better way of treating diseases such as; heart disease and diabetes. Scientists have discovered that if these cells are under the right conditions, the stem cells will divide.... [tags: bone marrow, perinatal stem cell]1162 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] State-Funded Stem Cell Research - Scientists are attempting to expand on stem cell research, while aspiring towards new medical advancements, but Maryland is questioning State-funded research (Department of Legislative Services, Office of Information Systems [DLSOIS], 2011). Stem cells have the ability to regenerate themselves and produce specialized cell types (Academy of Sciences, 2009). After a stem cell divides, the stem cell can continue to exist as a stem cell, or turn into a unique cell, like a red blood cell (Institutes of Health, U.S.... [tags: Stem Cell Research ]:: 11 Works Cited 2162 words(6.2 pages)Term Papers[preview] Stem Cell Research is a Vital Necessity for Medical Advances in America - According to Christopher Reeve, the actor who played Superman and tragically became paralyzed, said, The greatest good for the greatest number of people means allowing embryonic stem cell research, which has the potential to help 150 million Americans who suffer from serious or incurable diseases or disabilities (Roleff 63). It is incredible how some of the smallest items like stem cells can have such a drastic impact on the world. Two types of these tiny cells are adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells.... [tags: stem cell]1383 words(4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Ethical Concerns of Stem Cell Research - Stem cell research has been met with major ethical concerns in the media and as a result the research has tried to address the concerns of funding and ethical dilemmas. There are 6 major concerns raised in the review, such as: Tumor Formation, Contaminating Animal Products, Genetic Compatibility, Funding Issues, Selecting and generating the Right cell type from transplantation and new approaches to generating embryonic stem cells (ES). In the use of stem cells, there is room for error, especially in transplanting cells to renew or help cells.... [tags: transplanting, research, disease, stem cell]920 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Problems with Embryonic Stem-Cell Research - Recently in the scientific world, the field of embryonic stem cell research has become a popular topic and has been the subject for many heated debates. Experts in the field of stem cell research promise that this will be the future of medicine; that stem cells will be the cure to all the debilitating diseases and afflictions of today, such as Alzheimers disease, heart disease, cancer and nerve damage. The truth about embryonic stem cell research is that it is not as hopeful and as revolutionary as it seems.... [tags: Science / Stem-Cell Research / Ethics]:: 7 Works Cited 1427 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Legal History and Ethics of Stem Cell Research - An interesting aspect of stem cell research is how politically charged it was from its very beginning. Originally born into a conservative playing field, the bounds on stem cell research were never as open as they are now, having been suppressed by political opinion for several decades. Numerous accounts of voting to support stem cell research were blocked by individual opinions of people with the influence to do so. Today, stem cell research is more open and accepted, due to technological advancements, but I think more importantly, a changing political mood.... [tags: Stem Cell Research Paper]:: 9 Works Cited 2886 words(8.2 pages)Research Papers[preview] The Government Should Fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Millions of people die every year from diseases and accidents; the nightly news is filled with reports about the devastating effects of cancer, horrific accidents, and disasters that leave people disfigured or paralyzed. Embryonic stem cell research is a part of biomedical science and has the potential to ease the suffering of sick people by curing diseases and defects, creating organs and tissue for patients needing transplants or skin grafts, regenerating axons in spinal cord injuries, and creating new treatments, drugs, and immunizations.... [tags: Stem Cell Essays]:: 31 Works Cited 2402 words(6.9 pages)Research Papers[preview] Stem Cell Research: Should we legalize it? - Stem Cell Research: Should we legalize it. I. Introduction and History Is going against certain religious morals worth finding cures using experimental science. Many scientists are constantly trying to push the boundaries of science to find new things. This is especially true in the medical partition of experimental science. There are a great deal of scientists working everyday to find cures to todays diseases and illnesses such as Aids, cancer, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers disease. People live with these illnesses everyday of their lives, and the number of people with diseases rises day after day.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]1711 words(4.9 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Different Sides of Embryonic Stem Cell Research - The field of stem cell research remains highly controversial because of its ethical and moral values. Despite the news in 2006 that researchers had found a way to harvest human embryonic stem cells without having to destroy embryos, controversy still surrounds potentially life-saving stem cell research. (Gruen, 2007). Due to the strong emotional responses to some of the subject matter by the pro-lifers and certain religions and politics in general, I will attempt to explain different sides of embryonic stem cell research (ESC).... [tags: Stem Cell Biology]1641 words(4.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research - Inside an embryo there are dozens of stem cells. They are basically empty shells, but the special thing about them is that they are pluripotent, meaning that they can develop in to any cell or organ in human body. That makes stem cell research a gigantic part of todays medical research. With enough research, stem cells can be a big help to the human kind. Their extraordinary abilities could help scientists return memory to Alzheimers patients, or grow a mans limb that had to be amputated due to some tragedy.