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2 Northeast Ohio teens born with type 1 diabetes deal with social anxieties of their condition at school –

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:15 am

Type 1 diabetes is a condition that they both say is tough to deal with, not because of the physical ailments, but the social anxieties while at school.

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, Ohio Olivia and Marabelle are two Northeast Ohio teens that many would describe as typical teenagers.

If it wasn't for the beeping of their insulin pumps, you'd never know about the daily routine that has become just another part of their every day life.

Oliva and Marabelle were both born with type 1 diabetes.

A condition that they both say is tough to deal with, not because of the physical ailments, but the social effects they deal with while relying on those insulin pumps.

They don't try to do anything to bring attention to their condition while in school, but the loud beeping of the pumps bring attention to them whether they want it or not.

Oliva said, "When my pump would beep [in class], kids would freak out. When does it usually go off if my blood sugar is high or low. Or sometimes if I forget to turn my insulin back on after a shower.

They say it hasn't only been a struggle with feeling different compared to their classmates, but incidents with teachers thinking their devices are cell phones being used in class causes anxiety when the machines are working to provide them their necessary medicine.

Oliva continued, "One time I was giving myself insulin in class, my teacher was walking around and said 'Do I see a phone?' The whole class turned around. She looked under my desk and saw my pump and said, 'never mind'"

Technology has come a long way in helping children born with type 1 diabetes manage their insulin intake. Phones now connect to pumps via Bluetooth and help monitor blood sugar levels easier than ever before.

However one issue that still remains that technology hasn't come up with a solution for, the social ramifications of feeling "different" in a way not many others can understand.

Marabelle's mother Kari says schools are made aware of conditions like type 1 diabetes and should make sure every staff member knows about the accommodations allowed to these students by law.

"When [students] have something similar [to type 1 diabetes] they get a 504 plan through the school that gives them extra accommodations for test taking if they are over 300 they have the option to postpone. If they are not aloud to eat in class they can because they need it to stay healthy.

More than 200,000 kids have type 1 diabetes in the United States. It is an every day battle to stay healthy not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too.

Marabelle shares that she just wants to be looked as as a normal teen, "I'm not as different as you think I can still do normal stuff and that my pump beeping isn't a big deal."

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) will be holding its "One Walk" event coming up on Sunday, October 16 at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Money raised for the event will go towards JDRF's battle to conquer type 1 diabetes. Click here to register or make a donation.

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The Most Crucial Eating Habit To Prevent Diabetes – Eat This, Not That

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:15 am

What and how you eat directly impacts your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So, it's simple logic to make a habit of reducing the stuff that most directly leads to the deadly disease: sugar.

An estimated 34 million Americans have diabetes, more than 10% of the U.S. population, according to the National Institutes of Health. Another 88 million adults or 34.5% of Americans have prediabetes, a disorder characterized by blood sugar levels that are high but not yet to the level indicating type 2 diabetes.

When your body doesn't produce enough insulin or uses it ineffectively to keep your blood sugar in a healthy range, that's called insulin resistance. Your cells become numb to the hormone and can't efficiently use glucose for energy. Insulin resistance often leads to type 2 diabetes.

The disease is so common (as the numbers above suggest) that many people may not be aware of how serious and frightening it is. Type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver, and dementia.

If understanding the devastating potential outcomes of a diabetes diagnosis has renewed your interest in being more aware of your sugar intake, great! But here's another idea: Instead of focusing on cutting carbs and sugars out of your diet, establish eating habits that prevent diabetes. Since sacrificing the foods you love can be so unpleasant, focus on how you can eat healthy without denying yourself. That gets to the most crucial eating habit for avoiding diabetes, according to many nutrition experts:

"The diet we should all be on is the optimal diet of people with diabetes," says registered dietitian nutritionist Wendy Bazilian, Dr.PH, RDN, a doctor of public health and exercise physiologist certified by the American College of Sports Medicine. "You want a stable, steady release of blood glucose to enter the cells to make energy efficiently."

This is because stable blood sugar is critical to optimal metabolic health. And it affects many facets of your overall healthyour energy, sleep, mood and cognition, and immune system function.

"Uneven eating patterns, like skipping meals and eating heavily at dinner because you're starving, cause too many blood sugar spikes, which increases risk for diabetes," says registered dietitian Catherine Sebastian, MS, RD, manager of health communications at The Wonderful Company.

That advice may sound radical, but it's very logical and doable, because it's essentially the same healthy eating style that supports heart health, reduces inflammation, prevents weight gain and obesity, and reduces risk of certain cancers.

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Another important thing to consider when "eating like you already have diabetes" is that you don't need to cut out carbs completely.

"Cutting out carbs is a misconception," says Sebastian. "You want carbohydrates that contain fiber. And you should always have a protein source in every meal."

And some fat, adds Dr. Bazilian. "Have protein, fat, and carbs in your meal." Having the three macronutrients ensures you're getting nutrients, including fiber, that slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream as well as promote satiety.

Making a habit of eating like someone who already has diabetes can be challenging, just as establishing any routine can be. The key is to make a decision to commit to your health and well-being before making any changes to your day-to-day life, says Nick Frye, MS, a licensed clinical professional counselor and behavioral counseling manager for OPTAVIA, a weight loss and health coaching company.

The first step is finding your "why," "which is what we call the fundamental choice," he says. "It's an intentional commitment to identifying and following your north star. It's a mindset shift that sets direction and foundation for future action. All other habits to come are made in service to your fundamental choice."

So, for example, if eating like a diabetic is the habit you want to adopt, the first step is to determine what you want to get out of that habit. If it's "to optimize my health and avoid diabetes," personalize it with something emotionally meaningful to you, like "so I can be healthy enough to dance at my granddaughter's wedding in 20 years."

