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My genetics – How I Recovered my journey through heavy …

Posted: September 21, 2017 at 4:48 am

CYP1A1*2C A4889Grs1048943CTT-/-CYP1A1*4 C2453Ars1799814TGG-/-CYP1A2 C164Ars762551CAC+/-CYP1B1 L432Vrs1056836CCG+/-CYP1B1 N453Srs1800440CTT-/-CYP1B1 R48Grs10012CGG-/-CYP2A6*2 A1799Trs1801272TAA-/-CYP2C19*17rs12248560TCC-/-CYP2C9*2 C430Trs1799853TCC-/-CYP2C9*3 A1075Crs1057910CAA-/-CYP2D6 S486Trs1135840GGG+/+CYP2D6 T100Crs1065852AGG-/-CYP2D6 T2850Crs16947AAA+/+CYP2E1*1B G9896Crs2070676GCC-/-CYP2E1*4 A4768Grs6413419AGG-/-CYP3A4*1Brs2740574CTT-/-CYP3A4*3 M445Trs4986910GAA-/-CYPs are primarily membrane-associatedproteins located either in the inner membrane ofmitochondriaor in theendoplasmic reticulumof cells. CYPs metabolize thousands ofendogenousandexogenouschemicals. Some CYPs metabolize only one (or a very few) substrates, such asCYP19(aromatase), while others may metabolize multiple substrates. Both of these characteristics account for their central importance inmedicine. Cytochrome P450 enzymes are present in most tissues of the body, and play important roles inhormonesynthesis and breakdown includingestrogenandtestosteronesynthesis and metabolism,cholesterolsynthesis, andvitamin Dmetabolism. Cytochrome P450 enzymes also function to metabolize potentially toxic compounds, includingdrugsand products of endogenous metabolism such asbilirubin, principally in theliver.rs762551 (C) allele is a slow metabolizer or of certain substrates including caffeine which means Im more stimulated by it than most people.rs1056836 increases susceptibility to lung and breast cancer, blocks testosterone and inhibits mitochondrial function.rs1135840 is involved in the metabolism of approximately 25% of all medications and most psych meds including antipsychotics and antidepressants.GPX3rs8177412CTT-/-GSTM1rs12068997TCC-/-GSTM1rs4147565AGG-/-GSTM1rs4147567GAA-/-GSTM1rs4147568ATT-/-GSTM1rs1056806TCC-/-GSTM1rs12562055ATT-/-GSTM1rs2239892GAA-/-GSTP I105Vrs1695GAG+/-GSTP1 A114Vrs1138272TCC-/-GSTP genes encode the Glutathione S-transferase P enzyme. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family of enzymes that play an important role in detoxification by catalyzing the conjugation of manyhydrophobic and electrophilic compounds with reducedglutathione. Mutations here will increase your need for glutathione and importance of chelating out mercury.rs1695 influences asthma risk.NAT1 A560G(?) (R187Q)rs4986782AGG-/-NAT2 A803G (K268R)rs1208GGG+/+NAT2 C190T (R64W)rs1805158TCC-/-NAT2 G590A (R197Q)rs1799930AGG-/-NAT2 G857A (G286E)rs1799931AGG-/-NAT2 T341C (I114T)rs1801280CCC+/+NAT2 encodes N-acetyltransferases which are enzymes acting primarily in the liver to detoxify a large number of chemicals, includingcaffeineand several prescribed drugs. The NAT2 acetylation polymorphism is important because of its primary role in the activation and/or deactivation of many chemicals in the bodys environment, including those produced by cigarettes as well as aromatic amine and hydrazine drugs used medicinally. In turn, this can affect an individualscancerrisk.I have a particular combination of NAT2 polymorphisms rs1801280 (C) +rs1208 (G) which makes me a slow metabolizer. In general, slow metabolizers have higher rates of certain types ofcancerand are more susceptible to side effects from chemicals (known as MCS) metabolized by NAT2.SOD2rs2758331AAA+/+SOD2rs2855262TCT+/-SOD2 A16Vrs4880GGG+/+SOD2 gene is a member of the iron/manganesesuperoxide dismutasefamily and may be one of the key sources of my troubles. This protein transforms toxic superoxide, a byproduct of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, intohydrogen peroxideand diatomicoxygen. In simpler terms, the more energy your mitochondria produce, the more byproducts (also called free radicals) get produced. These toxic byproducts tear up cell membranes and walls through a process called oxidative stress.Mutations in the SOD2 gene diminish your ability to transform these toxic byproducts into harmless components. People with SOD2 polymorphisms may not tolerate nitrates or fish oil well. Mutations in this gene have been associated withidiopathic cardiomyopathy(IDC), sporadic motor neuron disease, and cancer.

Now what about SOD1 & 3? I dont know why it doesnt appear on this report but I was able to get some information on it from Livewello and it looks like I am much better off there. Heres my SOD1 and SOD3 status. Just for kicks, I decided to run SOD2 and I find it shows a much different picture than sterlings app: my SOD 2 on Livewello. Notice how it shows that I do have some working SOD2 genes!

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Stem Cell Treatment Idaho | Stem Cell Treatment Sun Valley …

Posted: September 21, 2017 at 4:47 am

Stem cells are going to play a very important part in the future of medicine. Stem cells have been utilized for cancer problems such as leukemia, since approximately the 1960s. In the last decade research has been devoted and is now showing success with the use of stem cells for musculoskeletal problems such as osteoarthritis, cartilage defects, tendon tears and new research is being done for degenerative disc problems of the spine. Pain Care Boise is now excited to be offering Stem Cell treatments for problems such as osteoarthritis, cartilage defects and tendon defects.

There are several sources or ways to obtain stem cells.#1. A human embryo contains pluripotent stem cells. This means they can differentiate into any cell line( i.e. cartilage, tendon, muscle, bone, etc). Of course utilizing cells from embryos continues to be a very controversial and of course ethical issue preventing the wide use of stem cells from embryos.

#2. An induced stem cell is also pluripotent. This is a method in which you can take almost any cell (such as a skin cell) and by injecting genes or molecules into the cells one can convert the cells into stem cells. Unfortunately a concern with these cells is introducing an oncogene, which could result in cancer.

#3. Adult stem cells are what are typically used for musculoskeletal pain problems. Adult stem cells are considered multipotent which means they can differentiate into some but not all cell types. Adult stem cells may be obtained from almost every human tissue with bone marrow, adipose(fat) tissue, blood, placental blood, and placental tissue probably being the most studied. Once again there are obvious ethical reasons for not using stem cells from the placenta. With blood although we can get stem cells, they will more likely convert into blood cells rather than musculoskeletal type cells. These cells are called hematopoietic stem cells.

Adipose (fat) cells do provide a significant number of stem cells and even more than from bone marrow.However, there are several reasons that adipose (or fat tissue) is not used as often as bone marrow. One reason is adipose stem cells do not convert as easily as bone marrow stem cells. This in part may be due to a better immunomodulatory effect within bone marrow stem cells. A second reason is with bone marrow aspirates we also get the benefit of platelets, which are typically collected along with the bone marrow stem cells. Another reason is that the FDA has decided that one of the processes, which utilizes an enzyme, collagenase, to separate the stem cells from the stroma of the adipose or fat cells is considered to be a significant manipulation. The FDA has decided if any cells are more than minimally manipulated they cannot be utilized. The FDA has approved some devices that will mechanically process adipose. However, they continue to deter the use of adipose stating that any processing that alters the original relevant characteristics of adipose is more than minimal manipulation. This ruling is presently being fought by several medical organizations.

This leaves us with the adult stem cells from bone marrow, which are the most commonly used for musculoskeletal pain problems. The bone marrow adult stem cells are often times called mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs. (As opposed to hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the formation of blood cells.) MSCs are capable of differentiating into chondrocytes, which can become cartilage; or into tenocytes, which can become tendons; or into osteocytes, which can become bone; or into myoblasts, which can become muscle. What the MSCs become is highly dependent upon what cell it is living next to or what cell it is placed next to.

MSCs are not only multipotent progenitor cells (meaning they can convert into other cells), but are also referred to as immunoprivileged cells. What this means is that they are immunosuppressive and the body will not reject these cells when injected into another area of the body. They may also reduce inflammation by decreasing the activity of T cells (which contribute to inflammation).

They have a trophic property, which means they allow growth. They secrete cytokines, chemokines and growth factors. This leads us to the one concern with using stem cells. The concern is that injecting stem cells could cause tumors or cancer. This is presently only speculative. Several animal and human studies have revealed a high degree of safety with no indication of tumor growth ever reported.

MSCs also will initiate angiogenesis, which is the development of new blood vessels into the injured area. Obviously this is important to bring in oxygen and the proper nutrients as well as the ability to get rid of the waste products.

In summary, the FDA has defined two categories of human cell products:

#1. Minimally manipulated Spinning the cells down in a special centrifuge to concentrate the cells is presently considered OK.

#2. More than minimally manipulated a. The cells cannot be extracted and grown in a cell culture outside of the body. b. As mentioned above the process utilizing an enzyme to remove the stem cells from the stroma of adipose or fat tissue is presently considered more than minimally manipulated.

Based on the above information Pain Care Boise is now offering stem cell treatments by aspirating bone marrow from the iliac crest area. This is a simple procedure that can be done with image guidance. The procedure is well tolerated and takes minimal time typically under five minutes.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) maybe synergistic to the Stem Cell injections. PRP has more growth factors to release, which will aid in cell proliferation. One of the growth factors is vascular endothelial growth factor, which will further aid in the angiogenesis or formation of new blood vessels.

Although the above discussed a significant amount of science, obtaining your own readily available multipotent stem cells is easily done in a timely manner with image guidance. Your cells are then very precisely placed with ultrasound guidance into the damaged joint, cartilage or tendon by our provider, who is also certified in musculoskeletal ultrasound.

Common indications for Stem Cells:

> Osteoarthritic joints> Cartilage defects> Meniscus tears> Tendon tears complete> Rotator cuff tears complete> Anterior cruciate ligament tears> Achilles tendon tears> Patellar tendon tears> Hamstring tendon tears> Many other tendon or ligament injuries

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Oklahoma researcher says FDA crackdown could be good for …

Posted: September 19, 2017 at 7:07 pm

Oklahoma City The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has taken a more aggressive approach toward clinics selling unproven stem cell treatments, and that's ultimately good for the development of future treatments, an Oklahoma researcher says.

The FDA has mostly left stem cell clinics alone, but that creates a situation where patients are undergoing treatments that might be unsafe, said Paul Kincade, scientific director of the Oklahoma Center for Adult Stem Cell Research.

What I've been afraid of is somebody's going to die and it's going to kill the whole field, he said.