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]:: 4 Works Cited 644 words(1.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Characteristics, Sources and Function of the Mesenchymal Stem Cell - 2.2Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) MSC are initially recognized in the late 1960s by Friendenstein and colleagues, as an adherent, non-phagocytic, fibroblast-like population that could regenerate rudiments of normal bone in vitro and in vivo (Friedenstein et al. 1970; Friedenstein et al. 1974a; Friedenstein et al. 1974b). The group identified a homogenous spindle-shaped adherent cell population when they cultured whole bone marrow (BM) in vitro. Then, this assay was developed into colony forming unit-fibroblast (CFU-F) assay which is the standard method to identify MSC.... [tags: medicine, stem cell]1012 words(2.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - Stem cell therapy is an exciting area of medicine that is both enthusiastically researched and hotly debated. It allows for the possible treatment of conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable. Imagine being one of the many individuals debilitated by injury or disease who have resigned themselves to the fact that it is a permanent affliction. Now, imagine being given hope that the condition could be cured, or at least, greatly improved. It has been suggested that stem cell therapy is the answer to treating many patients greatly improving their quality of life.... [tags: Multicellular Organisms, Stem Cell Therapy]1867 words(5.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Therapy - In order to discover the ways for the remedy of diseases, studies in therapeutic approaches have been doing widely and kept increasing at accelerated pace. A lot of research areas had emerged for that purpose including one of the most fascinating and highly active areas at present, stem cells therapies. Due to self-renewal property and differentiation capability of stem cell, it becomes a new hope in modern treatment. The first successful case of stem cell therapy in human was reported in 1959. Bone marrow restorations were observed in leukemia patients who received total body irradiation subsequent by intravenous injection of their twins bone marrow (Thomas et al, 1957).... [tags: Stem Cell Research, Argumentative, Scientific]1020 words(2.9 pages)Good Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - As the research teams of the EuroStemCell project teach in their educational short film A Stem Cell Story, there are certain stages of development while in the uterus where most of our cells stop dividing and stabilize into a specific kind of cell. They do not mutate throughout our life. These cells are referred to as specialized cells. Once they are damaged or die they cannot regenerate themselves. There is one kind of cell that never specializes during development. They are called stem cells and they are the only known cells that can renew themselves.... [tags: embryo, embryonic stem cell, ethics]:: 13 Works Cited 1691 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] A Scientific Explanation of Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research - In general, a cell can be defined as a stem cell if two basic criteria are met. First, stem cell is capable of self renewal for indefinite period throughout life while maintaining undifferentiated state, i.e., the cell can divide and produce two identical daughter cells and thereby maintains the stem cell pool. Second, stem cell possesses capacity for differentiate into specialised and functional progeny under the right conditions, or given the right signals. It may divide asymmetrically to yield an identical cell and a daughter cell that acquires a particular cell types properties, such as morphology, phenotype and functional physiology that classified it belongs to a particular tissue (Bu... [tags: Science, Stem Cells, Stem Cell Research, ]610 words(1.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research:The Cure of Tomorrow - When one thinks of fatal diseases, what comes to mind. Cancer. Organ failure. Brain damage. All of those things and more could be a thing of the past with the incredible potential of stem cell research. Stem cells are like blank cells that can take the form of other kinds of cells. This gives them the ability to heal damaged areas, or grow replacement tissue for tissue that has been diseased. Stem cells can come from several different places, some of which cause lots of controversy and ethical debate.... [tags: health development, stem cells, cell line]:: 7 Works Cited 1044 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Embryonic Stem Cell Research Provides Revolutionary and Life-saving Breakthroughs - "Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer. The fact that the cells may come from embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway." -- Stephen Hawking The phrase stem cell calls to mind images of controversy: Pro-life picketers outside abortion and in-vitro fertilization clinics, patients with chronic disabilities waiting on a cure, scientists in a lab experimenting with a petri dish.... [tags: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Papers]3830 words(10.9 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Stem Cell Technology: Hypoxia and Its Contributions to Regenerative Medicine - Introduction Stem cell technology is developing rapidly to bring tissue and organ regeneration from the foreground of current research to the hands of physicians for therapeutic interventions of injuries. Though this field is rapidly progressing, several limiting factors have reduced the efficacy and survival of many transplanted cells. To understand the limitations, a deeper understanding of the chemomechanical environment of an injury is needed. Tissue and organ development from specific progenitor cells is tightly controlled