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Cell Isolation Global Market Report 2022: Significant Growth in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries Driving Sector – -…

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:04 am

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Cell Isolation Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2022-2027" report has been added to's offering.

The global cell isolation market size reached US$ 10.3 Billion in 2021. Looking forward, the publisher expects the market to reach US$ 24.6 Billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 15.62% during 2021-2027. Keeping in mind the uncertainties of COVID-19, we are continuously tracking and evaluating the direct as well as the indirect influence of the pandemic on different end use sectors. These insights are included in the report as a major market contributor.

Cell isolation, or separation, refers to the process of identifying and removing one or more specific cells from a heterogeneous mixture of cell population. The targeted cells are identified, isolated and separated according to their type. Some commonly used methods for cell isolation include magnet-activated cell separation, filtration, centrifugation and flow cytometry.

Cell isolation is also used to diagnose diseases, cellular research and therapies by analyzing the ribonucleic acid (RNA) expressions. It aids in minimizing experimental complexity while analyzing the cells and reducing the interference from other cell types within the sample. As a result, it finds extensive application in cancer research, stem cell biology, immunology and neurology.

Cell Isolation Market Trends:

Significant growth in the medical and pharmaceutical industries is one of the key factors creating a positive outlook for the market. Furthermore, increasing emphasis on cell-based research is providing a thrust to the market growth. Researchers actively utilize isolated cells to develop novel cell therapies and cell-based treatments for various chronic medical ailments. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are also widely using cell isolation technologies to improve drug discovery and develop drugs with enhanced efficacies. In line with this, the increasing requirement for personalized medicines is also contributing to the growth of the market.

Additionally, the development of advanced separation tools for proteins, nucleic acids, chromatin and other complex cells for subsequent analysis is also contributing to the growth of the market. Other factors, including extensive research and development (R&D) activities in the field of biotechnology, along with the implementation of favorable government policies, are anticipated to drive the market toward growth.

Key Market Segmentation

Breakup by Technique:

Breakup by Cell Type:

Breakup by Product:

Breakup by Application:

Breakup by End Use:

Breakup by Region:

Key Questions Answered in This Report:

Key Topics Covered:

1 Preface

2 Scope and Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

5 Global Cell Isolation Market

6 Market Breakup by Technique

7 Market Breakup by Cell Type

8 Market Breakup by Product

9 Market Breakup by Application

10 Market Breakup by End Use

11 Market Breakup by Region

12 SWOT Analysis

13 Value Chain Analysis

14 Porters Five Forces Analysis

15 Price Analysis

16 Competitive Landscape

Companies Mentioned

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Celebrating 20 years of discovery, Picower Institute looks ahead to continuing impact – MIT News

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:03 am

If ever there was an event that would seem designed for dwelling on the past, it would be the anniversary celebration of an institute centered on the study of memory, but the first of many insights offered by the 20th Anniversary Exhibition of The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT Sept. 22 was that memory is all about the future.

Ever since University of California at Berkeley psychology professor David Foster was a postdoc in the Picower Institute lab of Fairchild Professor Matthew Wilson, his research has employed sophisticated neural recordings and behavioral experiments showing that animals dont just store memories of the spaces and objects around them. In the first talk of the day, Foster demonstrated that during periods of rest animals often think about where they might want to go and rehearse possible future routes in their mind. In other words, much like people do, they use past memory of their experiences to consider how to move forward in the future.

Picower professor Susumu Tonegawa, who founded MITs Center for Learning and Memory in 1994 and worked with the Picower family to create the Picower Institute in 2002, spoke right after Foster. He described new research led by postdoc Afif Aqrabawi showing how the brain physically turns individual memories of experience into generalizable knowledge for use in the future. Tonegawa offered the example of restaurant dining. After a few delicious dinners, you learn the general idea of what to expect the next time. A decade ago Tonegawas lab showed how individual event memories are represented by connected ensembles of neurons called engrams. A key ingredient of Aqrabawis new findings is that generalized knowledge arises from the activity of neurons that inhabit the overlap of related engrams. Essentially, they enable the brain to represent the similarities among single experiences that compose knowledge.

Susumu Tonegawa discusses his lab's research on how individual memories are integrated to produce generalized knowledge.

Photo: Faith Ninivaggi

Just as the meaning of memory is to inform the future, a clear message of the symposium was that the last two decades of the Picower Institutes research, discoveries, and innovations, as well as the training it has provided to hundreds of scientists who have carried on independent careers, are helping to shape the present and future of neuroscience, medicine, and industry.

Each of the Picower Institutes 13 labs were represented through talks delivered by the primary investigator, a current trainee, or a member of Picowers growing alumni community. As Picower professor and institute director Li-Huei Tsai framed it for the hybrid audience of about 1,700 people, Each of todays talks will illustrate in different ways the impact of our research and training on current questions across many areas of neuroscience.

MIT President L. Rafael Reif, in a prerecorded message, presaged the broad and urgent significance of the research those talks would cover when he praised the Picower Institute as a brilliant collective of scientists who work together to help us better understand ourselves and to advance solutions that offer people with brain disorders real, practical hope.

