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True Blue Chrysanthemum Flowers Produced with Genetic Engineering – Scientific American

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:47 am

Roses are red, but science could someday turn them blue. Thats one of the possible future applications of a technique researchers have used to genetically engineer blue chrysanthemums for the first time.

Chyrsanthemums come in an array of colours, including pink, yellow and red. But all it took to engineer the truly blue hueand not a violet or bluish colourwas tinkering with two genes, scientists report in a study published on July 26 inScience Advances. The team says that the approach could be applied to other commercially important flowers, including carnations and lilies.

Consumers love novelty, says Nick Albert, a plant biologist at the New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research in Palmerston North, New Zealand. And people actively seek out plants with blue flowers to fill their gardens.

Plenty of flowers are bluish, but its rare to find true blue in nature, says Naonobu Noda, a plant researcher at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization near Tsukuba, Japan, and lead study author. Scientists, including Noda, have tried to artificially produce blue blooms for years:efforts that have often produced violet or bluish huesin flowers such as roses and carnations. Part of the problem is that naturally blue blossoming plants arent closely related enough to commercially important flowers for traditional methodsincluding selective breedingto work.

Most truly blue blossoms overexpress genes that trigger the production of pigments called delphinidin-based anthocyanins. The trick to getting blue flowers in species that arent naturally that colour is inserting the right combination of genes into their genomes. Noda came close in a 2013 studywhen he and his colleagues found that adding a gene from a naturally blue Canterbury bells flower (Campanula medium) into the DNA of chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium) produced a violet-hued bloom.

Noda says he and his team expected that they would need to manipulate many more genes to get the blue chrysanthemum they produced in their latest study. But to their surprise, adding only one more borrowed gene from the naturally blue butterfly pea plant (Clitoria ternatea) was enough.

Anthocyanins can turn petals red, violet or blue, depending on the pigments structure. Noda and his colleagues found that genes from the Canterbury bells and butterfly pea altered the molecular structure of the anthocyanin in the chrysanthemum. When the modified pigments interacted with compounds called flavone glucosides, the resulting chrysanthemum flowers were blue. The team tested the wavelengths given off by their blossoms in several ways to ensure that the flowers were truly blue.

The quest for blue blooms wouldn't only be applicable to the commercial flower market. Studying how these pigments work could also lead to the sustainable manufacture of artificial pigments, says Silvia Vignolini, a physicist at the University of Cambridge, UK, who has studied themolecular structure of the intensely blue marble berry.

Regardless, producing truly blue flowers is a great achievement and demonstrates that the underlying chemistry required to achieve 'blue' is complex and remains to be fully understood, says Albert.

This article is reproduced with permission and wasfirst publishedon July 26, 2017.

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True Blue Chrysanthemum Flowers Produced with Genetic Engineering - Scientific American

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Human Genetic Engineering Begins! – National Review

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:47 am

Some of the most powerful technologies ever invented whichcan literally change human life at the DNAlevel aremoving forward with very little societal discussion or sufficient regulatory oversight. Technology Review is now reporting an attempt in the US to use CRISPR to genetically modify a human embryo. From the story:

The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland, Oregon,Technology Reviewhas learned.

The effort, led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health and Science University, involved changing the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos with the gene-editing technique CRISPR, according to people familiar with the scientific results

Now Mitalipov is believed to have broken new ground both in the number of embryos experimented upon and by demonstrating that it is possible to safely and efficiently correct defective genes that cause inherited diseases.

Although none of the embryos were allowed to develop for more than a few daysand there was never any intention of implanting them into a wombthe experiments are a milestone on what may prove to be an inevitable journey toward the birth of the first genetically modified humans.

It may begin with curing disease. But it wont stay there. Many are drooling to engage in eugenic genetic enhancements.

So, are we going to just watch, slack-jawed, the double-time marchto Brave New World unfoldbefore our eyes?

Or are we going to engage democratic deliberation to determine if this should be done, and if so, what the parameters are?

Considering recent history, I fear I know the answer.

And NO: I dont trust the scientists to regulate themselves.

