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BioTime, Inc. (BTX) Reaches $3.13 After 4.00% Down Move, Brady (BRC) Covered By 1 Bullish Analysts Last Week –

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:45 pm

May 30, 2017 - By Maria Brooks

Among 5 analysts covering Brady Corporation (NYSE:BRC), 1 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 20% are positive. Brady Corporation had 10 analyst reports since September 11, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. On Tuesday, November 3 the stock rating was initiated by Suntrust Robinson with Reduce. The firm earned Neutral rating on Friday, September 11 by Bank of America. SunTrust initiated the stock with Reduce rating in Tuesday, November 3 report. Bank of America maintained the stock with Underperform rating in Thursday, September 17 report. Northcoast upgraded it to Buy rating and $45 target in Wednesday, February 15 report. The firm has Underperform rating by Bank of America given on Tuesday, September 15. The firm has Neutral rating by SunTrust given on Tuesday, September 13. See Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC) latest ratings:

15/02/2017 Broker: Northcoast Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Buy New Target: $45 Upgrade

The stock of BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX) is a huge mover today! About 83,299 shares traded. BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX) has risen 22.71% since May 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 6.01% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $343.87M company. It was reported on May, 30 by We have $3.00 PT which if reached, will make NYSEMKT:BTX worth $13.75 million less.

Investors sentiment decreased to 2.65 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.02, from 2.67 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 4 investors sold BioTime, Inc. shares while 13 reduced holdings. 12 funds opened positions while 33 raised stakes. 40.36 million shares or 3.11% more from 39.14 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Goldman Sachs Gp holds 0% in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX) or 16,294 shares. Susquehanna Grp Ltd Liability Partnership has invested 0% of its portfolio in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Blackrock Invest Mngmt Ltd Co stated it has 278,470 shares. Fifth Third Commercial Bank invested 0% in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Swiss Bancorp holds 0% or 93,186 shares. Blackrock Institutional Tru Na invested in 0% or 2.05 million shares. Metropolitan Life Ins Ny stated it has 0% of its portfolio in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Family Mgmt holds 115,000 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Lc holds 35,939 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Manatuck Hill Prtnrs Ltd Co invested in 1.29% or 730,350 shares. Moreover, Prelude Management Limited Liability has 0% invested in BioTime, Inc. (NYSEMKT:BTX). Carroll Financial Assoc holds 17,000 shares. Citadel Advsrs Ltd Liability Corp holds 54,453 shares or 0% of its portfolio. State Common Retirement Fund reported 0% stake. Jane Street Grp Limited Liability Company invested in 77,605 shares.

Since February 15, 2017, it had 2 buys, and 0 selling transactions for $6.01 million activity. 2.22 million shares were bought by BROADWOOD PARTNERS L.P., worth $6.00M. 2,000 shares were bought by ANDREWS DEBORAH J, worth $6,410 on Tuesday, May 16.

BioTime, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology firm focused on developing and commercializing products addressing degenerative diseases. The company has market cap of $343.87 million. The Companys clinical programs are based on two platform technologies: pluripotent stem cells and cell/drug delivery platform technologies. It has a 3.22 P/E ratio. The foundation of its cell delivery platform is its HyStem cell and drug delivery matrix technology.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.04 in 2016 Q4. Its down 0.21, from 1.25 in 2016Q3. It dived, as 19 investors sold Brady Corp shares while 57 reduced holdings. 21 funds opened positions while 58 raised stakes. 37.78 million shares or 1.76% more from 37.13 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue has invested 0.02% of its portfolio in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC). Voya Investment Mngmt Ltd Llc has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC). 38,098 are owned by State Of Tennessee Treasury Department. Hsbc Hldgs Public Limited holds 14,087 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Boston Advsr Limited Liability Corp holds 0.01% or 16,535 shares in its portfolio. Bessemer Grp, a New Jersey-based fund reported 46,100 shares. Wells Fargo Mn holds 0.01% or 646,907 shares in its portfolio. Blackrock Japan Limited has 624 shares for 0% of their portfolio. D E Shaw & holds 254,479 shares. 33,787 are owned by International Grp Incorporated Inc. 7,700 are held by Pacad Invest Limited. Smith Asset Mngmt Gru Ltd Partnership owns 49,120 shares. The New York-based Metropolitan Life Insurance Com Ny has invested 0.01% in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC). Swiss Natl Bank accumulated 76,800 shares. Rhumbline Advisers has invested 0.01% in Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC).

