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Chronic Pain Treatment | Georgia Integrative Medicine, Atlanta

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 9:46 pm

I am Dr. Yoon Hang Kim, an integrative medicine specialist who specializes in assisting patients with complex medical issues.

I began my training in family medicine, however, I felt frustrated and limited by using conventional approach alone. This led to my continued specialization into preventive medicine, medical acupuncture, and integrative medicine. In my training journey, I was fortunate to train with best physicians in the field including Dr. Andrew Weil.

In my 30s I developed severe and debilitating chronic pain. I tried every suggested modality within conventional medicines, including surgery, all of which failed me.

I researched potential answers and then developed a new approach to treating pain Neuroanatomic Approach to Pain. The results of the treatments was incredible. Neuroanatomic approach to pain not only freed me from my pain, it also restored my ability to function.

Today, I utilize my Neuroanatomic Approach to Pain to help others recover from severe pain and rediscover their happiness and functionality. Looking back, I realize that my own experience with severe, debilitating chronic pain gave me the unique insight I needed so that I can help people with chronic pain. Through my work I have recognized that chronic pain is a problem that can be dealt with, and it does not have to ruin lives or hamper the health of my patients.

Over time, I grew frustrated as I watched family members struggle with allopathic treatments for their autoimmune disorders. My frustration become inspiration, as I worked hard to develop another clinical expertise: treating autoimmune conditions such as Hashimotos thyroiditis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, respiratory allergies, and food allergies. My desire to help these loved ones inspired me to develop an Autoimmune Condition Reset program.

Successful autoimmune diseases treated by Integrative Autoimmune Reset program include: Multiple Scleorosis, Lupus, Crohns disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder.

It gives me great joy to say that this program is currently helping my family members and my patients cope with their ailments.

I believe in and practice integrative medicine because it expands my toolbox, the options for healing that I can offer my patients. However, after practicing all of these years, I realize that, fueled by a natural gift for problem solving and combined with tenacity and perseverance, my true calling is solving complex medical problems. A large majority of my patients have given up hope that anyone can find viable solutions for them. I derive a great deal of satisfaction from working with these patients and improving the quality of their lives. It is that personal connection with my patients that I seek, a partnership that is integral to the wellbeing of the people I work with. My staff members and I take these relationships seriously, and we work hard to forge a genuine, meaningful relationship with each of our patients. In our experience, these authentic connections are vital to patients health, and serve a big role in overall healing. Ultimately, we greatly value both the strengths of conventional medicine and the wisdom of complementary and alternate healing modalities.

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Stem Cell Therapy Tulsa OK | Broken Arrow | Sapulpa

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 9:44 pm

Stem Cell Therapy in Tulsa, Oklahoma Stem Cell Injections for Arthritis, Tendonitis, Knee Pain & More

As an alternative to surgery, our patients can now benefit from injections of platelet rich plasma, amniotic, bone marrow or adipose stem cells to treat chronic orthopaedic conditions. These treatments can reduce pain and provide long lasting relief from chronic tendinitis, early arthritis and cartilage damage in the joint.

Our surgeons offer these fairly new treatment options; PRP, amniotic membrane stem cell, bone marrow stem cell as well as adipose stem cell injections to successfully treat patients with knee, hip or shoulder osteoarthritis, rotator cuff tendonitis, Achilles tendonitis, chronic bursitis, meniscal tears and degenerative arthritis. (For clarification, amniotic stem cells comes from the amniotic sac not an embryo. While some people may have ethical issues with embryonic stem cell therapy, most people agree the use of amniotic stem cell therapy raises no ethical or moral questions.)

As we age, our bodies undergo wear and tear from previous injuries, exercising, playing sports or arthritis. We do not repair these injures as well as we did when we were young. We produce less of our repair cells (mesenchymal stem cells) as we get older so it takes longer to recover.

Stem cell treatment takes advantage of the bodys ability to repair itself. With amniotic stem cell therapy, Dr. Mittal injects stem cells from amniotic tissues into your body. These stem cells have anti-inflammatory properties, similar to steroid and cortisone shots. Whats great is stem cell therapy can go beyond the benefits of standard injection therapy. Stem cells can actually restore degenerated tissue while providing pain relief. The growth factors in amniotic stem cells may replace damaged cells in your body. Stem cell injections also contain hyaluronic acid which lubricates tendons and joints which eases pain and helps to restore mobility.

One of the richest sources of stem cells is bone marrow, and the hip (pelvis) is one of the best and most convenient locations for obtaining bone marrow. During the harvesting procedure, the doctor removes (or aspirates) your cells from the pelvis. A trained nurse or technician then uses specifically designed equipment to concentrate the stem cells in the bone marrow and provides the cells back to the surgeon for implantation at the site of injury. This technique can be performed in one of our procedure rooms at the clinic.

