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TREM2 Cleavage Site Pinpointed: A Gateway to New Therapies? – Alzforum

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 11:42 pm

31 Aug 2017

Arriving at the same conclusion, essentially at the same time, three research groups have independently mapped the site where proteases snip off the extracellular portion of TREM2. Two papers in the August 30 issue of EMBO Molecular Medicine and one under review and posted on the BioRiv preprint server report that the site coincides exactly with a mutation in the microglial receptor, H157Y, that boosts AD risk by as much as 11-fold. Its incredible that all three results are essentially identical, said Christian Haass of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, Munich, the senior author on one of the EMBO Molecular Medicine papers. Peter St. George-Hyslop of the University of Toronto, who co-led the second published study with Damian Crowther and Iain Chessell of AstraZeneca in Cambridge, U.K., presented their findings earlier this year at the 13th International Conference on Alzheimers and Parkinsons Diseases in Vienna (Apr 2017 news). Ulf Neumann at Novartis in Basel, Switzerland, led the thirdgroup.

TREM2 binds anionic lipids released during neuronal and glial damage. It supports microglial metabolism and it promotes the migration, cytokine release, phagocytosis, proliferation, and survival of the cells (Aug 2017 news;Feb 2015 news). Evidence suggests that TREM2 spurs microglia to form a neuroprotective barrier around amyloid plaques and to clear A (May 2016 news; Jul 2016 news). Motivated by the discovery of roughly a dozen TREM2 genetic variants that increase the risk of frontotemporal dementia, AD, and possibly other neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinsons disease, researchers are searching for ways to bolster TREM2s protective function. Thinking that limiting ectodomain shedding might improve TREM2 signaling (see image below), the three research groups set out to find the cleavagesite.

Snip Site. ADAM10, or other proteases, may shed TREM2s extracellular ligand binding domain, abolishing TREM2-mediated signaling. (Courtesy of Yeh et al., 2017, Trends MolMed.)

In Haasss lab, first author Kai Schlepckow focused on the TREM2 C-terminal fragment (CTF) left over after shedding. Because -secretase quickly chews up the CTF in microglia, much as it does the C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein in neurons, Schlepckow generated human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells expressing TREM2 and treated them with DAPT, a -secretase inhibitor. After immunoprecipitating the TREM2 CTF, he analyzed it by mass spectrometry. The result was crystal clear: a single major peak corresponding to a fragment with an N-terminus at serine 158. That amino acid lies in the extracellular domain of TREM2, 17 amino acids from the predicted transmembrane domain. Ive had experience mapping other cleavage sites and this one is super-precise. Ive never seen something like it, saidHaass.

Indeed, the result was so clean, Haass wondered if it was real. He had the researchers analyze the sequence on the other side of the break. Because sTREM2, the soluble extracellular domain, is too big to analyze by mass spectrometry, Schlepckow created a TREM2 construct with a tobacco etch virus protease cleavage site shortly before the proposed sheddase site. That way, the researchers could immunoprecipitate sTREM2 from the cell medium, shorten it with the TEV protease, and then determine its mass. Consistent with the CTF results, they obtained a single sharp peak corresponding to a peptide terminating at histidine 157. The researchers got the same results using human THP-1 cells, which are similar to monocytes, the cells that give rise tomicroglia.

Crowthers group also relied on mass spectrometry. First we used a library of peptide protease inhibitors to get a quick-and-dirty answer to where the site might be, said Crowther. First author Peter Thornton at AstraZeneca synthesized a set of D-amino acid polypeptides that overlapped TREM2 amino acids 140-176, where they thought metalloprotease likely cleaved. Then they used these peptides to compete with TREM2 for the protease in primary humanmacrophages.

All peptides that spanned TREM2 amino acids 158-160 reduced TREM2 ectodomain shedding, whereas peptides mapping to nearby regions did not. Interestingly, the most effective peptide worked equally well when its sequence was reversed, suggesting that the responsible metalloproteases recognize biophysical properties, such as charge, to target a specific sequence. To map that sequence more precisely, Thornton immunoprecipitated sTREM2 from the conditioned media of several cell types, isolated it by gel chromatography, digested it with trypsin and analyzed the fragments by mass spectrometry. From human macrophages, primary murine microglia, and HEK293 cells expressing human TREM2, H157 surfaced as the most likely sheddasesite.

Neumanns group tackled the question by generating a series of TREM2 constructs with deletions or amino acid replacements in the stalk region, located between the transmembrane and extracellular domains (see image above). They identified two regions, amino acids 169-172 and 156-164, in which mutations strongly reduced TREM2 cleavage induced by the protein kinase C activator PMA. To pinpoint the cleavage site, they designed a series of labeled peptides spanning the stalk region, incubated them with the metalloprotease ADAM17 in a test tube, and analyzed the resulting fragments using high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The researchers used ADAM17 because their prior data indicated it was a major TREM2sheddase.