The FDA issued a warning letter to a Florida clinic for failing to ensure the cells it used weren't contaminated by bacteria or viruses, and seized several vials of smallpox vaccine from a California clinic using it in its stem cells preparations. The vaccine couldn't cause smallpox, but could lead to other serious reactions when given to people with compromised immune systems, according to the FDA.

Increased enforcement doesn't mean that patients can now assume stem cell clinics are safe, however. Many may not even be using true stem cells, which require a complex process to make, Kincade said.

The phrase one step ahead of the sheriff' comes to mind, he said.

Stem cells are essentially precursors that develop into other types of cells. Embryos in the early stage of development have large numbers of stem cells, but those are rarely used because some people object to destroying an embryo. Adults have stem cells in their bone marrow, intestines and skin, which allow the body to replace those cells throughout a person's lifetime, Kincade said.

A few years ago, however, scientists developed a process to essentially reprogram an adult cell to return to a state like an embryonic stem cell, Kincade said. Through the right processes, scientists could theoretically coax stem cells into becoming whatever type of cell a patient needed to treat a disease, such as pancreas cells to produce insulin for people with diabetes or brain cells making dopamine for people with Parkinson's disease.

It's a long way from practical application, however, because scientists have to sequence the DNA of every cell to ensure it hasn't mutated to cause cancer, Kincade said. The costs can easily run as high as $2 million.

Commercial stem cell clinics typically don't go through that process, however, Kincade said. Usually, they take cells from a patient's fat, spin them in a centrifuge until they separate, and inject the result into a patient. Some people might feel better from a placebo effect, but the treatment itself isn't likely to have any benefit, he said.

Why should it fix your heart? he said. You don't make heart from fat stem cells.

People tend to underestimate the risks of an experimental procedure when they face a life-changing disease, and enthusiasm for stem cells has outrun understanding, Kincade said. For example, he's seen cosmetics that claim to be made with fruit stem cells which have no use for humans, he said.

Patients are desperate, and we understand that, he said. Too often, people are set on that stem cells are going to fix it.

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5. Hematopoietic Stem Cells |

Posted: September 19, 2017 at 7:05 pm

With more than 50 years of experience studying blood-forming stem cells called hematopoietic stem cells, scientists have developed sufficient understanding to actually use them as a therapy. Currently, no other type of stem cell, adult, fetal or embryonic, has attained such status. Hematopoietic stem cell transplants are now routinely used to treat patients with cancers and other disorders of the blood and immune systems. Recently, researchers have observed in animal studies that hematopoietic stem cells appear to be able to form other kinds of cells, such as muscle, blood vessels, and bone. If this can be applied to human cells, it may eventually be possible to use hematopoietic stem cells to replace a wider array of cells and tissues than once thought.

Despite the vast experience with hematopoietic stem cells, scientists face major roadblocks in expanding their use beyond the replacement of blood and immune cells. First, hematopoietic stem cells are unable to proliferate (replicate themselves) and differentiate (become specialized to other cell types) in vitro (in the test tube or culture dish). Second, scientists do not yet have an accurate method to distinguish stem cells from other cells recovered from the blood or bone marrow. Until scientists overcome these technical barriers, they believe it is unlikely that hematopoietic stem cells will be applied as cell replacement therapy in diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, spinal cord injury, and many others.

Blood cells are responsible for constant maintenance and immune protection of every cell type of the body. This relentless and brutal work requires that blood cells, along with skin cells, have the greatest powers of self-renewal of any adult tissue.

The stem cells that form blood and immune cells are known as hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). They are ultimately responsible for the constant renewal of bloodthe production of billions of new blood cells each day. Physicians and basic researchers have known and capitalized on this fact for more than 50 years in treating many diseases. The first evidence and definition of blood-forming stem cells came from studies of people exposed to lethal doses of radiation in 1945.

Basic research soon followed. After duplicating radiation sickness in mice, scientists found they could rescue the mice from death with bone marrow transplants from healthy donor animals. In the early 1960s, Till and McCulloch began analyzing the bone marrow to find out which components were responsible for regenerating blood [56]. They defined what remain the two hallmarks of an HSC: it can renew itself and it can produce cells that give rise to all the different types of blood cells (see Chapter 4. The Adult Stem Cell).

A hematopoietic stem cell is a cell isolated from the blood or bone marrow that can renew itself, can differentiate to a variety of specialized cells, can mobilize out of the bone marrow into circulating blood, and can undergo programmed cell death, called apoptosisa process by which cells that are detrimental or unneeded self-destruct.

A major thrust of basic HSC research since the 1960s has been identifying and characterizing these stem cells. Because HSCs look and behave in culture like ordinary white blood cells, this has been a difficult challenge and this makes them difficult to identify by morphology (size and shape). Even today, scientists must rely on cell surface proteins, which serve, only roughly, as markers of white blood cells.

Identifying and characterizing properties of HSCs began with studies in mice, which laid the groundwork for human studies. The challenge is formidable as about 1 in every 10,000 to 15,000 bone marrow cells is thought to be a stem cell. In the blood stream the proportion falls to 1 in 100,000 blood cells. To this end, scientists began to develop tests for proving the self-renewal and the plasticity of HSCs.

The "gold standard" for proving that a cell derived from mouse bone marrow is indeed an HSC is still based on the same proof described above and used in mice many years ago. That is, the cells are injected into a mouse that has received a dose of irradiation sufficient to kill its own blood-producing cells. If the mouse recovers and all types of blood cells reappear (bearing a genetic marker from the donor animal), the transplanted cells are deemed to have included stem cells.

These studies have revealed that there appear to be two kinds of HSCs. If bone marrow cells from the transplanted mouse can, in turn, be transplanted to another lethally irradiated mouse and restore its hematopoietic system over some months, they are considered to be long-term stem cells that are capable of self-renewal. Other cells from bone marrow can immediately regenerate all the different types of blood cells, but under normal circumstances cannot renew themselves over the long term, and these are referred to as short-term progenitor or precursor cells. Progenitor or precursor cells are relatively immature cells that are precursors to a fully differentiated cell of the same tissue type. They are capable of proliferating, but they have a limited capacity to differentiate into more than one cell type as HSCs do. For example, a blood progenitor cell may only be able to make a red blood cell (see Figure 5.1. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation ).

Figure 5.1. Hematopoietic and Stromal Stem Cell Differentiation.

( 2001 Terese Winslow, Lydia Kibiuk)

Harrison et al. write that short-term blood-progenitor cells in a mouse may restore hematopoiesis for three to four months [36]. The longevity of short-term stem cells for humans is not firmly established. A true stem cell, capable of self-renewal, must be able to renew itself for the entire lifespan of an organism. It is these long-term replicating HSCs that are most important for developing HSC-based cell therapies. Unfortunately, to date, researchers cannot distinguish the long-term from the short-term cells when they are removed from the bloodstream or bone marrow.

The central problem of the assays used to identify long-term stem cells and short-term progenitor cells is that they are difficult, expensive, and time-consuming and cannot be done in humans. A few assays are now available that test cells in culture for their ability to form primitive and long-lasting colonies of cells, but these tests are not accepted as proof that a cell is a long-term stem cell. Some genetically altered mice can receive transplanted human HSCs to test the cells' self-renewal and hematopoietic capabilities during the life of a mouse, but the relevance of this test for the cells in humanswho may live for decadesis open to question.

The difficulty of HSC assays has contributed to two mutually confounding research problems: definitively identifying the HSC and getting it to proliferate, or increase its numbers, in a culture dish. More rapid research progress on characterizing and using HSCs would be possible if they could be readily grown in the laboratory. Conversely, progress in identifying growth conditions suitable for HSCs and getting the cells to multiply would move more quickly if scientists could reliably and readily identify true HSCs.

HSCs have an identity problem. First, the ones with long-term replicating ability are rare. Second, there are multiple types of stem cells. And, third, the stem cells look like many other blood or bone marrow cells. So how do researchers find the desired cell populations? The most common approach is through markers that appear on the surface of cells. (For a more detailed discussion, see Appendix E.i. Markers: How Do Researchers Use Them to Identify Stem Cells?) These are useful, but not perfect tools for the research laboratory.

In 1988, in an effort to develop a reliable means of identifying these cells, Irving Weissman and his collaborators focused attention on a set of protein markers on the surface of mouse blood cells that were associated with increased likelihood that the cell was a long-term HSC [50]. Four years later, the laboratory proposed a comparable set of markers for the human stem cell [3]. Weissman proposes the markers shown in Table 5.1 as the closest markers for mouse and human HSCs [62].

* Only one of a family of CD59 markers has thus far been evaluated.** Lin- cells lack 13 to 14 different mature blood-lineage markers.

Such cell markers can be tagged with monoclonal antibodies bearing a fluorescent label and culled out of bone marrow with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS).

The groups of cells thus sorted by surface markers are heterogeneous and include some cells that are true, long-term self-renewing stem cells, some shorter-term progenitors, and some non-stem cells. Weissman's group showed that as few as five genetically tagged cells, injected along with larger doses of stem cells into lethally irradiated mice, could establish themselves and produce marked donor cells in all blood cell lineages for the lifetime of the mouse. A single tagged cell could produce all lineages for as many as seven weeks, and 30 purified cells were sufficient to rescue mice and fully repopulate the bone marrow without extra doses of backup cells to rescue the mice [49]. Despite these efforts, researchers remain divided on the most consistently expressed set of HSC markers [27, 32]. Connie Eaves of the University of British Columbia says none of the markers are tied to unique stem cell functions or truly define the stem cell [14]. "Almost every marker I am aware of has been shown to be fickle," she says.

More recently, Diane Krause and her colleagues at Yale University, New York University, and Johns Hopkins University, used a new technique to home in on a single cell capable of reconstituting all blood cell lineages of an irradiated mouse [27]. After marking bone marrow cells from donor male mice with a nontoxic dye, they injected the cells into female recipient mice that had been given a lethal dose of radiation. Over the next two days, some of the injected cells migrated, or homed, to the bone marrow of the recipients and did not divide; when transplanted into a second set of irradiated female mice, they eventually proved to be a concentrated pool of self-renewing stem cells. The cells also reconstituted blood production. The scientists estimate that their technique concentrated the long-term stem cells 500 to 1,000- fold compared with bone marrow.

The classic source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is bone marrow. For more than 40 years, doctors performed bone marrow transplants by anesthetizing the stem cell donor, puncturing a bonetypically a hipboneand drawing out the bone marrow cells with a syringe. About 1 in every 100,000 cells in the marrow is a long-term, blood-forming stem cell; other cells present include stromal cells, stromal stem cells, blood progenitor cells, and mature and maturing white and red blood cells.