A small sample of Adipose tissue (fat) is removed from above the Superior Iliac spine (love handles) or abdomen under a local anesthetic. Then a trained nurse or technician uses specifically designed equipment to concentrate the adipose stem cells and provides the cells back to the surgeon for implantation at the site of injury. This technique can be performed in one of our procedure rooms at the clinic.

Amniotic Stem Cell injections provide patients with a non-surgical treatment option to reduce various types of musculoskeletal pain. The injections are performed under Ultrasound guidance to ensure proper placement of the stem cells. With amniotic stem cells, there is no threat of patient rejection and amniotic fluid is highly concentrated source of stem cells, which makes this type of stem cell injection preferable.

Yes, more than 10,000 injections have been performed without a single reported adverse side effect. The use of amniotic stem cells is well researched, safe and effective, plus they have been used by ophthalmologists and plastic surgeons for around 20 years.

No, PRP is the injection or addition of blood platelets to enhance or jump-start the healing of soft tissue. Stem cell therapy is the process of using stem cells to create new cells to promote damaged or lost cells. They are different treatments but fall in the category of regenerative medicine.

To develop a PRP preparation, blood must first be drawn from a patient. The platelets are separated from other blood cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. The increased concentration of platelets is then injected back into the region of the body being treated. This technique can also be performed in one of our clinic procedure rooms.

While PRP and stem cell therapy has been used for years to treat a multitude of injuries, their application is fairly new to orthopaedics. Due to this, some insurance companies may deny coverage making these procedures self-pay. In most cases its close to the amount of your deductible if you did in fact have a surgery. Our business office will be happy to work with you to obtain alternative payment arrangements prior to scheduling any procedure.

If you are suffering from any kind of joint, tendon or ligament pain and most other conservative treatments arent alleviating it then you may be a candidate for amniotic stem cell therapy. However if you have severe degenerative osteoarthritis you may not be eligible. If you believe you are a candidate then please fill out the form to the right to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our surgeons. They will look at your X-rays and examine you to determine if you are a candidate for one of these regenerative treatments.

Post-Procedure Instructions for Joints

Immediately After Your Cell Transplant Procedure: The stem cell injection includes producing a micro injury in the joint. As a result, expect the joint to be sore. This can be everything from minimally sore to very sore. Activity: The goal is to allow the stem cells to attach and then to protect them while they differentiate into cartilage. For this reason, youll be asked to keep the joint as still as possible for 30-60 minutes after the procedure. Do not take a bath for three days, but a shower 12 hours after the procedure is fine. 1st 3rd Day: For the first day, you should limit activity on the joint. If you have post-op soreness this may be easy to do, as you may have a natural limp or antalgic gait (your body does this to reduce pressure on the area to allow healing). If you dont have this, then simply, naturally taking a bit of weight off this area as you walk is a good idea this first day. Avoid all contact sports as well as jogging, running, or sports that involve impact on that joint. 4th Day 2nd Week: You can start to walk normally, no more than 30-60 minutes a day. Avoid all contact sports as well as jogging, running, or sports that involve impact on that joint. Bike riding is fine as are stationary bikes (no up/downs), elliptical machines, and swimming (no breast stroke). 3rd 6th Week: Avoid all contact sports as well as jogging, running, or sports that involve impact on that joint. You can walk as much as you like. Bike riding is fine, as are stationary bikes, elliptical machine, and swimming. Stem Cell Therapy Testimonials

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Medical Breakthrough: Public Umbilical Cord Blood Center …

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 9:44 pm

An Amazing Birth Day Gift

The day a baby is born can be the beginning of a second chance at life for someone else! Until now, umbilical cord blood that can save lives was thrown away after births across our state. Without a local, public umbilical cord blood center, Oklahoma mothers had no option to donate it without incurring considerable personal expense. But, through Oklahoma Blood Institutes innovative leadership, our state now holds the distinction of having one of only 25 cord blood centers worldwide.

Initially, this is offered at OU Medical Center. Soon, it will be offered at other hospitals in the state. Cord blood donation is free to the parents. The donation process is simple and painless. After delivery and separation of the cord from the baby, the mothers physician or nurse will collect blood from the umbilical cord. Donation doesnt change the delivery process. It is only performed in an uncomplicated delivery with a healthy mother and baby. Families celebrating a joyous event in their own lives can bring the same to those battling leukemia and other blood disorders.