Data from Dominik Feuerbach at Novartis also revealed the H157-S158 bond as the cleavage site. The researchers repeated the experiments using liquid chromatography and mass spec to analyze sTREM2 generated by HEK293 cells expressing human TREM2 and TYROBP, which forms a complex with the cytoplasmic portion of TREM2 (see image above). Feuerbach said they included TYROBP to mimic TREM2s physiological state as closely as possible. Again, they found cleavage occurred at the H157-S158site.

Researchers have reported that a histidine to tyrosine mutation at position 157 increases the risk for late-onset AD in Han Chinese and affects shedding (Ma et al., 2014). How might this change affect TREM2 processing? Haass and Crowthers groups compared shedding in cells expressing wild-type or the H157Y mutant. Crowther found that the extracellular domain of the wild-type protein has a half-life of less than one hour on the cells surface. Although the researchers didnt measure the mutant extracellular domain half-life directly, they found cells more rapidly pumped mutant sTREM2 into the conditioned medium. Shedding is fast in healthy cells, but it gets even faster with the variant, he said. Haass group obtained similar results. This was a surprise, said Haass, who was expecting the H157Y mutation to reduce sTREM2 production, just like other mutations that increase risk for neurodegeneration. The T66M and Y38C mutations associated with frontotemporal dementia, for example, preclude TREM2 from reaching the cell surface where shedding predominantly occurs, shutting down production of sTREM2. We got exactly the opposite of what we expected, saidHaass.

On further reflection, Haass and colleagues realized that increased shedding could have the same biological effect as reducing cell surface TREM2 because it reduced the amount of signaling-competent TREM2 on the cell surface. Indeed, Schlepckow found that monocytes expressing H157Y TREM2 phagocytosed a third less Escherichia coli than monocytes expressing the wild-type receptor. These findings support the idea that loss of function is key to the risk associated with H157Y TREM2, in line with most other TREM2 variants whose mechanisms have been dissected. Marco Colonna of Washington University in St. Louis noted that except for two TREM2 variants that increased ligand binding but were only weakly tied to AD risk, all other variants dampened TREM2 function, either by decreasing ligand binding, preventing TREM2 from reaching the cell surface, or, in this case, increasing TREM2 shedding. Feuerbach said the case for trying to therapeutically boost membrane-bound TREM2 is more compelling than ever. From a genetic point of view, this is one of the most attractive targets, said Feuerbach, first author of the BioRivpaper.

To identify the proteases responsible for wild-type and mutant TREM2 shedding, Thornton and colleagues used various protease inhibitors, as well as siRNA, to block or knock down the expression of ADAM17 or ADAM10,a.k.a. a-secretase, which process the A precursor protein (APP). Previous work implicated ADAM10 in TREM2 cleavage (Kleinberger et al., 2014). Lowering or blocking ADAM10, but not ADAM17, reduced TREM2 shedding. However, neither an inhibitor, nor ADAM10 siRNA, blocked shedding of the H157Y mutant as effectively as they blocked that of the wild-type. Crowther hypothesized the existence of a novel sheddase to account for the difference, but also acknowledged the mutant site might simply be more prone to ADAM10 cleavage and, thus, harder to fully block. It could just be that the H157Y conformation is so tasty, that ADAM10 just continues to nibble away, he said. Haass favors this latterpossibility.

Feuerbach, however, said his data points to ADAM17, rather than ADAM10, as the major TREM2 sheddase. In contrast to Crowthers group, which used HEK273 cells expressing human TREM2, but not TYROBP, Feuerbach used Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing both proteins, as well as human M2A macrophages, which are related to microglia and endogenously express TREM2 and TYROBP. To probe TREM2 cleavage, he used protease inhibitors, and ADAM10 or ADAM17 knockouts. His results indicate that TREM2 shedding depends much more on the activity of ADAM17. We would not exclude ADAM10 or other proteases from playing a role, but Id say ADAM17 probably accounts for 90 percent of the shedding, he said. Colonna and Thomas Brett, also at Washington University, thought that differences in cell types might account for the discrepancy. Different proteases might be more prevalent in different cellsprobably multiple proteases can do the job, said Colonna. Also, Feuerbach pointed out that TYROBP might affect the conformation of the cleavagesite.

From a therapeutic standpoint, researchers agreed the proteases matter less than the location of the TREM2 cleavage site. No one is interested in developing an ADAM10 inhibitor for AD, said Crowther, noting it would have too many undesirable secondary effects. Indeed, ADAM10s cutting of APP prevents the generation of A, noted Terrence Town, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Hoping to more specifically target TREM2 clipping, Haass has begun generating antibodies against the TREM2 cleavage site. Not only could such antibodies help people with the rare H157Y mutation, but they might also help nearly anyone with AD, he believes. Antibodies against the TREM2 cleavage site could have a very potent effect, said Crowther. A boost in membrane-bound TREM2 that would rev up A phagocytosis would be beneficial. Indeed, evidence suggests people with sporadic and familial AD have increased levels of freewheeling sTREM2 in their spinal fluid, which may reflect an uptick in TREM2 shedding (Jan 2016 news;Suarez-Calvet et al., 2016). Nonetheless, Haass cautioned that it will be complicated to develop such a therapy because excessive TREM2 activity could beharmful.