by the surrounding biochemical environment.... [tags: science, medicine, stem cell research]:: 1 Works Cited 2526 words(7.2 pages)Research Papers[preview] Stem Cell Research - Stem cell research. Simple words that to some mean a lot more than a new potential scientific field. It is simply the creation or repair of another life form from an earlier form. Stem cells have the chance to change all that we know in the medical field as well as the potential to heal old wounds and heal damaged organs. This point causes much debate and anger of those opposed to stem cell research but they ultimately look at the process and not the form or result of it. Stem cell research has incredible potential.... [tags: Stem Cell Biology, argument]:: 5 Works Cited 1254 words(3.6 pages)Good Essays[preview] The Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research - "Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer." -- Stephen Hawking As college students, it is important that we know and care about the issue of stem cell research. Stem cell research is currently legal in most countries. The United States, normally a leader in new frontiers, is one of the last to explore this territory. As it is slowly being pushed forward, we are going to have to know about it.... [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument]:: 5 Works Cited 2276 words(6.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research Can Help the Sick - Stem cell research is a very complex argument. There are people that feel that stem cell research should not have even been introduced into our society. However, there are others that feel that stem cell research could change many lives. Those who feel it could change many lives are right in many peoples eyes. With the advancement of stem cell research, we would be able to help many people with such diseases as heart disease and Alzheimers. Stem cells could also help others with dibilating diseases and those who have suffered some very unfortunate accident.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]1012 words(2.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Stem Cell Debate is Not About Medical Benefits - In the final analysis, the debate about embryonic stem cell research is not primarily about medical benefits. In his great novel The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky raised the question whether it would be right to build a world without human suffering if "it was essential and inevitable to torture to death one tiny creature" such as an innocent child to achieve that end. Each of us must answer that ultimate question in the depths of his or her own conscience. The claim that destructive embryo research will achieve such a utopian end is, we believe, a hollow promise.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]:: 18 Works Cited 2601 words(7.4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Scientific research has the ability to help the terminally ill and disabled. Some people find this research is morally wrong. If this research helps people with disease and disability would you condone it. Today in The United States there is controversy facing embryonic stem cell research.People are dying because of the legal and moral obstacles involved in embryonic stem cell research. American citizens with illnesses and disease could be treated if this research was to continue at a much faster pace.... [tags: Embryo Embryonic Stem Cell Cells Essays Papers]1525 words(4.4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research - The Controversy Over Stem Cell Research In a lab at the University of California, a scientist carefully isolates several cells and locates them to a petry dish. A few days later, he returns to find the cells pulsating like a human heart (Gorman 58). This account has actually been occurring at several scientific labs across the nation. These cells, known as stem cells, produce nearly all the other cells and tissues found in the human body (Sobel Sep 4, 22). Intensive research has found that when these stem cells are grafted with human tissue, new tissue is formed and the diseases found in that tissue are cured.... [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument]783 words(2.2 pages)Better Essays[preview] A Conservative Argument against Stem Cell Research - A Conservative Argument against Stem Cell Research For the past few years stem cell research has been a widely debated topic; however, former President Clinton?s stance?allowing federal money to be spent on tightly controlled stem cell research?lead to intense debates over federal funding for stem cell research. There are four ways of obtaining stem cells, which are taken from embryos that are approximately one week old. They are using unwanted embryos from fertility clinics, embryos from aborted fetuses, cloned embryos, and embryos created for research purposes.... [tags: Stem Cell Research Essays Papers]:: 1 Works Cited 1166 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Its Time to Legalize Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Its Time to Legalize Embryonic Stem Cell Research In the United States of America, people have many rights and freedoms that are respected by the Federal Government. As stated in Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau: There will never be a truly free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power (225). In the goal to make America a truly free and enlightened state, laws have been enacted to preserve individual rights. With the furthering of medical science, the issue of individual rights vs.... [tags: stem cell argumentative persuasive argument]:: 16 Works Cited 1770 words(5.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - Stem Cell Research Stem cells are a large focus of study in today's biomedical world. Stem cell research offers the hope of transplants being done without the sacrifice of another person losing an organ. There are many different pros and cons when it comes to discussing the use of stem cells. In order to develop an opinion of whether or not stem cells should be used, one must first understand what they are and how they are used. ?Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cells types in the body.... [tags: Stem Cell Research Biomedical Science Essays]:: 5 Works Cited 974 words(2.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Over the last decade the use of stem cells has been a controversial and heated topic. Debates have exploded over every aspect of stem cell research. It has been speculated by scientists that stem cell research may have the potential to cure harmful diseases or even regrow organs. However some find that the health issues seen in earlier attempts to use stem cell transplants and ethical controversies involved with extracting stem cells, make it very dangerous to further investigate. In actuality the fact remains that the potential cures that may come from stem cell research could prove to be some of the most significant advances in modern medicine to this day.... [tags: Why Stem Cells Are Important]:: 10 Works Cited 1670 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself.... [tags: use of stem cells in regenerative medicine]:: 13 Works Cited 1467 words(4.2 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Stem Cell Media Cultures - All cell culture procedures were performed under sterile conditions in laminar class II biohazard safety cabinet (ESCO). The cell cultures were incubated at 37oC in 5% CO2 humidified incubators (RSBiotech). MSC were cultured in MSC complete medium made up of Dulbeccos Modified Eagles medium with nutrient mixture F-12 (HAM)[1:1] (DMEM/F12) with GLUTAMAX -I (Gibco, Invitrogen, USA), supplemented with 10% pre-selected foetal bovine serum (Stem Cell Technology Inc.), 1% of Penicillin /Streptomycin (Gibco, Invitrogen), 0.5% Fungizone (Gibco, Invitrogen), 0.1% Gentamicin (Gibco, Invitrogen), with or without 40ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (Peprotech, USA) .... [tags: Stem Cells Media, science, cultures,]886 words(2.5 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - Cells are the basic function of life. Cells are the fundamental unit of all living things, this include animals. Cell is the smallest structure in the human body and has all the properties of being alive. Cells can vary in different shape and sizes. The shape or the size cells are related directly to the function of the cells. (Fremgen & Frucht, 2009, p. 22) The human body has several different types of cells like cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. Each cell has their job to do in the human body.... [tags: Stem Cells]:: 5 Works Cited 656 words(1.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research: The Endless Debate - The topic of stem cell research has long been debated over, and yet no consensus has been reached, since different views, and mixed feelings persist in the minds of people. Personally, I stand by the people who are in favor for the research. I believe that, stem cell research has many more pros than cons. There is tremendous potential in this research in finding treatments for diseases that are currently thought to be incurable. Therefore, the research should continue to be funded for, and should be encouraged further.... [tags: disease, treatment, embryo, stem cells]:: 7 Works Cited 1588 words(4.5 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Glycation and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Function - New cells are often produced in the body during growth and development. In addition, new cells also develop as the body repairs and remodels its tissues after an injury. These new cells come from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are considered as multipotent cells. MSCs are found in various parts of the body during growth and development, but in adults, they are present in the bone marrow, where they later differentiate, mature and migrate to become more specialized cells with unique functions.... [tags: msc, stem cells, advanced glycation]:: 4 Works Cited 920 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - Stem cells have a history that is very short unlike other medical discoveries. According to history, stem cells were first used in 1950s, where a progressive advancement on its use has been carried out by physicians and clinicians. Research has been focused on finding stem cells in tissues of the body, where harvesting has been concentrated on all body tissue. It has been agreed that the process of harvesting or collecting stem cells depends on the source of the cell. This paper will consider the processes of harvesting stem cells and their methods.... [tags: Medical Discoveries, Stem Cells, Techniques]:: 5 Works Cited 916 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Success or Moral Dilemma - ... Stem cells are being further researched for virology today and can commonly be found in the Influenza immunizations (Stem). In 1960, scientist made another amazing medical milestone was reached by transplanting cells into patients suffering from DiGeorge syndrome and was accepted as an effective form of therapy (Stem). Come 1968, Scientist made a breakthrough when the world's first bone marrow transplant was completed successfully. This experiment treated two siblings suffering from immunodeficiency, a destruction of the immune response system.... [tags: cell types, scientists, ethics]:: 9 Works Cited 1584 words(4.5 pages)Term Papers[preview] Stem Cell Debate - Embryonic stem cell research is a sensitive and highly debated topic. There are many advantages from researching this technology since it will beneficial to many people. In this essay, I will explain embryonic stem cells concept, and importance of utilizing it in medical development. Moreover, I will show the flaws in the arguments of those opposing use of stem cell. The county will fall behind that are utilizing this development if there is no logical conclusion to this important issue. The human body has more than 200 different types of cells.... [tags: embryonic cell, medical research]:: 1 Works Cited 1794 words(5.