Since December 9, 2016, it had 0 buys, and 4 selling transactions for $1.15 million activity. RICHARDSON BRADLEY C sold $177,060 worth of stock or 4,540 shares. On Thursday, December 15 HARRIS FRANK W sold $76,500 worth of Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC) or 2,000 shares. Curran Bentley sold 20,803 shares worth $825,639.

About 77,423 shares traded. Brady Corp (NYSE:BRC) has risen 24.08% since May 30, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 7.38% the S&P500.

Brady Corporation is a manufacturer and supplier of identification solutions and workplace safety products that identify and protect premises, products and people. The company has market cap of $1.91 billion. The Firm has two divisions: Identification Solutions and Workplace Safety (WPS). It has a 19.72 P/E ratio. The IDS segment includes identification and healthcare products, and the WPS segment includes workplace safety and compliance products.

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BioTime, Inc. (BTX) Reaches $3.13 After 4.00% Down Move, Brady (BRC) Covered By 1 Bullish Analysts Last Week -

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Prana Biotechnology Limited (PRAN) Earns News Impact Rating of 0.17 – The Cerbat Gem

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:45 pm

Prana Biotechnology Limited (PRAN) Earns News Impact Rating of 0.17
The Cerbat Gem
Prana Biotechnology Limited logo Media headlines about Prana Biotechnology Limited (NASDAQ:PRAN) have trended somewhat positive this week, Alpha One reports. The research firm, a service of Accern, ranks the sentiment of press coverage by ...

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Prana Biotechnology Limited (PRAN) Earns News Impact Rating of 0.17 - The Cerbat Gem

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Patient-Centered Stem Cell Therapy Bill Passed by Texas Legislature – PR Newswire (press release)

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:44 pm

"At StemGenex, we are committed to helping people achieve optimum health and better quality of life through the healing benefits of their own stem cells," said Alexander. "Specifically, we use adipose-derived adult stem cell therapy for patients battling conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, COPD, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. We are also committed to the science of stem cell therapy and sponsor five clinical outcome studiesregistered with theNational Institute of Health (NIH) for these diseases."

"What I personally witnessed before the start of StemGenex were patients who had exhausted conventional medical treatments but wanted to try alternative therapies. I was one of them, suffering from severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. Ihad only three options; I could seek a clinical trial, travel to outside of the U.S. to try alternative therapies such as stem cell treatment or petition the FDA for access to drugs under the agency's "expanded access," or "compassionate use" program. Now, new state laws, built on model legislation from the Goldwater Institute in Arizona, will potentially allow doctors and patients to make their own informed decisions on treatments that have cleared the safety phase of FDA testing."

Last year, in a move that was seen by some as a response to Right to Try laws, the 21st Century Cures Act, a landmark piece of legislation focused on medical innovation and medical research, was signed into law by President Obama. This Act provides the FDA with the flexibility to accelerate how it evaluates regenerative medicine treatments, such as stem cell therapies, while maintaining its high standards of safety and efficacy.

"We're on the cusp of a major change on how patients can access stem cell therapy," saidAlexander. "Today, new treatments and advances in research are giving new hope to people affected by a wide range of autoimmune and degenerative illnesses," she said. "StemGenex Medical Group is proud to offer the highest quality of care and to potentially help those with unmet clinical needs improve their quality of life."

ABOUT StemGenex Medical Group StemGenex Medical Group is committed to helping people achieve optimum health and better quality of life through the healing benefits of their own stem cells. StemGenex provides stem cell therapy options for individuals suffering with inflammatory and degenerative illnesses. Committed to the science and innovation of stem cell treatment,StemGenex sponsors five clinical outcome studiesregistered with theNational Institutes of Health ("NIH") for Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ("COPD") and Osteoarthritis. These have been established to formally document and evaluate the quality of life changes in individuals following adipose-derived stem cell treatment.