"Mindfully and intentionally become the author of your story," suggests Frye. "Skipping this mental exercise and jumping prematurely into action may deliver temporary success but is likely to result in long-term failure."

Remember Newton's First Law of Motion? A body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. Well, that's the principle behind habit creation: you must start moving and then keep moving. Frye recommends starting small with micro-habits because "small, repeatable behaviors lead to significant results. Habits set people up for sustainable change."6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e

You can find advice on how to eat like a diabetic on the American Diabetes Association website and elsewhere. But to start, build these micro-habits into your day and see where they take you.

"Put something in your mouth, break your fast," advises Carly Knowles, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist with Organic Valley, an independent cooperative of organic farmers. "It fixes so much. It sets a mindset shift that food is a priority."

Knowles also works in private practice with women with gestational diabetes. She says her golden piece of advice to them is to eat for energy in the morning. "It's not so important what you eat but that you eatcould be five almonds or a few spoonfuls of yogurtsomething. Otherwise, you may get to lunch with a blood sugar crash, causing brain fog, cravings, and binge eating."

If you're trying to avoid white bread by switching to 100% whole wheat but are having trouble making the switch, go half and half. "Make half of your daily grains whole grains and half refined grains that are enriched," suggests Elana Natkier, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and consultant to the Grain Foods Foundation.

Eating the enriched bread won't increase your risk of diabetes, and it will ensure you're getting the added iron, folate, vitamin A, and thiamine. Natkier points to a 2019 analysis of studies in Advances in Nutrition, which found no association between refined grain intake and risk of type 2 diabetes when comparing the highest and lowest intake groups.

Brazilian also recommends establishing this micro-habit: Stand up after you finish a meal. The act alone marks a transition and signals to your brain that the meal is completed. "Standing up starts the mechanics of digestion and it starts to tell our cells to open up to receive blood sugar," Bazilian adds. For the same reason, go for a walk after every meal. She cites a study in Sports Medicine, showing that even just two minutes of walking after a meal can improve blood sugar levels when compared to sitting or laying down.

Have a glass of water before every meal. It'll likely satisfy the intense hunger and help you avoid overeating. "Eating too much food can also make your blood sugar out of balance," says Bazilian. Too much of any one macronutrient can be detrimental to health, too.

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The Most Crucial Eating Habit To Prevent Diabetes - Eat This, Not That

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University Hospitals nationally recognized for efforts to reduce uncontrolled blood pressure; address relationship between diabetes, heart disease,…

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:15 am

Newswise CLEVELAND University Hospitals has received national recognition, with two awards from the American Heart Association and other entities, for its care of patients with uncontrolled blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. These are some of the most common and devastating conditions plaguing the health of Americans today. The UH Primary Care Institute (PCI) and UH Population Health drove this effort.

High blood pressure (BP), or hypertension, is a leading risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and preventable deathin the U.S. Nearly half of all adults in the country, 121.5 million people, are living with hypertension. Unfortunately, according to a study published in the Journal Circulation, less than half of them have their BP under control. Furthermore, Black Americans are more likely to have hypertension and suffer harm from it.

More than 37 million Americans have diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death for people living with type 2 diabetes. CVD is the leading cause of death and a major cause of heart attacks, strokes and heart failure for people living with type 2 diabetes.

Addressing blood pressure management is key for better cardiovascular health and is critical today, when heart disease and stroke continue to be leading causes of death for adults in the U.S., said Todd Zeiger, MD, who led this effort and at the time was Quality Medical Director for the Primary Care Institute at University Hospitals. Sona Kirpekar, MD, now leads quality for PCI. Receiving this recognition is a testament to the community that when they trust University Hospitals with their health, they will receive quality care.

At UH, were committed to optimizing care for the entire population of patients we serve, keeping them well and out of the hospital, said Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, Chief Quality and Clinical Transformation Officer at UH. On our journey to zero harm, we are working diligently to ensure all patients have their blood pressure controlled. Were grateful to our primary care and other providers whove played such a significant role in making this happen as well as their patients whove committed to pursuing a healthier lifestyle.

These improvements are the result of an interdisciplinary effort where UHs Accountable Care Organization Population Health team, nurses, medical assistants, pharmacists, and PCI physicians work collaboratively to ensure patients have their blood pressure and diabetes controlled.This endeavor is one of several new ways in which UH seeks to optimize the care of patients with chronic disease by engaging primary care practices with specialists and patients to design primary care-centered resources around their needs.

Target: BP Gold+ Award

The American Heart Association and American Medical Association have awarded University Hospitals with the Target: BP Gold+ Award for its commitment to improving blood pressure control rates. The Gold+ award recognizes practices that demonstrate a commitment to measurement accuracy and in which high blood pressure is controlled in 70 percent or more of the affected adult patients.

Target: BP is a national collaboration between the American Heart Association and American Medical Association aimed at reducing the number of adults in the U.S. who suffer from heart attacks and strokes each year by urging physician practices, health systems, and patients to prioritize BP control.

Target: Type 2 Diabetes Participant Award

UH has also received the American Heart Associations Target: Type 2 Diabetes Participant Award for its commitment to addressing the relationship between diabetes and the risk of heart disease and stroke. The Participant Award recognizes practices that have completed data submission, including clinical measure entry, and committed to improving quality of care for patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors.

Target: Type 2 Diabetes addresses heart disease and stroke risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes as part of the Know Diabetes by Heart initiative, by the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association, helping ensure the care provided to patients is aligned with the latest evidence- and research-based guidelines.