Reif and Tsai also led many speakers in thanking Barbara Picower, president of the JPB Foundation, not only for the gift she and her late husband Jeffry gave back in 2002, but for continued support, vision, and insight ever since.

In her remarks, Picower reflected those expressions of gratitude back on the researchers.

I am only an enabler, she said. It wouldnt matter how much money anybody put into the institute if we didnt have great scientists doing great work. So I would like to turn this around a little bit and say thank you to our scientists, many of them who have also been at the institute for 20 years or more.

Impacts at Picower

One of those long-tenured scientists is Picower professor Earl K. Miller, whose talk took on a past-and-future theme explicitly. He described his labs 27-year journey from a time when neuroscientists thought the brain worked like clockwork individual parts all playing single, distinct roles to the modern era, where advances in technology and understanding have revealed that amazing cognitive abilities such as working memory, prediction, categorization, and attention emerge from the brains ability to process information through dynamically assembled networks. His work, for instance, has shown that neurons can take on multiple roles and that brain waves of particular frequencies can assemble and coordinate ensembles of neurons as needed to sculpt the flow of information across the brains cortex. Hardwired connections, therefore, represent possible routes for information flow, but dont determine it.

The Picower Institute: 20 Years of Discovery & Impact

In fact, Lister Brothers Associate Professor Steve Flavell noted that while his labs model organism, the C. elegans worm, is the only animal on the planet whose whole neural wiring diagram has been mapped out, it is still capable of producing a rich and flexible repertoire of behaviors. He described how his lab has developed advanced microscopy and computational techniques to enable unprecedentedly comprehensive correlations of the little animals neural activity and behavior. That in turn has allowed him to demonstrate fundamental principles of how nervous systems can account for many variables, such as internal states and environmental conditions, to generate situationally appropriate behaviors even from hardwired circuits.

Jeongtae Kwon, a postdoc in the lab of Mark Hyman Jr. Associate Professor Gloria Choi, described a vivid new example of behavioral flexibility in mice. He recently led a study showing that while male mice have a powerful mating instinct, a circuit connecting olfactory regions with a brain region called the amygdala will override that instinct if a potential mating partner smells like she is sick. Essential to this social distancing circuits function is the presence of the neuromodulatory chemical TRH. Kwon is planning to continue his work when he starts his own lab in Korea in October.

Picower researchers are not only illuminating how the brain produces knowledge, cognition, and behavior, but also consciousness. Representing the lab of Emery N. Brown, Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience, graduate student Indie Garwood described how the lab has shown how ketamine general anesthesia works. Theyve found that it promotes an unusual signature of gamma wave activity that disrupts consciousness and that the waves arise from how the drug promotes elevated production of the neuromodulatory chemical acetylecholine. Such findings point to new ideas for the future, she said, including improving monitoring anesthesia in the operating room, improving understanding of how ketamine affects the brain at a systemic level, and understanding more about how drugs like ketamine affect consciousness.

Brown lab graduate student Indie Garwood makes a point during her talk about the mechanisms of ketamine general anesthesia in the brain.

Photo: Faith Ninivaggi

In his talk, Newton Professor Mriganka Sur traced an arc of his labs 30 years of research from the past to the future, showing how fundamental research can lead to the development of clinical treatments. Beginning with a revolutionary study in which he demonstrated the brains plasticity by showing how a developing ferrets brain would repurpose the auditory cortex to augment the visual cortex if cut off from input from the ears, Surs lab has gone on to study cortical plasticity intensely. His lab has produced powerful demonstrations of how neural activity changes with learning and how individual neural connections, or synapses, change to enable such adaptive flexibility. He also described how such investigations have revealed a promising treatment for Rett syndrome: In 2009 the lab showed how a protein that is crucial for regulating synaptic plasticity is lacking in the developmental condition and that many symptoms can be improved with doses of the protein called IGF-1. A company that has run with the idea has now successfully completed phase 3 clinical trials and asked the FDA to approve the treatment.

We expect that IGF-1 peptide, with two methyl groups added so that it is bioavailable longer, will be approved as the first thereapeutic for any neurodevelopmental disorder, Sur said.

Ever since Associate Professor Myriam Heiman joined the institute in 2011, her research has been guided by the principle that fundamental understanding can lead to breakthroughs in addressing disease. She focused her talk on a new, highly emblematic and collaborative study led by grad student Francisco Garcia. Using several innovative techniques, the research not only produced the first comprehensive map of the cell types that make up the brains blood vessels, but also identified specific ways in which the integrity of the blood-brain barrier unravels in Huntingtons disease. Because blood-brain barrier deficiencies are noted in many other diseases, she said, the findings could help address many disorders.

Impact beyond

As much as the Picower Institute contributes to the field through research in its labs, it also contributes by training researchers, like Foster and Kwon, who then establish their own. When he was a postdoc in Tsais lab, for example, Joel Blanchard engineered a cutting-edge model of the human blood-brain barrier using stem cells to investigate the effects of an Alzheimers disease risk gene. Now an assistant professor at Mt. Sinai, he continues to use stem cells to study aging and neurodegenerative disease. In his talk, Blanchard described a new study in which his lab used stem cells to model the pathology of a gene mutation that causes a rare juvenile form of Parkinsons disease. The models have revealed that the mutation causes cells called astrocytes to become toxic to neighboring dopamine-producing neurons and have helped the lab identify a drug that can prevent the adverse pathology.