Thousands of people need stem cell transplants, but matches dont exist. Hope is slim particularly for minority populations most prevalent in Oklahoma who are poorly represented within national registries. Oklahoma Blood Institute is well positioned to make sure diverse needs are better met:

OBI is completing rigorous FDA licensure requirements for its cord blood facility. The entire collection, processing, testing and distribution process is managed from Oklahoma Blood Institutes main campus in Oklahoma City.

Stem cells from cord blood donated with OBIs public bank will be made available to anyone even nationally or internationally who is identified as a match through NMDP. Healthy stem cells are transfused to replace patients stem cells. These stem cells regenerate blood cells for patients with damaged or defective bone marrow or immune systems. They rebuild a patients marrow cells that form the bodys blood and immunology functions. With cells from umbilical cord blood of those with Oklahoma heritage, more in our state will have the matches and hope they need to live healthy and long lives.

Even more fascinating is the role of umbilical cord blood in future healthcare advances. As more treatment successes are found, these stem cells are expected to revolutionize care for other life-threatening diseases. Scientists are currently pioneering use of stem cells to replenish or reprogram dying or damaged cells that are contributing to life-threatening illnesses. They are exploring the potential for healing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, graft versus host disease and central nervous system disorders, such as Parkinsons.

OBIs Cord Blood Center exists thanks to generous contributions from several Oklahoma foundations and scores of individuals, compelled to enhance the states health care quality. Ongoing and additional support from benefactors is needed to continue this incredible resource for restoration of life.

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Molecular Genetics –

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 1:45 am

Genetics seems rather intimidating, but in its purest sense it is rather simple.The basis of genetics is fairly simple: DNA => RNA => A Protein.

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, (DNA) is a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code. Nearly every cell in a persons body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA).

The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billionof these bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in every person. The order, or sequence, of these bases determines the information available for building and maintaining an organism.

DNA bases pair up with each other, A with T and C with G, to form units called base pairs. Each base is also attached to a sugar molecule and a phosphate molecule. Together, a base, sugar, and phosphate are called a nucleotide. Nucleotides are arranged in two long strands that form a spiral called a double helix. The structure of the double helix is somewhat like a ladder, with the base pairs forming the ladders rungs and the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the vertical sidepieces of the ladder.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is very similar to DNA, but differs in a few important structural details: RNA nucleotides contain ribose sugars while DNA contains deoxyribose and RNA uses predominantly uracil instead of thymine present in DNA. RNA is transcribed (synthesized) from DNA by enzymes called RNA polymerases and further processed by other enzymes. RNA serves as the template for translation of genes into proteins, transferring amino acids to the ribosome to form proteins, and also translating the transcript into proteins.

RNAs serve as the working set of blue prints for a gene. Each gene is read, and then the messenger RNAs are sent to the molecular factories (ribosomes) that build proteins. These factories read the blueprints and use the information to make the appropriate protein. When the cell no longer needs to make any more of that protein, the RNA blueprints are destroyed. but because the master copy in the DNA remains intact, the cell can always go back to the DNA and make more RNA copies when it needs more of the encoded protein.

An example would be the suns UV light activating the genes in your skin cells to tan you. The gene is read and the RNA takes the message or blueprint to the ribosomes where melanin, the protein that tans your skin, is made.

As we discussed, each gene is made up of a series of bases and those bases provide instructions for making a single protein. Any change in the sequence of bases may be considered a mutation. Most of the mutations are naturally-occurring. For example, when a cell divides, it makes a copy of its DNA and sometimes the copy is not quite perfect. That small difference from the original DNA sequence is a mutation.

Mutations can also be caused by exposure to specific chemicals, metals, viruses, and radiation. These have the potential to modify the DNA. This is not necessarily unnatural even in the most isolated and pristine environments, DNA breaks down. Nevertheless, when the cell repairs the DNA, it might not do a perfect job of the repair. So the cell would end up with DNA slightly different than the original DNA and hence, a mutation.

Some mutations have little or no effect on the protein, while others cause the protein not to function at all. Other mutations may create a new effect that did not exist before. Many diseases are a result of mutations in certain genes. One example is the gene for sickle cell anemia. The mutation causing the blood disorder sickle cell anemia is a single nucleotide substitution (A to T) in the base number 17 out of 438 As, Ts, Cs and Gs . By changing the amino acid at that point, the impact is that the red blood cells are no longer round, but sickle in shape and carry less oxygen.