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Shoulc Stem Cell Research Be Cut? - Stem Cells are very unique types of cells that have an incredible potential to develop and transform into different types of cells in the body, not only producing brain cells, but containing the ability to produce more stem cells, known as a process called self renewal. So is it possible that stem cells can cure diseases and redevelop organs that are lost for some. There are multiple types of stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells (ES), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), and adult or somatic stem cells.... [tags: cell types, self-renewal, brain cells]1453 words(4.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cells are the Future of Healthcare - A mother cannot remember her childrens names anymore because of Alzheimers diseases. A daughter will never be able to walk again because of a car accident that has made her paralyzed from the waist down. A husband will never be able to see his wife again because he has become blind. But maybe these people will be able to remember, walk or see again. Someday all of the diseases in the world may be curable through stem cell research. Stem cells are very unique because they have the ability to morph into any of the over 200 cells that make up the human body.... [tags: Stem Cell Research ]:: 4 Works Cited 1311 words(3.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cells are the Future - The article Stem Cell Research, elaborates on the medical benefits that come from stem cell research. It defines exactly what stem cells are and how their abilities can be harnessed and applied to treat chronic human ailments and degenerative diseases. It goes on to present supporting and opposing views that challenge its progress and reviews the role the government is taking in the issue (Stem Cell Research). There is significant scientific information that supports the potential for stem cells to treat or possibly cure various diseases that afflict humanity.... [tags: Pro Stem Cell Research]:: 10 Works Cited 1625 words(4.6 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Embryonic Stem Cell Research: To Be or Not To Be? - When a patient is faced with a terminal illness or is told that they will never walk again, it may be difficult to find hope of any kind. Stem Cells provide a faint glimmer of hope, with all the amazing things they, in theory, are able to do and cure. What kind of stem cells are we talking about though. Embryonic, Adult, or Cord Blood. All these possess the ability to replicate themselves as well as become any type of cell (Harvard Gazette). As with any incredible feat there is more often than not a catch. Many questions arise when we think about the sacrifices, risks and benefits.... [tags: Medical Ethics ]:: 6 Works Cited 1864 words(5.3 pages)Term Papers[preview] Stem Cells and Parkinson's Disease - The goal of this paper is to compare the utility of adult, embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to treat Parkinsons disease. As such several things will be assessed, dosage of stemcells, improvement in motor function, in combination with the presence of -synuclein proteins and cell survival. To give a short overview of the steps that will be taken to complete the study. Obtaining stem cells, whether adult, embryonic or induced, shall be done using healthy mouse models and after ethical approval has been gained.... [tags: Stem Cell Research Study]:: 4 Works Cited 2615 words(7.5 pages)Research Papers[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - By lifting the funding and ethical ban on stem cell research scientists will have a better understanding the complexity and disarray of the cellular structure of humans with a lifted ban on federal funding to front the research of stem cell and stem cell development. Two types of stem cells are key to unlocking the complex coding of cellular make-up and those are embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research has created supposed ethical issues because those specific cells are taken from embryos that are not yet developed and those cells have no exact duty as opposed to adult stem cells which have particular duties throughout the body.... [tags: Medical Ethics ]:: 2 Works Cited 1086 words(3.1 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Throughout our history, scientists continue to experiment and make discoveries that expand our knowledge of the world and the full potential of the matter around us. As the medical research of scientists improves, new treatments are found that enable people to have a longer lifespan and live healthier. Medical researchers continue to discover new medicines that help people overcome fatal diseases and allow them to achieve a more sustainable life. As scientists research the potential of treatment for diseases, there is a promising future in stem cells that offer a possible treatment for a wide variety of diseases.... [tags: Medical Science]:: 7 Works Cited 1504 words(4.3 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Controversy Of Stem Cell Research - The topic of stem cell research is highly controversial. Although most people who consider themselves "pro life" are the main opposition for this potentially beneficial research, most people do not fully comprehend what stem cells are, much less the implications of them. In a highly generalized statement, stem cells are cells with no specialization. This allows them to form into the majority of cells in the body, depending on where they were from. In this essay Im going to not only offer a plethora of information regarding stem cells, but make an in depth analysis of the question that everyone wants the answer to, should stem cells be used.... [tags: orthodox christianity, pro life]:: 9 Works Cited 993 words(2.