Contact: Jamie Schubert, Director of Media & Community Relations, (858) 242-4243

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SOURCE StemGenex Medical Group

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Patient-Centered Stem Cell Therapy Bill Passed by Texas Legislature - PR Newswire (press release)

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Healing Wounds with Cell Therapy – Laboratory Equipment

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:44 pm

Diabetic patients frequently have lesions on their feet that are very difficult to heal due to poor blood circulation. In cases of serious non-healing infections, a decision to amputate could be made. A new therapeutic approach, presented recently in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology by Canadian researchers affiliated with the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM), could prevent these complications by promoting wound healing.

The solution isn't what you might expect, not just another antibiotic ointment or other prescription medication. It's the approach that's different, a way to heal through personalized medicine. "We discovered a way to modify specific white blood cells - the macrophages - and make them capable of accelerating cutaneous healing," explained nephrologist Jean-Franois Cailhier, a CRCHUM researcher and professor at the University of Montreal.

It has long been known that macrophages play a key role in the normal wound healing process. These white cells specialize in major cellular clean-up processes and are essential for tissue repair; they accelerate healing while maintaining a balance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory reactions (pro-reparation).

"When a wound doesn't heal, it might be secondary to enhanced inflammation and not enough anti-inflammatory activity," explained Cailhier. "We discovered that macrophage behaviour can be controlled so as to tip the balance toward cell repair by means of a special protein called Milk Fat Globule Epidermal Growth Factor-8, or MFG-E8."

Cailhier's team first showed that when there is a skin lesion, MFG-E8 calls for an anti-inflammatory and pro-reparatory reaction in the macrophages. Without this protein, the lesions heal much more slowly. Then the researchers developed a treatment by adoptive cell transfer in order to amplify the healing process.

Adoptive cell transfer consists in treating the patient using his or her own cells, which are harvested, treated, then re-injected in order to exert their action on an organ. This immunotherapeutic strategy is usually used to treat various types of cancer. This is the first time it has been shown to also be useful in reprogramming cells to facilitate healing of the skin.

"We used stem cells derived from murine bone marrow to obtain macrophages, which we treated ex vivo with the MFG-E8 protein before re-injecting them into the mice, and we quickly noticed an acceleration of healing," said Dr. Patrick Laplante, Cailhier's research assistant and first author of the study.

Added Dr. Cailhier, "the MFG-E8 protein, by acting directly upon macrophages, can generate cells that will orchestrate accelerated cutaneous healing."

The beauty of this therapy is that the patient (in this case the mouse) is not exposed to the protein itself. Indeed, as Dr. Cailhier explained, "if we were to inject the MFG-E8 protein directly into the body there could be effects, distant from the wound, upon all the cells that are sensitive to MFG-E8, which could lead to excess repair of the skin causing aberrant scars named keloids. The major advantage [of this treatment] is that we only administer reprogrammed cells, and we find that they are capable of creating the environment needed to accelerate scar formation. We have indeed discovered the unbelievable potential of the macrophage to make healing possible by simple ex vivo treatment."

What now remains to be done is to test this personalized treatment using human cells. Thereafter, the goal will be to develop a program of human cell therapy for diabetic patients and for victims of severe burns. It will take several years of research before this stage can be reached.

This advanced personalized treatment could also make all the difference in treating cases of challenging wounds. According to the World Health Organization, diabetes affects 8.5 percent of the global population, and amputation rates of the lower extremities are 10 to 20 times higher in diabetics. "If, with this treatment, we can succeed in closing wounds and promoting healing of diabetic ulcers, we might be able to avoid amputations," Dr. Cailhier said.

"Serious burn victims could also benefit," he added. "By accelerating and streamlining the healing of burns, we may be able to reduce the infections and keloids that unfortunately develop much too often in such patients." Cancer patients requiring extensive reconstruction surgery could also benefit, he said.

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3 Top Dividend Stocks in Diabetes Treatment – Motley Fool

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

More than 420 million people across the world have diabetes. At least 29 million of those individuals are Americans, including an estimated 8 million undiagnosed cases. And prevalence of diabetes is increasing.