Some of these changes occur in cells of the body such as in skin cells as a result of sun exposure. Fortunately these types of changes are not passed on to our children. However, other types of errors can occur in the DNA of cells that produce the eggs and sperm. These errors are called germ line mutations and can be passed from parent to child. If a child inherits a germ line mutation from their parents, every cell in their body will have this error in their DNA. Germ line mutations are what cause diseases to run in families, and are responsible for hereditary diseases.

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a widespread health problem with several known inherited causes. Inherited SCD generally occurs in healthy individuals who do not have other conventional cardiac risk factors. Mutations in the genes in charge of creating the electrical activity of the heart have been found to be responsible for most arrhythmias, among them Short QT Syndrome, Long QT Syndrome, Brugada Syndrome, Familial Bundle Branch Block, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome.

As researchers discover the role genes play in disease, there will be more genetic tests available to help doctors make diagnoses and pinpoint the cause of the disease. For example, heart disease can be caused either by a mutation in certain genes, or by environmental factors such as diet or exercise to name a few.

Physicians can easily diagnose a person with heart disease once they present symptoms. However, physicians can not easily identify the cause of the heart disease is in each person. Thus, most patients receive the same treatment regardless of underlying cause of the disease.

In the future, a panel of genetic tests for heart disease might reveal the specific genetic factors that are involved in a given person. People with a specific mutation may be able to receive treatment that is directed to that mutation, thereby treating the cause of the disease, rather than just the symptoms.

The ultimate goal of the MMRLs Molecular Genetics Program is to identify the factors that are responsible for these diseases. This knowledge will facilitate the development ofgene-specific therapies and cures for arrhythmias and identify individuals at risk for sudden cardiac deaths.

With the addition of the Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics programs, MMRL is now integrally involved in both basic and clinical research, and is among the relatively few institutions worldwide with a consistent and concerted focus on bridging basic and clinical science. With an eye toward designing specific treatments and cures for disease, the Laboratorys research has the potential to affect us all.

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Molecular biology – Wikipedia

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 1:45 am

Molecular biology concerns the molecular basis of biological activity between biomolecules in the various systems of a cell, including the interactions between DNA, RNA and proteins and their biosynthesis, as well as the regulation of these interactions.[1][2] Writing in Nature in 1961, William Astbury described molecular biology as:

"...not so much a technique as an approach, an approach from the viewpoint of the so-called basic sciences with the leading idea of searching below the large-scale manifestations of classical biology for the corresponding molecular plan. It is concerned particularly with the forms of biological molecules and [...] is predominantly three-dimensional and structuralwhich does not mean, however, that it is merely a refinement of morphology. It must at the same time inquire into genesis and function."[3]

Researchers in molecular biology use specific techniques native to molecular biology but increasingly combine these with techniques and ideas from genetics and biochemistry. There is not a defined line between these disciplines. The figure to the right is a schematic that depicts one possible view of the relationship between the fields:

Much of the work in molecular biology is quantitative, and recently much work has been done at the interface of molecular biology and computer science in bioinformatics and computational biology. As of the early 2000s, the study of gene structure and function, molecular genetics, has been among the most prominent sub-field of molecular biology.Increasingly many other loops of biology focus on molecules, either directly studying their interactions in their own right such as in cell biology and developmental biology, or indirectly, where the techniques of molecular biology are used to infer historical attributes of populations or species, as in fields in evolutionary biology such as population genetics and phylogenetics. There is also a long tradition of studying biomolecules "from the ground up" in biophysics.[citation needed]

Since the late 1950s and early 1960s, molecular biologists have learned to characterize, isolate, and manipulate the molecular components of cells and organisms.

These components include DNA, the repository of genetic information; RNA, a close relative of DNA whose functions range from serving as a temporary working copy of DNA to actual structural and enzymatic functions as well as a functional and structural part of the translational apparatus, the ribosome; and proteins, the major structural and enzymatic type of molecule in cells.[citation needed]

One of the most basic techniques of molecular biology to study protein function is molecular cloning. In this technique, DNA coding for a protein of interest is cloned (using PCR and/or restriction enzymes) into a plasmid (known as an expression vector). A vector has 3 distinctive features: an origin of replication, a multiple cloning site (MCS), and a selective marker (usually antibiotic resistance). The origin of replication will have promoter regions upstream from the replication/transcription start site.

This plasmid can be inserted into either bacterial or animal cells. Introducing DNA into bacterial cells can be done by transformation (via uptake of naked DNA), conjugation (via cell-cell contact) or by transduction (via viral vector). Introducing DNA into eukaryotic cells, such as animal cells, by physical or chemical means is called transfection. Several different transfection techniques are available, such as calcium phosphate transfection, electroporation, microinjection and liposome transfection. DNA can also be introduced into eukaryotic cells using viruses or bacteria as carriers, the latter is sometimes called bactofection and in particular uses Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The plasmid may be integrated into the genome, resulting in a stable transfection, or may remain independent of the genome, called transient transfection.