Mr. President: We need a presidential bioethics/biotechnology commission now!

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Human Genetic Engineering Begins! - National Review

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‘True blue’ chrysanthemum flowers produced with genetic engineering –

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:47 am

Naonobu Noda/NARO

Giving chrysanthemums the blues was easier than researchers thought it would be.

Roses are red, but science could someday turn them blue. Thats one of the possible future applications of a technique researchers have used to genetically engineer blue chrysanthemums for the first time.

Chyrsanthemums come in an array of colours, including pink, yellow and red. But all it took to engineer the truly blue hue and not a violet or bluish colour was tinkering with two genes, scientists report in a study published on 26 July in Science Advances1. The team says that the approach could be applied to other commercially important flowers, including carnations and lilies.

Consumers love novelty, says Nick Albert, a plant biologist at the New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research in Palmerston North, New Zealand. And people actively seek out plants with blue flowers to fill their gardens.

Plenty of flowers are bluish, but its rare to find true blue in nature, says Naonobu Noda, a plant researcher at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization near Tsukuba, Japan, and lead study author. Scientists, including Noda, have tried to artificially produce blue blooms for years: efforts that have often produced violet or bluish hues in flowers such as roses and carnations. Part of the problem is that naturally blue blossoming plants arent closely related enough to commercially important flowers for traditional methods including selective breeding to work.

Most truly blue blossoms overexpress genes that trigger the production of pigments called delphinidin-based anthocyanins. The trick to getting blue flowers in species that arent naturally that colour is inserting the right combination of genes into their genomes. Noda came close in a 2013 study2 when he and his colleagues found that adding a gene from a naturally blue Canterbury bells flower (Campanula medium) into the DNA of chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum morifolium) produced a violet-hued bloom.

Noda says he and his team expected that they would need to manipulate many more genes to get the blue chrysanthemum they produced in their latest study. But to their surprise, adding only one more borrowed gene from the naturally blue butterfly pea plant (Clitoria ternatea) was enough.

Anthocyanins can turn petals red, violet or blue, depending on the pigments structure. Noda and his colleagues found that genes from the Canterbury bells and butterfly pea altered the molecular structure of the anthocyanin in the chrysanthemum. When the modified pigments interacted with compounds called flavone glucosides, the resulting chrysanthemum flowers were blue. The team tested the wavelengths given off by their blossoms in several ways to ensure that the flowers were truly blue.

The quest for blue blooms wouldn't only be applicable to the commercial flower market. Studying how these pigments work could also lead to the sustainable manufacture of artificial pigments, says Silvia Vignolini, a physicist at the University of Cambridge, UK, who has studied the molecular structure of the intensely blue marble berry.

Regardless, producing truly blue flowers is a great achievement and demonstrates that the underlying chemistry required to achieve 'blue' is complex and remains to be fully understood, says Albert.

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When genetic engineering is the environmentally friendly choice – Ensia

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:47 am

July 27, 2017 Which is more disruptive to a plant: genetic engineering or conventional breeding?

It often surprises people to learn that GE commonly causes less disruption to plants than conventional techniques of breeding. But equally profound is the realization that the latest GE techniques, coupled with a rapidly expanding ability to analyze massive amounts of genetic material, allow us to make super-modest changes in crop plant genes that will enable farmers to produce more food with fewer adverse environmental impacts. Such super-modest changes are possible with CRISPR-based genome editing, a powerful set of new genetic tools that is leading a revolution in biology.

My interest in GE crops stems from my desire to provide more effective and sustainable plant disease control for farmers worldwide. Diseases often destroy 10 to 15 percent of potential crop production, resulting in global losses of billions of dollars annually. The risk of disease-related losses provides an incentive to farmers to use disease-control products such as pesticides. One of my strongest areas of expertise is in the use of pesticides for disease control. Pesticides certainly can be useful in farming systems worldwide, but they have significant downsides from a sustainability perspective. Used improperly, they can contaminate foods. They can pose a risk to farm workers. And they must be manufactured, shipped and applied all processes with a measurable environmental footprint. Therefore, I am always seeking to reduce pesticide use by offering farmers more sustainable approaches to disease management.