Because of the enormous market size, many pharmaceutical companies have developed treatments for the disease. Some of these drugmakers rank as some of the best dividend stocks on the market. AstraZeneca (NYSE:AZN), Pfizer (NYSE:PFE), and Sanofi (NYSE:SNY) stand out as the top dividend stocks in diabetes treatment, but several others are strong contenders.

Image source: Getty Images.

AstraZeneca markets several diabetes treatments, including Bydureon, Byetta, Farxiga, Kombiglyze, Onglyza, Symlin, and Xigduo.The company's diabetes franchise generated revenue of $2.4 billion last year.

Farxiga is AstraZeneca's No. 1 diabetes medication. Sales for the drug totaled $835 million in 2016, up 70% compared to the prior year. This strong growth knocked Onglyza out of the top spot among the company's diabetes drugs.

AstraZeneca claims an attractive dividend yield of 5.58%. Although the company currently is paying out more in dividends than it's making on the bottom line, the dividend should be relatively safe because AstraZeneca appears to have solid earnings growth prospects in the coming years.

Pfizer doesn't have as significant a presence in the diabetes market as AstraZeneca. The big drugmaker's lineup includes diabetes medications Glucotrol, Glyset, and Micronase.However, none of these drugs generated enough sales to even merit a reference in Pfizer's annual report for 2016.

More revenue in the diabetes market could be in store for Pfizer, though. Pfizer and its development partner, Merck (NYSE:MRK), expect a decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) forSGLT2 inhibitorertugliflozin by December 2017. The type 2 diabetes drug is expected to reach peak sales topping $1 billion.

Pfizer has long been a favorite among dividend investors. It should be still, with a solid yield of 3.98%. Like AstraZeneca, Pfizer has a dividend payout ratio of just over 100%. While that's not good, it probably will only be temporary. Pfizer should experience reasonable earnings growth in the near future, thanks in part to new products gained with several acquisitions made over the past few years.

Sanofi is a major player in the global diabetes market, with products such as Lantus, Amaryl, Apidra, Toujeo, Insuman, Lyxumia, and Soliqua. Lantus is Sanofi's top-selling product in its diabetes franchise and overall. It's also the No.1 insulin brand in the world.

A major challenge for Sanofi is that sales of Lantus are slipping due to generic competition. Sales for Toujeo, however, are soaring and have largely offset the decline for Lantus. Soliqua should also help. The drug gained U.S. approval in late 2016 and is expected to generate peak annual sales of around $1.5 billion.In addition, Sanofi has a couple of promising late-stage diabetes candidates in its pipeline.

Sanofi's dividend currently yields 3.21%. Its payout ratio of 86% is relatively high, but the dividend doesn't appear to be in significant jeopardy right now.

There are other drugmakers in the diabetes market with dividend yields that aren't too far behind those of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Sanofi. Merck, which markets Janumet and Januvia, claims a yield of 2.94%. Bristol-Myers Squibb, developer of diabetes drug Farxiga, sports a dividend yield of 2.9%.

GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE:GSK) also sells a diabetes drug, Tanzeum. The drugmaker's dividend yield of 4.55% would rank the stock second behind AstraZeneca. However, GlaxoSmithKline's payout ratio is a whopping 225%. There is significant reason to worry that Glaxo's dividend could be slashed in the future.

Still, investors looking for great dividend stocks in the diabetes market have plenty of options from which to choose. AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Sanofi can deliver high yields and dividend checks that should keep on flowing well into the future.

Keith Speights owns shares of Pfizer. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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With Gene Therapy for Diabetes, San Antonio Researcher Eyes Funding – Xconomy

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

Xconomy Texas

San Antonio Most diabetes treatments work by giving the body the insulin it needs to break down sugar. But that approach deals with the symptoms of diabetes. In recent years, scientists and companies have taken aim at the root cause of the condition by attempting to stimulate or replace the cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin in the first place. One of them is a San Antonio researcher hoping to use gene therapya potentially one-time, long lasting treatmentto do the trick.