About University Hospitals / Cleveland, Ohio Founded in 1866, University Hospitals serves the needs of patients through an integrated network of more than 20 hospitals (including 5 joint ventures), more than 50 health centers and outpatient facilities, and over 200 physician offices in 16 counties throughout northern Ohio.The systems flagship quaternary care, academic medical center, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, is affiliated with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Oxford University and the Technion Israel Institute of Technology. The main campus also includes the UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, ranked among the top childrens hospitals in the nation; UH MacDonald Women's Hospital, Ohio's only hospital for women; and UH Seidman Cancer Center, part of the NCI-designated Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. UH is home to some of the most prestigious clinical and research programs in the nation, with more than 3,000 active clinical trials and research studies underway. UH Cleveland Medical Center is perennially among the highest performers in national ranking surveys, including Americas Best Hospitals from U.S. News & World Report. UH is also home to 19 Clinical Care Delivery and Research Institutes. UH isone of the largest employers in Northeast Ohio with more than 30,000 employees. Follow UH on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. For more information,

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University Hospitals nationally recognized for efforts to reduce uncontrolled blood pressure; address relationship between diabetes, heart disease,...

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5 Analysts Have This to Say About Tandem Diabetes Care – Tandem Diabetes Care (NASDAQ:TNDM) – Benzinga

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:15 am

Tandem Diabetes Care TNDM has observed the following analyst ratings within the last quarter:

According to 5 analyst offering 12-month price targets in the last 3 months, Tandem Diabetes Care has an average price target of $75.2 with a high of $90.00 and a low of $49.00.

Below is a summary of how these 5 analysts rated Tandem Diabetes Care over the past 3 months. The greater the number of bullish ratings, the more positive analysts are on the stock and the greater the number of bearish ratings, the more negative analysts are on the stock

This current average represents a 38.99% decrease from the previous average price target of $123.25.

Ratings come from analysts, or specialists within banking and financial systems that report for specific stocks or defined sectors (typically once per quarter for each stock). Analysts usually derive their information from company conference calls and meetings, financial statements, and conversations with important insiders to reach their decisions.

Some analysts publish their predictions for metrics such as growth estimates, earnings, and revenue to provide additional guidance with their ratings. When using analyst ratings, it is important to keep in mind that stock and sector analysts are also human and are only offering their opinions to investors.

If you want to keep track of which analysts are outperforming others, you can view updated analyst ratings along withanalyst success scores in Benzinga Pro.

This article was generated by Benzinga's automated content engine and reviewed by an editor.

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5 Analysts Have This to Say About Tandem Diabetes Care - Tandem Diabetes Care (NASDAQ:TNDM) - Benzinga

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Mice Model Technologies Market Outlook, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2031 – openPR

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:13 am

Mice Model Technologies Market Outlook 2031

-The global mice model technologies market was valued at US$ 1.6 Bn in 2021-The global market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% from 2022 to 2031-The global mice model technologies market is anticipated to reach US$ 3.2 Bn by 2031

Global Mice Model Technologies Market Introduction

Animal model is a non-human species, which can mimic characteristics of a biological process or a disease found in humans. Animal models are used in biomedical research. Genetic engineering is used to develop different types of mice models to target specific human diseases. Mice model technologies are often adopted in biomedical research, as mice share mammalian features with humans and suffer from many similar diseases.

Surge in Investment in Biomedical Research to Drive Demand for Mice Model Technologies

Investment in biomedical research is considered one of the most important indicators of any country's research landscape. In the last decade, biomedical research expenditure has increased manifold across the globe, with developed countries such as the U.S. and the U.K. dominating the landscape. Majority of these investments are made for R&D of animal models.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest advocate of biomedical research in the world, had a budget of around US$ 31 Bn in 2019, followed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the Wellcome Trust (each with approximately US$ 1.08 Bn; 3.1%). Overall, around 89.6% (approximately US$ 32 Bn) of all the grants awarded for biomedical research were allocated to recipient organizations in the U.S. More than 60% of NIH extramural funding involves animal-related research; most of this is allocated to mice-related studies. Thus, increase in biomedical research funding is expected to drive the global mice model technologies market during the forecast period.

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Rise in Adoption of Advanced Genomic Techniques

Various techniques and methodologies have been developed in the past few years to create genetically modified mice models of human diseases. Homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells is the conventional way of gene targeting. The advent of new molecular genome-altering technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9 allows for genetic mutations to be introduced into the germ line of a mouse faster and cheaper than previous methods.

Development of mice models is significantly easier than before with the use of CRISPR-based techniques. These techniques can be employed to effectively and quickly (within two to three months) produce frequently used mice models (simple knockout mouse, CRISPR Knockin mouse, point mutation knock-in mouse, cKOs, and reporter/Cre knock-ins). One or two guide RNAs and Cas9 protein can be injected to generate knockout mice. Development of large knock-ins (approximately 5 to 10 kb long) is generally achieved using plasmid DNAs as donors. CRISPR editing or ESC-mediated gene targeting can be used to create humanized knock-in (KI) mice models; each technique has its advantages for model development.

Cyagen TurboKnockout gene targeting service combines benefits of each approach to enable sophisticated gene modeling in C57BL/6 or BALB/c mouse models on an accelerated timeframe, including LFKIs up to 300 kb. In as little as six months, TurboKnockout can provide research-ready mouse models for humanization.

High Efficiency of CRISPR Gene Editing Technology Boosting CRISPR Knockout Segment

In terms of technology, the global mice model technologies market has been segregated into CRISPR Knockout; CRISPR Knockin; random insertions, large, targeted insertions; ES cell modification (homologous recombination); and others. The CRISPR Knockout segment held dominant share of the market in 2021. It is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. Growth of the segment can be ascribed to high efficiency of CRISPR gene editing technology and increase in adoption of CRISPR technology for the development of CRISPR Knockout mice.