As a source of HSCs for medical treatments, bone marrow retrieval directly from bone is quickly fading into history. For clinical transplantation of human HSCs, doctors now prefer to harvest donor cells from peripheral, circulating blood. It has been known for decades that a small number of stem and progenitor cells circulate in the bloodstream, but in the past 10 years, researchers have found that they can coax the cells to migrate from marrow to blood in greater numbers by injecting the donor with a cytokine, such as granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF). The donor is injected with GCSF a few days before the cell harvest. To collect the cells, doctors insert an intravenous tube into the donor's vein and pass his blood through a filtering system that pulls out CD34+ white blood cells and returns the red blood cells to the donor. Of the cells collected, just 5 to 20 percent will be true HSCs. Thus, when medical researchers commonly refer to peripherally harvested "stem cells," this is something of a misnomer. As is true for bone marrow, the CD34+ cells are a mixture of stem cells, progenitors, and white blood cells of various degrees of maturity.

In the past three years, the majority of autologous (where the donor and recipient are the same person) and allogeneic (where the donor and recipient are different individuals) "bone marrow" transplants have actually been white blood cells drawn from peripheral circulation, not bone marrow. Richard Childs, an intramural investigator at the NIH, says peripheral harvest of cells is easier on the donorwith minimal pain, no anesthesia, and no hospital staybut also yields better cells for transplants [6]. Childs points to evidence that patients receiving peripherally harvested cells have higher survival rates than bone marrow recipients do. The peripherally harvested cells contain twice as many HSCs as stem cells taken from bone marrow and engraft more quickly. This means patients may recover white blood cells, platelets, and their immune and clotting protection several days faster than they would with a bone marrow graft. Scientists at Stanford report that highly purified, mobilized peripheral cells that have CD34+ and Thy-1+ surface markers engraft swiftly and without complication in breast cancer patients receiving an autologous transplant of the cells after intensive chemotherapy [41].

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, physicians began to recognize that blood from the human umbilical cord and placenta was a rich source of HSCs. This tissue supports the developing fetus during pregnancy, is delivered along with the baby, and, is usually discarded. Since the first successful umbilical cord blood transplants in children with Fanconi anemia, the collection and therapeutic use of these cells has grown quickly. The New York Blood Center's Placental Blood Program, supported by NIH, is the largest U.S. public umbilical cord blood bank and now has 13,000 donations available for transplantation into small patients who need HSCs. Since it began collecting umbilical cord blood in 1992, the center has provided thousands of cord blood units to patients. Umbilical cord blood recipientstypically childrenhave now lived in excess of eight years, relying on the HSCs from an umbilical cord blood transplant [31, 57].

There is a substantial amount of research being conducted on umbilical cord blood to search for ways to expand the number of HSCs and compare and contrast the biological properties of cord blood with adult bone marrow stem cells. There have been suggestions that umbilical cord blood contains stem cells that have the capability of developing cells of multiple germ layers (multipotent) or even all germ layers, e.g., endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm (pluripotent). To date, there is no published scientific evidence to support this claim. While umbilical cord blood represents a valuable resource for HSCs, research data have not conclusively shown qualitative differences in the differentiated cells produced between this source of HSCs and peripheral blood and bone marrow.

An important source of HSCs in research, but not in clinical use, is the developing blood-producing tissues of fetal animals. Hematopoietic cells appear early in the development of all vertebrates. Most extensively studied in the mouse, HSC production sweeps through the developing embryo and fetus in waves. Beginning at about day 7 in the life of the mouse embryo, the earliest hematopoietic activity is indicated by the appearance of blood islands in the yolk sac (see Appendix A. Early Development). The point is disputed, but some scientists contend that yolk sac blood production is transient and will generate some blood cells for the embryo, but probably not the bulk of the HSCs for the adult animal [12, 26, 44]. According to this proposed scenario, most stem cells that will be found in the adult bone marrow and circulation are derived from cells that appear slightly later and in a different location. This other wave of hematopoietic stem cell production occurs in the AGMthe region where the aorta, gonads, and fetal kidney (mesonephros) begin to develop. The cells that give rise to the HSCs in the AGM may also give rise to endothelial cells that line blood vessels. [13]. These HSCs arise at around days 10 to 11 in the mouse embryo (weeks 4 to 6 in human gestation), divide, and within a couple of days, migrate to the liver [11]. The HSCs in the liver continue to divide and migrate, spreading to the spleen, thymus, andnear the time of birthto the bone marrow.

Whereas an increasing body of fetal HSC research is emerging from mice and other animals, there is much less information about human fetal and embryonic HSCs. Scientists in Europe, including Coulombel, Peault, and colleagues, first described hematopoietic precursors in human embryos only a few years ago [20, 53]. Most recently, Gallacher and others reported finding HSCs circulating in the blood of 12- to 18-week aborted human fetuses [16, 28, 54] that was rich in HSCs. These circulating cells had different markers than did cells from fetal liver, fetal bone marrow, or umbilical cord blood.

In 1985, it was shown that it is possible to obtain precursors to many different blood cells from mouse embryonic stem cells [9]. Perkins was able to obtain all the major lineages of progenitor cells from mouse embryoid bodies, even without adding hematopoietic growth factors [45].

Mouse embryonic stem cells in culture, given the right growth factors, can generate most, if not all, the different blood cell types [19], but no one has yet achieved the "gold standard" of proof that they can produce long-term HSCs from these sourcesnamely by obtaining cells that can be transplanted into lethally irradiated mice to reconstitute long-term hematopoiesis [32].

The picture for human embryonic stem and germ cells is even less clear. Scientists from James Thomson's laboratory reported in 1999 that they were able to direct human embryonic stem cellswhich can now be cultured in the labto produce blood progenitor cells [23]. Israeli scientists reported that they had induced human ES cells to produce hematopoietic cells, as evidenced by their production of a blood protein, gamma-globin [21]. Cell lines derived from human embryonic germ cells (cultured cells derived originally from cells in the embryo that would ultimately give rise to eggs or sperm) that are cultured under certain conditions will produce CD34+ cells [47]. The blood-producing cells derived from human ES and embryonic germ (EG) cells have not been rigorously tested for long-term self-renewal or the ability to give rise to all the different blood cells.

As sketchy as data may be on the hematopoietic powers of human ES and EG cells, blood experts are intrigued by their clinical potential and their potential to answer basic questions on renewal and differentiation of HSCs [19]. Connie Eaves, who has made comparisons of HSCs from fetal liver, cord blood, and adult bone marrow, expects cells derived from embryonic tissues to have some interesting traits. She says actively dividing blood-producing cells from ES cell cultureif they are like other dividing cellswill not themselves engraft or rescue hematopoiesis in an animal whose bone marrow has been destroyed. However, they may play a critical role in developing an abundant supply of HSCs grown in the lab. Indications are that the dividing cells will also more readily lend themselves to gene manipulations than do adult HSCs. Eaves anticipates that HSCs derived from early embryo sources will be developmentally more "plastic" than later HSCs, and more capable of self-renewal [14].

Scientists in the laboratory and clinic are beginning to measure the differences among HSCs from different sources. In general, they find that HSCs taken from tissues at earlier developmental stages have a greater ability to self-replicate, show different homing and surface characteristics, and are less likely to be rejected by the immune systemmaking them potentially more useful for therapeutic transplantation.

When do HSCs move from the early locations in the developing fetus to their adult "home" in the bone marrow? European scientists have found that the relative number of CD34+ cells in the collections of cord blood declined with gestational age, but expression of cell-adhesion molecules on these cells increased.

The authors believe these changes reflect preparations for the cells to relocatefrom homing in fetal liver to homing in bone marrow [52].

The point is controversial, but a paper by Chen et al. provides evidence that at least in some strains of mice, HSCs from old mice are less able to repopulate bone marrow after transplantation than are cells from young adult mice [5]. Cells from fetal mice were 50 to 100 percent better at repopulating marrow than were cells from young adult mice were. The specific potential for repopulating marrow appears to be strain-specific, but the scientists found this potential declined with age for both strains. Other scientists find no decreases or sometimes increases in numbers of HSCs with age [51]. Because of the difficulty in identifying a long-term stem cell, it remains difficult to quantify changes in numbers of HSCs as a person ages.

A practical and important difference between HSCs collected from adult human donors and from umbilical cord blood is simply quantitative. Doctors are rarely able to extract more than a few million HSCs from a placenta and umbilical cordtoo few to use in a transplant for an adult, who would ideally get 7 to 10 million CD34+ cells per kilogram body weight, but often adequate for a transplant for a child [33, 48].

Leonard Zon says that HSCs from cord blood are less likely to cause a transplantation complication called graft-versus-host disease, in which white blood cells from a donor attack tissues of the recipient [65]. In a recent review of umbilical cord blood transplantation, Laughlin cites evidence that cord blood causes less graft-versus-host disease [31]. Laughlin writes that it is yet to be determined whether umbilical cord blood HSCs are, in fact, longer lived in a transplant recipient.

In lab and mouse-model tests comparing CD34+ cells from human cord with CD34+ cells derived from adult bone marrow, researchers found cord blood had greater proliferation capacity [24]. White blood cells from cord blood engrafted better in a mouse model, which was genetically altered to tolerate the human cells, than did their adult counterparts.

In addition to being far easier to collect, peripherally harvested white blood cells have other advantages over bone marrow. Cutler and Antin's review says that peripherally harvested cells engraft more quickly, but are more likely to cause graft-versus-host disease [8]. Prospecting for the most receptive HSCs for gene therapy, Orlic and colleagues found that mouse HSCs mobilized with cytokines were more likely to take up genes from a viral vector than were non-mobilized bone marrow HSCs [43].

As stated earlier, an HSC in the bone marrow has four actions in its repertoire: 1) it can renew itself, 2) it can differentiate, 3) it can mobilize out of the bone marrow into circulation (or the reverse), or 4) it can undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis. Understanding the how, when, where, which, and why of this simple repertoire will allow researchers to manipulate and use HSCs for tissue and organ repair.

Scientists have had a tough time trying to growor even maintaintrue stem cells in culture. This is an important goal because cultures of HSCs that could maintain their characteristic properties of self-renewal and lack of differentiation could provide an unlimited source of cells for therapeutic transplantation and study. When bone marrow or blood cells are observed in culture, one often observes large increases in the number of cells. This usually reflects an increase in differentiation of cells to progenitor cells that can give rise to different lineages of blood cells but cannot renew themselves. True stem cells divide and replace themselves slowly in adult bone marrow.

New tools for gene-expression analysis will now allow scientists to study developmental changes in telomerase activity and telomeres. Telomeres are regions of DNA found at the end of chromosomes that are extended by the enzyme telomerase. Telomerase activity is necessary for cells to proliferate and activity decreases with age leading to shortened telomeres. Scientists hypothesize that declines in stem cell renewal will be associated with declines in telomere length and telomerase activity. Telomerase activity in hematopoietic cells is associated with self-renewal potential [40].