When cells in the pancreas, known as beta cells, either get destroyed by the immune system or stop producing enough insulin, the result is type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Companies large and small-from European diabetes drug giant Novo Nordisk to privately held startups ViaCyte, of San Diego, and Semma Therapeutics, of Cambridge, MAwant to engineer stem cells that develop into pancreatic beta cells to help a patient produce insulin.

Other researchers, such as Bruno Doiron, a scientist and assistant professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, have different ideas. Doiron has developed an injectible treatment consisting of three molecules glucokinase, a second that targets a protein known as PTP1B, and a third that targets a protein called Pdx-1, a so-called transcription factor that regulates genesthat, when infused into the body, are meant to help stimulate the formation of new beta cells. Doiron has tried the method on mice, and based on some encouraging early results, intends to move the work forward through a startup company.

You have to prove you can translate that to a large animal model, he says.

The San Antonio company, Syner-III, got its name because of the synergistic use of three molecules to generate the beta cells, he says. Those molecules are administered via a gene therapy procedure: theyre stuffed into a modified virus and injected directly into the pancreas in a one-time treatment, where they are meant to stimulate beta cell production. The work was published in the peer-reviewed journal Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology in 2016.

Doiron hopes to raise as much as $10 million to complete preclinical testing.

Others, including Novartis, are considering different ways of boosting beta cell production. Researchers from the Swiss company published findings in Nature Communications that showed a group of compounds called aminopyrazines could be packed into a pill and similarly lead to more beta cells, and more insulin, in mice. Such attempts are fraught with failure, however. In an article on its own website, Novartis notes that researchers have succeeded in producing beta cells in mice many times, but havent been able to reproduce those results in humans.

The potential payoff, however, is huge. Some 29.1 million Americans have diabetes, and 1.25 million of them have type 1 diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. Doiron believes the therapy may be able to help both types. While stem cell research has had its share of failures and competition continues to increase in insulin therapysuch as pumps that automatically deliver the treatmentDoiron says a gene therapy, if successful, could result in a longer-lasting, more effective treatment.

When I use your own body to produce medicine, that drastically changes the field, he says.

David Holley is Xconomy's national correspondent based in Austin, TX. You can reach him at

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Dont’a Hightower supports mom by rallying awareness for fight vs … – Boston Herald

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

FOXBORO -- Patriots linebacker Dont'a Hightower is continuing to do right by his mother, as he hosted another event tonight to raise awareness for diabetes.

Hightower hosted a private screening of Wonder Woman at Patriot Place for a group of women who face daily struggles with diabetes. Its a cause that has been personal for Hightower, whose mother, LTanya, was diagnosed with diabetes a couple years ago. His grandmother and aunt have also been affected.

My mom is my Wonder Woman, so what better movie to do it to? Hightower said.

Hightower has also hosted annual Monday Night Football watch parties since 2015 to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. Despite Hightowers loud presence in a Patriots uniform, he tries to stay out of the spotlight off the field, but his mother has encouraged him to put a face to the fight against diabetes

My mom is obviously the reason why Im here, Hightower said. She made a lot of sacrifices for me and my sister. Ever since shes gotten diagnosed with diabetes, Ive tried to do as much as I could to try to promote awareness and do what I can for it. The opportunity came up, and I couldnt say no to it.

Im still not a big public person. I dont mind doing what Im doing. A lot of people appreciate it. At the end of the day, thats all that matters so I dont mind stepping out of my comfort zone for a little bit.

Hightower watched his mother struggle with daily activities upon her diagnosis, so he has tried to promote early testing to get out ahead of the disease. He knows those early tests can ease the transitional phase for diabetic patients.

I know how hard it is to see and feel that change in the life that they go through, Hightower said. If I can change one or two peoples chances in that, it means a lot more to me than youll ever know.

Hightowers mother attended his Monday Night Football watch party last season in Norwood, but she stayed home Tuesday night to tend to her gardening. Hightower got a kick out of that, but there was also a sense of pride because she couldnt handle those household responsibilities a couple years ago.

I guess her lawn was more important, Hightower cracked. She is able to do stuff like that now. Earlier when she got diagnosed, she wasnt able to. She is doing well. She is healthy. Thats all I can ask for.