In either case, DNA coding for a protein of interest is now inside a cell, and the protein can now be expressed. A variety of systems, such as inducible promoters and specific cell-signaling factors, are available to help express the protein of interest at high levels. Large quantities of a protein can then be extracted from the bacterial or eukaryotic cell. The protein can be tested for enzymatic activity under a variety of situations, the protein may be crystallized so its tertiary structure can be studied, or, in the pharmaceutical industry, the activity of new drugs against the protein can be studied.

Polymerase chain reaction is an extremely versatile technique for copying DNA. In brief, PCR allows a specific DNA sequence to be copied or modified in predetermined ways. The reaction is extremely powerful and under perfect conditions could amplify 1 DNA molecule to become 1.07 Billion molecules in less than 2 hours. The PCR technique can be used to introduce restriction enzyme sites to ends of DNA molecules, or to mutate (change) particular bases of DNA, the latter is a method referred to as site-directed mutagenesis. PCR can also be used to determine whether a particular DNA fragment is found in a cDNA library. PCR has many variations, like reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) for amplification of RNA, and, more recently, quantitative PCR which allow for quantitative measurement of DNA or RNA molecules.

Gel electrophoresis is one of the principal tools of molecular biology. The basic principle is that DNA, RNA, and proteins can all be separated by means of an electric field and size. In agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA and RNA can be separated on the basis of size by running the DNA through an electrically charged agarose gel. Proteins can be separated on the basis of size by using an SDS-PAGE gel, or on the basis of size and their electric charge by using what is known as a 2D gel electrophoresis.

The terms northern, western and eastern blotting are derived from what initially was a molecular biology joke that played on the term Southern blotting, after the technique described by Edwin Southern for the hybridisation of blotted DNA. Patricia Thomas, developer of the RNA blot which then became known as the northern blot, actually didn't use the term.[4] Further combinations of these techniques produced such terms as southwesterns (protein-DNA hybridizations), northwesterns (to detect protein-RNA interactions) and farwesterns (protein-protein interactions), all of which are presently found in the literature.

Named after its inventor, biologist Edwin Southern, the Southern blot is a method for probing for the presence of a specific DNA sequence within a DNA sample. DNA samples before or after restriction enzyme (restriction endonuclease) digestion are separated by gel electrophoresis and then transferred to a membrane by blotting via capillary action. The membrane is then exposed to a labeled DNA probe that has a complement base sequence to the sequence on the DNA of interest. Most original protocols used radioactive labels; however, non-radioactive alternatives are now available. Southern blotting is less commonly used in laboratory science due to the capacity of other techniques, such as PCR, to detect specific DNA sequences from DNA samples. These blots are still used for some applications, however, such as measuring transgene copy number in transgenic mice, or in the engineering of gene knockout embryonic stem cell lines.

The northern blot is used to study the expression patterns of a specific type of RNA molecule as relative comparison among a set of different samples of RNA. It is essentially a combination of denaturing RNA gel electrophoresis, and a blot. In this process RNA is separated based on size and is then transferred to a membrane that is then probed with a labeled complement of a sequence of interest. The results may be visualized through a variety of ways depending on the label used; however, most result in the revelation of bands representing the sizes of the RNA detected in sample. The intensity of these bands is related to the amount of the target RNA in the samples analyzed. The procedure is commonly used to study when and how much gene expression is occurring by measuring how much of that RNA is present in different samples. It is one of the most basic tools for determining at what time, and under what conditions, certain genes are expressed in living tissues.

Antibodies to most proteins can be created by injecting small amounts of the protein into an animal such as a mouse, rabbit, sheep, or donkey (polyclonal antibodies) or produced in cell culture (monoclonal antibodies). These antibodies can be used for a variety of analytical and preparative techniques.

In western blotting, proteins are first separated by size, in a thin gel sandwiched between two glass plates in a technique known as SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). The proteins in the gel are then transferred to a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), nitrocellulose, nylon, or other support membrane. This membrane can then be probed with solutions of antibodies. Antibodies that specifically bind to the protein of interest can then be visualized by a variety of techniques, including colored products, chemiluminescence, or autoradiography. Often, the antibodies are labeled with enzymes. When a chemiluminescent substrate is exposed to the enzyme it allows detection. Using western blotting techniques allows not only detection but also quantitative analysis. Analogous methods to western blotting can be used to directly stain specific proteins in live cells or tissue sections. However, these immunostaining methods, such as FISH, are used more often in cell biology research.