Much as Blanchard has continued his neurodegeneration work, Ben Auerbach, an alumnus of the lab of Picower professor Mark Bear, has continued to study autism in his lab as an assistant professor at the University of Illinois. Auerbach described how his team has used rats modeling Fragile X syndrome to understand, at multiple levels of brain physiology, how the genetic mutation underlying the disease produces a symptom common across many autism spectrum disorders: sensory hypersensitivity. Hes found that it derives from hyperactivity among neurons in the auditory cortex and shown that chemically intervening to promote inhibition reduces auditory hypersensitivity.

In his talk, Boston University Assistant Professor Jerry Chen discussed how his lab has been developing technologies to allow measurements spanning neural gene expression, connectivity, activity, and animal behavior to produce vertically integrated insights for every animal subject in the lab. Earlier this year, the lab used the approach to identify and characterize the key role a previously unknown type of neuron plays as a hub of cortical circuits enabling sensory processing in mice. As he spoke, he traced roots of the success back to both technologies and scientific ideas he learned when he was in the Picower lab of William R. and Linda R. Young Professor Elly Nedivi.

There is, of course, no requirement at all that alumni carry on their research with such clear continuity. Sometimes the training and exposure they gain at the Picower Institute proves just as valuable for launching into distinct career territory.

For example, Sung-Yon Kim, now a professor at Seoul National University, was the first postdoc in the Picower Institute and chemical engineering lab of Kwanghun Chung. In Chungs lab, Kim contributed to developing innovative technologies for clearing, labeling, preserving, imaging, and analyzing brains and other tissues. But in his own research hes making discoveries about something quite different: identifying the neural and circuit mechanisms that underlie survival behaviors including finding warmth and regulating eating.

And Zacchary Piccioli, an alumnus of the lab of Menicon Professor Troy Littleton, didnt speak about neuroscience at all. Instead, as a director of R&D strategy at Moderna, he discussed how the company hopes to use the distinct advantages inherent in mRNA vaccines (like the companys highly successful Covid-19 vaccines) in the fight against other infectious diseases such as influenza.

I think Zach is a really wonderful example of how Picower alumni have impacts beyond just the field neuroscience including in clinical therapeutics, Littleton said.

Right before she closed the day, inviting viewers and attendees to the unveiling of the new painting Learnings and Memories by artist Mila Sheng in the Picower Institute lobby, MIT School of Science Dean Nergis Mavalvala noted that a particular excitement she finds in science is that finding the answers to research questions often yields new questions that evoke further discovery. There will always be more to learn.

Were not only celebrating the past 20 years of Picower Institute history but we are also kicking off the next 20 years of discovery and impact, Mavalvala said. The quest goes on.

Mila Sheng (in white) looks on as Picower Institute staff members David Orenstein and Will Lawson drop a cloth to unveil "Learnings and Memories," a painting exploring multiple scales of neurosicence imagery in the lobby of The Picower Institute.

Photo: Faith Ninivaggi

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Weekly Roundup: FAO Food Price Index drops for sixth consecutive month, BlueNalu’s new alt-seafood facility – Food Ingredients First

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:03 am

07 Oct 2022 --- This week in industry news, the gauge for world food commodity prices declined for the sixth month in a row in September. BlueNalu revealed its plans to increase profitability with its first large-scale facility for cell-based seafood. Sensient Technologies acquired natural colors and extracts manufacturer Endemix, while Solina continues its expansion of sauces and dressings in North America. Fresh Del Monte and Decapolis joined forces to provide industry-wide blockchain traceability solutions. Meanwhile, Beneo opened an additional rice starch production line which it touted to increase production capacity to 50%.

In brief: Business movesAccording to a report released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), prices of vegetable oils have lead the decline in food prices as of late. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 136.3 points in September, down 1.1% from August while remaining 5.5% higher than its value a year earlier. The Index tracks monthly changes in the international prices of a basket of commonly traded food commodities. The FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index drove the decline, decreasing by 6.6% over the month to reach its lowest level since February 2021. International quotations for palm, soy, sunflower and rapeseed oils were all lower. Lingering heavy inventories of palm oil, coinciding with seasonally rising production in Southeast Asia, pushed palm oil prices down. Higher soy oil export availabilities in Argentina, increased sunflower oil supplies from the Black Sea region and lower crude oil prices also contributed to the drop in this subindex.BlueNalu is on a track to significant profitability with the launch of its first large-scale facility for cell-based seafood, partly due to a series of breakthrough technologies. These technologies are expected to reduce both operating and capital costs for large-scale production drastically, while enabling a projected 75% gross margin. The companys first product will be bluefin tuna toro, a highly prized and specialty portion that commands premium pricing across global markets. Commonly known challenges include scalable cell growth technologies; the development of food-grade raw materials;BlueNalu is on track to significant profitability with the launch of its first large-scale facility.production methods that enable regulatory approval and consumer adoption; and processes that support continuous volume production. Given these challenges, species selection, product format and market fit are critical factors in the profitability equation.