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Hightower hosts women impacted by diabetes at Wonder Woman screening – Comcast SportsNet New England

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

Hightower hosts women impacted by diabetes at Wonder Woman screening

FOXBORO -- Dont'a Hightower doesn't love the spotlight. He's taken a pass on Super Bowl parades and White House visits. He's not a bigpitch man or someone whowill wait at his locker to see waves of reporters headed for him with microphones at the ready.

But on Tuesday night Hightower made an exception when he hosted women whose lives have been impacted by diabetes at Showcase Cinema de Lux Patriot Place for a VIP screening of the movie Wonder Woman, which hits theaters on June 2.

Hightower'smom, L'Tanya, was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago and she has encouraged her son, the Patriots linebacker, to help raise awareness and funds to fight the disease. He hosts an annual fundraiserto support the American Diabetes Association and has represented the ADA on Capitol Hill.

"My mom was definitely a big pillar, and [marketing director]Julia [Lauria]and a lot of people at SportsTrust have definitely pushed me in the right direction to step outside my comfort zone," Hightower said. "I'm not a big media public person, so I don't get to necessarily put my character and my personality out there, but I definitely don't mind, especially with a cause as good as this, to get out there and use my platform to try to promote awareness."

L'Tanya couldn't make the event -- she had some gardening back at home to attend to, Hightower said with a smile -- but he'll be back in Tennessee later this offseason to spend some time with her before the start of training camp.

"I go back home and see my mom each and every week, my mom and my sister," Hightower said. "I try to spend as much time with family and close friends that I don't get to see throughout the season that can't come up here. Any time I'm back home, I don't do too much. I'm not a big out there person. So I'm usually at home with my family and friends."

Hightower was part of a group of Patriots who were not on the field for last week's optional OTA practice that was open to the media, but he said that he's looking forward to getting back on the field eventually.

"When the time comes, yeah," he said, "but I'm enjoying my offseason while I can."

FOXBORO -- James White is used to sharing. In high school, he split carries with Bengals running back Gio Bernard for powerhouse program St. Thomas Aquinas in South Florida. In college, at Wisconsin, he ceded work to future NFL backs John Clay, Montee Ball and Melvin Gordon.

In New England, he wasn't counted on to be an every-down back until Super Bowl LI when Dion Lewis suffered a leg injury at the end of regulation and the Patriots were in the midst of the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history.


In 2017, he's expected to be sharing once again. Though he looks like the front-runner for the team's sub-back work, Lewis is back in the fold and the Patriots added both Mike Gillislee and Rex Burkhead to the mix. Second-year pro DJ Foster and special-teams maven Brandon Bolden could also compete for touches.

None of that bothers White, who signed a three-year extension this offseason.

"For me,ever since college and Little League,I've always had other guys in the backfield so just make the most of your opportunities," he said of his approach. "Everybody's going to have a role. You may play one play one game. You may play 60 plays one game. Just be ready for the moment when your number's called."

White was ready for his moment last season in Houston with his team's fifth Lombardi Trophy on the line. During the comeback, with the Patriots relying on their sub packages as they threw their way back into contention, White responded with the performance of his career. He scored three times, including the game-winner in overtime, and caught a Super Bowl record 14 passes for 110 yards.

Despite adding another ring to the collection in 2016, the Patriots were aggressive in building their roster this offseason. Burkhead was signed to a one-year deal as a well-rounded back after spending the majority of his career in Cincinnati as a special-teamer behind Bernard and Jeremy Hill on the Bengals running back depth chart. Bill Belichick and his front office also handed their fifth-round pick to the Bills in order to sign Gillislee as a restricted free agent.

Both have impressed White in their short time with the Patriots thus far.

"They fit in very well," White said. "You gotta welcome the guys in. You never know who's going to be here so you get around those guys, help them learn the offense, let them know how we work here, let them get a feel for this system so that they're comfortable and they feel at home . . .

"They're both good football players. I've watched those guys since college. It's great to have more competition here. It's going to bring the best out of each and every player. I think competition brings the best out of you. You compete with each and every one of those guys that we have, and I think it'll make the team better."

FOXBORO -- James White wasn't necessarily seeking out a new deal. He wasn't banging on the office doors of Bill Belichick, Nick Caserio or Robert Kraft for a second contract. But when the team came to him with a proposal, he didn't turn it down.