Furthermore, any therapy that keeps TREM2 from casting off its extracellular domain will also cause a drop in sTREM2 levels. Brett wondered about the consequences, noting that, at least according to one study, sTREM2 causes inflammation, which is harmful, but also promotes microglial survival (Feb 2017 news). Colonna agreed. At the end of the day, we dont know if blocking sTREM2 production will have a positive, negative, or neutral effect, hesaid.

Regardless of whether regulating TREM2 processing has a future in the clinic, the new studies offer important basic insights, said Colonna. By looking at every single mutation, well understand TREM2 better.MarinaChicurel

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TREM2 Cleavage Site Pinpointed: A Gateway to New Therapies? - Alzforum

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Reconstructing life at its beginning, cell by cell – Phys.Org

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 11:42 pm

The virtual embryo offers predictions which cells express -- for example -- the genes even skipped (red) and twist (green). To appreciate the spatial distribution, researchers can look at the fly embryo from all angles. Credit: Drosophila Virtual Expression eXplorer, BIMSB at the MDC

After 13 rapid divisions a fertilized fly egg consists of about 6,000 cells. They all look alike under the microscope. However, each cell of a Drosophila melanogaster embryo already knows by then whether it is destined to become a neuron or a muscle cellor part of the gut, the head, or the tail. Now, Nikolaus Rajewsky's and Robert Zinzen's teams at the Berlin Institute of Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB) of the Max Delbrck Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) have analyzed the unique gene expression profiles of thousands of single cells and reassembled the embryo from these data using a new spatial mapping algorithm. The result is a virtual fly embryo showing exactly which genes are active where at this point in time. "It is basically a transcriptomic blueprint of early development," says Robert Zinzen, head of the Systems Biology of Neural Tissue Differentiation Lab. Their paper appears as a First Release in the online issue of Science.

"Only recently has it become possible to analyze genome-wide gene expression of individual cells at a large scale. Nikolaus recognized the potential of this technology very early on and established it in his lab," says Zinzen. "He started to wonder whethergiven a complex organized tissueone would be able to compute genome-wide spatial gene expression patterns from single-cell transcriptome data alone." BIMSB combines laboratories with different backgrounds and expertise, emphasizing the need of bringing computing power to biological problems. It turns out the institute had not only the perfect model systemthe Drosophila embryoto address Rajewsky's question, but also the right people with the right expertise, from physics and mathematics to biochemistry and developmental biology.

"The virtual embryo is much more than merely a cell mapping exercise," says Nikolaus Rajewsky, head of the Systems Biology of Gene Regulatory Elements Lab, who enjoyed returning to fly development 15 years after studying gene regulatory elements in Drosophila embryos during his post-doctoral time at the Rockefeller University. Using the interactive Drosophila Virtual Expression eXplorer (DVEX) database, researchers can now look at any of about 8,000 expressed genes in each cell and ask, "Gene X, where are you expressed and at what level? What other genes are active at the same time and in the same cells?" It also works with the enigmatic long non-coding RNAs. "Instead of time-consuming imaging experiments, scientists can do virtual ones to identify new regulatory players and even get ideas for biological mechanisms," says Rajewsky. "What would normally take years using standard approaches can now be done in a couple of hours."

Breaking the synchronicity of the first cell divisions

In their paper, the MDC researchers describe a dozen new transcription factors and many more long non-coding RNAs that have never been studied before. Also, they propose an answer to a question that has puzzled scientists for 35 years: How does the embryo break synchronicity of cell divisions to develop more complex structures?

In a process called gastrulation, distinct germ layers form and cells become restricted with regard to which tissues and organs they may differentiate into. "We believe that the Hippo signaling pathway is at least partly responsible for setting up gastrulation," says Rajewsky. The pathway controls organ size, cell cycles and cell proliferation, but had never been implicated in the development of the early embryo. "We not only showed that Hippo is active in the fly, but we could even predict in which regions of the embryo this would lead to a different onset of mitosis and therefore break synchronicity. And that is just one example for how useful our tool is to understand mechanisms that have escaped traditional science."

Project underwent a tough gestation period

When the researchers started creating the virtual embryo, they did not know whether it would be possible. A key pillar of their eventual success is the Drop-Seq technology, a droplet-based, microfluidic method that allows the transcriptional profiling of thousands of individual cells at low cost. This technique had been newly set up in the Rajewsky lab by Jonathan Alles, a summer student.

However, the fly embryos needed to be selected precisely at the onset of gastrulation. Philipp Wahle, a PhD student in Robert Zinzen's lab, hand-picked about 5,000 of them before dissociating them into single cells. "I was convinced this would give us a large and completely unique data set. This was a great motivation for me," says Wahle. That laborious process created a new challenge. "You need to collect over several sessions to have enough material for a sequencing run," says Christine Kocks, who led the single-cell sequencing team. It was composed of Jonathan Alles, Salah Ayoub and Anastasiya Boltengagen, who jointly with computational scientist Nikos Karaiskos optimized the droplet-based sequencing. "So we had to find a way to stabilize the transcriptomes in the cells," added Kocks. "Finally, based on his earlier work with C. elegans embryos, Nikolaus suggested using methanol." The new single-cell fixation method was published in BMC Biology in May 2017.