The Eastern blotting technique is used to detect post-translational modification of proteins.[5] Proteins blotted on to the PVDF or nitrocellulose membrane are probed for modifications using specific substrates.

A DNA microarray is a collection of spots attached to a solid support such as a microscope slide where each spot contains one or more single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide fragment. Arrays make it possible to put down large quantities of very small (100 micrometre diameter) spots on a single slide. Each spot has a DNA fragment molecule that is complementary to a single DNA sequence (similar to Southern blotting). A variation of this technique allows the gene expression of an organism at a particular stage in development to be qualified (expression profiling). In this technique the RNA in a tissue is isolated and converted to labeled cDNA. This cDNA is then hybridized to the fragments on the array and visualization of the hybridization can be done. Since multiple arrays can be made with exactly the same position of fragments they are particularly useful for comparing the gene expression of two different tissues, such as a healthy and cancerous tissue. Also, one can measure what genes are expressed and how that expression changes with time or with other factors. For instance, the common baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contains about 7000 genes; with a microarray, one can measure qualitatively how each gene is expressed, and how that expression changes, for example, with a change in temperature. There are many different ways to fabricate microarrays; the most common are silicon chips, microscope slides with spots of ~ 100 micrometre diameter, custom arrays, and arrays with larger spots on porous membranes (macroarrays). There can be anywhere from 100 spots to more than 10,000 on a given array. Arrays can also be made with molecules other than DNA. For example, an antibody array can be used to determine what proteins or bacteria are present in a blood sample.

Allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) is a technique that allows detection of single base mutations without the need for PCR or gel electrophoresis. Short (20-25 nucleotides in length), labeled probes are exposed to the non-fragmented target DNA. Hybridization occurs with high specificity due to the short length of the probes and even a single base change will hinder hybridization. The target DNA is then washed and the labeled probes that didn't hybridize are removed. The target DNA is then analyzed for the presence of the probe via radioactivity or fluorescence. In this experiment, as in most molecular biology techniques, a control must be used to ensure successful experimentation. The Illumina Methylation Assay is an example of a method that takes advantage of the ASO technique to measure one base pair differences in sequence.[citation needed]

In molecular biology, procedures and technologies are continually being developed and older technologies abandoned. For example, before the advent of DNA gel electrophoresis (agarose or polyacrylamide), the size of DNA molecules was typically determined by rate sedimentation in sucrose gradients, a slow and labor-intensive technique requiring expensive instrumentation; prior to sucrose gradients, viscometry was used. Aside from their historical interest, it is often worth knowing about older technology, as it is occasionally useful to solve another new problem for which the newer technique is inappropriate.

While molecular biology was established in the 1930s, the term was coined by Warren Weaver in 1938. Weaver was the director of Natural Sciences for the Rockefeller Foundation at the time and believed that biology was about to undergo a period of significant change given recent advances in fields such as X-ray crystallography. He therefore channeled significant amounts of (Rockefeller Institute) money into biological fields.

Clinical research and medical therapies arising from molecular biology are partly covered under gene therapy[citation needed]. The use of molecular biology or molecular cell biology approaches in medicine is now called molecular medicine. Molecular biology also plays important role in understanding formations, actions, and regulations of various parts of cells which can be used to efficiently target new drugs, diagnosis disease, and understand the physiology of the cell.

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Human Molecular Genetics –

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 1:45 am

Tom Strachan is Scientific Director of the Institute of Human Genetics and Professor of Human Molecular Genetics at Newcastle University, UK, and is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Tom's early research interests were in multigene family evolution and interlocus sequence exchange, notably in the HLA and 21-hydroxylase gene clusters. While pursuing the latter, he became interested in medical genetics and disorders of development. His most recent research has focused on developmental control of the vertebrate cohesion regulators Nipbl and Mau-2.

Andrew Read is Emeritus Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Manchester, UK and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Andrew has been particularly concerned with making the benefits of DNA technology available to people with genetic problems. He established one of the first DNA diagnostic laboratories in the UK over 20 years ago (it is now one of two National Genetics Reference Laboratories), and was founder chairman of the British Society for Human Genetics, the main professional body in this area. His own research is on the molecular pathology of various hereditary syndromes, especially hereditary hearing loss.

Drs. Strachan and Read were recipients of the European Society of Human Genetics Education Award.

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Integrative Medicine | The University of Kansas Hospital …

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 1:45 am

Healing the whole person

The hospital's integrative medicine program combines the best therapies from conventional medicine with our integrative medicine approach, to form a comprehensive system of biomedical care.