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Increase in Adoption of CRISPR Technology in Biotechnology Companies

Based on end-user, the global mice model technologies market has been classified into pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, academic and research facilities, and contract research and manufacturing organizations.

The biotechnology companies segment is projected to account for dominant share of the global mice model technologies market during the forecast period. Increase in adoption of CRISPR technology in biotechnology companies and research laboratories is driving the segment. For instance, in October 2016, Caribou Biosciences granted The Jackson Laboratory non-exclusive worldwide rights to use its CRISPR-Cas9 intellectual property to create genetically-engineered mice for research purposes.

The academic and research facilities segment is expected to grow at a higher rate during the forecast period. Growth of the segment can be ascribed to the rise in funding for academic and research facilities for R&D in mice model technologies.

Regional Outlook of Global Mice Model Technologies Market

North America dominated the global mice model technologies market, with more than 40% share in 2021. According to the mice model technologies market research study, rise in research and development activities in CRISPR to provide modified products for prevention and treatment of various chronic and rare diseases, such as sickle cell anemia and Alzheimer's diseases, is expected to fuel the market in North America in the near future.

Asia Pacific is also poised to witness significant growth during the forecast period, owing to the increase in adoption of mice models for R&D in COVID-19 prevention and treatment.

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Analysis of Key Players in Global Mice Model Technologies Market

The global mice model technologies market is fragmented, with the presence of international as well as local players. Manufacturers in the market are striving to build a strong network of vendors to enable seamless distribution of products. Players are also focused on adopting strategies such as collaboration, partnership, joint venture, and merger and acquisition to enhance their mice model technologies market share.

Key players operating in the global mice model technologies market include Biocytogen, Charles River Laboratories, Cyagen Biosciences, Gempharmatech, GenOway, Ingenious Targeting Laboratory, Merck KGaA, Ozgene Pty Ltd., Taconic Biosciences, Inc., PolyGene AG, The Jackson Laboratory, Yale School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Monash University, UMass Chan Medical School, University of Bonn, Columbia University, and The University of Arizona.


Rohit BhiseyTransparency Market Research Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTER DOWNTOWN,1000 N. West Street,Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 USATel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Website: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.comBlog: https://tmrblog.comEmail:

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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyze information.

Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.

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Cell & Tissue Preservation Market Size will Observe Lucrative Surge by the End 2031 – openPR

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:13 am

Cell & Tissue Preservation Market: Introduction

According to the report, the global cell & tissue preservation market was valued at US$ 2.95 Bn in 2020. It is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.9% from 2021 to 2031. Cell & tissue preservation must be maintained at appropriate temperatures to preserve integrity of the tissue. The receiving facility is responsible for maintaining records; documenting that allograft tissue is maintained at adequate environmental requirements during transportation and stored as per the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific tissue.

The current methods of cell & tissue preservation involve freeze-drying, deep-freezing, and cryopreservation. Each of these techniques could be utilized for storage of ligament and meniscal allografts. Deep-freezing is a highly common preservation method for ligament and meniscal allografts, entailing simply freezing the tissue to -80C. The grafts could be preserved for 3 to 5 years. In the freeze-drying process, moisture is removed from the tissue and the graft is vacuum packaged.

It could be stored at room temperature for 3 to 5 years; however, it requires rehydration before implantation. Deep-freezing and freeze-drying allograft tissue reduces immunogenicity by killing antigen-bearing cells. Cryopreservation is a process of controlled-rate freezing with extraction of cellular water by means of glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide. This process preserves some cells and provides a 10-year shelf life.

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Increase in Healthcare Expenditure

The increase in healthcare expenditure is estimated to further allow access to quality healthcare and advanced products that include biopreservation facilities, thereby broadening growth prospects. Additionally, gene banks, hospitals, and biobanks that are significant end users of the market, are encouraging most players to develop technologically advanced biopreservation products to enhance patient outcomes. The presence of government healthcare initiatives that provide funds, grants, and contracts for research has fueled R&D activities deployed by various companies. This, in turn, has boosted the scope for adoption of advanced bio-preservation services, which, in turn, is anticipated to fuel the penetration rate during the forecast period.

Rising R&D investments by companies and research communities to improve their capabilities and render efficient products & services are estimated to further create opportunities. For instance, the establishment of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN), which addressed the operational dimension of bio-banking, exemplifies consistent efforts by the research community.

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Tissues to Lead Cell & Tissue Preservation Market

In terms of type, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been classified into cells & tissues. Cells have been split into mammalian cells and others (microorganisms and plant cells). The tissues segment has been split into blood, bone, soft tissues, skin, and others. The tissues segment accounted for 47.6% share of the market in 2020. The segment is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2021 to 2031.

Rising investments in the field of regenerative medicine research is projected to boost the cell & tissue preservation market. The knowledge of human cells and tissues being used for further research and development novel treatment therapies led to the introduction of bio banking. Collection, processing, and storage of the samples and the regarding data are the basic function of biobanks.

Therapeutics to Dominate Cell & Tissue Preservation Market

Based on application, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been categorized into therapeutics, research & development, drug discovery, and others. The therapeutics segment accounted for 40.1% share of the cell & tissue preservation market in 2020. The segment is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2021 to 2031. Clinical/therapeutic applications majorly utilize tissue banking, as it involves different types of grafting such as cord blood, stem cell, and others.