Because self-renewal divisions are rare, hard to induce in culture, and difficult to prove, scientists do not have a definitive answer to the burning question: what putsor perhaps keepsHSCs in a self-renewal division mode? HSCs injected into an anemic patient or mouseor one whose HSCs have otherwise been suppressed or killedwill home to the bone marrow and undergo active division to both replenish all the different types of blood cells and yield additional self-renewing HSCs. But exactly how this happens remains a mystery that scientists are struggling to solve by manipulating cultures of HSCs in the laboratory.

Two recent examples of progress in the culturing studies of mouse HSCs are by Ema and coworkers and Audet and colleagues [2, 15]. Ema et al. found that two cytokinesstem cell factor and thrombo-poietinefficiently induced an unequal first cell division in which one daughter cell gave rise to repopulating cells with self-renewal potential. Audet et al. found that activation of the signaling molecule gp130 is critical to survival and proliferation of mouse HSCs in culture.

Work with specific cytokines and signaling molecules builds on several earlier studies demonstrating modest increases in the numbers of stem cells that could be induced briefly in culture. For example, Van Zant and colleagues used continuous-perfusion culture and bioreactors in an attempt to boost human HSC numbers in single cord blood samples incubated for one to two weeks [58]. They obtained a 20-fold increase in "long-term culture initiating cells."

More clues on how to increase numbers of stem cells may come from looking at other animals and various developmental stages. During early developmental stagesin the fetal liver, for exampleHSCs may undergo more active cell division to increase their numbers, but later in life, they divide far less often [30, 42]. Culturing HSCs from 10- and 11-day-old mouse embryos, Elaine Dzierzak at Erasmus University in the Netherlands finds she can get a 15-fold increase in HSCs within the first 2 or 3 days after she removes the AGM from the embryos [38]. Dzierzak recognizes that this is dramatically different from anything seen with adult stem cells and suggests it is a difference with practical importance. She suspects that the increase is not so much a response to what is going on in the culture but rather, it represents the developmental momentum of this specific embryonic tissue. That is, it is the inevitable consequence of divisions that were cued by that specific embryonic microenvironment. After five days, the number of HSCs plateaus and can be maintained for up to a month. Dzierzak says that the key to understanding how adult-derived HSCs can be expanded and manipulated for clinical purposes may very well be found by defining the cellular composition and complex molecular signals in the AGM region during development [13].

In another approach, Lemischka and coworkers have been able to maintain mouse HSCs for four to seven weeks when they are grown on a clonal line of cells (AFT024) derived from the stroma, the other major cellular constituent of bone marrow [39]. No one knows which specific factors secreted by the stromal cells maintain the stem cells. He says ongoing gene cloning is rapidly zeroing in on novel molecules from the stromal cells that may "talk" to the stem cells and persuade them to remain stem cellsthat is, continue to divide and not differentiate.

If stromal factors provide the key to stem cell self-renewal, research on maintaining stromal cells may be an important prerequisite. In 1999, researchers at Osiris Therapeutics and Johns Hopkins University reported culturing and expanding the numbers of mesenchymal stem cells, which produce the stromal environment [46]. Whereas cultured HSCs rush to differentiate and fail to retain primitive, self-renewing cells, the mesenchymal stem cells could be increased in numbers and still retained their powers to generate the full repertoire of descendant lineages.

Producing differentiated white and red blood cells is the real work of HSCs and progenitor cells. M.C. MacKey calculates that in the course of producing a mature, circulating blood cell, the original hematopoietic stem cell will undergo between 17 and 19.5 divisions, "giving a net amplification of between ~170,000 and ~720,000" [35].

Through a series of careful studies of cultured cellsoften cells with mutations found in leukemia patients or cells that have been genetically alteredinvestigators have discovered many key growth factors and cytokines that induce progenitor cells to make different types of blood cells. These factors interact with one another in complex ways to create a system of exquisite genetic control and coordination of blood cell production.

Scientists know that much of the time, HSCs live in intimate connection with the stroma of bone marrow in adults (see Chapter 4. The Adult Stem Cell). But HSCs may also be found in the spleen, in peripheral blood circulation, and other tissues. Connection to the interstices of bone marrow is important to both the engraftment of transplanted cells and to the maintenance of stem cells as a self-renewing population. Connection to stroma is also important to the orderly proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of blood cells [63].

Weissman says HSCs appear to make brief forays out of the marrow into tissues, then duck back into marrow [62]. At this time, scientists do not understand why or how HSCs leave bone marrow or return to it [59]. Scientists find that HSCs that have been mobilized into peripheral circulation are mostly non-dividing cells [64]. They report that adhesion molecules on the stroma, play a role in mobilization, in attachment to the stroma, and in transmitting signals that regulate HSC self-renewal and progenitor differentiation [61].

The number of blood cells in the bone marrow and blood is regulated by genetic and molecular mechanisms. How do hematopoietic stem cells know when to stop proliferating? Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death that leads cells to self-destruct when they are unneeded or detrimental. If there are too few HSCs in the body, more cells divide and boost the numbers. If excess stem cells were injected into an animal, they simply wouldn't divide or would undergo apoptosis and be eliminated [62]. Excess numbers of stem cells in an HSC transplant actually seem to improve the likelihood and speed of engraftment, though there seems to be no rigorous identification of a mechanism for this empirical observation.

The particular signals that trigger apoptosis in HSCs are as yet unknown. One possible signal for apoptosis might be the absence of life-sustaining signals from bone marrow stroma. Michael Wang and others found that when they used antibodies to disrupt the adhesion of HSCs to the stroma via VLA-4/VCAM-1, the cells were predisposed to apoptosis [61].

Understanding the forces at play in HSC apoptosis is important to maintaining or increasing their numbers in culture. For example, without growth factors, supplied in the medium or through serum or other feeder layers of cells, HSCs undergo apoptosis. Domen and Weissman found that stem cells need to get two growth factor signals to continue life and avoid apoptosis: one via a protein called BCL-2, the other from steel factor, which, by itself, induces HSCs to produce progenitor cells but not to self-renew [10].

Among the first clinical uses of HSCs were the treatment of cancers of the bloodleukemia and lymphoma, which result from the uncontrolled proliferation of white blood cells. In these applications, the patient's own cancerous hematopoietic cells were destroyed via radiation or chemotherapy, then replaced with a bone marrow transplant, or, as is done now, with a transplant of HSCs collected from the peripheral circulation of a matched donor. A matched donor is typically a sister or brother of the patient who has inherited similar human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) on the surface of their cells. Cancers of the blood include acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), Hodgkin's disease, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Thomas and Clift describe the history of treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia as it moved from largely ineffective chemotherapy to modestly successful use of a cytokine, interferon, to bone marrow trans-plantsfirst in identical twins, then in HLA-matched siblings [55]. Although there was significant risk of patient death soon after the transplant either from infection or from graft-versus-host disease, for the first time, many patients survived this immediate challenge and had survival times measured in years or even decades, rather than months. The authors write, "In the space of 20 years, marrow transplantation has contributed to the transformation of [chronic myelogenous leukemia] CML from a fatal disease to one that is frequently curable. At the same time, experience acquired in this setting has improved our understanding of many transplant-related problems. It is now clear that morbidity and mortality are not inevitable consequences of allogeneic transplantation, [and] that an allogeneic effect can add to the anti-leukemic power of conditioning regimens"

In a recent development, CML researchers have taken their knowledge of hematopoietic regulation one step farther. On May 10, 2001, the Food and Drug Administration approved Gleevec (imatinib mesylate), a new, rationally designed oral drug for treatment of CML. The new drug specifically targets a mutant protein, produced in CML cancer cells, that sabotages the cell signals controlling orderly division of progenitor cells. By silencing this protein, the new drug turns off cancerous overproduction of white blood cells, so doctors do not have to resort to bone marrow transplantation. At this time, it is unknown whether the new drug will provide sustained remission or will prolong life for CML patients.

Another use of allogeneic bone marrow transplants is in the treatment of hereditary blood disorders, such as different types of inherited anemia (failure to produce blood cells), and inborn errors of metabolism (genetic disorders characterized by defects in key enzymes need to produce essential body components or degrade chemical byproducts). The blood disorders include aplastic anemia, beta-thalassemia, Blackfan-Diamond syndrome, globoid cell leukodystrophy, sickle-cell anemia, severe combined immunodeficiency, X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Inborn errors of metabolism that are treated with bone marrow transplants include: Hunter's syndrome, Hurler's syndrome, Lesch Nyhan syndrome, and osteopetrosis. Because bone marrow transplantation has carried a significant risk of death, this is usually a treatment of last resort for otherwise fatal diseases.

Chemotherapy aimed at rapidly dividing cancer cells inevitably hits another targetrapidly dividing hematopoietic cells. Doctors may give cancer patients an autologous stem cell transplant to replace the cells destroyed by chemotherapy. They do this by mobilizing HSCs and collecting them from peripheral blood. The cells are stored while the patient undergoes intensive chemotherapy or radiotherapy to destroy the cancer cells. Once the drugs have washed out of a patient's body, the patient receives a transfusion of his or her stored HSCs. Because patients get their own cells back, there is no chance of immune mismatch or graft-versus-host disease. One problem with the use of autologous HSC transplants in cancer therapy has been that cancer cells are sometimes inadvertently collected and reinfused back into the patient along with the stem cells. One team of investigators finds that they can prevent reintroducing cancer cells by purifying the cells and preserving only the cells that are CD34+, Thy-1+[41].

One of the most exciting new uses of HSC transplantation puts the cells to work attacking otherwise untreatable tumors. A group of researchers in NIH's intramural research program recently described this approach to treating metastatic kidney cancer [7]. Just under half of the 38 patients treated so far have had their tumors reduced. The research protocol is now expanding to treatment of other solid tumors that resist standard therapy, including cancer of the lung, prostate, ovary, colon, esophagus, liver, and pancreas.

This experimental treatment relies on an allogeneic stem cell transplant from an HLA-matched sibling whose HSCs are collected peripherally. The patient's own immune system is suppressed, but not totally destroyed. The donor's cells are transfused into the patient, and for the next three months, doctors closely monitor the patient's immune cells, using DNA fingerprinting to follow the engraftment of the donor's cells and regrowth of the patient's own blood cells. They must also judiciously suppress the patient's immune system as needed to deter his/her T cells from attacking the graft and to reduce graft-versus-host disease.

A study by Joshi et al. shows that umbilical cord blood and peripherally harvested human HSCs show antitumor activity in the test tube against leukemia cells and breast cancer cells [22]. Grafted into a mouse model that tolerates human cells, HSCs attack human leukemia and breast cancer cells. Although untreated cord blood lacks natural killer (NK) lymphocytes capable of killing tumor cells, researchers have found that at least in the test tube and in mice, they can greatly enhance the activity and numbers of these cells with cytokines IL-15 [22, 34].