From a patient's very first visit with us, we attempt to uncover the underlying story of the patient's journey from wellness to disease. We listen. Based on our findings, we tailor a plan for each individual patient based on their lifestyle, their needs and their preferences. We consider the patient an integral part of the treatment team, and encourage patients to take control of their medical care.

Integrative medicine is the use of therapies generally not considered to be part of conventional medical care. As defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at the National Institute of Health (NIH), integrative medicine can incorporate:

Integrative Medicine at The University of Kansas Hospital focuses on biomedical based therapies. We combine the best therapies from conventional medicine with our integrative approach. Integrative medicine practiced in this manner is a comprehensive system of medical care. Comprehensive one-on-one patient-doctor visits attempt to elicit the underlying story of patients journey from wellness to disease. We listen. Based on the picture that emerges, testing is recommended. Testing may include:

Tailored plans are developed for individual patients based on these findings. Services offered for the individualized plan could include:

Alternative medicine services such as those offered in integrative medicine are not covered under most traditional health insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare. Because our program does not accept health insurance, payment is due at the time of service.

Your generous contributions support research and education to advance the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cancer.View specific ways to give.

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Integrative Medicine: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 1:45 am

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Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

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Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

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Regular medicine is awakening to the dumbfounding reality that clinical care accounts for just 10%-20% of the factors contributing to health. But if r...

John Weeks

Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

When physicians help patients come to the profound revelation that childhood adversity plays a role in the chronic illnesses they face now, they help them to heal physically and emotionally at last.

Donna Jackson Nakazawa

Writer exploring the science of illness and extraordinary healing. Books: Childhood Disrupted, The Last Best Cure, The Autoimmune Epidemic

Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. Hippocrates Integrative medicine is an ecosystem of support for pursuing you...

So far, L-theanine has shown minimal adverse side effects on young patients, making it an especially compelling form of therapy for researchers to look into in the future. If you're considering taking L-theanine, be sure to consult your doctor prior to beginning a new regimen.

The lesson I am about to share I learned on the mean streets of the early years of integrative medicine and health. This was the time of the first "co...

John Weeks

Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

I watched as her belly rose, her waist stretched for the corners of the room, and her chest lifted toward the ceiling. Just when I thought the exhale was approaching, she invited in more and more air, and then, as slowly as she took it in, she let it go.

The astonishing headline last month that medical errors are the 3rd most significant cause of death in the USA -- at an estimated 251,000 per year -- ...

John Weeks

Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

The question: Is it smart for the integrative health and medicine movement to abandon the radicalism of calling for an "alternative medicine"?

John Weeks

Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

Rethinking the Pain Puzzle Dr. Lillie Rosenthal Pain is a puzzle to be solved. Pain deserves our attention -- our ...

Cherkin is offering a key ingredient. Restructuring priorities from the presently reductionist biomedical approach to pain is the stock that will provide a necessary base for the hearty soup of real health care reform.

John Weeks

Publisher and Editor, Integrator Blog News & Reports

The rest is here:
Integrative Medicine: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

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Digital Scholarship@UNLV – University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Posted: November 12, 2016 at 1:43 am

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

16-4-2011 2:00 PM

16-4-2011 3:30 PM

Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to regenerate malfunctioning tissues and replace harmful cancer cells. Although it holds the potential to alleviate malicious disabilities and diseases, it raises ethical concerns due to the destruction of a fertilized human embryo. In certain religions (Catholics and Christians), embryonic stem cell research is detested due to the destruction of a human at its early stages of life (embryo). On the other hand, scientists believe that embryonic stem cells can somedayused to treat human diseases. (Hansen 879) This analysis on embryonic stem cell research will consider both the supporting and opposing side of the controversy. We will include non-bias point of views by presenting both sides of the argument. Our goal is to inform our audience of the problem by providing sources with information from both sides that allow our audience to understand the ethical controversy that surrounds embryonic stem cell research.

Embryonic stem cellsResearch Moral and ethical aspects; Embryonic stem cellsResearchReligious aspects

Bioethics and Medical Ethics | Ethics and Political Philosophy | Health Policy | Philosophy of Science | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion | Science and Technology Policy | Social Welfare

Since August 02, 2011

Embryonic stem cell research

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to regenerate malfunctioning tissues and replace harmful cancer cells. Although it holds the potential to alleviate malicious disabilities and diseases, it raises ethical concerns due to the destruction of a fertilized human embryo. In certain religions (Catholics and Christians), embryonic stem cell research is detested due to the destruction of a human at its early stages of life (embryo). On the other hand, scientists believe that embryonic stem cells can somedayused to treat human diseases. (Hansen 879) This analysis on embryonic stem cell research will consider both the supporting and opposing side of the controversy. We will include non-bias point of views by presenting both sides of the argument. Our goal is to inform our audience of the problem by providing sources with information from both sides that allow our audience to understand the ethical controversy that surrounds embryonic stem cell research.