What follows are examples of how minimal GE changes can be applied to make farming more environmentally friendly by protecting crops from disease. They represent just a small sampling of the broad landscape of opportunities for enhancing food security and agricultural sustainability that innovations in molecular biology offer today.

Genetically altering crops the way these examples demonstrate creates no cause for concern for plants or people. Mutations occur naturally every time a plant makes a seed; in fact, they are the very foundation of evolution. All of the food we eat has all kinds of mutations, and eating plants with mutations does not cause mutations in us.

Knocking Out Susceptibility

A striking example of how a tiny genetic change can make a big difference to plant health is the strategy of knocking out a plant gene that microorganisms can benefit from. Invading microorganisms sometimes hijack certain plant molecules to help themselves infect the plant. A gene that produces such a plant molecule is known as a susceptibility gene.

We can use CRISPR-based genome editing to create a targeted mutation in a susceptibility gene. A change of as little as a single nucleotide in the plants genetic material the smallest genetic change possible can confer disease resistance in a way that is absolutely indistinguishable from natural mutations that can happen spontaneously. Yet if the target gene and mutation site are carefully selected, a one-nucleotide mutation may be enough to achieve an important outcome.

There is a substantial body of research showing proof-of-concept that a knockout of a susceptibility gene can increase resistance in plants to a very wide variety of disease-causing microorganisms. An example that caught my attention pertained to powdery mildew of wheat, because fungicides (pesticides that control fungi) are commonly used against this disease. While this particular genetic knockout is not yet commercialized, I personally would rather eat wheat products from varieties that control disease through genetics than from crops treated with fungicides.

The Power of Viral Snippets

Plant viruses are often difficult to control in susceptible crop varieties. Conventional breeding can help make plants resistant to viruses, but sometimes it is not successful.

Early approaches to engineering virus resistance in plants involved inserting a gene from the virus into the plants genetic material. For example, plant-infecting viruses are surrounded by a protective layer of protein, called the coat protein. The gene for the coat protein of a virus called papaya ring spot virus was inserted into papaya. Through a process called RNAi, this empowers the plant to inactivate the virus when it invades. GE papaya has been a spectacular success, in large part saving the Hawaiian papaya industry.

Aerial view of a field trial showing virus-resistant papaya growing well while the surrounding susceptible papaya is severely damaged by the virus. Reproduced with permission from Gonsalves, D., et al. 2004. Transgenic virus-resistant papaya: From hope to reality in controlling papaya ringspot virus in Hawaii. APSnet Features. Online. DOI: 10.1094/APSnetFeature-2004-0704

Through time, researchers discovered that even just a very small fragment from one viral gene can stimulate RNAi-based resistance if precisely placed within a specific location in the plants DNA. Even better, they found we can stack resistance genes engineered with extremely modest changes in order to create a plant highly resistant to multiple viruses. This is important because, in the field, crops are often exposed to infection by several viruses.

Does eating this tiny bit of a viral gene sequence concern me? Absolutely not, for many reasons, including:

Tweaking Sentry Molecules

Microorganisms can often overcome plants biochemical defenses by producing molecules called effectors that interfere with those defenses. Plants respond by evolving proteins to recognize and disable these effector molecules. These recognition proteins are called R proteins (R standing for resistance). Their job is to recognize the invading effector molecule and trigger additional defenses. A third interesting approach, then, to help plants resist an invading microorganism is to engineer an R protein so that it recognizes effector molecules other than the one it evolved to detect. We can then use CRISPR to supply a plant with the very small amount of DNA needed to empower it to make this protein.

This approach, like susceptibility knockouts, is quite feasible, based on published research. Commercial implementation will require some willing private- or public-sector entity to do the development work and to face the very substantial and costly challenges of the regulatory process.

Engineered for Sustainability

The three examples here show that extremely modest engineered changes in plant genetics can result in very important benefits. All three examples involve engineered changes that trigger the natural defenses of the plant. No novel defense mechanisms were introduced in these research projects, a fact that may appeal to some consumers. The wise use of the advanced GE methods illustrated here, as well as others described elsewhere, has the potential to increase the sustainability of our food production systems, particularly given the well-established safety of GE crops and their products for consumption.