As the data got better and better, Nikos Karaiskos, a theoretical physicist and computational expert in Rajewsky's lab, took on the challenge of spatially mapping such a large number of cells to their precise embryonic position. None of the existing approaches in the field of spatial transcriptomics was suitable to reconstruct the Drosophila embryo. "It was a reiterative process to filter the data, see what is inside and try to map it. It changed many times along the way," says Karaiskos. There was a lot of back and forth between members of the computer lab and wet labexchanges that are a defining characteristic of the BIMSB. "I had to question my work all the time, see where it was lacking and develop something better." He came up with a new algorithm called DistMap that can map transcriptomic data of cells back to their original position in the virtual embryo.

Navigating unchartered territory

The construction of the virtual embryo allowed Karaiskos to readily predict the expression of thousands of genes, an almost impossible task by traditional experimental means. Philipp Wahle, supported by Claudia Kipar, validated these predictions by visualizing the gene expression profiles at the bench with a traditional approach: In situ hybridization allows visualizing patterns of gene expression with colorful dyes that are visible under the microscope. "At this stage, a single layer of cells surrounds the entire fly embryo," says Wahle. "This makes it very accessible, thus enabling you to compare the computational data with imaging."

It is the first time that it has been possible to look at the about 6,000 cells of the embryo individually, assess their gene expression profilesand understand what determines their behavior in the embryo. "The most important technological advance of this study is that we don't lose the spatial information that is required to understand how embryonic cells act in concert," say the scientists. "This really is unchartered territory and requires new bioinformatics approaches to make sense of the collected data. This worked beautifully in our collaboration, not least because of the unique make-up of the Rajewsky lab, which integrates wet lab and computational approaches." One major advantage is that both groups are not only interested in technology but have specific biological questions that motivate them, says Rajewsky. "Robert has a deep understanding of early development. We can do single-cell sequencing runs and have the computational power to develop the tools that help us actually understand the underlying gene regulatory interactions."

The groups are already planning follow-up projects. One example would be to map the cells at different time points to see how they work together to form organs and tissues. Another would be to check whether the mapping approaches are applicable to more complex tissues.

Explore further: Lockdown genes to reduce IVF failure rates

More information: "The Drosophila Embryo at Single Cell Transcriptome Resolution" Science (2017). 1126/science.aan3235

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Dr. Pawel Muranski to Head New Cellular Immunotherapy Laboratory at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University … – Newswise (press release)

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 11:42 pm

Newswise New York (August 31, 2017) Scientific innovator and physician Dr. Pawel Muranski has joined NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) as director of cellular immunotherapy at the newly established Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) cell production lab and assistant director of Transfusion Medicine and Cellular Therapy. He will also serve on the faculty of CUMC as Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pathology and Cell Biology, a principal investigator at Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (CCTI) and a member of Columbias Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Were thrilled to have Dr. Muranski joining us to continue his innovative work, said Dr. Gary Schwartz, chief of the Division of Hematology/Oncology at NewYork-Presbyterian/CUMC and the Clyde 56 and Helen Wu Professor of Oncology (in medicine) at CUMC. His approach to T cell-based therapy holds so much potential and could revolutionize care for cancer patients, transplant patients and others.

Dr. Muranski is a hematologist who specializes in bone marrow transplantation and in developing adoptive T cell therapies, in which white blood cells called T lymphocytes are removed from a patient or a donor and then programmed to target viral infections, leukemic cells and solid tumors. Adoptive transfer of T cells, including Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)-T therapy has shown great promise in early trials of patients with leukemia, lymphoma and several solid cancersin some cases leading to a complete remission.

Dr. Muranskis research will continue to focus on exploiting and enhancing the capability of engineered T cells to recognize and target cancerous cells or dangerous viruses. He has a particular interest in developing CD4+ T helper cellsthe master orchestrators of immune responseas a potentially powerful weapon against cancer. His T cells can also target viral infections in patients whose immune systems have been weakened by bone marrow or organ transplantation, cancer treatment, or autoimmune diseases.

Despite recent spectacular advances in the field of cancer immunotherapy, very few institutions have GMP laboratories with the capacity to grow and manipulate T cells, said Dr. Muranski. NewYork-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center are now positioned to become leaders in cutting-edge cellular immunotherapies. Im excited to work with the team here on developing a comprehensive program that brings these innovative treatments to our patients.

In addition to his work in the GMP lab, Dr. Muranski will be working with Dr. Prakash Satwani, a pediatric hematologist and oncologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and associate professor of pediatrics at CUMC, on an upcoming major CAR-T cell initiative. He will also work closely with Dr. Markus Mapara, director of the Adult Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia and professor of medicine at CUMC.

Dr. Muranski trained as a fellow at the Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, where he performed innovative studies aimed at understanding of the role of CD4+ T cells as mediators of curative anti-tumor immunity. Most recently, he served in Hematology Branch, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the NIH, where his research focused on using T cell-based therapies to prevent viral infections in patients undergoing donor-based stem cell transplantation for blood cancers.