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Digital Scholarship@UNLV - University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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Genetic Engineering – The New York Times

Posted: November 10, 2016 at 4:44 pm

Latest Articles

A cotton farmer in India says they have greatly increased his yield. The Union of Concerned Scientists urges better crop management methods instead.

Higher yields with less pesticides was the sales pitch for genetically modified seeds. But that has not proved to be the outcome in the United States.


A new survey shows distrust of scientists, a suspicion about claims of progress and discomfort with the idea of meddling with human abilities.


The bill would require companies to indicate that foods have genetically engineered ingredients, but disagreement remains over how that would be done.


The study was testing the use of genetically engineered cells as a treatment for cancer, which had shown promising earlier results.

The bill would set a national standard for labeling G.M.O. foods, though critics say the system would not be tough enough.


A proposed law would make it unnecessarily difficult to check a label, by requiring the scanning of electronic codes in the store.


As of Friday, nearly all food labels in the state must disclose when products include genetically engineered ingredients.


The worlds top scientists say opponents of genetically modified foods are standing in the way of nutrition for people around the world.


A technique to change or eliminate entire populations of organisms could be used against virus-carrying mosquitoes. It could also have unintended consequences.


Residents there heard a proposal Monday from an M.I.T. scientist to use genetically engineered mice to stop the spread of the tick-borne disease.


A common bacterium contains molecules that target RNA, not DNA. If it can be harnessed for use in humans, the process may lead to new forms of bioengineering.


The formal announcement of the plans, which leaked last month, seeks to raise $100 million this year. The total price tag could exceed $1 billion.


One of the scientists credited with starting the gene editing revolution discusses her landmark discovery and how science has driven her.


Ritual, a start-up, is introducing a multivitamin that is vegan, mostly free of genetically engineered ingredients and tailored to todays diets.


The transaction, if consummated, would create an industry giant whose products include pain medications, genetically modified crops and pesticides.


Without disclosing details, Monsanto said its board was reviewing a proposal that would create a giant with a combined annual revenue of $67 billion.


The report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine is not expected to end the highly polarized debate over the technology.


Bioengineered food products are safe. So why do we try to hide the facts about them?


The project poses ethical issues about whether humans could be created without parents.


A cotton farmer in India says they have greatly increased his yield. The Union of Concerned Scientists urges better crop management methods instead.

Higher yields with less pesticides was the sales pitch for genetically modified seeds. But that has not proved to be the outcome in the United States.


A new survey shows distrust of scientists, a suspicion about claims of progress and discomfort with the idea of meddling with human abilities.


The bill would require companies to indicate that foods have genetically engineered ingredients, but disagreement remains over how that would be done.


The study was testing the use of genetically engineered cells as a treatment for cancer, which had shown promising earlier results.

The bill would set a national standard for labeling G.M.O. foods, though critics say the system would not be tough enough.


A proposed law would make it unnecessarily difficult to check a label, by requiring the scanning of electronic codes in the store.


As of Friday, nearly all food labels in the state must disclose when products include genetically engineered ingredients.


The worlds top scientists say opponents of genetically modified foods are standing in the way of nutrition for people around the world.


A technique to change or eliminate entire populations of organisms could be used against virus-carrying mosquitoes. It could also have unintended consequences.


Residents there heard a proposal Monday from an M.I.T. scientist to use genetically engineered mice to stop the spread of the tick-borne disease.


A common bacterium contains molecules that target RNA, not DNA. If it can be harnessed for use in humans, the process may lead to new forms of bioengineering.


The formal announcement of the plans, which leaked last month, seeks to raise $100 million this year. The total price tag could exceed $1 billion.


One of the scientists credited with starting the gene editing revolution discusses her landmark discovery and how science has driven her.


Ritual, a start-up, is introducing a multivitamin that is vegan, mostly free of genetically engineered ingredients and tailored to todays diets.


The transaction, if consummated, would create an industry giant whose products include pain medications, genetically modified crops and pesticides.


Without disclosing details, Monsanto said its board was reviewing a proposal that would create a giant with a combined annual revenue of $67 billion.


The report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine is not expected to end the highly polarized debate over the technology.


Bioengineered food products are safe. So why do we try to hide the facts about them?


The project poses ethical issues about whether humans could be created without parents.


Read more here:
Genetic Engineering - The New York Times

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