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Can genetic modification turn annual crops into perennials? – Genetic Literacy Project

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:47 am

The last several decades have witnessed a remarkable increase in crop yields doubling major grain crops since the 1950s. But a significant part of the world still suffers from malnutrition, and these gains in grains and other crops probably wont be enough to feed a growing global population.

These facts have put farmers and agricultural scientists on a quest to squeeze more yield from plants (and livestock), and how to make these yield increases more sustainable. The best land is already taken and could be altered by climate changes, so new crops may have to be grown in less hospitable locations, and the soils and nutrition in existing lands need to be better preserved.

Several methods are being used to boost yields with less fertilizer or pesticides, including traditional combination techniques, marker-assisted breeding, and, of course, trans- and cis-genic modifications.

One way to get more food from a plant is through another genetic switch. It may be possible to genetically, either through hybridization, mutagenesis, or genetic engineering to alter a plant so that it transforms from an annual (one you have to replant every year) to a perennial (which you plant once and can thrive for many years).

This video from Washington State University discusses some advantages of perennial crops:

Most staples, like corn, wheat, sorghum and other grains are annuals. About 75 percent of US and 69 percent of global croplands are cereal, oilseed and legumes, and all of those are annuals, said Jerry Glover, plant geneticist at the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas, and John Reganold, a geneticist at Washington State University. This means, they wrote:

They must be replanted each year from seed, require large amounts of expensive fertilizers and pesticides, poorly protect soil and water, and provide little habitat for wildlife. Their production emits significant greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change that can in turn have adverse effects on agricultural productivity.

Perennials, meanwhile, have longer growing seasons and more extensive roots, making them more productive, and more efficient at capturing nutrients and water from the soil. Replanting isnt necessary, reducing pesticide and fertilizer use, and reducing the need to use tractors and other mechanical planters in fields. Erosion also can be reduced. Its been estimated that annual grains can lose five times more water and 35 times more nitrate than perennial grains.All plants at one time were perennials, and breeders and farmers concentrated on breeding new annuals that could meet a farmers (and consumers) needs.

Now, the table has turned. Genetics may make the annual-to-perennial transformation easier.The switch to perennials is not a new avenue of research, but its been a rocky road. Scientists in the former USSR and the US tried to create perennial wheat in the 1960s, but the offspring plants were sterile and didnt deliver on desired traits. Since then, scientists worldwide have looked at deriving perennials from annual and perennial parents using molecular markers tied to desirable traits (and the genes responsible for them). This technique, and knowing the genotypes of more and more plants, has made it possible to combine desirable genes with traditional and genetic engineering methods to find these desirable perennial plants.

Glover has pointed out that molecular markers tied to desirable traits (higher yields, disease resistance, etc.) can allow for faster breeding by determining the sources of plant variation, and that plant genomics has facilitated the combination of genes without having to field test over years at a time. Genetic modifications can also help spur this along.

Andrew Paterson, head of the plant genome laboratory at the University of Georgia, has studied for years the development of perennial sorghum one of the top five cerealon the planet. Sorghums drought resistance has made it useful as a grain and biomass source in degraded soil, and a perennial version (which has happened spontaneously twice) could reduce drought losses even to other crops. Patersons genetic analysis of wild perennials and cultivated annuals has shown the genes involved in perennial ism and offered DNA markers for more precise breeding.

Techniques like CRISPR/Cas9, which can precisely edit, insert or delete genes at specific locations, are being studied for their possible role in transforming perennials, but a few challenges remain. Chung-Jui Tsai at the University of Georgia, recently showed that CRISPR could be used to alter genes in existing perennials (like fruit and nut trees, for example), once some hurdles like frequent polymorphisms and other variations could be overcome.