Fresh Del Monte Produce has invested a 39% stake in Decapolis. This Jordanian and UK-based start-up company provides blockchain-driven food safety and quality traceability technology for the F&B industry. The two companies plan to roll out Decapolis Food Guard (DFG), the blockchain-based traceability solution, across all Fresh Del Monte business segments, starting with Fresh Del Montes pineapple operations in Costa Rica. Decapolis Food Guard provides full traceability solutions through the DFG chain of records which capture assessments at each stage of production, from planting to distribution through QR codes.

Steakholder Foods has filed a provisional patent application with the US Patent and Trademark Office, regarding methods and systems for adipocyte differentiation. The patent application details a new and improved process for differentiating stem cells into fat (increasing cultivated fat yields from stem cells), which is more easily reproducible and cost-effective than current methods. This patent filing is the latest step in Steakholder Foods push to reduce global dependence on animal-derived components. To date, Steakholder Foods patent portfolio fully owned by Steakholder Foods group companies includes a granted patent and 15 patent applications.

Beneoopened its new rice starch production line with a special inauguration event. The addition of the new line increases production capacity at the suppliers Wijgmaal facility in Belgium by 50%, allowing the company to continue meeting the growing demand for its clean label rice ingredients. Beneo is a global provider of rice flour, starch and protein for the food and feed industry, and the companys unique rice derivatives are used in producing a wide range of clean label products. The increasing demand for natural and clean label ingredients has led to Beneos production line expansion in a wide range of applications. Beneo is a global provider of rice flour, starch and protein for the food and feed industry.

In brief: Acquisitions Sensient Technologies has acquired Endemix Doal Maddeler(Endemix). Endemix, located in Turkey, is a vertically integrated natural color and extract company servicing the food and beverage markets. The acquisition of this business strengthens Sensients extensive natural color portfolio capabilities and puts Sensient operations closer to key botanical growing areas. Sensient will continue to focus on natural solutions to support its customers in meeting demands for healthier, cleaner products.

Solina, a European producer of savory ingredient solutions, has signed an agreement to acquire Saratoga Food Specialties to continue its expansion in North America. The regulatory approval process is underway and the transaction is expected to close at the end of October 2022. With US-based operations in California, Illinois and Nevada, and annual sales of US$280 million, Saratoga supplies Quick Service Restaurants and food manufacturers with custom dry seasoning blends and liquid solutions such as sauces, dressings and glazes. Upon closing, the Saratoga leadership team and its 500 employees will join Solina.

Puratos UK has bolstered its portfolio of locally made products following the acquisition of fruit grower and processor Fourayes. The move underlines the bakery and patisserie ingredient specialists commitment to future generations through responsible, transparent and local sourcing. The Puratos local and transparent fruit sourcing program aims to embed sustainability through the entire value chain, from sourcing of raw materials to usage of products by customers and consumers. Fourayess range of fruit fillings, industrial jams and mincemeat will complement and enhance Puratoss existing local fillings capabilities in Simonswood, further expanding the offer of locally-produced ingredients to customers.

In brief: Miscellaneous highlightsAleph Farms has announced the addition of Kevin Benmoussa as its executive VP and chief financial officer. Based in Aleph Farms US headquarters in New York Citys historic Meatpacking District, Benmoussa will lead the companys global growth agenda, spearhead its operational expansion in the US, and oversee finance, administration and legal departments globally for the company.

CuliNEX, a US clean label food product and plant-based formulation consultancy, has revealed that Jenny Holman has joined the team as a new project manager. Holman will immediately immerse herself in client projects, launching in with her new colleagues to lead and execute clean label innovations for clients.

Kerrygoldhas launched a one-of-a-kind experience that brings recipes to life through fable-like stories. The Magical Pantry helps families cook together through an innovative digital platform thatThe makers of Hormel Black Label bacon brand are celebrating National Sausage Month during October.integrates recipes seamlessly into childrens stories so kids can learn and practice cooking skills every time they read. The Magical Pantry, designed for both desktop and mobile, lets young families fully customize a character, pick from almost 40 recipes and select one of 4 unique fables to read and enjoy.

The makers of Hormel Black Label bacon brand are celebrating National Sausage Month during October. The brand team heard the pleas of sausage lovers far and wide and is bringing back its Little Sizzlers original pork sausages at select US retail locations.

By Elizabeth Green

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Weekly Roundup: FAO Food Price Index drops for sixth consecutive month, BlueNalu's new alt-seafood facility - Food Ingredients First

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Cornell Prof Explains Relevance of Creating Mouse Embryos from Stem Cells – Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

In August 2022, NIH researchers from the University of Cambridge successfully created a synthetic mouse embryo model using cultured mice stem cells. This project aimed at using stem cells to express specific genes that would lead to the development of these mouse stem cells into embryos.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that developed into specialized cells with specific functions.

Prof. John Schimenti, biomedical sciences, explained the processes involved in this project as well as its implications for the future of scientific research.