Substantial basic and limited clinical research exploring the experimental uses of HSCs for other diseases is underway. Among the primary applications are autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and system lupus erythematosis. Here, the body's immune system turns to destroying body tissues. Experimental approaches similar to those applied above for cancer therapies are being conducted to see if the immune system can be reconstituted or reprogrammed. More detailed discussion on this application is provided in Chapter 6. Autoimmune Diseases and the Promise of Stem Cell-Based Therapies. The use of HSCs as a means to deliver genes to repair damaged cells is another application being explored. The use of HSCs for gene therapies is discussed in detail in Chapter 11. Use of Genetically Modified Stem Cells in Experimental Gene Therapies.

A few recent reports indicate that scientists have been able to induce bone marrow or HSCs to differentiate into other types of tissue, such as brain, muscle, and liver cells. These concepts and the experimental evidence supporting this concept are discussed in Chapter 4. The Adult Stem Cell.

Research in a mouse model indicates that cells from grafts of bone marrow or selected HSCs may home to damaged skeletal and cardiac muscle or liver and regenerate those tissues [4, 29]. One recent advance has been in the study of muscular dystrophy, a genetic disease that occurs in young people and leads to progressive weakness of the skeletal muscles. Bittner and colleagues used mdx mice, a genetically modified mouse with muscle cell defects similar to those in human muscular dystrophy. Bone marrow from non-mdx male mice was transplanted into female mdx mice with chronic muscle damage; after 70 days, researchers found that nuclei from the males had taken up residence in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells.

Lagasse and colleagues' demonstration of liver repair by purified HSCs is a similarly encouraging sign that HSCs may have the potential to integrate into and grow in some non-blood tissues. These scientists lethally irradiated female mice that had an unusual genetic liver disease that could be halted with a drug. The mice were given transplants of genetically marked, purified HSCs from male mice that did not have the liver disease. The transplants were given a chance to engraft for a couple of months while the mice were on the liver-protective drug. The drug was then removed, launching deterioration of the liverand a test to see whether cells from the transplant would be recruited and rescue the liver. The scientists found that transplants of as few as 50 cells led to abundant growth of marked, donor-derived liver cells in the female mice.

Recently, Krause has shown in mice that a single selected donor hematopoietic stem cell could do more than just repopulate the marrow and hematopoietic system of the recipient [27]. These investigators also found epithelial cells derived from the donors in the lungs, gut, and skin of the recipient mice. This suggests that HSCs may have grown in the other tissues in response to infection or damage from the irradiation the mice received.

In humans, observations of male liver cells in female patients who have received bone marrow grafts from males, and in male patients who have received liver transplants from female donors, also suggest the possibility that some cells in bone marrow have the capacity to integrate into the liver and form hepatocytes [1].

Clinical investigators share the same fundamental problem as basic investigatorslimited ability to grow and expand the numbers of human HSCs. Clinicians repeatedly see that larger numbers of cells in stem cell grafts have a better chance of survival in a patient than do smaller numbers of cells. The limited number of cells available from a placenta and umbilical cord blood transplant currently means that cord blood banks are useful to pediatric but not adult patients. Investigators believe that the main cause of failure of HSCs to engraft is host-versus-graft disease, and larger grafts permit at least some donor cells to escape initial waves of attack from a patient's residual or suppressed immune system [6]. Ability to expand numbers of human HSCs in vivo or in vitro would clearly be an enormous boost to all current and future medical uses of HSC transplantation.

Once stem cells and their progeny can be multiplied in culture, gene therapists and blood experts could combine their talents to grow limitless quantities of "universal donor" stem cells, as well as progenitors and specific types of red and white blood cells. If the cells were engineered to be free of markers that provoke rejection, these could be transfused to any recipient to treat any of the diseases that are now addressed with marrow, peripheral, cord, or other transfused blood. If gene therapy and studies of the plasticity of HSCs succeed, the cells could also be grown to repair other tissues and treat non-blood-related disorders [32].

Several research groups in the United States, Canada, and abroad have been striving to find the key factor or factors for boosting HSC production. Typical approaches include comparing genes expressed in primitive HSCs versus progenitor cells; comparing genes in actively dividing fetal HSCs versus adult HSCs; genetic screening of hematopoietically mutated zebrafish; studying dysregulated genes in cancerous hematopoietic cells; analyzing stromal or feeder-layer factors that appear to boost HSC division; and analyzing factors promoting homing and attachment to the stroma. Promising candidate factors have been tried singly and in combination, and researchers claim they can now increase the number of long-term stem cells 20-fold, albeit briefly, in culture.

The specific assays researchers use to prove that their expanded cells are stem cells vary, which makes it difficult to compare the claims of different research groups. To date, there is only a modest ability to expand true, long-term, self-renewing human HSCs. Numbers of progenitor cells are, however, more readily increased. Kobari et al., for example, can increase progenitor cells for granulocytes and macrophages 278-fold in culture [25].

Some investigators are now evaluating whether these comparatively modest increases in HSCs are clinically useful. At this time, the increases in cell numbers are not sustainable over periods beyond a few months, and the yield is far too low for mass production. In addition, the cells produced are often not rigorously characterized. A host of other questions remainfrom how well the multiplied cells can be altered for gene therapy to their potential longevity, immunogenicity, ability to home correctly, and susceptibility to cancerous transformation. Glimm et al. [17] highlight some of these problems, for example, with their confirmation that human stem cells lose their ability to repopulate the bone marrow as they enter and progress through the cell cyclelike mouse stem cells that have been stimulated to divide lose their transplantability [18]. Observations on the inverse relationship between progenitor cell division rate and longevity in strains of mice raise an additional concern that culture tricks or selection of cells that expand rapidly may doom the cells to a short life.

Pragmatically, some scientists say it may not be necessary to be able to induce the true, long-term HSC to divide in the lab. If they can manipulate progenitors and coax them into division on command, gene uptake, and differentiation into key blood cells and other tissues, that may be sufficient to accomplish clinical goals. It might be sufficient to boost HSCs or subpopulations of hematopoietic cells within the body by chemically prodding the bone marrow to supply the as-yet-elusive factors to rejuvenate cell division.

Currently, the risks of bone marrow transplantsgraft rejection, host-versus-graft disease, and infection during the period before HSCs have engrafted and resumed full blood cell productionrestrict their use to patients with serious or fatal illnesses. Allogeneic grafts must come from donors with a close HLA match to the patient (see Chapter 6. Autoimmune Diseases and the Promise of Stem Cell-Based Therapies). If doctors could precisely manipulate immune reactions and protect patients from pathogens before their transplants begin to function, HSC transplants could be extended to less ill patients and patients for whom the HLA match was not as close as it must now be. Physicians might use transplants with greater impunity in gene therapy, autoimmune disease, HIV/AIDS treatment, and the preconditioning of patients to accept a major organ transplant.

Scientists are zeroing in on subpopulations of T cells that may cause or suppress potentially lethal host-versus-graft rejection and graft-versus-host disease in allogeneic-transplant recipients. T cells in a graft are a two-edged sword. They fight infections and help the graft become established, but they also can cause graft-versus-host disease. Identifying subpopulations of T cells responsible for deleterious and beneficial effectsin the graft, but also in residual cells surviving or returning in the hostcould allow clinicians to make grafts safer and to ratchet up graft-versus-tumor effects [48]. Understanding the presentation of antigens to the immune system and the immune system's healthy and unhealthy responses to these antigens and maturation and programmed cell death of T cells is crucial.

The approach taken by investigators at Stanfordpurifying peripheral bloodmay also help eliminate the cells causing graft-versus-host disease. Transplants in mouse models support the idea that purified HSCs, cleansed of mature lymphocytes, engraft readily and avoid graft-versus-host disease [60].

Knowledge of the key cellular actors in autoimmune disease, immune grafting, and graft rejection could also permit scientists to design gentler "minitransplants." Rather than obliterating and replacing the patient's entire hematopoietic system, they could replace just the faulty components with a selection of cells custom tailored to the patient's needs. Clinicians are currently experimenting with deletion of T cells from transplants in some diseases, for example, thereby reducing graft-versus-host disease.

Researchers are also experimenting with the possibility of knocking down the patient's immune systembut not knocking it out. A blow that is sublethal to the patient's hematopoietic cells given before an allogeneic transplant can be enough to give the graft a chance to take up residence in the bone marrow. The cells replace some or all of the patient's original stem cells, often making their blood a mix of donor and original cells. For some patients, this mix of cells will be enough to accomplish treatment objectives but without subjecting them to the vicious side effects and infection hazards of the most powerful treatments used for total destruction of their hematopoietic systems [37].

At some point in embryonic development, all cells are plastic, or developmentally flexible enough to grow into a variety of different tissues. Exactly what is it about the cell or the embryonic environment that instructs cells to grow into one organ and not another?

Could there be embryological underpinnings to the apparent plasticity of adult cells? Researchers have suggested that a lot of the tissues that are showing plasticity are adjacent to one another after gastrulation in the sheet of mesodermal tissue that will go on to form bloodmuscle, blood vessels, kidney, mesenchyme, and notochord. Plasticity may reflect derivation from the mesoderm, rather than being a fixed trait of hematopoietic cells. One lab is now studying the adjacency of embryonic cells and how the developing embryo makes the decision to make one tissue instead of anotherand whether the decision is reversible [65].

In vivo studies of the plasticity of bone marrow or purified stem cells injected into mice are in their infancy. Even if follow-up studies confirm and more precisely characterize and quantify plasticity potential of HSCs in mice, there is no guarantee that it will occur or can be induced in humans.

Grounded in half a century of research, the study of hematopoietic stem cells is one of the most exciting and rapidly advancing disciplines in biomedicine today. Breakthrough discoveries in both the laboratory and clinic have sharply expanded the use and supply of life-saving stem cells. Yet even more promising applications are on the horizon and scientists' current inability to grow HSCs outside the body could delay or thwart progress with these new therapies. New treatments include graft-versus-tumor therapy for currently incurable cancers, autologous transplants for autoimmune diseases, and gene therapy and tissue repair for a host of other problems. The techniques, cells, and knowledge that researchers have now are inadequate to realize the full promise of HSC-based therapy.

Key issues for tapping the potential of hematopoietic stem cells will be finding ways to safely and efficiently expand the numbers of transplantable human HSCs in vitro or in vivo. It will also be important to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of how immune cells workin fighting infections, in causing transplant rejection, and in graft-versus-host disease as well as master the basics of HSC differentiation. Concomitant advances in gene therapy techniques and the understanding of cellular plasticity could make HSCs one of the most powerful tools for healing.