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Equipment to be Highly Lucrative Segment

In terms of product, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into equipment, bio preservation media, and software. The equipment segment has been further sub-segmented into freezers, thawing equipment, refrigerators, storage systems, and others. The bio preservation media segment has been further bifurcated into home-brew media and pre-formulated media. The equipment segment was valued at US$ 2,026.1 Mn in 2020 and is projected to reach US$ 6,805.9 Mn in 2031, expanding at a CAGR of 11.8% from 2021 to 2031. This can be attributed to an increase in the demand for biobanks for the past few years and its extensive usage in DNA, plasma, stem cell, and tissue research.

Biobanks to be Key End User

Based on end user, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into biobanks, hospitals & others. The biobanks segment accounted for 68.7% share of the market in 2020. The segment is projected to gain market share marginally to reach 70.5% in 2031. This can be attributed to the growing awareness among researchers about the benefits of stem cells preservation. Furthermore, increasing number of sperm & egg banks and adoption of assisted reproductive technology in animals are key factors estimated to fuel the cell & tissue preservation market growth.

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North America to Lead Cell & Tissue Preservation Market

In terms of region, the global cell & tissue preservation market has been divided into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America is projected to be a highly attractive market and exhibit an attractiveness index of 2.0 during the forecast period. The market in the region is anticipated to expand at a higher CAGR from 2021 to 2031, owing to consistent drug developments as well as advent of advanced therapies in the field of biomedical research.

A significant rise in patient base requiring high-end treatment of chronic diseases is also responsible for the high demand for biopreservation products and services across the region. Major pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the commercialization of advanced preservation equipment and their subsequent adoption in the research community.

Competition Landscape

The global cell & tissue preservation market is fragmented due to the presence of a large number of prominent players. Key players operating in the global cell & tissue market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Lonza, BD, Merck KGaA, Cytiva, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Avantor, Inc., FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, BioLifeSolutions Inc., AMSBIO, Princeton CryoTech, STEMCELL Technologies Inc., LGC SeraCare, Corning Incorporated, and CellGenix GmbH.


Rohit BhiseyTransparency Market Research Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTER DOWNTOWN,1000 N. West Street,Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 USATel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Website: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.comBlog: https://tmrblog.comEmail:

About Us

Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyze information.

Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.

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Cell & Tissue Preservation Market Size will Observe Lucrative Surge by the End 2031 - openPR

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PRP and PRF in Cosmetics Market Growth Opportunities Analysis Report – openPR

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:13 am

PRP and PRF in Cosmetics Market Outlook 2031

The global PRP and PRF in cosmetics market was valued at US$ 150 Mn in 2021

The market is projected to advance at a CAGR of 12.6% from 2022 to 2031

The global PRP and PRF in cosmetics market is anticipated to exceed US$ 483 Mn by 2031

Overview of PRP and PRF in Cosmetics Market

Rise in number of cosmetic surgical procedures, surge in awareness about PRP and PRF therapies, and increase in applications of PRP & PRF in cosmetics are propelling the global market. Developed economies such as the U.S. and countries in Europe accounted for substantial share of the global PRP and PRF in cosmetics market in 2021. However, high cost of products and possibility of complications in cosmetic surgeries are expected to restrain the global PRP and PRF in cosmetics market.

Nevertheless, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment shows improvement in volume, tone, and texture of the skin. It also reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Hence, PRP therapy is becoming quite popular in skin treatment. Thus, demand for PRP and PRF in cosmetics is likely to increase during the forecast period.

Over the last few years, small and large biopharmaceutical companies have become increasingly reliant on contract research organizations (CROs) and other clinical service specialists to provide research services for their R&D operations. Changing lifestyles of the people in developing regions, increase in per capita income, and rise in awareness about beautification contribute to the growth of the global PRP and PRF in cosmetics market. Outsourcing of stem cell trials is also expected to drive the market by the end of the forecast period.

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Surge in Awareness about Benefits of PRP Therapy to Drive Global Market

PRP was first used in cardiac surgery in 1987. Awareness about the advantages and applications of PRP was limited to research laboratories. Currently, value-added advantages and applications of PRP therapy over conventional wound healing & disease treatments, such as surgery and medicines, have resulted in higher demand for PRP products globally. This is offsetting the limitations of PRP and PRF in cosmetics.

PRP therapy is used in cosmetics to reduce wrinkles, plump up the sagging skin, get rid of deep creases, improve complexion, and diminish acne scars. The middle-aged and elderly population is increasingly opting for plastic surgeries to look esthetically appealing and young. Thus, rise in awareness about these surgeries among the population is projected to boost the market during the forecast period.

Increase in awareness has also been driving the demand for platelet rich plasma therapy since the last few years in emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia as well as in developed regions including North America and Europe. Global players such as Cesca, Harvest, Arthrex, and Biomet are strengthening their existing distribution networks in these regions in order to increase their market presence.

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Rise in Number of Facial Cosmetic Surgeries Boosting Demand for PRP Therapy

PRP and PRF exhibit high potential in cosmetic treatments. PRP therapy can be used as a dermal filler for rapid healing of injuries. It is an effective substitute for hyaluronic acid. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), around 10,129,529 cosmetic surgeries were performed in 2020 across the world, which included 1,601,713 breast augmentation procedures, 968,381 eyelid surgeries, and 1,300,020 liposuction procedures. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), about 1,811,754 cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2020. Thus, increase in the number of cosmetic surgeries is likely to drive the demand for PRP and PRF in cosmetics during the forecast period.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), plastic surgery gained popularity in 2020, with around 18.1 million cosmetic procedures performed in the same year, along with 16.23 million cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures. Adoption of platelet rich plasma therapy is increasing due to its effectiveness in facial therapy, rhytides treatment, oral-maxillofacial surgery, and augmentation of soft tissue repair. This is likely to propel the market during the forecast period.