He earned his medical degree from the Medical University of Warsaw in Poland before completing a research fellowship at the Institute for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Medical College of Georgia and a residency at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois. He completed a clinical fellowship in hematology and oncology at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.


NewYork-Presbyterian is one of the nations most comprehensive, integrated academic healthcare delivery systems, whose organizations are dedicated to providing the highest quality, most compassionate care and service to patients in the New York metropolitan area, nationally, and throughout the globe. In collaboration with two renowned medical schools, Weill Cornell Medicine and Columbia University Medical Center, NewYork-Presbyterian is consistently recognized as a leader in medical education, groundbreaking research and innovative, patient-centered clinical care.

NewYork-Presbyterian has four major divisions:

Columbia University Medical Center

Columbia University Medical Centerprovides international leadership in basic, preclinical, and clinical research; medical and health sciences education; and patient care. The medical center trains future leaders and includes the dedicated work of many physicians, scientists, public health professionals, dentists, and nurses at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Mailman School of Public Health, the College of Dental Medicine, the School of Nursing, the biomedical departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and allied research centers and institutions. Columbia University Medical Center is home to the largest medical research enterprise in New York City and State and one of the largest faculty medical practices in the Northeast. The campus that Columbia University Medical Center shares with its hospital partner, NewYork-Presbyterian, is now called the Columbia University Irving Medical Center. For more information, visit

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Dr. Pawel Muranski to Head New Cellular Immunotherapy Laboratory at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University ... - Newswise (press release)

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Out of a fish gut study, researchers open new doors in intestinal health – Durham Herald Sun

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 11:41 pm

A recent Duke University study sheds new light on intestinal health and disease.

The study, called Genomic Dissection of Conserved Transcriptional Regulation in Intestinal Epithelial Cells, published Tuesday in PLOS Biology journal.

Scientists identified an ancient network of genes shared between humans and other vertebrates that make up the intestine.

These results indicate that the intestines of humans and fishes share more in common than once presumed, making it possible to look into the guts of fish and other related animals to learn about the origins of human intestinal conditions, said Dr. John Rawls, the senior author of the study.

Some of the shared genes have previously been linked to diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases and obesity. Rawls, associate professor of molecular genetics and microbiology at Dukes School of Medicine, said the researchers believe they discovered what may turn those genes on and off.

Our research has uncovered aspects of intestinal biology that have been well-conserved during vertebrate evolution, suggesting they are of central importance to intestinal health, Rawls said in a news release from Duke. By doing so, we have built a foundation for mechanistic studies of intestinal biology in non-human model systems like fish and mice that would be impossible to perform in humans alone.

The use of animals in human intestinal research is nothing new. But genome-wide data generated from zebrafish, stickleback fish, mice and humans identified the extent the genes were shared among the species.

Dr. Colin Lickwar, a co-author of the study, mapped out each species activity level for all of the genes and the location of specific genetic sequences or regulatory elements that flipped those genes on and off, the university reported.

The project was supported by Duke University and the National Institutes of Health.

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Out of a fish gut study, researchers open new doors in intestinal health - Durham Herald Sun

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Gene-Silencing Finding May Lead to Better Understanding of Some … – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Researchers at the University of Alabama (UAB) at Birmingham report the discovery of an important role for the RSF1, or remodeling and spacing factor 1, protein in silencing genes. They also demonstrated that disrupting RSF1 expression in the embryos of African clawed frogs caused severe developmental defects in the tadpoles. This took place via a dysregulation of mesodermal cell fate specification.

The team published its paper ("Role of Remodeling and Spacing Factor 1 in Histone H2A Ubiquitination-Mediated Gene Silencing") in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Understanding how genes get turned on or off is critical for developing better therapies for diseases like cancer.

Histone H2AK119 ubiquitination (H2Aub), as mediated by Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1), is a prevalent modification which has been linked to gene silencing. We report that remodeling and spacing factor 1 (RSF1), a subunit of the RSF complex, is a H2Aub-binding protein. It reads H2Aub through a previously uncharacterized ubiquitinated H2A binding (UAB) domain, write the investigators. We show that RSF1 is required both for H2Aub-target gene silencing and for maintaining stable nucleosome patterns at promoter regions.

According to Hengbin Wang, Ph.D., and colleagues, RSF1 acts on chromatin, which is not static but changes in its structure to control different physiological processes. One contributor to chromatin fluidity involves modifications of the histone proteins made by adding or removing chemical groups to the histone tails, says Dr. Wang, who notes that histones can be modified by acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, ubiquitination, or adenosine diphosphate (ADP) ribosylation.

In the current study, Dr. Wang, an associate professor of biochemistry and molecular genetics in the UAB School of Medicine, looked at the addition of ubiquitin to the histone subunit H2A. This modification is linked to gene silencing, while removing ubiquitin from H2A leads to gene activation. Dr. Wang and colleagues discovered that RSF1 mediates the gene-silencing function of ubiquitinated H2A.

They found that RSF1 is a ubiquitinated H2A binding protein that reads ubiquitinated H2A through a previously uncharacterized and obligatory ubiquitinated H2A binding domain.