Chapter 4|Table of Contents|Chapter 6

Historical content: June 17, 2001

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Type 2 Diabetes Articles – Symptoms, Treatment, and More

Posted: September 19, 2017 at 7:02 pm

Diabetes is a progressive, chronic disease related to your body's challenges with regulating blood sugar. It is often associated with generalized inflammation. Your pancreas produces the hormone insulin to convert sugar (glucose) to energy that you either use immediately or store. With type 2 diabetes, you are unable to use that insulin efficiently. Although your body produces the hormone, either there isn't enough of it to keep up with the amount of glucose in your system, or the insulin being produced isn't being used as well as it should be, both of which result in high blood sugar levels.

While this can produce different types of complications, good blood sugar control efforts can help to prevent them. This relies heavily on lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, dietary changes, exercise and, in some cases, medication. But, depending on your age, weight, blood sugar level, and how long you've had diabetes, you may not need a prescription right away. Treatment must be tailored to you and, though finding the perfect combination may take a little time, it can help you live a healthy, normal life with diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is most common is those who are genetically predisposed and who are overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have high blood pressure, and/or have insulin resistance due to excess weight. People of certain ethnicities are more likely to develop diabetes, too. These include: African Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indians, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans. These populations are more likely to be overweight and have high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing diabetes.

As you age, you are also at increased risk of developing diabetes.

A poor diet and smoking can also affect your risk.

There are many complications of diabetes. Knowing and understanding the signs of these complications is important. If caught early, some of these complications can be treated and prevented from getting worse. The best way to prevent complications of diabetes is to keep your blood sugars in good control. High glucose levels produce changes in the blood vessels themselves, as well as in blood cells (primarily erythrocytes) that impair blood flow to various organs.

Complications of diabetes are broken into two categories: microvascular (damage to the small blood vessels) and macrovascular (damage to the large blood vessels). They can include:

Often people don't experience symptoms of diabetes until their blood sugars are very high. Symptoms of diabetes include: increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger, extreme fatigues, numbness and tingling in the extremities (hands and feet), cuts and wounds that are slow to heal, and blurred vision. Some people also experience other less common symptoms including weight loss, dry itchy skin, increased yeast infections, erectile dysfunction, and acanthosis nigricans (thick, "velvety" patches found in the folds or creases of skin, such as the neck, that is indicative of insulin resistance).

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, don't ignore them. Make an appointment to see your doctor. The earlier diabetes is caught, the more likely you can prevent complications.

A diagnosis of diabetes can be done using a variety of blood tests.

If you are at increased risk of diabetes, have symptoms of diabetes, or have pre-diabetes (a major warning sign for diabetes), your doctor will check to see if you have diabetes. Your doctor may also check to see if you have diabetes if you are over the age of 45, have a family history of the disease, are overweight, or if you are at increased risk for another reason. The tests used to check for diabetes are the same tests used to check for pre-diabetes.

Fasting blood sugar test: This test checks your blood sugar when you haven't eaten for at least eight hours. A fasting blood sugar above 126 could be indicative of diabetes. Your doctor will re-check this to determine if you have diabetes.

Glucose tolerance test: This is a test that checks how you respond to sugar. You will be given a sample of sugar (75 grams over the course of two hours). If your blood sugar is above target after that time, you may be diagnosed with diabetes.

Hemoglobin A1c: This test checks your blood sugar over the course of three months.

If your blood sugar is above 6.5 percent, you may be considered to have diabetes.

Random blood sugar test: Your doctor can do this test if you are experiencing symptoms of diabetesincrease thirst, fatigue, increased urination. If your blood sugar is above 200mg/dL, you may be considered to have diabetes.

If you have no symptoms and any of these tests are positive, the American Diabetes Association recommends that a new blood sample be drawn to confirm a diagnosis.

While you can't change getting older, your family history, or ethnicity, you can work on ways to reduce your weight and waist circumference, increase your activity, and lower your blood pressure.

Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fiber, non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fat can help get you to your goal weight and reduce your waist size and body mass index (BMI). Reducing your intake of sweetened beverages (juices, sodas) is the easiest way to lose weight and reduce blood sugars. If you are someone who has high blood pressure and are salt sensitive, aim to reduce your intake of sodium; do not add salt to your food, read package labels for added sodium, and reduce your intake of fast food and take out. Don't go on a diet. Instead, adapt a healthier way of eating, one that you'll enjoy for a long time.

Exercising regularly, about 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes per week, can also help to reduce your weight and blood pressure. Finally, if you smoke, aim to quit. Smoking can increase your risk of stroke, blood pressure, and heart attack, and quitting can reduce your risk of diabetes.

The good news is that if you have diabetes, you have a great amount of control in managing your disease. Although it can be difficult to manage a disease on a daily basis, the resources and support for people with diabetes is endless. It's important for you to receive as much education as possible so that you can take advantage of all the good information that is out there (and weed out the bad).

Don't let others let you feel like a diabetes diagnosis means you are doomed.

All people with diabetes should also be seen by an ophthalmologist after diagnosis. Diabetes can affect the eyes before it is even diagnosed. After the initial session, people should be seen every two years if there are no issues, or more often if there are.

In addition, people with diabetes should have a comprehensive foot exam by a podiatrist once they are diagnosed or if they are experiencing issues, such as tingling of the feet, pain, sores, hammer toes, thick dry skin, or fungal nails.

A registered dietitian and/or certified diabetes educator will educate you on how to eat for diabetes and provide you the tools you need to self-manage your diabetes.

Some other doctors you may want to or have to add to your list as the disease progresses include a cardiologist (to make sure your heart is working efficiently and you have no blockages in your arteries), a vascular doctor (a doctor who specializes in veins and circulatory issues), and a therapist to help you cope with your diagnosis.

What you eat plays a major part in your diabetes controland your weight. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can help you improve your nutrition, lose weight, and lower your blood sugars.

These dedicated Verywell sections can help you improve your diabetes diet know-how:Type 2 Diabetes DietDietitian Advice and Recipes

It isn't always easy to start an exercise regimen, but once you get into a groove, you may be surprised at how much you enjoy it. Find a way to fit activity into your daily routine. Even a few minutes a day goes a long way. The American Diabetes Association recommends that adults with diabetes should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week (spread over at least three days with no more than two consecutive days without exercise). You don't have to start with this right away, though. Start with five to 10 minutes per day and go from there. To stay motivated, find a buddy, get a fitness tracker, or use another measurement tool that can help you see your progress.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that blood sugars be 80mg/dL-130mg/dL before meals and less than or equal to 180mg/dL two hours after meals. Blood sugar targets are individualized based on a variety of factors such as age, length of diagnosis, if you have other health issues, etc. For example, if you are an elderly person, your targets maybe a bit higher than someone else. Ask your physician what targets are right for you.

Read: High and Low Blood Sugar: Managing the Ups and Downs

The above tips are important for you. But it's also crucial to allow yourself time to cope with the diagnosis and commit to making lifestyle changes that will benefit you forever. The good news is the diabetes is a manageable disease; the tough part is that you must think about it daily. Consider finding supportsomeone that you can talk to about your strugglesbe that a friend, another person with diabetes, or a loved one. This may seem trivial, but it truly can help you take control of diabetes so that it doesn't control you. Some next steps that may help you to get on the right track at this early stage in your journey:

Diabetes is a chronic condition that must be managed daily, but it is manageable. You can live a long, healthy life with diabetes if you adapt a healthy lifestyle. By choosing to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and quit smoking, and seeing your doctors regularly, you will increase your energy, feel better, and maybe even feel great.

Many people with diabetes also have other conditions such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Once they change their lifestyle, many of these other symptoms improve or go away. You are in the driver's seat. You have the ability to control diabetes.

And go easy on yourself: Sometimes you can be doing everything perfectly and your blood sugars start to creep up. Because diabetes is a progressive disease, your body slowly stops making insulin over time. If you've had diabetes for a very long time, try not to be discouraged if your doctor has to increase your medication or discusses insulin with you. Continue to do what you can to improve your health.


American Diabetes Association, American Association of Diabetes Educators, and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Diabetes Self-management Education and Support in Type 2 Diabetes 2015.

American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care 2016.

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Type 2 Diabetes Articles - Symptoms, Treatment, and More

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Making your way through Menopause – WOWT

Posted: September 8, 2017 at 1:49 am

FREMONT, Neb. It's often called "The Change" and for some women - it really does change your life. Menopause usually takes place in your 40's or 50's and it affects every woman differently. In today's Health Check, Serese Cole breaks down the signs and the treatment available to get you through it.

For Nancy Low, there's nothing better than a hot summer day.

"I like to be outside and garden," Low explained.

But when she reached her late forties, the heat - became a problem.

"I'm just hot - inside - and you get a little sweaty and you need some fresh air," she said.

She was also tired and irritable.

"I had mood changes...the emotional cry at the drop of a hat over nothing...I was getting to where I didn't want to go anywhere, do anything because I just didn't feel good," Low added.

Nancy had to see a doctor

After hearing her symptoms, Fremont Health's Dr. Karen Lauer-Silva confirmed what Nancy already knew.

"Menopause is very different for every person," Dr. Lauer-Silva said.

Some of those differences happen without you even knowing.

"Silently bones loss happens during menopause," Dr. Lauer-Silva explained.

Not so silent - the hot flashes, night sweats and mood instability.

Dr. Lauer-Silva, "It can affect your relationships for sure, relationships at work, significant people in your lives,"

The good news is there are a number of ways symptoms can be managed. Over-the counter-medication, natural remedies like herbal supplements and low dose anti-depressants can bring women relief.


"There are wonderful hormones which really honestly have the biggest change - the fastest and do the best," the doctor said.

Hormone replacement therapy gives your body the estrogen you lose during menopause. But there are some risks - like blood clots and an increased risk for some cancers like - uterine and breast cancer.

"The American College of OB-GYN concluded that the lowest effective dose for the shortest period of time was the way to go for hormone replacement and that five years appears to be safe," said Dr. Lauer-Silva said.

Nancy decided the risk was worth the benefit.

After just four days of taking her hormones, she feels like herself again.

"I have more energy. I'm sleeping at night, my hot flashes are still there, but they're not intense like they were. I'm easier to get along with," Low said with a smile.

And her time out in the summer sun - is back on.

Dr. Lauer-Silva says you don't know have to suffer through this phase of your life. There are a lot of options out there - from patches and creams - to injections. You just need to talk with your doctor about the best plan for you.

Making your way through Menopause - WOWT

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Transgender military ban leaves man ‘crushed’ and woman misses window to enlist. Now these desert residents are … – The Desert Sun

Posted: September 8, 2017 at 1:49 am

Dozens rally for transgender troops in Palm Springs. Omar Ornelas, The Desert Sun

Members of the community attend a rally on Arenas Road in Palm Springs in support of transgender members of the U.S. military. (Photo: Omar Ornelas/The Desert Sun )Buy Photo

Two desert residents filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration Tuesday, arguing that their plans to join the armed forces had been dashed by the president's decision to bar transgender people from military service.