There are many different types of stem cells and the relevant type for these experiments are called embryonic stem cells. These are totally undifferentiated and in the right context, could make all cells in the body by giving rise to more differentiated cells, Schimenti said.

The stem cells are placed in a culture medium, which optimizes their growth by stimulating cell-to-cell communication. This communication is necessary because cells use signaling during embryonic development.

This system of cell communication as a means of embryonic development is similar to the process of natural embryonic development in mammalian pregnancies such as humans.

During fertilization, the fertilized eggs cells divide into an embryo as it implants into the uterus.

Scientists had applied this knowledge by taking embryonic stem cells extracted in the lab and combining them with these early embryos. They were then placed in the uterus of a mouse subject and the resulting fetus contained cells that were partly, if not entirely, from the stem cells.

While the fetus develops, the mother starts to grow a new organ called the placenta, which supplies the fetus with the necessary nutrients as well as oxygen and glucose. The placenta guides the development of organs, acts as an immunological barrier to protect the fetus against infections, and synthesizes fatty acids and cholesterol, among other critical functions.

However, scientists found it challenging to mimic this natural environment in a petri dish because there was no placenta, which would have normally supplied the right balance of nutrients to the developing embryo.

To direct the development of the synthetic embryo, the researchers in this project started with embryonic stem cells that were completely undifferentiated. They then differentiated some of them into two different cell types by adding the corresponding developed cells.

The first group of differentiated cells would ultimately form the placenta and the other would become the yolk sac, a membranous structure attached to an embryo where the embryos first blood cells are made.

There are three different types of cells present: the unadulterated embryonic stem cells and the two partially differentiated helper tissues. They are mixed together after doing experiments to figure out the right ratios of factors like gas and nutrient levels, Schimenti said.

The project, starting in 2012, culminated in a synthetic embryo with a semi-functioning brain and heart. The organs were semi functioning because while they did work, they were not enough to independently sustain life.

This outcome significantly adds to the understanding of not only stem cells but the science of embryonic development because it allows scientists to experiment with embryonic development in real time. The University provides a unique opportunity to engage more with these concepts through its initiatives for stem cell research such as the Ansary Center for Stem Cell Therapeutics and the later established Cornell Stem Cell Program.

Moving forward with this breakthrough, researchers at the University continue to refine the different aspects of stem cell research by pushing development further and improving the efficiency of the organs being developed.

Despite this scientific breakthrough, there is still more to contribute in the study of the relationship between stem cells and regenerative medicine.

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Cornell Prof Explains Relevance of Creating Mouse Embryos from Stem Cells - Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun

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Human neuron clusters transplanted into rats offer new tool to study the brain : Shots – Health News – NPR

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

This cross-section of a rat brain shows tissue from a human brain organoid fluorescing in light green. Scientists say these implanted clusters of human neurons could aid the study of brain disorders. Pasca lab / Stanford Medicine hide caption

This cross-section of a rat brain shows tissue from a human brain organoid fluorescing in light green. Scientists say these implanted clusters of human neurons could aid the study of brain disorders.

Scientists have demonstrated a new way to study conditions like autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and schizophrenia.

The approach involves transplanting a cluster of living human brain cells from a dish in the lab to the brain of a newborn rat, a team from Stanford University reports in the journal Nature.

The cluster, known as a brain organoid, then continues to develop in ways that mimic a human brain and may allow scientists to see what goes wrong in a range of neuropsychiatric disorders.

"It's definitely a step forward," says Paola Arlotta, a prominent brain organoid researcher at Harvard University who was not involved in the study. "The ultimate goal of this work is to begin to understand features of complex diseases like schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder."

But the advance is likely to make some people uneasy, says bioethicist Insoo Hyun, director of life sciences at the Museum of Science in Boston and an affiliate of the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics.

"There is a tendency for people to assume that when you transfer the biomaterials from one species into another, you transfer the essence of that animal into the other," Hyun says, adding that even the most advanced brain organoids are still very rudimentary versions of a human brain.

The success in transplanting human brain organoids into a living animal appears to remove a major barrier to using them as models of human disease. It also represents the culmination of seven years of work overseen by Dr. Sergiu Pasca, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford.

Human brain organoids are made from pluripotent stem cells, which can be coaxed into becoming various types of brain cells. These cells are grown in a rotating container known as a bioreactor, which allows the cells to spontaneously form brain-like spheres about the size of a small pea.

But after a few months, the lab-grown organoids stop developing, says Pasca, whose lab at Stanford devised the transplant technique. Individual neurons in the cluster remain relatively small, he says, and make relatively few connections.

"No matter how long we keep them in a dish, they still do not become as complex as human neurons would be in an actual human brain," Pasca says. That may be one reason organoids have yet to reveal much about the origins of complex neuropsychiatric disorders, he says.

So Pasca's team set out to find an environment for the organoids that would allow them to continue growing and maturing. They found one in the brains of newborn rats.

"We discovered that the [organoid] grows, over the span of a few months, about nine times in volume," Pasca says. "In the end it covers roughly about a third of a rat's hemisphere."