"It was a surprising development," White said Wednesday. "I was just gonna come out and work hard, and they brought the offer to me, andI accepted. But at the same time, that's not gonna change who I am. I'm gonna continue to work and continue to do whatever this team asks me to do and follow the lead of all our leaders and the coaches."


White signed a three-year contract extension with the Patriots back in April, a little more than two months after he had the game of his life in Super Bowl LI. He caught a Super Bowl record 14 passes for 110 yardsscored three times, includingthe game-winning touchdown in overtime to complete the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history.

Under his original deal, White was scheduled to earn $690,000 in 2017 as the final year of his four-year rookie pact. With his new contract, he was given a $4 million signing bonus and base salaries of $1 million, $2.5 million and $3 million in 2018, 2019 and 2020. He also has the opportunity to make up to $500,000in roster bonuses for each of those three years.

"Definitely nice," White said of the security he's been afforded."But at the same time, you still have to work. Nothing's for certain. You have to go out there and prove yourself each and every day. I just want to continue to work and continue to improve each and every day."

White is the frontrunner to serve as the team's sub back again in 2017. Primarily a weapon to be used on passing downs due to his hands, his route-running ability, and his understanding of pass-protection schemes, White proved in the Super Bowl that he can also serve as more of a traditionalrunner out of the backfield when needed.

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Hightower hosts women impacted by diabetes at Wonder Woman screening - Comcast SportsNet New England

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Methodist Healthcare lifestyle coaches help reduce risk of type 2 diabetes –

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

MEMPHIS, Tenn. Methodist Healthcare is using lifestyle coaches to help patients reduce their risks of developing type 2 diabetes.

The disease affects the way the body processes insulin and blood sugar, and can lead to serious health problems like kidney damage, nerve damage, the need for amputation or blindness.

At Methodist, patients at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes can take part in free group meetings with a lifestyle coach.

They year-long program is designed to teach them how to eat better and lose weight.

When people are prediabetic, weight loss is one of the most important things we can modify during that stage. What we want to concentrate on is developing healthier eating habits overall rather than dieting. If you can develop healthy habits that`s something you can sustain for a longer time, said Dr. Lindsey French.

The Centers for Disease Control said you can cut in half your risk of developing the disease by losing five to seven percent of your body weight, improving food choices and increasing physical activity to at least 150 minutes per week.

For more information on the Diabetes Prevention Program call (901) 516-6616.

Quiz: Could you have prediabetes?

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Real estate bigs teaming up at Chelsea Piers to fight diabetes – New York Post

Posted: May 31, 2017 at 8:43 pm

The real estate industry will be holding its second annual JDRF Real Estate Games at Chelsea Piers to raise money to fund Type One diabetes (T1D) research.

Jim Whelan, an executive vice president of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), who is also on the local JDRF chapters board of directors, is once again organizing the June 15 event.

Real Estate is a competitive industry and this is a different way to exhibit that competition, said Whelan, whose teenager, Jack, was diagnosed with T1D four years ago.

Last year, 19 teams raised over $82,000 and this year $220,00 has already come in.

So far, 20 ten-person teams from the citys top real estate companies have signed on to compete in six events. These include dodgeball, hot shot basketball, a relay race, and a rock climbing relay that last year was won by the REBNY team.

New this year is the challenging sport stacking that uses a dozen cups to see who is really physically fit, and a pass, catch and end zone dance competition that will get bystanders cheering for their favorite quarterbacks and receivers.

The event even has its own hashtag, #JDRFgames.

Teams already involved include AECOM Tishman, Brookfield Properties, The Carlyle Group, Douglaston Development, The Durst Organization, Eastdil Secured, Glenwood Management, Hines, JDS Development Group, JLL, L&M Development Partners, Langan, REBNY, Savills Studley, Silverstein Properties, SL Green Realty Corp., Tishman Speyer, TF Cornerstone, and Two Trees Management Company.

Participants will later stroll to the Sunset Terrace for a networking party.

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Real estate bigs teaming up at Chelsea Piers to fight diabetes - New York Post

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