Pure-PRP Holds Promising Potential for Skin Treatments

The pure-PRP segment is projected to account for around 61% share of the global market in 2021. The trend is projected to continue during the forecast period. Pure PRP has platelet and growth factor concentrations, which promote skin rejuvenation. Hence, the demand for pure PRP is increasing.

Technological advancements leading to the use of pure PRP in various applications and rich platelet content are expected to drive the segment in the next few years. Furthermore, ease of production and cost-effectiveness are expected to propel the segment in the near future. Applications of leukocyte-rich PRP include enhancement of wound healing, bone regeneration, and repair of the soft tissue. Distinct advantages of pure PRF over pure PRP & L-PRP and continuous innovation to improve the effectiveness of PRF are the key factors anticipated to fuel the pure-PRF segment during the forecast period.

Autologous Products Gain Prominence in Skin Healing Applications

The autologous segment is driven by the cost-effectiveness of autologous PRP and PRF. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) has been proven to be a prominent source of autologous products in the field of regenerative medicine and a true precursor for the healing process along with scaffold & stem cells.

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Growing Need for Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Propels Demand for PRP Therapies

Demand for PRP and PRF cosmetic treatments such as that in skin rejuvenation is largely driven by the increase in number of cosmetic surgeries, presence of a well-established health care infrastructure, and rise in applications of PRP therapies in cosmetic surgeries for facial therapy. Growth in need for skin rejuvenation treatment is augmenting the demand for PRP therapies across the globe.

Regional Outlook of Global PRP and PRF in Cosmetics Market

North America constituted the major share of more than 38% of the global market in 2021. The trend is expected to continue during the forecast period due to new product approvals, technological advancements, and increase in applications of PRP in cosmetic surgeries in the region. Increase in investments by governments in the health care sector and innovations in PRP & PRF in cosmetics are projected to augment the market in North America during the forecast period.

The U.S. dominated the market in North America, with more than 87% share in 2021. The trend is projected to continue during the forecast period. Rise in awareness about PRP devices along with the launch of FDA-approved devices is anticipated to propel the market in the U.S. during the forecast period.

Europe held the second-largest share of the global market in 2021. Demand for PRP & PRF in cosmetics in Europe is fueled by cosmetic interventions and rise in esthetic surgeries in the region. Well-established health care infrastructure, rise in adoption of platelet-rich plasma for hair therapy, surge in the number of general as well as cosmetic surgeries, and usage of injectable PRF for facial rejuvenation are expected to augment the market in Europe.

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Analysis of Key Players in PRP and PRF in Cosmetics Market

The PRP and PRF in cosmetics market report concludes with the company profiles section, which includes important information about key players in the global PRP and PRF in cosmetics market

Leading players analyzed in the report include Invacare, Stryker Corporation, Croma-Pharma GmbH, Zimmer Biomet, Isto Biologics, Exactech, Inc., EmCyte Corporation, Regen Lab, APEX Biologix, and ThermoGenesis Holdings, Inc.

Each of these players has been profiled in the PRP and PRF in cosmetics market report based on parameters such as company overview, financial overview, business strategies, application portfolio, business segments, and recent developments.


Rohit BhiseyTransparency Market Research Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTER DOWNTOWN,1000 N. West Street,Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 USATel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Website: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.comBlog: https://tmrblog.comEmail:

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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. The firm scrutinizes factors shaping the dynamics of demand in various markets. The insights and perspectives on the markets evaluate opportunities in various segments. The opportunities in the segments based on source, application, demographics, sales channel, and end-use are analysed, which will determine growth in the markets over the next decade.

Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers, made possible by experienced teams of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants. The proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques we use always reflect the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in all of its business reports.

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Orthobiologics Market to Receive Overwhelming Hike in Revenues by 2031 – openPR

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:13 am

Overview of Global Orthobiologics Market

Orthobiologics encompass a broad range of technologies with a biological or biochemical component. Examples include biologic factors delivered through a device, bone graft materials, cell therapies, and resorbable scaffolds to reinforce soft tissue. Rise in usage of orthobiologics products and orthopedic devices, and the integration of biology and biochemistry in the treatment of bone and soft tissue injuries are driving the orthobiologics market.

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Surge in Sports Injuries to Drive Global Orthobiologics Market

Sports injuries have become a major concern for athletes. The musculoskeletal system, which consists of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, bones, and tissues, is involved in sports injuries. Falls, excessive exertion, and fractures are the primary causes of these injuries. Lower and upper extremities suffer the majority of sports-related injuries and muscle injuries. Orthobiologics, such as stem cells, are used to treat common, acute, and chronic sports injuries. Year-round participation in a single sport is the most significant cause of increase in youth injuries. Rugby, combat sports, field hockey, basketball, and handball account for the most number of hand injuries.

In the last few decades, there has been an increase in sports participation by children and adolescents at an early age in the U.S. There has also been a rise in specialization in sports at a very early age. This trend has contributed to the patterns of injuries seen in young athletes. Injuries previously observed in mature athletes are now being reported in young athletes. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, 3.5 million youth under the age of 15 receive medical care each year in the U.S. for injuries sustained during sports practice.

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Increase in Demand for Non-surgical Treatments for Osteoarthritis to Propel Viscosupplements Segment

In terms of product, the viscosupplements segment held significant market share in 2021. Increase in demand for non-surgical treatments for osteoarthritis, rise in prevalence of lifestyle-induced disorders, and advancements in hyaluronic acid-based therapies are expected to drive the viscosupplements segment during the forecast period. Viscosupplements demonstrate clinical efficacy and is the most effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder in the U.S., affecting nearly 27 million people. Osteoarthritis of the knee alone affects 10% of men and 13% of women over the age of 60. Viscosupplementation can significantly reduce pain while improving joint mobility and function, making daily activities and even athletic or strenuous exercise less painful. Manufacturers of viscosupplementation devices are striving to develop and get approval for new medicines to treat osteoarthritis of the elbow, hip, and knee.