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Fatal diseases have been the cause of death for a large percent of the human race. About 5.8 million Americans have heart failure, 670,000 people are diagnosed with it each year, 23.6 million have diabetes, and one million live with Parkinsons disease (Watson, Stephanie, and Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D). Diseases such as above kill off important cells that reproduce rapidly to help the body function normally. Well, what alternatives does one have to turn to when the time clock runs out for all cells, resulting in death.... [tags: Medical Research]:: 13 Works Cited 1634 words(4.7 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Ethics of Stem Cell Research - Should we be using embryonic stem cells for the advancement of medical research. In the 1800s it was discovered certain cells could generate other cells. The 1900s brought upon more research in using stem cells. The ethical issue surrounding embryonic stem cells research arises because human embryos are destroyed in the process. I believe that the benefits outweigh the negatives and that a greater good can come out of using embryonic stem cells. The treatment of diseases and illnesses continually grows and improves.... [tags: Ethics ]:: 1 Works Cited 2355 words(6.7 pages)Term Papers[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Imagine a world where the diseases we know today are virtually eradicated, and where incurable injuries are a thing of the past. Even though this sounds like a science fiction movie, advances in modern science are making this statement more of a reality than a dream. This can be accomplished through stem cell therapy and cell differentiation. Stem cell therapy is like an intervention, in which new cells are introduced into the body or tissue in order to treat a disease or injury (Haldeman-Englet, Chad).... [tags: Medical Research]:: 12 Works Cited 1061 words(3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - In a society where faster means better and technology has rapidly taken over the lives of people, the means of human health have changed. The advance in medical research has led to the development of using existing cells within the body and placentas of humans to heal critical injuries that usually take years to fully return to normal (Boniello). The cells are commonly referred to as stem cells which can turn into different types of cells depending on the injury, location, and what the body requires.... [tags: Medical Research]:: 8 Works Cited 1615 words(4.6 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - The greatest risk to scientific progress is to stop taking risks. Dr. Elias Zerhouni from the National Institute of Health gave this quote during an interview to a reporter in 2007. He was referring to Stem Cell research, a controversial medical issue of today. Louise Brown of Manchester, UK owes her life to scientists and doctors taking risks and exploring the world or Stem Cells. In 1978 she became the first baby to be born via in-vitro fertilization, a process where a womans egg is harvested and mixed with male sperm to become fertilized.... [tags: Medical Science]:: 11 Works Cited 2446 words(7 pages)Term Papers[preview] Embryonic Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine - Whereas there are many facets of medical research in the world at the present time, one of the more controversial continues to be stem cell research and more specifically, embryonic stem cell research. The percentage of groups and individuals who agree or disagree with this science are roughly equal on both sides of the argument. There are many quarrels within this one area including should stem cell research be federally funded, is embryonic stem cell research ethical, and is the outcome of stem cell research worth it.... [tags: Embryonic Stem Cell Research ]:: 8 Works Cited 2265 words(6.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Benefits of Stem Cell Research - ... The government is setting a standard law for stem cell donation. The government is claiming that there should be no illegal donations. Also, young parents who didnt wanted child would be in society. They often choose to do abortion, but, they can donate their embryos for stem cell research. Most importantly, only few stem cells are used for developing various types of thing. One or two stem cells can create many different types of tissues and skin cells. Scientists are not just taking massive amount of embryonic stem cell for their research.... [tags: respect for embryos]:: 5 Works Cited 788 words(2.3 pages)Research Papers[preview] Ethics on Stem Cell Research - Bush and his allies say that frozen embryos are tantamount to humans, and therefore are no more appropriate for medical research than are death row inmates.If this bill were to become law," Bush said yesterday, "American taxpayers would for the first time in our history be compelled to fund the deliberate destruction of human embryos."(Babington A04) A newly born baby girl has a spinal cord issue, making for many years of rehabilitation ahead her. A mother has developed Alzheimers, preventing her from having a normal relationship with her family.... [tags: Research, Medical World]:: 5 Works Cited 689 words(2 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research and Treatment - It seems as everyday that passes by more diseases are discovered, yet no cure has been found for the majority of them. Diseases such as cancer; diabetes; Parkinson's; Alzheimer's and many more; that have the capability of not only slowly wearing down your body, but also destroying entire lives and leaving huge gaps in families. What if there is a possibility of finding a cure, and it exists within your own body. Stem cell research gives a great opportunity to patients with incurable and/or deadly diseases that have been around for many centuries.... [tags: medicine technology, genetic engineering]:: 7 Works Cited 959 words(2.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] The Embryonic Stem Cell Conflict - Many of the criticisms directed towards the advent of stem cell research have centered on the source of the most scientifically useful types of stem cellspre-implantation human embryos. Unfortunately, harvesting embryonic stem cells typically results in the destruction of the embryo from which they are harvested, which gives rise to a moral dilemma: is it ethically acceptable to destroy an embryos potential to life. Those who are against human embryonic stem cell research will answer you with an emphatic no; they usually argue much like pro-lifershuman embryos have an equal standing to all living persons and destroying them is akin to murder (Hyuu 71).... [tags: disease research, regenerative medicine]:: 5 Works Cited 1282 words(3.