Aiden Stockman, 20, of Yucca Valley and Tamasyn Reeves, 29, of Desert Hot Springs, say they had met with recruiters and were preparing for enlistment when President Donald Trump tweeted on July 26.

The tweet read in part: "The United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military."

On Aug. 25, Trump formalized the policy with a memo to the the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, ordering that they reinstate a ban on openly transgender people in the military.

VALLEY VOICE: Military trans ban hits home for local minister

The Obama administration had lifted the ban on transgender servicemembers in June 2016. Trans people already in the military were permitted to serve openly; trans people who wanted to enlist could do so beginning July 1, 2017.

Trump's tweet revoking the policy came less than a month later meaning trans people who wanted to enlist had only about four weeks in which they could have done so.

The lawsuit namesTrump and five military officials, including Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, Jr., as defendants.

The defense hasnot yet responded to the complaint in court.

Aiden Stockman and a Yucca Valley classmate attend the Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast on Friday in Palm Springs.(Photo: Lauren Reyes/The Desert Sun)

According to the complaint, Aiden Stockman grew up in the high desert and frequently talked to neighbors stationed at Twentynine Palms about military service. But he felt deep discomfort in his own body, including binding his breasts to hide the curve and even attempting suicide, Stockman told Palm Springs' Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast in 2015.

Then, in 2014,he began hormone replacement therapy, and later that year, he took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test a prerequisite placement test for military service.

Inthe year following his 2015 graduation, Stockman scheduled an appointment for a double mastectomy surgery. He planned to enlist shortly after.

"Upon learning of the August 25 Directive, Mr. Stockman felt crushed, as he will no longer be able to pursue his dream of serving his country in the Air Force," attorneys wrote in the complaint.

READ MORE: Transgender community navigates sea of healthcare obstacles

Tamasyn Reeves first met with a recruiter eight years ago, when she was 21, but was told she couldn't serve because the military still barred openly LGBT people from service. She began hormone replacement therapy two years later.

Members of the community attend a rally on Arenas Road in Palm Springs in support of transgender members of the U.S. military. (Photo: Omar Ornelas/The Desert Sun )

After the Obama administration opened the military to transgender members, "Ms. Reeves decided to enlist as soon as the final procedures for accession of transgender individuals were solidified."

But Reeves missed the window in Julywhen she could've enlisted as an openly trans person.

READ MORE: Some transgender people escape to the Coachella Valley for a safe haven. But why can't they find work?

Frank Pizzurro, a spokesperson for Latham & Watkins LLP, confirmed Peterson and Reeves' cities of residence.

Four other transgender people who'd hoped to join the military are party to the suit, as is Equality California, one of the state's largest LGBT advocacy organizations.

Contrary to what the President states, ejecting loyal members of the armed forces promotes chaos and division, not unit cohesion, said Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California, in a statement. The cost to the government of transition-related care is negligible. On the other hand, discharging thousands will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and will rip trained and loyal servicemembers out of their units, harming military readiness and requiring the military to find and pay to train replacements."

Reach the reporter at

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Transgender military ban leaves man 'crushed' and woman misses window to enlist. Now these desert residents are ... - The Desert Sun

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Vaginal estrogen not tied to cancer or heart disease risks – Reuters

Posted: September 8, 2017 at 1:49 am

(Reuters Health) - Using vaginally applied estrogen to ease menopause symptoms likely doesnt increase a womans risk of heart disease or certain cancers, a U.S. study suggests.

Many women have been reluctant to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause symptoms since 2002, when the federally funded Womens Health Initiative (WHI) study linked pills containing man-made versions of the female hormones estrogen and progestin to an increased risk for breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Some women have also been reluctant to use vaginally applied estrogens, which can ease symptoms like dryness and painful intercourse.

For the current study, researchers examined data on 45,663 women in the WHI study who didnt take HRT pills. After an average follow-up of more than six years, there wasnt a meaningful difference in the odds of cancer, stroke or blood clots based on whether or not women used vaginal estrogen.

The results of the study suggest that the use of vaginal estrogen may not actually carry the same health risks as the use of estrogen pills, said lead study author Dr. Carolyn Crandall of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.

These results are reassuring, Crandall said by email.

Women go through menopause when they stop menstruating, typically between ages 45 and 55. As the ovaries curb production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the years leading up to menopause and afterward, women can experience symptoms ranging from irregular periods and vaginal dryness to mood swings and insomnia.

Study participants who used vaginal estrogen were less likely to be black or African-American, Hispanic, current smokers, diabetic or obese. They were also more likely to be white and college graduates with household income of more than $100,000 a year.

Compared with women who didnt use vaginal estrogen, women who did had a 48 percent lower risk of heart disease and 60 percent lower odds of hip fractures, researchers report in Menopause.

When researchers looked just at women who still had a uterus, the results looked even more favorable for vaginal estrogen users.

Among women who had not had their uterus removed, vaginal estrogen users were 61 percent less likely to have heart disease, and 60 percent less likely to have a hip fracture than women who didnt use vaginal estrogen.

The study wasnt a controlled experiment designed to prove whether or how vaginal estrogen might influence the odds of heart disease, cancer or other health problems.

Another limitation of the study is that researchers lacked data on different types of vaginal estrogen, so they couldnt tell whether one form might be best for avoiding cancer or heart disease.

Even so, the findings should reassure women, said Dr. Michelle Warren, medical director of the Center for Menopause, Hormonal Disorders and Womens Health in New York City.

This shows that it is perfectly safe for any woman to take low-dose vaginal estrogen, Warren, who wasnt involved in the study, said by email.

Some women who have avoided vaginal estrogen because they thought it was just as risky as pills may now be able to get relief for previously untreated menopause symptoms, said Dr. Michael Thomas of the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center in Ohio.

A study like this allows women to safely use a form of estrogen that will help their (vaginal) symptoms, Thomas, who wasnt involved in the study, said by email. They can have intercourse without pain and feel safe they are not risking their life.

SOURCE: Menopause, online August 14, 2017.

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Anita Green Wants to Win the Miss Montana USA State Pageant This Weekend Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal –

Posted: September 8, 2017 at 1:49 am

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Anita Green, 26, will compete in this weekend's Miss Montana USA pageant, the first openly trans woman to do so in the state (and one of the first in the country as a whole). Green is a University of Montana alumna and currently works for an organization that supports people with developmental disabilities. She also made state history last year by becoming the first openly transgender person to be elected as a delegate to a nominating convention. A pageant newbie, Green hopes her presence in the competition will inspire other trans women and she's planning to win for them too.

I have never competed in a pageant before I had been thinking about it for a couple of years now but I wasn't sure if I necessarily had what it took to compete. I hadnt felt confident in myself before but I do now. I began surrounding myself with more positive people in my life people who believed in me, people who knew I could do this.

"If I am selected as Miss Montana USA, I am going to be representing my state and that's something that I don't take lightly."

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I thought it would be fun too; I have never gotten glammed up so much before! My makeup experience has been very limited, so I have been watching a lot of YouTube tutorials on how to do my hair and whatnot. I've never gotten on stage in a bathing suit before either and that's really exciting. But I am taking the pageant very seriously if I am selected as Miss Montana USA, I am going to be representing my state and that's something that I don't take lightly.

For me, it was very difficult growing up as a trans woman. For the longest time, I didn't understand that I even was transgender that's not something that was talked about in the '90s. For the longest time, I thought that I was just gay because I knew that I was attracted to men, but then, as I got older, I discovered that I indeed was and am a transgender woman. I didn't have a lot of resources growing up to help me with my gender dysphoria so it was difficult; I was suffering from clinical depression because I was living a lie for a good portion of my life and I became depressed because of that. I think I was 17 when I first came out as transgender. I came out to my best friend in high school and I told her I was a girl. At 18, I started hormone replacement therapy, and I was in therapy to deal with my gender dysphoria, and I started living full-time as me, as Anita, the woman that I am, at 19.

Of course I'm a little bit nervous [about the pageant]. I think that all of the contestants are a little bit nervous. I hope that I'm prepared and ready. I think I am. I've been practicing a lot in heels; I've worn heels more in the past few months than I have in my entire life. I would describe my pageant runway walk as being on par with Sandra Bullock's character from Miss Congeniality. I was struggling at first but with a lot and I mean a lot of practice, I'm ready to show off on stage! I have also been working out a lot. I've actually lost about 50 pounds [in the] last year with diet and exercise, and it's been a lot of work [but even] making small changes like cutting out soda is a good start. I think that this pageant has been very good for me in that respect. It's helped encourage me to be healthier, and I'm seeing results, and I'm really liking them.

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And I have a message that I want the public to hear. I think that the Miss Universe Organization gives women an opportunity to have their voices heard; theyre encouraging a diverse group of woman to [get involved in pageants] and I think that's great. I want to make some progress for the transgender community because a lot of progress needs to be made. And I wanted to be a source of inspiration; I wanted to give the transgender community something positive some positive news. That's why I'm here.

"All the contestants that I have met so far have all been very accepting of me. I was pleasantly surprised!"

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My friends were very excited for me and have been giving me a lot of advice; I've been working with a pageant coach too, Michelle Font, a former Miss Washington USA. My partner has been super supportive of me every step of the way. I think my mom was a little bit hesitant at first; I'm not entirely sure why, but I think that she was maybe afraid that people would make fun of me or harass me because I'm really putting myself out there. But shes always wanted me to do my best and it didn't take her long to come around.

All the contestants that I have met so far have all been very accepting of me. I was pleasantly surprised! I live in Montana after all, which is a rural, conservative state. As for any haters talking about me, I really don't care at this point. I mean, some people are always going to bash others. I think that it's just important to compete as best I can and hold my head up high [while doing so] and hopefully others will see that. I don't know if my story will add [a new] perspective for people who arent accepting of [the trans community] or if they're going to continue to essentially be bigots, but I'm hopeful that I can change some minds, and I hope that people can see that what I'm doing is a positive thing.

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I'm very open about my identity at this point. [For the Miss Montana USA pageant,] I put that [I am a trans woman] in my contestant biography and I'm sure most of the contestants, if not all of them, have read over everybody else's bio. And during rehearsals, we all had to mention one interesting fact about ourselves and I mentioned that I was elected as Montana's first openly transgender national delegate [for the 2016 Democratic National Convention] and everyone, within the Miss category and the Miss Teen category, clapped for me.