Still others are not so optimistic about using genetic modification to enact the perennial-annual switch. First, the whole field would require much more research funding than currently exists, Glover warns. Then, as Paterson told Brooke Borel in her article in Popular Science, perennial traits are much more complicated than those currently addressed by genetic engineering. We dont really know all of the genes involved, not yet:

We dont actually have any of the genes in hand. We know where they are in the genome and we are working on their locations more and more finely, but there arent any of these genes that we can yet point to the specific gene among the 30,000 or so in sorghum. Even if they did know the exact genes, most GMOs that are currently available only insert a single new trait rather than information from multiple genes. The technology isnt yet able to handle something so complicated as perennialism.

Andrew Porterfieldis a writer, editor and communications consultant for academic institutions, companies and non-profits in the life sciences. He is based in Camarillo, California. Follow@AMPorterfieldon Twitter.

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What’s Propelling Neuralstem, Inc. (CUR) to Reach 52 Week Low? – WeeklyHub

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:46 am

July 31, 2017 - By Linda Rogers

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.3 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.37, from 0.67 in 2016Q3. It is negative, as 16 investors sold Neuralstem, Inc. shares while 11 reduced holdings. 2 funds opened positions while 6 raised stakes. 6.88 million shares or 44.05% less from 12.30 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported.Sabby Mgmt Limited Liability Com reported 229,521 shares. The Illinois-based Blair William Il has invested 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Natl Bank Of America Corp De, a North Carolina-based fund reported 8,400 shares. Natl Asset Mngmt owns 167,500 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Vanguard accumulated 0% or 3.09 million shares. 1.03M were accumulated by Geode Capital Limited Liability Corp. Guggenheim Ltd Liability Company, Illinois-based fund reported 51,217 shares. First Heartland Consultants Incorporated has invested 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Cambridge stated it has 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). 141,463 were accumulated by Northern Tru. Royal Bank Of Canada stated it has 7,080 shares. Fifth Third Fincl Bank has invested 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Fcg Advsrs Limited Liability Company invested in 0% or 21,000 shares. Janney Montgomery Scott reported 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Blackrock Advsr Limited Liability holds 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) for 17,361 shares.

Since February 24, 2017, it had 3 insider buys, and 0 selling transactions for $70,004 activity. On Friday, February 24 the insider Daly Richard J bought $10,001. LLOYD JONES JONATHAN BRIAN bought $30,003 worth of Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) on Friday, March 24.

The stock of Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) hit a new 52-week low and has $1.50 target or 3.00 % below todays $1.55 share price. The 5 months bearish chart indicates high risk for the $18.62M company. The 1-year low was reported on Jul, 31 by If the $1.50 price target is reached, the company will be worth $558,600 less.The 52-week low event is an important milestone for every stock because it shows very negative momentum and is time when sellers come in. During such technical setups, fundamental investors usually stay away and are careful buying the stock.

The stock decreased 6.63% or $0.11 on July 31, reaching $1.55. About 591,531 shares traded or 84.21% up from the average. Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) has risen 3.35% since July 31, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 13.35% the S&P500.

More news for Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) were recently published by:, which released: UPDATE: Neuralstem stock plummets 61% on news of mid-stage clinical trial miss on July 25, 2017. Nasdaq.coms article titled: Mid-Day Market Update: ShoreTel Gains On Acquisition News; Neuralstem Shares and published on July 27, 2017 is yet another important article.

Neuralstem, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $18.62 million. The Firm is engaged in research, development and commercialization of central nervous system therapies based on its human neuronal stem cells and its stem-cell derived small molecule compounds. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm has approximately three assets: its NSI-189 small molecule program, its NSI-566 stem cell therapy program and its chemical entity screening platform.

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The Telegraph | SIUE Odyssey Science Camp engages area … – Alton Telegraph

Posted: August 1, 2017 at 1:46 am

EDWARDSVILLE Explorers, expert observers and super sleuths are energizing Southern Illinois University Edwardsvilles campus during Odyssey Science Camp being held July 17-28.