The transplanted cells don't seem to cause problems for the rats, who behave normally as they grow, Pasca says.

"The rat tissue is just pushed aside," he says. "But now you also have a group of human cells that are integrating into the circuitry."

The human cells begin to make connections with rat cells. Meanwhile, the rat's blood vessels begin to supply the human cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Pasca's team placed each organoid in an area of the rat brain that processes sensory information. After a few months, the team did an experiment that suggested the human cells were reacting to whatever the rat was sensing.

"When you stimulate the whiskers of the rat, the majority of human neurons are engaged in an electrical activity that follows that stimulation," Pasca says.

Another experiment suggests the human cells could even influence a rat's behavior.

The team trained rats to associate stimulation of their human cells with a reward a drink of water. Eventually, the rats began to seek water whenever the human cells were stimulated.

In a final experiment, Pasca's team set out to show how transplanted organoids could help identify the brain changes associated with a specific human disorder. They chose Timothy Syndrome, a very rare genetic disorder that affects brain development in ways that can cause symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

The team compared organoids made from the stem cells of healthy people with organoids made from the stem cells of patients with the syndrome. In the lab, the cell clusters looked the same.

"But once we transplanted and we looked 250 days later, we discovered that while control cells grew dramatically, patient cells failed to do so," Pasca says.

A better model, with ethical concerns

The experiments show that Pasca's team has developed a better model for studying human brain disorders, Arlotta says.

The key seems to be providing the transplanted organoids with sensory information that they don't get growing in a dish, she says, noting that an infant's brain needs this sort of stimulation to develop normally.

"It's the stuff that we get after we are born," she says, "especially when we begin to experience the world and hear sound, see light, and so on."

But as brain organoids become more like actual human brains, scientists will have to consider the ethical and societal implications of this research, Arlotta says.

"We need to be able to watch it, consider it, discuss it and stop it if we think we think one day we are at the point where we shouldn't progress," she says. "I think we are far, far away from that point right now."

Even the most advanced brain organoids have nothing even remotely like the capabilities of a human brain, says Hyun, who posted a video conversation he had with Pasca to coincide with the publication of the new study.

Yet many ethical discussions have focused on the possibility that an organoid could attain human-like consciousness.

"I think that's a mistake," Hyun says. "We don't exactly know what we mean by 'human-like consciousness,' and the nearer issue, the more important issue, is the well-being of the animals used in the research."

He says that wasn't a problem in the Pasca lab's experiments because the organoids didn't seem to harm the animals or change their behavior.

If human brain organoids are grown in larger, more complex animal brains, Hyun says, the cell clusters might develop in ways that cause the animals to suffer.

"What I'm concerned about," he says, "is what's next."

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Human neuron clusters transplanted into rats offer new tool to study the brain : Shots - Health News - NPR

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The neuroprotective effects of dental pulp stem cells and erythropoietin in mice hippocampus after ischemia-reperfusion – Newswise

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

Abstract: Background Brain strokes are the cause of death in many people, among survivors; it can cause problems such as motor and cognitive impairment. The role of the hippocampus and its damage in ischemia has been assessed by researchers. One of the treatments commonly used today by researchers in cell therapy. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the use of dental pulp stem cells and erythropoietin in mice hippocampus after ischemia-reperfusion. Methods In this study, NMRI male mice were divided into six groups. Except for the sham group, all groups group experienced ischemic hippocampus. A group received erythropoietin or dental pulp stem cells and the other group received a combination exposer of erythropoietin and DPSC, while the vehicle group received DPSC solvent and erythropoietin solvent. After eight weeks, they were subjected to a test of learning and memory by Morris water maze. Then, their brains were examined for histological assessment, and immunohistochemistry (DCX and NeuN for neurogenesis). Furthermore, VEGF was applied for angiogenesis and GFAP for gliosis examination. Results The behavioral function of the group receiving erythropoietin and the combined group (DPSC and erythropoietin) was better than other groups. The mean number of healthy cells in EPO, DPSC, and EPO + DPSC groups was significantly different from that of the vehicle group (P < 0.05). Besides, DPSC, EPO, and EPO + DPSC groups showed a significant increase in green density in comparison with the ischemia and vehicle groups (P < 0.05), but no difference was found between the ischemia and sham groups. Conclusion DPSC and erythropoietin were capable of increased neuronal function but behavioral studies revealed that outcomes of erythropoietin therapy are better than DPSC

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The neuroprotective effects of dental pulp stem cells and erythropoietin in mice hippocampus after ischemia-reperfusion - Newswise

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A $7 million grant to grow stem cell research – Swinburne University of Technology

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

Swinburne University of Technology has received a share of a $7 million Medical Research Future Fund grant to develop first-of-its-kind Australian research to allow live stem cells to be 3D printed and used in treatments.

The cross-institutional research team will develop novel cartilage-based stem cell therapies that will change the way we care for people living with painful joint disease, such as osteoarthritis, and facial disfigurement.

More than two million Australians live with the painful and degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, and one in 2,000 newborns are born with microtia an absent or poorly formed ear which can lead to hearing loss, speech and literacy delays.