Carrying out research on human and mouse cells, the team found that the genes regulated by RSF1 overlapped greatly with those controlled by part of a complex that ubiquitinates H2A. Knocking out RSF1 in cells derepressed the genes regulated by RSF1, and this was accompanied by changes in ubiquitinated H2A chromatin organization and release of linker histone H1.

In the PNAS paper, Dr. Wang and his group suggested a model for the action of RSF1 in gene silencing.

"RSF1 binds to ubiquitinated H2A nucleosomes to establish and maintain the stable ubiquitinated H2A nucleosome pattern at promoter regions," they write. "The stable nucleosome array leads to a chromatin architecture that is refractory to further remodeling required for ubiquitinated H2A target gene activation. When RSF1 is knocked out, ubiquitinated H2A nucleosome patterns are disturbed and nucleosomes become less stable, despite the presence of ubiquitinated H2A. These ubiquitinated H2A nucleosomes are subjected to chromatin remodeling for gene activation."

Dr. Wang believes that learning more about the ubiquitinated H2A binding site may help in the discovery of other ubiquitinated histone-binding proteins.

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Getting the word out: Seminar, walk put spotlight on Sickle Cell disease – Dothan Eagle

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 11:41 pm

Sickle Cell disease has long been referred to as a black persons disease. But that is not the reality. According to the National Institutes of Health, There are also many people with this disease who come from Hispanic, southern European, Middle Eastern or Asian Indian backgrounds.

The need to educate the public to the dangers of this disease and how pervasive it has led to the creation a two-day local event that will be held Sept. 22-23 as part of National Sickle Cell Awareness Month.

Our sorority, Kappa Alpha Kappa (Kappa Pi Omega Chapter), and the Community Awareness Foundation have read a lot of information about this disease, said Linda Garrett, president if the Community Awareness Foundation. We have realized, especially in the medical community, there is a disconnect. This has always been viewed as a black persons disease. Predominantly a black persons disease, yes, but any human being can get this disease.

The disease, according to NIH, is not contagious. A person cannot catch it, like a cold or infection, from someone else. It is an inherited disease, which means that the disease is passed by genes from parents to their children.

Sickle cell disease is caused by a group of inherited red blood cell disorders causing abnormal hemoglobin. The importance of hemoglobin is that it carries oxygen to all parts of the body. The most common and many times the most severe form of sickle cell disease is sickle cell anemia.

Garrett notes the concern about this disease grew from early community conversations.

The discussions began on a knowledge level, Garrett said as she began to give the background to what has grown into a two-day awareness and fundraising campaign. We started educating the community. In 2007 we forged a partnership with Southeast Alabama Medical Center, which is how we started the lecture series. We scheduled professionals (in the field) to talk about the disease.

The invited speaker for this years event is Tim M. Townes, PhD, from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. His lab research focus is the Development Regulation of Gene Express.

From the lecture series we moved to making donations toward helping the clients in the area who have sickle cell disease, Garrett continued. We work with the Southeast Alabama Sickle Cell Association, which covers 10 Wiregrass counties (Barbour, Bullock, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Lee, Macon, Pike and Russell). We help raise funds for things like client medications, trips to the clinic at the University of South Alabama. The state has two comprehensive health centers, South Alabama, which covers our area, and UAB. Clients can go to Birmingham, if they choose to do so. Research in this disease is being done at both. Weve involved professionals from both facilities.

While a lecture series educates a portion of the community, Garrett says more was needed to broaden the scope of community awareness of the disease.

In 2011, because we wanted to educate the community, we started the walk-a-thon, she said. We want to raise the publics awareness of this disease and to also raise some funds to go to SEASCA. They do a lot for their clients. They handle personal issues for their clients.

Garrett believes public awareness of the dangers of sickle cell disease is vital.

This is a disease that affects children and adults, she said. Today, every (newborn) baby is pre-screened for sickle cell disease. The centers (USA, UAB) are notified if a trait for this disease is found. The families are also notified. The childs name is placed in the network, which will allow the parents to receive guidance and treatment (for their children).

This will mark the seventh year for the Sickle Cell Walk-a-Thon, which will be held Saturday, Sept. 23, at the Westgate Park Walking Trail. Registration for the event will be held from 7:15-8:15 a.m. Warm-up will begin at8:15, followed by a walk on the trail from 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Weve gotten really good participation, Garrett said. It continues to grow every year. Our efforts to raise awareness and to impact the community in a positive way have been successful. Public awareness is important. Its almost like this has been a silent disease.

Garrett says there are other avenues that need to be pursued to continue the education and awareness efforts.

We really need to work on our schools understanding that these children (afflicted with sickle cell disease) need nurturing to get them through the crises (caused by the disease), Garrett said. We hope to get our school nurses more involved.

Its only fitting, Garrett notes, that the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and its nonprofit arm, the Community Advancement Foundation, would take a lead role in this effort.