Organized by the SIUE Center for STEM Research, Education and Outreach, more than 110 students, grades 2-9, are engaging in a variety of interactive activities aimed at fostering an appreciation for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

At Odyssey Science Camp, were inspiring future scientists, investigators, mathematicians, engineers and more by introducing them to STEM concepts through activity-based instruction, said Dawn Olive, with the SIUE STEM Center. We offer students opportunities to work in a laboratory and conduct hands-on experiments that are not always possible in schools.

Camp activities range from introducing scientific principles, building math skills, conducting simple crime science investigations and constructing a Lego robot. New this year, campers are exploring renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy is an important topic, so we thought it would be valuable for students to learn more about wind turbines, solar cells, hydroelectric turbines and hydrogen-powered vehicles through hands-on activities, said instructor Ron Mayhew.

Students, grades 7-8, analyzed the angle of wind turbines blades and learned how that affects revolutions per minute (RPM). They also experimented with solar cars by testing the distance the cars traveled in relation to the amount of time they charged and weather conditions, such as cloud cover.

Ive been coming to camp for years, said Allyson Lunsford, of Glen Carbon. I like science, because there are always more answers to explore and different topics to learn. I thought I knew all about renewable energy before camp, but this class has taught me a lot more.

This is my first year at Odyssey Science Camp, and I love it, added Tyler Lintker, of Edwardsville. When I saw that I would get to be in the renewable energy course this summer, I thought it would be the perfect fit.

Not only is Odyssey Science Camp comprised of experienced area teachers, it is also supported by SIUE students who are participating in the Robert J. Noyce Scholarship Science and Math Grants, funded by the National Science Foundation, which provide summer scholarships for qualified STEM students interested in teaching. The SIUE summer scholars find it exciting to inspire younger STEM-motivated learners.

I want to be a science teacher, because I enjoy kids and one of my strengths is helping others learn, said Jenna Sanders, a rising junior majoring in biological sciences at SIUE. This extra teaching experience is integral for my growth as a future teacher. Also, this is an important age range for keeping kids involved in STEM, because their minds are shaping.

Its been great to see what the kids are interested in and help lead activities that engage them in those areas, added Dalia Hassan, a sophomore chemistry major at SIUE. These are smart kids. Im excited that theyre our future!

For more information on the SIUE STEM Centers Odyssey Science Camp, visit

Allyson Lunsford, Qiong Domingue and Montgomery Hubler adjust the blade angles on a wind turbine during their renewable energy course.

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Report: Scientists edit human embryos for first time in US – NBC Montana

Posted: July 30, 2017 at 9:46 pm

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(CNN) - America reportedly has moved ahead in a controversial race to tinker with human DNA -- but the scientific feat is shrouded in unanswered questions.

The MIT Technology Review published on Wednesday a news report about the first-known experiment to create genetically modified human embryos in the United States using a gene-editing tool called CRISPR.

Shoukhrat Mitalipov, director of the Oregon Health & Science University's Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy, reportedly led the new research. Mitalipov and the university would not confirm details of the research to CNN.

"Results of the peer-reviewed study are expected to be published soon in a scientific journal. No further information will be provided before then," according to an emailed statement from the university's press office. Another researcher cited in the MIT report, the Salk Institute's Jun Wu, did not reply to CNN's request for comment.

Mitalipov also declined to comment in the MIT Technology Review report, referencing that the research results have not been published yet in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which is considered the gold standard for scientific research. The author of the MIT report would not confirm to CNN whether he had seen the paper.

Previously, Mitalipov and his colleagues reported the first success in cloning human stem cells in 2013, successfully reprogramming human skin cells back to their embryonic state. In 2007, a research team led by Mitalipov announced they created the first cloned monkey embryo and extracted stem cells from it.

The MIT Technology Review reported that the researchers in Portland, Oregon, edited the DNA of a large number of one-cell embryos, specifically targeting genes associated with inherited diseases in those embryos. The MIT Technology Review could not determine which disease genes had been chosen for editing in the new research.

"I'm not surprised that they were looking at genetic diseases to try and see if they could target them, because that's exactly where I think the future inevitably leads," said Arthur Caplan, a professor and founding head of the division of bioethics at New York University Langone Medical Center, who was not involved in the research.