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Controversy of Stem Cell Research - The Controversy of Stem Cell Research One of the most controversial topics these days is Stem Cell Research. There seems to be a split opinion among societies about the research and whether it is socially and morally acceptable. As a society, we need to open our minds to the possibility of broadening our scientific horizons with stem cell research, and take the time to learn and understand whatever we can about it. There are a lot of people who don't know exactly what Stem Cell Research is which contributes to why a lot of people seem so against it.... [tags: Stem Cells Science Biology Essays]:: 7 Works Cited 1409 words(4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Importance of Stem Cell Research - Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is a highly debated, controversial, sensitive topic. Too many people have skewed perceptions of stem cell research simply due to their lack of knowledge on the topic. The ignorant conception of stem cell research is human cloning, test tube babies, and mindless murder of helpless infants. This is not the case. The United States should be utilizing and funding stem cell research; it has miraculous benefit and is morally justifiable. With federal funding stem cell research could achieve its full potential.... [tags: Scientific Benefits, Advances]:: 8 Works Cited 975 words(2.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Use and Research - ... The type of cells adult stem cells can differentiate into, might be limited based on their original tissue but there is evidence stating otherwise. As opposed to, embryonic stem cells that are found in four or five day old human embryos. Lacking the stimulation to differentiate they can just grow and divide rapidly into more stem cells that are able to become any type of cell in the body. Eventually you can stimulate them to become a specialized cell type. b. Notably, embryonic stem cells are harvested in a strange way.... [tags: Body, Organisms]594 words(1.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Applications for Stem Cell Research - ... These osteoblasts will be used to start constructing bones. It takes two to three generations of stem cells in order for the skeletal system to be strong enough to withstand the force of gravity, which can take as long as a few years. Afterwards, stem cells will evolve into various kinds of cells, mostly white blood cells. These cells will be used to construct veins, arteries, red blood cells, and most importantly, white blood cells. Once that is finished, myoblasts and fibroblasts are created to make organs, muscle, tendons, and other tissues to make the body function (Caplan 1).... [tags: embryotic, differentiation, cancer]1334 words(3.8 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research in Ethics - ... Many pro-life people see that life begins at conception so destroying an embryo for the purpose of the stem cells is murder. They hold that everything that is against the value of life. It is a non-negotiable. The government puts limits on contribution towards stem cell research because of this aspect of controversy regarding life. Having done research in college for other courses I saw that stem cells can greatly help people with disabling ongoing conditions such as marie-tooth muscular dystrophy as well as use such cells to develop tissues which can be used in curing chronic, disabling diseases such as Parkinsons, Alzheimers, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries. Some controversie... [tags: morality, philosophical analysis]985 words(2.8 pages)Research Papers[preview] Stem Cell Research is Murder - The stem cell research controversy is one of the major headlines in bioscience and has been discussed and debated numerous times throughout the last decade or so. It became a major issue in 1997/1998 and continued to the 2000s where George W. Bush joined to the problem by vetoing the first bid that was brought forward by Congress to lift funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research. Bush stated after the veto that, would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others and also he stated It crosses a moral boundary that our decent society needs to respect.... [tags: Argumentative Essay, Argument]458 words(1.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Stem Cell Life Safers - Envision a euphoric world where a couple insignificant little cells had the possibility to cure horrible chronic diseases like cancer. Picture how incredible that would be. Now imagine this, the only sacrifice you would have to make to save millions of people, would be killing a few babies here and there. Now how does that sound to you. Sounds like a rapidly developing dilemma. If that was your initial thought, you were correct. This dilemma is called embryonic stem cell research, and it has caused conflicts with peoples opinions, morals, and religion for years.... [tags: Biology, Cells]1639 words(4.7 pages)Better Essays[preview] Benefits of Stem Cell Research - Take a minute to imagine a world where some of the diseases once thought to be life threatening or altering could be cured. Diseases including lupus, Lou Gehrigs disease, arthritis and countless others could very well be treatable. Many would consider a treatment like this to be considered a miracle, but miracle treatment is this, which can help numerous people with their pain and help alter the dismal quality of life that countless others are facing but, yet is denounced as an act against God.... [tags: Scientific Research ]:: 14 Works Cited 2513 words(7.2 pages)Good Essays[preview] Development of Stem Cell Research - Development of Stem Cell Research Tissue stem cells have been used therapeutically for many years in the contexts of Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT), in order to treat many types of blood cancer; stem cell-based skin grafting (Green et al.,1979, Green, 1989), and corneal damage (Rama et al, 2010). In HSCT, stem cells are harvested from the patient or donor and are transplanted back into the patient to restore damaged cells. However, the need for transplantable tissues and organ is far outweighs the available supply.