This research could actually restore damaged or absent cartilage, transforming how these conditions are treated and vastly improving quality of life for sufferers.

It will use technology to revolutionise the way we think about personalised care, patient involvement and scientific advancements.

Cartilage, like that pictured, is a flexible connective tissue that protects our joints and bones

This ambitious project builds on many years of previous research, including at Swinburne.

In the initial stages, the five-year project will focus on the technologies used to take live stem cell printing from research labs into clinical settings. The team will then proceed to clinical trials to prove the efficacy of the solution.

Led by University of Melbourne Professor Peter Choong, the researchers also hope to simplify processes to bring these treatments into hospitals so that clinicians can treat conditions more quickly, with fewer complications than before.

In addition to Swinburne and the University of Melbourne, the research team also includes experts from La Trobe University, St Vincents Hospital Melbourne, University of Wollongong, University of Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Monash University, RMIT and the University of Toronto.

Swinburne will develop a bioreactor system using its patent-protected materials, which allow stem cells to be expanded to large numbers that can be used to repair and replace damaged or missing cartilage.

Expert in biomedical electromaterials science, Professor Simon Moulton, will lead the Swinburne team.

This grant allows us to continue the work we have already been doing with the other partners over many years in developing innovative cartilage repair strategies, says Professor Moulton.

As a materials engineering researcher in the medical area, we do not always have the opportunity to translate our efforts from fundamental research into a clinical human solution. The $7 million of total grant funding will allow us to continue to develop the stem cell technology towards clinical translation that will provide benefit to a wide range of patients.

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A $7 million grant to grow stem cell research - Swinburne University of Technology

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Stem Cell Manufacturing Global Market Report 2022: Widespread Product Utilization in Effective Disease Management, Personalized Medicine, and Genome…

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

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Global Stem Cell Manufacturing Market

Global Stem Cell Manufacturing Market

Dublin, Oct. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Stem Cell Manufacturing Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2022-2027" report has been added to's offering.

The global stem cell manufacturing market size reached US$ 11.2 Billion in 2021. Looking forward, the publisher expects the market to reach US$ 18.59 Billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.81% during 2021-2027.

Stem cells are undifferentiated or partially differentiated cells that make up the tissues and organs of animals and plants. They are commonly sourced from blood, bone marrow, umbilical cord, embryo, and placenta. Under the right body and laboratory conditions, stem cells can divide to form more cells, such as red blood cells (RBCs), platelets, and white blood cells, which generate specialized functions.

They are widely used for human disease modeling, drug discovery, development of cell therapies for untreatable diseases, gene therapy, and tissue engineering. Stem cells are cryopreserved to maintain their viability and minimize genetic change and are consequently used later to replace damaged organs and tissues and treat various diseases.

Stem Cell Manufacturing Market Trends:

The global market is primarily driven by the increasing venture capital (VC) investments in stem cell research due to the rising awareness about the therapeutic potency of stem cells. Apart from this, the widespread product utilization in effective disease management, personalized medicine, and genome testing applications are favoring the market growth. Additionally, the incorporation of three-dimensional (3D) printing and microfluidic technologies to reduce production time and lower cost by integrating multiple production steps into one device is providing an impetus to the market growth.

Furthermore, the increasing product utilization in the pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing hematopoietic stem cells (HSC)- and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)-based drugs for treating tumors, leukemia, and lymphoma is acting as another growth-inducing factor.

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Moreover, the increasing product application in research applications to produce new drugs that assist in improving functions and altering the progress of diseases is providing a considerable boost to the market. Other factors, including the increasing usage of the technique in tissue and organ replacement therapies, significant improvements in medical infrastructure, and the implementation of various government initiatives promoting public health, are anticipated to drive the market.

Key Players

Anterogen Co. Ltd.

Becton Dickinson and Company

Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.

Bio-Techne Corporation

Corning Incorporated

FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation

Lonza Group AG

Merck KGaA

Sartorius AG

Takara Bio Inc.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

Key Questions Answered in This Report:

How has the global stem cell manufacturing market performed so far and how will it perform in the coming years?

What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global stem cell manufacturing market?

What are the key regional markets?

What is the breakup of the market based on the product?

What is the breakup of the market based on the application?

What is the breakup of the market based on the end user?

What are the various stages in the value chain of the industry?

What are the key driving factors and challenges in the industry?

What is the structure of the global stem cell manufacturing market and who are the key players?

What is the degree of competition in the industry?

Key Market Segmentation

Breakup by Product:


Culture Media



Bioreactors and Incubators

Cell Sorters


Stem Cell Lines

Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC)

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC)

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC)

Neural Stem Cells (NSC)

Multipotent Adult Progenitor Stem Cells

Breakup by Application:

Research Applications

Life Science Research

Drug Discovery and Development

Clinical Application

Allogenic Stem Cell Therapy

Autologous Stem Cell Therapy

Cell and Tissue Banking Applications

Breakup by End User:

Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies

Academic Institutes, Research Laboratories and Contract Research Organizations

Hospitals and Surgical Centers

Cell and Tissue banks


Breakup by Region:

North America

United States






South Korea







United Kingdom





Latin America




Middle East and Africa

Key Topics Covered:

1 Preface

2 Scope and Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

5 Global Stem Cell Manufacturing Market

6 Market Breakup by Product

7 Market Breakup by Application

8 Market Breakup by End User

9 Market Breakup by Region

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Stem Cell Manufacturing Global Market Report 2022: Widespread Product Utilization in Effective Disease Management, Personalized Medicine, and Genome...