Previously, scientists in China were the first in the world to reveal attempts to modify genes in human embryos using CRISPR. Three separate papers were published in scientific journals describing various studies in China on gene editing in human embryos.

When it comes to the new research, "my reaction was, this is an interesting incremental step, and boy, I bet it's going to get blown up as being more important than it is," said Hank Greely, professor of law and genetics at Stanford University, who was not involved in the research.

"It's not the first time anybody has CRISPR-ed human embryos. It's not the first time anybody's CRISPR-ed viable human embryos. It's certainly not the first time people have CRISPR-ed viable mammalian embryos," Greely said. "It's the first time it's been done in the US, but the embryos don't care where they are."

Yet the research has already generated attention and controversy.

"This is pushing the research faster than I thought we would see," said Dana Carroll, professor of biochemistry at the University of Utah, if the MIT Technology Review report rings true. Carroll has used CRISPR in his own studies, but was not involved in the new research.

He pointed out that the new research reportedly involved earlier, more delicate embryos, and CRISPR reportedly was still demonstrated as efficient.

"From the perspective of research that would ultimately make germline editing safer and more effective, the earlier embryos will provide more relevant information," he said.

CRISPR -- an acronym for clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats -- allows scientists to cut and edit small pieces of DNA at precise areas along a DNA strand, essentially modifying DNA.

Once scientists discovered that they could develop a system that modifies pieces of DNA, they tested the gene-editing technology in microbes, then non-human mammals, then non-human primates, and then, by 2015, human embryos.

The controversy surrounding gene-editing in human embryos partly stems from concern that the changes CRISPR makes in DNA can be passed down to the offspring of those embryos later in life, from generation to generation. Down the line, that could possibly impact the genetic makeup of humans in erratic ways.

"There is also considerable concern about off-target effects, such as making mutations at sites in the genome other than the intended target," Carroll said. In other words, an edit made in one area of DNA possibly could cause problems in another, as a ripple or domino effect, which could be concerning.

Some CRISPR critics also have argued that gene-editing may give way to eugenics and to allowing embryos to be edited with certain features in order to develop so-called designer babies.

Though, not all experts are too concerned.

"Some people are worried about, where's this all going to head? Are we going to wind up with super babies and eugenics? And to me, I don't find that an interesting objection. It's too soon for that objection," Caplan said. "Clearly, if we're going to let this research proceed, it's going to be to treat diseases and prevent diseases."

The enthusiasm surrounding gene-editing in human embryos partly stems from the promise CRISPR has shown in editing away and treating devastating intractable diseases. Earlier this year, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published a report on human genome editing, addressing potential applications of gene editing, including the possible prevention or treatment of disease.

"I hope the applications will be for the treatment of serious diseases and in cases where a sensible alternative is not available, as the National Academies' report proposes," Carroll said.

Greely said: "The National Academy of Sciences came out with a big report on Valentine's Day this year about genome editing in humans, and I thought they very usefully divided it into three categories: basic research, treating living people, and making changes that will pass down from generation to generation."

As for the reported new research, "this is category one. This is basic research," he said. "Category three is the ethically crucial one; this isn't that. We're still a long way from that."

Other strides have been made recently in CRISPR research. Scientists at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York used the technology to genetically engineer immune cells to target and kill tumor cells in mice.

The mouse study was published in the journal Nature in February. More research is needed to determine whether similar results would appear in humans.

Last year, scientists in the Netherlands published a study in the journal PLOS Pathogens demonstrating that CRISPR could be used to edit the DNA of three types of herpes viruses in a petri dish. More research is needed to see whether this tool could be used to fight herpes in actual humans.

Other examples of diseases where CRISPR could show promise as a treatment or preventive approach in the future include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, hemophilia, and mitochondrial diseases, such as the rare degenerative condition that the terminally-ill British infant Charlie Gard has, Caplan said.

"There are what are called point mutations where you can go in and fix one genetic error. The simpler the genetic error, the easier it might be to try to repair it using a CRISPR gene-insertion technique," Caplan said about genetic diseases.