(2, 5) In 1998, Dr.... [tags: disease, theraputic, differentiation]1327 words(3.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Leukemia And Stem Cells - Today, the topic of stem cells is a highly discussed, controversial one. It seems as though there is always something being said about new findings in stem cell research and what will be done with the newly-found information. One of the most conversed aspects of stem cell research is how stem cells can be used to treat potentially life-threatening conditions. Leukemia is one of the conditions being researched along with how stem cell therapy could help benefit the patients with it. In order to fully understand what is going on in the world of stem cell and leukemia research, one must first know what stem cells are and what leukemia is.... [tags: medicine, stem cell]:: 5 Works Cited 1175 words(3.4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Human Embryonic Stem Cells - ... Those that share this ideal, argue that, An early embryo that has not yet implanted into the uterus does not have the psychological, emotional or physical properties that we associate with being a person. It therefore does not have any interests to be protected and we can use it for the benefit of patients. On the other hand, advocates for this research type argue, Fertilized human eggs are just parts of other peoples bodies until they have developed enough to survive independently. The only respect due to blastocysts is the respect that should be shown to other peoples property.... [tags: stem cell research, government]2149 words(6.1 pages)Better Essays[preview] Embryionic Stem Cell Reaction - Introduction As the human race progresses into more advance healthcare and discovered new strategies to cure diseases, stem cells become a debatable topic of interest for both the cell biologist and the common society. Stem cells have the ability to become any cell in the human body. A stem cell can be obtained from any adult tissues like organ, amniotic fluid. Stem cell for research purposes are obtained from a vitro fertilization clinic. As promising as it looks, it comes with an underlying risk that is associated with the use of stem cell.... [tags: bioengineering, health, technology]:: 8 Works Cited 1362 words(3.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] A Look at Stem Cell Research - A Look at Stem Cell Research Research in the development of stem cells has become increasingly popular over the past decade. The fascination in the study of stem cells by scientists comes from the mystery of what the essential properties are and how cells differ. With the discovery of determining how stem cells are self renewing and identifying what causes stem cells to become specialized leads to the ability to create more cell-based remedies as well as preventing birth defects, more precise screening for new drugs and cloning of organs and tissues.... [tags: Ethics Biology Stem Cells Essays Papers]:: 2 Works Cited 1423 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Against Stem Cell Cloning - Cells that have the ability to become, basically, any other cell in the body are called stem cells. These cells would most likely develop in the beginning stages of life. These cells also have the potential to grow. Stem cells have the ability to divide numerous times without limit. This works as a type of repair system within the body. This way, when a stem cell does divide, the produced cells have the ability to remain a stem cell or become any type of cell in the body. When given a route, the stem cells will take on the given job as if that was their normal purpose.... [tags: Repair System, Moral Dilemmas]:: 10 Works Cited 1384 words(4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research Policy - Stem cell research is an ever-evolving area of modern policy. Many bills have been proposed and some have been passed in this area. Stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can be converted into other. These cells have the potential to treat and cure many illnesses for which this is not yet an option. Most of the controversy over stem cell research involves moral opposition. 1998 marked the first removal of a human embryonic stem cell. Until recently these cells could only be obtained through human embryos.... [tags: Moral Opposition, Controversy, Heal Illnesses]:: 11 Works Cited 1160 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Embryonic Stem Cell Research - ... Embryonic stem cell research requires the destruction of a human embryo. This act is considered to be murder by a great piece of the United States population, which has caused a crippling blow to stem cell research (as far as money and factual knowledge goes). In 2007, a different type of stem cell was discovered through the use of adult stem cells: iPS cells (adult stem cells are stem cells derived from adult humans; they are not as effective as embryonic stem cells in their natural state).... [tags: implies abortion, iPS]780 words(2.2 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Therapy Project - ... 3.Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Special regenerative cells are used to repopulate areas of damage with the hope of improving the ability to feel and move beyond the site of the injury. 4. Heart Growth of new blood vessels to repopulate damaged heart tissue Growth factor secretions Assistance via some other mechanism Ethics and Legislation Regarding Stem Cell Research South Africa has a ban on reproductive cloning, but not for therapeutic cloning. There are stem cell banks in South Africa that store stem cells of clients for future use.... [tags: biotechnology, neurodegenerative diseases]667 words(1.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview]
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