This is an opportunity to have compassion for fellow humans, Garrett said. The Alpha Kappa Alpha mantra is Service to all mankind. The fact that this is a service opportunity that positively impacts the lives of a segment of our population that suffers is awesome. As you can tell, Im very passionate about this. I have a niece who has sickle cell. Shes in law school now. It requires a very supportive network for a child to manage this illness and lifes goals at the same time. Not all children with this disease have that support. Were trying to open doors to level the playing field.

The two-day Sickle Cell Awareness Campaign is sponsored by the Community Advancement Foundation, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. (Kappa Pi Omega Chapter, Life South Community Blood Centers, Southeast Alabama Medical Center, Ta-Seti Shriners Temple #253 and the Southeast Alabama Sickle Cell Association Inc.

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Getting the word out: Seminar, walk put spotlight on Sickle Cell disease - Dothan Eagle

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FDA Cracks Down On Stem-Cell Clinics Selling Unapproved Treatments – Delaware First Media

Posted: August 30, 2017 at 11:51 am

The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on "unscrupulous" clinics selling unproven and potentially dangerous treatments involving stem cells.

Hundreds of clinics around the country have started selling stem cell therapies that supposedly use stem cells but have not been approved as safe and effective by the FDA, according to the agency.

"There are a small number of unscrupulous actors who have seized on the clinical promise of regenerative medicine, while exploiting the uncertainty, in order to make deceptive, and sometimes corrupt assurances to patients based on unproven and, in some cases, dangerously dubious products," FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in a statement Monday.

The FDA has taken action against clinics in California and Florida.

The agency sent a warning letter to the US Stem Cell Clinic of Sunrise, Fla., and its chief scientific officer, Kristin Comella, for "marketing stem cell products without FDA approval and significant deviations from current good manufacturing practice requirements."

The clinic is one of many around the country that claim to use stem cells derived from a person's own fat to treat a variety of conditions, including Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and lung and heart diseases, the FDA says.

The Florida clinic had been previously linked to several cases of blindness caused by attempts to use fat stem cells to treat macular degeneration.

The FDA also said it has taken "decisive action" to "prevent the use of a potentially dangerous and unproven treatment" offered by StemImmune Inc. of San Diego, Calif., and administered to patients at California Stem Cell Treatment Centers in Rancho Mirage and Beverly Hills, Calif.

As part of that action, the U.S. Marshals Service seized five vials of live vaccinia virus vaccine that is supposed to be reserved for people at high risk for smallpox but was being used as part of a stem-cell treatment for cancer, according to the FDA. "The unproven and potentially dangerous treatment was being injected intravenously and directly into patients' tumors," according to an FDA statement.

Smallpox essentially has been eradicated from the planet, but samples are kept in reserve in the U.S. and Russia, and vaccines are kept on hand as a result.

But Elliot Lander, medical director of the California Stem Cell Treatment Centers, denounced the FDA's actions in an interview with Shots.

"I think it's egregious," Lander says. "I think they made a mistake. I'm really baffled by this."

While his clinics do charge some patients for treatments that use stem cells derived from fat, Lander says, none of the cancer patients were charged and the treatments were administered as part of a carefully designed research study.

"Nobody was charged a single penny," Lander says. "We're just trying to move the field forward."

In a written statement, U.S. Stem Cell also defended its activities.

"The safety and health of our patients are our number one priority and the strict standards that we have in place follow the laws of the Food and Drug Administration," according to the statement.

"We have helped thousands of patients harness their own healing potential," the statement says. "It would be a mistake to limit these therapies from patients who need them when we are adhering to top industry standards."

But stem-cell researchers praised the FDA's actions.

"This is spectacular," says George Daley, dean of the Harvard Medical School and a leading stem-cell researcher. "This is the right thing to do."

Daley praised the FDA's promise to provide clear guidance soon for vetting legitimate stem-cell therapies while cracking down on "snake-oil salesmen" marketing unproven treatments.

Stem-cell research is "a major revolution in medicine. It's bound to ultimately deliver cures," Daley says. "But it's so early in the field," he adds. "Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous practitioners and clinics that are marketing therapies to patients, often at great expense, that haven't been proven to work and may be unsafe."

Others agreed.

"I see this is a major, positive step by the FDA," says Paul Knoepfler, a professor of cell biology at the University of of California, Davis, who has documented the proliferation of stem-cell clinics.

"I'm hoping that this signals a historic shift by the FDA to tackle the big problem of stem-cell clinics selling unapproved and sometimes dangerous stem cell "treatments" that may not be real treatments," Knoepfler says.

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FDA Cracks Down On Stem-Cell Clinics Selling Unapproved Treatments - Delaware First Media

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Gene Therapy – Abeona Therapeutics

Posted: August 30, 2017 at 11:49 am

Gene therapy is the use of DNA as a potential therapy to treat a disease.In many disorders, particularly genetic diseases caused by a single genetic defect, gene therapy aims to treat a disease by delivering the correct copy of DNA into a patients cells.The healthy, functional copy of the therapeutic gene then helps the cell function correctly.