"I think rather than trying to treat cystic fibrosis, or treat sickle cell, or treat hemophilia, it does make ethical sense to figure out ways to prevent it," he said. "Now, obviously if it's too risky we won't do it. If it's too dangerous or maybe it won't work, we still don't know. We're in the early, early days (of research), but I don't think it's fear of eugenics that should stop us."

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Cancer Stem Cell Biology and Therapy | South Carolina …

Posted: July 30, 2017 at 9:46 pm



$5 million

$8.6 million

Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)Clemson University

Health Sciences South Carolina

The Center in Cancer Stem Cell Biology and Therapy focuses on developing new technologies for isolating, growing, and manipulating cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are adult stem cells that have the ability to reproduce themselves and develop into cancer. The Center will also find ways to use adult stem cells from bone marrow or organs to treat cancer.

The work of this Center is generating further understanding of cancer stem cells and ways to eradicate them without harming healthy cells. It could lead to the engineering of healthy adult stem cells that can replace cancerous cells in the body. The Center seeks to add a repository of adult cancer stem cells to the Health Sciences South Carolina tissue repository for use in further research across South Carolina.

Another objective of the Center is to use novel treatments, such as carbon nanotubes, to inhibit the growth of cancer stem cells. MUSC's Dr. Bryan Toole and MUSC Pediatrics Professor Dr. Bernard Maria are studying the use of hyaluronan, a compound that resides on the surface of cancer stem-like cells, as a treatment for glioblastoma tumors. Hyaluronan, along with two other substances, regulates the activities of cancer stem-like cells.

In 2011, MUSC succeeded in recruiting Dr. Zihai Li, an expert in stem cell-based cancer vaccine development.

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Cancer Stem Cell Biology and Therapy | South Carolina ...

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Stem Cell Columbia South Carolina 29201

Posted: July 30, 2017 at 9:46 pm

Stem cell treatment has actually ended up being a popular dispute in the global medical scene. This extremely controversial treatment has actually received blended opinions from different stakeholders in the health care market and has likewise brought in the interest of politicians, religious leaders and the basic population at large. Stem cell treatment is thought about an advanced treatment for individuals dealing with a wide variety of degenerative conditions. Some typical concerns regarding this treatment are addressed below.

Stem cells can be referred to as blank state or non-specialized cells that have the ability to become customized cells in the body such as bone, muscle, nerve or organ cells. This indicates that these unique cells can be utilized to regenerate or establish a wide range of damaged cells and tissues in the body. Stem cell treatment is for that reason a treatment that focuses on accomplishing tissue regeneration and can be used to cure health conditions and diseases such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc illness, spinal cord injury, muscular degeneration, motor neuron disease, ALS, Parkinsons, cardiovascular disease and a lot more.

Stem cells can be drawn out from a young embryo after conception. These stem cells are frequently described as embryonic stem cells. After the stem cells are drawn out from the embryo, the embryo is ended. This is basically one of the major causes of debate in the field of stem cell studio. Many people argue that termination of an embryo is dishonest and unacceptable.

Stem cells can still be acquired through other methods as they can be found in the blood, bone marrow and umbilical cables of adult humans. Regular body cells can likewise be reverse-engineered to become stem cells that have actually restricted abilities.

Being a treatment that is still under research, stem cell therapy has not been totally accepted as a feasible treatment alternative for the above pointed out health conditions and health problems. A lot of studio is presently being performed by researchers and medical professionals in various parts of the world to make this treatment viable and reliable. There are however various constraints enforced by federal governments on research involving embryonic stem cells.

Currently, there have not been lots of case studies carried out for this kind of treatment. However, with the few case studies that have actually been performed, among the major concerns that has actually been raised is the boost in a clients threat of developing cancer. Cancer is triggered by the quick reproduction of cells that tend not to pass away so easily. Stem cells have been associated with comparable development elements that might cause development of growths and other cancerous cells in patients.

New research has however revealed pledge as researchers target at establishing stem cells that do not form into growths in later treatment stages. These stem cells can for that reason effectively change into other types of specialized cells. This therapy is therefore worth investigating into as many patients can take advantage of this revolutionary treatment.

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