[Going to the Democratic National Convention] was very exciting. It was also very stressful. I don't know if the DNC has seen such a controversial election. A lot of people felt that Bernie Sanders wasn't treated fairly and there were a lot of protests happening at the DNC. And in some ways, it was good because I think that it encouraged a lot more people to be involved in the political process. I wasn't expecting everyone to be getting so riled up, but they were and I was upset as well. I mean, Bernie Sanders was the person I wanted to be president of the United States.

I like to consider myself an educator. I think it's important to educate people and I understand that people sometimes have some questions they genuinely want to learn and I [see myself] as here to help. Now, some of the questions are invasive, but Im happy to explain what is appropriate to ask somebody and what isn't. I really just want to inform people about what it means to be transgender and, like I said, I think that we have a lot of issues within the transgender community that need to be addressed: I think that there should be federal laws making it illegal to discriminate against people based upon their perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression [in terms of] access to employment and housing. Currently, in many places, it is legal to discriminate against people based on [those factors] and I think that that is egregious. I also think that transgender people shouldn't be required to undergo gender confirmation surgery in order to change the gender marker on their birth certificate, and the reason that I think that that needs to change on a federal level is because not every trans person can afford gender confirmation surgery, nor does every trans person want to have surgery!

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"I know that it's not easy being transgender but I think it's so important to be true to yourself because in the end, you are the one who's going to make you happy."

My platform involves fighting for the LGBTQI community, specifically for the transgender community because I think that the best person to be a spokesperson for any community is someone who is actually a part of it it's most appropriate for me to be speaking on behalf of the transgender community because I am transgender. I understand the struggles that members of the transgender community face. I know that it's not easy being transgender but I think it's so important to be true to yourself because in the end, you are the one who's going to make you happy. And the best way we can learn to fight for minority rights is by listening to members of said minority communities; its important to let minority communities voice themselves and allow them the space to do so.

The Miss Montana USA competition takes place in Missoula, Montana, on Sept. 9 and 10. A public vote will propel one contestant through to the top 11 semi-finals round click through to have your say. Anita's pitch: "I would encourage the public to vote for me because they would be taking an active role in making history. There has never been an open transgender woman to win a state title within the United States. I would be honored to be the first!"

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‘A blow to [STAT’s] credibility’: MD listed as author of op-ed praising drug reps didn’t write it. Ghostwriting/PR … –

Posted: September 8, 2017 at 1:49 am

The physician whom STAT lists as author of a now-retracted op-ed praising the vital role of drug company sales representativesdidnt actually write the piece.

Robert Yapundich, MD revealed this key detail in a telephone interview with me yesterday. He stated unequivocally that he did not come up with the idea for the article or compose the first draft of the piece. He said he provided edits to material that originated elsewhere.

Who wrote the article, then?

Here is Yapundichs account of how the events surrounding the op-ed unfolded:

Thats when the problems began in earnest.

As we reported earlier this week, Yapundich received more than $300,000 from the drug industry between 2013 and 2016, according to the federal Open Payments database. And yet disclosure of that conflict of interest was initially missing from Yapundichs op-ed; it was added only after an outcry in the comments section of the STAT piece and on Twitter.

Robert Yapundich, MD

Yapundich says he understands the importance of such financial disclosures and that the omission was unintentional. It resulted from miscommunication with AfPA and uncertainty regarding the disclosure requirements.

In regards to COI, Im not sure what is needed, he recalled writing to his AfPA liaison. Do you need the company names? Which years? What type of COI?

His contact reportedly wrote back: Hold on financial info. Hopefully only needed for AfPA and not for you individually.

Thats the last Yapundich heard about the disclosure issue until STAT called him to clarify, he says.

STAT acknowledged the omission by revising the author bio that originally appeared at the end of the article. Heres how it reads now:

Robert Yapundich, M.D., is a neurologist practicing in Hickory, N.C., and a member of the Alliance for Patient Access. The alliance, which receives funding from pharmaceutical companies, supports regulations that expand manufacturers ability to discuss off-label uses, particularly those that are accepted in compendia and practice guidelines or reimbursed by the government and insurers. According to OpenPaymentsData, Dr. Yapundich was paid $332,294 by industry between 2013 and 2016.

Editors note: This article was updated to include Dr. Yapundichs ties with industry, which were not disclosed to STAT.

So STAT finally clarified more than four days after first publishing the piece that Yapundich has a significant conflict of interest regarding this topic. But in clarifying the extent of the authors financial relationship with the drug industry, STAT raised yet more troubling questions about the articles provenance and authenticity.

Pat Skerrett, who edits the First Opinion section where the op-ed appeared in STAT, offered a slightly different explanation than Yapundich for the missing drug industry disclosures. Writing in an email he said:

I just now got off the phone with the [Yapundich]. He confirmed the industry payments, and said he had mentioned them to the PR company he was working with but that they were not passed along to STAT. [emphasis added]

This was the first indication Id received of any PR company involvement with the article.

The PR firm, which Skerrett identified as Keybridge Communications, touts itself as a DC-based public relations firm that specializes in op-eds, issues advocacy, writing, media placement, and web development. Heres their promotional pitch:

We brand thought leaders. Our goal is to get your message in front of your target audience, whether its influencers and consumers or lawmakers and voters. Opinion media drives the public debate and enables our clients to expand their footprint, sway attitudes, and achieve their strategic goals.

Exactly whose message was Keybridge trying to advance with placement of the STAT op-ed?

Bill Snyder, an associate at the firm, whose name was given to me by STATs Skerrett, declined to answer specific questions about who was paying the bills for the op-ed and what role his firm may have played in the editorial development of the piece. He cited client non-disclosure agreements.

His explanation of the financial disclosure confusion appears to cast blame on STAT for not being thorough enough. But it may also reflect failure to respect accepted standards for acknowledging conflict of interest.

As you know, Snyder wrote, Dr. Yapundich has many relationships with the pharmaceutical industry. This is no secret; the relationships are publicly detailed here. We didnt send this along as we were under the impression that the editor was asking about the Alliance for Patient Access, and Dr. Yapundich wrote the piece in his capacity as a member of AfPA.

Without seeing the entire exchange, its hard to know whether Keybridges impression here is justified. No matter what capacity Yapundich was writing in, his personal financial relationships are obviously relevant. They should have been included if there was any doubt at all as to what STAT was asking for.

Keybridge is well known for ghostwriting on political and health care issues. It has acknowledged a previous client relationship with the Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers Association of America (PhRMA), among other pharmaceutical interests. It seems apparent that they also have some involvement with AfPA, the pharma-backed advocacy group.

Susan Hepworth

For his part, Yapundich suggested that the initial draft originated somewhere within AfPA. But given the financial backing this group receives from the drug industry, this may be a distinction without much difference. Moreover, Yapundich named Susan Hepworth as the Alliance employee who sent him the draft. She is also listed as a media relations expert for a different DC public relations firm, Woodberry & Associates. According to her bio, She focuses on driving and echoing strategic messages for its health care and education clients through the development and execution of an earned media strategy that includes both traditional and digital media, as well as surrogates.

It seems that wherever the op-ed originated, it received careful attention from PR messaging pros before it ever reached Yapundichs desk.

The practice of op-ed ghostwriting is common among politicians and celebritiesand is accepted by many editorial page editors.

But the STAT situation is different and poses significant ethical concerns, says Charles Seife, a professor of journalism at New York University.

Ethically ghostwriting becomes a problem when you have a big concern like a pharmaceutical company thats trying to put words in the mouth of the little guy, he told me. Why is it necessary to omit the name of the person who actually wrote the piece, unless youre trying to obscure the hidden hand of someone behind the scenes whos more powerful?

Charles Seife

Seife drew a parallel to Wyeths use of ghostwriters to promote the hormone replacement therapy Prempro in the medical literature. He said the company penned journal articles and recruited physicians to put their names on them. The reason you do that is to hide the influence of the drug company and to increase the impact more than you wouldve had otherwise, he said.

Its shocking if STAT is allowing this to go on, he added. Its a real blow to their credibility.

Writing in the comments section of the STAT piece, Seife had previously drawn attention to what he described as an implausible story about Yapundichs interaction with a drug company sales rep. Yapundich is listed as a promotional speaker for Acadia Pharmaceuticals drug Nuplazid in the Open Payments database. However, the STAT piece suggests that he had learned of this particular medication from a company-sponsored lunch program. That knowledge led to a patient encounter that resulted in a direct clinical benefit, according to the op-ed.

Thanks to what I had learned at the lunch program, I informed the family about this new medication and wrote a prescription for it. The drug eased the patients symptoms enough that family has been able to continue caring for him at home.

Ive heard shifting explanations as to how this particular anecdote actually went down, and I second Seifes call for an investigation to reconcile the discrepancies.

According to an email from STATs Skerrett, [Yapundich] said he absolutely did not fabricate any stories, as Charles Seife alleged. He said he heard about the Parkinsons drug from an industry rep, and spoke on its behalf later.

But in my telephone conversation with Yapundich, he told me that he was already being paid to speak on behalf of the drug when the sales rep interaction occurred. In fact, Yapundich said, his ghost-written article didnt correctly convey the details of what took place in the anecdote.

It didnt come out the way I intended it to, he said, speaking of the op-ed that carried his name. The article made it seem like Id never seen the drug before and that was not what I intended.

He told me he was well aware of the drug at the time of the encounter with the sales rep, and that the rep had said something interesting about the drug new medication data, Yapundich called it that set off a light bulb in his mind and subsequently led to the positive patient encounter.

I hope there arent other parts of the article that escaped my editorial oversight or review, Yapundich said. The next time I do one of these op-eds, I should be the one doing the drafting and they should be the ones doing the editing and reviewing.

Its worth repeating that STAT has a well-earned reputation for editorial excellence and hard-nosed reporting. A single lapse wont tarnish it.

Yet the issues raised by this situation cut to the heart of STATs credibility as a news source. And theyre not the only issues that were concerned about.

Here are my takeaways and suggestions for how STAT could proceed to repair the damage:

Lastly, I would encourage STAT to work more proactively to ensure the quality and authenticity of opinion page submissions. While authors of op-eds may get more latitude than they would in a straight news piece, the boundaries shouldnt be so wide as to include ghost-written puff pieces from PR companies.

When I raised pointed questions about my concerns with STAT editors, they declined to offer a detailed response or even make an attempt to investigate further and get back to me. They told me I was welcome to do that [myself].

It is the job of STAT to correct this. Not or any other external entity. STAT has a big, well-funded operation some of it supported by drug companies. Its a matter of ethical decision-making. What kind of operation do they want to be?

With the cost of medications approaching stratospheric levels, criticisms of the drug industry have been

[NOTE: This post has been updated. Scroll to the bottom for details.] I woke up

Maybe it's just seeing this - again - on the day after the President signed

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'A blow to [STAT's] credibility': MD listed as author of op-ed praising drug reps didn't write it. Ghostwriting/PR ... -

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