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Rise in Number of Spinal and Sports-related Injuries to Boost Demand for Spinal Fusion Devices

The spinal fusion segment accounted for the largest share of the global orthobiologics market in 2021. The segment is expected to be driven by the increase in number of spinal injuries and sports-related injuries during the forecast period. Demand for spinal fusion devices has been rising across the globe. Majority of spinal cord injuries are caused by avoidable incidences such as car accidents, falls, or violence. Traumatic spinal injury (TSI) occurs when bony, ligamentous, and/or neurologic structures of the spinal column are injured and result in significant morbidity and mortality.


Rohit BhiseyTransparency Market Research Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTER DOWNTOWN,1000 N. West Street,Suite 1200, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 USATel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Website: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.comBlog: https://tmrblog.comEmail: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comOriginal Source-

About Us

Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. The firm scrutinizes factors shaping the dynamics of demand in various markets. The insights and perspectives on the markets evaluate opportunities in various segments. The opportunities in the segments based on source, application, demographics, sales channel, and end-use are analysed, which will determine growth in the markets over the next decade.

Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers, made possible by experienced teams of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants. The proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques we use always reflect the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in all of its business reports.

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DNA and the impossibility of research in isolation – Morning Star Online

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:12 am

THE double helix structure of DNA was discovered in 1953, but at the time the structure of genes themselves remained unknown. But the term gene had already been in use for decades as a convenient term for the mysterious basic unit of heredity.

Writing in 1911, the Danish botanist Wilhelm Johannsen referred to the term as nothing but a very applicable little word, easily combined with others. Once it was understood that genes were made of DNA, new questions opened up.

In the 1950s and onwards, the only organisms that could really be investigated in detail were microorganisms. As a result, almost all early molecular biology was done on bacteria and their viruses.

A bacterial chromosome contains many genes. Escherichia coli, the most-studied bacterial species, has a circular chromosome that has thousands of genes, arranged one after the other.

Could it be possible to make a molecule of DNA that consisted of only one of these genes in other words, to isolate a gene from the chromosome?

One of the most-studied groups of genes in this early period was the lac operon. An operon is a small set of neighbouring genes under the influence of a single molecular switch.

The lac operon contains genes that encode proteins that allow for lactose to be used as an energy source, allowing the production of these proteins to be turned on only when another sugar is not present. French scientists Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod won a Nobel Prize in 1965 for uncovering how this system of genetic regulation worked.

In 1969, scientists at Harvard managed to make a DNA molecule that contained only the lac operon and no other genes. To do this, they used two viruses of bacteria which, together with other genes, carried the lac operon in opposite orientations.

These could then be joined together to create a double helix molecule with only the lac operon on it. This meant they had isolated a small set of genes which could be entirely switched on or off with a single molecular switch, which allowed amazing possibilities for future experiments.

The team felt the findings were so important that they held a press conference to announce them. But unusually, this was not framed as a positive announcement: Jon Beckwith, the leader of the research, described the possible implications of their own work as frightening.

In a New York Times article on this brilliant isolation of a gene, appearing underneath a piece on dialogue between East and West Germany, scientist Jim Shapiro was quoted as saying that the work may have bad consequences over which we have no control possibilities such as genetic warfare.

A graduate student involved wrote afterwards that the only reason the news was released to the press was to emphasise its [the sciences] negative aspects. The atmosphere Beckwith promoted in his group was unusual and came from his political convictions.

In the same year that the lac operon paper was published, he accepted the Eli Lilly award, a prominent award for microbiologists funded by a pharmaceutical company.

In his acceptance speech, he stated science in the hands of the people who rule this country and who run our industries is being used to exploit and oppress people all over the world.

He then donated all of the prize money to the Black Panther movement: one half of the prize money to the Boston Panther Free Health Movement and the other half to the Defence Fund for the Panther 21 in New York.

Beckwith knew that, unlike genes, science could never be isolated from its social and political context. The field that developed out of these discoveries already had a name by 1969: genetic engineering.

These days genetic engineering has become a huge field that involves applications, not just experiments in the lab. However, many of the crucial tools continue to be developed from microorganisms.

Viruses and bacteria deal with genes entering and leaving their genomes all the time. As a result, their evolution has produced many exquisite solutions for gene manipulation: recombinant DNA and CRISPR being two famous examples.

Gene therapy based on these tricks to deliver new genetic material into the human genome is already being used in clinical medicine.

With growing databases of known genomes, scientists can now search systematically for evolutionary solutions that might be adapted further for human genetic engineering.

In a Nature Biotechnology paper out this week, scientists from Stanford and Berkeley computationally searched through nearly 200,000 genomes to predict new enzymes belonging to a type known as large serine recombinases.

These enzymes can recombineDNA, meaning they integrate new DNA into specific sites in a genome an ideal tool for genetic engineering.

They then experimentally tested these recombinases and their integration sites, they managed to increase the number of known enzymes and corresponding sites by over 100 times.

The scientists write in an understated way that their work has potential clinical and research utility. The new catalogue of recombinases does offer huge potential for gene therapy, replacing missing or mutated genes in very sick patients.