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Brennand named Elizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Psychiatry – Yale News

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

Kristen Brennand

Kristen Brennand, who in her research integrates expertise in genetics, neuroscience, and stem cells to identify the mechanisms that underlie brain disease, was recently appointed the Elizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Psychiatry.

She is also co-director of the Yale Science Fellows Program, a Yale School of Medicine initiative aimed at recruiting, supporting, and promoting outstanding young scientists from groups traditionally underrepresented in science and medicine.

Brennand completed her Ph.D. at Harvard University in the laboratory of the noted stem cell biologist Dr. Douglas Melton. During her postdoctoral fellowship at the Salk Institute, she drew international notice for publishing the first cellular model for schizophrenia. She developed a new method for reprogramming skin samples from patients into human induced pluripotent stem cells and then she differentiated these stem cells into neurons. Her initial report demonstrated that neurons derived from schizophrenia patients had profound deficits in synaptic connectivity, i.e., were less well connected to each other.

While on the faculty at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Brennand developed a highly productive laboratory and a network of collaborations. By combining stem cell biology, psychiatric genetics, and neurobiology, she pioneered a new approach to studying brain disease. She and her collaborators shed light on the genetics and biology of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other conditions. She was interim director of the Pamela Sklar Division of Psychiatric Genomics and then director of the Alper Stem Cell Center.

Although Brennand arrived at Yale during the pandemic, she rapidly established a productive laboratory, created new interdepartmental collaborations, and distinguished herself as a valued teacher and mentor. Her laboratory also is quite well funded with competitive grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

She also has received numerous honors. The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation awarded her the Maltz Prize for Schizophrenia Research and elected her to its Scientific Council. This year, she was elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering and named as a finalist for the 2022 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists. She also has developed a reputation as a mentor to her trainees and other young scientists. In 2019, she received the Friedman Brain Institute Neuroscience Mentorship Distinction Award. She serves as a standing member of NIH study section and the editorial boards of seven journals in psychiatry, stem cell biology, and neuroscience.

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Brennand named Elizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Psychiatry - Yale News

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American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians to Offer Licensed Physicians Board Examination in Regenerative Medicine – BioSpace

Posted: October 13, 2022 at 2:02 am

MIAMI, Oct. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians will be hosting its fall Scientific Congress in Chicago, IL, on Oct. 28-30, 2022. The conference will feature three days of educational and networking events with leading physicians from across the fields of stem cells, live cells, and regenerative medicine. A Board Examination process will be available, creating a pathway for participants to earn a Diplomat and Fellowship Certification in Regenerative Medicine.

The Board of American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians is the official board certifying body of the American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP). As a nationally recognized academy with a mission to bring like-minded physicians together to increase awareness and education for the evolving field of regenerative medicine, the AASCP is proud to announce its Fellowship and Diplomat Certification.

In order to be eligible for certification or recertification through the AASCP, licensed physicians in good standing must meet the stringent eligibility requirements that have been defined by the board. AASCP places an emphasis on not only psychometrically evaluated testing and advanced training, but also moral character and experience. Furthermore, AASCP has a clear path toward recertification for qualified physicians. Their standards for recertification include a commitment to continuing medical education, successful completion of a recertification examination, participation in a non-remedial medical ethics program, and additional requirements.

AASCP is known for working with physicians to provide unique opportunities for board certification in their specialty of regenerative medicine. Specifically, the AASCP offers ongoing workshop modules led by esteemed physicians in this field who certify and educate on different treatment approaches and techniques. Another defining characteristic of the AASCP is their commitment to ongoing education and awareness. To support this goal, the AASCP has developed innovative committees, including its Institutional Review Board and created opportunities for physicians and researchers to submit their work for peer review and exposure.

The AASCP was founded to recognize licensed physicians who have shown a specialty and interest in regenerative medicine. Increasingly, hospitals and medical staff placement agencies are prioritizing hiring Board-Certified Physicians. For this reason, the AASCP feels it is important to offer qualified professionals a choice when they're researching board certifying bodies.

The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians (AASCP) is an organization created to advance research and the development of therapeutics in regenerative medicine, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease related to or occurring within the human body. Secondarily, the AASCP aims to serve as an educational resource for physicians, scientists and the public in diseases that can be caused by physiological dysfunction that are ameliorable to medical treatment.

For further information, please contact Wilson Demenessez at 305-891-4686, and you can also visit us at

Contact Information:Wislon DemenessezzAASCP account Sales managerwilson@genorthix.com305-891-4686

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AASCP Chicago lecture

AASCP Chicago lecture

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American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians to Offer Licensed Physicians Board Examination in Regenerative Medicine - BioSpace

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