In gene therapy, DNA that encodes a therapeutic protein is packaged within a vector, often a naked virus, which is used to transfer the DNA to the inside of cells within the body. Gene therapy can be delivered by a direct injection, either intravenously (IV) or directly into a specific tissue in the body, where it is taken up by individual cells. Once inside cells, the correct DNA becomes expressed by the cell machinery, resulting in the production of therapeutic protein, which in turn treats the patients disease and can provide long-term benefit.

Abeona is developing next generation adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapies. Viruses such as AAV are utilized because they have evolved a way of encapsulating and delivering one or more genes of the size needed for clinical application, and can be purified in large quantities at high concentration. Unlike AAV vectors found in nature, the AAV vectors used by Abeona have been genetically-modified such that they do not replicate. Although the preclinical studies in animal models of disease demonstrate the promising impact of AAV-mediated gene expression to affected tissues such as the heart, liver and muscle, our programs use a specific virus that is capable of delivering therapeutic DNA across the blood brain barrier and into the central nervous system (CNS), making them attractive for addressing lysosomal storage diseases which have severe CNS manifestations of the disease.

Lysosomal storage diseases (LSD) are a group of rare inborn errors of metabolism resulting from deficiency in normal lysosomal function. These diseases are characterized by progressive accumulation of storage material within the lysosomes of affected cells, ultimately leading to cellular dysfunction. Multiple tissues ranging from musculoskeletal and visceral to tissues of the central nervous system are typically involved in disease pathology.

Since the advent of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) to manage some LSDs, general clinical outcomes have significantly improved; however, treatment with infused protein is lifelong and continued disease progression is still evident in patients. Thus, viral gene therapy may provide a viable alternative or adjunctive therapy to current management strategies for LSDs.

Our initial programs are focused on LSDs such as Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) IIIA and IIIB, also known as Sanfilippo syndromes type A and type B. MPS III is a progressive neuromuscular disease with profound CNS involvement. Our lead product candidates, ABO-101 and ABO-102, have been developed to replace the damaged, malfunctioning enzymes within target cells with the normal, functioning version.

Delivered via a single injection, the drug is only given once.

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CSL Behring buys Calimmune for early stem cell, gene therapy boost – FierceBiotech

Posted: August 30, 2017 at 11:49 am

CSL Behring has paid out $91 million upfront for biotech Calimmune and gains a preclinical asset for sickle cell disease and -thalassemia, adding to its blood disease pipeline.

The biotech is working onexvivo hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene therapy, with R&D facilities in Pasadena, California, and Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, that will now transfer over to CSL.

For its $91 million, and $300-plus in biobucks, CSL also gets two platform technologies, Select+ and Cytegrity, which are designed to address some of the major challenges currently associated with the commercialization of stem cell therapy, according to the company.

This includes the ability to manufacture consistent, high-quality productsand to improve engraftment, efficacy and tolerability, it said in a statement. Both technologies have broad applications in ex vivo stem cell gene therapy.

Calimmune shares in our promise and focus to improve the lives of patients with rare and serious medical conditions, said CSL CEO and managing director Paul Perreault. The acquisition represents another important step in the execution of our strategy for sustainable growth. Calimmunes scientific accomplishments are impressive.

The team has built a robust technology platform, and designed a promising HSC gene therapy candidate, CAL-H, which strongly aligns with our longer-term strategic goals, and complements our core competencies and areas of therapeutic focus, Perreault added. While Calimmune is still in the early stages, we believe that our combined strengths have tremendous potential to change treatment paradigms, and most importantly, significantly improve the lives of our patients.

RELATED: CSL heart attack drug hits on safety, misses efficacy in PhIIb

Calimmunes chief, Louis Breton, added: We are excited to become part of CSL Behring. They are an established global industry leader in protein-replacement therapies and have a proven track record of driving innovations through the development pipeline and delivering differentiated products to the global marketplace. Together, we are well-positioned to take our achievements to the next level.

The rest is here:
CSL Behring buys Calimmune for early stem cell, gene therapy boost - FierceBiotech

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FDA approves first-ever gene therapy in US – Washington Times

Posted: August 30, 2017 at 11:49 am

Federal regulators green-lighted an historic gene therapy Wednesday that uses the bodys own immune cells to attack an acute form of leukemia in children and young adults.

The Food and Drug Administration approved Kymriah to treat patients up to age 25 who suffer from ALL, a quick-acting cancer in the bone marrow and blood.

The pioneering treatment collects white blood cells known as T-cells from individual patients, genetically modifies them in the lab and reintroduces them in the patient to attack and kill leukemia cells.

Were entering a new frontier in medical innovation with the ability to reprogram a patients own cells to attack a deadly cancer, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said. New technologies such as gene and cell therapies hold out the potential to transform medicine and create an inflection point in our ability to treat and even cure many intractable illnesses.

The treatment developed by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. is approved for patients up to age 20 with ALL, which is the most common type of childhood cancer in the U.S.

Roughly 3,100 patients are diagnosed per year.

The FDA warned that Kymriah could have severe side effects, including neurological problems, high blood pressure, kidney problems and fever. Because of the risks, the government says hospitals and clinics that dispense the drug must be specially certified.

Also, the FDA said Novartis is required to study the effects of its drugs on patients treated with its product.

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