But genetic engineering also has risks. As the New York Times noted in 1969, it is nice to believe that the powers of science will be used only for benefit but every days newspaper provides evidence suggesting that the contrary may be true. The political convictions of the lead scientist in 1969 made a huge difference to the understanding of the research in public.

The lead scientist, Patrick Hsu, is a founder of the Arc Institute, a non-profit but independent research organisation co-founded with scientist Silvana Konermann and the entrepreneur Patrick Collison, the CEO of payments company Stripe.

The aim of Arc is a new model of science funding to get important discoveries into the public domain as quickly as possible. The announcements from the Arc Institute are relentlessly positive.

But the nuanced message of Beckwiths press conference during the beginnings of the field should stay with us as a warning: what happens after a scientific discovery is important. Responsible science means articulating risks as well as benefits.

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To modify or not to modify? Genetic Modification and Gene Editing – A divergence by the UK – Lexology

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:12 am

Against the backdrop of the cost-of-living crisis it is argued that the UK could bolster food security, combat climate change and lower food prices by relaxing the rules on and around genetic engineering. By designing more resistant crops which are less reliant on fertiliser and are more nutritious, progress could be made. On the other hand, this may be a short-sighted approach to deregulation and taking the risk could result in disastrous consequences.

The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill 2022

The arguments are surfacing as The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill (GT (PB) Bill) which is currently in the House of Commons at the report stage (allowing the House to consider further amendments) heading for its 3rd reading. Much of the debate centres around the understanding of the technology.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms in which the genetic material (DNA or RNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally, and the modification can be replicated and/or transferred to other cells or organisms. This typically involves the removal of DNA, manipulation outside the cell and reinsertion into the same or other organism. Gene editing (GE) is arguably different as rather than inserting new DNA it edits the organisms own DNA - which could happen over time, but this essentially speeds up the natural process. Both plants and animals can be genetically manipulated.

Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 provides the general framework for regulating genetically modified (GM) food in the EU with a centralised procedure for applications to place GM food on the EU market. It focusses on the traceability and labelling of GMO and the traceability of food and feed products to ensure a high level of protection of human life and health. GM foods can only be placed on the market after scientific risk assessment of the risks to human health and the environment.

The EU implemented these regulations back in 2001 which heavily restricted the use of GMOs and it has maintained that conservative position since. To continue not to allow GMOs is at odds with other countries, such as Australia, Japan and the US. As the technology developed several member states (including the UK) felt that a more relaxed approach to genetic editing would be beneficial. However, in 2018 the European Court of Justice in, Confederation Paysanne v Premier Minister (C-528/16) decided that there was no real distinction with gene editing (also described as Precision breeding) and they were to be treated as GMOs within the meaning of the GMO Release Directive 2001.

Nevertheless, in the UK in 2019 the then prime minister famously declared that he would liberate the U.K.s extraordinary bio science sector from anti-genetic modification rules. Consequently, since leaving the EU the UK has been working on moving away from the EUs stricter definition of a GMO as evidenced by the GT (PB) Bill.

The Bill defines precision bred to be, if any, or every feature of its genome results from the application of modern biotechnology and every feature of its genome could have resulted from either traditional processes or natural transformation.[1]

It is argued that this removes unnecessary barriers to innovation inherited from the EU to allow the development and marketing of precision bred plants and animals, which will drive economic growth and position the UK as a leading country in which to invest in agri-food research and innovation.

The main elements of the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill are:

Creating a new, simpler regulatory regime for precision bred plants and animals that have genetic changes that could have arisen through traditional breeding or natural processes. No changes are proposed to the regulation of animals until animal welfare is safeguarded.

Introducing two notification systems for research and marketing purposes where breeders and researchers will need to notify Department for Environment, food and Rural Affairs (Defra) of precision bred organisms. The information collected on precision bred organisms will be published on a public register.

Establishing a new science-based authorisation process for food and feed products developed using precision bred organisms.

This is the result of an All-Party Parliamentary Group which called for amendments to be made in 2020 to the, at the time, forthcoming Agriculture Bill 2019-21 (now the Agriculture Act 2020) to allow precision breeding in the UK.

The amendments would require changes to the UK Environmental Protection Act 1990, including changing the use of the EU definition of a GMO which would allow UK scientists, farmers and both plant and animal breeders access to gene editing technologies that other countries outside the EU have.

The focus in the UK is to allow traditional breeding methods to alleviate some of the effects such as extreme weather, food shortages, the cost-of-living crisis and to encourage pest-resistance.

The Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2022

On 11th April 2022, the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2022 implemented an alignment of GE with the regulation of plants using traditional breeding methods. The Regulations removed the need to submit a risk assessment and seek consent from the Secretary of State before releasing certain GE plants for non-marketing purposes. They apply to England only.

This will allow for the release and marketing of gene edited products under certain circumstances that has so far been prohibited by the EU. It will allow UK scientists to develop plant varieties and animals with beneficial traits that could also occur through traditional breeding and natural processes, while providing safeguards in both marketing and authorisations via regulation.

Taking a Risk?

Another consequence of leaving the EU is that the Food Standards authority (FSA) is now responsible for authorising Novel foods applications in the UK. The FSA points to this need for authorisation as a further check and balance on any risks that may arise from a divergence from EU regulation.

Although it is argued that the Bill may have been drafted a little hastily, any food developed using new technology is subject to the scientific scrutiny of a Novel foods application. If there is a risk of unintended consequences from GE (it is argued that there is a risk of unidentified and untested mutations resulting from gene editing) the role of regulatory authorities such as DEFRA and the FSA is to ensure that no unintended product gains approval.

The debate is becoming increasingly focussed as the cost-of-living crises deepens.

Co-Authored by Laura Hipwell, Trainee Solicitor at CMS.

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